The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 29, 1908, Image 1

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Klitiniith KiiIIh' I'lfHt
mill Hi'nl I -l1.v ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
IIiYkak. No. UUi
On Extension ol Road
through Oregon
H K Believed Hint Hit lies-
thutluH Routes Wiis Chosen
lly llarrimaii Coiifercm.c
Tn lllllllcill lllllllltl) Will he Ipelll
by I ho llarrlliim. int.-r.-tt. in build-
,MIi ,, , ii..i..r H...I....I u l... .. ill
' l"l '""' """" ' '"l" '. ' r. . V,?! . ' ." '. ' '"
Jlr llotilinnii l uirrli-il to .-.imple-linn
'I tin new Mill In. .ilmiit
. .. .... .1 ..!, lll
P'" ' ' ' " ""
AiIiIIIIiiiinI linrk will
be milled during III.- following ).'lim,
lliu Irnrk jutl itnlilril iipi.n In In. ii
t-KliitiliiK In inpiiiiiK i In- Brent prair
ie, nf I In- Interior
Work of i mini rni Hi. ti mi Hie in-w .
linn -III lie r.l.ll.lie.ll.'il nti.illl I I.TKIn- .
, ,
b.-r I. arrnritlliK tn lhnr In n pint-1
lion lo kuo' wluii prelltnlimrle- me
liereiuiry lii'fofe nrtunl prmllliB HI
Im. .turti'.l llefnre illrt Mill ll.
litlnic nurx-). tiUKt tie Bn. ner, er-
Kin! Mini briniKlK ! ' lnn- If the
............. .. ..... . ... .....
. I'M f.l.ll-Tf ...!..' in ... .-. ',
new llne.nn i-ntlivl) new uny iuui
l run for n niiilil.-lntile illninn.e,
for the llnrrluimi HKlm-rn lune ottl)
inatipeil nut the rnutn for n trut k
ftlKiul UK m ii,. Hi.. l.cliiilMr.iiflu ,,, ,,, ,, Mi-inl,,. wl.l.l. I. A n 1S! )1( ,,, i,.,,,,,,. lncll
on A. .l If Hit. .!- I il.fmn..n. for lt br.m.1 n.-bl. of alf.tlfa u h(i e,nonn !..- a
"irM-yiti.: cann. iuiil tin ier the nml It. inaanllln-nt iiio-iiluurt prmlui
""'"" Knn." "' ,,., ,. peimmieiil iir.anlialliin uiih eir.-i-liil
z::"::-!: -"--,' -
Int.. tb.. l""" '"11"1'1 '"1 ,n,r ",,"H "ru '"'.l lr- '""r" "" ,,"",,"" Mr-
Hune). .....Ill from rhanlko, I tie '"": I'-'1'1- I'ler.e Comb, i.-.i-nll) .bl , r,.llir). A ,i.e f fnni a. np-
,.t.-.nt leruilnu. of tie Kl.nnlU.. !"' r""' """,- '" " ". r.-.-H- ,,,.,, , ..uu.,, f m..kih
" .... ... InfitrtiU'il IV hit IN r Mill
brunch, the oM Cnliimbli Hnuthi-rn.
"r" ,M "r "Mn, ?,? ;',::: ::::: !
." :"? "i ,tx.n '
i:..rn in... i:i.tii ()r.Ko.. If " "" '". -' "' '
el.lier route I. il-.l I U, howev- '-Lj "' offer of . P-r I 0
er. the ..1.1 .urn-,. ......I be brouRbl i '"";; "' ' ' " .
t .j0,.. m, ...bletal-ly m-Um-I r" "' "' '" ',rll,""llur,l ,'
Who, II...,. r ..'..-..." "- fH--M-rrlll Hm.i.
(omtriirllnil four. lll be mt to
work, nml the coii.trurlloti burrleil
Mllh alt poMlhb. It I. unlit
by mllrimil mi'ti that li.-c.-mln-r I l
mi npprolimile .tale nt vtblili the
billlilltiK of Hie new line Into (Vntrnl
Ori-xon will bt'Kl.t-
Onrn hlnrliit, Ih.i worl. will I "
rli-il forwnnl will, all lliu Hint
blK roiiHtriirllini Kiim;. nml pli'iiiy of
money tan iuoiiipllh 'I lure I. noti.
