The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 04, 1908, Image 1

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intli KiiIIh' Firrtt
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results . . .
WW, Hi 'itt Daily ....
lMiYi:Att. No. il7.
Price, 5 Cents
hi immt llkel) Id imslst In Hi" mill-
r Seattle Fair
rviirajcr t CID Wl" y"" k'"'",r tn'' "' "''"
t.ArLli3L IU olllr itl.r , , ,, ,imiy s
&IIIH.I l t'T
"I ln Cii'iiiiilioiinii will pay nil tin'
AriVFRTIiF ,"'lrl" '"TKi'H iiihI store Urn fruit nt
!- - (l ,!., f ntc, giving In mil I nun
1 1), IihiiIII). null growers, union in
La. nn, V..U liidlldiiiil iliinalliiK I Iik fruit . full
lis mdmain rruii ... . .li.,au,i.i....M,.
mi) grower in uimiH lut Inn to iiinki'
mi I'xlillill mhI itii muni' enVilh" ml
wHIhIiik ut er) (mil expense
Will ynu kindly Ink" up tlilit unit
ll In miv fmll tfruwi'lN lllllnll toll
txrellent Varieties of !"",y '""" "' ,,,,ir ,,"""rr"1 '""
e mill in tiH mini)' liiiiiviiinniH as
piiniillili' h'-niri' tin nlil uf iu
in'W Hi.tMTH mill inak" i'VO effort In
mm him mi "xhlhlt Hint Mill li" ii iri'illi
in )imr uiiitii)
"All fruits Intended fur exhibit
should In- ini kill wild iiinr wrap
pers inn) i.uilliu.iril. mill rushed lulu
inlil slorug" Just nit ipilikl) im .ib-
slide llil Is of supreme ImpnttniH"
"I'lense millf) M I) Wlsdniii. Him-
ri'tnr). on or define September I Mb
rdier fruits Could He
Obtained Hern
KSklle Klmuiilli muni)" crop or
It Will not ! mm fitKiinUx this yinr
CHKOIIk pUkl. Millie M'l) "XI I'll-
i"h of the hardier dull mi'
ginuu In some of llii' limn'
eetnl dlstrlii An opportiiiill)
five this mm lion fot mine vjt) (
-- I "
(IM ii.Dertlsli.g ill sl.iiill l'l"' '!,! ml j ,ii .to ntiil In. .will
llllllS III III" AlituKnO llkllll
sSsMi ill ll.'.illln next )nr All the
of shipping, storing utnl ills-
Commission, mnl Klmiinlli
' should tnkii nittmitnge of this
limit) to I"' H'PII'm'IiIimI. Tin
Mull letter retelwd li County
InspMtor Hlenrns from W. K
glxo on full Itislroi lions rewinding
shipping i:ir hnx 111 lint Im mark
I uliilfilv with tin. Kroner's until)'
tSt Hi" fruit will I." I'orii" I.) Hi",,,,,! (t,r" mnl umn of viirl.ty
"No better work for liorllctiltiir"
tlinn tliln inn li iloti". Hi" surn- of
this pnrt of your nutiily exhibit mill
ili'pi ml upon jour efforls, mnl I l
lie)" )oiir Count) Court will allow
I. nl Hi" Hint" Hoard of lli.rtl- '"" expenses tor II." llin" iiiiessar
.,,., '"' I'' '" "" m,",r I""1'ITI)
iiiiiiin iii" iiHiiM i- i
I'orllnnil, Ori'Koti,
AiiRimt :r., 1 90S.
i" Hint" of Ort'Kon mimt mnk"
iilflrt-iil fruit "ililtill nt Hi"
Yukon-l';n Iflr I.iponllliiu nt
ni'l jisir V" m frull srov.
nul not nllou ll lo li" rmlil Hint
Iht itulrli'l inn i'iri'1 or ctrcii
im mnl In imliT lo iiriMimplliili
IriMl r'ull lli"r" iiiiihI Ii" nr-
Botk nloiiK Hi" Mti"
ii npple titlillill iniiit I"' y.ntli-
din Knl I unit put In riil'l KloraR".
