t t i i i Z Z bA Ji m n .arlivi. Si t ! K :,f r. i z : H RH fell ('S' ' ? BRICr MENTION ! Honest Goods Honest Work Honest Prices Honest Guarantee i The AukuM Hut of Killion ri'iuulit ' It In Cull mi Iinir llietn n( MiiIIcm Z ;-.:itf Ml ll Mlim aulieil In Mir lilt I Mulil Hum hull Is Huilm-m h piwixInK lit I In' I'alit t .t -- --- . I Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.? ? Also, while the quiet Summer season is on . i there are interesting things doing in the $ pnce line ,11.11 nun 7-13 Mi I I'lulli'l III 1 1 cil III I'll' It taut iiIkIiI (ikiii Oakland, ('ill . ti Join bet bushmiil. Or I'lulli'l Seternl ili'Klriililn mourn fur ri'iit at.'r lllt SMIIM llrj llmuls Co. i:n- iinln at II. i itoio. Die MImh in ami CilH'l I'mki'ti H In tin' fit (nun tlii'lt home near Will Move Dredge ITTTT 7r,w,2 t woo.. River, The Best Drug Stored Is t ho mio Hint best serve its customers constant aim to jrlve every custom..,' -.' . IU Tfuuu mtui ii I I In' Vilalii ilii'iUi' liui nbolil i mil- T pt ) tin' n'i liiiiuiiliui nf tin' I'M'i'rl T li.i'tiliil (iiiiii I'lii'li' li'iniilli lull a f ft t ilatH wink mi liui iIIIich iiml tlU'll'X I v i x Dont fail to call, first or lust, before you buy i'i ki'Kaiua l.iullei iiiiii; oliaiii'i .i tin it, . uu ytore. kin nlovi'J 7U IG. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician 5 REPUBLICAN BLOCK X Mrn Aln'1 Ally In In tin- tit) toilit) T (rum Teeters taudlnK- J Fur ttio bcit rlK lu town call at A tliu Mammoth Stable. II. W. Straw, Proprietor. Y Jim Wheeler lean been In tho ill) v fiout Kurt Kliiinatti (or a few ilnn . . Big Bargain SALE For Kline, . iti'uw lllenu, eor. niT '.Uli ami Main. F J Ktelnuietz who nime here with tlic Pottl.uul ei urliiiUtn. n- tin' IIiiIhIiIiik Iiiiii In' oil, would Iiiii been niiiiii'lril Mime llnii' into hail It mil lii'i'ii Hint H ai li III it ill ll ilniiii'il lo urn' llii' Ilia ilillli' III npi'lilllii tilt' lu'ail of t In lllll iauih i, unit ru Unit ll 'il. I diet iron' n.ilei riu1 iliedno. an mion it SMf'l" ioliiii li tin' it liiliiiiiHin ( i'i' 'll'lllll'lll.ll 111 I III Hill i. llll. a in .In. I iii'i laki' .nut ..III lu ilui'i'it nil tin iio ami towed to Wood liter ll lii'Kin work on the Wi'i'. I riitiiil Senator Wi'ihI r mm In tlm clt) ami lio ami Mr Adatni. who arrived lii'io llilii lutirhliiK. arc iuiiiili'lliiK nil nrruiiKi'ini'iitu to hei:lu work on tint illlili nil toiin ai Hit' lum'lilliiT) ran Im mowil Ttiln intuil, mniTnl s'-s'-,n-- inlli' In loiiRtli, li lu'lnic Imlll by Mr Wt'i'il In urilrr In ki'ni lln AimhI ii ti rn of Wood rli't (loin Iiiuii.I.iiIiik bin aliiabli' Krailm; I.iiuU uii.uiiii iiiiii ui kiii; vwry lllHloinur tm 1 nKMihlo Service; best in titmlitv of ,r,vft,i. r"1 in attontiiiii; liest in phurmiiceuticnf H(jr , best in everythliiK tlmt makes the i,i,H 'JI, factory kind of a I)ruK Store 8alis Our steadily incransiiiK patroim,. td thebcat. idenco that wo art Hiiecoodinj; in jjivinjr the ul DniK Store service Wo cordially invite vou briiiK your prescription! to us, buy your t5u article! and Sick room neceulties of us 3 como to us for nil Drug storu supplies you ma! need. Phone your wants. ' Red Stir Roic Cream will relieve that Sunburn-.gs a 7Z Star Drug Store m J II I'ri'tii. iiiiiiiai'r ol 1'altliniiki Murii' K Co. ntr'iiiiiuiili'il lit Mr h'ri'in, bail lu't'ii In tbl ' (lim for Hi'trral ila Tbr) tlnltril I'rulir lake ami a tiiiiubiT of olbi'i piling In ttriu'il lionii' ttiN iniirtiliiK 1 CU'nnlne atiJ ornilur nt tbn l'ant. J nlorlum. We mil for nnj di'lUer i'l.iiii.illi nuitilrt )our ciowu't. I'nono 475. 713 'Merrill Vjllrjr llir limrt of MaiuhIIi, 'i Iti't I' Cotikllu mill latiill) ami V Mr Uamii'r li'ato In tin- tuoinliiK for Parker f. 