,.r The Greatest of all SALES ever held in the County Prices are so small they are almost out of sight. REMOVAL SALE OF THE BOSTON STORE "A plain told Truth" Will travel farther than the most gut tering announcement. QUR PRESENT QUARTERS are full to overflowing with Up-to-Date and season v able Goods, and the contract has been let for our new building, which wiU be on the Old Methodist Church lot, corner Main and Third Streets, next to Postoff ice Building. Rather than move all our immense $40,000 Stock, we will offer to the people of this County and adjoining Counties any part of these goods at unheard of prices. Prices so small that you cannot afford to overlook them. All late arrivals will be included; NOTHING RESERVED. Sale Begins Thursday, Aug. 27th; Closes Sept 12th We quote you a very few of our Prices. Our Stock is too large to give you prices on all. MEN'S SUITS Fancv all Wool ?.J 50 value now $14.90 $20 m value now . . 13.35 ion) values now .. 11.00 IK.0O value now . . 12.00 JJ.00 values now . 8.00 10 00 values now G.G5 MEN'S HATS SI I T.SON 5.00 Values, now Regular 4.00 Gordon now Regular 2.50 Gordon, now Boy's Hats 95c 3.65 2.25 1.45 MEN'S SHOES Men's Fancy Patent Colt dull upper, reg ular 5.00 value now 3.75 Men's Fancy Kid and Vclour, regular 4.00 value now 3-00 Men's Fancy Dress Oxfords, regular 3.00 values, now ,-95 Men's Fine Dress Shoes, regular 4.00 val ue, now 2,8S Men's Full Stock Tan and Black Work ing Shoes, regular 3.50 value now. . 2.75 Men's Good Working Shoes regular 3.00 value, now 1,9S Men's Silk Underwear in White, Blue and Flesh Color, regular $2.00 garment, now Closing out at 90c FULL LINE OF TABLE LINENS. NAPKINS. NAPKIN GOODS. DRAPER IES, OUTINGS. FANCY KIMONA GOODS. VELOURS, MELTONS. AND SURAT CLOTH. BOY'S SUITS .v piece fancy suit-, lonjj pants $12 50 value, now 10.(10 value now " 5d values now .$8.00 . 6.65 . 5.00 THE VERY BEST PRINTS. ONLY 5c; 20 YARDS TO EACH PERSON. Hoy' Suit.s with Knickerbocker Pants, little dualities. 10.00 values, now 0.65 MXl valuu now 6.00 N (K) value! now 5.35 (.IK) values now 3.90 BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS Little Fancys. 7 50 Values now '. 4.90 (i (XI Values now 3.95 1.50 Values now 2.95 ,v00 Values now 1.95 SCHOOL SHOES Best Makes on Earth Iron Clad Brand. Regular 2.50 value Fancy Shoes, now. 2.00 Regular 2.00 value, now 1.50 Regular 1.75 value now. . v 1.35 Regular 1.50 value, now 1.15 Few Pair Children's Oxfords at your Own Price. BLEACHED FINE MUSLINS 1 yard wide regular 15c goods now 9c yard 1 yard wide regular 10c goods now 6c yard Pillow Case Muslin, 46 inch regular 22 Kc Goods, now 15c 8-4 Sheeting, regular 30c value, now. . ,22y2 9-4 Sheeting, regular 30 and 35c value, now 27y2 BOY'S OVERALLS. ... 25c THE PAIR LADIES' SHOES Ladies 16 inch high top fancy outing Shoe, regular 6.00 value now 4.50 12 inch regular 5.00 value now 3.75 Ladies Fancy Dress Shoes in Kid and Patent Colt, regular 5.00 value now 3.75 Ladies Fancy Dress Shoes, regular 4.00 value now 3.00 Rugular 2.25 value now 1 .45 Regular 3.00 value now 2 25 LADIES' DRESS GOODS Black, yard wide silk, regular 1.75 value. . . now 1.40 Regular 1.50 value now 1.15 Fancy Silks in Plaids, Checks,Stripes,Dots, Figures, 75c to 1.00 values now. . . 50c All late Arrivals of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, including French Serg es, Diagonal and Plain, latest Crea tions in Shadow Striped Panamas and other new goods too numerous to mention included in this sale. LADIES 56 INCH SUITING, REGULAR $1.50 VALUE, NOW 98c ADVANCE SHIPMENTS OF LAD IES MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FANCY WOOL UNDERWEAR AND SWEAT ERS, AND LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WOOL UNION SUITS ALL INCLUD ED IN THIS SALE. LARGE LINE PARASOLS, PRICE CUT IN TWO. FULL LINE VEILINGS, GLOVES, (Long and Short), RIBBONS, LACES. EMBROIDERIES, DRESS TRIMMINGS LADIES' .PURSES OF ALL .KINDS, HAND BAGS.BACK COMBS, CORSETS ETC., ETC. Store will be closed all day Wednesday. Open Thursday, August 27th, with a full corps of competent clerks to wait on you. This is THE opportunity to procure Men's Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Men's, Ladles' and Children's Shoes, and all Winter needs, as well as present necessities; extremely low prices THE BOSTON STORE