Jri'Kou Cniiiiiilniloii U liullillni;
I mnl UK" plant In III" linn"inutil
I OriKon IIiiIIiIIiik nl Hi'itltli', mi
III fruit ili'Htlni'it for i-xlillilt run
Nit HiiTii mnl Klnrt'il
ri'Hlilctit Wi'liriiiiK of tlio Ori'Koti
nUhlnii liiirt imki'il Hie lo iihkIhI
tlnrlim tliU frull, liciien IliU lil-
i on im Count) limpi'itor nHkliiK
lii'lp You ni" fntiillliir with lit"
illiiuit In )our iiuiiity ntnl know
wlwrn Hi" li"it ft ult In In Im
mnl iiIho th" pi'opl" wlin will
A J MiinnlUK, u'lio Iiim Ihm'H In
(In' iiiiifiMlliimry liulnii-. In lliln clt)
for ncn'ii )i'ar, jriti'nlny milil out
lo Di'iiu IIi'iinIIii nml J II llnrnm
Tin? in pioptii'loni mo Potli nm-11
knoKii In Hil" rlly mnl toiinty, mnl
ex put in liurt'iiM" tin- Htock nml mnk"
u iiiimliiT of liiipriiMinciit In Hi"
Mr Muii'iltiK linn nmiM-il In U'litnln
In Hi" Rlnrif for llir"" montlm, whoti
ll" "XptMlK III KM to Nl-tllllll ll KUK"
In Hi" tiom" nml utork tiiiltit'
Nnw imilKlit Tlio DUpiitrli llcnr
it, Twin HrnthiTH Jcik". Wliomi llmtil
In IIT IIt Klrnt lllk" Itlil". nml now
SotlKH Any Kent III til" lioltmt 10r
S I.', nliurp
I no lioxi-H of cliulcu Crawford pea
ihi'H from 'JO rvntH up at the Monarch
,,- Ladies'!
,. vy
Complete Line Ladiei
Fall Coats Have Arrived.
We are showing the
very Latest Styles in
Silk Cravenettes,
Broad Cloth, and
Kersey Coats.
The Railroad Magnate Leaves His Pelican
Bay Mountain Home
of l.tik" toun'j lias hiTctofuru tioun
In thi won) nml mutton Industry, hut I
tluT" will l n hit; ilfMri-nn" In the In
riiiuc from Hi In llii" IIiIh Jrur
An I'lilllil.) linill).
Plans for Route Through Central Oregon Not fully Devel
opedWork on California Northeastern Ordered
Rushed to Give City Water Connection
$5 to $25 No Trouble to Show Them
I'. II llnrrlmmi imti" ilnwtt from) will proxM'il lo Cukimi", wIiitc the
IiIh hiiiiiiikt Iioiiim tlilx iiinrnliit; In
IiIk pthut" Imimli nml huh drhi'ii to
Hut Kiiiilliiiii I'iiiIIIi' hf'inl'iinrl"r4,
nrrltliiK ih"t" uliortl) nfli-r mxiii. II"
l"lt iilliiimi liitmi'illati'l) nfler lunch
imiii nml wan luki'it iloun th" iIit In
th" Ilium li l.tiii'tln
A ifpri'M'tttftth" of the Ili'rnlJ,
who inllnl upon Mr llnrrlninn liort
I) Infill" hi ili'pmttir" iih Kti'i'ti'il
In ii muni Irli'iiilly tiiatmiT hy th"
rullruail in.-iKtiiii" Mr. llnrrlninn wim
imki'il If ln HoiiM ioni'nt in mukii n
Htiiiciui'iit n to rnllroml ImllillnK
IIiiiiukIi (Vmriil Ori'Koti In rcpl hi
null) "Tin re la nolhlliK thill I IMU
Kl" mil m I li Im lltti". lull il"rlop
UH'llta Hill iimiii ahiiH Wllllt III llil
lii'lm: linn" i mi im tfiiiiil) ai'i'ii hy
liinkltiK ul III" work hi'ltiK iliini'."
Ill ri'pl) lo furtli'T iti"Ntliiu Mr.1
llnrrlninn Mntnl that pinna for tile'
(.'lit I al Oircmi lout" mnl th" Cmi
liny mail urro nut full) iIo"IokmI
i't. 'Hi" Ciillfnriila Nmtlii'aatL'rti
rnllro.iil w ill hi riuhiil, ao thut Khun
nth I'alla run Iium Mater uinni'ctlou
rlKht nun) In Hi" uorila of Mr
llarrllniiii Hi" ' r"t of Ihc ro.ul will
hi' hulll lnli'lliu.'iilb "
IMIkMimI With Vl.ll.
