II &... &iu&.-L- Honest Goods I I llIIEA WW l JaV t-.Bt- m. m. ,rtv -nrn . TA.i .'-s,'' s- 4,A4T7 tKitNm r LU-urtif i lum ? rru ta tw -.. h - . s a a. OS &. "taW aT W V JLAIV. A- JA Uf5 JiUlC INSTEAD OF QtJARREING'f Honest Honest Guarantee I Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your s Jewelry, Watch work, Optical work, etc.? $ Also, while the quiet Summer season is on t I there are interesting things doing in the Drtce line I V U Kl.ililiilh I'iiIIm Ik In keep Hlep llh llils ago (if itioiiii't mill to p.io Into tln Hplemllil ell) we hope fur, it i all iinl In' iiiciiliipllttlii'il tllioilgll tli" cm Heal nt-operntlnn of lnr fit I- It'llH Tln tITnii" of tin1 Hty rotinill t tiini' the city- clemied up lit pioper ninl tlioiild Iiii tin' tnppnit of e et piopetM onner mnl letlilent Tin' iitliiiit of tin- dimnher of I'oiiiiui'iii' through lln atli'iniil In extend II"' f illy lllllllt II I HOt tlllllllH we J IH'l'll, lllll rn-Opellllllll I" II HOI l I i .1 il .... ..i Mini .... X lei mill we lift I'" I'" " - - , have mid tnippi'tt lln' ill) loinnll In mery rffnH lit follow lolltemitUe Hurt mill .M't to ilo nil I linl I" uitlhle o ho iloni' with Hi" li l")t, mllo'i tluilt to !' loin Into fnitloiiH I In. mull mi attempt lo ilo n llilim 'hat I" H' I) to riiil In litigation, ili'lm ninl l'o , tilde fiillmi' I II not n fin I Unit H "I Is till' Mil? t lull l' I MiW it.i . rtiiisliinl aim lii j;lw rvwry m. posMihli' M'mci'; hi'.sl in (tiulii in iiuuiiiiiui; iir.ii 111 piiurniiicciih, IicmI, in every! hintf that makes :i factory luiul of a Driijj Store Our steadily iin'rcMisinn piilionm , that w "" i ilu. i. I "l? lK'sl 1 ,,KH. :m. " ml satis. in iiilwullvn llio clly ninl iiiiinly ninl the tin wrie III unml llnntiilul wi Dont fall to call, first or last, before you buy a bring t'M'iitxIonlhtH mnl other pi'o J plo Into tin. ititmiiiiiill) mIioiiIiI be I 1 1 1 1 mipporleil mnl loiiMtnuhle iiui- iilliiitlniih innili. to lit'iii ilu' expense hi iIiim utulei taking. In view of Ti niiiMiUy for thin co-operation. en n wo afford to gel Into Internal strife mnl pomtlbly lulu ihu rourtii G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician $ REPUBLICAN BLOCK tlilon at llil Mil'", no out' would lliluk ot iituiuptliiK to extend tin1 raj 1 1 lit It n T I It not alto n fuel tlntl tint iinn.il rourtr In mii'li iae I to wait for tlio property owner It seek admlttlon inlher limn nttt'inpt lo force them in? What wo nerd U friendly co-operation, not tiinrr ini'boMtn,. :: iilejiee that we are siimxtliii"; in j.rUlI t, . ; DniKStuiv aurvico Wu conliallv mvitv voi :; Li iiiu your prescriptions to us. luu v,,,,.. "..? : articles and Sick room necessities .r .. come to tin for all Druu; store siip,, . V()u " u "1 need. I 'hone your wants. Ked Stur Kose Crctini will relieve t tin c Stininirii. &tt OStar Drug Store 'Will Supply Power ' .:. - ' BRIEF MENTION Ume (or Sale. Oeorce Dlchn, cor ner 9th and Main. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Melhaar arc vl itlng in Wood rlrcr Talloy. The Aujutt tltt of Edlton rccordi It In. Call au hear them at Mullen. 7-Sltf V. Gcrbvr left thin afternoon for lils ranch In Homo Fly valley. Dutlneit U ttreuloe at the Pant atorlum. 