JT ' fuenino Klumntli I'hIIn' Firm mill I lent Dully .... Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . Tiinm Vkau, No. ll. KLAMATH FALLS, OKKtiON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28. 1908. Price, 5 Cents He jfeftua. DIRT IS FLYING FAST Met to choose r A. ' ' " Route Through Oregon Grading trew Is Now Only Two AiiiinJlm: i I I' O HrlMi. Rfii-Kiiiiii vlii-lhi-r the ('olumhhi Soulh- MlleS FrOITI lllcinnOl l""' M"""l,r "' "'" (,"'f'"" llri-. -rn would Ik. eucwleil or whether i lie ieem (iirir lefiii. n( I'ellmn liny i Hie now line will follow the Henchmen of Mi llmrliiiiiii iiml Mi chiefs, was liter (rum lu mouth up. It will nil rails are laid within six miles!:;::.'::;.::'';:;.::: trir :::!::;:: ire "" " ' surveyed Into Cuntnil Oregon will l.el .Wording to his statements there IhoKodd Will I'fOU.tbly Hi! Ketttly (or Opurtllion lO lhe'l'''- Mr. O'llrl.-n any: Is little ehnnce of uny construction Water Hy th liltuunlh of November-1 cams Until- i w" '"'" '"""" "' "" "'" i''-j. "'"" ''" renewed, hemp i'iM ieiiions, urn orvuiii at untie on any or me niirrimuri ro- I.'iiIitii. Hi" Cotutnhlu Southern, Ji'dn of the northwest, other than 1 1 he mule up ihe Htm liulm rlter, Iti'llm extension into Central Oregon to ntj Piles (or Ise on Concrete I'iers nier i U utitlii! that lh fm l, nil of them Into the leutral part loncrete 1 1,,. mm,, n itoesn't le.-tlly mat- Turtle who hute liiv'iii:nli'. ihe work mi the railroad hempen herei ami lxirrl Mute Hint tt rt I. M). '"k '" '" ,,,"" "' ""l" ,""1 '""t whlih route Is ehor.n, the north n foul Hrut furious The reiMirt tlmt ""' "wn" ''"' "i"l'letlon of the triuk. nnil south or the earn uml went, for on the Invasion of the vuat undevel I' II. Ilnrrlinan had laaiied orders tul" '" ""' """ "''ether the trnln .cither one would have to tnii the oped regions of the central part of Hie State. loiiueit with the Klamuth Hills road. All the sinews of war, of lahor, capl ml mid uiitterlnl will be concentrated hate the road rouiiili'd ao that ho timid li'P from Ihe hunt to hla prl tale (ill li)' the time he was reud) In tnitn Klninnth iiiuuty seems to he trrlrliil hy the nMltlly of Ihe lull Irurlorn It la lertuln Hint llnrrl man a tlilt here has hml Hm reaiill of fauallig th worked to he funliiil to Ihe lllilll The grading crew, onalHiiK of aeterat hundred lueii, hnte entalillali cd rnmpa on the (llllrnnii plate and are now working wllliln two iiillea from the rhnmiel Thrte uliiilil alio tela are oil the Jolt, n new one hating Itwii added yeaterda). All of the hl Kiwt (Ilia have been made enept the heavy rut and fill at the iMAtilm: ranch, The ntenm ahntela me nt work on thia now and II la utaled that thla will he tumplited within Cu In) a. The lull Were luld )eleril.i) In wTtTTTTall mlleii or the wnter, and It l bidleted that the road will he ready for oieratliin to the ihnunel hy the middle of N'luembcr The work trains are follow itiK the steel gang mid are lntllaallriK the Inuk fil li h the rnlla me luld Piles nre helm: hauled hy wiikoii In Ihe rhmilli'l to he liaed for ntilltt meiita for the ronilriirtlon of the iiiutrete plum uml hrldKe across Ihe will operate In the ihnunel to ion mil wllh Hi" honla thla winter or uol Old leahlenta of I lint aectloli Inl" Hint the ihnunel fre-ti'H oter during the told apell etery winter o I lint It would he luipoaalhle for boats to untlKate Thla la nut the wine In the rlter hut only In the rut through the luamh. If thla la ao It la (unliable that the winter terminus will be eatnhllahed near the lownalte name territory. I couldn't venture a Gov. Chamberlain Announces Appointment of Geo. Noland Alloriie) i;en, .Sohiuil lino been nc ' iiiiir C'linriilierliiln irinoiinced On next Tuesday, Scptcrnhcr Int. the open iieaaon for ducks will go In to effect and will continue until tbe first of February. Tho sportamen of Klamath Knllx are already preparing to ko out after came. Mr. Dlihop, wlio li nlwnyi well pouted on the licit pl.