; Hfl I MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY : -0-N3Eo3 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY TERMj THE EVENING HERALD I .MITIC'i: ltU ITIIMCATIOX Not ( onl l.aiii UiueJ Dully, Kxcept SumUy, by the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION KAT.B.S f.'. 00 2 M llly, by msil, one yer lutlr l.v mill, .il month. Dally, by mll, three months -' lally, by mall, one month Dslly, delhereJ by carrier, on wrel 15 KLAMATH FALLS, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1908. TIIEV HKAU MAMA. ! thr retiernl (uiul of Information u I ii . nnble-t a in'rum to undei- , , 'si.ii.il and uijoy hai h rend. In Governor J. Frank Hani) " ,,,,, , ,,,. few stale the greatest H)lltlcal sensation in jnro ,otur M1,,,,,-, w.lh excellent Indiana In years lost week li uncx-,iri.Mrntor) schools ami iuIUkm than cctedly calling an eUra session of Is Oregon These Institutions, togcth- flm lerltlnli.re In nssemhle In Indian- .er "I'll the .. t ( Department of lhi Interior, U. 8 i'l.nnit Office at Lakuilew, Uri'Kon. . August C. 190S. Notlro is hereby given tliat Oer 1 ttude I. Ilcllcm.ui, of Klamath Kails, lOri'M'n, who. on May II. 190S, mailo , I'lmber ami Stoue Application, No. ms (Serial No. 0IS3), for wil Section 1T.T. JS S. It. 10 K., W..M. Ins filed notlte of Intention to make linal proof, to establish dnlm to the liiml aboe described, before County Clerk. Klamath Co., at his office, at Klamath Kails, Oregon, on tho ISth rtn of Ot tuber, 190S. Cl.ilmnnt mimes n wltnessi-a August.! J. Ilayik'ii, V W. Mend- I'lih.tll. Wm. Ili'lloman, II. II. Ila Jen. nil of Kl.imnlh Kails, Oregon. J. N. WATSON, s-10-10-11 Itrglstcr. I'or l'iiw Hotel 1 1 ti ewr)tlilni! new, dining room l.itelien, eight rooms, parlor, fine patronage, feeding from ISO to :00 ilnll). Inquire nt Motel Dorrls Dorri. C.ilirottiiii x Mf ii ' ' ()TICi: Mill ITIII.U'.iTION. large number of high - ii. ....... ,.. i.. .1 .1., ..r whiHils. plait- within renin of nlmo--i , u. v,. iud Office Iiumii m-iu.-iii... .- , 1'tt'IJ .'111! fi III .Willi, IHtSM 1M nuillilli f,Ml( Jlli; " 1IVJ trui (iriMililnntlnl rriinnri Itrti ' ' -" nil tMumtion an tuoriMtcii nit niv 1-aLutlo, Ure- till tMV 41t ((! MI itivii'iiii tin sis-si-- llanly's term expire the first of' Mry n lm.,. cHls young in-ople the year and he has demanded many may he well fltte.1 for business or reforms which he has not been able I professional can-em Young people tn secure. Kccently the friends ,,fl" ni "' "I aml",,'lu James K. Watson, the Hepubllcnnj Notlco Is hereby elen that the State of Oregon has filed In this of fliif Its applications under tho pro visions of tho act of Co nitres of August 11, IStS, and tho acts sup- ..... ..... ... . ... ......... ...., ...... . ., av.w, ...... ..... ... .,. thing they desire in the wny of iilu- plemental and amendatory thereto, candidate to succeed Hanly. prom- ma,0 of ,hp opportunities thai offei lM-d the goernor that they nulil f Oregnnl-tn. rational oiuxirtunlty. Let the tmut 1m- fur the following described lands, to l.ltt No. OSS, for itUiwU, S-c. K and ni;nwi;. Sec. U, T. 33 8., It. 21 K., W. M. I.lJt No. 'JiC, for swne'i. Sec. 3. T. 31 S. It. H K. W. M. Any and all H.-rsons claiming ad- WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS The I-! Iruiit ll'lilnif In Oiegon ! UiitIIi-iiI aceeinmailstliilit lur I psrtlit. Csinptni; imtlllt loi tent "pet-Mi esmpliiit litoiiml. iiml ' Uvt for rent Klne iHHtntr lur slock rrli-iiiue counrclloil. Art-omiiiilstliii to go to Crater I Uke. ' Will 111 re l put leu ftt KUlliatll , Agency. ! FRANK SILVIES momirroR j Klamath Agency, Ore. THERE ARE REASONS WHY You should ouy your Groceries at Van Klper Hron. 1st. They have the rfooda you want 2nd. Their Groceries are always fresh 3rd. The price Is within reason 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS. Get the Habit Use Chase a Sanborn Coffees FURNITURE TABLE PADDING-You will Ifiicl it at Gillett's E. W. GILLETT & CO. -co--e--c-(- $ Heavy Freighting a Spccltlty. Baggage Orders Are flittmw Drnmnl Alljtnllntt Given Prompt Attention carry out his plans If he would stump i the state for Watson. Hanly agreed I to this and it was announced that , he would not try further to enforce) MlPIt II tl'J" . I IVt V tMVII t lllll Ml'. 