The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 02, 1908, Image 1

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, Our ' Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
If If
9 Ll'
ami Iti'Ht Dally ....
into YKAit. No. IMG,
Pricb, 5 Cents
teported to Bo Packing Ready; ;;;;
for Departure
II. H. (Irlgsby wim In Dairy Tuesiliy
lln nays tin will liuvo nt.oi.l hnlf as
iimkIi i: t it 1 ii an lie linil laat yenr.
i..v(ii:i,ii mm.i:v ni:vh.
Wl Probably Pass I lirough Khtmolh lolls lomorrow or
Next Hay Has Hei-n Nearly lour Weeks Since
II. Ilarrimtin's Arrival In this County
I'liilli'H who mine down liiiiii I'cil
mi lln) IIiIk morning uliil" Hint tilt
Unrrlmnu part) It lmy parking up
butt Kuitltu: ii'itil) in Ii'hvi- their aum-
iter tiiimi' II Ik stated Mini III" en-
Urn patty Mill mm" li' wny ' I'ln.n-
kill Pulls nml Mill irnl:0.ty mrlm In
1n i Hy about iiihiii tomorrow. They
kill probably imly Kimiiil n short ilmi
li-ic,Jiil long enough to ennhle Hum
(l gll llltll Ill-Oil
Mr lliitrlinuii arrived In liliunatli!
tnn mi til wnv I" I In" Lodge "ii H.ii
inlay, AilKUnt Ml' A I ll I '
iWii staled Hint lie only ii"'l"l i
re I nn In two week, tun bu nu lni'
firiigtheneil iinlll nearly n iiimnli h
Faimsed. Till" would llnllnil.' that l.e
Jin enjoyed lil oilllliK III Hit' K lam ,
Mill regions I'M lie who have ..n
ktr llarrlinuii rccenlly tut" tlinl Ik-'
tiiurli Impiovcil In lieullb nml l
romplctely ntih'it. und iiniluiit.ti-di
Mr. I), Cmiiphcii mill ton, Waller,
(Inputted Thursday fur Mcilford for u
limit (if frull.
I .MlM Muliln Cnim.bell lift Hiitnr-
lliowii, or Klainntli 1'utU. lB,,iy or ln yun ,ily w,r ), w(n
i: iii llin lininn or ii"r iirniiicr, weHUitio Imr work in teacher in the
Wight, j public school.
II. (Irity 'hn ICftfil Ui .liin Ml ,'ln'1 ltu"Mn i-"moil borne
. . . ,, , . ... "nuiinny i.oui inn . ana wuero mm nns
m k """'' """'""' 'rr '"""Hueon II... guest of Ml. I."W lleihf-r
mill will mm have near lltty iow '"'for sumo time
milk Mr. Hltook will innvit In Hun
aura in tin near future
Tim Dieus nml Ilocka nml sotno
Usual Hunting Spots Deserted
on Account of No Water
i.lliei In upper Vntinn were ilullvor
IiiK li'-i'f rntllc on Ti)"iltiy.
Mi. N. 8. I'rou ami twin, .IiWho,
Hlniiid in AkIiIihiiI TliiirnM.iy fitter
llniwn Mluliiu-I- uiul lOBiimny ro-
toriii-r Jnlin Iruln. Mr. IliinU uiik
rniiinolliil Hi rlvi mi liU nrnilliii luo
yrorn tin on nirmnit of IiIh Ik-iiIiIi Ifiull
Tli- illiimlc of HiIm loiinly Iiiih lii-i'ii
li..n. fljtll .llf.t 1... uti . ri ll a. fi.jilu
like n..w ..inn. mi.1 tl.l frinlnnl ,,"r""'1 ",,m "'" U,rrr l'8,,, S,lm,n,'
lilin In ii-hiiiiiIiik lil iirof.iiiHliin iiiiiIHIi n kooiI nititply or brrrlra. anil
rwnnliilMC pi'rninniiilly In Klnmiitli' rnortn pli'iily of iHirrli'H left In Dm
I'nlU. Tin' IK'W llrm i-xpi'it In lint' u,h. with lriU ot PfODlo on tlio
t ml I li'iulltiK Dial way.
