The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 08, 1908, Image 4

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-- .01 J
! Honest Goods
Honest Work
I Honest Prices
timi Angina iim or iMinou t"'Uttmmn tVtanK
U In. Call nn linnr (lirni Ht Million. IiaiTlnimi WWJW
w,,f , , , ' With the People
til Mntshnl v t. Low this nftor
icon nrrcslvkl I: A liunluiln or o
VCllltlK till' Spivd limit With till HII'
V- Wn mil nupply .Mm Midi nny klml
5 of fiirnltiinro mill houso furnishing.
J VlrKil Son, at tho hrldKO on Main.
Uahaa lnr)nMAA $ (i K V""IU""'
flllllCal iTUaiailLCC J'Jw Stlckrl mid. I It
-w w -w '- --" --- T
l,Ollo ItllKITH,
J Moo Slli'kcl mill .1 It Crow ri'turnod
Inst nlplit from 11 ton dins' ontlim In
5 llio north owl of tlio count. Thoy
x Will it pay you to go elsewhere for your ,""",, f,,r i,vr f,,r i,,,wMn ,1,n,, "",1
Jewelry, Watch work. OpUcal work, etc.? lTZZ;i: '"'Z'lZ
I Also, while the quiet Summer season is on ,,, f l)lt.ii u nahmr. mm . .u..,
thrre ar. interestinci thinds doind in the i ik tho ooi nun oi ni
V i 1tA 5 '" ,,"rl
x pine 111IC
? -
Dont fall to call, first or last, before you buy
G. heitkemper, jr.
I Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
2 I Mil lot'
V tl I
horn Klmnnih count).
Idiis; chamois ikln iIovpj
liu llostou Storo. 7tf
Considerable liny has lioon ilmnK-
IIiik hands tliu iat nook. Tito people
who aro ihurt this year uro looking
lout fur a hard winter anil aro scram
j lilltiK for hay. L 0. U.mborl lint
purvhust'd Homo IoIm puyina a lilwli
an 10 per tun for It, ant Jan. lla
purchased from Win. Unssctt II&
Unit for $5U0, mi tin- prliv rmiKoa
frntn tlto to ton dollar per toti, nc
corilltiK to iiinllt) mid location. Of
cuiimo the hay Mr. l.nmborl hniiKht
lit tit ho dclltorod to tho ')iirn In Hon-
J until -Itiillelln.
33 Center Now 25c 25 Center Now 15c
20 Center Now 15c 15 Center Now 10c &
10 Center Now 5c
Rock and Yellow Ware Sale SATURDAY. AUG. 15 $
Watch for tht bis Ram oral Sate
ot the BOSTON.STORE. 'Jit
C. T. Oliver li able to be around
again after being sick for rooro than
a week with appendicitis.
Some large shipments of bankrupt
goods aro being received by freight
and ex puts at the I'ortland Store
to be sold regard let of cost.
IR-puty Sheriff John Schallock Is
attending to official business at Mer
rill today.
MONEY TO LOAN on ranches, city
property and timber land. IIAIX
Mm. Simmons iu taken very ser
iously 111 yesterday evening. She is
somewhat Improved today.
For the best rig In town call at
the Mammoth Stable. II. V. Straw,
We have everything In tho vege
tal le li"! nt the Monarch.
Junior Daggett and Virgil Noland
vent to the Upper lake resorts today
to spend a few days.
Bring your clothe to the Panta
torluum and let us make them took
like new. 7-13
How to keep cool? It's easy! Our
Ire cream and fancy drinks have
solved the problem. Tho American
Confectionery. 27-10t
"Babo" Taylor Is reported ijulto
sick with an attack of pneumonia.
Tho Portland Clothing & Shoe
Store has received by express a large
quantity ot novelties which are very
unique In fashion.
Our stock of vegetables Is complete
New potatoes, cucumbers, radishes,
peppers, string beans, beets, carrotu,
nnd exlta flno tomatoes. At tho Mon
arch. -8
Miss Orpha Schallock accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Daggett to Pell
ran Bay where they will camp for a
fow weeks.
Chicken dinner at tho Houston
Hotel Sunday from 5:30 to 8 p. m.
