The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 27, 1908, Image 1

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Kliimiith Full' Flrt
mill Ht-'Ht Dally ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Tiiiiiii Yi:aii. No. (Ml).
Price, 5 Cents
.- . ' .. To Have A Railroad
Big Railroad thiets Nave Left
Harriman's Resort
W I' Kviint, nf ('on Ilii), who ur-iig"iiienl to Independent roail Imlld
rl"d In I ln rli Tin-i.i vt-filtiK, ! T' Marsh Held will pli-rlgu good
'"ft Kiln nun nine fin il'. t ' jip.t Ink"
Mi' writ lo I lii' IiiiiiIIiii: In IIk- Hoiilli
Important Conforuntu Would Indicutc I hut llurriiiian Is
I'lunnlnci Some Extensive Ruilroud Uuildintj In
Undeveloped Portion. of Oreqon
iniitid hiiiii In stoik MiiliHrrliilloriH nml
i no Mone will tin I-f l iiiitiiriii-il until
!ii rail outlet to tln Willamette valley
'in I'm llli miikhii ulilih to'n B,'(ui(.,
iinx't tin- linn Ilium luuiiili rum I !-' At the tiic.-t IriK of tin- Oregon mill
nun H j ;. It Ih IwIIi-vimI llm I li" M-nt i Iilfili" !) vcl.prjii'iil Congress held In
I.MiirMiuiuiii, tiovemor ('hninberlulri,
io Hi- liny to see Mr lliiirlniiiii on1
who wiiiit direct front IiIh ronfercnco
Railroad Construction Develops
Outside Markets
Tin- IiIk railroad roufereme. whltli
I if Hi" oirii'liil antiiiiiiKi-uii'iit would
mlled li) Piesldelil llmrliiinti. .........
lint In- ihiii mini" tlmt Mr lliirrliiiiiu
,nd wlilili li Imh-h In iwimliiM nt Mr lf , , ,, ,U( ,.,.
Ilarrlnisti's summer home ul ivllnm .
liar, ha concluded IK biulm-aa The I Till: It ll.llO All IS ( (iMI.Nti.
Irly, emulating f Julliu Kiultaih-
tn... ............. - .......
tlltl Vll l'lfl'lMll III III" HuUllll'lll '"" "'"" """'K " " '"""
I'nrlflr, Win HimhI, 1'hlef Engineer
...II......I 1. ..-.... .11.1. .1.1....
""""" wait Mr. Ilurrlrrinr. nt I'elltun liny.,
.Iilll.llo ioiiI.I be learned. i.Ttnlii rii-!,,,, iul ,, ,,,,,, ,,,., yery mi,u
marks mini" liy Mi. Cuius wiiiiIiI In-' oiiroiiriiK"iii"tit that the Drain-Coos j
dilute Mini ln wim hern in Ki-iMiro ""' rnllroail wouhl do Imllt. Ac-1
from Mr. Ilnrrlman .:i.i ,'"Nrig In tin- Oovernor, Mr. Ilnnl-!
... man Mild iiu would build llm roail
a a in wln-th- r In- U golnr lo hllllil Kit- , , . . .... ., .
koiiiii ilny, hut not now: that lip did Hay n.llrood Unit linm tint money to build thin
Mnrshllelil nml funs Hay are morr roail, that construction of tliu road
determined to mniiK a rnllroail Into lnti, Oregon would tako all
InliTlnr On con I linn nrr If Mr. j thu fundn uvallnhlu for railroad con-
llitrrlttinii will tinl Imlld. Hid business I struitlnri in Oregon for yearn lo
men iirr il ti'iinlui'd In offer enroll r-hoiih'.
Engineer W. H. Heileman, of the Reclamation Service, Gives
the Results of His Experiments for the Considera
tion of Land Owners Under Project
Win I' lliriln. Chief iiiiitl. It I'
Kch rrtli. Vli" I'lealilenl nml liefiernl
Manaicr I'nrlnr Mall Hi atiialilp Coin
I'UliIri l.lnea.aml Hire" oilier ntminla.
arrived III Klsnialh I'nlln Imiiii Hi"
I iirr Ukn at II o'rloik lhy were
driven from lln Ink" landing to the
harf and Immediately boarded lli"
rlouthoMl I'nilflr lailluli ami atnrti-d
in Ihi'lr trli down thn rh"i
U'lmt ai itnn" at tin innlrti'iii"
nf Ihitn IiIk rnllroail ilili( inn mil)
t a nmlf i-r of ni'iTiiliillmi. nml llm
ranlti inn only ! known lnti nltl-
lal iirdi'i tun) !" Iiki fm mini"
i.i'W work II ! i"nnnnll" to ii"
xi" lliat ttila iiiiiliTi'iii" wutilil not j
Tak" on your linlx nml iIiiit II'
I'm iii'iir.'r, ni'iiriT iiiiiii'i Ih" miiiml,
I). kimhI li in lirnr II'
Th" rok utl" Iroui mil Ihi'lr li.-ilrt,
Whul thn' Ih" nK" hound thi'in'
Thn It I tf tit of Wii) In o'"r thi'lr hcadii.