7-1 J W. C. Davenport It reported on the tick Hit. Several detlrable room for rent over the Stilts Dry Good Co. En quire at the store. S-5tf II. W. Keue has moved his law of fice over tbo Stilts Dry Goods Co. We can supply you with any kind of (uraltuure and house furnishings. Vlrcil ft Son, at the bridge on Main. County Clerk DcLap Is taking a number ot Cnal proofs on timber dalnis today. Ladles' long chamois skin gloves at the Boston Store. 7t( Amelia Pelterstelncr was granted n d Ivor co from Peter Peltertelner this afternoon. For Lime, see Uihjtto Illcnn, cor ner Mb. and Main. The Chamber of Commerce excur sion yesterday was largely attended and all report a very enjoyable trip. You will save money by buying sowing machines and all of your sew ing machine supplies at Mullen, cor ner Main and Cth streets. 7-3 ltf W.R. Davis Is In the city from Dor rls where he Is now making his bead quarters. Cleaning and pressing at the Pant atorlum. We call for and deliver jour clothes. Phone 475. 7-13 John Calvin Akers arrived here last week to assist Krnest Carter with his ruth or ground glass tombstone work. MONEY TO LOAN on ranches, city property and timber land. HALL SHEPHERD CO. 38tf Hex Uord arrlcd In I lie clly lunt nlcht from San KrMuUco. y a mi tonaensea miik From Klamath1 In the Early I all Major 0 H. Worilou In InlerfittliiK Mooro llto un piKhliiK lln- mk Colorado pmplt' In the tntiltihliit'iit of loiinlrnrtlon on llirlr potti'i plant of a milk (-undenting fitlfrprlm. In 'mnl on the llni'X to lliniiiiiiii mnl Mfi woou river tnlley l inTf In ut tinn rill An noon iih uu' piiini m tout Fresh berries and rantalnnpt at tbo Monarch. -S A. T. IjviikcII ninl family are In the city today from LangeD valley tlintt inittiliiK dt'lliilttt In tin. proposi tion, but If It titioiilil iuterliillit II will mean iiiiitli to tin entire xedlon. The (ntlury will be cttnhlliihctl on the innrlieii that Mr. Wortlen tint re- ci'iitly purdutMil from tin1 Mflhaitm. i The plant to far a developed till I for Watch for the big Removal S-le,u, ...iiklnc of about tlx hun.lreil ciiwk milliner anil winter Tint prop tiHltlnn woiilit call for an Inventineiil of nearl) $lmi,O0(l. It will be tlinr ouulily InveHtlsated by the partlet whom Mr. Wonlen bat Inlerettt-d In It ot the BOSTON STOKE. fit quite a heavy rain fell near tin Ankeny ranch ytttcnlay evening. On the Wonlen place hnylnc wnt ttop. ped on account of the moliitiire. For the best rig In town call at the Mammoth Stable. II. W. Straw, Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Horace V. Mitchell and son ore In the city from Fort Klamath where they lire ramped for the summer. We have everything In the vn lacle lire at the Monarch. Hon. Joseph I.uckey. who bat been visiting Mr. and Mm. George Nolatnl. left for his home In Eugene Saturday morning. Terrible .Ml lp. plcted llonanin will bit mipplli-tl wllb light mnl power at the line I ptmtl rally flnltlied ami the iokii v III bn wired III the rourtit of a few week The line to Merrill It iiiiiter iiiintrni Hon ninl will be ninpletel In Unie to carry electrlrlly for llgbl ami power by eaily fall Till1 trnntfnrtner limitii lint bet'ti built ami tint llinlriitiit'lilt limlalletl therein. The beat) nun bluer) It being put Inplure mill tin lolirieltt work done to that tin biilltlllii; for the plant ran In erel... mhiii II It title lo tin) that wllblu two minilht thf plant will be tiipplyliig ilit Irli II) for lighting mnl poer pnrH.... r r-ft Sz?, r ittiL' fel fh 3f. ..VirS."