The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 03, 1908, Image 1

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Kl'imnlli I'iiIIh' I'ii mI
Our Advertisers Get
the Best ResulU . . .
EiiimI HuhI D.iily
lltD Yiiaii, No. (Mli.
Price, 5 Cents
Between Railroad Kings
lilroad Dyke Drains Nearly Fifty
Thousand Acres
lh the Completion of the lleadqates at the Channel and
the Building of laterals the Water flow Can lie
Controlled and Lands Sub-irrigated
It U eatlmnteil llml fin.iiiHi nrri'k
(mulsh I it ml Mill li practically
llied I.)' Ili dvke.whitli tin' South-
I'mllle iiiiiiiiiii In throwing i'
llii'li riillrimit ImmI nini th"
lllllTII pill ( llf III" muni) As thl
fee lll b" tumpletetl llil lull ll
mi mi Unit IliU Ilium imn bod)
Wrrlili lulul win in fi'iiuv mr imp
Mtt rnr Tin mil) aouri" of utrr
tafrth" Lower l.nkn l fiom llm over
Mr uf Hi" Klumnlli river, wlilih run
tfcfOUXll III" CllUIIIII'l wlili li lOIHU'll
th river wllli Hi" liik When iIim
water la 111 it li III Hi" river It ralsiM
the) kiiIit lii Hi" Ink" iiikI overflows
la miIJiiIiiIiii: lands llurltiK Hi" lr
mi ill ttiln ill f Hi" "ir tli"
rr flows buck In lli" river mill
era tin1 Ink" In ii innalileritlil" "
fli" d)kes wlilili lire Ik'Iiik IIiiiiwii
liy tli" riilliimil will lomplctely
It lid tli" How nf water mill. If It
tolllpliiod hefurt' tlu mill ! III.
Ii'itvr tli" swump land prartlinl-
Iry ii"t )i-ar lleudiiatos ar bo-
Imllt across tli" channel mi llml
now uf water rati Ii" regulated
I tli" miiIit In the Ink" rnn be kept
milfiiriii depth If IliU hui nut
ma.' tli" lukn woiilil priiliutil)' go
n III" iiviirflow from llm river In
only miuri" nf supply It bus.
In prnpocil by tin government
teilalm llila ImhI)' of Inml Ii)' sub-
nation Ijtlerals will probably lie
at rll'.lit angles wllli III" rtuililiel
lialliliroa llf liliout ZIMIO feel iipiilt
" laterals will l" u"l fur doth
linage nml Irrigation There will
no overflow wnter n lli"it" Inter
will ilrnln Into the tnnlti rlinnnel,
rli liy tli" supply thruiigh tlie lit'iiil
en inn ti kepi nl u lililforiil ili'plll,
Rrlellt to keep (lie mill inolnt liy
In ii pamphlet rerently published
tin' Itci liuiiutliin Service, It saa
ikliiK of tli" marsh Inml mill,
Ms mill U mini" up very InrKely
lnlliiil" pnillrleH of volrnnlr tnfii
illutoniaceou earth, heavily
irgcd wild vegetable muterlnl. Thin
ll In IIkIiI In weight nml lolnr. Tho
milU III the mulshes Ml" well mipplleil
wild fertllll) "l"iii"iilii, nml aliould
enrl) respond lo riilllvntloti The
ImltilliiK of the i mini n)kIi'Iii loiilem
pint" tli" iliuliiugo of th In ii ( nl, or
till" IiiIiiIk of III" pioji'it, mill their
iiltlmute i iilllviillon Tim inurKli
milU, In n liieiimii", linltitl" III" liinmh
nulla of Hi" Kri'iil Knrrmiii'tito vnlley,
lurr)lllK. howi'Vel. less ilvel allt.allit'"
tli.'aii aulla me In llm miiln lake mill
in.'iilii The MiiliiluliiK of the marsh
Inml will reiiili" liilnllluelii" ami ex
peril III", thullgll III" pualhllltlc of
ibis I)h of Inml, oiiiM umler rultlva
tlon, me olivloiml) ver great '
Arrested for Stealing
Al Huritaou, tli" Seiomt Hnml
Hlnr" imn, was nrreated loilny on ;i
warrant h or 11 nut li ,MKi Kluuii.
Ovi'r ii motitli bk". Mr Sni,i loaf li
pack nf hluiikils, rlothlnx, slutei mill
other nrllelfii, wlilili hit lunl
eil lugother to Ink" on Ilia huiitlni'
trip Into llm nmiinlnlim, The pari.
