The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 24, 1908, Image 1

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Klimntli Fallfl First
,nd HfBt Hally
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
WI,D Ybab. No. IU
Price, 5 Cents.
Navigating the Air
Launch Wrecked
on Crater Lake
Will (I. Hti'rt U In tin.- city fri'in
Southern Pacific in Hurry to Get
to City of Klamath Falls
Roadbed Between Klamalh I alls and Marsh May Be Sublet
to Nevada Contractor Investigations Indicative
I hat Line Will Be Lxtendcd to Natron
I Tdlll (Iflllfey, Who will vlHlt tlllH
illy Hi"' last of thin week with a first
iliiHM dhow, will .i remembered by
I In. nlil resident of this illy ii h thu
ii'iiu wlm miiili' a balloon nsei-nslnn
hiiiiic elf hi )i-iiih ;ii;ii In wlilih ho III-Jilli-d
hln leg i.y severely litul dum
ped lii (hi hike In utilcr lo uvolil
iMilkliiK III" Kiound with hit Injured
'In', whlth ho thiiui'.hl was broken.
He wii rescued rimii thu luku by u
low hunt, there hi'lnt: no gusolluo
l.'iinrhi'n on tin ICIuimith waters ul
Ihul lime Th iisci'imloii win inttilo
uli'ii Ilic wind wiih hlnwIiiK utid Mr.
Ciillii')' WiiH drugged Into a wire
ferirv before hi hml time to ralsn
hlr Western iitlliliiU U otMi'iKM that I'""" ,Im' Kroiiml.
Those, who remember Mr.Oodfrcy's
i nsnllntinl aeronautical enierlenco
iw. I. m. longer ni. . nam. Tl... , ,,,, ,,. r,.mvmhvr mt ,,
llit.'stlgnlliin made nt the Kliuiinlli
. niiianioii ai nun iinii wan genuine
Meier lli' ' " """l ' '" "'" '"" ""' '" l" hi- hnimh al"' m '"' Hiniri' In getting some
. il. . . I .. . . . . .11 .-. . . . !....
to faihitl In Klniimlh rail Al'l ' i h"' nin-r ti prouiiti' rrotu w.iiik goon mr un-ir money n uiey
,.i,.r. In. Iiu. li'ii to rmh I"'" """ "' " " wiiiiiii attend tin perforiimnre that hli
11 H llt'tl I tllti ftfll till I It -iltllw it. A 111 III.
,,, ,..l to th i-r there am oil,.-, titn)i firinli(.
Idlest loin whlrll lead to thi' intiilu-1
iua tti-t tin timil l to hn hillll lo Vir) Minefnl i:n(nKi'iniiil.
lllfll at l" carlle.l possible date i
Erlcksoi. A I'rtterw.n hnn l-n The I'mlUn toiupaiiy dosed u wry
itsrdrd the contrnrt for tin' iii jsuciessfui engagement nt iin npern
traction nt tli ron.l lo KUhuIIi """ ' "'r-''' ns the Intel.-
. , ... ... . . I lion of thi' coinpnn) to iiIiiiw III till
mils, but li l generally umlfratiMMi I ...... ........ .
rnjr him two ..ignis, mil iiim 'Uiiiiii-
llstlh.y are now to sublet the grnde . ! ,. ki) Tin- l.lclit U Wnt.r Coratmiiy lias
Tbcii' I l" u" il'"ii'""l' )'-
Ur In thi' rtli-Mlmi of thu CnllfofiiU "' ' l'n fur thU ttatf mill thnt '
Vorlhf..trrn to llil. rlty. ! thu "" "''"""' """' ' '"V to Sul-.mi
mil '
utf h. lil lo l directly r.iMin i,.,,,,, j, ai, ,il0Ky i,rt,
lUrrlmnn to Klnmnth
toiiiimny will kIvc ( thin city on
Thiirmln). I'lldny ami Hatuntny nlKht
of thU wi'ck
Water Company
Improving Dam
Crater lake. Ho tnyx travel linn bcn
wry lively for tho pant fnw woekn
llo now hnH ncrotnniodntlonM at hli
minp for about twenty iieojile nnd
nn)H IiIh jiliiro Iiiim boon taxed to ItH
i.ltnimt fuiiuilly every iiIkIi! clurlt.n
the pant few weekH nun that luldu
fiotn ttilit hundredu of people coma
and no, brlNKiiK with them their
own ramp equipment.
