The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 21, 1908, Image 1

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Kluiiintli l'""rt' l'i,l
i ii. -i D.nlv ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
aim "'
Tninn Yi:ai. N. ".
Price, 5 Cents.
County Fair or Carnival
To Bo Manufactured in Klamath
Falls in Near Future
'llif ijiMKilmi Hi holding " mhhiI) titilll in l vetir mid If tin- Agricull'ir
f.ilr nr ii ulrii'l i.irnlMil In hiu urn- "' AsKoclntloti kIioiiIiI taku hold of
"liliinl ti n ifiimliiT uf Mm- liimliifM
IIH II Hi tin I It)
tln-i'tora of
iMtilioii l I his (Jit mill Cumlilions In Southern I'urt ul
Slntf Mnku It Itli'iil IMmc lor Miiniilwlurp of the
I'orltilile lU'iitly Mokp I rami' Hiiilriiii,i
ihe matter It will In- fnrci il ti lioltj
tlii full In tin' ill). using u iiuiiilii'r
of tln mm alii buildings for dUiilayliii'
First Crop of Potatoes Pays for
Land Three Times
tin. 11 I r .... .I...!-!
' '"""" " tlm iiri'iiiliilim .,.. ... -rm.,r -m -wmmm- in-
nr.iiliir meitlng lam iiIkIU ill.nisscil TIiiiei- lm iim- fuuirliiB miH't'jfyV NlllL. I UllO IU I IlL AlKL
Hi" inutt.'i, 1iii iiuiiliiili-iljliiit tlmy m ulvul iirisiiii Hint tin- ..unity fair
i-n- nut In n iinliiiii to taki- imy i-nii Im li.'lil on tin- atrei tr of tlnj clt
n tlmi rin' situation In ii' iillnr In In Mitiii.-itlon ultli tin nil nival und
thin. Him In tiriti-r In gel tlm statu Dint lln-ru will hu mi doubt about i
.iiiiiirlntiiiti II In in-. cKHiirv In lioM making H n Hiirn-ss Mncli Interest '
int full mill ulTi'i in i-nii ii iiih rrl ln'liiu i .ken In tin- niuttir unit It
In Im'ki pi oil in I -, 'I Ii" fair kiuuihIh I" er tln.l antiie sort ufa fair j
will nut In in nliiiiii In .In iintiliig will li li-'lil thin full
timer I. Applegute Demonstrates What Can Be Done With
Klamath Lands Marketed First New Potatoes
Grown Here on 14th of This Month
,hr.l 'I
,II0 (
itik I"
toU- '
Itrm i"
in J Van
I , IlK Will MHIII llBtl- nil Rlllllll.l fill till- IIIH' (if till
,nt ! inu. Il It, tlila
ii.mhiI Hhurli linvr pur-
i iKi't for 'Ii" stale ' Or-
in mi ii fin I m of Ibn port-
mill' linn a large man-
n-ml iiii- Imiiti-K ami tln-ri In a
tli.nin U-mniiil lor .lii-aiir liiini.a In
allporU nl I In- iiiumIi) .hint n iwin
an riniisrnmiiu inn l- .ouipli I.-.I
ltin- will In- viMinl In I'll ll inn
, ..luiii lit re IRi Mirtalilr Jul ll.ea.- ml login wi that II .an In'
I. Mil uml It ! ililiiltiK linMiiiU li pi.iape.ilve IhiIIiIitm
II iniil nl Hip I'nll.-rt Hlatra rtlilniil A Hlmtlt Mate lliat II
'li.- had ili-ir pi. in) In iM-raliiiii
Tl,r , . .... in Vr'im win. inriini) iiiiini now ih- ni work mi mil
utn'li'!' iriilnri inthoda tit doing lean (linn all .if tlii-.- buHilIng" nn a
ihlnci 1 1" liiiltilum I . ompli'lml number uf pnill.-a who nr.i familiar
,l lb. ' 'mil i - ' " ,'"' " liuil.liiiB tlmi ni" iiiirint-n", ,,l", l"' il'-tniv'-l
l,m ii l .mi l- i" ( l r In -! ami iln- ihIm- an- aiivlnint tu is.-l !"' Hmli'-r. lull Hi
I ff w da .i".i It oirl hm- t hi- Hi,- r.'iuh Ihmih-k. wlilrli -. ! !- an
Timber Eoss Reported Much Heavier Than
in This Part of the State
Klumatli Co Iiiih liail m-vi-ral furi'iit '
.ml ai.-.n
.llit.-ll VI.U f'litUtl
ilamaKi- n ii1-'
n uiIiit il'ntrl. in f.n
tk itrn'iiiH- l v.f) mbttantlal ni
III of '" -1'1'!! '" tn' nl noil I-
UtrJ t il'-r mi) m-uil) The a fnri.m .if Hiln klml In will
Uf unlit ni half Hi" n..t of mi ur.ll- 'iIikmikIi tin- .lll.l.tu) .if tin- llri- pa- i.tnlillnlii'il ami inalnlaln.'il Ii) a
nsrv nnil an im i.iiivi-iili'iit In
rvr rrmt Di" i-talillliiii.-nl .if
iniiiilii-r nf Hik large lan.l.iw tiura In
iliU on nl tin- IIi.-h ui-ii- illmincri'il
I." fi.'t in it nil with u 12 foot lii-uin,
a rablli. n forwimtle anil calley. The
t.n.U III tu nii.i of tin) Lent il--Miiru
cialtH .in tin- Klamath nutvm.