ilii'lr ollliiM
In lln' VVlll.ri.n'-Mi'llinii'
Dr. Ray and family llirown
I rom Watjon-Motheranil '
OiitKjIilcr Injured
Mi i' II lln. ifc, two yiiim nml
tlRURllli'r. Mulilr. win. lilt on I In linl
III b inurli .nor" fll tor Hi" trft.ii- PKinnliii moriiliii: Iiml null" tin n.c-
rli'iui' on ll.i'lr lllp from Mrilfnnl In
Crater l.nk. Tin') out with
mi nuloninlilU-, lint till, broko iloivn
!( Ilarm-a will prmtrti till fori
well ticriiioii lit-ri. iii-xi SnnJ.i.
I' ll (liny will limo it gooil linno
li :. kirk from tmuilior borM.
Ili'tmU I'rovi) from I'm valli wa
tniilliiK In Dairy Monday.
I' II. (Irny will more to I bo Anonk
rnmli on W.-ilnntlay.
I ).u.. MImm.I; ha rorvntly Itulnllctl
.i Imlrnullc mi bli placo, uiul
n)H It In lining tin" Mr. Shook bos
Mini" flii" m.rtnc anil nltoirlbiT tho
bi'l rnnrli In ll." runl
nut llf" of U'nll Hrt. v'.ir" b" will
n on IiIh ili-pnrtnr" liU Klmii
tth 1. 1. tii"
iThree New
nml lb") were ol.llK"il to n'l'iii" n
l "nili to roi'llmi" t lit Ir trip to tln
laki' (in tl'i'lr nl urn iih tbey win-
cainllig ilown III" nlfcp nionnliilii 1 1. In
m;vj ntovi ict:.V(.
Tom ( b built a ii" utablo
on bu lot.
I'nilKi'tl. Tuwcra apd company tan to
Ml.u l.iiln Wllki'rw.n soon ilopiirtN
lo ictninu lier (liitl"H tin toarliH wbt'ro
ttic tniiKlit InKt year tifiir Kono.
('. .1. Hw Inclf rotiirnuil bnmo Tliiim-
ilny for Meilfonl, wb"in bu w"til f.o
inent bin iltiiiulit.'r, Oku, win. li;i
l."un vlaltlui: rolnllV" In rorlluml for
millio tint".
.1, l WulkiT ami fninlly loft for
ihU'liuuklclicrry inttrl. I:it wi-rk to
lio Koiic num.' tint".
II. I. SwIiikIo It'll wltb a party for
Cmlfr Inku unit tb" huckleberry ii nil cxp't to bn out for noni"
time. S'onnu Mr. Hwlimln U it lmnt
or of ronnltlprnhl" nblllly. hntliiK
fnmntiiint-il lilin fan la.t winter by
tho number of i milium mid other wild
nnlinuU Ii" kllleil. mid "xpcitM to de
vote ciinglitorublii of bu lime to liunt
tHK. No ilotil.t bin pnrty will iieltlu-r
anl for iiu'ni on lb" trip or for the
IntvreilliiK torl" mid ibrillliiK ad
roiltiirps in told by cxporli'iueil bunt
A tlml.i'r fire on tb" mountain ninth
of l.nnuell wlloy' lnrl"d noni" tlmo
ilurttiit ibo pant week.
i;. I' I.vnii In ImprovltiK III plun
by ulcurltiK the r rim ml of ruk" l.riuh
Mr. SeilKe Ih huullni; lumber for a
new I. urn on IiIh bomeitoad.
J. D. liaiuiiker and v. If" were lilt
liiK In Iiiik-II valley lnt Htiturdny.
MefMrs. flhi" mid Swlnglo return
cil from Hi" Deichiite. Moudny.
Tlio tIirel.lnK marblne will b"Kln
npt'rattotiK thin week.
