The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 18, 1908, Image 1

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Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
m Ili'Hl I itil v ....
IthirpYkak. N.g-J.
Price, 5 Cents.
Reduction in Charcje .,
Is Announced
'"' """ I l M.lll. I.IOIIght ll
i'uii hid, ,l. rUi. land prupmil I
"Ml lt pem.ei W, ,r h(,w Hr.
ii'liiif iiihI win riniiiln In ilu
'in. Hi.tKinl of the rni'ii have gum
lulu I nliiii inuut) ll.'liU mill
,'111.111 ll.lU llll,l, Illl-lt Mom
I hi li Hum mi- i'IuiI lluil the) nun.'
VV'kt urn lliuiirli lliet u. in uiiuii
I lit I III' l I'lHlIlK
V spli mllil slum.
Rrdudioit Will Inaule Iniili,,,.,, ,,
Dealers to Make I hrmitjh
I press Shipments
'i hi' I'.iviiiii ruiiiui) ('niiiiiiii.
whli li liiiHii In cum liui 1'rlilny hiiiI
huiutit.i) night, ilnw large iruwila
mil iuiiIii,:, mill Hi" ii ml km I'M liavc
"hit Willi, ill JiihIm' fill Dili Him
IHtnn pi'lfui llllllll Wit llltlil II
ilnillil they mi' Din l-l nlinw limine
I." ii In Ulna liii nun) n
i.i) iiihI tin illli iih ill lliU (oiniiiiiii
il v ( Hum' I linn aiirpihoil In mi'
' i.i li a good hIiiih i. It Hut iiillrn.ul
il.i'ih mill vi r inn' nf Urn iiiini,iii)
it. iitii'ilii In Hiilr rcsp.itlvi
KlalmiUi I anon In hnv Ui li' li'- MMtlallllm nn. I mi
of a rvdliud I'lpn-as rpl't IkjI muml K'mmI ( ft.rtn.-i M
Aleut J J Parker took up tin- nun
Iff o( a better ml" liurilr alt' i li
iiidv !- uii'l t' "' "' l"," '"'
tlirJ mi iiml "Hit 8'iI''!iiIt In
Iblll' WUIllll l II M'lllKllllll III nlllllll
IifdI live per ,,n' "" 1'iaiin.ilb
ill riprras tor tli" Ktniuntli iimntr)
limllrd li Hut Wolla riiirn miiipatu
nl. U tlin lint ti'itiirlluii llial will I..
iuJp until Hi" lullloiul l miiii'lit.'il
lotbi. r.t). vii it i .'ii..-. t.-i iimi Kniio ana naicnei
isollirr iluilWr cut win !. mum1
general nil
Xulioil) iiml
(.I iiml tln Hill aee it limn shim,
nil. n they gu In Hoi' tin- I'avlIU t'uui
I'.iii) Tin') .if" all ropetid I illicit
ninl gentlemen iiml villi imiki' (rl.'iiiln
Wlllll'Ver till') Kll .Hi I lit Vlllle) Ail-
Mini i'
Severs Hand With
ly have Iiml It expn-aaed t llnrrla
Ul ll.rn hriiilKht nn tiV stage nr lint
(rrljlit Tint i hurjrea limn been m-
.... .. . it
The tul I run' ixrimi i.M-niT .... I ..... .t. j laliurlng niJii'al whlili nlmiit llftv nf tin? lepresen
dulrm In tili trull llirniiuli t' ' ',,,,11, w,u kmmn In this ill), haa be lathe illlzeua nf till ill) were ir-n
iltf I'X ilifi'. wlureits heritniuio M,.ntall d-ranged unit whlli ml Pulluwlng the dinner tin- (inv
In Hint londltlun HiIh inornluK In lornur was i sinrlod to tlu marl hoimc
i inn i IiimI l In. Iil.'a that llml waa nun park whom In iiddri'isf d tint large
iiiamllug ! I tit In tut nlT lil limn) innwil that Iiml Kiillnri il
fired friiiu all Callfumlii I'liliitu "ipniiimliiK Hit' luiuglmd limlrinlluin.1 (luvrruur ClimnlitTlulu was liitm
thai Klamath now lum ver nunn- ((i lll(Mllltl lHiihir knife ami n 'dm oil li) Judge lli'iimni. ntiil K.1I1I
tti rati' tinin Hall 'rnirliii "' ' ,U, tict .tint iim i-imIciI In .ul rf hlr M frli'inlH. I lilti-mli'il I11 iiime
Iriinj all H.11 rntiH'litu uil'f) uilnl L ,t,, ,. harkul II pi'ivrul tn )nur ell) liilnti'ii ln iln)H, lint
nblih iiiiily liimli nf tliffrult l"'" ,, ultli llio lialilnl unit llnnll) luimu I iiiiiM mrr) out 111) iilaini
tt tunmiiuiit IntliU rlt) ' ...1 i ,.,.. Ini; tlif liaml frniii I iih lutiti'il to iniiif lni tinlay
Hi' Man 'muni I wan ii-italul) uilKiiiuli'iiitoinl It an)-
nf llin i.iHt Hlint )(iu liavu to otter.
