The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 25, 1908, Image 1

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Kluiiiiitli f,,llltt' ,,,irttl
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
nn, Hem Daily ....
-Hiitn Yi:au. No. :w,
Price, G Cents.
IIG CHIEFS AT LODGEiStrcet Carnival Prospects
Very Promising at Present
Holding Important Conference
With King Harriman
One uf tin' llrisl Htci'i Inker.
In tln consummation of tlm plans
iiiiiihi out I. lr Ki'it what Din iiik.
'I In. iiiiinpi i Ib f'.r a Hlrii't Ciiinlv
i1 an- IhIkIiI i'Ii'mikIi In inak" It al
um.! n n-rlnliii A muting was
I. 'Ill lliU iimriiltii- of mi wriil of tin- lies tni'li nt Ihls ilty tlillik (if tin'
'bushm iin'ii, hi wlili li tin' iuiiiumI- iiiiiiikIII(in, mill with lliln nU In
. ITfllkllTT A BVltTV llyrv Tlimr ni-'i m imorKOVi"w " iiuimoiiipiT, jr. rv. nu-
IKRU I 5)CnIll 1 1 AND nuuD inLKL,l'i',,:''i''i'r''"i'i'!,'t',Mi'''At:r'''uiu'nii',:''n,m''w-r''a''i','int,,'i,i,,'it'jm,nu-
'."",'.ii. win. ii.-i'-iii nun uiu in. iim n.iunqe. i rmy win vi.u nil 01
Ikailrodds lor Centntl Orcqon to Nctvivo Consideration of
Highest Ollldols - lAleosion of lino Irom Klamtitfi
I oils to Nutron to Ho Huill ot Onto
Governor Appoints Committee
on Ways and Means
mi Iiiiik without Mount), inn) f in limn- tt
Central Oregon,
lrti.HitlitliiM inrllllli-s. In to lm.' "M
.... , . . I It ' fr tin- purpum- nt nti.lii-rlug
rsllroml In tlm imr fiitum annul-
Mir... pinpo.ltloti. Hint hi. has ralli-il
3 In tlm .Inti-lin-ut. ntltltiuli'il tnl , . ,,, I. ,
,a i . I'.-lluui Hay n iiiiiiili-r of hi. ibb-fa
K, II llnrrliimii W.itk mi Hi.- l , ., ,., ,lf , . lr.'iul) tlmn-
I; tn tii'Klti " oou ii tlm lltii' ran liinil u tiumlxr an- uti Hi" mail
hr ilrfllillwly ni-d iiinl lhur.iiu.-li In-1 Jiillu. KnitM luiltt. IIk- nimii.gor
ustlicalliiiis am being wado ni In ihi'llrnlur of I In- llarrliiiiiii l.-m. ami
rnn.1 f.-albl mule Ihroiii-.h llm v.i.l'hl'f tlnglm-or Win HoimI. of the
(rrrllory known llm Inland Km- jboiillmrn Pacini-. pni-i1 IIimiukIi tho
lire or Oregon TIik trio iiibiIk b) 'nt) ' on ' r wn tho lo'lg'-
: V O'llrli'ti, ki'IhtmI liiiiimg.-r ot '1 ll- lll moil of tin- high
Ihf ILrrlmmi llm-. In ttn Northw...i. 'official. Hint llutrliiinn Im. .uinmnii-
iiminri of t.'iiirliiK imrlliiii of tin
fuiiiln of tin' aimiii'lnlliin fur iri'iiilumi
for ngrlii.lturnl products, i-tr , wns, niiil Mr lll.hnp ntnli-il that
: would iiriiic. tin- iiinttiT to tin' nt-
I' Minn of llm lioaul of director till"
nil. iiinnii Hi' hlulnl Dial If In hum
Mini a Kiiiii'HK iinilil In- iniuli' ot llm
affuli ami Hint tlm a.Miilatltiu iinilil
(ii-oii-riit In a rr.-illlntili) ami nntlM
finiory iiimim-r lliat In would lie
liuirtll) In favor of holding a fnlr
In hiiuiii linn Willi tin- MriH-i inriilv
.'i I Hi In year (If .our.'-. It Ih rocog
mini I lin I n null lan bo
iniuli' a wan iuril.ll out In.! )i-nr.
