Pbe ftMiitM Undid. Kiiiumtli I-'iiIIb' Vim Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . ltll( i.hI Dally third Yi:au, No. 2H. KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. 1!K)8. Price, 5 Cents. INVtSI IN PROPERTY Disastrous Forest Fire in Yamsev Mountain Section Klamath Country Looks Good to Portland Excursionists SEVERAL BUY LANDS NEAR CITY I hey litick llii'ir Opinions ol tlu Country Willi I heir Money mill li'iivit Hero ledincj Hint I heir Cnpital Is lnstc(l in Orcqon's Hesl Soil Wmil Iiiih been leiclW'il thul nifiiniii mi) Iltni) mum there will liollltlo It I Mlialltl IK ' II" eirUtl"Hi'' '" I'''" '"'''" K ""' , ,1,11,11, .ir I In' l'"' I ''). ' fii truila"" " r "" ll"",,l "' i""" ,.h l,.i.. Mr i fiuimlois nf Hit' l" "' l"i"'l Jftjttl"!' I'lllll . where II l mill! fruit I I'liitliiml 'l riinli m iiiki- iiml will get In kIiiim tin putting mil a iiunilx-i (if fruit ill il aliuili' tiiH-n 'tlu iiIkii pun Iiiih- I ihh miulliii Inn in (nr I'ortlntiil Mind, win. will :imi hnn Ihi' l.iinU A I llooti a mil' ill ii li .mil at unii' mi an In pill nut 11 1 imiiIii r nf fiult trees lli'h On rim, iinulhi'r n( I In' oxcur-' nlftfilot . Ill.uli' M'toml lll ftt ini'lltH t ilimiHlriiim fiiri-m llri' Ik taglng In llm Kontli-Ki'llcy ImlillngH In tlin Yiiiiiki') I.IOII.ltlllU HMtlllll. .1. I'. Kllllll.lll li- ielei H mi'HKIigi' Ji'Kli'iilay evening iiflcltiK III r r i In iihi) hiiiik iiii'Uiih lo i Iiim k lln' lliiiui'H iiml lii' nt (inn ill. pall lii'il llairv IVihhoii, oil" nf I lie (pi'lllll llH' Ullllll'IIH. to gll tlll'Ml mill l.i-t llll'll III light llll' llll' I'll IH IllltO ii'Ki'il. mill an still mi-lug In ".minus "iIIoiih nf tin iniiiil) Tin- Iihk Iiiih Ihh'ii Ih-:i mi rniim nf llm liirguio.il luuili'M Tin' danger lit lint itncrtiiHlng Imt ratliiT Iiii'IimhIiik for tin iiitilln- I ill y Hpi'll Ih placing llm unmix In .1 iniiilllliiii where It will Im iiliiiimt InipiiHHllili' In iniitml tlin llmiii'H nfli'l' liii'V inn i' gi I Hlarli il Muni nf tin lln-H In IIiIh Hi'itlnii ii r i imw miiti-r iniitinl iiml It mini limi i' danger of tln-lr spreading. Tlin nxl'i'iil nf tlin flro In the YmiiHey reg Inn In not known tint the reports art tliiit II Ih 'inllo Hi-rlouit. Wonli'ii llu j h dlttler Itiunli. Atinlhor Wood ilvei valley ranch thuugoil IiiuiiIh Imlny. .Major C. 12. Wonli'ii, pii-Hldi'iit of tlin Aumiluiu Hunk K. TriiHt Company, purrlian-il tin- i II. CrlHHli'i- ramli mmprlHliig ?.!',( iirii'H. It layH adjoining to the .Mi'lhaitn rum lies whlih .Mr. Wordon Iiiih xnlil to K'-nator Weed. Tlin ranch Ii loimlili'ii'il (im of tin lii'Kl In that r.i f I lull of tlin Milln) Ki'lialoi Abl.er Weed Inft for hlri linmc at ItiiiiHunilt this morning. NO SUMP IN FREIGHT Boat and Barges Heavily Loaded Almost Every Day MERCHANTS SHIP SMALLER LOTS UtJ.1 Ii" ' "' " ",K,,,,r """lln piml.ii.iMl tH.'iit) ainti In tin ilr Hmii iiiuwheio ilun In thl uti'iprlan trait. I him tot h In .MIIIh muntl nli'l '"' "" " l'l'""i'i In I'ltilltlnti iiml mil' hit In tlin ill) finitli lilloti'.n iiml in fiirmliiK ili'ti'lnii mint nl '""I H'-illon H" li-"1 '"''" Itlrniiiil in Hi" Kliiniulli inniili) (nr KtiiK niiii' anl on pi''.l"HH ,llt l,tt tia npn''(l hllnr"ir an finnr jtlr lniiri''l Hh "''" "into .. lit Uit nli hen Ii" lini'kril hu nplu ). nl 'hi iiitwtry I') making a imlnr nf lti.tlient II" wi'l I" J nt tin' imlillt Hihnnl Mr Ohi'Iih ii unii from Amino, Wimh , ami hi' nr) fiitiniilil) Imiiriitni'il ullh t tlin