In Mpi'iikltiK of IiIk atny at IVIIcnn
lln), Mr. llnrrlmmi wits "ntliUKlaatlc
nml Milil Hint ho hail n moat cnjoynhlu
1 1 me, nml that IiIk "iitlro family with
ili'llKlitnl with tlitlr Ult "At tliln
llin"," li" a.ilil, "no ili'Dnllo plani hud
lii'i'ii mini" fur Hi" futur" liiiirn"
ini'iitH at I'i'lliiin lln)." It liu hi'on
ri'pintcil that nKi'ntH of Mr llurrlnmn
hiio hi'i'ti m'curliiK optloim on xcvornl
thniiK.itul acrvM In tin ImniL'dlatt.' vi
cinity of hU rvMorl, for tho purposo
of hiillilliiK u city mi Hi" Ink", but Mr.
Ilurrliuun would not deny or ufllrm
Hi" ri'portn.
Wnula To Colli" Ihiik.
Wlu'ii hit wiih nuked If ho would
return next jrnr.Mr. llnrrlninn an Id:
"Noxl yenr In u Ioiik y off, but
nothliiK would pli'iiKO mo better than
lo count buck iiKnln next huiiiiiiit."
In Kxcillt'iil llcnllli.
Mr. Ilnrrliiimi U qttlto u dirfemut
lonhliiK iiiixi) thnu on IiIk nnlvul Iut".
The iiiouiitiiln-liri'cxi'H, coiiililned with
the out of door cxurcliio on homuback
mid iowIiik on thn Inko, has put new
life Into hla Iii'Iiik mid he lnoka ns If
ho hud lout live to ten xenm of lita
ai:o Hu han u nlco healthy color In
hla face and hud taken on consider
uble fletih. It la Hutu to uay that on
IhtH return to the heat of the Hunt, he
will wish many ttmeu for Just one of
tho cool ovonlueo at tho Klamath like
After li'iivlhK Weed In hla private
ear, Mr. Ilarrlinau will ko north,
making bin flrit ntop at Mod ford,
where hu,hn9 agreed to spend a few
hours as the guest of the local corn
morclal club, fako an automobile rldo
with the Mcdfordltca and give thou!
a little talk.
From Modford the Harrlman train
illatlllKlllalK'il mllio.'iil miiKlinl" will
attain Im "nicrluliD'il hy th" huKlm-aa
IIH'II of Hi" IHllMTalt) low ll.
Alhaii "liooHti-tH" will next kI"
Mr llnrrlmnu Hi" plail haml, In- hav
Inc iilready nriepti'd their lnltntlou
lo atop over for n little while. I'riim
there h" will proieed to 1'orHnnd for
ii (onitillullon with (ii'iiurul Mann kit
J. I'. O'llrli'ii, who haw been flulahltiK
the work, alurteil by Mr KrtitlKcli
nltt, of mnkitiR n tliiiroiigh lnentlK.i
Hon of th" Company's llni-x In Ori-jiii.
MnJ" CnrliT, of Aahlnnd, met with
u painful ncrtilent lust Thursday on
Heaver Cre k In this rounly, and his
wounds mn) eri'ii )et prove very bit
Iuuh Hi; had arrhed only a day or
two hefoi" the accident nt the pros
pect he had been emploied to do
some work on. romlnt; direct from
the deathbed of his brother Krncst
ut Klnmuth Kails, when In some man
ner not Iiarniil, a number of caps
exploded I loth of his tegs wero bad
ly lai rated. II" was taken to his
horim In Aelilund.and at last accounts
was dolriB well Yreka Journnl.
Only Few Present at
Water Meeting
Th" slarf of teachers for the city
schools N now lotnplete Thn Inst
two Mini titles were filled jestcrday.
Miss linker, of Kansas, who has been
In the count) for some time, has boon
secured to tcidi the Third t-rado.
Th" Fifth Krade will bo lll.ed by Miss
Dona Hell, who has been teachlnc In
the Medford w hiwiln.
Toun of HorrN .Ma) Clinni!" ll Name
To Klmimlli I'litk.