hill li I imii-rilmi- rorlaln Hint If 1'aitloiin, ailvcrtlaliig. nnd doe-
Hii- ii.aiicintlon, Willi I la- nlili- usiUt-
ami of Mr lll.lmp, i.-iiii to tnki n
Take Action Towards the Accomplishment of the
Building of Highways to Oregon's Wonder
Hit' bulriKH MH'ii tomorrow unit h-i- "" " " "
wlmt they think of tin- iiroiioHltlnu ... r . . ..... .. ... .
u,. whnt ih.- uir to contribute, i""" Expected to Call Meeting of Committee Soon to
ll la not Hit- ltili.-ntlori of Iho Carnival '
(Kininllli'u in nilm- u larKu hiiiii of
i oimy It wax thotiKlit nt flrxt Unit,
I', wnulil bo limn canar)' to rainy any,
but after tlioroiichly c-uivuHRlnK thu
lt nation, It bi-ruuin uldcnt that a
mirci'HH ruulil not bo tnailc of tho af
fnlr without fiindH, ntnl It iix decld
nl in try nnd taUc ',00. TMn In
oiil n nominal mini ami ll Ih tvrtnin
t lint no illltleulty will bo i-xiK-rk-nrc-d
In Ri-curlriK thin mnuunt Thin moucy
It tu bo ui"-d fnr Ki-curliiK ouUldu at-
oiatliiK If Mi-nun. Ilcltkfintior and
r-iiKnnunn tm-ct with the rucccm that
i , ,.. ,i .I.... ii i... i.. .i.i liuiiuiiiiiim iii-iiiuiiu, iiil-ii li m vvriuiu
I (lllll II. .( Ill(lll'- 1. 1, -I.' will II lll-IU . .. ,, .. ,
... that tin- fair nmoclntlnn will Join 'bitcr, Henry I
-, rair mm nriiiidi iimi lll r-lK-ct , ,.,, ,, nnd 1UB U-,,,,,, j. P. ,lPddyi Mlford; K.
rii'ult tiiMin nil ihiiMi v.hi ulll limn hu..,.. ti, ..n..Kiiri,.,i ...... ri.. .. ..........
.. .... ,... ..... ...l within, . f.- daxlt Ui'XiiiTt. -""' "" i-" "" ""iiopKim. wi-ntrai i-oint; iicnton uow-
iiiniuKii .- w, .,.... n1J ,.,., 1 1 wil, 111(. iiinttvr both
(ioMTiinr Chamberlain baa np-l-ulntcd
tho tornrnlttu which will haro
In hand tho waya and mcana of pro
ldlni; tho money ncceasary to build
two kooiI nutninobllc ronda to Crater
lake, and ulao llm auk-ctlon of the
points from which tho hlxhwaya will
pmctrntu Into tlm mountain vaatncia
m nnd about the natural beautlea
lilch Hiirround Crater lake. The
commlltco connlsta of tho following:
H. II. Harriman, Judfto Lionel It.
Ilcnxon, Klamath
urH...of mimiiiltik- up tin- i.-oiiii.-ii Hint miiihi uiiiiihi- .onriimioii m
i .. .1 ... ...... II....- r..
uf Iho riiunlr) Mr O llrl.-li U kii- , iw rn"'i in i"ini i -
rrally tonilili-riil on of Hn iinwt h" Int.-rlnr tr.-on .niiitr).
l-artlrnl rallnmd turn In llm " ' ''' Mr "arrlman
1.1.1I iiiMi.i lil. iL-iioti wl'l ili'iM-nil thilin .nim
iarly rnn.lrurilnii ol Hn- mad
thtuuith Ori'Kiiii from north In .oiilh
runnictlnK with tin' rolumbln Houth-
nr) liiiportaiil uintlvm
rn on ouo rnd and will. ilu-fllfor-;Matl"r H I" K-i.-ihII) un.u-rMoou
BlA Norlhi-a.liri. l Kuwaiti Kail, that Mr llarrlmi.ii haa prlvalo bu.l
Coiut.ol.-nt mm win. h h-n Itilm" l tra...n.t Ih of Knnl III.