Alex Davis, onu ot thu cattlu men
from tho Klamath marsh. Is In the
2C0 pairs of fancy shoes havo Just
been received at the Portland Cloth
log & Shoe store and will be closed!
out regardless of cost. Do not fal
to see them. '
Fred Dauber, thu painter, has liu
this city by the skilful application of
paint. Ho Is at present working on
one of the Worden cottages,
E. W. Muller tarries the largest
stock of Edison phonographs and
gold moulded records In Klamath
Business Is pressing at the Pant
atorlum. 7. 13
W. K. Illtilobrand nrrlveil In tho !
city last night from Fort Defiance.
Ariz., to look over tho country.
Two tons of fruit and egetuble
arrived last night at tho Monarch.
Another big shipment will bo hero to-nlht.
W. II. North has procured a hunt-1
era lltensd und will leave tomorrow 1
for tho woods In the northern part
of tho county after big game.
For general bouse cleaning and
chimney sweeping call on Webb
Mongold. Phone 33.
II. llolvln and family left this
morning for Seattle. They will ho
gone about two weeks.
Don't pass up a chance to get the
biggest and best dish of Ice creutn
for your money at tho American Con
fectionery. 2 7-101
C. W. Miller, onu of tho Mason
Construction company, Is In the rlt)
looking after tho business of tho
company. Ho will make a thorough
Inspection of the marsh work being
done for the Southern Pacific.
Several desirable rooms for rent
over the Stilts Dry (ioorix Co. En
quire at the store. 8-Mf
Dr. Ueo. II, Merry man started for
Crater Uiko yesterday.
You will save money by buying
sewing machines and all of your sew
ing machine supplies at Mullers, cor
ner Main and Cth streets. 7-2 1 tf
Buy. Pratt Is enjoying 11 visit from
bis father who nrrlved hero a fow
days ago from Albany.
The roncort given by Dr. It. A.
Heritage last night at thu M. K.
church was a muslial treat for all
who attended.
What! Haven't you called at the
new Ice cream parlors In the Ameri
can Hotel block. 27-1 Ot
True II. and Perry Dol.ay loavo In
tho morning for Bcrkcloy whero they
will ntteml sdiool during tho ensuing
Cleaning and pressing at the Pant-
atorlum. We call for and deliver
your clofheH. Phone 47 f. 7-13
Harry Peltz returned latt night
from Crater Lake where ho took u
party or the Portland t-xctirslonlstH
In his automobile. He made tho trip
without any mlHhup and In very good
time. Ho says tho road around Mo
doc Point is almost ImpUHsablo for a
machino and hereafter In making
trips to tho Lake ho will go by boat
s fur as tho Agency landing.
Some very striking campaign nov-
Ioltlos nro on dltplay at tho Portland
Clothing A Shoo Storo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hour) I. Iletlmaii.
of Portland, Oregon, aro hero to
spend u few weeks tho guents of Mr.
land Mr. I.uclen Applegnto. Mr.
I llettltmn Is recogrlied a 0110 of the
leading violinists on tho const and
many will remember with pleasure
tho concert glten In this city ubotit
four )cars ago. Ho has been uaked
by many to gtvu 11 concert ' during
bis stay hero aud he has tho matter
under consideration Should ho ion
sent to do so, tho music lovers of this
city will havo n rare treat.
1.'. II. IIUIi. of Klamath Falls, has
leased tho Hotel Itichelleti and as
sumed harge of that JuMly popular
hoiiso this morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Dish hate until recently been running
tho Palacn restaurant I J tho Falls
and aro experienced hotel people.
Under their mnnagemon'. wo may ex
pot thu Itlchelleil will lei kept up to
tho high standard of excellence It has
had while under charge o' Mrs. Balls
'known them oart ngu Mr llnrrl
mull wilt looking oxreplluiiiillt well
nnd nppi'iueil '" I"' ' lu'lM" mood
oou If ho hinl Jiml iimloiMouo 11 tiilh
01 hard lllp. i tinted thut lie hum
ptcimoil tu meet 'ho people mill II
Is I'oltulll t hit t the people of Klamath
were pleated to meet Mm, ulid III
who weio fin tiituit" to uieit the Klea
tott inllroiid mull of the iln now
luivo 11 much hlKher opinion of i: II
llarrlmnii than the hud hi fun- lhe
'not ! I in
IWI lor I'ellcnn Hit).
