The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 26, 1908, Image 1

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Klumutli Full..' Hi-mi
inl Mont Dally ....
Our Advertisera Get
the Best Reaultfl . . .
iiliitt) Ykau, No. :(!,
PiucK, r Cents
would lie Inn r i lii lunlir i In-Ill
in ii 1. 1 fit- Mil Uii'iiiyi'iiii-iii
ll winilil In- ii liiiniiii in iinvi-l
if I III' In in I wiia iiiiiiihIIi i in ili.uin
limn' ii" ii would iiiiiinl nil inml
In iiiiiii' HiioiikIi limn Hid inlliimil
I . f I it .ItMiilliiin by singe, ii ml this would lit j
KloniQin ueiayed lorir-n.ii.uiMiy .iii.k iwe .imiur h...1
winter win ii I hi' minis iir.i In timl
Two Hours l-1"""
An I'fliiM hud
1 m:vs ntoM remit primkit.
, ( in umbels in IjiiikiII Vntli')' liniu
'I In if I 'lit l,oiig.
May Have to lake Steamer
Off Run uml Use Stages
to and from Railroad
In- mini" in get nil i
11,111111 llltl'tl'all'll til liaalat III I ll'llll-
IliK mil I III' Ihit. mill If poaHlbli- In
Induce tlir i ii id in lii'iir a I'liH ur
lli "ipi'in", a a la UMiir.lilti-il Unit
II would n n si'llnua blow In I III' III
ii'ii'ila nf I In' iiiuiily If I'HiIIim loin
Mil' lii'Ii' uiti' i iiiiim'Iii tn travel nil
tin- wnv (nun Calnr ty at.iK"
To Take Effect on the First of
Successor Will He Appointed As Soon As Governor Cham
berlain Returns to Salem-lt Is Believed That Ben
son anil Stone Will form Law Partnership
kmiii results, iiui on me contrary,
.IhiIl'i- lli'iiri I. Ili'iiaim. of I hi' l wlui III til siliceed to till) Judgeship. I rr. mlriir frnm tho source that It drioa. .
. . ---.. - - " .
'' i SchOOl (jOOflS S(iOt 7 ' ! 't Jmlli liil IXntrli t, rnmprlMlnK ttx although It In strongly surmised that mill only ninku bad matters worto.
" ' " counties of Klamath. I.nke, Jnrkson ' Attorney (Seorge Noland Ii slated for'wo bellete that Ibo members of tho
Work on Clear Lake
Has Good Effect
Tin' Kililllliii'il fulling off of tin
flow of water In I .Ink river la uina
Inn considerable lini'llli'a to Hi
trsu'l-ortatluu lornpnii), whlrh la op
listing III" steamer hi'twii'ii thla rll)
Mid Terter ImnlIIlK 111" Inw lieas
..I lli.. utii.r iitiil lhi iiinfiillinr.. of
till' tamiMiMllii. lh.- .1 ll.el.U,l',',",,W"l,"'!r'"" ""'" '
Tin' pulillt ailiooU of llii' ilt
ii. n on llniiilm Ki'iiti'inlier "III. uml
ill," IihIIi Minna tin- Unit the Ittleliil-
may innii'.'l Hie iimipHiit to ink" off
Hit. steamer nml iul on atngi'a In I'll
ir Hi" liafflv to ami from llila t It t
The trainer Klamath m held iii
fur two lionia laat night nml did not
oarli llin illy until one uilmk
The steamer has had troulile ln'fni"
hut thl la tho Drat lime I Ii lit It ha
Irrn held iii mi IiiIik u K'ltlliK
ticfnaa the hot It wna I Inula: til to
have become Imtc'il In "I and a launch
aa ai'tit from thla ill) In naalat In
I Ruling It I'd. hut Juat Infill" II nr
rUnl the steamer atirrexitiil In get
line arrnaa and mini' on to the wharf,
i' thii watnr rontlliue ns low ns at
Creienl, It l helletiil tliut the boat ,
Hill have In be taken off the run, nn
minimi of the iiiirerlnlnty and the
ihanrra of oaallii il-image the,
" HVtn menial: ' A Howard. Hi leiuv
I no niuv iriiati ne wni m lem-n'
thai lir ran lit rnndltlniia l to hliVi the
II was lual )"HI AiionllliK In tin1
mIiooI ("liana lli"li- lire 1,11 1 ho) a mid
l-ltla of aihool mi" In this dlatrlit. I
Villi ll la I'lllllllllll)- In III" (II) of
Klamath I'.tlla I'iiIIokIiik lire III"
ll'ttruitoia tiu will tuive iliiirK" of
the Krndea In the ilty'aihonla
II II IHliilmr. itlliilnl. .MUt Hlil
In Canilih. II. iliilitll I'.iad", Mlaa Nett
ilf, M'ti'lith Itruile, Mlaa HldliiKa,
aulll cru.l". Mlaa (Inat, lllth Mind". '
ll liildaun. fourth Knide. Ml(
llii'aniii. third Kimle, Mlaa Muli.'l
('illilihell. ai'iniiil Kl.ldi . Mlaa l'n"l
ami Mlaa Jeuai'ii. I'rliiinrt I'rof
()iorr.e A Wi-rtl. of ChliuKii, lll he'
the mualinl dlriitnr
The Khunnth fniinl) lllKh Hihonl
will npi'ii mi Keiitiiuili-r lllh wllli'
(he fnlloalllK Inatruclnra. Julltl T
lliilrhiT, prliKlpnl. W. II rmiRlil.