Ilcru wan ItuoHiivcIt BponillnB Wfokii
In tlif nitii'lirakcH of l.oulilana, with
.. hllH.n. nf I. .!. 1U... !.-....
1 .. 11-i.iiiiu i.i nvi,ivin .i.-aimis mu iiiubii
101 liuir and rcturnlnR empty-hand-il,
ulilln tlilK ti'lvi-)iar old boy can
loiiii' nut Iiiti' and wllliln a short dla
nmti' nf I'i'llian Hay lirlni: down a
I 11111 lint kiiIiik In ilflnln )ou
Ioiikit fur I have to ri-turn to the
LnilKi-ul oiiii'. Ilowi'wr. I muit con
Ciatiilalo you on tliu thrift and enter
prlH'i )on have Mhown during the patt
four )car, a thrift and cnterprlie
that Ik going to build up for thin
county 11 reputation that will be na
iiinuul, not only national but Interna-
itionul. I pleilKo )ou now, as 1 did
I lour yearn iiko, my best efforta to-
Will Appoint Commission to Devise Ways und Means for'uard the aciomiitiahment of thu
K-Kiilt and to nnHiiri' )ou that my aer
ilex arn nluo)H at )our command
I thank )ou."
After thu Governor had concluded
IiIh aiMrcat he a kept busy for
miiiiu tluiD RhaklnR hands with a
IntK" niiiiibur of his old acquaintan
ces anil with many of those who were
desirous of meet Ins him. When be
Pnnlly utnerROd from the crowd he
was Joined by the rest of bit party
anil taken by carriage to tho Upper
lake l.inillni; where Mr. Ilarrlman'a
launch was In wa'tlnK to take tbem
back tn I'ellcan nay.
The) will remain until Thursday
mini when they will go to Crater
lake at which place the Governor will
li met by 11 delegation from tho Med-
ford Commercial Club and taken to
Medford In an aulomobtlo.
Addressed Large Crowd in Court Mouse I
Park Advocates More Publicity I
Building Road Counties Should levy Speciul 1jk
and Statu Make Appropriation If Permissible
Cuveriiui (iniiKe II Cliaillliei l.llll.
I I' Oltilin, iiimiiigei nf tli" llairl-'
111 it ti In the Nui III went anil I' S
Ktaute), km relnrt-treaHurer of the
llesiluites IiiIk.iIIoii Cuinpmi), miit
11I In the ill) this nuoti from 1'illtaiil
ll.'i), win re the) lire the guests nf
I! II. Ilariluimi fur a few ilii)S The
patt) was lint at the t'iper lake b) j
II iteli'Klilluu ft mil -J lie Chlilllber of
I niiiliierin ami the illstlugulslieil Ih
lliitH Weie iKluiteil tn the Lakiiilili
Inn wlieie a dinner wus nnd In
Imnur nf the (imernnr anil his fi ienilk .
1 - Inn baa 11 l.illtr rule ami (l utm , ,,, fM
thu fruit ilinlera i.'in ahlp fioiii thui1
no the li. w apt 1 Lit ratn !' I'.1""1 "''
uataci riii' rule tinin Kan 1'ian
cImo In thla lit) linw la 17 21 per
LuDilreil nuutida. but the lieu iati'1
tli'i II at I.. &tl utnl Die M'mIiiI 'nil'
Ute at II 71 the pleaelll Sairiilueil
In rale la 17 :,', whlli lb" new tali
li IT. : with 11 apulal fruit Mile nf
It HO tin AhIiIiiiiiI rate la !' ml
lbi riiliiitlun puts It at tn .'.u with a
ltlnl rate of ,1 1111 fruit, the ri
diiitluii fiuiil I'urlliliil la Hit an large
ialiig lo tin. grenter mileage, but the
irdurtlmi la er) notlreabl"', the prea-
lal rale being I". Ml, while the 1 hiltige It at $r. jr, with 11 apiilal dull
litu nf ;:,. All otliir pulnla nil
th( Cu.ikI will have 11 iniieapiiiulltig
lf rriluiiil rate, mid I here will nlan
lea iiiluillun In ilimgea f 1 lb"
I'lHike'a Vlltllll- I. Ike Oirgun.
1 . .
