ifAscTT t axtixo nwr-nwc Rrr.HF.ST SOIL ARFT ATYV PHONE jyiAJan Litxnuo Yr""" "- -- - 303 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER AClth AND urWAKDS. EASY m Xt KM m i"Bl lm .1. tX.l. TO OPK.N l-MS. .Wxt iminlli will ei radical iluiuit f In tlio laiul policy of tin Cnn.nl l.i n Cirntii.'tit Tin OHit I.1111I ail. ulilili Kin- Itllo fITtit 'ili'liilT 1. will throw ln 1 tbo puMIc S.0t).- 000 am' of rloli, arable l.uul. In In.. Mld-nuinbi'r.M section if Vtirn t nnailn tint are lllicrnll)' luli'Wottiil ti a iii'tunrk nt railroad. nn ndjiie 1 tit to iiinmi'ri-l.il market, anil art iinariiilni; with live. htiMllui: town ship, with ell-etnlillheil iMillrc protection. miiiililii.il Biuerniueni, schools, clrtrche and Institution es sential for aKrlctiltural prosperity While the "renter" nnd the man ulth limited looe rath In being hen the oppurtuult) nf owning hi own fi.rm. unlike the procedure hitherto followed In grunting free houuMteudH J10 lit nut uiiKiM to forego the uilvnut nge In not tied districts ami to go Into ll.lernes to flKht the. hanl of lilgituit llcxl.!. 11 wife In IIihiiI 1 Ither II 1h iillegnl that N'elsou lias another wife nml ihlhl In K.tl.itim. W'nih. St piillii. an large n nil he tuife I) brought frntii California In Ore nii. Ii.ue Iki'Ii niilereil for the new Southern I'.ullU- depot at Kiigctif. h the proinotlon department of the llu- Tlie best make of nepainlori) ran he lr,d from the Creamer) on snintl mouthl) piimi'iit plan The milk reildne It n aliiahli' feed for ralte I ogs nml poullr 'I he present pi lie paid for duller tat. Ii'i tents. Is ax low at tin 1 Creamer) hat paid Kline ll hat b.-eti nperiited Willi ooler weather. w hen ' The will he1!! doe i utile, ami an ml Mime In the 1 I erlre of nuiHlde l.i.ttec. an Itii'rcat. I gene Commert Inl rlnh Hhltnwd nil remit to nut Into their Trie ' 1 . .. -... - .- in 1. . ...... ....... 1 In lite prire 01 rream win e j. ....'.. j a'thniiKh thin ma) tie a malter o( 11 lonple of months lint een al IV '1 lei tilt there It inline) In milking for To travel limn mile from Si. Ana- the Creamer. The I,,., out of sight II11 will noon he I MlNI2 m LOAN on win lies. .11) milking moie iowi. pioperl) and llmher hind HAJ.I. Willi pimtlialU Ihn Hiune expeiiMK SIIIM'IICHU C( ss,f the Cieamei) can handle Iwlie the, nmontit of hutler fat It now reoeUet, y ,. impplr )ou wllli any kind nml tlilt would permit pining moreur f nrtilliiiuo and home furnishings ' l'i pound for n en in The man li'..-1 VlrgH Sou. ill I '1" bridge on Msilu I l.ieiil will Illlike a iiiiiwihs el III' unmix ami inning.' teielUim Htatlniit 111 localities where theie lire a iiiiniher of funnels tnppl)lliK cream There are doubt l.w nrui) who desire to send ereiim In If they fan deliver II near nl home, or have It collected b the Creamer), and theiie should noil l I'risl McKendroe, manaKer It In mil etxeiitlnl thai the farmers KLAMATH FALLS, SATURDAY EVENING. AUGUST 15, HHkS , i.n.. a huge herd if a nnmi .( ill- neiKhhort am mllklni:. two m ' The I'nrllnnd pnllie a.e lonklm: '"'"- "" '" l,r," "' ,,," H ''' 'tl.'i eaih tiioDI li. and II xleadv i.ioh ,.., Mien ......, ... ........ ....... ,, I,,,,,,,,,.. ,,mK, MHI.II. It who It iippotc.l in have inn itwav',,, ,,,ineiileiii Cream .omen now from hit home ami taken lefiiKe In fioni llh. Meiilll. Klnni.it li I'allt. I'ortlnli.l in ...ape arr.ml on a el.n.K.. lailiKill Valle). I'ne Vulle). Yoiina nlle ami iinnalita. ami nirniiK"- III.elllH are almnl . nil. Illiled for K.llll 'iliiK orfeie.l mtpptt from Swan l.aki THE EVENING HERALD ImiioJ Daily Kxcept SmnUy, liy tin. HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUnsOHIl'TlON UATKS IMIly, by mail, one )rar " ,w l)lly, liy mail. x montiia - f1 Dallv, ly mail, thrxt montl -'' laily, hy mall, oiit' niontli "' Kaily, liltcreil by carrier, one wl 1 WE ARE LOOKING I'm lip III .drill' Vilp.' I.I .41 IV nill HdLhei Ue t ill il('l'l) 4liln' I'll mil. me lie ill lie' I'lillH' .I In llie Hfl.le old lliull, t ucli nal.'h U untranlM-l li ' placet on the IiIk cment pl.itfnriti n' the new Mint loll. nintket for (he T llitltie, I'lnrldn. to I'emlleloli. lo meet the man of her choiie and then lo In married to him at I ii'dixk in the mornlnc, wan the nnliine experience I utter fat It ever rea.lv and pavmeiit an made eer) month liet the hah It. K.'t llie e.'ish fight, of the plonwr. in.tead of thla.j"1' Ml r:J" ". ilniichter .if the newlntrnment of the C.innillaii I1'1' ,1,lor ,,f lM,ll,t' nf lm' ol,l,H" '" I.Tl.latttre elves the enterprltlnc'"' h' """ li,,t tt,,"k- T'"- i.tnn free land aitnatcd near rlonrUh- '"'k n,,n: ma ' ii"" " "".ll. ItiK town, offerini; all the advantaK.t I'hoii.Rrapher of IVndleto.i nd convenlcncea of modern life. In every townxhlp the quarter nec tiona 8 and 26 are the property of the Huduon' Bay Company, which la Will Irrigate thus alRDlflrantly dotted nlll over Western Canada and remind one of the fact that the entire territory was once owned by the corporation. Thete section were ceded by the Canadlnn government to the Hudson' Hay Company when the latter surrender ed lit title to Western Canada. With! the exception of lit nectlont, all I even-numbered quarter sections were thrown open for homcBteadlitK h) the Canadla land act of 1ST:. The art zet apart quarter sections 1 1 and 2b for selling by public auction at the ripe moment In order to form the tin- clues of a fund with the proceeds of .which to establish common and hlith reboots. Tho remaining odd-imnv tered quarter sections were held In trust by the government to Ixtlow grants on railroad eompnulf and for future homcsteadlng entrleii. When the Czar read In the dW patches thi. forty-seven Mexican rev olutionists were shot in a bunch for treason and 100 of their sympathizers sent to the salt mine prisons for ten to fifteen years he probably felt that the autocracy's reputation for doing things' was In danger of eclipse. GENERA!, NEWS Jackson Held, the joung boy who shot and killed (Jeorgo P. .Demurs nt Portland last week, has been re leased from the county Jail on $r,0M0 I Loll. The t&n.S wool (Up of the llaldwln Sheep & l-anil Company wnt mild lasl 'week at Shanlko at private sale tleorge Abbott, representing the Hot any Worsted Works of I'nstalr, wa the purchaser of the entire . lip, as gregatlng SSn.cmi oiindt The ex I'll prlie paid was tint made public, lilt it Is understood to have been about 10 leuts. Thlt clip Is one of the largest west of the Ito. k) .Monti- Another month will pmli.ilih he mirth-lent fur rompletlliK the light and Hiner Hittein to ami In llmiatiia The line from Klamath I'allt It now I ra. th all) lonipleie.l and It will not ti.ke long to wire the town The town e under inntta.i to use 20 street llphtt Willi thlt number the i.inii .11 can satlitf) the rcatniialile de mnii.U nf all K'.tlnni. of