The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 01, 1908, Image 1

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tjft,' " 't .
4.,' ' I
-w5p"T 'V
Llimmtli FhIIs' Flrot
Ltnil lictit D.itly ....
Our Advertisers Oet
the Best Results . . .
Price, 5 Cents
tltn Yi:ak. No. (HI.
ot tier mp rrom uenver
alQment Made that Cars Will
Reach City By that Time
'i'lilllli H llntei In dlrrrflni: on th"
i Mnl iilllllliil tiip " iidterllmi Ore
. . -, . i ......i
iW CAMPS AKt tS I AljLlallLl .luilv.'ly nf Or.'Kii tflrU and l.rl...
Iimliy trillii mumaiii, u mill ii in aim
.iiiiiki Knitorn OreKnn tniiiill"t MU
BV Htlil(lil1( CoiM.rct IMTS am! HctHlaleS lor llrilltJC M.Cauli) Miiindth" num.
... tv i .. ... A'...i .... ,lr nf ill mrrllii'iB In ciitlllu ln-r to
Ac ross Channel-" live Dredges ure lo ork on ... . .. ,
rtruni uiiuiiiih !- wivuH iiiml." tint trip n r"pre'iiiallii of
Mnrsli-Comnicncc on Crude Delim I own JKi.-mmtit muni), in n i.-mmmi letter
tin her sliter. Mr, frank Ira White,
MIhh Wind Mit'iniley U ninkliiR it It In nwiver Aim unw tin- library
i. .hi i.( Kuiltviii iIMi- llilit )ar with bulldlm: whlih was Jim itnii'il when
ili- I'ntlllr Northwest parly whlihjl uiin ln-io tl Tlmrc nn- several
lilK nlllc" blinks Hint have conn tii
slim )iiii wern lnr, and 'III the did
InillilliiKH loom ii ii prominently nii'l
II iliici not look iilmrf thi-i Strang".
' Paul C Wililer. :i friend if Mr
llali-ii, look illnii'T wllli ii ami ne
mux wry interest! d In lirlsa
linn 11k1 citiriK lady from l'inatllla
county and myself wero Riven a
ehniite to lull all about our inuntles
i-nili tilnl to make lii-r dlitrlrl out
lo ! tin lmt. I gave lilni my rani
Contract for Concrete Work Let
to Earl Sharp Today
ho has lolil ot Dim Visit lo Deinil.
L. . . ..... ...I. I .llu I
1I4IH3 minimi, iin" ImihIi. ami it l rrourted (lint 10r.. tin. i.urti ilmmed AiikukI 1!C uihI Invited IiIiii mil lo .-. for Mm-
Ichrmiuiu in tl' IhImI Tin' nill-i h , i , . . . .,...,... , .,,.,, ,..,
i 'ltlllHHl N I I'llflRllH llllir hi "IV ' i , 1 illlltMl, iin ft I j .-) -- "- """ " " -"
lil miiin an- iMinit inox-n inr
kl rlo.. i lo lilituitilli linn ""'O
HiilnlH) ii aunt of 'MY "it'll
hi iu tod nt Wllil lliino llutti'.
klrli in tttihu mlti'i from tlu Uy.
lU tiiinii tni iitiiiiiiii'ii ny tn'
thcrn I'nrlllt mnl l iiiiiIit tin in-
Dillon nf i:iiBiitr J l riiunii
tioil'llirli I'lilllli liu nut l'l II"'
mini! fur Hi" lirnii!" in mm "if
nlii but -v ill tlujlit' vtork tin in-
ii in in lo imn Hiii'' Wink a
Niiiutllli'il till iltlVlliK Hin pllll )'
ilit) fur tin- nliutiiii'titi Th" ion-
rui Him of (iit'H itml lii'iulKBtiMi iu
inmini'iiriil nt nnri llio niinout
wlilrli l now ImIhk IiiiiiI'-'I In from I
itnrtcl tlil iiiornlag m Uto Arthur I nnl
l.imli jilnco four niHi-n Mow town iwrornl
iiiminiT on hin way from I lie Seattle
I'nlr lo I'rlkio. Id' Ii iiuilili'iit of
llif National AilrcrtlnliiK Co , of Di'n
cr. kiiriUN mw) iiounpaiii.'r man In
Colorado ami ai;rti'l to icatttT all
tin' lltt-raturi' I until furnMi lilin
ttlllTC II Ulllllll llO till- 11101 COIIll "
llur Ii) uncoiii
Tin' tinier liait lii'i'it liwnnl lliitt