-ucn for huntltiK. Mates that the ilurka nre very plentiful this year. The mallard la tho principal Karno at thin Heaion of the )car, tho canvas hark, teal and other ducks rornlne In Inter alonu In November. Tho heat shooting Is usually on '.lllilll III llUlrli t to .uuiiil II. I,. Itihlili l Ih-Iiik lielil In Hint rlty. The i I frolii Teetera l.'ilidlnr. and atnitei "eiiMin, "Ii;iii il. .Mr. .Voluiiil re- ellliUI 11 jlnt nx-tiC nill l font.inliil iiuild run from there to rotitierl with reltil 11 leleKruin llil iifteriioou from ,10 Atlorney .Vein nil on Hie return of the hunt at the latter plate (. Mnjor of .toilu, kl.it Inu Hint the (oteinor to Salem. The (iodfrey family drew a hlK ., . houae at their openttiK performance J (f0 I nOUStlfKI Inat etelilliK lit Ihe Opera lloiiae It hna hii'll aeternl years alnie the Hod- FiirillOT nminfl fteja hnte tl.lte.l IliU illy, but the, ' "' ,,,CI 3 "y hud iiiimy frleiuU who reineiuberid them mid Were prenent to welcome Throiirh the efforta of the owners their Iftitrn. Mr tiodfrey lij mi ex-or ll e ill mm .Military mini Krniu pert In nrmhalle work mid hit exhl'une iliiiua.iud (Vnlnil llllnoU Inr-n-hlllona won the applau.e of the mid- "r lire pniklm: up ihelr hoiMehold lelueas did nlao that of the two little oihIh mid ir fiulliK In tnote to Ore Kit Ik Mm. (lodfre)H Kerpentllie'KOll hi fore next HprlnK. They hnve ilnliie was exciptliiniilly rood. The lliiule their m rmiKemenla to roiile out Hndfri') IH I'" ' H' Openi llnnso ny apwlal IihIiih to Southern Oregon loiilKhl and Hntimlu) nlKht mil will nettle on tl illltnry road Kriint In Uike iitul lliirney louniies, l.tTTKAM Ol" IIOHSUS. rntlon 1 1 mil out point to 11 weHtern itnte alnie Ihe hia of the old Oregon trull, mid will biliiR a purtlculiirly Governor Advocates Public Ownership At the uieetlni; of tho Development CoimreHH In Mnriliflcld, Governor Chmnherluln mado u speech which would leiul one to believe that he whs un iidtorate of public ownendilp of rullro.iiU. In speuklni; of tho re sumption of work on the Coos liny Drain railroad he said: "If Mr. Ilarrlman cloe not meet the di'iumid for new- rondt In u spirit Thhi I pml.al.ly the l.irt!eat eml-!0' lompromUo unit Justice use tho HHBBaBaBBaBaaW sialSalaaHalaaaV A DUXCH OF MA1LARP8. A larf.e I111111 of horses from Odessa in... liiukaklii nml 11 unit' An) mil' nuilliiK mid relnrnliiK anmo to Odessn dealrublu clan of farmers nud resl- will he Klveti u ruwnril. ll-pd dents Into Southern urvfton. . :sfr4)V Get Ready for Fall StYle-Character-Beauty 1 faf aiGaW. Three all-important requisites of a Gentleman's Wardrobe are al ways to be found in the Continental Tailoring Co's. Fine Clothes And you n't have to dig very deep into your pocket 'book when you deal with us in fact you won't have to dig at all unless you get a fit and sat isfaction If you order your Fail Togs through us. J4 WD warn ? Ill I I ll1 JL ll ill' 1 mi HI 2 .Jill,! M' w K. K. K. STORE Klamath Falls' Best Value Givers cluh of taxation, uml If that fulls, the people of Oregon have the power In Ket 11 mill nail for themselves un der the Initiative and referendum They ran amend tho constitution so as to Klvo tho stnto power to nppro- prlato money to build a road or to Ktinrantco tho bonds of some company that will build across the state. I believe the stato could build and op erate It at a profit, as well oh n pri vate corporation, and Hint may havo to he done, Jus. Nichols, an old tlmo resident of the