'I'atlur bat a.li-a mini 'i llii' bm kli'bcrr palili. to In. com' a !' r of hiii n'(iil lrl iii Wimi.I rlt ll'l'k Xi You will lavo iiionev by biivliu: i.Klnv liinrhlnranml nil or t.iup.. ithiT bill II l lllollKbl lllll! Willi a . .. ... ,... I I'I 'llll') I'MM'tll'tlll' Mlllll' illltliull) ill. uiukliiK tin' iliurl I unit In tin' Will be extended in order to give our customers aud the people of the rural districts a chance to attend this money saving opportunity, numerous letters having been received from the farmers requesting an extension of time to give them an opportunity to attend. We will do this in order to close out the remaining odds and ends that are left over and to dispose of the big bank puptcy stock. Here then is a great opportunity to renew your wardrobes at sacrificial prices. We solicit your inspection and patronage. t InK machine nuiiplles nt Mullen, ror- Ilillli' work on tin- ilmtiin'1 I In- trip nor Main ami Cth itroiU. 7-3ltf (,in be maili- wlihuui ant neilmi. ' Mr () P. Snroul of Ibe real nlale trouble 11 r in of Short Shroiit. reiurneil but I 1' eteiiliii; from Oaklnml. where he Inn J lic'ii for the pant thro, wieki utiili-r X llif in re of an e)u Mu'ilnlll ij.sfc' m -:- WHY SUFFER FROM Kidney I Bladder Troubles WfcB MYAL'I ITONK HOOT COMNUNO UlMich poalilv nmrdr? it HmbImm tktkMMya lo lU full prfornuace of tkilr ruactlon, (UaUnatia uric potions froa tk jrMca and iru u ioothln, ktall. ! upon Id. bto44r. By In Uom. bcaltkful condtiloM of Hum orgaiu in proMiy rtMortd. PKICS. I l.oo w bitk UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY. uLi Klamath Falli, Oregon Mrrrlll. . Propcrt j I. rrnl.lr. Will (lite Ioimi. - 441mnti .t me Hunting seaion la Here and the Baldwii Hardware Is Headquarters for all Kinds of FfJtl t ARMS AND AMMUNITION Minx Lillian Stlltn left ibl tiinrn InK for Portlaml lit uluily the fall I 1 be ntnleinriit 'i4 le-en tunilv lo ciialuiuer of mluo ami otberi tlmt t V UDU HUUUl'll KHUIP 1.IITK Oil llll' IILIU" Mi.1 h inter t)li-H In millinery ami to)of . Krouni, ,, mnuw.nU ,0j pun-bane kiioiI fur Hie SiIKh Dry i tombitone. Thll italeiiti'iit li in, Ci'inlit uiiiipnii). ?' Ilr C P Mm mm ami brlile nrrlteil .. Ir the ill) l.ul ulKht. The) were elf. 'ei a hearty weliome by Mr Mimon'i .-. man) frleniU They will renliln In . tin- of the Worileti i ol Inxi-H on Kw-.-. sr.na IU'IkIiIh J The utenuier M.iiaiiia left thll J mornltiK for Port Klamalli with a number of lamn'llKiTu AtlioilK ttione 'k on lounl from tbU city weie K. II, 2.V:ti. :n., nnd 32 W. S. Wlnchcuter Corbim-H 25-M. .'W.30. and IK W. S. Winchealer 2fi In. barrel HMO WinchcHter Kllte. 24 In. barrel . . . 22 nnd : W. It. p. Take-down Winchester Hllle .'(2. :!.'. nnd ..'(Til Svt Ixiading Winchcater Ritlen Other Fire Arms at exceedinuly Iow Price. BALDWIN The Hardware Man 14.S0 16J8 13.25 S10J0 liajo rlitlculoiii that It ' tiarilly worth d-1 n)lnx. eiperlally lo on) one who I I all familiar with arouml clan work, I bellrrn the itaVtintnt bai li... ! tnnili' t.v ..n..nili. ,.f t.itn.. ft. hurt my trnde. ami to .how that th 1 rH0Mt 2BI KtAMATM rAUS, OIBOON report In a lie, I ,im wlllln to aim I , t)o 1 1 000 to the penon who ran flml any wootl In any of my monument!. kiin::st a cahtkii K. W. Muller rarrlei the laraeat lock of KdUon phonoKraphi ami "ul1 "" J""" K '" " K"Ik'KoIi1 mould.. rer.ir.l In Klamath J t the Port on liiinlnmn county. 7-3ltf i I i I i 1 Portland Clothing & Shoe Store K. SUGARMAN, Proprietor. 4KKKKK4KK Rock and Yellow KITCHEN WARE SALE -at- i THE DEAL DON'T BAKE U-i us do it for you. Everything Home Made. Prices Reasonable. BREAD A SPECIALTY. W put up box lunches; also lunches for hunting, flihinir and picnic partiea. :: A trial will convince you that it ia cheaper to buy than to bake. KLAMATH FALLS BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN Get Our Bread at Cawklas. K0$ $ II SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS i While in the store don't fail to buy Borne of the new Haviland China ) Mum for Hale, (leorae lllehn, ror hit Kill anil Main. Ire. nib ilrlnkd at the Monarch, Wti nliui tiamlle a cholrn line of lo line, on iiml cliam. .g Priib bcrrlm nml ranlnloupi-i at tho Monarch. .g Wu have ev.'DtlilnK In Ih.t vee latin line nt tho .Miinarth. t lirluc your clothes to tti Putt torluum ami let ui mike tbim look like Dew. 7-1J Our rlock of vpftetablni li rooplrt New polatoei, cucumbcri. rilUk. pepperi, itrltiK beam, bvcli, carrou. and iixtia fln tmnatoei. At lh Mot arch. Watch for tba big KontuTt! ifl of tba BOSTON 8TOIIE. " Watch this space for something that will be to your financial interest and special benefit A---