innntr) John II. Until, of Yolo imint), Callldtlllil. nihil' Ili'li' alimit lln' rtamt' limi' ami nlirn pun linm'il Mill-.. Inla In MIIIH aililltluil. The liiritmi nix iiiiuli' ri'pri'Hi'ut nliniit l I. nun 'Ihi' (ml that mi many nl tin ' i rmlolililH miw tit In IllMut In Kl.im- Hlrlnmiti. who nlo fiiriiurl) n-jntli iralt) pMk ll for thin w- In C'lnrailo ..ml Hh.ifnra imiiii- "" Nlf Alil"u, " l'"'" ' I., ulll kimn Im ! lln. amid. linnlinH- lr..l .t nan iiln.i.i Mlwii . n ,m atll ,lH ,,.,, .,.r nil- t t'liliiriulo Sptllir.D."'" "I ''r ' " tk mini' iipliilnn In ii'Riml In lln lituri' nl Klamath In fp'-aklni; of It Mr Allium imIiI "It In Ih" Ixiit nil iimiihI iniitilr) ltl I han i'iT tn'i'11 rilinatli inn ilMlont im' html ami tlin lii(i'irlii nf the inuntry am ynrli-il nml ilUrrnl (nl Ullh i;ovi'riiiui'lil annl ami itilliiilti'il walir for liiluallon pin ti, null liiimuinx' nntiiral .il"i tfr nml tti'linlti fotrl of miRnr MORE GlESTS ARRIVE Harriman Party Likely to Remain at Least One Week Longer at Pelican Bay Approach of Railroad Does Away With Big Shipments to Last Through Season When Roads Are Bad Many Smaller Consignments the Result UXIITIMATK HUNTING. Iiliuimtli I'l-iiplf Urllni' In Taking Out iulreil Urenw. t atlnii. Hi- i) ' nttci'ii 1'inlKrnnt HiiRiiii, hrltiKlin; "tli:ip thirty poo I'li', Imvi' Htarti'il Iroin t'olnrmlo ami v III arrlM' )nr' nhnrtly A iumhi tin) Ri'l Iniati'il II"')' will Kn I" 'rk mi tin' lnuiU lo i li'.ir llii'in or thi' inKi'liriiih ami put llii'in In cultUn l nil "I'lmif " (JimhI AciiIii. It lian tint lii'i'ti ili'llnlli'l) innimnr- "" i.l lin Innif Mr. Ilarrlm.iii will n- wililu of lilt; mntll lotB look llkd tho inritii at Ii Ih hiiiii itior Imnic, Imt It Ih Tin' M'inml pri'Hi'ntntlnn of tin up era I'lnatnro wan noi ho i.iik'ij Hilimliil a on Ih" Hi"! hkIi ''"I " i .... . ....1 i indnltiiH plni' lulliir.iit to TO m Ml - -an ..-.tuny " P""" mil.-. ..t navlK. rhrrH k. " " ""'"'' "" " , "" ' 1 1 in ! Tin' luoiliiitlon or Huh romir iffiK.iiiii: tin. .hi'np.'Hi kimi or r.iriii rn wuh ( n,(l , , lllllh0 ,(IV. Iilia liir lianilll.iK tin- run p.niliiilH ( (, t ,H tt :llll tl. l.iilli'H of the nfllii' fiiti-HlH, oiin HtiiHt inuilml" that Wiiumiih iluh nr" ili'Hi'tliiK ol mi.rl. It U II... Iiml Hint of .. 111111111) I'.r ,i..lltfrllHH.i.."HHf..rloll..'tri.nni .. 'nrk It Ih In n InrK" inr.iHiiri' .111". rlnpuii'iit nml lor pUMpi-ilt) H I B,,rK " ' Ml) pioliahli' th.il hi) Hill In' tln'lf fnt at li'.iHt itnnlliiT wi'i'li Iti'pnrlH Irnin tliuri at" that Im Ih i'tiJn)l.iK I Ih licaullfnl hnini- nml that Im Iiiih Ihi ii hiii ciimf nl In i iitfliliiK nuiiiluT nf lino trn.it Muinli'TH of tlio party hint- lamli'il -riil Inri4i ouih,.iu.ouk tl.i'tu nni' that Hclnlii'il i.lni' po.inilH. Mr. Ilnrrlluan Iiiih I n out Ki'Vi-rnl tlmi'H ami Iiiih kikci cImI In lamlltm n niitiilii'r of llm1 Hpi'i'ltui'iiH Tim part) Ih Mill liirri'iiKltiK anil I thin i'i'i.lni; John .Muir, n i-ry tlusi' frli'iiil of tlin family, will iiriiw In t!.U ilty uml will K ii ! 'I'" II")' to Im ll.i'lr K.ii'Hl. Another party of (iIi'.iiIh will arrlM' tin1 Ihi' wii'k. AfUT iiinrliiillni; IiIh work Mr.llnr .1..... .1... . !.. I nt l.la .milifi. rimilll I'lijnjn in'" tiii-i ... tun ...'...