!'' .... ni iTi' "!!!' ,lj; 3 v ir,:. i: K' W : WHY SUKFKK KI(()M Kidney 1 HIiIIt I roubles When MYAL'S .vro.NI. HOOT COMroUKO islsuch a potlilvc rtmruy i i aitR,uut(. the kidneys lo the full mrfurmtnet of their function, eliminates urk poltnnt fioa n, system and arts s ., 00ihlnn. heilia silent upon In- bladder, liy in ,ncly lieslihful condlllont of ti,f,t ofllin, , ' promptly restored. I'KIck, j ooj.tr b.ti UNDERWOOD'S c PHARMACY 7hs:r Kliitiuith Falls, Oregon An unfortunate inli-up many jenrt ago wut the tame of unpleatant and nearly fatal remillH. (.'mm' and ni the partlculnrK In the romli' opera I'lnafore," Tumday and Wednetday I picking tun kleberrlet night. Given for the benellt of thenuit I be t nil plne public library. Seats now on naltt a I , .- the Perfection Confectionery. Id- Mr. and Mr T. (1 llemlrlrk ami C. C. Iiw mid fnmlly will Irate for the Uike o' the Wooilt In it fen tiny where they will tpml a few week ami ramping nerved teat 75 rent and $1. eral ailmlttlon r.n rent. (leu- Rring your clothes to the Pants torluuin and let us make them look like new. 7-13 llepuly for Ijtke I'ooiity, Tint Lake county paper have reg-luler.-tl n kirk beta line Dlnlrlrt Altnr- Mr. and Mr. Silas Obcnrhaln and l"? ". ' ' -.. - en a uepuiy tor tneir rouniy. it it riittomnry to have a deputy nnd In accordance with thlt custom Mr. Kuy kendull hut had the matter under contlderallou for tome t line and take county will hood have u reprenenta tliu of the Dlttrkt Attorne)' ofltre. It It not known that there ha been an) demand for one up to thlt time. Miriam Martin left thlt morning for Langell valley where they will tpenil the week with relative nnd friend. Judge II. L. ilenron, Mr. and Mr. C. F. Stonu nnd F. II. Mill will or- company It. St. George Illthop to hi boat hoiiRt) thl evening. Our stock of vegetable I (mnplete New potatoes, cucumber, radlthe, pepper, string beans, beets, carrott. and extra fine tomatoe. At Ihu Mon arch. -S Mrs. J. K. ilnlllnger, inother of W. A. Delselt, arrived In the city- Saturday night from WlnRfleld, Kan., and will roiriln ludeflnltt-ly. II. St. George Illthop Is In the city from tho mouth of Short rreek wfiere ho ha his hounehoat anchored and has a Hummer retort etahlUhed. Mrs. G. W. Kith, tbo milliner, leaves In tho morning for Grunts Pass for a brief visit with relatives, after which tbo goes to San Fran cisco to buy her Fall stock of millinery. Henry S Carter, of Modeto, (,'ul., hat urlved here to uttltt hit father, Krnext Carter, the ground giant tomb ttune man Merrill Valley Hie heart of KUmalli. Tim Star Drug Store and the KKK .Store are dltplaylng their progreiui Ivu spirit by putting up rlgn board on the lot adjoining the new Whlto block. I. In Cronemlller of tho Examiner force went hunting Sunday und got 7 duck, 3 sago hen and n big coyote alt with a shot gun. That was a pretty good morning's bag for a IS year old boy. Lake County Examiner. Mitt Ruby llemlrlrkt. left Hiittinl.tr morning for Eugene, after a brief ltlt with Mr and Mn Itlrhard Shore Smith. Mr. C. II. Murray, who bat been vltlllng her nephew, K. J. Murray, for the pa it two weel:t, left uu Killnla) morning for l.ot Angelit, ami ixtlnt In California. Prof, and Mr John T. Ilutilier