Mil left on the aldewalk In tho east
eml of town fur n few minute. When
tm rnlmi buck with th" team the park
was gone nml no tmr" eoiilil lie
Yeaterilny Slumi noticed llmrlaon
wenrlliK a pair of new IhioIb, which
Ii" ilullim lire tli" linra he lout. A
Hi'iirrh wmratit wua secured nml the
m-roml hnml store rn'iin heil Inst night
reaiitlliiK In llmliiiK the. hlnnket nml
ii few other article. Ilnrrlaon cluliiis
llint his luother si-nt him the boot
from rortlmnl. II" will lmvi hl
henrlnc till iifternoon, tli" inso being
net fur t o'rloek
.lumen J IIIII'h iii iHkIIIiiii wllliln
til" piiat week of till) (OlitrollllIK In
lereat III the Ori-Kon Trunk l.lii" up
III" riiiiyuli of llm Deal Im I en river,
eoupleil with llm fiut Hint two iiewii
of eiiKllH'iTH wei" liniiii'illiilrly aelit
llilo Hi" flehl, In Mliileil Ii)' Unite I loan
lo llm worklmcn of Ihii milium! klnic
lo he Hi" hud" cull for one of thii
lilKC'al riillroiul wnra wlilili Ii:ih ever
liei'li known on Hut lonal
llotli Hill nml lliiriliiiaii huv" hihI
lenly luriieil thiili ullentloim lo liullil
Until, evlileiitl) me alilvini: for Hi"
liili-Ule eutrmii" Into Hie Interior
UirOIIKll till) 11111)1111 Of III" Ill'Ktlllltl'K
IHII till a Ullenleiieil liefme lo llivml"
I litrrlmii n'H priwrveH Th" iiorlhli.iuk
ronil wiii tint )rxt atroke Ilia ap
parent Inlentlon lo limiiiilliilit (on
all in tluii Inlo Central Oh'koii Im h"
lltiveil to he till) aeioml .t Mike llur
rlmali nihil liaa two er'wa of eiiKlii
"era In th" itmne llelil
Tint Deailiiitea 11111)1111 oflura tin;
moat prui Hen), ahnrteat nml ihenpeat
rniili Inlo ll.u illatrlct whlrh hint ami-
Stockholders of Water Users at
Opera House Hall
A Very Quiet and Harmonious Meeting Expected With Small
Attendance Contentment Among Land Owners
Since Clear Lake Work Started
Iiik ii line fruiii tin C'oliiiiililn Into
('took iniiiily Hill Im purrhuaeil I dimly apriiinc Into cnut prominent
llm loiilrotllm; lulereat of Hi" Ori-Kiiii'int tint K'il of llm two ureal i-al mil-
Tr link ii Ilii" piojei leil up the l)e-i mail liulliler In lh" worlil. llciii",
ihulea nml Knt unlay threw twonitlvlt on tho pint of doth Hill nml
Juewa of Hiiri')nr Into lh" llelil llurrliumi foretiiHla n imiipulKii of
lliirrliiiau Ihih .nlreuily uiiuoiiineit Irnllroail Ingenuity which xelilotu
till lulelitlnli of hilllilliiK Inlo Celt- fnllx lu Hi" lot of Ort'KOli to wltneHH
t ml OreKoii without lna of time I'otllnml Juiiriul
Trunks and Heavy Baqqage Were drought Down Today
I adies and Guests Leave Saturday
J K II llurrliumi will leave Ilia auiii
liner linme at I'ellian I la) lu Hie morn
llni: He will he hroiiKhl lo III" up
per ImitlliiK In hla private lamuti nml
alter u hrlef atuy In llila lit) will k)
nml will ko out on the atni; In the "lit ! rain
nminlnit. uwuIUiik th" arrival of the
party nt Weeil.
Mr. Ilnrrlman anil the l.-tillci nml
Kiieali of tho party will nut leave lh"
itlni fire. ,ir. Kluiliall wnv Juit about
to start fur Silver likii from Illy
whin hit reeelvert woril uf the fire
hrenkliiK out anew ami he Immediate
ly rclurneil.