I'artk-n .riiliiliiK thu Upiiur lake
atni.i Hint ullil plums will Lo very
koll.llnt. I.av.. I...H in u for ww m-aa imiili to Klutiiutli Pull, im li'uWot.- I In hail upr.-ail a larK..
II tmr ii'l I an- Kli"t oorfwt pI in IhiHi warm noil rold rll
tiitrt 1 .11 I'lnii for run lull I
i.n a anliary linU nml tlio lilo of
iiimf.irt i- k.-pt in iiilnJ . ilr nlan
tine of iwt il.litll
will tu- In n imtltloii lo tippl) tin- ili
maml for tliU .ntlri
In Miili Iivii-.
t.'trltor) ainl "XiiimIIiirI) ln-avy l.nii
-h wet.- aviilili'il A f.-u ainiill llri-a
' irn Mill iiikIiii: In thin ri'iinl), Imt tin-
itaiiii-H an- iimH-r (untiol ami Hicro
la prai tl. all) no ilaiiKcr of a furllier
I, ipti'inlliiK
J Ciook iiiiint) Iii.h li""ii an t'X.up-
Tl.. ...II. i imttiti Itl (llM IfHll kAf
"' " " - I .1- I
l IZmnwnlt. aoprano. al no-iiikii ni iio.iii.ioii.iii) m-.n) "-
Tlm violin Ii) lli'tir)
lk-tlmnn. aulidil by Mr- Don
.. .... .... ...... u.llfr- n Ink Mr .if 1
IIUDB Wll'l III" IllllUt" nt... .1 m . ....
i ..i. .....i,... ..n. ..I... .if iiu. 'ilnrlni: tlm mint week c.'Vi'ii .1 nllnit
liir ln..ilni..r ami nn air . harouor -' - t., i: .m,
., na.iv of thr., I..IIU i' '"' "' '" '" '"' ""T"b '"" 7 T " ","",::;,, .".""
..-!. .! t..r w mhI Urp. .tut IIHM- vrvn imiiir iim. ...i ui -i v" " "
lar ah in !, (ii? rltUfrn' ntui H .,.,..
I., n ii,., M.imiv f ii... ink. .1.1. an "'KKinK potaioea tor nil own use
and nn the 14th he begun to supply
the local niarket. Retting hla potatoes
In about thu tamo time ai the flrit
ahlptmnta arrived from Sacramento.
Tho iii:illty of the potatoei grown
Mr. nml .Mm. I). M. Hrlllltha. were "' """ " "" "
;in iho .lt toda) uccompniil.'il l ai'"" ul u' '"" ""f"" -""
part) of Anhlaiiil piopl-. who aro I
tninp.'il at OiK-!iin for an outlim.
HCiini- In Hie vldnlty nf til" lake Hit
Tliu rr.'vv of thu steamer KjrIu aw
a bear and a larKc deer on Skillet
llamlli' nil" day last week.
needs to make money. He thinks
the land will be worth f 1000 an ncro
ben people Uarn what can bu
grown In thlr section. With such
crops as theie It Is hla opinion thut
the coat of water for Irrigation la
of no moment und even If It Ii golug
to bo fifty dollara an acre It will
amount to nothing.