An v'litvrpriiiliii: paper In n pro
Unless II Rains Soon Hunters Will Be Compelled lo Travel
lliroiujh Miles of Tules to Reach Roosting Places
of the Ducks and Geese-Tiresome Sport
llunterx returiiliiB from their lint
tL 1 1 It lln (littviftii.ttl ruiiinltid '. In
" """ "" "-"' " ";. "'I.lou'.. ....... ... .!. ....-.. ..-.
1,1. kMn Vnu- in.... f ll. nl.tlllv .""' " """ "'":' "1 uutm, MUW V
of llllit lournallHt' who run ilart
tblliKH kuIiik, Hutli iih ho Rivei hltiuclf
credit for without nxilatunix' from thu
Water Ifrivm Axnoclallon or "liewhero
U n wonderful man and deserve a
Job, but at present wit do not feel dl-
poied to turn over Dili ontlrc Upper
projett to thU Honnnza Journnlltt, or
ht least until he demonitriitc more
cle.irl) to the peoplo that be Is actual
1) KimtttiltiK out of thu ordinary, for
JudKliiK from the long urllclo written
In the lliilletln. of which he Ik the
author, he renemblen the new steam
boat that was launched for her first
trip. When tlio whistle blow every
one expected to sit her so, but she
could not and when an Investigation
wiim made they discovered that this
Idencu of ImvltiK been very sui ces
tui. They slate, however, that It Ix
more work getting the diickn than In
previous )ear. This Is not on ac
count of the lack of game, for thcro
aro millions of ducks along tho rivers
and lakes, but on account of tho lack
of woter.
Tho best posted hunters were s'ur
prlted In going to the bent duck ponds
to find them completely dried up.
Nearly all tho shooting yesterday
was done on the open watir, and It Is
predicted that unless there aro rains
soon, the duck hunting will be diffi
cult sport. Tho ducks will soon be
boat bad a ten foot whistle and a five scared from the open water and will
foot power, and had exhausted all the ' bavu to go so far Into the swamps to
reach protected water that they will
. . - . . .- -. i ...
ld" or the lake, tho tongue of the ' P'luitU'tl mini n rannuiain mm 10- pPrm,K and thriving village recently
wagon lire-tun" looto mid tho leuuiipoit .I'tfooil lljtltJ notwIlliauuidlnK referred to n correspondent us Inano
Another vii(iim-) lint oiiurreil In
Ih" HI ii ft of teuiliem III the illy
(boolii. MI"M Anna II111011, who was
hngiiged lo lencli the Third grn.le.
i III be lllinl.l" to ink" til" nrhool Hhp
has been sM-imilig ill" niiiiuii"r m
I lie n-mhiir" uiul ber pht(liili ml-
Ui b"r tlinl the eleuitlon ln-r" I
Eoo high nml h" will liiive to ienl'1"
u a lower minim '
MUs A milt Applegnln linn been en-
gtiged lo teiiili Hi" rlulh r.inde In
i.laie of MUs KIiIIiikh, who will lint
In. here. The llotinl of Oliedum will
meet this I'.cnliiK to llll th" Miiiiniiitl
In the Fifth mid Third grnd"H.
they "iirnutervit noma storms.
Tlnw. Mrt'iirailrfe and fnmtly linvn
New Lcqal Firm
Judge W. II. HnrriH, who leei'iitly
i-tiliie here from I'nllforiilii mid Icum-d
Et tin IIoiihIoii llolel, ban ileilded lo
etiirii to the prni lice of law mid will
Eenler Into pailuernhlp with Clt At-
ran nwny down the bill. The oral
print of the llg were tbtown mil.
Mm Itav bud her Ml' I. .idly hurt mid
llll. utlieni wen. bruUed up. MIssKoni ho Cihhi Hay country to visit
Mitblo was the worm Injured, being jivlth Ceo. Morgan' folks tint! to look
thrown on her fare mid bnlng her llt n,,, t-ountr)
Jnw broke.
