The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1908, Image 1

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Khimiilh rutin' Flwt
Htul HcmI D.iily ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
;l YlIAIl. No. !!.
Price, 5 Cents
T vBti
KEGAMA HAS FIRE l,) to Merchants to Assist
the Carnival Committee
pot, Warehouse, Store and
Lumber Office Destroyed
Tin' ('miilviil ('oimiillli', imislitUug 'grout IihsIxIhiiii In Hit- chihuI'Iki
of .Mi'mkih. (I lli'llkciiiHr, Jr. I'r'il It Ii planned in linvi a mi-nt many
llnuHou inn) K Hiigmiiian, Iiiii '"r
liltriiitlntiN (nine In fimn ilii' oiltHld".
, it ml I In' " mi ml 1 1 h i h responding ,
jsion ol Ousolino lank Starts lire Which Almost Wipes
E Out Lnliro lown-Algoma Lumber Co. Loses Stock
ol Goods and All Books and Records
(ln iiriiftliitll wiped mil I'nkrg-
till' lelllllllllH I'f III)' Klllllllltll
lliillruail In Kliiliiulli county.
iiIkIiI Tin' ili'iiul. Miirt'limiHo,
pimtolllit' mill iiIIIk"! nf III" Al-
l.iiinlii'r Compiiny vin burned
ie gtotinil Tin' ln of good will
lit to I Willi mill III" llUllllllIgs
Lwtfi worth 5iiuo
Jilt' lire started nt f. .in I'rlduy
MlK ''l " ' uh-1 !' tin' "pl'-
til it ganolni" lank I! T All
(li-n-ral Manager of tin- rimil.
tluil In wim lllllliK to live Kill-
ciiiim IHi :awi1lni' fimn n tunk
iHefcnd lllli'l "in' of tlic mm mill n
fjMt nt ii ml in: mI'Ii lit" mtiiiiiI inn'.
rhM lie iKillii'il ii Hani" of fir" 'ni-
Injf'lrniii Hi" tank
mMMitiiI ovt-r III"
IiiiIIiIIiik mil It
il In mi lintlmil Mi Alilmlt
lint mm" Until lour f""t from
tank when tit" Hi" started, mid II
mdili'ri'd iiiliiiriilmili I li Jit Im was
liimt-'il II" m Unit Im U tiif
n "ilnlli Imw Ii" owiipt'd. There
im fire mnwlii't" mound and Mr
ill nil) Ii" wim III" only person
i i tultr when tli" lit" tttiirteil
Hi mi miiotil of freight was "tr-
ti llni nr"lioiiM. whlrli hail not
luki'ii ii ii) slum Hi" fri'liilit
miT" inki'it lift tlio roinl. Tliln
In I'titmlii" llii'in for ttiMilcy nplil ns
lln" posts mi III" most nTll"iit
In tlii-lr iittnrkit on iippl" (ri'i'ri unit If
iini Uiiuniiglily "iiiillc'iti'il liy kMiiiliii
I. i'.. nm)liiK with small prit)"r of
mini" klml wliiTi'ti'r Hi")' show Ibem
solves, tlit'y will In-dim" thoroughly
i-ntiilillidied nml ilirflriili to get riil of
next ynir.
Hot oral illffi'ri'iit nini)H may It"
inn'il, either very onVt lively. Kern
Ht'ii", i'IiiiiIhIoii, hIihI" oil mill lllllslM
rhlps, tnlumo iloioitloit, wllli i'IIIht
ki'iiKi'ii" or slti-ep illp mlili'il. Do tin
spoiling tlioroiiKlily. mnl lo II this
inmilli If yon woulil save )onri'lf
Mini Ii iiniilil" mnl "i"ii"' for ni'it
) A HTIIAIt.NH. Trull Inspector
fi'i It'll Hull plans lor llm lllg Klii'i't
I'iiiiiIvuI mnl I'nlr. to Ii" lit'lil In
Klllllllltll I'iiIIh III" ut'i'k beginning
OiIoIm'I K'tli, mnl iiouiIki' III" peopltt
of KIiiiiiiiIIi tmiiily mnl llio surround
ing iniiiilr). ono of llio grandest af
fair r hold in t lilo Hf-itliiii of tin. 'world nt nil l linen.