Ihn flrld ha.. r.-orti-.l tn Mr Until- porlan... anil lor iiim nn.i. nun
.... .... .. . .... niiiii.ii in it.ViMi nut in ii.-rmll tin
unit lllKiu tint iiinilllinu mm .
In llm land that U iiwnltliiK Iran.-
IK.rlallon In ordir In all In ll. di-wlopii.i-ut
Mr llurrlmuii I. '
that many M-rtlnna m-iil ri-lb'f and
tin ha. atat.d Hi.' work of build
I UK It lllii' alol.K lb' l'-l.uli-"
through llii ll-nil rounir) will b" In
inn In tlm lu.mi-illiiii' fntii"'
It Ian Mtlli-d fait thnt tlm lino will
bo i'Jtotidi',1 Klntlinlh I'nlla In
inntii-ct with whnt I. now tlm main
lino tinrll. ntnl hoiiIIi anil Hint llm
ntw road will In- mad.' I bo main Htm
hilwt'oi. I'ortlund nnd rt..rrniii.-nto
It la tho Inli-ntlon of Mr llnrrliimii
to rort-r ovory pari uf Iho .Into of
Oli-Kiin hii iniiny of Iho m-ctlniiH
that nro now ri-mulo from tlm mil
roada will liavo Kid iiuiiNuirtntlun
fncllllliH. lit n.niti'i lion Hh Hil
he la tomtldi-rliiK tho imialriiclloti of
n lino from Klmiinlh I'liH ' '-nl("
I'.'iidltiK for Mini- of lin ri-pri-wnta .
tivi-K of llm ri.lliond .IntloM-il In
thi. .iiy win . unxiiuiK on tin Annoiinrpmpnt of rnntriirtinfi uf flpar
Luke Dam Moves Real Estate
It ha. b.-.'ti mil) a fi-w ij ulncu uin.ouncomvnt a. to work on thu
piiblli in Kit an inkling of what I. (l) ,,,, , u.,,t H mniln i Cli-ar Uko dam nnd thoro haa al-
roll.,-, on,,';n,,' ,"n --Ww"l prnpwljr
, ihui.Kliif: hand., bexldoa M-roral otli-
orili-nil work mimm-nri-il on tho ton-i ., ,.,. ,.,,,. , ,,. .,,,.. , ,,,
Here From Chicago ,r","", ,,f lt c',!,r uk" J"" "
' tho I'ppi'i pmJiM'l Thl annoiltico-
railroad .dllnr f ' '''" '"' l,lr'i"l ,l'1 !' 0011 t,fftCt
I .-ii Ui- pronpuiH of iho land owners
In Hint h.'itliui and many bin donl.
Ih-Iiik iii'Kollati-d, Homo of whli I.
iionr futuro
tlli-t. Audrowii
... . . ... i
'tin- I'lilniK" Itii-ord-lli-ralil. nrrivi-u ;
III. tho clt l.tal nlKltt niTon.panli-d b)
II II llnlliiKi-r. niiiiiiiKcr of tho lull nr
Intnl.. Hullo Vi.lloy l.aud Co . and paw alriady b.-.-u inniuiumntod.