The forest llre In th Vattmey
tiiutiulnlu rntjiilry have hevn raRlnc
for aevenil vvti-ka Conaltlernhle tim
ber la heliiK ileatroyiil and very little
effort la helnc mail" to stop the apread
of tin. tluiuea .Moat of the Indian
ureal the hurklelx-rry patch thla iva
aun nf the jear and llm Iteaervatlon
itutlinrltli find It nlnioat Impossible
lo i;et an on" to light the lire. The
InUlaiiK wein to prefer plcklni; her
ilea lo flKhtliiK fire. Mr Klinlmll
slates Unit n lire started on the lily
mountain, hut Hint they succeeded In
1'i'ttltiK It under control and have left
men lo wntfli II One uf the It real
ji-Ht iiei-ds of the country Jtiat at pre-
down the river ami liounl hla private Uiilgu until Saturday. It Is reported
.... .. .. i ... ... ..
ear .Milen wlilili I awnltlnR him at llint the ladles will return l.ast at
t'alur I mice, while .Mr. Ilnrrlman will slup
Medford Wants
No Street Cars
I'nrt uf .Mr llartlmaii uutflt nr
rlve.l late till efleruouu. ImliidlnK
six trunk, tjpewrlters, innpa, ultlie
eiiilpiiieiit. nml other heavy tuiKKaxe.
Thla wua limiarerred lo the launch
Kur the siiond time within the year
at Medford, All.uny. Salem and sev-, "' iltlmw at the polls on Mon-
uny lurneii iiown tne proposition lo
Kraut n street railway franchise by
era! nf the Wlllatnett" town.
It la natitl that Mr. Iliurlmnn Is
lookliiK live jeurs )ounKur than on
his nrrlvnl In this section. He hits
Kwaiiiia. .iml will ln taken lo the, lompletely rtfVvered from his at
lullriind toulKht Mr llnrrliuan's lack uf rlieuuiatlstn. ami hiu been
two iiilored look came down finm eno)lmc Ioiik lioraehnck ride every
the Hay on the this afternoon .day
.Vol lie lu .(kMH'Int" Member.
The Klamath r'ull Mllllur) Hand
('lull Klvea Its first ilatu'e uf the sen
mm on Suturduy eveiiliiK, September
fi, IIHIS Aasiirliitn members are ex
pected in attend without special Invitations,
W. L. ford Buys Milk From
Altamont Dairy and Starts
Distributing Point
IIIIKHM.MAKI.NU I'liiln nml Funry,
Sewlnc, i-iiUIiik uml flttliiK. Tim
latest French Tullorlnjc Hjitetu.
Mrs. K. K. Juhnstun, over Stilts Store
Honest Goods
Honest Work
Honest Prices
Honest Guarantee i
Will it pay you to do eliewhere for your
Jewelry. Watch work. Optical work, etc.?
Alio, while the quiet Summer aeason ii on
there are intereiting thiniji doing in the
price line
Dont fall to call, first or last, before you buy
Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician ;
V 1.. Kurd Is plnnnlnK to start u
milk depot In Klnmntli I'ulls. Ilu
has secured the supply of milk front
the Altuntout dairy nml dues the ills
trlbutliiK f the milk In this city.
As sunn as Im secures u luriter supply
he will open n depot and ufllco hero,
mini which deliveries can bo made
and where patron can leave their or
ders. Mr. Kurd slates that nt present he
hasn't milk to supply tho trade and
cream Is out of (ho question. Ho Is
Holm; to liy nml secure milk from
the farmers In the valley, nml thl
wllh tho supply fiom the Altmuinit
dairy will pi nimbly bo stilllclenl for
thii family tiado. So many of the
fanners sell to tho cieamory Unit tl
Is it ha id mutter to net milk for uuo
There Iiiih been a Konornl kick In
this city for n fovv dii)H, by tliose who
liuvo to depend on the dairy, on nc
count of their Inability to eel milk
and cieain. Homo have been able to
net half what they wanted and oth
ei'rt luivo been shut off entirely. Tliero
was u rumor that Klnmntli KiiIIh was
hnvliiK u milk famine, nml ninny of
the fanillloa have been look I nit urouml
for milch cows. It Is hoped that Mr
Kurd will ho ablo to work out n solu
tion to tho problem, ho uh to ho ublo
lo Hiipply tho city with plenty of milk.
It U not known what disposition Mr.
Wlllurd will niHKo of the milk from
tho Htvoruldo dairy since the cuungo
In bundling tho Altomout milk. Pro
vlous to this tho ono dairy Imudled
both (UppllM.