ar rived Hat unlay evening from Okla homa. Prof llulrher will bit the head of the Klamath Cuiinl) High School for the entiling year I-rank Hnrgenl. Herb llablwln ami Chi. Ilaldwin will tpeml a few week at l.aki O the Wood picking Inn kle berrle and liuiilliix for bear They (ire going mil with pack liiirot milt t'Xp.Ht to hII placet that few white men hae explore.l take rouniy It to line the third ttory of her new unirt bonne for a hotpltul where county rharget ma)' bo rand for. An Intllliitlon of tbl Wind It n leil In every tnimmiiilty and Lake loiinly fortuuutn In .- curing Riirh loiiveulent (iiartert. V. C. Ilogue, dltburlng agent of the Iterlamatlou Service, left tbl morning for Orland, Cal., wln-rn ho will upend a few week looking after matter ronnerted with the project at that place. Humor and Philosophy r DUNCAN N SMItN PERT PARAGRAPHS. It l nil rry well for you to atk that luuthrr wake ninl call you early, but who tin you rtwt in rail mother) Mint "Merry Widow" bait nne all lb. Ir jtunlliii to ll. wl.lort.il trce uiulrr tlirin. .' II tciiinliit mice Willi bill rolleeturt in y ll.lt teem tletlM' ble. till). If Inev itable. It 11 v. I' ll, uiali. them think )ou tt a gii.il ffllnn. V unit i Tltr a . I i. amui II i. Alt. t. tti , . ( f fi.i ni i Will, all II. ! , tiri .0 , la Ilia (allwr- . , . l m.t . No llU, Nl a. , I qulla ran.pial Dlllaaa Ik Ju. i tr,. oll.r Ihl. ( I ti llartaflir lb, ti - . tamlllic .aa rW ar bu.lli' i . Mil mar l-.ka I ( bniii, Wl )r a C -wll u ' 'it n lt iun J ot III llintl t Imum ll atar an lUla, III I " a4 tat l "it at U U llluat rTUui III r.n.ih. "lill't yar n.- k . r.B;lf.M jrir "Oh. grarUiu. u . rti ilrrairaiktfi wnik on It ji uniy mmiiirtfd lot Hotiirday " "Hut If the ilrr.ni.akfr Ibrvcr lati'i that air- "t)f rourte ii.il Mi iur frlfO.ll Ui to rtlttrUe II )fi ' H eaii i Soma 6lll.9n. "Ml." U'Kafl l-M" l' n " , 11.11.1111111 .f t lie. ktreiiiiuut ami ' priifanlty. .ii I iu hilt Miik t)j- mi l-liiij nilr.il woul.l I "Why. Kii- .i. ,unl Ur roott llltkr- uii l.lral ln.elMll fan ( rr "Ulttu glflt n.uaial uw .r(.flM werdt" A Hiiiiian Mj,ii a mpnWr. nf marry "Oh. I Jutt wt ! iinnx lrmUi I iik u man inigbt lo U. capable nf moL. j I fall down i.l I. imp iniflf-ltS-line liliu aiipiHiri ber. uu.l l.e gein-nilly sdrlpbU l're It. ' Oltktry. D. clary, Daek. Yua kBuw ll.a in.a- t.. up U kk. lllll Mtty Ilia I al i HI Mara Jlothar (lu,.aa in l.n"lih tu". "T.a clihl. aliu. k et.a ai.4 dowa U eutilt lU.alll Mara a ll.a aacrtl liaap II -Ilia IKtl Mia full uf lickl Saw rolkTl" I'ully at liiip.irlaut nt klinwlug ubn j li kimtv la kimuliig ubn nut h, kiiuitr. A pllllllUr heter n-eint In pllllllb very raplill), but .iin. b.m- lilt bill kimi'i get I imii ! full of .1,, Hurt. Our llllle enelilrlrltliM) nre Uirtie pi tleully by our frlemlt mi.l rldlruleil by our elielnlet. Willi., wt. nre elilll.ly mi aware of Ibelr eiMeii.e, A iii.iii Him i-nii'i (liiil mi en-lite In go a llililiig lb.-... ilny !,,, ,.llc, , , , , orltflnrcllty , a, fr ,u atti.t-r. j 1,,,'.!! ,Net. Clmlltr, but Diffcrcflt. "I iia'kou ytl nuit inurli Ilk Its' mn.- nld He'- oltl fuihiiinl oisi Ibey iiii-i no Ihe ttlret rnr, "Oli. jet I mn." jifotrited the ever- ilreiil young nnly ' ,,.w' out aiiua Watch this space for something that will be to your financial interest and special benefit