Iiitr in hinder the ptoR'.-H. of llmJunerinR over i.wii.ii.ii .i.-.k..............
work durliiK the winter tnoiilli., for
thn Hue will be built tlnoiiRh a toun
try whom con.truiilou I entirely
teo.lbln durliiR that .eimon, for b-ll
lllllo rain or .now fall, on tbo pint-
ii Are vou Ready for the
" 4 jm i I Klamath nml Merrill da. b aro to bo
'' rl C-ltflT10 AfT I S il"'l'l "'" ' lrt leitnlu that they will
II IJIIC.IV jf lyl M 1.11 lp JM ex.llo n Rreater uniouiit of rhnlry
t ...., - ii " ' iju, , u.ey illtl last jew. llotmna
II "-'" .t declare. Hint It I. Rolm? I" iH off
iiiiii ii 1 1 MM it
111 f .1 IIM' lltl
1 TIik i on.jil.ri,,,, m rhu i iYtit,iiillU I LALt lit I ll.K
OH'l(iili Urn. iii i, run 1 r .- nf r ti ti j k ii I
Ni'iir ! in- in- iimk Niiimiit in. nun THAN KLAMATH
I'li'h'd In time fur tint hck r,i .en
"mi, nml Mi lliiirliiiiiii lum iiiiiimiiiil
lliul lin l liiillil ulmiil ion mile, ill
w Ua.h it Jin i In rm until nil
north iitiil-miiilli nml I'lml-mnl.
tti'nl lllll-n IIIJIlM'll llllt III lh H Hlllll'
IIM' llllllll'll'l
II In lii'llnvi'il ly Hiiihii he.l Infui Mi
ni t llllt nl (In- li nit i ulifi'ti'lici' ii1
I'i'llillll Hit), II Him ili-ililnl In pillow
I In- I it-mil ii I i-n river from lin moil t ti
i into din iiiii'iiiu, ii iii'ini: iiimiitiii
Hint Hi In nffer. Dili ImV iih'iiiih o'
r itching Hmi li-rrllot) .might in be
miiiiiiii.i. iickiiiii rri:H.
Mi. I' li.-mnt.-.l went to Hirl'""' ' w",,,,1't '" ,,t,r"" ' '
rail. II... flr.l nf II... w.ek K. ffiunK-' ' ,",,l,,,", ' '" """' "" ""' "r,M """ ,,f
MiM'iiu ill' IIIKII ' liwri lfl't
I IM llriiun, i In. ('i.rni'll ulii-i'ii nimi
.1. I........ LI. -In,. .. ... mUil ....
'" "" " " " "
i. I -I., I
in. '.'ii .,"" .iiiii .'. v". .'.'iiii'.n
Iniuliil In Merrill nml nloieil. await
ing aliliniii-iit In tin- market
Mr nml Mi. N H Mi'tilll lint
tiirln'.l in. fur n Dnrrl. nml orn - j
atii m I'll Imlny for ihnl plnte lo,
Mr. Merrill' liealtli i
'"III.. Illl'lll III
I. not iiipioti-il nml th return Jout-
' ......
;ucy Hill Im a ei'io trial tn bei.
II I MClvetllll.-l' ll. Ill IllVII l-H-'li
ter.lay en mute from l.akeli'M ! ' tultt- IiihIhk In liaml Hie pri'parn
Han rrmif Imii Mr Mi)t. 1( (f ,,. ,.,. ,,f evi-ms. It
iniiny Uike inuilty lli-ep IIH'M are
lliolillni - . their luulli.n uln-ip l ""! hlKher tirlie.. An a lotmeiiiienri
inntie) I. plellllitll III imiiK lainti.
lin) (.'elllui: IIIkIi.
Cnni.Iilei.ible bay I. helm; bmiRht '
' " ' ""
- .:,:;; lz:::,z;:zsz z
r r r-1'"
A fori-Ht llro Hire.' iiillt-t In extent
I. radius In tbo bill Juki back of
lOile.'.a. Comilili-rabli! .lamiiKo I nt"
Inn .lone to the timber In Hint moc-
Hon. 'I In ritroni; wlml ot tne pan
few iiniri ha. .iireail tin' ll.ime. iiihI
. . ... .i. . . I,..,,,
mil... MlliH . ....,, Hie .lamaM'
will be ety ln-a.
Tbu Hlmk, wltlili ha. been notlceil
' .. . ....I...
.. i..i. .....I .p..u...i..i.i Air nun
. . . ..
en tutu iiikix " !'"'lhltiR iioIiir eery miiiuio a
Mr. V. S. Wor.leu with u n.)-t, nml i nvl ,.nrllUl, u BonH'HilnK of n nov
it half pound boy. Will Hit), ho I., . mi,iru,. f ,,0 liw)pl.) of
roIiir to make a rlKl.t-of-wny aRont
nut nf htm.