A dlspatrli from Dorrls says Hint
a petition has been prepared and U
beliiK circulated itmiuiK the proper')
owners 11 rid others In thai town aik
Iuk thut mi eliMtlnn bo railed by the
Hoard of Huperxlsors for the purpose
of xoIIiik oil Hie proposition of In
(orponilliiK Hi" town of Dorrls. The
petition will ko before the Superxls
nrx nt the riRulur meetlnK on Octo
ber tith, but whether It will be acted
upon nl thut session or not Is nut
There Is a proposition on foot In
(onnet-Hoti with the Incorporation
iiiou'iucnt. nnd It Is not ill pk less than
a plan to change the tin mo of the
town at tho Hutno time that It Is In
lorpornted. Some are propositi); thut
tho old name of tho place, Klamath
I'nss, he selected.
Tho town now lias n population of
somethltiK more thnu 500, mid con
tinues to Krow.
Al Harrison, charged with petty
larceny, was found guilty In tho I'o
llc" Court and he was fined $10 and
costs by Judge Ltnvltt. The costs
amounted to J IS. 70. Allen Sloan re
covered tho pair nt boots and blan
kets, which wero stolen, but tho other
lartlLlii tiro missing.
II Is claimed thnt Harrison has his
rfeeotid lUtid Store full of old Junk
and articles of every conceivable de
scription, which It Is believed hate
mo4H) been purchased for small
sums from )oung boys of the city.
It Is alleged thut many of the arti
cles htii" been xtoleu or picked up
and taken to tho store and sold. Tho
police will Investigate the matter and
If any exldeuru ran bo obtained of
hlsdeallng with bos under age, com
plaint will be made.
You will miss something If you
don't call ut the DRICIC STORE on
Krlduy, September 4 th. 1-1 wk
lllllXS.MAKl.NO l'UIn nnd Fancy.
Sewing, cutting and fitting. The
latest French Tailoring System.
Mrs. K. K. Johnston, over Stilts' Store
There Was No Business of
Importance to Come Be-
fore Stockholders
The adjourned meeting of tho Wa
ter Users Association, which was call
ed for 2 o'clock this afternoon, was
vory brief. Vice-President Ruock
called tho mooting to order, and upon
tho roll being called It was found
that they lacked 3C2 votes of having
a quorum. Tho meeting adjourned
without any discussion.
Kveryono present seemed to feel
satisfied with the result of the gath
ering. There was really no business
of Importance to come before the
meeting. One of the Bonanza stock
holders expressed the feeling of the
land owners In tho Upper country
when he said: "I am glad that we
had no meeting. We have been work
ing four years to get them to start on
tho Upper Project, and now that they
have commenced, we do not want
anything done that might atop the
work. All we want Is to have them
keep on working."
J. P. Churchill arrived in the city
last night from Yreka, to attend the
meeting of the Water Users Associa
tion, and to look after other basinets
matters. He was accompanied by his
brother-in-law, J. T. Wheeler, an at
torney of Rawhide, Nevada, and Dr.
C. A. Larson, of Yreka, who are anx
ious to see the Klamath country.
Tho first run of ocean aalmon up
tho Klamath River havo reached
Kcno, a number of the fish being
caught there yesterday. Several of
tho aalmon wore sent to parttea in
this city and are In One shape. They
arc good eating at this season of tho
Hot peanuts and popcorn at the
American Confectionery. i'i
, KM--M
sin-:i:i Aitt:;.
Ijike CiiuiiIj'm Chief Wealth Producer
ItetllltiMl Oxer Half.
KM I nut en mud" by tho sheepmen
of l.uku Count) show there bus been
a big ileeierso In the number of sheep
in the lount) In the past two xears
It Is eMlmuted that In lOOil not h'
than nmi.Oun sheep wero inn on tlio
rung" of that county, hut this ear
there mo less than 200,000 This
decreiiHe hns cut down the loveuue
of the county nnd has forced many
of the former wool groweis out of
the business The thlnga that have
contributed to Hie red net Ion ulo that
rang" hna been scairo slnco llio cita
tion of the forest reserves, that the
price of wool has cone down, the high
prices of e.ircatioes lust year, and the
fact Hint many of tho lands of thu
county that huvo heietofoio been op
en to the sheepmen havo boon leased
and clo'ied to tho wool gtowers, add
ing lo tho scarcity of thu range caus
ed by tho reserves, on which tho num
ber of sheep are limited so that the
grass Is protected. The chief wealth
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ?
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks I
Hardware Merchant!