The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 14, 1908, Image 1

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Klmniitli Fall"' Mrst
,l)( !.'it Dally
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Yi:aii, N. 5S).
Price, 5 Cents.
ANOTHER HARD JOLT Belicves in lse
' i fulness of Outlet
i - -
Klamath County's
Richest Valley
HpiiiKnu I Ivor Mill") In piTliiipH tli"
li-iiHt known of niiy inlliy In unllru
KIiiiiiiiIIi iiiiint), nml )il. It Ih tlio
i ilIichI mi linn of Klmn.illi county.
fake Dispatches About Harriman
Hit Klamath Falls Hard
pjttorlt'ri Reports ol l)islinciiisliid Nun's Visit to Kltimiith
Wild tinesses Made tiy I ntcrprising Journulisls
Not Acquainted With Conditions More
The (in' Hint i: II lliirtlmuti l
ytjuiirtiliiK " l'l l,"m" '" "'" Kl'""
,i, imiunulns l Hi" souiie ir tiimti
wVM" ft"1 ,""1 " ' '""" '
,11,11.11m i mil" i""11'' "' "" l"1"' '""
llihi ""il '' print"! In put
h Milium ('"I" "' "" """" 'I"'"
l,.ll.imi; i ii iliiiiiti 'nun ii' Ti-
Mm W it'll. l.lKir. "' August Kill.
gfMitlHK " mill" '""" Ivliilliutll
Kl. VM TII PAI.I.H. on-. 'iu "
. Klumnili Pulls' population "' '
(ti I: II llnrrlinmt iiml Hi" i
Ulllltiif '! !' I'nt ' "K"1 """,,,
rirrptlon ill IHHHi lil) "hen the
lilltuiul kliiK l"l'l"l imli"i" Ii
the .liulii.T Unit brought III"' t1'"
1 miles tip Klamath Ink" " w" "
. .nut in tii iunr ui hi
tmill tlulim vlllng"
I'j.r .H'k I III' IiiM ltaHiil wll
Inn a wuriu spot In Hulr In-uiis lu
llm h" I linllillin: n lumiili
if llm rtmitliern INirlfk IhiniiKli the
tllUK" have '','ll ".iK'tI) iIImumIiik
U minims of Hi" inn it '" nlnU
IMor. miles nf rnllroail. uml when
the id miiiT mi wlili Ii Ii" P
miser Ihixi In nlKtit inii" 'i
(iiml nmli fur Hi" !' V.
Workmen illuii"'l lli'-lt i'M,l. ill''
Jrlnnl Hi" irni rimlmi Wiiini'ii. for
piling tin Ir tinuelnlil ilutii-s for
Ik miiliienl, plrkiil up Hull snnill
vnik ur hulldliig ilii- Iirmiili through
In ullage 'I lii'ii In- iti'iiii In the
hi.iiiiii: iiiilniiiiitill" wllli Hi" nielli-
In l ui hl iiul) wined IiIh Ii ii n it im
(III III. II lllllli ll.mlll ll UWll) ltl It
iliui) mill' Irlp In I'i'lliiiii I . 1 1 1 K .
lli III" M'II. III Klllllllltll Palls wen
I nppi 'I hi-) ii-uilii-il their ilesHliU
I lull ill I. ii'ilnik. Jimt III lltii" In kII
Iiwii In ii Kiiml HM'.il .iln r mi ui
Intnlili' nip
lli.lili'n Mr Iliim" In the
I m 1 1 ni" Th" two llitrrliuiiii ln
nml Hi. 'It tutor. Hi l.l". V II Hill
nml Iliirrlluiili s prlml" win lr.