11 IIU14 HII rv VM VlltlliilUh Hl' hi demand for reform legislation country doctor, but m-h ns Ile In versely tho lands described, or deslr- heard that towns and eri- the farmers will tell Ing to object because of the mineral tiik I'.tvsi.vc or tiik nirvrisv IKMTOIt. Listen now. There aren't anv more Iatr, Iho povornor Mill I f . P" . SIS. l I ----- .- ., .. ...- . ....... . .- -. . . . .. '. n j--- w - . h v rm Watson' friends were laughing nti011, ,no flr"t xMaK ,,ll'y a n,,oiit character of the land, or for any their promises behind his back and .,beJr ,ractIr-' thl " "In- "ther reason, to tho disposal to ap. , tho result was his call for the extra session. The governor's action means the precipitation of a terrible battle with in the party rank this fall and there Is great excitement at Itepubllcan headquarter. llanly's step Is taken to mean that ho will not support Watson unless the legislature quickly submits to his will und doe as he a)s. It I probable that the member will assemble In nn ugly mood and a remarkable ,- slon Is certain to result. . The leaders score the governor on the ground that the meeting of the legislature will take the member BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING I 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company ...V. ,'.M..V, ... .l.V-J l.ll.V, 1... W.M7. I V-.BWU., , ...V UI.IU.4I U , tv-flve Her l-ent of nil their t.ltla ll's I llllrant. shnnlil fltn Ihi-lr nRlitnirlla it buslnes with them. If old Jake Itltie- protest In thl office, on or before tho . hart call them up by phone some 10 day of September, 190$. I nasty, rainy night, and old Jake ts J. N. WATSON, I slow pay, why . . Well, business Is 7-24-9-1 1 Itcglstor. J business, jou know .. There an. no more ou,,tr .I.h I .MmrK KOIt ITIll.irTlo. tors Do ,ou know why' Vou re (Nt Ciw ,,,, , member how Unile Doc fusseil with CHIM.S'IJYS AM KIIIK I'LACKS A SI'CCIAI.TY H. E. CHILDERS KLAMATH TAILS, OREGON Office r71 PHONES Itarn 87.1 H KENYON & GRIMES. PROPRIETORS f Having up-to-dale olano trucks we solicit your i fine plnno moving me lourauuc ram. ou r.-memb.-i ,.,...,., lf ,., ,nll.rlr ir. h bow InterostOfl hi, vat In nil klniU .il . - . I ... . . ... 'a,"i Oinco at laikev low, Oregon, farming Implement that aed lalxo ' They were clumsy th ngs n h Is day.' .... . . , . ... al.a breaking down and getting , U.N"I,,W . ?" ?, ,,ml I)U,nn out of kllter.but they have b.-en grad-l' ' urw ".' " . Mf "'" "'T "' "" ..ally improving until now their pur- ",'" "" "V' "T ,' !.? l..oM.sw..l.nlchn,rn,,.ll.... Th'l!""f' 'N"' 333,i S"rlul No- 03- have saved labor wl.houl u .l.oiM ,or """ ,3' T- 37 K . It. 10 K.. They have made the farmer's Imy un-1 W' M,' ''" ?X? "",Im' ' l"',n,lo ncrwaarr. and Imi.. driven him , nwil Commutoll..n I'roof. to ncreHH.'iry, and luiM- ilrhen him to town. The "thrasher" who bail such t.tabllsli claim to tho land nbovu de- I'L'T CHII.IHIKX TO SCHOOL. It Is tho practice in Oregon to post pone the opening or the public school until the hop harvest Is over, thus serving the convenience of tho large number of families that work In the hop field. Since this policy is pur sued, all parent should plan to have their children ready for hchool when the Aliening day arrives. Every child who has not completed tho eighth grade should bo In school this fall, unless too young. Those who have completed the eighth ginde should bo In school unless thero Is a high school within reach, unless they ure learning a trade or are engaged In other useful occupations. Oregon has u good compulsoiy education law, which Is largely self-executory, Ilm no parent should need tho Influence of .a compulsory education law ( Ev ery chil'd should lave a , common school education'; While it Is wlso'r to teach some children trades rather than to keep them In school after they have completed the eighth grade any child Is better off In blgh uchool than on the streets. Oregon's public uchool fiystem lt reciralciwf m mil. nf II.a I...... I.. ... --"---- ... .uv wum in hi; United States. Oregon is one of thr lowest states In the list when Illiter acy Is considered. While a good rec ord of this kind is ono to bo proud of. the real effort should be not mere ly to teach every person to read nnd write, which is tho test( of literacy and Illiteracy, but aleo'to'read'under taudjugly nod writfjjrell. 