. i ii r :.,, i iSirieiiy i ."VB-fu OH Jul IVIL-Ultllllll Purposes ... llnMf'l '" ' l''"" vshisl.lt f i '. .ilvc for hoists inl itnck ml ia,,Slnlhtn..kliiirfC.ii.OII. jJ7i.il for mcnl "I"1 ""l I""". .1 .-' I'""''1 ""!." KtTli tilulicwMJ .nd mini lo, Jdiclml ... SHEftWIH-WlLUMMS H0ICIN4L LINSEED OIL I mlilf MI'IM'ly '"' ""li'l'l'l I""" ?,,iii.I It ll.c IMiitil sinll.01 ih.it Tllf III"1' '' ' I"'"'"'1"'""' Jff,,Tnf.l.nJl.rlr4i.r.l I l.r Li' tib a"' ",'", ""ii'i'1"" "7,il i ih mill lltMif.li "rr L...il in iiiiMiitariiiir ttVirll Untitinal UnrJ Oil ;ailf.i ' (' li ii "'i ';' ..'iXrf. llirtlM'i l"iffi l...illc. JIM Geo. T. Baldwin, HARDWARE DEALERS Klamath Valla Oreiinn WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS Tin- l-it limit IUIiImk In iirt-ipni. Kn-rllriit rrMiiiii.lllnM lor "l', . , Ctinl'liiK niitlil loi ""I hjTii.l rui)ilii uroiiii.li nti.l (mil lor rriit. Kliif itiiii fur lik. Trlrplioiin n.iinrctlnn. Atniniiii.-UtlmiK to iti In Cralrr Will mct partlr at klmuittli FRANK SILVIES rRoifttnoR Klamath Ajicncy, Ore. Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing r"lrtcli Line of I'lumh lni .SK'clltir anil llrrl rltan Workninnililp. A. O. U. W Building KUaulh niu BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING (iii.mni:yh and kiuk I'l.ACKH A 8l'i:(3IAI.TY H. E. CHILDERS KLAMATH FALU, ORBOON Profeaalonal Carda K. WM. MARTIN Dentin OIBce over Klamath County Hank DR. C.P.MASON Dentlat Arlcn Hank A Trnnl Co.' ISiiIMIiik c r. STONE Attorney at Law o over K)stolHfe, Klamath r'.lk "wgim 'iaoNr. D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Fall. Orgn I tl Plllll.l III...... . .. "even '!-.'.". ..., .TmihVh iV 1 ,,,u:f,""" "" " Amu.; nth, iwn. Anir mil, BhlJ H Mt, . . - II. rl.1,,,1,,, ., , ,.,j ,tBd. J.r'Jl,". IH III I IUII. iliui.ii, ,llt,y - . . .In. l. I. ' "".'" """" "'ll'li'l ,,"""' 1"1'0 ' I'l.H-lriii. llil.t .iiUr, 1 1,, w ii ..I nh ., .,. si. n, , .,,,,, ,' lllilHH .(t H.,. O, i.,i, i,l,. ,.,.,. ... ',.. l.i.ll A llrimii, I ,l KI.ii.MI,, llrrsmi, ir HW If 1.1 r..,f, ll.n KK .,, HW ,. H,,., u K 1,1 IN'I.H.r,ii41 .i.llc.u,,,, , ,,,,, Illiii.ll 1 1,11 Klali.alb.Oir..,!,, IbvHbll.lHW II NWI, I I, , UiCVi Mrr.lio,,,, .,,,... M'al.lrl II llr.mn.rt.Kl.lH.lh.d,;,,,,,, iili,ulir)r., ..iiiiuilrtw wl, T tu H, II c, UriimiiK .1 ".ii.i.mi,.iii.w,uii, ,, .vw .llirM.lltrrll, I ai H. 117 1 i.,,,,l . I,. 11,1, ii,.,,,. .mi, iiui,.ii, n,n, i n. t..ll,i ,., HMcbalui, lll.liil:yiil,ilui II.. I,.. S l'llb.ll,..,-,i,U,lbllll,,llml, III1..I..11, 1,1 II, . iiiiiM.. M I.I. 11,. lb, III, ' iini"l.ll.H 1,1 i.l l,, K.c Jl, fin N III! "l-.ll H.IK.Ui.l, .,1 J I. I',..,.u,i' "" Illll Wlll'liirlll lrt hr HW ,!f ul f ., Fr u, 1 -a H, It 1U h, lji 11 ., 1, it, . """."' ' ' "'""''"'i.i'iuuu.iihw II 1,1 r .(l Hr II. r rt H, I! Ill K, i...,n t,, l.U.,1, ,, I jbi IM.I. I'llli.tlllr.Or.,.,!,; bo V til i.t HK.,e .,1 n. .,r. . &, lb. K blol Nl.iir, "Hllwi.. I .'in. It u I.. !,), ,,C(UN ul1 I. ,H Vbl.ll, l'.,i.l.l,., lllrff.ili. Mini iir.NNKri, I ninl.ilMliilirf i, tbr llrli.l.l Ui lin.rr A.iui,.i ii.r a. tt HUNK I'll IH b, llllt Aiilll.nl Hrrlrl.r; ill tbr IliUlli.l liiinll,.ii, iii.i, ii.vta, im. tu , rvllMIIIMKNTIIf TIIKIMKIIIOIl.unll.ll. - li.li urrnr, n.iblniiuii, Ii, r Mi) I. I .Sum, nr ai.TiihiriuM or riMilcL.Ni l"i"liimi inn turn. Nolle Ii hrnby (Itrli II.. I lli.hr, l.l.lr ..I h, Inlrlli.r b.i .. r.lr..Uniurl,l.liil,l.r ol Kllb.ll.li! In m I.l at Ibr liir .ITrf U I In llli.liawal i. ll. r.iniu ui..m-. un.irr in act 1,1 Jun. 17. iwl. tMal .