Harnry County Hunt lniiort Flour
During Eaaulng Vear.
.,i..B,-nl v"t.- v.-r .-iilliiialaatlr over Mr Mar on their .IhIiiik uml more than
-..'. ii.... ,.i.i,,.- i.n.t Hi,, nwi'i't 'one feltler Ii.ik b.'i-ii hla plan- K Dpi
.ape. lully .ultal.1" Cr ;" - tt,r
aliiElUK t Mr y.uuiwaii i... - llriiiK liaa been reiairled In
Itn win In
milliner In. in. a on Hie l'ppr Ink"
The liullilini." ni. T) neat In -Hi-urntir
tun In- llneil with burlap
lumper. . I and III mall) n-apwls nre
lonililer I r than tin- r.iKuln
lion fiaii..' biiltitlm: M.'ni Stu.iul
k Hhnrti have taken up the iniltrr
llhJ I Imeller lilnl it U ver pioli
ttilellia wllhlii a wo aliorl tluie lie
lll liiainil the ii- .-ao.irv mat hllier) '
dif Hie inauufaitllt.- of llirm liillld-1
Mi lli-tliiii.ii In all thai h.ia been
laltiKHl for liliu na a and Inn a lite ial iiIuiik Hie l)encliute.i.
, I. verv HiiiniiiKli on Hie violin j wheie u lire with a blaxlliK fronlnKe
whl.h he plaa with Hie aklll of a of llfleen uilUa Iiiih been dontntliiK
maxxr Ills renillllnn f nil H"' - -i "" nr1" ' aluablo timber lnn.1.
I.tilniia that he pin). 'I m!' "I"' "' v"Ti1 Supervisor Ireluml. who has
lavuilie Willi tl nml. nil) In. lined liluii K" of Hie illatrlit In which the
uf Klamath Tall. lnrK-l lire Is iiikIiir. round it l.e.ta-
-uii) to call iipnn uelKiiborlni; forest
Mra Clara Into of San 1'ran-'.oipervlhoiii at lliirns. John Day, ban oiiened dressiiinklliK li ml (KfbiirK and other pliues for help
lom It will mean it new Imtuntry j,,,,,,. miiorliiK parlors on Klamath ,,,, llmr ,mn L.0 ,,.,, ttoru ln ,lt,
Held IlKlilliiK Hi" ll.iuiea. All of the
Hii'k that Mtarteil a few vveeka nno
weie full) under tontiol when Hie
' - "" AiAaA ' '"'" 0,u' '"",,, "ut "'' ir'Kl ,lf
----'-:-,WVTJtt ,,,,,,, u miribiiled principally to In-
?.i iidlarlsiii on the part of unknown
?p,iltles, posalbl) iiiinpers )ho leall)
T ,.,i .,., i,iiuil,l,r ilimiuh dlreit itr
II, ,1,1,, ,, ..,..., -n"
sen Ik auspeded In several luntiincea.
Tli.we In tin- part) were Mr. mid Mrs
Mrs Clover Nell, Mlrs
Nan MrL'iillen. Miss Hess Woods.MIss
.larKiiurelte Nlms, l'earl Parson, Mes
am Otto and l'earl .lo'ies, Prank
Demi. Curl IIIH), aud Oeorgo Spen-
The party eame down in a
Uiinih this morning and spent the
du) In this illy, returning to Odessa
this evening.
Klamatli touiity will soon lead all
other lountli". In thu state In the pro
duction ol potatoes. Parties who
hnvn Klveu lime to thu cultivation of
this product In this county have
found It highly remunerative and
hnv.i demonstrated beyond a doubt
that this section will, as soon as the
transportation futilities aro supplied,
bu In a pokltlon to supply the market!
of man) of the Const cities with po
tatoes of first class finality.