He now lion a largo rhlpment of
bcddlnic coming In from Mcdford and
within n few day bo wlp bo In n to
hltlon to nirominodiiti) a much larger
i' ii in her of travelcm. Mnt.y more poo
1 1 aro vUltlnu tho laku nlnco they
ten get uccoimnodatloni thvro and
tho travel li much heavier this year
than It hiin been during any past
Mr. Steel report tho loan of till
HPiall i:amillno luunch. Quito a no
vi re Rtorm occurred on tho lake one
night lant week during which tho
launch broke loonc from It moorings
r.nd wan daubed against the rocki,
wiecklnit it ao badly that It cannot bo
repaired. Tho englno waa removed
from the wreck and will probably bo
tiled In another boat or In tho old
ono If It U rebuilt.
Additional Ditch Camps Add to
Number of Men Employed
from the rage in " uiarn hi "ii"o( four ulxhtn, nnd the ntletidnnri' in, lt forie of men ut work for mov-
rlty, and Tom Hr. who lm Ju.tiun. kmkI every night, nhoalng thai ,.nt li;t)i on ft WnR dam , uin
mpll.d IhlfD- tnllim of the V.. the rompany wn. fully appreciated h ,()W
til I'aclflc roadhnl through Nriada
lotklnr ai a nutcruntrartiir under
' tiy the piiiple of thin ill) The per
ifiTiiutiri'n by thi. I'allla roitipiui
,thi' the old did not turn iiiioukIi
ate on the line of ill) nudeillle. of It HH" the lliilini to Nroti llio
Uw lltotheia Co.. I now on the ll(( 1,,t,ry ,,.,. (, ,,,. ,)( m,,rt nnd'plHiit. The wnter U lower In the rlv
Itoaad at I hit rwiucBl of Chief Kti'Mhe rompnny U deurtlng of patron- r, t priMent thiin It ban Imimi since f..r)when. It k.h- 'ihe light plant wan built. Tho lm-
tkt road Into Klatnath Pall. Hhoiild - pioveiiienlH in the diim will turn
' '- -"" " j,nSv wi:;:' . . ... .- ....
nuhl move hi. large outfit here ,.i..i If ..I. Ii whnt II linn been.
1 IM'7 '!"' "" --'W
i. . k IliA t.ll, .. ! viilllllt tllltll
llarrlmau l," '" " "'" """'"
, i .... ii u .lu. iilmnleit I lint not
road toin- , .,. Hll ulll , ,., a.,,i,t Tliuradny nnd within a few
lllllll TW'F'J ...H.ti" " .-
The company Ik golntf ahead with
Kit ItuprovementH on the now rener
Miirn Concrete work will begin on
tl.e one in the Hot Springs tract
from Nevada and early till fall hljn11 MV ,(,, ()r , Hlrarna who l
MRip would be etabllhel III the nut-: miniMil there Hindi' nil cttlmMe one
.lot. of Klamath Tall ') ' M"int picked, finding
It li known that Mr
... .-..I...... ... I.-... !..
ICI MllftKlMM ... .I..' ..I." ...... .
1 II
If led to thi rlty, art It would be "j,;,,,!, ih,. m'U.oii Mr Shhe Htuten iI.on ii furie of workmen will begin
dllrd advantage In controlling lh Hint berrle will be plentiful fur tlnu:,. r(, k work on the one ou tho wet
tt of the .late that I now wlthout'unt month large Humilities haie l(,t.