the town Several laud owners whime farms lire rnnllgnut lo Lout Itlver. are flK nrlng uion Inmalllni; puuiidng plantt operntiil l) el.tlrlc milium. If mill able arrangement inn be made wlih Moore Itrot , for imwer Olherwlte iiintt of them will pump wlih giixo Whole and Powdered SPICES By Pumping I White Mustai.I. w I iv ; Caraway, Celery, I Coriander, Cloves, Cinnamon, Tiiineric, Ginger Hoot, i Hay Leaves. tains and tins n well establish. l rep jii'.atlon for qualli) nminm .lenient 'n,,,, , c ii,. Jat II litlMoll. I jaiul maiiiif.irlnreiH ill. I,. Ilolgate, I'lill l'.irii.lle ami. I" rratiK .mi unit an nave pnuet up uie The Ashland Commercial Club "' ""' u'n- ' l,l,,," "' wn let during the summer fur Irrlcilinn purposet The) will lrrtK.it from Km lo r.UO arret 'I bete men and a few i.thirt will probably Install iimall individual Ir ligation s)stems regnrdleHt of the re in have ran Chitwood Drug Go. Committee to promote the Instnlla- Whilo attempting to swim from tho mainland to Shaw's Island, In the Columbia Rlvor, CharltH ,, Kinney, aged 22 ears, of Portland, was drowned Sunday. While playlnt; "Indian" with wilier little boys, Albert Follett, ugecl i enrs, of Pendleton, received an ur- low shot iu the ee, which will leave the night permanently injured, If not totally destroyed. i A Hjndliute of eastern iiiuu headed b John D. Olwull, has purchased the ruinous pear orchard of C. II, Lewis, near Medford, for $ 1C0, 000 The otchurd- has held the world's record lor -the higliest pi Ice paid for a cm load of Cornice pears for two ears, one car bringing 18800. This la the luigest deal Injhe history ol the (r.ult lands of the Rogue river valley. ' i 'Hon of llie frit deliver) of mall In ,hlar,il have their laboix Well under way. The ell) having llie require ments that Justify an applliatlnii. pojliilflre receipts above flo.oou an nually and n imputation of .'.lino, the other matter that llie illy and the people will be requlr.-d In do It lo piovlde. four Important features, good street (rousing and sidewalks, and good lights. Ashland's street are properly labeled and tho street llghtB will pass muster. The work of completing Ihu numbering of the bouses In iircorduuio wlih the olllt'lul map Is under way now and will be In readiness by the time the luspe. lor arrives. The most Important matter to h attended to is the sidewalk question. The government exacts good sidewalks, thai It tnu lonscleii llously nsk Its dellverymen to miry a load of mull on for two deliveries each day and six da) In every week In the year, and lo do the samn In a given length of tlm. Tho sidewalks need not necessarily bo of wood oi cement and may bo of dirt If other wise fitted up inopetly and are dry i. ml walkabln In the wet weather. More Farmers Try Dairying (lionutmi IIiiIIdIIii ) S A While was In liiwii fiom Mil i inch al Itoyslon last week, lie hail u cunt ly ventured In the dairy cow IjimliiMa,. (lending hi cream lo tho I3onan7a Cieamcry, milking now about ten cows Notwithstanding tho lot vveuthei and the coriespomllng. continued low price of buttei-fat, his cows average bringing hlin an uver oge income of & per month, and he idyo this leaves the stock cattle bus- suit of the effort made lelled the inutrai Is with llie Klamath Water I'ser Asumlatloii The) be lleve that al the best water would not be available from the government s)sleiii,eveu If work begins next 5 ear, for five or