I.) t' J (irady. a w.-alth) ilniKKl.t of ,, llf xh .,rK1.i nm deals In
CMiiikii Mr. Aiiilr.-H iiiiiio In tin- , itim., prj,.,( whirl, linn boon
llutto mil.') I" UhII hi'. ...I. who J. ,,,,. Hll. ,,, uimilUn.i-mulit of thu
.liilloii i.Ki-lit nl Macdo'-I, lint whlli-
.iiinnii in. . ., Si. nim) of Iho Interior, was tho naif
Ih-io will llm I'pi'i-r lako ri-orlK
and will llk.-l tall upon Mr llnrrl-ii'f iho lloiimi much .in Lout rht-r.
,, H-lriK prmlltiilly Iho mil) iThla rnncli. ..iiiiil.tltiK of 1000 ncroa,
M.wHpnp.-r iiirtn who lia. t-er H.ic-lhnH boon purchn.od by W.W. Mnalcn,
r.nlid In Kt-tlltiK him In talk for pub- ' lni"Tlal vnlloy.Callfornln.throiiKh
lliallon tt'hllo lii-ru li will aim. tho iiKom-y of tlm llnll-Shepherd
Kiith.r mnt.-rlnl for it koo.I Klumnth cnutpuiiy. Tin- coiiBldoralloii wan iii
Hlor) In Iho Chl.-i.Ko pnp.-r and In pmxlmntoly 3.'.,00. Mr. Mnalen
thin ho Ih Ih-Iiik naHl.loil by tho dlr-tlH tho Kontloman who recently pur
oi turn of llm CliiiinlM-r of iMiimieriv lrlmw.1 Ihe bl Siiiiiiikth ranch u few
'llllll-H HOIItl. of H.lH iH.V.
77777777773.11 ' l0 ,""u,r,',, lu'riM r ,,", nrn
a4!!!!!. Ih nln-nd) In cultltatlon, most
? of ll In im-niluw- luml. tne ri'main
ijilnr tliiiiiH.nil ncrei. which Is mainly
Ih.iKo briiHli, will bo cleared thin fall,
J t'liil tho i-ntlro ti.ul will bo planted
ill Kriiln in thoHiuliiK. It Ih Mr. MnR-
ttn'H Intention, an M.on na tho water
i'ln leudy fur the laud, tu put in alfalfa
nnd dhlilo tho riiuch In Htnall tract h
illur nalo. Tho llm Ion ranch In con-
X al.lereil one of tho boat Inrgo tracts
M llm upper country and haa nearly
!.l mlli-H uf water front nltmK lft
Another iii.porlaiil deal in Iho Up
per cutinti) miidu HiIh week was tho
Ib.iln of the I.. 1). llurlt :aco to 8. .
lleeuo. of I'asadouu. This ranch con-
I Shirt Waists
; ! Pony Jacketsand Sweaters
1 1
. . . Every one ii a beauty . . .
"The Beit Place to Trade"
Running Trains
to State Line
Itnllrond ttulldlni; In the vicinity
uf DorrlH is extremely lively. Ono
of the largo steam shuvela is now
worklnK on tho Houth portal ot the
blK tunnel and several earn nro kept
busy removlni; the dirt. Tho track
lias been built to whero the tunnel
bcKlns and all arrangements nro com
pleted for excavating.
Trains nro now running across tho
hill and it is announced that the
freight depot nt Dorrls will bo mov
ed In Calor within n few days nnd all
Hl-lpplitK for tho Klamath country
will he transfered to tho ntnto lino
n'.ntlon. Several da)s ni;o it was an
nounced that the pam-enger trnftlc
wruld bo chm.Ked first, but later or
der nro to transfer tho freight as
well, nnd so fur ns can be learned
tho nrst train will run to Calor to
night, delivering pnxscngcrH, mall
nnd freight.
Indications are that work Is to be
gin shortly on the north portal of
tho tunnel and It Is evident thnt the
rock and dirt taken from tho exca
vation will bo used In making tills
nnd ballasting tho track north ot
Dorrls. II Ih very probable thnt
much of tho material removed from
the tunnel will be used In making
lllls on tho marsh.