We Have a Com
plete Stock of I
Sox, Etc.
il 1 1
!.lk ! A fW --.
I Vill ('aiuiilii II imiitii'il In Hie illy
jllikl i t tiliir nfui i, :i ,,i I, i of ii v
jillil liliilillii Hi. ..ii ..iron imiiii-1
'liv IiIh Inollii'i ll.itlil Ciiiiifilii'l. ul
Miillllnliii. Clili.liln win. will loiulc
In'ri' Mm Cmniilii II .toppi i fur 11
vli.ll nl A.iilimil
lltirliiR hi. trnti-1., Nell lnltr-i nl
Winnipeg, Onlnrlii, Mantra I'iiIIm ami
In Ti-ii nml Hi" Impi'ilnl vnlli-y nf
California Id- auiil Hint ho lii'iinl
il W I Idroii In Alberta, nml t tut I
In- In until In ln inn' of the tlih itii-ti of
tin' minim When imki'il If lin saw
mi) (ilnic In. Ilk.d better llimi In. illil
Klmiinlli. Mr Ciiiiipl.ull mild "If I
ii rmiiii in i. nn m. lunjii'i y in in.
i "'" n,'iini'. iwiiiunii mm in. iniiiuy
Ul in- f.-.m AHlilmi.l n ...
Ml Ik iiililii'li-il
And Its 'Ho' for
the Carnival
llu' fin tin- Cmiilviil' Klaniitllij
r'nll. I tn lme ''' 'bat v 1 1 1 lit-
hiimiiier tnr fun linn i-vi-omiv
, , ...
roiiilui: In inwn I" khIiik to have n
I llllie li. Hie mnr.H.i ". ne- i.iui-
a lilt nl ImIiIIiii: Id t!el the liltiK
tn Iijole. bill now t lint It Im Malted It
i"" .. .- .. -.. ...".
111 Id In the ill) In Rnltit; tn clM' It
i In mihi that "111 laml It aay nliiml
I of iii iltttiB Hint unit ter lit lil In
thl. i ntintv.
keinper. llnin.iiiii.KiiR.iriii.-iii ami Mm
,.., t.,.. ,; ,
rti-,h-","" ,,,r,,,"r
In tniixlHt of the Illrt till.'.'
I'ie.lil.'lit IIlIimI. wn. tnllt-il Into the
im-i-Hm; nml .tated that nt ti meeting
of the boarit of directors of Hie Pair
AHHOilatlou It wn itcildei'. to huld a
lonnly fair In conjunction with tbo
i-nrnlMil, nml Hint the hum of 3D0
had been npptoprlatcd for premium..
Till, wan Rom! new. to tlto commit-
lee. . II matiu ii i-vnu.ii i.iuv
, ( ( ,,,,.. ,
lee. II. II 11111(10 II cvriuiu niai iiiu
mt the furiiier. to l.rlii,; In a lino col
le. tloii of farm pioductii.
The Carnival N Rolnp lo lii.t for
-'" ...... - --
one wrcK I'litl inero i. ,oiiik in i.
Hid comity. Imt thorn) wlio have ever
attended one are enthu-'Instlc over
the oenl, lor they know that It I.
one of the luii-t fun nml miiuionient
in oil ut em or tho day. An cliitornto
1 pioRUim Ih to bo mapped out, in
which ewry M'clluii of tho count:' will
'be taken (lire of. lloiuniia, Koit
with eveisllilng thl. jeat. whllo u'i
toitmtntlwn f l'ott Klamath and
Meirllt who have been In tho city
i.tatti Hint IT llonanra does wli-it It
i.iiK It will lie going nowo, for they
I hint; .timet hlng along tho namo line
II Is u ca.o of Ho! for tho Carniv
al, l.oja! 'Twill bo the sreuteiii mer
for Klnmalli Tails and ror iviniuaiii
con uiy
C.1. Totten, of tho Wlnomu.
brought In a largo number of pleas
mo uooltern last night. Ho hau his
boat arranged ho Hint It la very con
vonleut for tho tourlstH. Ho has now
uddud u bin " l"tWPt,l tH0 clt'
and tho Upper lako landing and hla
pussengura mo getting free transpor
tation to nml fiom tho landing. The
liiia li In thai go of Hunsaker &
Tho very thing hoya mid girls llko
most, to bo given away with school
lupplles at the Star Drug Stdro. -28
I'lum. Il'jrlnii, wlm reienlly made
ii Hliliiini'iil of .utile tn Onkliintl, Htnt
i'il Ilial tin' ili-tiiuml I. ter) Unlit In
lin- Citllforiilu iniirki'ln for inttlu lit
t III Him-, iri'l thai vir few (iiltlu
nn- Ih'Iiik xlilii-il. At i In. print i-f
In lirlmtliiK. Iio IivIIuvi-h 1 1ml liny In
Iji'liiK Ik IM I'm IiIkIi In HiIk county.