tmiulr) ! M l lf'iieted l hut Hi" inert limitN
'Hi" Ciirnhiil will oii'n Monday, I will loud Hndr mtitlstmiio to maktt tli
OitoliiT Kill, mnl toiilliiii" through ;nfTnlr n big mm ess. mnl llior can ilo
III" wt'i'k. imullig lo ii t lo't H.iliitilay i tliln ulit'ii Hi" llni" tomtit, liy tlran-
Baldwin's Big Brick May Be Con
verted Into Hostelry
Willi m ti-rnl iiiliaitlmiti wlilili Hi")
will ImliiMi lo toint' In I'l'ivlillriK llio,T. ., n -,, rl . . .
iiiniiHtm.nti. an- hi. t.. it.. Hiamiar.i. ) ,hu Kooms On Three Floors Are Now Being Furnished and
No fitk" hIioyvh art- wiinlfil ami tlio
Cmiitiillli'o will tut" Hu in-ill "florin in,
" lliat llm n-oil" i"! Hn-lr inoni-y'it ,
Equipped and With Vacation of Lower Floor and
Installation of Elevator Would Equal Gty Hotels
nt iiiMiiIkIiI
Tli" t'oiiilultli't' linvi- Hi'lt'i li'il Mr.
(liti (i Himiili-nliiiri: to tut iik tint n-iiRi-r
of Hi" HlK ('ai nival, mnl In will
liavit Hi" arth" inmuii'i'iiiunt of nf
fnlri, workliiK iiinlfr orilt'rn of llio
t.'ommllt"" In iluirK". Ah Mr. Ilran
ili'iilmrK tut m liinl fiinitlilfralil" "Xn
rli'lit" In tliv patt Willi nomo of Hi"
Klk I'arnlvnlH no iloiilit Ii" will Ii" of
Im: tii Hi" Nlri'i'tH armtml tliilr placu
ol liintlmitii, anil Ii) "at Ii mnl "very
mi" ilnlii tltt'lr litttt lo oiit-tlo lliclr
iii'lclilior, wlit'ii II toniiti to tli-forat-Iiik
tlii-lr Miin-M. Main utrt-t't uliould
Im it lilnrt of inlor from ono vnil to
tlio ntliiT. Iliinllnt; nml i!iik arc
rlii'iip, nml It In IiojhvI Unit 'tcr) inor
t limit In tli" illy will tin IiIh or ht-r
part In Hi" wii) of ilit'oratlmnt
nitiN r.vni:it contihii,
Ai-rcit iik.wv n..(a:.
. . I Tlit'ri' wt'i"
lilt- irt'lKiii uouin
I'ort'iil HiiiirtUor liinrntn linn r"
tnriH'il fiom lil trip to Hi" l'
rliiitiit I'ort'nlry r ni', wlu-rt' In-
Inn! a fort" nf or, no'ii i;ntlii'ril front
I'altli'y mnl Hllvt-r IJtk" "iiKimi-tl In
IIkIiIIiii: fori'.l llrt'ti Tli" ilmiinii" l
"Mil Krt'tiltr tlnil at nml rt'porft'tl a
lit;, (inn ni-rtit inolly lit IiiiiiiIh of
pnrtlt'H, wnn Imriinl oyit, ili'MlnoliiR
on a t-ry imi"ritlhi' "ullinol" S
iHMi.oiin ft't'i, worth on tint lllmp nt
tt'iikt $:..'.(( p"r llioiitnnd.
Thin iKlliniilii wait liniil" liy limpt't- j
tor Kt'itt mnl Mr Ini'.rmii, mnl It mi j
Im: Hi" tlri't Utki'li'w i:iiiiilnr
!" '"" " i Tli.-rt. w.'.t. If. n In nil "iiKiiKi'tl
inl.i.i of lilt- Irt'lulil woulil . ...... .. ..i.i... .......
" nil imntliiK n" mini"", wiino tnit-i
knnl lo tl2inl or IK.nii. in' ii nnmlitT of tliDM Itititl work, at liml
Dinn l.nmlti'r Cotiip'iiiy Inul iiliont ' w-uh iiihI'T innlrnl Tlmt'ly rnltm n
I ...-I..II. I.. r.u
IL'f.nti klttik of itiilin I'M III llit'ir ini'r" iifiiMii iiiiiii-iiiiiii in "t -
'I lil wim tli'Kt Hi) "il wild all
Hu ir nillii llnturi'n. Iiiiiikm nml rt't-
Tlu tut n froin Hi" IhiiiIht iiiIIIh
It- to llni iinHliitmict of Hi" i'iniloy
mnl prt'Vt'iilt'tl lit" nirt'atl of tli"
i to Hi" ttoti'l mnl t'otimit'H,
Ir Alilmlt hi ill lit Hint rmironii
Ipany will piolinlily pul up it kiihiII
I'liinmi! mnl olllt", lull llntl IIkto
Im no ni't'il of ituy liirKo luillil-
Tli. i l.., . ,.,.iit. .it- ulll I. nil, I '
. ....' .....'- . -.,, i, .. -... -..-
lot" ni'iir tlit'lr naw nun.