There Is uu longer any question
but whnt tho road will be completed
cis, Ashland, J. II. Scott, Salem; G.
1 Ilaldwln, Klamath Falls; T. D.
ttllcox, Portland; W.I. Vnwtcr, Med
ford; C. S. Jackson, Portland, and
Colonel Krank II. Hay, Now York
City, who Is largely Interested In tho
development of the Rogue river district.
Governor Chamberlain's action in
naming tho committee which will
soon formulate plans for tho con
.miction of tho wooded avenues In
the deep forests surrounding Crater
l.uku National Park, came about as
the result of a move to gain easy ac
cess to one of tno most scenic reglona
In the world.
I While Mr. Harriman waa In con
ference with the Governor's party
and General Manager O'Drlen at Pel
ican Lodge last week, ho waa for-v.-nrded
tho following telegram, after
n conference between some of those
Interested In building roada to tho
"E. II. Harriman Proposed to
rr.lse (2SO.0OO to bulla first class
auto roads from Medford to Crater
lake and from lake to Klamath Falls
connecting with your lino at both
ends. State of Oregon, Jackson coun
ty, Klamath county, cltiea ot Med
ford, Central Point, Klamath Falls,
Interested Individuals and several
corporations to provldo money. Many
piomlnent men favor movement.
Will you accept appointment aT ono
ot commission which governor will
namo to formulate plans and carry
project to completion? Will not en
croach greatly on jour tlmo."
Tncn out of tho demo woods sur
rounding tho Idyllic spot where tho
railroad king Is free for a time from
the cares and worries of the finan
cial maelstrom, came the following
"Thanks for your message. I will
confer with the governor when ho
comes down hero. Am ready to do
anything I can to aid Intelligent improvement."
And ao Governor Chamberlain
promptly placed B. II. Harriman at
tho head of the committee.
As soon as Mr. Harriman has giv
en the final word concerning the
building ot the new rallrcad into cen
tral Oregon, and thus relieve him
self ot this new business enterprise
ho has taken up since coming to Or
egon, tt is expected that ho wilt, call
a mooting ot the committee and ac
tion taken toward the object to bo
attained. Harrlman-llko, It is not
likely that much time will be con
sumed In getting down to work and
formulating dcflnlto plans for bring
ing within easy reach of the world
ono of tho most ideal and entranc
ing spota within tho boundaries ot
the United States.
Medford and Klamath Falls will
probably be the two pointa from
which the auto roads will start. Tho
cities lio nearly opposite each other
on either sldo of tho Cascades and
In a direct line with Crater lake,
which lies on tho summit of tho
mountain north of the point mentioned.
Fresh berries and cantaloupes at
the Monarch. -S
slam of 320 ncreu nud adjoins tho,ti) iaUgaWo ,uor ln ,10 fau nnd
town of Boimma. The price paiu t(mt by 10 mo u, roaila get bad
wiu iuuu tuer0 win uo o further uso for stag'
John lledgor bow ms pinco near . fre.gnl waKons
Bonanza to W. U. r'airnciu. mo con
sideration ImluE $4000 for 160 acres
II. I.. Holgato who was lu tho city
from Bonnuia today stuton thoro is
a decided Improvement In that sec
tion nud that a number of other deals
cf Importance way ho consummated
P O. Parsons, another Imperial
valley man. lias purchased sovcral
business lota In the town ot Bonanza
on which ho will orect n handsome
business block this fall Bonanza has
taken on now llfo since the doflalto
Tho MnglBtrate's Crime, Holler
SKutlug Crnze, TullpB, tho great col
ored transformation picture, and oth
ers. Now songs. All tor ten cents
at the Opera House
You will nve money by buying
sewing machines and all ot your sew
ing machine supplies at Mullen, cor
ner Main and tb streets. 7-Sltf
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ?
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks I
Hardware Merchant!
I """"""r"w