'Thf,mor cxtnsive the education tho larger ' kiiiiiii; rt tJissri uwui-t lllflru I bl...l. with joung one. II Is empty I Frn,,k Jo,"1""'. ' Klamath, Kails. it away from their district when their : .1 .ppctltes.and whoo coming was P1"""-"1' hvU,rn "-kIt iiii.I Itecclv i.rn. I. ....... ,-ll ... ... .. r. k.n of a festival, are no Inner lh..w' al '-"keWeiv. Oregon, on llm Sth the campaign ' '!" "' ""Ighbor. but i.mi.a t,BJ'..,,1r c,",,l'r' 1:,0S- v h ..... ,.fne v.. ..., .h.. ,.i.i ' Claimant name a wltneiuies: The decision of the governor r.-,,,,,,,, . . . Mark Howard, of Merrill, Oregon. mm titiuijt ins mreui wneu i,e wu hissed off the stage at the Itepubllcan national convention. Ilu was pre senting the name of Vice-I'resldent Fairbanks before the convention In opposition to Toft, when the hoots nnd cat calls of tho delegates finally forced hlra to stop shaking. He shook his fist at the convention and declared: "Vou will be glad to hear from mo after the convention. I will make it burn for Taft and his force- In Indi ana this fall. You will regret thl action and you'll hear from me be fore November 2." Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing Klrstclass Line of Dumbing- Specialties and first class Workmnnohip. A. O. U. W. Building KlaauUh falls ;isn dried gourd nowadas I pas.-.! ""K"". ""J" Whitney, of Klamath i by one. In a ont-o thick neighborhood. School h out KIo children walked iiIoiik the road with the teacher. Sucre Mag- uzlue. n , i,,nnii - - :kly settled ,' r""' Oregon, Clin. Wngnr, of Klam lad Just let I a"1 I'll". Oregon, d along the J N- WATSON. lupoid i.-lH2 4 Hfrelvr. DR. C. P. MASON Dentist American Hank Trust Co.' Ilulliling The sunken hulk of the Japanese battleships Yashlma and the Itusslan warship Sebastopol, w hlch went down In an engagement during thu recent war, have been found by ti Japanese salvago vessel, according to advices received from Japan. The ministry of murine. Is now trying to learn whether tho hulks ran bo raised. The S300 ACItEH KHKK. salvage vessel ha also located the'tno bubble, Tho Lakcsldn company has 2500 j DR. WM. MARTIN mrus ui lanu unucr llio Ailsms Ultch I him u wm give hk.nt ruErc for one year. This Includes the use of tho land and water. Tho renter must clear and place tho land In culutlva- linn. TI.A Fltnlli. ..la Mil !. . ...... ..... ......... v.. Ull MU VIUII but wo reserve the right to pasture C. F. STONE Dentist Office over Klamath County Hunk -?- TICKETS ON SALE FROM KLAMATH FALLS : . TO ALL POINTS . : Baggage Checked Through to Dettlnatlon Sleeping Car Bcrthi Rciervcd APPLY TO Southern Pacific AT- KLAMATH LAKE NAVIGATION GO'S OFFICE MAIN STRUCT, NEAR BRIDCK T.A.K.FASSETT, - CITY TICKET AGT. spot whero tho Japanese irulser Tak- asago sank and Is looking for tin hulk of the battleship Hatsuzu. The supremo test of woman' strength of mind Is her ability to hold her tonguo when a social rival Is under discussion, Attention, Mimon-i. Important meeting Monday night. Work In tho Third Degree. Visiting brothel especially invited. W. A. DKI.ZKIX, W. M. The Lakeside Couifiaiiy, J. Krank Adams, Manager, Morrll!, Oregon. Attorney at Law Oinico over jiostomcc. Klamath Falls, Oregon llie 1'eltx Aulo TSLn-HONC 9 fs for hire at reasonable rates to par- r virvirv-f i a v ties. Just as cheap to go In a auto v U I lNlALL as In a stage. II, E. I'ELTZ. Pine Attorney at Law ami Cth street. 7-31-8-31 I Klamath r'ulls, Orrgiw I '-AJSa"- Abslractlns vJJ:,SZj 'i MM.rUt Bl-tirrtm. Kir ' : I Klamath County Abstract Co. t - M j surveyors and Irrigation Engineers i Hkkt K WiTitmw, Scretry Klamath Falli:Oregon - , DHE8HMAKIXG I'laln and Fancy. Sewing, cutting and fitting. The latest French Tailoring System. Mrs. F. E. Johnston, over Stilts' Store 31-lv.k MMMMMM I Cream of Tartar RocheUe Salt Epfom Salt Sulphur CHITWOOD DRUG CO. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that tirrie values havo increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem- ifih1.lro nrTY feet ln width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep-more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. CIIAS. K. WOHDKN I'rcsidcnt A. M. WOltDKN Caihicr Flt&D MKLHASK VlcP-Irld.nt The American Bank and Trust Co. ILs-sJI V, ' -' 'icsn"'1'" ,"-'-'-"??vt?- l - Ss '"i.ii.. (j,i,J;, , vTA1 S" FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLERATR FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street I n vft p s aij ja, c5& H S al 1 L CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor.8taudMlaltrtt &VBSTimxzimmmrmimsmtM3mimv&