Hi ImiiKlil nil tin' liny Hint In- will
iihi. inrly, iti)lni; f r. . r. ri u ton. Tin
fiiriiii'ta urn now Imlillni; tlii-lr liny
nt IT nml H ulildi ln Iiclli-ii-n h
iniiri. Hutu tlm i.'tllli- ini-ti inn ufford
In pay
Nn l.nku nf Crunk "innty attl
IniMt lii-i-n lirntiKlit In yc-t, but thin In
roiinlili-r.'il lliu l.cnt fi'i-illiiK point If
liny can lit- bought at a rcmionablo
price t'atllo from lliitu) fiolntH will
prnhalily lie ilrUi-n ln-ro later In the
fall tn lie fed, uk HlilpinentH can bu
mnile from till, net lion uny tltni; ilur
ItiK lliu winter tiinntliH.
Thinks Benson Is
After Senatorship
C'onnlilctiilile npectilatlon I. rlfu In
n.thii vklnlly nf HaltMti, as to tbu In-
tetitloti. of JuiIro I if niton since the
aniioiinceinent wn. m.itlu of his ri-slR-nation.
A (orruxpontli-nl of thn Port
land Teb'Krain wrltlnR from Salem,
ha. the following:
In lew- of Judge He neon's long
and lucte.Hful servlie In Judicial and
other cApncltle. during tho past 20
jeitrs or more. Hits midden and un
expected decision on hit part will
tloubtle.H be rccelu-d with iturprlse
by hi. political and personal friends
ami .peculation will at onco bo rife
us to what arc his plans for tho fut
tii e, for anybody acquainted with
.lutlRo HeiiKon know, ho cannot get
along without being In tho heat of n
political n (Tray.
Hecral months ngo Judge tlenson
wan nnnoiimed a. a likely candidate
for gubernatorial honors In tho cam
paign of 11)10, hut ho subiequently
ile. tared thai he could tint, or would
not, heenmc a candidate for state of
fice ngnln, nl leant bo long as his
brother, Krank W. Ilenron, held the
ofllco of Secretary of State, or do
.iretl to succeed himself to that of
fice, and now- tho drift of speculation
Is as to what other official honor he
aspires to.
Il I. suRRcstcd, In view- of past
event. In political history, that tho
only loRtcal conclusion Is that ho may
possibly come out for tho United
States Senatorship In tho 1910 cam
pniRii against Senator Jonathan
llourno; that Is, In tho event that
Senator C. W. Fulton, a closo person
al and political friend of Judge lien-
sou, decides not to mako tho race
In thl. connection It will bo remem
bered that Senator llourno and Judge
Ileuson linvo been bitter political en
emies Mince tho holdup session of
I SOU. when both, then members of
tho Legislature, were opposing candi
dates for tho Speakership ot the
1 1 oust
H ,0veloped, so hi.tnry recites,
)t 8cnn(()r Mitchell had reason to
wHvV0 ,,o wus being double-crossed
by Hnuinu, nml tho consoquonco was
lnt (llll0 wrts M, orRnnliatlon of
the House nnd tho political breach
thus created has slnco widened to nn
almost Insurmountable depreo. Judge
llensou'H piowess in the political
nrenn Is well known wherevor ho hns
Hi-on fit to engage In a fight for of-
lice, mul it campaign between him
and Senator llourno for the United
Slate. Senatorship would bo fruitful
of Homo highly Interesting develop
ments. Should Senator Pultun bavo
a deBlie to mako the campalgu igalu
In l10. however, It Is practically
certain that Judge Benson would not
permit his name to bo mentioned.
Tho aevernl hendoia near Bonanza
mo working full time now-a-daya cut
ting tho grain that was nut going to
gow duiiug tho dry spoil.
Last Satuiday John Hodgor sold
lila ranch of 100 acres two miles oast
of Bonunza for tho noot sum of
4000, to W. F. Falrculld, tat. ol'
California This Is it parrel of land
that Inn nuver bun signed up for Ir
rigation but II is now sure to be .incu
Mr Kaln hlld linn ptiniuiH.-d the
A. T l.migcll and Jas. (lovi sold
their beef inttlu Monday to Kdsoii
Knulk.i Cn . lliu nrlrii bi-lng 5 cents'
for lows mnl i. mit. for steer. Al
bert I'ntterMiu ami N 0. tlunn nlso
sold to the same parlies. Tho tattle
200 in number, were tarted this
morning from tho Morton ranch for
Ml. Hebron fur shipment below. Ow
ing tn the hard times and the scarcity
nf feed this year Messr.. Langoll and
(Join consider this price a good one
anil Bay Hut they do not think beef
will be any higher this fall.