-. lull uncut nml If tin? owiilth do not p'tuovc II h.hiiu Htranfii-r will file on Hiiimi of Ilic viuaut loin for timber rlnlniH. Wlilli- the i'l"au up rr.niado U on It might hu well to put n few IukkIhk iiowh on th" Htri'i'tn nml tho mnnt lotn. wii.Ii i:i:riiKSK.T kmmatii. MNs i:iliil .Mi 'aulcy Will Tniil ultli I'm Ilic Nnrtlim-t I'arty. MIkh Ktlii'l MtCauli-y. of thin city, vlll ln inn- of tho Hi'vcntot'.i Orcon KlllH to tour thn Kail ut th" cxpvniio ot llm I'm Ilic NorthwoHt. Shi' ai latli-r p.ut of iiiwnnU'il Hid trip lor Rii'iirine a large I'liniluT of HUliHcrluern lo tiio p.iuii ration In till rimnty. Sho Iraveii on Hntu.ilay fur I'nrtlaml ami . week icln r.'lr.'.U nml iIiuiikIi Im I'-h not fioui'lliat day tho party lomprlHed of ... .... t I...... ..l.la t.iliriwi.Mtlm IlH m.ltlV 1'iraiMi IiIh lii.Hit.i'HH rart'H u dc.iik i i " - .i- ..v,.v fr llm turmoil nf llfi'. fnr till' i roil III !" III Ihi Matt' Tho records of tho county clerk dhow that 3SC hunten license hare been iHHued so far this year. Thti la indicative that the peoplo of this county bolleva In complying with the Clime InwH and that thole who enjoy tlin Hport are In favor of tho enforce ncnt of the game lawi. Tho protec tion tifforded all klndn of game !n IIiIh county through tho lawa prohib iting hunting during certain seasons of the year Is sufficient to render val- ii.ibl. asHtatancc In the perpetuation ol tho game supply. The trouble Is tli&t thero aro too many who are la (lined to the belief that It la welt and proper to violate tho game laws as lung n b tho warden docs not catch i no In this act. It Is tho spirit that liars, canned tho laineRi of the enforce ment of tho laws In many sections and has resulted In tho extermination o! game that was onco very plentiful. Tim true sportsman not only believes in Inking out a hunters license, but also In giving assistance In the en forcement or the laws that have been enacted for tho protection of tho game. In order to maintain the rep utation of being tho best hunting ground on the Coast and ono of the best In tho United States It will be necessary to compel all parties hunt ing In this section to comply with the lawn. If a nit Hun cHpi lull) inlaptiHl In c-lryliiK nml Iiiih ii .'.cat liilui" In Ibat illri'itlon " MtHHrd Allium, mm Hnliimet' pur itiatdl 3u in i oh or Hu Ili'aiui'H plnrn fUM mlli'H hiiiIIi of II." i It), ..ml inch of III" gi'iilli'iui'li n Un putih.iHi'il, IhrmiKli Trunk In. Whit", Iwenlv tri'H In llm I'nti'ip.lHK liaiU which 'hey H liati' ileiited of Ih" wigo- ii) l li.inli Stni'l rrnM'H). Hit It 12. I)i.nl.lp. Ill" .MetlinilUl luiHlilltiK ililer of II'" Klanmih dl ti lit, whu now maki'K AhIiIiiuiI Ills hi'inliHiitrl.TH, Iiiih piirrhnsnl llm Nor i h ii'Hlili'iic" property on Church ftiiit. mid his Ininlly Iiiih r..nued In llm placi. The uinsliU'ratlon, II 1, lepiirteil. "i I-1'"' Ashlaml Tl.llliKii li'legraph Instruiiii'iil ki-epi lilni In i'Ioho toi.t'h with all luiporlaut nlTulrH. In Ih pernillleil In enloy th" unlet of .i I h iimlil Hi.rrouu.llngM that for I'liturnl beauty ii'inaln iinexeelled. Vim oilier im'iiilior of llm parly, en- I it tally II"' boyn. a." euo)lng tho Hiiperb hunt lug uml Mulling and it In Hiife to nay Unit they will nlwn)8 n inll will. pliMiNiirii llm few weeks of each ur Ihal Ihey Hpent In III" t.ioi.i.tali.H of Klamath. IHiks I, Ike Tail I'ni'iit. Tho woods anil gran growing along llm HtrvelH In front or hoiiio of tho liulldlug on Main street nnd also on will start on Ihilr Journey. Tho Itinerary Includes Salt Uiko City, Denver, St. Louis, CliLagu, Huston, .Montreal, Minneap olis and n number of other large tit les. On I ho way went Mis MiCauley will spend n