.11... M...Uiii l.n,.t....ii..l Ui.tiir.lti
an I the piulj (iiliie on to tb" Agenr) !' tarry the utall riom Tielrr l.ind
t.Ntidliig taking the for Klninntb ling lo Keno twin- per day The ntngo
I'alls. iirrlxluis bele l.-ile Mon.lnv l.l).ly 1IIK dUregntileil Iho orders
night Dr. Ilainlllon nttei.ded the of (hi ,.,, , rri!1,ril
jemiig bid) mid the party lull on Hie .... ..
Imi.iI Tilery ...lug for Medfnrd'" " ,l- f,,r '""," """
when- MIim ll.i) will ren-Ue furlliei ''in It appeiirn .Hint limy linve i-oiiiu
tr.-ntiiii'tit from ll.r. I'lil.l". Hie f.itu-io their milk nnd now It Ih likely that
II) plDHtrhtu.
ItltlMI.Uil.N'li -I'laln nml I "11110 .
itnwliig, cutting nnd lilting.
Intent Kri' Tallnrliig HjbIiiiu.
Mih. I-'. K., out .StlllH Hlnro
I .. l... ....... ...! ...I.-
(Illl. ..!!. IIP. I.-I I IHllll-lllU f 111..-.
iirwUe. The paper referred to Is a
SSioluuili paper and lln Inst Uiuo
Iiml five loliimns of local reading
mutter. ThU'must I." Inanity loo.
Work on tho Clenr I-ako road U
Cold hrn InkMi the i-onlrnct iprogresKlng wllh nil positblo npeed
mid the gieruiiient Is going light
abend regardless or tho calamity
how lent it ml uoutdbex.
Iloimebreaklng mid llieft uro i.irti
Kiuiially liidu!ed In by mime heart
lem reprobatei In our community.
.Insure In lis lull r.-ipailly Mhoiild be
l'.teti niif-li clmr.ii tern.
Ilii-f initio tire selling at live nml
t.lx icntH. but Home of the farmers re
fiiHi'd to nell nt that price.
I IM10 VI 11.1011 was over to the Ito.t
rnilfltv r.mirT MolS "atlou to buy tattle lint week, but
' Jowl
Keno will get bei mall nn-ordlng 10
III del h. -,
power In blowing thu whistle. We
think It advisable for this journalist
to apply the wet cloth to hli head,
a spoken of by one of the correspon
dents, and keep cool until ho lias
more power.
J. Y. Johnson Sends to Town
for Men to fiqht fire on
Clover Creek
lug to tho high prices asked made
1 no purchiiM'8.
riie C.ui.iy Court met In regular! ,,.. ,. n ,, ,, ,,.,,,.
v.. Z.vnCmnMV TT ,h" mmnU,K- .AI'",1U, --1 ilBB will begin this week In tho val-
.r Illh Ori.ltA IIOl'SI. .iiilssloiieis weio pieselit wltli tlu ex- .
V y.. .!..!.. !llA..I..l.l XfUlitln . . - . i, ... 11...11 - ...I I.. I '"
,.' i.i.iih.n I'l'l iw ..... , f.ipijnil AlUlill UlllhUI. WIIOIlllll-1
Amiileiir I'lioti.grai.her. Diabolic llrh(., (,H afternoon. Soveinl road pi-i
mid new Hongs. All for I" ivnls, unions will receive the attention of
. .,1)111 Coin I thli Hi'ioilnn. The count)
........ road which wan established -eight
X I mid turns on to the Stukel bridge
I Honest Goods
Honest Work
Honest Prices
Honest Guarantee i
Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your
-YsmiAMklW Watnli urnrlf Ontirnl wnrk. etc.?
vwnhuji wf.- ...-., w.-..
Alio, while the quiet Summer season ii on t
z there are interesting tnings doing in me
I price line
' Dont fall to call, first orinst, before you buy
'hits been found lo mil comply with
Urn lines of the leceni Furvoy by
County Surveyor Williams. There
Is iiille a legal point Involved but It
will probably he luitlsfiirtnrlly adjust
ed 1.) the Coin t.
IG. heitkemper, jr.!
I leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Stone Will Buifd
lid Sedge lost a fine mnre last week
b) railing Into n well that was cov
ered over with light boards.