'I In')- It'll I In' kkiIiiI I ruin nl III"
I'nllfiirulii-Oiegou Mali- III"'. Iwi-nt)
in IIi-h fniiii KIiiiiiiiIIi r.illn. nml l lull
Imlitileil III" steamer
Dredges Making
Slow Progress
I I'm nk Adams Ih one nf III" liii'ii
In KIiiiiiiiIIi iiiiiiiI) who In n llrni In-
lll'VI'l III Hill IIHI-f lllttl-KH nf III" Tlll'J
Ink" nutlil In iniiiii itlnn wllh I lit'
drainage nf III" IiiiiiIh Hint have liii'N
IiiiiihIiiIi'iI Ii) Hi" giiidtiul rise of Hi"
Ink" IN' Hlnli-H Hint i'Xii'iliui'iitH
show Unit fur n iIIhIiiiii" of not lens
IIiiiii mi" liiinilii'il lllly ymilH iilong
tin miiilli hlinr" or Hi" lull" In Hi"
liiimi'illiit" vlilnll) of Hi" onlli't Hint
II .i lioli' Ik iiiiuIi' In Hi" "iirlli nml Hi"
nun i I in imiI In It u III lnk Hi" kiiiii"
Ii X II In ilollu: In Hit' ulltll'l tll.ll llllU
lllllltl tl'll KII llllllll lllll'llllllll. Ill'
IiIii kc Hint It Ih pnssIM" to ui"li n
,ui .! enough IihI" to How mori' wuti'r
tin-ri ioiiii'H Into Hi" lukfi HiioiikIi
I.i hi ihir nml Hint II wilt In; n uri-nt
lii'l'.i In loweilng Hi" Ink" K" Hint til"
i veilloweil IiiiiiIh i.'iii Ii" let liilllli'il
lli nH Ii" Ii not iri'nii"i to
Hll.t" Ulll'll' till' Wllll'l glll'S, lull Is
iiinil in ii! Hint ll iloi'H not How Into
n mil', iiiiIi'hh It Ih mi ixi"itloniill
lutK" one Hi' In intlii'i of Hi" opin
ion Hint Hi" mil ii llniU IIh wiiy Into
Hoiiin Hiiliti'iiniii'iin iliniiiii'l nml Hint
UiIh ilimini't will prinn Inrc" i-iiuunli
iti- uirr off nil Hi" wilier In Till"
link" In it ii'iii.nkiilih hIioiI Hiii" If
tin iipi'iiliii; Ih iiiihIi' Hiillii'li'iitly
Inrc" H" Ih irr) i-1 1 1 Ii t is ln 1 1 In
linvliiK Hi" r.nii'iiitiH'iit ink" linlil of
tln iroiollliin nml miikliiK n Hi"cliil
iiiiiopilntlon for IIH ii'"loimi'lit
Soni" llttl" wink linn lici'ti ilniii' on
till' Olltll'l III til" pltHl f"W WI'C'kH wltli
Hi" ii'Hilll Hint Hi" How Iiiih lii'i'ii III
i ii'iiKi'il i niiHlili'ialil)
'I ho vnllcy proper iiiiiiprlmii not to
oxd'cil twi'tity tlioimnnil ikii'K of
IiiiiiI nml upon IIiIh ri'Hliln iiioim whnl
limy Ini tiTtni'il wiallliy men than up
on nny oilier nlinllar ntea In IIiIh
dimity. Mont of IIiIh IiiiiiI Ih nwui'il
nml lonliolli'il h) not lo "xict'il ten
pITKOIIH llllll llll Of llll'lll lUIVI' I'llllllKll
of thin worhl'H kooiIh Hint th"y nro
iliiHHi-il iiiiioiik Hi" loinfintnlily llxi'il.
thul Ih Hh'Ii ri'Dpcttlvi' miiiIIIi rmiK-
Ink fn ilioiil '."i,iiiiii to mini' than
llm tliiieH that ninili.
HpniKU" river vnll")' l iniiHplcii
oiih fur Hh line hullilliiKH. Almost
"leiy rnnihur Iiiih ii larn" Iioiimj
cnmriirliilily nriiim-'eil nml IiIh ImriiH
me iiiiioiik Hi" IniKext In th" lounly
nml ui" lllli'il Hi" "iir round with
llii wlhl liny Iiml Ih luirVHtvil In Hi"
vnllnv mill lledlH lililllnl.'llllly. Ill"
men of thul m'iHoii are nil "upiKeil
In Hi" hIik k IiiihIiii'hh mnl Ihu Sprm;uu
ilui licef inttl" sir" iiiiioiik tin.' Unit
in he plaii'il In Hi" murkit nml iniiio
In from Hi" rmiK" In prime comllllon.