six )e.irs While Hie) will Initiate ieg.ir.Mess," Die) lau make morn satlsfailor) and cionnnilt.il ar rangements If lli"y urn not lle. up lo the iiHxoilation A number of res et volrs would lm built this fall were a not for tin lontrails as lo goieru inenl water It is obvious thai llie inmpielien tlvo government plans. If uiirled oul, would be moio betielli lul lo the i (im munity, at a whole, than all the pos sible lmlhliln.il Irrigation plants The j piople lieio thoroiighl) understand that, li u 1 tliey also know that the su alter aiea under aituiil lirlgallou It. belter for llie loiitmiiull) Ihaii llie greater acreage Irrigated mil) on inapt. The i initial tH with Hie asso ciation for llil h.Ttlou has thus fat meant, mid so far as we inn learn will innllnne indefinitely to mean. only III rested development Oilier it! Hon Is imperailve nml other at Hon will bo taken -llonnnrii Hulleliu, Cleunlng uud pressing at the I'ant- utorlum. We call for and deliver )0U clolbeil I'bone 475. ? J3 Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES THERE ARE REASONS Twy You Hhoiiid ouy your Groceries at Van Klwr nl "" 1st. They have the gooda you want 2nd. Their Groceries are alwayn fresh 3rd. The price Is wllhln reason 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS, Get the Habit- Use Chase 6 Sanborn Coffee, FURNITURE TABUO lAl)I)IN(;. it at (Jillett'.s You will li tul E. W. GILLETT & CO, :!' ,HH. it Heavy rreigniing a spcciiuy. Baggage Orders Are t Given Prompt Attention i l 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company i 1 i t Having up-toiate piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving PHONES Office 171 ; i n : !'! turn 73 KENYOIS a GRIMES, PROPRIETORS '-'CK- f4iW4mm; V-:-J4t- VV4K-fr)4H4 l Herald Advertising Docs h. Your Business for You i it n : I eH SHERWIIi-WlLLItHS Buggy Paint U the licit paint made lor lni(( Kiel. (Jixxl, too, lor xrch anil lawn lurnilure or anything sub ject to oiilmle cxpotutc, S- W. Buggy Paint wears well out-of-iloott in all kinili of weather, giws a bright, iluiable lin, spieaili evenly, coven well ami coinei in many attractive colors. It it cronoiiiiial because it avei re-paintiiin ''" mmhi, anil H always natiilj. lory. Comes ready for the linmli in hatnly cans, big ami little, at you re quire. MSIM ronSALCalV ajasjffjsjss Geo. T. Baldwin, I HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER 6 STILTS. Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry Krrnh ami Curnl Mrata atul HausaifFS of all MnJ. Wit handle our meats in the most modern way in clean linrss ami surrounding. Try us and wo will ba most happy to have ynu for a customer. Vt Delivery. ! 0O0CC I 'tis J. .I NKIIT, I'rrsl.lrnl Abftncting Maps, runs. Blue frinU, Etc ).. M. Hiss. Vlce-I'li'. andllral Klamath County Abstract Go. Surveyorsand;irrlgJtlon EndJneers r C IUkT K WiriiNi'w, Secrelaiy KUnath Falls, Oregon 0t CIIAS. V.. WOKDKN I'ri'siili-ut M. WOKDKN Cashier VMM M BUI ASK Vicfl'wiU"' The American Bank and Trust Co .: . y Sheffield Marine Gasoline Engines """-l -" " ' ' i 1 1 I. Buy a good Engine for your boat. Easily run. Amontf other owners here, Mr. K. P. Hamilton lias ono Write u.i for prices and catalog. WearethemnnufucturerH. FAIRBANKS MORSE 6 COMPANY 1st and btark Sts., Portland, Oregon. i ; 1UM.A.1, 1.31111. U ' ss- . slsfaifjfaaffasaj kajasBjiai I aaw j Sanaa tH CAPITAL. $100,000.00 m Cor. Stk ud Mala SUcM t .