... mid Joai'iihlne. will lender hla reulK tl.e ioltlnu It la innredcd that n nmoclutlon are men of sterling qual-
mitlnii to (iini'inur i iiiiiniieri:iin 10 in inotJiii iii ne iiioiuii'u uuu nn.-n iiicg unn anunu juuRincni, ana men
Hike i-ffi'it S'-jil "IiiIkt I Thu (iuv l uernor Chmuhi-rluln recently visit- r tin lire to thu beat of their abllltlea
in nor la iitiM-nt from Hiilem lit ireavni "l hore u lonfereuie n held be- 'dnlnK tho beit Unit can be done tin
hut th" cmieaaor nf JudKe lletiRoii li eii the Cnternor, Altorne)! No!- i tit r the tlrcuinatanrea Aa to tho
Mill l" iiiumluti'il liniui'dlati'ly imioii mid nnd Htnne mid JudKe Ilenaon. It cuks"iI force acrount referred to It
ll return It la not known punitive- 11 bclluved thnt lit that tlmu nrmnpe-
bar blown out, but the nllkliila nf the
Navlaatlnli Cninli.'ili) alate that thla
la Iihi blit a Job fur one tnuiiail) or
IcdUldual In nttemi't II la n matter
for the Riiternilieut or the l until) In
undertake The hal ioiiiuili) will
hnu lima than u rar ii'Veuun from
the tratiaiurtatlun hualnea. n Ui"
will have to itlii nullum
nt'd lllatur), and Mlaa lli-aale Alipb
KUte, l.'llKllah I'liif Welti will prob
nl, I) Inn" rhnrK" of III" miiali'.
(.'ihI(ii') Mukeo !immI In Ibuiiinii.
iSpiilnl to The Herald I (
lliilianrii. AUK. 2'i- The (indfrey
I'mnll) phi)ed lun ulithta lu llnniinia
bualuea na to iron did hoiiaea llne KallKf.iclliin
aiain aa the rallmml renchea Klamiith ill e.r reipiil
I'alla On Hint iirinunt the i'i"nai
S C (IinviH
jtixii: iu:.Mtv i.. iii:.m.
9frfr :4, :
Get Ready for Fall
Three all-important requisites of
a Gentleman's Wardrobe are al
ways to be found in the
Tailoring Co's.
Fine Clothes
And you don't have to dig very
deep into your pocket book
when you deal with usin fact
you won't have to dig at all
unless you get a fit and sat
isfaction If you order your
Fall Togs through us.
Mi ntH worj made for tho appoint
n,i nt nf Noland on tho resignation
o' J ml no llennon which ho was then
It has been known that the Judge
I boon contcmplatlnc rcslKnlni; hla
uthdi for nmio time so ns to engage
in private practice, and possibly for
I oil drill purposes, although no state
iik nt to that effect has been made ns
Ml. It Is believed to be tho Intcn- ;r-,
Klamath Falls? Best Value Givers
Hon nf Jii'Jgo Uenson and Attorney
C r Stone to form n law partner
ship with nlllces In Klamath Falls.
I'wlh Iheno gentlemen are now at Sa
lem and upon their return tho latter
ir.rt of tho week authentic announce
n out will probably bo made. At
torney Stone has built up a largo and
lmnithe practice alnco his residence
In this city. Ho U recognlied as n
cn thorough and successful lawjer
who Iiiih succeeded lu winning the
cuntldence of a lnrge and valuable
clientage. Jtnlgo Uenaon hna a stnte
wldn ri'iuilnllon not only na nn able
Jt.rlsl but as a lawyer of exceptional
ability He Horod as District Attor
ney for this district before he was el
evated to the bench, and In the con
duit nf noveriil Important cases ho
wi-ii ii billllmit Hiieceaa against some
nf the best law , era lu the Mute. If
IV mum and Stone, enter Into a part
mishlp II will bo one of tho strong
eat legul llrma In the stale
When Attorney Noland was seen
lu tegnrd to his posulblo appointment
he tefused In admit that he had any
knowledge whateer of the matter.