Tho forest 11 ro In the vicinity of
Itound lake northwest of here has
broken out anew and Is beyond the
control of tlio flro wardens. J. V.
Johnson, one of thu Wejerhoeuscr
men. sent In this morning tor a crew
to help light the lire. Chan, llaldwln
left nt 'J o'clock with a team and
eight men.
Several fires have been In this sec
tion for sumo weeks, but they have
been kept under control. A party
of men were lighting flro In that dis
trict last wt;ek, but returned to town
after pulling It out. Slnco then,
however, it has started up again and
Is now doing cousldurablo damage.
The men on tho ground have been
unnbtn to do anything and wcro com
pelled to hoiuI for assistance. Tho
Into flro Is near Clover creek.
be Inaccessible.
There U said to still be plenty of
ponds far Into tho swamps but tho
tules aro so high that It Is practically
Imposslblo to reach them. Other
years thcro have been plenty of pondi
and springs near tho edge of the tules
where one was always sure of getting
a nice bunch of ducks, but these plac
es aro completely dried up this year.
Parties hunting on tho lakes In thu
northern part of tho county have
been more successful. Tho swamp
lands are not so extensive there and
it U easier to get to open water. The
bunting will conttnuo good In thai
section until In November, when tho
birds go farther south.
Noland's First Order
Circuit Judgo Noland Issued hU
first official order today when Attor
ney Pierce Evans secured the order
of the Court appointing It. S. Smith
Examiner of Titles, on the application
ot Leo S. lloblnson to register title
to certain lands, against II. Rlngo
and others. As proof that tbo Judgo
will make a bright record, he signed
his first order In red Ink.
Nlco Fancy Crawford Peaches, 1
per box at the Monarch. 31
44K9-Xo4fr44K i
Wo note In tho llounntn lliilletln of
AugiiHt 27, an nttiu-k nindo upon one
of tho correspondent!) or a county
neat paper from this vulley tor stat
ing Mime raits pel taiiilug to tint ills-i-oiiriigemcnt
ot the Upper project
'through their local paper. Now,
tin..-" who me rumlllar with the lr
en m statu-i-H, know that such Is the
case and Ihey have beu drumming
rui thU us one correspondent termed
It "To tlio uttermost," until they huve
tn. id" a number of men believe they
- (were light nnd Hie governmeul was
Alloinc) IV I'. Sloiiu has lei lli.ull wrong, Home of which names, a
coutiiul to Liiwieiico WiitMiii fur tlio ' jtiiii-iiultBt of lluminra.htis mentioned
cotislnieHoii of his residence on lota answer to ono of tho corrospon
I mid 3. block 3S. In the Hot Sprltics .dents fiom this valley,
addition, Tho property faceB on tlio s'0W Wu have observed that all
Kaplnnndo, Woik wan commenced ;Hi0uc down tho line, that thu men
today on tlio foundation for a 7-ioom Wl0 are always and forever condemn-
bungalow to cost $2-l(0.
The Houston Hotel In now under
tlio management of J, A. Houston,
the change taking placo yesterday.
Judge Harris, who hud the hotel letta
edi desired lo return to tho practice
of liU profession, and Mr. Houston
agieod to take back the management.
change will bu mndo In tho dining
ritf'in service, instead ot upeciui or
dells, regular meals will be served at
SsV-enta. Mr. Houston proposes to
Klvi thu beat meal In the town for
tho (monoy.
lug government works or all kinds
are men who cannot hold a govern
ment position or got one, ami this
Donanta Journalist takes It upon him
self und Hies to redeem matters by
stating that ho vvns the solo cause,
with a petition, signed by some bu
named, sent to Washington, thut
started the great wheel ot piogiees
to rowing and brought about the Itu
mediate work on thu Upper pioject,
but bow U this wlso Journalist going
to explain to those poor land owners,
who had confldonco In lilro, why thuy
didn't get their contracts cancelled
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
und ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ?
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is?
very extensive.
Roberts & HanksJ
Hardware Merchants