Spin)' for Wool")- ,iIin,
(or lliTitltl
It woulil lit' well for IIiuho mrllt'
rliiK fruit Iri't'it ciowIiik In town
Buys Home in Klamath Ffllls
Jntk I'lirton, nun of llm wt-allli)
tiitlli'iiii'ti of Suiiiiiiit I.itk". Im pur
tliimcl tli" Cofor rmltli'iiro mi Sovi'iitlt
mnl WiiHliliiKton ttlii'ilM mnl will
iiitivo liU fiimlly to Hil" illy, mi Hint
IiIh ihllilri'ii muy iitlfiiit Hi" mIiooIh
of HiIh t liy
Mr. ration wiih In Klaliiatli Fnlli
In Hut 70'h. wltt'ii tint l.nml Oltlnt wan
lotnlt'il lit-rt'. Ot'orKo Conn nml 8am
Cmniton wore tho HokUIit mid Ht
rt'lvur of tliu orrtnt nt ttwit Mm", nml
It wiih tliroiiKli tlu'in Hint Im aociircd
Hi" Knvt'rnmi'tit Inntl, which la now
pnrt of hi it IiIk iiimli In l.nkn rounty.
aiHilHKl y! t '
K.1 , " M
ft. Iiollum, ii CIO ft. nlr rompreor,
cli'Clrlc 1'iiKlnu and fan vnRlne nra In
liiK Ibitliilli-il. Cruile oil will bo unci
uh fuel mnl Hut Hewitt Machinery
cotntuuiy of San Kranihco has tho
contruit. All of tho machinery will
bo put In on tho Oti-y alilo of tho hill
exci'pt ono fan enslno, which will be
Initnllul mi thin it I ilo.
According to Mr. Illrch the work
of IiiitalllnK thl machinery will oc
cupy about no to 40 da) n. Hurley
drllU will Ii" tiHi'tl nn tho tunnel,
whli h in iod feet loni,-. Ikitldii fur
nlihlnK powi-r for Hji-r" drllln, tho air
cmnprtniiMirH will run a xteam ihovel.
Work on llio gerund tunnel near
tlio On-Koii lino wilt bo mostly by
hand an tho tunnel proper If only
1000 ft-et loni; after the approaches
art) utilxlicd. On llio big tunnel, how-
over, tho tory Inf-st Improved ma-
I otil n try will bo uwd. It Is thought
Unit nt leant u ) will be consumed
In' this work and perhaps several
' month more A force of soveral
lindrt'd men will bo necessary aid
the tunnel town terminus will bo a
busy little railroad city whllo tho
wonderful resource of liutte valley
ion- beltic exploited. Dorrls Booster.
Wll.l. ASSIST Srrrn.KUH
MtlllKltV IIOTI-.I,.
INTO rixi:
1 p?
Complete Line Ladies
Fall Coati Have Ar- i
We are allowing the i
very Lateat Styles in
Silk Cravenettes,
Broad Cloth, and
Kersey Coats.
$5 to $2& No Trouble to Show Them
Tint farineiH under tho Irrigation
I'rojt't't ro In bo allowed to ;iay for
nomo of their wuler by wtnk on build-
Inc laternlK to I lie main canal. The
Directum of the Water UserK Abho
flat Ion ul llielr intt'tliiK yesterduy
udtipteil a resolution provldliiK for
llilit work, tho Haiim to lie paid for
In script, which can bo uwrd to apply
on water paymoutri.
Tho resolution pitivldetf Thnt the
Presltlent mid Sen entry of tho Anno
elation are authorized to make,, outer
Into nml execute, In tho itnmu of tho
AHHnclatlun, nil noroiiiary conlrnt'lB
nml iir.rt'i'ini'utH with llm Uulletl
Slittt'M Itocliimatliin Servlt'o, mherllKo
uml ucet'pt bltls, Ikhiio I'i'i'tlllciiloH In
puyinwnt for work completed, mid do
any nml ull Hi I nc uocessary for on
gafslnc In coopvratlvo work on tho
project, an provided by the rules nnd
regulations adopted by tlio Reclama
tion Sorvlco.