irn Ii to liu no iUt). itml thf itittt"
tut of piiitli'i wlio an' In it tioiltlon
kniiw. Hint tin' llni' will ! tutu-
Hril lo Hill tlty lo Clirimmait nt
only pimlliln hut piolmlilf Tlitff
riUoi nto tin working on Hi" ml
rii Hin innrili Tuti iiiom' naw
tinlrnil, on" I') Hi" SoiiHii-rn
illlc iiiiJ on" ! Hi" Mown "II-
riiulmi Cnnipniit Tlil will iuiik''
ilri'ilK". ami It Ir.itulitl Hint Hit'
trill work v.ii do iVinpliltil trail)
milk of r.riiilliis Oils in Mtnt-y Ilroi u ii.mli. ii lint pn-dili'iit of III" Kn
Ti'iil nrc lining pill lip and a ramp ti-rpriw IjiihI k Iiim-hIiiii'IiI Cotiipiiny
lint tltllfil Klainntli 1'nlli mi
orciiMUiim Mlfi MrCiiuk')
Minify llrm. "to motIns tbnr outoi trrlicn:
.i tul men Irani Hir ivrBmnt wom ) " mil wnullmf tlilt fiom (' I'
n fait in lliry ran flnlih lhr. oml ' W mitlnmra olllf", ulilrli In on fWi'ii-
ini.w III..H nrw nrrlvlne BtciT ulBht tin iioioih ilrn-t near I'liaiiiuu In Hi"
Hif iioat. utltfttl to Unwr Hroa it i jIh.iIiIIiik ii"tt iiiimiitoti ft hfiinrirk ''Uf Untrinict
.i... l....u..i hnii Iti.H n thi.v In .1111 n Itill.tnnrl Htfin.. tln. l"ll UVPIC1III31
.11.1 Bit"" '" u( m-.- i .....j .,., ... .,,,. . ..........-., .-. .....
vtnrll on Hill Job. tint It will b aMtll- w Is n ureal ill). It lilts itimlo lr
ili'iii in rntnpl'itn lb aradf by ilie.iiiHinliiiiK crnttlli ilurlnK Hi" pait (!
llni" Hin innrali work la dun. Man- Uoara ami itlll H"Ti'nti-"tiili ilrtt't n- i
ii.... -Ill l,. lha .i, i.ii.l iniirli lm It II si I In. ulli'll WD' KrOlll'Ht k I) Collll', Clll"f IlOtlin
itnitrn.1 flnlilioil Kmn and tmn Ibey rainn out of tho I'tilon H'-'pnt l'nrlt lit of Plant liuluitr). of llio Iiuparl-1 "jAri-nd) nro tlio pffect of the Pre
. i . . . ....... i . . ... . i.
an pill thill nit in nt In rail Crawford I III" III Hi" ili'imt juiiliiiii'm 01 .AKricniiiiri-. naa utfii in tin; with nn In thu hotol. I lit Ihn tlly Tor wu-iai u.Di irtim aniiiK'
irottd lio without me hoiii" plaii-i. Ion. I. C. Ho liai Infii inaklnK ox
liicniiM. I wanti'd to if" Ulluira Kiir- pfrlimrnla with tho olM and plant
Inspecting County
I. I . Sanderson Secures Fen Vear Contract for 23,000
Gallons of Water per Day and Will Build Big Swim
ming Tank and Private Baths
atjli- to xut nn)tliliiK In thu fruit lino
In Klamath Knlli which li carried Id
tho California market Thin has al
u) licvti xold at a tury rcaionablo
prlct'. i'rull Ii very pcrlahable and
li.ii to ho turned over ciery day or
eli" It In u total Ion. Wagons nro
comliiK In from Ashland with a load
of fruit and taking trad from our
mrrchantit who art) tarry Iiir thous
ands of dollars worth of stock. Thcie
lii'iMliTi do not siund a cent here
and ' mti hrltiK Ihvlr own hone feed.
Careless Hunters
Injure Stock
irniul wink
Crislcr Stilts to llnilil Isno
Story Uric k Corner Main
undSrn-ntti Streets
Crlnler K Stills halt pun hawd the
rails lili'i' -ixi) tliDf Tl i l'ti'P"tty on llm n..rlliwi-l ...rn-r of
dins, mm" of Hit' HKWipapiT lo)l
'wliuiii I'niiik ipiTlally mil I'd mi' to
in. il mnl whom I did not i'tpucl
w.nilil n iiiomliPr in" Hitw Kil K".it'
jlmi on llni Ni'WH. hut fiilli-d lo find
Walter .Iii.iii ll.ul", llrjnnii or Swain.