Honanzn country, has sold his ranch at that place. Ho left on the bout this morning accompanied by his family for Cascade Locks, whero he will iiuHii his future, home. Q. R. Carlock camo up from Mer rill last ovenltiK. Ho states that the second crop of alfalfa was light In tho Merrill valley on account of the lack of water for Irrigation. Thcro seems to have been some trouble with tho Adams ditch so that tho far mers could not get ull the wnter they needed for their second crop. A party of twenty, who havo boon enjoying nu outing; at Odessa, caino down 011 the boat this morning to see tho city. Among tho party were Thus. J. Kuson, Miss Anna Stuart, 0. II. lUUIngs, Mr. and Mrs. Ualph Hill Iiiks. Mr. uml Mrs. B. V. Kellog. Via let l Herbert, M. !'. Chnpmun and Wni. Ileite. of Ashland: C. U. Cato nud Lloyd Comer, of Corvullls: J. J Skinner and wlfo, of Mcdford, and Grayao Rose, of Phoenix llenrv Low and family, who start d nu u trio to the Fort Klamath country, were compelled to stop hero. as their little two year old baby was tniion sick. They may havo to give up tho trip uml return to the ranch. Tho ateamor Canby camo up from K-nnn thin moinlne after auothcr load of barley for the railroad contractors. Martin tiros, have the contract for 200 tons of barley Horn Erlckson & Potterson. Over half of this will be i. l.i.l tMm tha ntlv dock in KIbTA- ath Falls and hauled by boat to Tee- tors landluc. Tho balance will be DUCKS AREPLENTIFIL Season Will Open Next Tuesday September First SPORTSMEN ARE GETTING READY No Official Announcement Has Been Received as to Creation of Lower Lake Preserve and the Extent of the Boundaries are Still Unknown along the river below Klamath Kails, and In tho marshes on cither slde.and tho Indications are that there will bo tho best duck shooting this fall that thero has been for many years. Tho young geese are also very plentiful this year. i'artlcs who plan for several days hunting trips will probably go to tho Upper lake. The niarthes and lakes In that section aro said to bo allvo with game, and It looks ni If the season about to open will be a very busy one. tho Lower lake and marshes In tho .louthern part of tho county. Tho re cent order of tho- President setting aldo the Lower Klamath and ad jacent tuunshe as a preserve has not been officially announced as far as anyone here Is aware. The boundar ies of this preserve havo not been definitely established and tho sports men arc somewhat at a loss to know Jurt where they will be allowed to bunt In the southern part of the county. The adjacent marshes ex tend for many miles even to tho rlt er. Most of this land, however, Is lu private ownership and of courso cannot ho affected. Mr. Waliop Is of tho opinion that there will bo plenty of hunting ground left In tho lower country. Thcro Is good shooting on Tule lake, but this Is too far for people of this city. Tho ducks aro very plentiful Bar Will Be Cleaned Out Tho steamer Klamath did not ar rive with tbe mall this morning un til seven o'clock. It was stranded on tbe bar three miles below town since eleven o'clock last evening. A crow had been blasting to remove some of the rock bar and it Is be lieved that the loose stones was what caused the trouble. One of the pad dle was broken but was replaced by a new one today. The mall and nearly twenty passengers were taken out on one of tbo launches thla morn ing. Work will begin In earnest on tho romoval of sufficient of the bar to al low the free passage of the boat and no further difficulty Is anticipated after this Is accomplished. Going Camping ? j We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks Hardware Merchant taken from Merrill. JmwwwwwtW.m.m-""W' y -t;, a-WUKWawiw. Vf9lff