MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER, KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ik HB U T Jfc bbbVV V f t A ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY TV., mm .il'.IUi - - !i ,dHils sr 'n& '-jt t:Nf.i n?!l I'ii: i a-asM m (Si'iivwi, 5. MS Iti 4f V fS km -i HBf ataiBBBWfil' THE EVENING HERALD' leaned Dully, Except Sindsy, by tin- HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor subsckii'tion .ri: I'lir I,iam. t Hotel with e en thing nun, iIIiiIiik Mount kllfhoii, eight rooms, parlor: 'dtui intrmiiiri'. ftedltii: fiiuu l&u to i .'Oil dnllt linjiilrtt :it Hotel PiirrlK. , Dorr U, California ,s 5tf MMII i: I (Mi H'ltl.H IIO. Dully, by mall, one ) ear Dully, by null, fix month Dallv. by null, three months Dail), by mall, one month ... . Dall),dellereil by carrier, one wl J W . If. KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 21, 190S IIAXOF. INM'.N.UI machine, width tin ttiinded ami m- - I'rpiii'c tho proillire if mil' kind nl Tin' terms of thtr'i-on lennti r- I nrk utter another The t)pi will expire tl' third ill i e 'In llci ano nilunl ludui In ilu l March, ami It has iilrM.I If i sit-(stone building with Its washing Mm tied that some nf thoio wl'l nt 'm ,ihl:n t. mangle ami siiiun Imnera Mtnrmil I' eleit'm'ul a ihueii kind li uetn nf iiuuk t-enled the fate of wilji. an.l In rs ling wnrkiM nut In minute dotnll nml bale bivn eliminated In um tn-mi-o.lts network nf agem-lna ami driver route to gnlhei In tils nml factories, 'nml prli.tte home i In iiiiiKt.tiuiit glie tin growth of lie trade flnlil ho from railroad Here ami thr-r iihled reason for newer l) pi- i'i other The strength of th i.mie pient against those tendenile tn internment ami In tlu nff-ilrs th:t tho President Ii.ih termed rut i nr." luiH weakened the hold of a j utnbvr of scnnturi on their olllces 'tallroad lentoi with Its stream ul How strong tlu sentiment N nnd tiaiekri demniiilliig itiUk. ettlilent how effectliely It Is ttorklni; wan wrlw. Um Mntlomi und I'tillinati ni thown In the Iowa ri-iult a few Ulth their iortern. In Acekngo. In thl, Senator William 1 1-oteU ami raf.-. KomlltiB uurn II Alllnon, rccontb ileiail, theih'-Tl of table I'nen thee ar.- cn ilJesit member of the Senate inj"tH'r whr aroel ean wait unill mini .if ...rilrennJ oneof lt In tile -Mi I til of tin mm Hint 111 li it tiientbeni, i-MntieJ defeat b a t.- N it foil I.III11I Dt'liarlliii at of the Interior, V S I.ninl Dlllre at tnkol., (.iri'C.on Allgiut 0, l'JOS .Nnllit Ih hereb bImii Hint ., r iiikIi I llelleiuan, of Khituath I'nlN. On'son. who. 011 Max 2&, I'.MIS, iniulo rimhi r ami Stone .iiliatloii, No 4 1 xv. (Serial No OSSt), for e', Srctluti IT.T 3Si S . It in l:. hn lllil iill nf liiiintloii In tnaki' nnal riHil, 10 email 1 1 li ilnllli to III Unil utio. it, 11 1 ll l, bitni.