am iK'KlniilnK to fn-l of Hit' city,
'with tli" w.iik nf lulling iinpl" ahniit I
K,iiiiiith, mid mi'i'tlm: so mini) pen-'
pin whom I ft'i'l ni'iuiillili'il with and I
n row old friends, It hut I" en n pleas- j
i i
nut da) . Ilt'iiter has it hiMiiilfiil Ihiii-
adupltd lo HiIh mi Hon, both on tho
Koveriimcnt experimental farm and
throiiRhoiit other lections of tho
lomity. Ho lift yesterday for n few
il.'i)s In uiu'iiloiititnlnn, and on III r'e
t ii ii will visit Hip Hnnmp lands mmtli
r lllll" win-r on III" innriii uim
;ir and the embankment Is it-tHIm:
knoit us fast ai It Is helm; Hitowii
Tho ohjiit of imliliiR tin' bulldlm:
Hin conirtt" brlilR" at rots Hi"
nuiiv'. befiim lb" I rai k unities Hi"
ter, I in it a I" ha" it trnwdiiR
lily by Hi" time Hi" ul ul Hi"
.W'lilliK lauili Ii tlnUllul This will
if ni'iirl) sixty da) mnl when It
IcoMpleted, III" lleel RUHR tall torn-
'nrv) InyliiR liark aimss the luarnh
ll'lio mile and it half ul d)k" thrown
by th" ilitins iIioiIrii helween
liu and Ihn new iiiie Iiiii k lii ready
r ihn rails. I't tun Hiti" lo Mldliiml
Itbn Hopkins lauili Is u leM'l iliett'h
M.lltl'lllld S""lllll ilrw-l. mi Willi li
the) will lonstrutt a iwu lur linllit
Iiir Th" tni tins ft frontm-," nn Main
in... I nf li foil, and It Is tironusod
I with m"","l"' I'lero lias neen a nre.u
I'iiitiiuii nut nil Snillh I'e.trl Itretl
wlieie )ou used lo lite. South Den-
h tard lyilem now. wlih u splendid
dtlM'wii) iiIoiir Cherry treok that
has ihaiiRid th" nld 1 limine! In a
veiy prett) bit of tho metropolitan
In build the full wbltli of Hi"
a il. 'illi uf 70 in 73 furl
The hlllldlllK will bo ied for Ihrlr
meat (nulla mnl n cold stoniKo
plmil. Mi. CrUler stnlex that llioy
am lintliiR llm plum drawn for the
hilllilliiR and expert In let the run
tiait in as to build this full
t has crown 'alinoxt be)und retiiK
nllliiii,' as on" M.i)s nf a smalt ho).
Tliuiitutnil of farmerH from the
Mlst.lst.lppl valley Hlatet art) tomliiR
to Colorado lookliiR for homes on
IrrlRiiled lands and It Is resiiltlnK In
.1(1 (SlnrlliiR lots of llm farmers from
lliiin IrrlKiiled limits lo setiK new in-
iiittliiK and IlltliiR Thtt'eailoim further West where land Is
System. It Hl) uaU. heard of it man from I'ort MorRiin who wns In Don-Mi-
)Hterdiy mid said he was RnlnR
IIUISsM.VKI.S'H I'l.ilu mnl
Intifl I'renrh Tiillorlnn
Mis. I'. I! .loliiiitnii, ner Stilts' Stnre
:t I -1 w k
"" " - " to Kim I for Klauialh Calls In Septelil'
$rJ- if j .r. Ho was nt tho I'nlon 1'nrlfle of
Honest Goods
, Honest Work
Honest Prices
Honest Guarantee
Butchers and Iruil Dealers
Claim They Are Entitled
to Protection By City
Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your
Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.?
Alto,' while the quiet Summer season is on t
there are intereatimj things doing in the
price line I
Dont fall to call, first ar last, before you buy
Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
llco IniiulrlnR about eolonlst rates.
and lidd the ticket iiRenl with whom
ho talked tl'itt ho had Juvt sold till
fat nt fur $1 l.iioo and had heard tint
Kliimath lomity wns like MnrRmi
tounty, exceit that tho wind does
not blow theie. Thu ticket iiRent
uau much Intel oiled In leainltiR
x annul ixlllllinill mill Mill no nil" in-
vliiiiilnted with Prank and wanted
?Kimo pi luted nialter mulled to him,
J, "CiiROtii', OrfBiiii, has nponed an
nlllen on Sowutuonth street wliUli Is
auppllod with lltenUuru and Mr. Ma
hoi, who Is attendlus to tho work
ropottu kooiI results. Klamath could
well niton! to follow milt.
"Wo posed this mornlne for u
croup photoKraph, when starting out
for an automobile ride. Mayor Sueer
won particularly pleasant and nice to
ua and ticked u griat deal about tho
country when I. told him that I had
been In Prank's otllco nt Klamath
Palls, One ot tho pollco commission
'ora'nlao wuntcil to have boiiic prlntod
MRttar ocnt to him. We visited thu
Auditorium whero Bryan wa nomi
nated and It la certainly a great cred-
The matter Is m;uln beltiR aRltiit
ed b) uierchniits of thu city tu peti
tion tho council to pass a peddler's
llieuse. This matter has been broiiRht
up seernl times, talked oer at sev
eral tueetlnRS and finally dropped.