It Ih n iiutiirnl ntock iniiiitry nml Hi"
fieli who wllleil then) )rani iiko nml
iiiiule ii" of the opportunities hale
lioipt'reil uml nr" "iiJoylnK llfu In
OH" (II til" ll"Hl HIOIK llllllliri"H 111
Aiiioiii; Ih" pionilnent "hIiI"HIh of
SpiuKii" liver vullny nro . A. Will'
Kit. Tin- llloomliiKimiipi. Johh I'nr
.er. John Well. Will. Smllli, I!.
CnKi'heer nml otliciH.
Ground Leased for New Landing
for Upper Lake Boats
Major Worden Leases Ground to Company, But Stipulates
that Public Shall Have Use of Landing Without
Paying Charges of Any Nature Whatsoever
tine In no far hh liimlncBi koc. He
cle.uili'H new;ral hourH of every day
lo looklnK over nml ntiHWcrliiR lili
telenraplile (onuuiinlrationx and In
rrnillni; IiIh torroHpondencH and the
pnpLTH that are taken to the lodi
iicry iiiornlnK. The announcement
Iiiih not hevii made when he will tcr-
inlnnlii IiIh visit nt hlit mountain
I'litli'linl I'liilel' '111'".
.MiilliiK Ki'pli'inber 4tfi.
Vol Know n llcri'.
J Trunk ilmn Hpenl mtenln)
Iuh'iIiik Hi" ork Im'Iiik don" h)
I'U driilK" nn Hie enperlmcntiil fiiriu
He mi)H It will Ii" nliout ten iIii)k h"' Hi" ! IK for "iiiIohIiik Hi" farm
Ih lompli'ti'il. I'loRri'HH Iiiih lieen
low In plaii'H Iii'ihiik" Hi" mat him'
viih not exailli Hiilteil In Ih" work.
liiinK" Wnnl, n hoini'hli'niler n
Hlillnu In Hi" Appli'Kiil" lountry In
JnikKon iiniiil), wiih iuiikIiI umler u
fallliin trie nml pin I to Hi" moiiml
for I went) nun hourH lie wiih fnuntl
hy IiIh wife In mi iiuioiimIouh ininll
Hon, It Ih thought hy utlemlluK
iiIdhIiIiiiih Hint h" will hiihIiiIu no
Hi haH iinil" nrriiiik"iii"iilH wllh "" j (M. mani'iit Injuries fiiiiu IiIh exper
il'llio.iil i imtini lorn to etrhiiUK" l'1''-1 Irnci-.
their iiriim nml inn U' tr wllh them for n few iI,i)h uml
ilillilri'ii In
Die whuff Truil"iii"ii finuir
Ihi whiilo popiilnllou of lil.itnalh
l'll m Ilieii
Thin Ih nn iiiii'tlHtlcil linlii.'
i itila lioth will he lii'iii'lllleil lit the
iln.UiH ll tilrni Iiiih laie mil do
the work Hint Ih i.iiihIiii: him lnnihle
nml IiIh lilnc rnn do Ih" work
The Crook lounly Jnurnnl inilillih
ed ut I'rliieilllo tellH of one IIIII, n
railroad piomoter In Klamath KulU,
who Iiiih none Into Crook county for
Hi" purpoHO or promoting the ton
htiuitlou of a railroad HiiiiiirIi Hint
lountry. Klatnnth lint till kinds of
luomolerH. hut the IIIII mild
to hull fiom this tu'itlon It not
I, i. own In Klamath.