IK- denied that he hud any confer
ence with tho (!oeiHor or with Judgo
llcnson, but admitted that ho and the
Governor had alwas been close per
sonal filouds. Ho statod that ho be
lieved that nenson would work for
the appointment of n Republican as
his successor, but did not think that
v.ould be possible as he was of the
opinion that tlie Governor would ap
jolnt a Democrat.
The Itourinni llulletlu under (Inter
C August. 20 seems to bit Inclined to
jnl reflittlonx to Its uttermost rupa
Iclty upon tho Kluiuath Water l'sers
'Association. In so doing It Is not on-j
ly doing nn Injustice to the those, p'-o-plu
who urn personally concerned
'but to the whole community as well
Although there bus been some delay
and dissatisfaction, It Is no reason "" "" "" "
why the members or the asslatlon H. L. HolgSte Tells How Bon
il.oulil b" branded as erntlc and fool- --- - ,:... c-
Isli.Huih policies am not of tho right a"M ,S WOWing 3"Ce
ichiiraiter to nrrompiish any thing of Announcement
good results, but on the contrary,
II. I.. Holgate, cashier of tho Dank
ol Bonanza, who la In tho city today,
states that the people of tho Upper
rioject are Jubilant over the starting
of work on tho Clear Lake dam "Tho
announcement has already had a
good effect on the business of the
Cicam City," said Mr. Holgate, "and
Bonanza will experience a wonderful
growth In tho noxt few years. Thu
effect Is already being noticed In the
clcslng of a large number of deals
which have been hanging fire on ac
count of tho uncertainty of tho work
ol the Irrigation project Wo do not
euro much whether the work Is to bo
dene by force account or otherwise;
tho thins that wo want most Is to
have It done.
"On tho completion of tho I'attce
rradley building, Bonanta will have
the finest business structure In Klam
ath county, not excepting the fine
brick bulldlnga of Klamath Fells.
The new building Is being construct
ed entirely of pressed cement blocks,
arid la the Brat of Its kind In this sec
tion. The cost will be less than brick
rod will be far superior both In ap
rearanco and lasting qualities. Other
store and residence buildings are con
templated thli fall. Mr. Parsons.who
recently arrived from California, has
purchased soveral town lots and as
socn aa ho can build expects to en
gago In business In our town. Many
of the farmers of our section will
build resldencea and will move to
Bcnania for the winter so that their
children can attend school. Our Bno
new building and Improved school
facilities are greatly appreciated by
the farmers of this section who arc
showing tbclr eagerness tn taking ad
vantage of tho Improved conditions
In educational facilities.
"I am pleased to hear that jou
have decided to hold a carnival and
fair at Klamath Falls this fall. You
can depend on Bonanza being thcro
We expect to bold a preliminary
meeting in Bonanza about two weeks
beforo your fair. This will enablo
ur to gather a nice collection of ex
hibits to bring down here. Of courso
wc cannot have as largo a collection
us wo had last year, but the upper
country will carry off Its sharo of thn
'a reasonable to suppose that If a con
tinctor can do n certain amount of
work for a given figure, can not tho
government do the same work Just
Ins cheap? It is an assured fact that
'en man will tnkc n contract unless
'l.i Is of the opinion that there Is a
profit for him. In our opinion this
Jump nt conclusions and alwa)s be
In: ready to spring a acnsatlon of
llitle or no Importance to the general
public, has done more damage to pub
lic affairs than anything else. Let us
(.11 cast these obnoxious and disagree
able tactics aside and work for the
advancement of our great and glor
Irua country.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeff Wilson returned
Saturday from the huckleberry patch
nnd report be.-rles quite plentiful.
Mr. Curtlco has returned from an
intended trip to Washington.
Mr. Ilurnbnm has his grain har
vi sled nnd will have nn averago crop.
K. It. C Williams has bis grain
about nil liuneated and reporta It
a i. oer average crop.
Allle Vinson had an ox oko that
Ms grandfather brought across the
plains In tho early CO'a.
Your correspondent has advocated
t good roads movement both verbally
nr.d through tho press at all times.
Now comes Mr. Harrlroan and Gov
rrt.or Chnmbcrlnln urging tho people
el Klnmath to use their Influence to
the same purpose. If people will not
build roads they should be taxed a
special road tax sufficient to meet tho
demand and from tho proceeds let a
ccod road be built by tho proper offi
Mr. I'enny has nn extra good gar
c'.tn, especially corn, squash and mcl-
Mm. Williams has tome choice mol
ons, nnd cucumbers thrco feet long.
Should anjono doubt tho above state
ment they may obtnln proof by visit
lug tho garden.
Business Is pressing at the Pant
atorlum. T-1S
Going Camping ? j
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? i
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks i
Hardware Merchants
,! i"'''