And I'loitriiia all itiound t li.-m
UV" uli.) h"lil our lii-nd up lilieli.
ll"KMril"ii of Him wcntlirr.
I'ur I'ridii will in nk f our Klniiinth
Tl I'rlili' and rnlli" lino-tliir'
Hi i wlii'ii drh" tin' Coldi'ii Bplk".
That iiinkm IIoh''m lonnillilliuitliiti.
May nil nur and ltii-ioit '
The h"nl I hut 'h In til" mil Inn
To Mr llnriltiinn. our Itiaulm'
Wh'II not oiiof.i lit wliln:
Wf'll l"t lilui hri'iilhn our limit air
And intih nur hlKKil Hh!i";
la" Iwcn mlli'd uiitf miiii" vry Ittoiuml mny hIiimiI uiintlii'i lii'iir.
itii.l" rallioad tiiillilltiR nt nil-' Vlii'iiVr tin- llun, irnililiiii'
l"r Tin' Snulhi'rn I'a-. -"-
ilflr anl tliu trail" of I)iikihi nml atr iviiirntidiu'r u nmiii.Mi
In uritiT to Mint" tli la Ihii" will l-1 titt nt.lny Inr iiiuliiiil of hiiiii on
man) liillnt of toad to ln hulll n uuiranl Uaui'il mini" Huin nm
llitnilKti Ilii' vat Mii'liln-i of Inli-rlnr Klnnlh ntl.-r IiIk wlf" n-iiind u ill
Dri'tioti J 1 Hill l ni.ikliii: mot im .MM. n u rlnliin-.l thai h" "iit in
in Invadii Ih" lnl" with liU iimiU. tin- lt. i.imh in-nr lull), wlili u fm
niiiti HI" i-DlliK fur irillinadit urn! thn iiiiin" of luaklUK Irouhl" Sim'"
prltatn rasillal I" hi-roiiiliiK luti-nitl- then hi him Ih-cii In Sail riam-laKi
and Ih" wnrrnut n iitvimI on IiIk
Citiens I ruoly Contribute Four Hundred Dollars in Pew
Hours Balance forthcoming
Tin IiIk Cum. iil and Street I'nlr for lit" lis premiums for exhibits.
U now iirnrtluillt mitiireil. I'renl- Tim datu for tho Kalr will bu set In
dent II Hi Heo lluliop. of the Klam-jer nt a mi-vtliiK of thu directors of
iatli Count) Aicrli iiliiirnl Anaoclatliiii, J the ansorliitlon nnd will bo somo lime
Inn promlm-d hi axlatanru and theiln October. Mr. Illahop will asaumo
dlnitors nc d to ch" 1300 direct (harKU of tho K.tlr while n
cniiiiiillle" of the business men will
took after llm entertainment and Car-
t nival nttrnitlnus.
Mi-nirx lletkeiiiier mid SiiRartnan
who were !iiioliited n cominltt"" to
nteriew the liimlnemi men, spent a
fuw Iioiiih )eterdny nnd met with
KiiSj5r 'iii
T) II.UIerliiK riucreas. They sue-
KnKlneer V. II. Hellcman, of the
Operation nnd Maintenance Depart
ment of the Reclamation Service of
the Klamath I'roject, has for the past
year been carrying on some very Im
portant experiments with tho soils
and tho products that can bo grown
stirccsHfiilly In thu Klamath coun
try, lie hns been very freo in giving
the benefits of his experiments to any
of the farmers who are Interested In
the development of the country. This
knowledge Is being desiemlnated to
the land owners throughout tho coun
ty by means of circulars tho latest
of which Is No, 10, which wc reprint:
"Onu of tho Drat results of rail
road construction Into our district
will bu tho development of outside
markets for products. Our district
Is specially adapted to tho produc
tion of livestock and tho dairy Indus
try. These nio lines Into which tho
farmer run rapidly develop and which
can be a material source for ready
money making for meeting other
eeded III ruining $4011 In n ery short
I 'liii". whli li shows Hint thu citizens i lines of development which of ncccs
'want Hi" Ciirnlvul nml 'lie willing to j ,Jty w)1 ,ome lm)ru 0wly Into tho
.iiiurllinif liberally. (Klamath basin. Thero Is nt present
1 li Ih proposed to secure every va-l ,
. , ., ,, .. , . . ,,,,,. . ion the west roast nn almost abnormal
ant building that Is mailable for ex-
hlhil nml attractions, ul.o nil vnrnnt ! development of the fruit Industry-
lots .mil ktreet inrneiK. Ah ihli will , which Industry not only requires time
he the llrst (.'urnlwtl Kluniiilh Fulls, fr development hut requires alto
bus "MT hud, ii strong effort will be
made lo kecure at many attractions
from the outside ns postlhle. If the
-I Hoimiine la going to build III""
toads, and It would not b surprising
i'iirsiin:vr it st. h:o. iiikiioi
of the Ann .iiirlnlliii.