Secretary C. 1. Chastaln, ot the
Klamath Water Users Association,
has IsHiH'd notices culling the atten'
Hon of the memhers ot the orRanlM'
tlnn to tho fart that the adjourned
meeting convenes on tho afternoon
Lf Septi'inhcr 4th. In view of the
frtit Hint i.o much business was left
over from the last meeting It Is ex-
pei t"d that there will he a large at
tendance at the adjourned meeting
mid that some rather Interesting dis
illusions will come up.
Iliirrliuuii ri'innrkiMl, a, isiulnit fnimi:mt kUiii Hie ralltoml dredsfs
the hum he saw Hi" suil.liii! fm" f iimislilernlil" annonini" As soon iih
Ike miiiili' who will In- hm iiiiKhlMimih" dlk" for llm "iperlineniui rami
Will II III hleppeil nsh Ill" ll"
hrhleil people HWIiriueil uiouliil hlln
like so mail) ihlldreli woilhl Kiillier
sinuiiil n person who Is nlvlni: Hindi
aay Tint rnllro.ul kliu: wns per
it'l'lllily iiffeiliil Id Ih" wmiii ii
ii plliui Th" piople hud ukiii'iI that
ii u,.,.i.i i... .. .... t iliim in iiiorl
li'. lh"iurlhouhe,...iki, when Hie) would le.i.h unMitahl"
llllll I. lid few I. III. UK-it Killer.
Ii. Kitllm: iiiiiiialnleil llniilnian
U iiiuipleleil H nihil." will h" Ink
,11 to III" I'ppiT lak" in h" pl.iied on
i l.i mow Hint ha I n I. ullt for ll
Ml Admits sii)h slow .rouieHH has
li ii mad i Hi" dlk" fin Hi" rail- uml h" HilukK this Ih tnnliil)
due lo Ih" lint that Ih" dre.lKi'H lire
not hulll ilKhl '"r H'" ',n, mV-
II" would not venture nil opinion nn
m Willi. in, mi llm proi "hhIiiii stnrted
lth jouuKHlers now and then dnrl
IliR In (..nil of Mil. ' to t-'" Kood
link '
I'l'ini nun him; Hi" pmk" n few reinnrks iiii.iernli.i! the
Sheriff W. II. Ilnrnei miidit a trip
to tlm railroad rumps )et'rdiiy.
lit s.i)H lhi iniislriii Him crews nro
mnklm: riipld proKress uml that I lie
u.lim.i" lainpH ni" hul a short ills (nun the edK "f Hi" ni.iiHh,
S:ctt( red Bricks
in Their Wake
The larR" mn) team lieloiiKlui; In.
II. C. Cl.lldeiH hi'iaiU" fllKlltelieil
while hta.iillm; In (lonl if Hie limn
hloik. They wei" hltihpil to n wa
riiii loaded wllh l.rlik nml slnrleil
down Main slieil. I'or re Ihmi
a lilnrk the street was clrcwn with
hrliks which wen) Ihiovn In ever)
dl.ei linn iih llm waKon struck Hi"
hlith placeH. The team was slopped
on the hi hit!" iiinnliiK up In liaik of
limit her team that wiih helm? driven
aiii.HH. Asld" fniiii loslni; the load
of hi lik n. ilainami was don".
No Strenuousness
Eor Mr. Harriman
The hoal lust night hroiiKht In
twenty-llvo puKsvimerH nml a larKit
shipment of (relKhl. Tialllc hns Iicoii
IncieasltiK the past (ew weeks.
There lire l.o KturllinK reports
from I'ellcan Hay. Mr Harriman
mi ins conlent lo rest In the shades
nml enjoy tho fresh mountain nlr
nml Is not nttempllni! to emiilnto
liesldenl Itoosevelt hy lunkltiK trips
lulu the mountulim In hearth of
hear. The life he Is IIvIiik Is not of
the stri'iiiinns iintiiie. hut Is rather
ui." nf lent nml reireatlon. lie Is
iimleiit In let his sons do the limit-
in.? whllo ho etiloys some of the
tamer sports such as Hulling nnd
si.i.i.slt.K hlniKelf ut tho pleasures that
do not call for tho strenuous llfo
of Itnosevelt when ho Roes Into the
deports from tho I.odRO aro that
his life hns heconio a sort of a rou-
Y. M. C A. Crowd
Arrive at Lake
Judge Ilaldwln received word this,' Hint tho Portland Y.M.C.A.