The first new potatoes to come In
to thu market this ear were brought
In by Clm.-r I. Applegatc, who baa
about two nml a half acres of his Practically the entire wheat crop
plaiu on thu Mitchell ranch In nota- of Harney county Is a total failure
Tho first of this month ho be- " to being burnt up by tne exces
sively dry hot weather; In fact the
whole eastern part of the state Is In
much the same fix. Burns and nil
cities and towns In the blighted belt
must buy wheat and wheat flour else
whero thU year, and Prlnsvllle mil
lers and Crook county growers are
being called upon to meet this de
Eight freighting teams and wagons
arrived In Prlnevllle this week from
Burns alone, most ot them with two
wagons, capable of hauling S00 sacks
ot milled flour apiece. One or two
took away only 80 sacks, while oth
ers took more; In all, between 1600
and 2000 sacks were bought at this
place to supply the deficiency over
In Harney. Other outfits will follow,
not alone from Burns but from other
eastern state points as well.
lor this ill) mid the .onilltloua ar.-lllX( IIWt ,,,t door to tlin Oregon
such Hint Ihcre Is nmpl mi lr ' ...iine. I"'lw '.Hi and ..III streets
I'snilnii n.e inali'iliil l on H"' ' ''"
i Shirt Waists
Pony Jackets and Sweaters
. . . Every one is n beauty . . .
Mm.- Alioiil That Colli Spiluu.
II H well lo bo.iHt, but mil well lo
boiitl on other people' eredll. Said
cold Hpillig was liiealeil, bill not on
Major Woiden'H land. Just over on
lluena Vlsln. see! I huvo a right to
know, for 1 tfld the mud hen uct to
Und It Coiiimodoio Alev. Nosier
duit has been very strong,
Thu area that Mr. Applegste nas
In potatoes will net him more than
.100 per ucre, about three times the
cost of thu land. Ho has been selling
potatoes for the past week at three
cents per pound and the average
yield is about nine tons to the acre.
Thu Income from one acre at this rate
will bu itppioyluiutely $540. Mr. Ap-
plegntu has made a study ot the pro
duction of potatoes and has been glv
Ing his time to his patch. He plant
ed In tho early part of June, using
tho Early Vernijnts for seed-
Tho land uxe-1 by him Is under the
canal, Imt U do situated that It Is
sub-lrrlgutc.l at.d it Is not necessary
for him to give any tlmo to Irriga
tion. Mr.Aimlf nate has about twelve
Itev. P. Conkllu and family aud
Mr. Datiuer and family hive returned
from a trip to the huckleberry patch.
They report berries very plentiful
and t.i) that large quantities will bo
left for tho bears when thu campers
hnvu picked all they want. Mrs.
Dan hit found Hint some one had got
away with about twenty four of her acres of land on the Mitchell tract
chlikens wlille she was awny from and lie ) It Is all any one man
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Godfrey arriv
ed In the city this eretiiig In their
automobile. They will be rememhe--
ed by the resldeuts of this city as '.ho
show people who were here sevoMl
years ago, Mr. Godfrey having at
that time made a balloon ascension.
They will show In thU city at tao
opera house next Thursday, Friday
and Saturday nights.
Lewis (lerber returned last night
fioiii l.aiigell valle) wlieiu ho has
been for M'Wial da)n lie as hay-
lug Is about llulhhed In that part of I
the count) and thai the )eld wnslv
acarcelv up to the average T1ioy
grain )leld was vol) light In that part v
of the Upper country. He will leave y
III a lew ua)H lor .mi
range lor xhlpi
stork to Sacramento.
a for Mt llebion to ur- Y
Ipplng n few e.ii loads of y
I'pptT laike Xotea.
"The Best Place to Trade"
The Bteauior Kngle became doubl
ed a few days ago near Buck Island
and was taken In tow by Capt Hos
ier's yacht which happened t be
eiul'ilug I" Hi"' vicinity.
Petterson & Wiikoilcld, tho bout
builders on the llueua Vlstu water
front, uro ut work on plana for a now
Capt. Nosier will booh begin woil;
Hepoits fioiii Dairy me Hint a tiro A
covering several liuudied acres has a
been racing in that vectlon for soveral S
dn)s and that ever) man in thut part i
of the valle) lull been out lighting S
Hie llamej, It la not known thut uuyiS
heavy losu was Inclined for most of J
tho Innd that was burned over was 'J
pasture nnd ttubblo flsldb
S on u jacht which will bu a two-master Apples, pears, bananas, watenuc'i-
I .ith auxiliary engines. It will b0 ' ous. and cantaloupes at the Monarch.
I j
The uhon lust night was reported ,T
eit-oiitlouall) good ami the Indlcn-'T
tloiia aio that theie will bu a good
house tonight. Tho company put up
a play that la considered the best ot
Hu kind that has ever vHlted this
Going Camping ? j
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? ii
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks i
Hardware Merchant!