Shortage in Help Due to Demand for Laborers in Hay and
Harvest Fields New Work on Reclamation Project
WHI Make Room for Many Men
N.'mrods equipped with the neceiiary
Warden Glbnon say that inlpea
pro very plentiful and that tho way
they nre being slaughtered li Khame
f ill. There in no limit on a daya'
hunt, in fact, ho finds that the blrdi
havo no protection whatever. Ho
complnlun that ho has no launch In
which to get about In. A few years
ago tho Audubon Society paid one
half the cost of a launch, whllo M. E.
HutchlMin, who waa deputy gamo
warden at that time, paid the other
tiulf. Tho launch -till remalna In
hi possession and the present war
den Is left with no means to get
Ill-moving WYnUi anil Cleaning
Itetter UMik of City.
transportation facilities. Harilmau
tiS'lala have inado thorough Investl
Mtlons of all part of Interior On
COD, The men who hne been III Ihe
rsltt making the observation hate
Uea praitlrnl railroad men and upon
Ihtlr reports rest the fate of Ibis
part of the country so fur a Hani
min Is lonrerneil, It Is very evident
that he Is favorabl), or
tl he would nol order the comple
tion of the roud to this ill)' nt the
rarllMl possible date. The fart that
k has ronsiilled with a number of
i Shirt Waists
I Pony Jacketsand Sweaters
. . . Every one la a beauty . .
in' begun to ripen
' nfllt'liiN nt IVIIean liny.
Ml.s l.)le WatMiu is again per-
fnrinlni: the duties of deputy count)
clerk nf.'-r a !hreo w-k.' it.i-.lloi. , "-I-Hh from I'ellcnn Hay aro that
vhlib she spent nt Ashland with her'n iiumber of the ofllrla: who havo
li.ienlfc. Ill San rratiilscti nnd at ', n expected there for a confeicnco
Odessa Slie reports n er) i'"il," , with Mr. Iliirrlman haw nrrlved and
able time. !, nw tK. guests olt their chief.
Homo of the purly passed through
Ibis rlty and others canio In by way
of Medford. Theso reports cannot
be ronnriued by liiiiulrlng of local
Southern I'aclflc representatives.
They profess Ignorance ns lo who Is
nt tho Hay nnd as to who Is expect
ed. It Is snld by parties who have
Ji-st returned from tho Upper lake
ti.ut llerrln. Schwerlno and a nura-
J 1'iT of others visited Crater lake 8un
tii'ny and Hint KrutHchnltt nnd Hood
wi-ik expected there nt any lime.
During tho past few weeks a num
ber of property owners of this city
havo rut down the weeds In front of
their holdings and havo removed
tunny of the unsightly objects that
hawi detracted so strongly from tho
appearance of tho city as a whole.
Tho Improvement Is a very noticeable
one. Tho mowing of tho weeds In
front of tho Hamaker properly on
.Valu street has been a decided help
to bettering the looks of tho prop
erly. K. II. UaiuBby has mado a
splendid Improvement In the app-.-tr-nriio
of his homo on Pino itrcet ;v
cutting down the growth cf weeds
along the fence and sidewalk.
Parties owning property In tills
city that is almost hidden from view
vy tall weeds should look at som-: of
tuo place that havo been cleaned up
and they would delay no longer In
making a thorough cleaning.
'I he dance al Odessa IjsI Saturday
night n n highly cnjovnblo 'nt
nin! wni largely attended l-y Klam
ath I'alls people. Ode in resort Is
cry llx-ly these das and Ihe hotel
U well filled with guests.
ZPJiA.c s . .
VMtiil Cn.ter I-itkc.
? Thc Beit Place to Trade"
Mrs.IMI. Ilarrlmiin. daiiRhter Miss
Chi ul. and non Roland, together with
:i nuii.her of tho oilier guests at Pel
lean Hay went to Crater Inko Friday
and len.nlned over night nt tho Steel
enmp. They made tho trip In an
Herald Office Moved.
The oflliv of the Evening Herald
is iiow located In the room occupied
by Hie Klamath Republican, In the
Itrpnbllran lllock.
The Hoag DUtrlct.