- Ctiuiit) ( Ivrk. Klamath l'o, at In ottU. ai Klattmth Kallit, Ori-Kon, mi the Kill Snv of Diiuber. ItMlS I'lalmunt tiuiuixi a w llnei-eu AllBIIUta J lla)tell, M.'llil rnhnll. Wm llellein.ili, II i: llalii, nil of Klamath 1'alli. Drekon J N WATSON. -lo-10 II ItfKhtor WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS I he U't trout II li iw in Hi oii I Ml III lit lll'lllllllllltl 1 l I'ii 1 lli t'miiiiiK oinllti lot 11 nt 'iit iniiiinii k. 1 .iiinl nml Unit ("i i nt I-Hie iwtiiii' (or M" k li li'inlie 1 'inn Moll Aloimili.l i(i,.ii In 1 In t'mtei Iji... V ill inert nt'i il Kl III ill' S'lo I FRANK SILVIES I'KOI'KIKTOK Klamath Akoiicv, Oiv. THERE ARE REASONSWjJy You Kliould ouy your Crocerlen at Vun Minrr u 1st. They have Ihc j4ood you want 2nd. Their Groceries arc ilwaya frcHh Urd. The price la within reaaon 1th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPERr Get the Hoblt Uc Chaae G Sanborn Coffees 1. 11 arkahl) narrow marchi I'.ilca argument ncaliiHt him n that he uat atllllatnl with the fortes nt reattion Though S'natnr Allltum ut rtinnlnK for the eenth ronie cuthc term nml ordlnarlb moiiM hao been elected without opposition, the feelliiK that he had not Mood for procrctfitlu legislation an he Hhntitd haxe done made the tamp.ilcn i'i;alnt him (tostlhle The lat-t nenalor to no down In III, ell be drliil the ( The mill, luundri Ik the nnl poPilllit JflKil- 11111-1:1:. In dlitcuiidnR the luj'inrtloii nueil out b) the liquor Intersil nf (tide icndime to ireveut the itiunt (imrt of Polk count) from iiiaktti. nn order derlar'tii; I'olk romit diy, as a result of lli lnt June electtun. JitdKe (lallouni. In open eourt nt I Ull.'ll. took Jlllil the lltipiMIti i defeat la llenr) C llaniihroiiKh of '" " lon.irtitnon 01 im iate Biai North Dakota, who ban been b.-aten J1"1' " "" " J,t" ' Hani..i In thu primaries of hi. Mate Sena- ' tn'' rlnnlt court for JarkMin eoun tor HansbrotiKhs enemies rained the 1 1 llcn ,h" Utu'r ruled that t' M.r..,mll,.n mn.ll.l.,11 CHarllT OI Jlltl'ltM. W tllrll Cal" ttl' cry of helm: a nnd Thomas V. Marshall led the bal loting. Mr UanebroiiRh Is chairman of tho Senate public lands lommlltee mid has taken an lmortant nrt In Senate affairs It Is one of the n ranee fcaturi"! of S'nator Hans. l.rotiKh's tiirnlnc down that n study nf his oti-n shows he has almost In. arlahl 0t11l aKalnst the wishes of tin- Senate Itenubllcnii leaders In lallroad rnatlew and matteni where -"',"1''1 whero tin illy exclurhe control nml reKulat.iiti of the liquor tnttlc and repealed all acts In conflict with It provisions, took pnii dence oer the Iih.-iI ii;i Hon law ittitv tiii: KMicui:it. Miin: 1 oit piiii. HAtios. U. S Land Ulllce, Uiki'luw, Ore KOIi. Jul) 15. I90S. .NotK'o Is hereby Bhili that the State of Oregon has tiled In this of fice Its npplliatlous undi r tho pro- 1 visions of tho act of Congress of August II, 1 St s. and the nits sup plemental and amendatory thereto, for the follow Inc descrlhid lauds, to wit. List No OSi. fur soUswA,, Si--I and ui;uw4. Sec l. P. 32 S , It 21 K. W. M. I. lit No. Obb, for sw 1,1104, Sec. 3, T. 31 S. It UK W. M. An) and all persons claiming ad it ml) the lands described, or dvslr InK to object bciausu of the mliiiral character of the land, or for an) othor reasons, to the to ap plicant, should tile thilr nindailts of j protest In this office, on or before the ' 10 day of September. 190S. 1 J N WATSON. ' JT-It-'J It HoKl.ter ' Zim's Plumbing Shop Contractint, ana Jobbing t'trstclnts Line of I'liimb inu Sk dottles and llrst rla Workminihip A. 0. U. W. Bulldlnt, Klamath Tails FURNITURE I'AHIsK I'AI)!)IN(;-You will lii it at Cillett's E. W. GILLETT & CO. v-vvv-- ..H4HH ; ticuvy rrcianting a spccieiiy. Baggage Orders Are .-. Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company : i Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine pin no moving Office in BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING CIIIMM AND HIIK l'I.A( A SN t"lIT H. E. CHILDERS KLAMATH rALLS. 0KCQ0N PHONES Ham H73 ; KENYON a GRIMES, PROPRIETORS I Sheffield Marine i Gasoline Engines Buy a good Engine for your boat. Easily run. AinoiiK titlitT ownurtt hvrt, Mr. K. V. Hamilton hat one Writo tin for prices anil cutnlojr. WoarothumnnufacturtTa. llury tho town knorki r nut In tin winiU In a beautiful hob- It tin woodpetkir ptk 1 I t) i bumble bet' hums ami tin I dJie bug straddle rround li .i. .. .t,.. ...... ..i .v.. hi ni kouu iu inc umn in iiimu. nx Ullll UU iiiv Hi"1"- .". mv- uupraiiicai, aung) ami i".u' torporatlon quentlons were Imolvod et his enemies waged a campaign against was a railroad and corporation man and succeeded In beating him Senator Fulton of Oregon has been luatcn In tho priinarleii, ami (loier i.or Oeorge K. Chamberlain. .1 Demo trat. Is expectclng to succeed hltu Senator Alfred II. Klttrldgo or South Dakota was recmtl) buiten In thu pilmarles by Goicrnor Cot I. Craw ford. Senator Thomas C. Piatt of New York will, of course, diop out of politics March 3, l'JOll Ills state Is tired of him and anxious 10 si- hltu eliminated. Senator Lei I Ankcny of Washing ton Is another senator whoso term will end nex March and who may not return. Hu li strongly opposed by ItcprwentatlvH Wesley I. Joui-k. The fight Is a hard 0110 and the out come not tertaln. Jones, howcier. Is a strong man nnd has the better of the situation up to date. Tho following Is a list of senators whose terms will expire next Mun.h: Ankcny of Washington, Ilrundegeo of Connecticut, Clarke of Arkunsns, Clay of Georgia, Dillingham of Ver mont, Korakur of Ohio, Kulton of Oregon, Oalllngcr of New Hampshire, (iary of South Carolina, Goro of Ok. lahomn, Iiansbrough of North Dako ta, Hemonway of Indium!, llcyburn of Idaho, HopkliiK of Illinois, John Man of Alabama, Klttrrdgo nt South Dakota, Long of Kansas, M(Criui) of Kentucky, McKncrj of I-oulslutu, Milton of Florida, Nov.-lnndu or Now ada, 0erinun of North Carolliik, i'enroae of Pennsylvania, Perkins of California, Piatt of Now York. Smool or Utah, Smith of Maryland, Stephen- ron of Wisconsin, Stone of Missouri and Toller of Colorado I'.VSSI.NG OF TIIK WAHIITCIt. but I, -tits tho whole earth 'iml part .' the crust and the stars that shim 0 11 his head TLin hustb him otT i the bumble bee'h roimt and Sur nlm 'P In tho groind. lies of no i. lire, git him tut of the ua ami ti ake room for the man who H Miuml rxchange. wnri-: Foil I'l'iii.ii'inov. (Not Coal Land 1 Department nf the Intiilnr I' S 1 41 ml Olllce at l.akelew On gon August I'.', 1'JOH. Nollco Is hereb) gheri that Dunn W. itursell, of Merrill, Oregon, who on Dee. 10, I'jOi, made Homestead Kntry, No. 233i (Serial No 03S3J for so4, Sec. 13, T .".7 S .It 10 li , W M , has llltd until o or liitiutlun to mako llual Commiitntloii I'ronf, in establish claim to the hind abovu de scribed, buforo Itiglster and er, at ltkevlew, Oregon, on the Mb ' day of Otlober, 1!