Get Ready for Fall
Ipre.ient plaiiH of the Committee lire
'carried out. the attractions will au
xin the attendance, of tho largest
gathering eer held In this section of
the country.
President Illshop states that he
will appoint committees from every
section of the county to assist him
Un securing tho ery best exhibits
obtainable, nnd when Ulshop gets
working this pnrt of the Fair will be
assured of success. Tho fanners of
the rounty aro very anxious for n
fair this fall, and assurance of assist
ance havo conio from all over the
county. No attempt will bo made to
havo livestock exhibits, but tho fair
feature will bo strictly agricultural.
1 W BsvCI
Three all-important requisites of
a Gentleman's Wardrobe are al
ways to be found in the
Tailoring Co's.
Fine Clothes
And you don't have to dig very
deep into your pocket book
when you deal with us-ln fact
you won't have to dig at all
you get a fit and sai-
lf you order your
through ui.
K. K.
Klamath Fa
ie Givers
Can Still Travel
By Steamboat
Tho steamer Klamath mado a very
successful trip last evening, arriving
In the city one hour nnd forty min
utes after leaving Teeters landing.
It had no trouble whatever In pass
ing over the bur In tho liver. Two
tilps wero made by tho steamer dur
ing tho day, thirty tons or freight
being brought up on a bargo on tho
morning trip. Ou tho return u bargo
of box material was taken down.
flenernl Manager Alex Martin, Sr
of the Navigation company, states
that ho does not anticipate any fur
ther trouble and that they havo no
2 Intention of taking the bout oft tho
run. Mr. Martin left this morning
with a launch and a crow of men for
tho bat-. They took along a quantity
of giant powder and un attempt will
bo mado to blow out u deeper channel
In the river so as to allow tho boat
to paBS without any difficulty. The
stern of tho Klamath Is lower than
tho bow nnd the plate which protects
tho screw wheel ban been causing the
trouble by dragging on the bar. When
the bow of tho boat U heavily load
ed, It raises the stern so that very
little trouble la expcrleuced. Mr.
Martin believes that be can blow out
tufflcletit of the rock bar io that there
will be no further trouble
ai rnicful study for markets ns for
other Items of success, In our cli
mate we should tor the present give
our attention to general farming.
"The requirements are pretty well
worked out for this district tor the
production of high grade horses and
cattle. Tho development of the hog
and sheep Industry is, however, less
complete. Tho fattening of hoga and
spring lambs Is an Important branch
of farming, and, one, which of It
self, ran make the Klamath country
famous stm-o few localities aro better
suited to this Industry.
"For tho growth of an Industry of
this kind, tho production of proper
feed Is Important. Barley and alfalfa
nre prime crops, though wo would
like to call your attention to tho uso
of Canadian Field Peas for stock fat
tcnlng purposes. Tho Montana Ex
periment Station has Just Issued a
bulletin on Canadian Fl"ld Peas, giv
ing a complete outline for tholr cul
ture. Wc suggest that you write to
Montana Experiment Station, Iloio-
roan, Montana, asking for copy of
tbelr Bulletin No. 68 on Canadian
Field Peas. Climate and crop con
ditions at Boieman are much tho
same at they are in the Klamath
lUUIng Alfalfa Seed.
"During the present sessr.i we havo
bad occasion to examine- a numbor
of plots of alfalfa which have been
allowed to mature, and examination
showed a One yield of alfalfa seed.
Tho conditions Indicated that this
country ahould grow excellent alfalfa
teed that Is entirely acclimated.
Growing Timothy Seed.
"The Klamath district will pro
duce aa good timothy hay at can be
grown In the West. The San Fran
cisco market for timothy bay It of
ten at a figure of 124.00 a ton. Thu
demand for good clean timothy hay
It never met, largely became most
Irrigated land Is extremely high pric
ed land and not given to thtt crop,
and because often climatic conditions
aro not favorable for the production
of timothy on a large scale. Not on
ly ahould our early development con
sider the marketing ot timothy bay
for a time at least but also this sec
tion should produce prime alfalfa
seed In every respect more desirablo
than the teed grown In lower alti
tudes and hotter climates.
"The statements herein made aro
suggestive and Invite tho careful con
sideration of farmers In the Klamath
basin. The use of field peat for fat
tening hogs and lamb and other
stock hat brought wealth to a num
ber ot tectlont ot our Western coun
try. The growing ot alfalfa and tim
othy teed will be a material help to
our development.
Very truly yours,
Engineer O & M. Dept."
Going Camping ? 1
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? f
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks I
Hardware Merchant!
H v
' 1;