A iiiiinlier nf Ibe New Vnrk piiipl"
lit tlilK ininlllluii b) I. Illehn ne.ulene lielle(il that I wnulil inuie to
the Klauiiith hniie ami meillial u 'within full) miles nf Klamatli 1'iilla
alttauie was at nine auimiiuueil i.nil nut lnlt )ou I am glnil, hnw
iit i-'iailier iiml llanilltnn hae Ilu ,eer. In inuie here fur tho aeinnd
pal li 111 In iliarge ami he Is being time. On m wu down hem I
imiM fur ul tint home nf Mm 1. M rskiil what I shniild talk nbiiiit. I
Van llrlmiiii r I '"I '"' l,,,', """ ' w'lH l'xl0 u''' l"
li k.eiua that his ileiatigeiiient jnddroHH )uii until I aw nomo ilrru
1 mm Hiiililinl) fur he was inimlilereil , I.iih nil llin alleit to that ifTiit. It
IKifiitl) lalluual b) all whu had was huggealed In me thai Innamilih
....1 luiuuraiil wllh him r iit-lur I talked about Irrigation thu last
,, limn I was hem Unit I gl uu wimi)
" 1 whlili was fuund In Ilu hot nlr now. Hut when I tell )ou
liar of the Klamath bonne was In n liu.l mi ewry hand I sen mldenres
lu.tii iiliiikIimI iniiilllluu as It had 11! splimllil nihancemeiit during tln
.n a illllluill task fur him In umpu
tale It
Arrangement ru being ,', '"
the I'lne (Irn)o hdiiMil illstrlrl tn
ralmt uiiuii.) for Uie erertlon of 11
1 i,.,l linuse. If It Is pos-
IIMMIl M " till Iju
Hibl" Urn l.ull.lliig will l' mmpU'toil'letl.
In lime fui the ensuing u-n
'past fuui )iurs It must not bo lonsld
Tlvlile I'npuliilloii.
end us hot air. Pour jeais ago ou
lad 11 population of about 700; today
)iiu have n population of 2u(li) mid
I predltt that In tint next four or live
)e.iiK )our population will Iiiiwi lieli-
Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain
nut with the Hoiitberu I'm I lie mil
ium! nn tho 1 astern ablu nf thu uioiiu-
I'mom Male ppmpil.itiuii.
lain If the state lonstllutbin will
mliiilt nf It I will be in favor of a
tale itppiupilatlnn nr tin'
Orders Issued for Its
Dorris Agent to Be in Charge
of New Terminal Point
for the Present
Water Very Low
in Klamath Lakes
Ladies !
I Shirt Waists
Pony Jacketsand Sweaters
. . . Every one is a beauty . .
em sun ami union iuu inn
In in Kail l.iikn Oil) two )emn ago
Tho sceneiy 01
"The Beit Place to Trade"
Now I will glo )ou my reasons
for this piedlctlon. Tlifio la now bo
lug construe led to Hill city 11 blanch
nf thu Southern l'liilur from Weed
Unit Is to bo u part of tho main lino
fiuiii K.111 I'rumlsio In Portland. It
2 will uiiiko thin illy I ho lenluil point
J In Iwoen theso Iwo gloat iltloi. 11
X .it. ..-!.... !.. .if 111,. Ulirld
Y Will UIIIIH ."' "". ""
A 'into cluso with this cnuntr)
T'nud It will furnish means of uiiess
X fur tho thousands of tourists who
' will turn Uieli fuuK towards tho
I In m
V 'Seo Anierliil Plist
A Klaninlli ciinimt bo am passed by an
J thing In U10 wm Id and It Is not ei)
I lung tint II llin people of the United
IHtiites. Instead of ciosslug llm Atllin-
tb and IhIUiik .Switzerland ami Ihu
Alps, will lonin to Klamulli iiiiility.
"To stimulate this ttntlli' )ou must
do Hiimetlilue )omself. I will loll
jnu a state sei'tel and one that will
be of dlroct Interest lo ou. But a
tew da)fl uko number of gentlemen
lalled mo In Salem for tho purpose
of dltspUHBlng wu)s niul menus of
In Inning this iiiiility to Urn attention
of tho people of Ilia country and as
n losult of tills confoienio I will, In
n couplo of da) a announce the ap
pointment of 11 fommlflslou that will
luivo for ItH object tho dinlalng of
means for llm loustructloii of an au
tomobile load fiom a point on this
elite of tho mountain to Cinter lake,
aiound that magnificent body of wa-
ttr and on down to a point 10 cou
of a tax for Ihu purpose of (mistrial-i
ing this blghwii) und I believe
IliM loimt) und the one lo tho went
ul ou will bo willing to lev) a tux
lo aid in llu same woik. To allow
)uu that I am going to be Impartial
in the appointment of this commls
slim I will tell )nii now that I am
l.ulng to placn therton mime of the
illlzens nf )uur oiunt)."