The butt hers seem tu bo the most In
terfiled parties. They claim that
durliiR tho summer mouths thoy nre
oIiIIroiI to carry stock on hand to
meet the trade of their regular cus
tomers. They hnto their Ico chests
hut It Is hard to keep meat very lonR
without rold Blorape facilities. Klrst
thliiR a team will enmo Into town
with several beef and the customers,
tho markets are dependliiK on sup
ply Iiir, will l.i) In a sttnk of meat
tn Inst two nr three da)H The but
chers don't sell their supply mid It
spiilH. In it touplo of days these
siiiiiit i ustimiers will bo back to the
butcher mid expeit him to have a
lomplelo stock. Tho butchers feel
Justllled In nsldiiR that they bo pro
tected, In view of the fact that they
aru pa) hit: runt und taxes Into tho
city treasury Thoy do not feel that
It U Just competition to allow out-
aldoio to come In whenever they feel
like It and knock their busluei out
tor them. Even It a tax was col
lected from podillera It would not
umount to more lu propoitlon than
tho tax the butchers aiu compelled to
Another busliiens that U affected
Is thu fiult business. This U even
moro unjust than Is' the case with
other mrch&nte, as tho peddlers come
from Ashland and outside tho county.
The people ot Klamath Falls have
been fortunate this year In being
Identlnl proclamation, closing the
Uiwer Klamath lake to the hunters,
beliiR felt, but from it different sec
tion than onn would suppose. As soon
an thu announcement was mado that
tint lake wns rioted, hunters Immed
iate!) bcRan to trespass on the prop
erty ndJolnlnR the lake and tho mar
shes. To this tho property owners
did not ohjtst, but when Hulr stock
heRiin lo suffer from the cnrlessncts
of tho hunters there was an Immed
iate ptolcst, and one that has grown
until it Is koIur tu result In the post
Iiir of trespass notices throughout
thu lower tountry. Heporta ot In
jury to stock nre coming Indatly and
Mr. CrUler, ot the firm ot Crlslcr c
Stilts, Mates that ho hat already lost
a xalunblo steer. Out on tho Alta
mont ranch n number ot tho dairy
cows nnd several ot tho bones have
been Injured by duck shot.
I Whether the posting of trespass
notices will result In tho organiza
tion of huntliiR clubs or not remains
to bo seen. )ear Hie club ot
this character was In existence and
land was leased for hunting purposos.
Presumably this club will bo resur
rected this )ear and others may be
formed. Such organizations could
rent the rlRht to go on prlvato prop
erty mid hunt, its members being re
sponsible for all damages. Around
I'orlainl such n condition exlsta.
I'nloss one Is a member ot some club
be cannot hunt and tho time It not
far distant when the same cqndltion
.will prevail here.
Tbe contract was IK this afternoon
and work will commence In tbe morn
ing on a fCOOO swimming tank and
bath'houso on the Mot Springs tract.
y. T. Sanderson, of this city, has pur
chased a lot on the corner of the Es
planade and Spring street opposlto
the Steam Laundry, and baa secured
a ten year lease for two Inches of
water from tho hot springs, or 25,000
Rations every St hours.
The main swimming tank, which
will bo of concrete, will be 34 by CO
feet, and the depth will be graduated
from ZM feet to 7 feet. A smaller
tank will also be built along tho tides
and ends, and also private baths and
showers. Tho water will be piped
a distance of 1000 feet and will run
through colls In the building so as
to heat the dressing rooms and re
duce tho heat to tbe necessary
warmth for bathing.
The concrete tank will be complet
ed within forty days, and Mr. Sander
son states that he expects to aavo -- f
the building completed by the first
ot tho year. Tho contract (or tho
concrete work was let to Earl Sharp.
Tho contract for the carpenter work
will be let In a tew days, as nothing
can be done on the building until tho
tank Is finished.
You will miss something It you
don't call at the BRICK STORE on
Friday, September 4th. 1-lwk
New tonight A Southern Romance.
The Unknown Talent, A Tin Wed
ding and New Bongs. Admission 10
Cleaning and pressing at thk Pant
atorium. We call (or and deliver
your clothes. Phone 47S. 7-1S
Nice Fancy Crawford Peaches, l
per box at the Monarch. 31
Going Camping ? i
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? j
Our rods and tackle are
the beat that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks
Hardware Merchanta
mini aajfjgaf Milium
vi rf. ..aaBiiiv ''
.iiar ym