'I he party, comlstlng of II. II
Harrlman, lilt two sous. Averell and
Itoland, and Major llurnhntii, of tho '
English army who wnt In Africa dur
ing the recent trouble, nud Messrs
Pierce and Hill, private secretaries
to Mr. Harrlman, !eft on tho atenmer
Wluema for Pellrnn Bn) nt atmiit I
o'clock. Tho ladles of tho pitrtJ n
uialued In California ami will iirrhe
hero about noil Tiiesduj
SHIIVIt'li AT Tin: tilt ItrillN,
Servltos will ho held In the sewnil
cliurihet of Klamath Falls Hiiudn) a
Baptist Hahhath Si hool
nt III a.m.; morning worship, II 11 111
I'.V.I'.l'. at 7 20 p. m : owning oi
ship, H p.m.
ItKV J. II llltlFriTII, Castor 1
Methodist Senile Hundii) si hind
at in a m Prcnihliig 1 1 " m
Suhjct. "The Will III Saltation
Kpworth l.oaKiio. 7 3u, leader. Ilov
I'rearhliiK i ill Hilhet 'Iron
In tho BliHhl ' Ted. 2 Hntu 23 7
It. V , Marginal Bending
l)r It A llerltugo will slug nt the
morning servlie.
Christian Science Sorlet) Kckii
Inr tervlro will bo held nt tho Con
ervatory of Music at 1 1 in.
Subject' August V, '.Spirit
Is tilt' OIU lllltl I""-! ' l1' r 11 .
i'oiiril;iiiI .11111 In jiisc iry 1 n
till 1 1 ill MM ; Il'I': llt'St ill llll'llil.
in iiitciilioii; lii'st in phaini.,,, , , , " 'J" ! M
best, iiievoryUiinir thai nuik, i ,,' atl,l
........ t..i..,i ..r,. i u. ",,st nails.
liii'i"! mini 'm 11 1 'i hi; tiun
Our Mlt'itdily iiu'i'i'iisiiij: patio
lllt' best
t Tkzi DDf Trl C4. H
xnt jLf-ov jvi u oiure
j iilciu'o t hal we aiv sue. in ,r, ,' 'flcv- ;
I DniK Slt.iv s,rs.ce.-V,. c',lalh .ms.Io l1
v lit'iiu'' viitir nrcscrlntlotiK i nu 1 jUIo;'
Z '"V 1 ei 1 ' ' iiw Toilet
t articles and Sick room ncccHNllicN i.f Us
I'tinio to nn for all l)nijf store mi.. . V0l J
X nocd. Phono your wants.
X Kcd Stnr Kosc Cream will relieve Hint Sunburn ' aT
IStar Drug Store
Church of Sacred llenrt Mast
dally al 7 30; Sundays at ID 3D n m
eorge Wlngllt'ld Marries.
(ieorge Wluglleld, the mining as
sociate of United States Senator Geo.
S.NIion, of Nevada, and a'so Interest
ed with Charles M, Schwab In many
mining ventures In Nevada, has ad
mitted that he would be marrli-d dur
ing tho fall to Miss Maud Asllo Mur
dock, daughter of It, B, Murdork,
cashier of thu United States National
Bank, of San Francisco.
"No Telephone CommuiiluiliV
With what? Why?
Well, If you don't know come and
see tho tomlc opora "Plnnfore," Tues
day nnd Wednesday nights. Given
for the benefit of tho public library.
ItcHcrved seats 7fi cents and $1,
General admission SO rents. Seats
on snlo Monday at tho Perfection.
Moonlight H'Mlul.
Next Monday night, August 10th,
at the Methodist ihurcii, free Ice
crenin and take will bo served to all
members of tho Sunday school. The
same will bo served to nil others at
10 cents. Everybody welcome.
(special Hale.
A special rate for bus for tho boat
landing Is to bo mido tomorrow. The
fare will be 25 cunts for the round
trip. Instead of f.0 cents. This Is
ilono for tho benefit of the Chamber
of Commerco and 1I10 transfer people
aro to bo congratulated on their en
terprise and good will towards this
Good meals at reasonable priced at
fthe Hotel Houston. 8-7-21
Fresh berries and cantaloupe at
7-JltfIthe Monarch.