D. L. Burred, an old Amuse
ment Director Secured by
Carnival Committee
a vole of till to 216. Hut little eleo
tlonei rliic vvns done and the conflict
Inc etetllou slogans were. "(Irant
n Su-) franchise und have one mile
uf road In operation within a year,"
and "A city franchise will cut out
immediate i buncos fur an Interurban
Ilupldly Increasing population and
the volume of business within a rad
ios of :o miles from Medford Indicate
unit the day win soon come when a
line must encircle the valley, and tho
amount of business In Medford alone
I will Justify the huildlni: of such a
, line, but fur the time belns at least
.the largo majority saw fit to voto
iiKnlnst grant I ni; the franchise,
1 Tho Hand Club's dance, which will
be given Saturday evening, promises
Tho Klamath Kails Street Kalrand" ,K ,l BrwU -ucrww- ThU U tho
Carnival will be held ono week, mm- a ,,n,,c,' "f ll, 8wuon auA ,ho bo
menclng October 12th and ending on "1r,, T, h" "T. "? V
the latent selections of danco tuuilc
Saturday tho 17th. The date vvns set ,mVl, ,,w ccurei, nnU ,,, ort:hc,tra
nt u meeting of the Committee held has boon practicing for several weeks.
jestorday nftert'oou. They will have something sxlnl In
The Committee has secured tho ,1,u mntle ,lno-
services of I), K. Hun ell, who will .
The adjourned meeting of the
stockholders of the Klamath Water
Users Association will bo held tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock In the op
era house. The meeting In June al
most ended In a row. At least It was
quite a warm session, nt which reso
lutions favoring Congressional Inves
tigations and other sensational de
partures were Introduced, but the op
position finally secured an adjourn
ment without any action being takes.
It was supposed that something
would be done at tho adjourned moat
ing tomorrow, but everything baa
been quiet for several weeks, and It
Is now the belief that nothing of Im
portance will take place. Since the
commencement of work on the Clear
lake reservoir, thcro has been a feel
ing of more general satisfaction.
When nothing was being done In the
Upper country, the people there felt
that they were Justified In entertag
a kick, but now It Ii believed that
nearly all of the farmers feel dlapM
ed to discourage any .tttesapt to As
anything that might delay the work
on the project In any way.
Parties from tho country T that
tho farmers do not seem to be much
Interested In the coming meeting.
The most of them are busy with their
crops and are satisfied with present
conditions and Indications are that
the attendance will bo light.
Want to Comprosaiee.
Most of tho day's session of the
County Court has been taken up In
the discussion of the 1906 tax Kit
of the California & Oregon Land
Company. Mr. II. A. Hunter, presi
dent of tho company which owns the
lands, has been before the Board aad
an effort Is being made to have tho
matter compromised. The Board
seems disposed to Insist on the pay
ment of the entire taxes as asaeaaed,
and tho chances are not very favor
able for any compromise.
100 boxes of choice Crawford pea
ches from 90 cents up at the Monarch
Hot peanuts and popcorn at the
American Confectionery. S9
have charge of the Curnlviil --1 tfttfttftt UtHltHIIIIIIIII I IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
I " 1
slons nml amusements. .Mr. llurroll,
Is nil old und experienced umusement '
director und is well recommended.
Ho bus been Identilled with tho
umusement business fur many years,
having conducted a good many of the
most Hiiccenfful carnhnli lu the west '
Tho public Is assured that thero will'
be something doing evoiy hour lu the
day und pmt of Ihe night from Mon-
day morning until Saturday night. j
All of tho vacant buildings lu the
city will ho seemed fur exhibits and
dlsplu), ll Is planned to have ev f
hlblts uf pioduets fiom every section
of the county. I'rltes will bo
ed nut only for Individual
but fur tho best collection of exhibits
troin mo several secuons oi me couu
Going Camping ? j
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
y tell ion
o award
dUila,v8 '
More Forest Fires
J, K. Kimball, lepiesonlntlvo of tho
WoyerhueiiRcr Timber Company, nr
rivodv fiom Illy thin noon nml has
gone tu tho Clover creek country to'
Investigate tho tiro inglug lu Hint ills
tilct. Mr. Johnson, tho fire wnrdou,
of tli nt sectlouAsont to thla city tor'
eight uwn yeatvfdar to hlp hltu flgut I
Going Fishing ?
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from whicli
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks I
Hardware Merchant!