Dr. J. M. Ellsworth came down
from Klamath Falls Monday and pro-
filled ut tho deathbed of Jim lli'Rlios,
one V, S. who could have pulled h"r
through It It had boen possible, but
tho old girl hnd tho death light In her
oyo when ho arrived and was a goner
as suro as though she had been doped
with Klamath Palls' "dry booio."
fiorrls Booster.
The peopl" of tho northern portion
of 1-ake county have awakened to
the advantitKo of concerted action In
securliiK fi'tllem for Hip unsettled
nuts in that section nml Increasing
Hielr fiirmlnK population. They seem
to have lht right Idea und if their
irdnns nro carried out. It will result
hi much Rood to their country.
The people of I'uUley mid Sliver
l.nko have organized tho I.ako Coun
' Hoard of Trade, with tho purpose
of mmlgtliiK prospective settlers In
locntlm; mi public lands, and to fur-
.nlsh luformatluu to ull enquiries ns
! to the resources: to assist prospec
tive purchasers In securing lands for
bale; to ndvcrtlso tho resources of
tho county In any way deemed desir
able or advisable; to secure plats and
n list of all lands avallablo for set
tlement by homesteadlng, purchase
or otherwise: to list lands offered for
rilo nt n nominal cost, and to co-
t'ierato with similar organizations In
A telegram received from Mr. Alii- (h(l nnd oticr matters of interest.
miii from Itoseburg, who Is nccom- teil-bclnR and development of that
panlng tlio Portland excursionists, jf'fcton.
staled Unit tlieio urn 30 people '" 1 -- - -
the party. They will urrlvo hero this
I'U'iilng. Tlio steamer C'atib) will
meet tlio Klnmntti nt tho bar, where
the pitssengerM will b" transferred
mid brought to this city. Tho parly
will bo given mi opportunity to too
tho country ami tlio agricultural
lauds before taking any pleasure
trips. Il Is iinilei stood Hint many of
thorn aro coining fur tho purpose of
Investigating tlio opportunities for
Investment, and they will be given n
rluiu'o to Hon the country llrsl.
Tho walls of the rooms on tho sec
ond, third and fourth floors of the
Baldwin block arc being tinted, pre
paratory lo furnishing the rooms for
hotel purposes and light housekeep
ing. Tho three floors have been leas
ed to Mrs. E. 0. Hall, who will have
chargo of tho rooms for the present.
Judge Baldwin Is seriously consid
ering converting this big four story
brick Into a modern hotel. It this
Is done ho will reduce his Immense
stock of hardware so that he can
more the goods back to the old loca
tion. The first floor will be used for
a dining room and a large comfort
ablo lobby. An elevator will be pnt
In and the building made one of tbe
best equipped hotels In the southern
part of tho stato.
This largo building Is constructed
after tho stylo ot many of the largo
modern hotels ot the cities, and could
easily be made suitable for this pur
pose. It has a frontage of 5 feet
and with four floors could easily ac
comodate a large patronage.
A man named Reuben Hall failed
to como through upon hla timber
claim proof last week, whereupon
several parties started out to locate
It. The fortunate one to secure the
prize was Mrs. A. J. Nellon of the La
Mode. She rode horseback across
lots and having a guide who was fa
miliar with tho land arrived on tho
tract first and mado the trip ahead
or all competitors. Sbo got back, took
four hours rest, and at Ave o'clock
In tbe morning camped on the stair
of tho land office, and thereby got
first place In line and secured tho
prize. It goes to show what pluck
and determination will do for one,
even though tbe person be a lady, and
not a very big one. She la worthy ot
tho prize. Examiner.
New tonight Lost In the Alps, a
heroic rescue picture with large St.
Bernard dogs in the principal role;
Tit for Tat, and The Launching ot a
Ship. New Songs. All for 10 cents.
Going Camping?
We have the beet guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
TUXMOli M.lUIIXi:itV INsT.l,l,Kl.
Contractors Ilusy nt Itoili
IhU Side of Dan It.
runnels i
Any doubting Ttiotnnsoj ho may
have hnd doubtu as to when actual
work would begin on tho two tunnels
nt Dorrls muy now climb up onto the
band wagon and boost, Erlclcson &
Potterson, tint inllroad contractors.
Iiavo hud u crow or men nt work on
tho approaches to tho big tunnel
through Oley hill fur tho past two
wooka. And now a foico of worktuon
Is putting In tho stntlouoiy machin
ery to bo used ou this work. Already
the E. P. company has 1C dinky
engines at work along the line ot
their contracts. Under the supervi
sion of Mr. F. C, Birch two 5ilu.xl6
Going Fishing ? j
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Merchants
" i