'M'lirsionlsls wero at tho lako today
m.d that they would be At the Agen
c landing at 2 o'clock tomorrow af
ternoon ready to take tho boat for
this city. No deflnlt plans have been
mild", but it is tho Intention of Mr.
Baldwin to make arrangement! to
havo them camp at the Agency, or
near I hern until Sunday and then
hiie tho steamer Wlnema meet them
or. the regular Sunday trip. Ho has
teen unnhl" lo Ret In communica
tion with them ns they aro still at
the lako and tho telephone to tho
Steel ramp has not yet been com-
I'U Iwl.
The members of tho party will vis
It this city as tho euests of the Cham
bet of Commerce, and will then re
turn to O'dessa where they will meet
their ramp outfit and will hlko across
the hills to Ashland.
iBaaamflLl r J
1B9k s (y
r- 9HMlapIM!vVi. i it- -'.V JX
PWaUltgMvIU'?W ( V V5 S- &irW
.Ir t IVm
WaSaM v. . u'
im -ri-r-it rtrrrTfiijrL .?w -- ..
-? Qi2
You will save money by buying
sewing machines and all ot your sor
ing machine supplies at Mullers, cor
ner Main and 6th streets. 7-SUf
Upper Klamath lako Is to have a
new boat landing and wharf. The
Long tako Lumber company Iiiih
leased from Major ('. I". Worden u
portion of his water front and ac
cording to the terms of tho tenso
must build a dock where nil boats
on tho Upper lake may land and from
which freight may be shipped or re
ceived without paying any charge
whatsoever. This is tho only condi
tion Imposed by Mr. Worden In the
execution and aside from this ho
asks no remuneration for the use of
tho property.
The wharf will be built at onco
and will bo a short distance abovo
tho present boat house. It seems
that thero has been considerable
dissatisfaction In regard to the man
agement of tho Upper lako water
front. Alll of the land heretofore
used as a landing Is owned by tho
Cucna VUta people and has been
leased to Capt. Totten, who In turn
charged fees for permitting parties
to land with boats, launches and
scows, and also placed a tax upon
all freight that passed across his
The Long Lake company, which
U one of the largest shippers ot lum
ber, found It a rather heavy drain
to pay the tax required and began to
cast about for another landing with
the result ot securing the very liber
al lease from Mr. Worden.
In speaking ot tho matter Major
Worden said, "It Is my opinion that
the traffic on the Upper lake la not
sufficient to Justify a tax upon all
freight. There are also a number
of parties who have small launches
and they cannot afford to pay a
monthly tax ot a few dollars for tho
Undtng privileges. The landing I
have leased to tho Long Lako com
pany will bo open to the public and
any one of the steamers or launches
111 have the privilege ot loading
and discharging freight. Tho launches
can make It their landing point with
out having to pay."
Manager W.O. Huson, ot the Lum
ber company, Is well pleased with the
lease his company has secured and
he will at once begin work on the
dock so that It will be ready for use
In a very short time.
mi tr.,
me ocassuiid i
Newest Creations
in Suitings. Overcoating and Cravenette t
Cloths. Now ready for your inspection.
,iMn aATieiMrYNfiN without success. COME TO US.
r, ...,. ,.... I,, Hoardiinir for TAUkww -"".:" rppv Tia X
ii yon nuvu iH.- -; , . Particular Dressers is our nvuvy. .
l;UHI - ,
We Satisfy ou,or
Making Clothes nn- ..-
Klamath Falls
Faahion Shop
Wholesome food
the Hotel Houston.
well cooked at
Going Camping ? j
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? :
Our rods and tackle are
the, best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to" select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks i
Hardwire Merchant!
Refund YaflMlsrey
'. j-
, .t