There will bo held In this city a
spetlnl election on Monday, Septem
ber 7th, 1908, In tho town hall In the
Ilullctln block, from 9 o'clock In the
forenoon until G o'clock In the after
noon. This election Is held for tho
purpose of otlng for a new charter.
One of the finest automobiles ever
brought Into Ilonanza was the Stanley
steam touring tar used by Godfrey's
tmidevllle show. This mode of trav
eling goes to prove that tho Godfrey
show is well patronized by tho public
In general nnd Tom and hit family
t-an trau-l with ease and give tho peo
ple their money's worth.
Walter llroadsword, Robert Hub
bard and Monroo I.ytlo nccompanicl
by Mrs. W.S. Johnson and Miss Grace
I.) He left Monday for the l.akc o' the
Woods. The ladles will gather hue
kleberrles while tho gentlemen will
round up bear, as they think they can
do ns well as young Itarrlman In the
bruin comedy act.
John Shook will soon commence
the erection of a new home In Bon
anza. He will uavo built a new bun
galow near one of tho large spring!
at soon as he can get tho material on
tho ground.
Contractor W. H. Mason has three
camps established on tho government
ditch, and the dirt Is fljlng In three
placet. About 40 teams are now on
the Job nnd Mr. Mason expects to
enlarge his working crew by twenty
or thirty men tho first of the week.
K. W. Smith will finish his Job on the
Ooak ranch and remove the rest ot
his outfit cn tho Job within a few
da) a.
Only ten dozen of men's silk Hole
proof Sox to be sold for 3 a box at
the Portland Store. -2S-2t
John Snuber and son, II. II. Saube'
and his wife, of Cblco, Cal aro nt
Tulo Lake on a visit with Cbas. Pic
kett nnd family. Mr. Sauber l tho
father of Miss Laurlnda Sauber ot
this city. The party drove from Cali
fornia to Klamath count)-.
Judge II. I.. Ileuson and C. P.
Stone are expected homo this even
Mr. and Mrs. Eearlo Novelty Co.,
In advanced vaudeville Presenrlng
Tbo Landlady's Daughter," at the
Opera Houso tomorrow night.
-AArt-rt. ,..!
Roberts & Hanks I
PmcE, 5 Cents
First Teams and Men
Started Today
There Will Be One Hundred
Tons of freight Hauled
to Reservoir Site
The Reclamation Service started
two teams this morning with men
and supplies for the Clear Lako res
ervoir site, where they will estab
lish camps. Tbo first work to be done
will be In Improving the wngon road
between Bonanza and tho lake.
It looks as It things will bo lively
In tho Bonanza country and that
tbero will be a lot of woik done this
fall. Tbo Servlco Is advertising for
bids for tho hauling of 100 tons of
freight to Clear Lake dam, to be de
livered before tho 1st of December.
The freight will consist of hardware,
harness, gasoline, oil, tents, dyna
mite, machinery, boilers, engines,
rock crushing machinery, groceries,
supplies, etc.
Bids are also being advertised, for
supplying S000 pounds of flour, 6000
pounds of meat, 2G00 pounds ham,
bacon and lard. Also 425 Juniper
telephone poles, wire and other sup
plies. These supplies are to be de
livered at Klamath Falls, at dates
ranging from September 12, to De
cember 1.
This begins to look llko business
for tho Upper country. Tho farmers
of that section bavo waited patiently
for four years for this news and they
are entitled to tho good things they
are about to receive. They have
watched the work being prosecuted
on tho Lower project, and seen the
farmers In this basin reap tho bene
fits, through Irrigation, ot the ad
vance In the price of their lands.
Now their turn has come and many
of the land owners, who have spent
the best part ot their lives living on
dry ranches, will feel disposed to sell
out and take It easy. The next year
will seo many changes In the owner
ship of lands In the upper country.
There are more cheap lands In that
section than In any other part ot the
county and many good bargains can
still be picked up. This Is realized
by the Investors, many of whom bavo
Invested their money In lands thero
since the announcement of the corn-
xnenccment of work on the Clear Lako
Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Fishing ?
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invito you to select is
very extensive.
Hardware Merchant!
v U
j 'VJ
." m