(0S ' Claimant narnex as witnesses I Mark Howard, of Merrill. Oregon. I Krunk Johnston, of Klamath, rails,! Oregon, Ito) Whltne), of Klamath ' Falls, Oregon, Chas Wagur. or Klam ath Falls, Oregon J N WATSON. j K-1M Id reher C. F. STONE Attorney at Law Ollltce oier i(to!'lce, Klamath Falli, Oriynn TllJrlini is D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath I alls, Ori-gun I DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Office oirr Klamath County lUtik DR. C. P. MASON Dentist mcrican ItanV ,'. Trut (o ' z t t FAIRBANKS MORSE & COMPANY 1st and Stark Sts., Portland, Oregon. -4444f et MM 1 i mrrican ItanV .'. Trut (o ' lluil'liui; - I laMfMALTONA ISC j-ggg r5MBMBllllMBft .!,''' '' thc nr.w -.'' I ellPxraaWiHUBW-TcrnpcRANce t.Rtw I )M'f.szF sar ....:..- ,1 I! mHZTy Br in. aiiavh;kii WiMiYWy aa Ko.v In i u 1 &MM ' aai 'lI "-1 1 tlilnk n I rtVjJm mtm. A kaiV uooil linn inttixi- I ! BWw) V,y H not bu Hindu liulv- I t iV I t KdTJ LH M ALTON A I Z o-Rf aH tnrr" '"'""Hiruti I I iStynmH pacific I i S. BREWING CO. I i Nyi. " il4M STOHIA, onccoN t v n f " saaal ' x I,,. . , East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Fresh ami Curnl Meats and Kau.sgm of all kimli. We bundle our meats In thc most modem w ay in clean liness and surroundings. Try ua and we will bo most happy In have you fur a customer. Frrr Delivery. ' i uimtMtaum 4 . . Don J 7.1 II H .T, I'reslili-nl Abftractlng Mapa, Nans, MutfTrtiits, Etc. K. M. Hi"., Vice- Vtr: and TrtsiJ Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers lli-fcT K ''itiikuw, Secretary Klamath Falla, Oregon For S.ilc (''MH'Hm ZZOU ACltEH Fitci: The modern steam laundry Id thu latest Instance of the routine of u home industry. Solitary waehtub und red-armed washwoman these are Industrial types that are passing ui surely as individual loom and shuttle have passed, and the Indivi dual dye vat for cloth. They are beaten back by the advance of the The I.ukesldo company ban ".'SOO acres of land under the AduniH ditch that It will Elvo RENT Flil'E for orio year. 'This Includes the uao of Lhejaod and wuter. Tho renter must clear and place the land In cultiva tion. The renter gets all thu crops but we reserve tho right to pasture stuhblo. Tiii) Lakeside Coinjuiri), J. Frank Adam, ManuKer, Merrill. Oregon MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value The I'cllz Auto Is for hire at reasonable rates to par Hen. Just as cheap to go In a auto. as In a stage. II, E. PELTZ, Plno and tlth streets. 7-31-8-31 Furnished Wblt. rooms to let . W. tM8tt W'linn blouka in MHIh Addition were oirered at ba renin prices a number of shrewd invcH tow bouKht; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots arc FIFTY feet in width ami ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FKKT deep-more than double the area of town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLECATE Office on Fifth Street FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. CHAS. K. WOltUKN I 'resltlent A. M. WOltDKN Cashier FHKD alKMlASk; Vlc-Irrsldnt The American Bank and Trust Go. ', , i-if p Sraift CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor.nUaAdsp)auMt , m