month at Omaha, Atchi son uml Denver nml will also stop at S-'ilcrnmei.lo. Tho girls will bo equip ped with Oregon llleratuto and will mlvortlfo Iho slato wherever Ihey go. C'nmmei.ced Itrlck Work. Tho masons this morning began work on tho brick walls for the Hum block. There tins been considerable delay In getting started on account nf not being able to get brick. The cellar nnd foundation boa been built lor home time, but the contractors experienced troublo In getting the necessary material to go on with tbe walls. The brick now being used were burned by H. K. Chllders. One of tho surest Indications that tbo Klamath country Is In u healthful condition so far n trade goes Is thu lfcrge amount of freight that la urriv- Ing hero at this season of tho year. Tho steamer Klamath was heavily leaded ever)' night and about every other day a barge Is brought in load ed with all varieties ot freight. This condition has kept up all summer and it shows that there Is no perceptible slump In the business of tho city. Tho merchants are all selling goods and are buying Just aa heavily as during any prevlour. year. Fall shipments have not yet begun, but as soon aa these begin arriving the traffic between tbla city and Dor- rls will be quite heavy. However, there wilt be less large consignments than heretofore for the approach of the railroad haa relieved, to a certain extent at least, the necessity for car rying exceedingly large supplies in order to tide through the winter. Tho fact that-the road-will be completed tn a potat-whera boat connection can be natte with the trains will relievo tho merchants of the necessity of tying up their capital In stocks which will be on their hands for several months. Klamath Falls Is no long er In tbe backwoods where it Is nec- ewary to pack supplies to last for several months before the storms set In. In tbe future tho freight will come In smaller consignments and ir. a steady stream as It has already begun to do. Since practically all ot tbo freight shipped to this city Is loaded on tbe boat and on barges at Teeters one can readily form an Idea of the amount shipped here and it is suDctent evea at tbla season of tbe year to Indicate a healthful trado condition. It. I!. Ulsvdorf has sold his res! ih mo to lloraio V. Mitchell who will i esldo In town this winter so that the boy can attend school. Mr. Itlsedort I'vpects to leave mjoii fur Canada to look oxer Iho country. IBkIR r ' ) Hi HaiSSSr Gntu m:tm iky, a, v, yA Vvm'i sip JaP) 7Wfc wX wS vL. -s "V WA T There will be a special call meet ing of tho Woman's club tomorrow. Krldny, evening at 7:30 at the resi lience ot tho president, Miss Sauber, Attendance, of all members Is de sired. GRAND EVLL OFENINtif The Season's Newest Creations in Suitings, Overcoating and Cravenette Cloths. Now ready for your inspection. .vm aATiarMfYTinN without success. COME TO US. I If yon Have to- 'tato Dressors b ., Holiby. TRY US. inuriioB "" We Satisfy, KKK STORE Klamath Falls Faihion Shop ill I I hi V iH T MbbBi1PsL ' " "'jBV Y s 1 1 Workmen aro making splendid progress on tbe basement for the new White block. Indications aro that It will be completed In tho tbreo weeka allotted the builders In tho contract. K-980000')'amlM Going Camping ? j We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. ' We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. Roberts & Hanks i Hardware Merchants i Refund Yc yTTwwwwww M , mwmwmw "t 0''ttt.tBltt