Tho stamp ralil, bclnr ojcaitoJ by
Mr. Grlgsby In tho Hoag district.
goes on grinding out gold. Wo are
Informed that a few day? ago a $2-10
brick was sent In. There Is nothing
ItVo gold to make people "alt up and
tako notice." You may tell all your
ft lends that you havo a good pros
pet, good ore, but although you re
Iterato It and swear lo it they will
rot believe you until thov hnvo seen
tho gold, not In tho rock hut In tho
brick, or in twenties. Tho Hoag dis
trict Is sending down a few- gold
It Is said that a recent ten ton run
milled 1830, Klghty-threo dollars
per ton Is mighty good ore, and will
pay a very handsome profit Lake
view Herald.
Chas. Murtln succeeded In killing
i threo hundred pound bear while
camped at Seven Mile. Tom Kinney
vent hunting In the hills near there
and got tost. Charlie went out to
find hlin, but Instead found a big
bear which be killed and brought to
cum p. Tom wandered about In tho
hills fur twenty-four hours and final
ly wound up In the valley near Fort
The Dlshop house boat Is deserted
for tho present. Tho entire party
came down last night and II constat
ed of tho following: B. St. Georgo
Elfhop, Judge Geo. T. Baldwin, F.I I.
Mills. Alox. Martin, Jr., Mayor John
R. Stilts, C. F. Stone. A. J. Wells,
George O. Brandenburg and a Mr.
District Attorney D. V. Kuykendall
has appointed J. D. Venator, of Lake
view, as his deputy for Lako county.
Many of tho Lake county people de
sited tho appointment of W. Lair
Thompson, but he waa not a candi
date for tho position.
Killing Many 8ul
New Pictures Tonight.
Doctor's KeformaUo-ijThe roch
ci's Daughter, A Drama lu Mid Air,
The New Errand Bojr. New songs, all
for ten cents.
Deputy Gamo Warden U W. Gib
son came down from Odessa Satur
day to And out about the killing of
snipes at this season of tho year. Ho
found that tho birds were not pro
tected and that the parties who are
slaughtering them cannot be prose
cuted. Mr. Gibson, has been trailing
deer hunters In the vicinity of tho
take o' the Woods, but ho found no
('.legal hunting and he finds all of the
II ii r go Mason, Don Zamwalt and
V J. Bryant and family started for
tho north end of tho county this
morning. They will be gone several
days and expect to do considerable
E.W. Smith, who has had his foico
at work on tho Doak ranch for tho
past few weeks, has completed the
ditch and canal which will divert the
viators of Itock crook and will Irri
tate a portion of the ranch, and hn
Is now moving his outfit to the South
1'ranch canal where ho will begin
vork at once on the W. H. Mnion
contract. He will have his cntup
pitched tomorrow and will make dirt
fly just as soon as ho Is established.
Other forces on the Mnsou ,-o:u.Jct
will begin work at once so that tho
rtxt few days will witness tho estab
lishment of three camps on that por
tion of the canal.
The establishment of the new
camps, together with the camps of
Manoy Bros. & Co., and Caupbell ti..
Huffman, the flume cont.-aetois,
makes quite a showing In that part
of the project and baa create 1 a de
mand for laborers. Maney Isrc: &
Co. have been forced to aend nut for
workmen and only Saturday they Im
ported a small shipment of laborers
from Dorrls. The shortage In help
It largely dne to the fact that haying
. still on and that a large number
of men have gone to work for tho
rinchers throughout tho county.
The cloio of the baying season and
harvesting will mako labor moro
plentiful and the canal contractors
will experience no difficulty In put
ting a large number of men or. the
work so that they will finish their
contracts on schedule time
The government Is still working a
considerable force ou '.hit Ko m canal,
putting In spill ways and construct
ing the dam at the head of the canal.
Probably forty men are employed on
this part of tho Irrigation system.
John Ellis and two suns went to
Crystal creek where they will pitch
camp for a few weeks.
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? :
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks 1
Hardware Merchant!
V a V mmw