The Cuvnriiui then refeired to his
ti Ip list sumuicr to attend the
iiinventloii of governors n ml told of
his suiprlso ul tho Ignoiuiiro of the
people bo met at that time about the
greatness of (Ills state. Continuing
III) b.llll'
IMliuile the People.
"You will have to educate tho peo
ple ubout what joii have hero. You
will have lo advertlso this county and
IIh sicnle wonders, and It )ou do this
It Is onl) iv matter of u short tlmo un
til )ou have thousauds of tourists
10111I11K ht'iu every ear. Thero Is no
icaaon why thirty lliousand tourists
should not visit Ibis tounty every
)ear, but In older lo get them to do
eo, jnu will hnvo to In Ing to their at
tention tho greatness of )our 1-011 11 try.
it used to said that all toads lead to
Koine, but ou ought lo get lo worK
and change Unit s.lug Into 'All
loads lead lo Klamatli Kails.' In or
der to ilu so )uu will have to build
good .ru.uls, und on that point too
much t 1 ess iniiuot bo laid. You
must liavu gund roads nil Ihiough
)nur county, mid p.ulli ulaily In that
section of It Hint Is to bo opened to
the tourlHt travel of tho wot Id.
"You people tnn hardly npprocluto
tlio amount or good that the visit or
Ml. Ilmiliiiau will do to this urn il
ti). When ,vou lemuuihei his wealth
mid pnalliou and tho tint that he has
seleiled Ibis (ouul) us Die spot tor
his summer lecieutlou It will iculll)
bo seen that It will result In tho com
ing of thousands or people to this
Ilarrlman'a Promtae.
tiiHtlou. Mr. Ilanlmaii pioiiilseii me
that ho would use his tiilluouee lo In
duce his friends and acquaintances
to visit this county, us ho wns dolight
ed with his 1 1 Ip hero and particularly
tho hospital!!) shown him b) the peo
ple of this city mid county, tho mac
nllltent climate and wondeiful seen
eiy. The fact Hint his twelve-) ear
old boy, within less than a week af
ter his arrival hero, unaided, killed a
300 pound bear will do much to
brine to the attention of the people
Owing to the lack of rain during
the past several months the lakes of
this section are now lower than they
li.ive been for a number of veari and
lev) lug j,, nlany place,, tbo boats And It bard
lo navigate. It Is estimated by Cap
tain I'aiker of the Mazama that the
water In Wood river Is eighteen In
ches lower this year than It has been
at nu) tlmo for a number of years.
and It is making It extremely diffi
cult to navigate the stream with a
largo boat.
The boat stirs up tho drift sand
and ns It Is washed down stream It
forms u bur at the mouth of the riv
er, making It hard for a large boat
to cross. This liar has been removed
several times, but It la only a matter
of a few days until another forma
and the same difficulty Is encounter
ed. Mi. Parker thinks thla la due
parti) lo the fnct that tho water If
low and because thero Is so mucb
drift In the river. It Is tho opinion
of Mr. Parker that the large boat
will have to give up the river trip for
a tlmo at least and In tho meantime
ho proposes to put a launch on the
Southern Pacific officials are thu
authority for thu announcement that
the passenger service over tho Cali
fornia Northeastern will bo extend
ed to Calor within a few days. Tho
new terminal Is on tho state line and
will decrease the staging four miles,
leaving but seven miles to thu water.
It la not definitely known when the
service will be extended to thla point
but tt will be Just as soon as the
road can be turned over to the oper
ating department.
The order for the extension does
not make any disposition of the
frolght and It la presumed that for a
time at least the freight terminal will
remain at Dorrls. It la very probable
that tbU will be the ease until the
road li extended to navigable water
and a service established that will
enable the. boata to connect with the
trains over the road. This, according
to the statement made by Mr. Harrl
man, will be some tlmo this fall, and
It Is not likely that In the meantime
any other freight terminus will bo
It Is the Intention of the operating
department to run trains to Calor
without having an agent stationed at
that place, leaving all of the details
for the agent at Dorrls. It Is evi
dent that It la the Intention of the
officials of the Southern Pacific to
get a good aervtce to this city and the
line will be extended to the water at
the earliest possible date. It la prob
able that there will be some delay In
reaching the water because the marsh
work wilt not be completed. The
machines, however, are doing good
work now and the contractors ne
under Instruction to rush matters
so that It Is likely that before the
roads become bad the trains will bo
running to navigable water.
Mlsa Edna Jensen, ono of tho
Klamath Falls school teachers, will
arrive here tonight and will go tn
Crater lake In a few days.
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? f
Our rods and tackle are
the beat that are made
and the stock from which,
we invite you to select is
very extensive. ..
$ m Roberts & Hanks I
Hardware Merchanta