Merrill Valley the heart of Klamath.
FOR SALE A Homestead relin
quishment, 130 acres ot which will
b under dltcb. Mason Slough. It4
Presbyterian Church Bible si hool
at 10; morning worship at II Sub- 1
Jrct of thu morning sermon, "Best
C. K. Prayer meeting at 7. Kneiiln
service at 1, Tho evening service
will bo a praise service In 1 hnrgo of I
Dr Heritage who will give a sermon
In song. Dr Heritage himself will
ting and Interpret some of the old
hymns. All are Inrlli-d to this ser
vice. There will be no prearhlng servlro
In this church on August I A nnd 23
Oi:0. T. PltATT. Pastor
N Chancs to tav.
I don't bllv, ss lifts tn ssUS.
Thai "a Jullsr ssrJ l dollar rn4,"
7or a dollar ssvtJ loUsy tomorraw'd
B pnllf csrlsln 10 k Uitrowsd.
-Csthollo HluxUrd and Tims.
On a Lavsl.
"How many girls have proposed fo
yen this year. Total"
"About aa many as the good resoto
tloos you bare kept Ibis year, Dick
Baltimore Amerlcsu.
Te Csnslstsnt.
"I hau a lUrl" l'scksnlff crlsd.
UM Urlf htlr. "TlMn 'twould smm
Teu rsally oucht 10 try and hid I
Tear lack of stlf stssm." I
-I'WUdslphU I'rsssv I
Ths Universal Apptit.
Managtr-I want a drama of human
Author Then wby not dramatis a
spring cleaDlng7-Uoltliuor Amsrlcsn.
If Hs Is Truthful.
Full many a liunttr, on my word.
Will boast, but should yuu stk,
Hs'll say h nsvtr hits bird.
ilut efitn kits a flask.
-ftillsdtlplili ldxr.
msthlng twsst.
CUatBtlne If you should dare to
alas rne I should aay, "Oh, sugar!"
Clarence And I guess I'd say tb
. Detroit Tribune.
The Moth's Appotlt.
Tho busom moth wo wondsr at.
!t certainly sooms droll
That It should grow so very fat
And simply oat a hols.
-Nsw York Tlmss.
A or.
A bere la a watt who talks about his
wn motor car wbtn you want tu
talk about yours.-I.lpplnrott's Mags-
The Orator Advantage.
"An oplaraiol" tboy shout with tits I
Wbsn Mini old truth ) Iosms o'.r. I
If It wors sold by you or m I
'Twould U a chottnul-noiiilnc moro.
-Wksiilnston tttsr. 1
Dole far Nlsnto.
Kx-DId you ever see au ludlun Idol? '
Wj I never saw ou auy other way. I
Hrland Leader.
The Oist of the Argumtnt.
When politicians start tho fight
They alwsys sing ths same old song,
-Ouw candidate U whaUy nht
Aa4 yours U atoolutoly wrong."
-. 11 KepukU.
rjcSsbrii 'l 1
Hi i
affitS rl'
Kidney 3 Hldddor I roubles
Ix-such o poslthc finifj, h .timaUk,
the kldnrys to the full pr rf ., nunrt ol Id I,
function. cllmualcx urh pu.soni itt,m ,
n)lem slid arts as .ouihln,), htilip.
0Hnt ux)ii th bUd Jcr. II) lit timely u
healthful cundlilons of uicf-c uikmi tri
prompli) restored. I'HICI., J I no per boitl
7lh m4 U.I.
Klnnwitli Falls, Oregon
You should ouy your Groceries nt Vnn Mpcr Bros.
1st. They hnvc the floods you wnnt
2nd. Their Groceries nrc ulwnys fresh
3rd. The price Is within renson
4th. They deliver phone orders promptly
Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS.
Get the Habit Use Clmse G Sunborn Coffees
TABIsK l'AI)l)I.Nf(;.-You will
it at (JilletL's
Heavy Freighting a Speclclty. Unrlrfnile Orders Are
Given Prompt Attention
0. K. Transfer & Storage
Having up-to-date olano "'"" s71
trucks wc solicit your PIIONK.S
fine piano moving l,arn H"
Baflgafle Checked Through to Destination
Sleeping Car Berths Reserved
Southern Pacific