-al lur uh. In fiiiuirrlliill wtb tb bl.lil.lb ri..J.il,lll,.,n,.,l ,r liilloHltililr , mIIImm! iaii.la In tba llalr ol I llrfuu, au4 by I j 1,1. aulbollly turb ol.al.t tr.Ml a. baia nol 1 Uvi, brl.liil.iir flit.lly ir.lofr.1 ao.l air not oibriwit Mllb.li.wn, irM.v.l or aiirorl .ti.l, Hlllb tul,)f-t In rtllrlnrllt Ulljrr Ibr ' public l.n.l I. a. ol Ibr I,' i Ilr. I main on ami , all. 1 Jul! m if bill .ball nut b lubjrci Hi mi) nun, 01 M.rtiii,n until Aurmi a, I'M, I at Ibr l'llllr. nt.tr. Ulnl OBlrr al Ukrllrw, lllrgnn, wainll., Ilnc rlliilr Rlirll ttial , b.iiHn Mill m iniiti.ltoatn ur rtriclM. i an) 11, bl wb.ti un.irr any iil.uirnl or ' fcuall.ili br,un allrl May Mar I, ln, tint I I'llor In Jul9i, IV. alliucb .rttlrlurnt ul lie ruatl..ii Ull, li.lbl.Mrni Hlll.uirllr Mrrl , Han. T l H..lt. v .., NKiir HK ii and Nn ur h .ir.riA ui iii.N till NM .ii.hrcllou I. , llllll Ht.NNIulT. I roumti.lunri ul ibr ornrral Lani omrr 'HUNK Nl.ltn. . ril.l Ai.l.lanl lu-clrtarr ol Ibr Intrrlol. t I Notice ror rubllcatlon Di'i'iitinriit nl tlm lutvilor, L'. H. Ian.) Mllli-r, l.akrriew (rrnu, May 15, I'.IK, Nl.tlre la hrrehy ltlfll that Albert llarrlMin, nl KUnialh Kail., Ori'Kun, w ho, mi Nut H, IM)7, tiimtlii limber and .limn application, No. HOl.'i, lor NK'f SW4, Nn:Iiiii L-J, Tunnilte 37 H.. ItanitoU i: Will. Mvrldlan, haa tiled ixitirunl intention to make Final I'root, tu e.tahll.h ilalm to the land abuse ilc-K-rllxl, bvlure County Clerk Klamath Co., nt hit nllire at Klamath r'alli.Ors., on llio lltli day ol Auuat, ItOH. Claimant nainra a wltneatr : John (I. Shallork, ol Klamath Kalln, Onitnn, T. J. Mati'ii.ol Klamath Falli, Urrtcon, AlbroJamiioii, ol Klamath Fall Ore .Kim, Win. tJaillnle, nt Klamath Falli, Onvu. J. X. Wiimin. Htiditer. 6.IH mitici: vm rtiii.icATioN. II. H. Iind Offlce, Lakovlow, Orc Kon, July IS. 1808. Notice I huroby given that the Statu of Oregon ha tiled In this of fice ll application under tlio ro tUlou ol tho act of CoDKrcu of Aiiuuat II, 1848, and the act aup plvmentul and amendatory thereto, for the following described land, to wit: Mat No. OSS, for aoWswW, Sec. 1 and nwUiiwU, Sec. 9, T. 33 8., II. 21 K., W. M. I.lut No. 086, for awVinoM. 8ec. 3, T. 31 8., It. 14 K. W. M. An)' and all pontoon claltnloe J vornely the land described, or dolr Iiik to object bccauiio of tlio mlnoral rhuracUT of tho laud, or for any other ruinous, to tho dlioial to ap plicant, uliould flic their oflldavlls of protest In thU offlce, on or beforo the 10 day of Heittcmber, 1908. J. N. WATSON, 7.2 W). 11 ItegUter. For Hli-llomwloa ICclliiquUliliient Four and ono-hulf miles from Mor- . . cn nnn r.incml. 70 riti, uregon, .- . . urren In cultivation, of which 12 acre .... ..... ir. rroa rvn. 4 acre m in ptuuiuvD, . -v.-.. -'- - . . i tw.ni flmnll house, harley.uniancu i.i -... - land Hum. good well, team of norrel I 1..1.1 Miir.n nniinda. One nno i .. . ........ t,..u Rlllitit. I'errheron con, inn " baker wagou. 3W: two milch cow. ouo calf. yearlln ,"jl,errn !hrf! brood now, 80 chlckeu..uow 00-tooth harrow. H-lnch ulow. two .tove., household furniture, dlhe. and other things too uuweroua to mention. Hrlc" 1S00. Would bo cheap at thr times this price. Enquire of B. K. PITCH, iS-lwk Me111' 0tegoa- ,. . a trtmaarnfifl Fi?llU" qlhmeut, 130 acres Df which w 1 . . ....... ll.inn A SIOUKll. It4 be unuer unm. . t... m. .ion. nrasa and '""'"t"'l riilt) .11.1 II., 1 iHi-iem il, ill" .i. ... 1 1.11..M., A..,,,., ;.;' ,"; c .1.1. II,, .,. mil U .,,,, ltl3 ml run h, ii,,ini,, ,,.' ",".. . LAND OF SPORTS AND SCENERY Klamath County's Lakes and Streams Are Alive With Trout and Water fowl While the Mountains Abound With Deer, Bear and Other Big Game Tim Klunmtli ri'Klmi In iIi-hIIiu'iI Ii lii-iiin Urn merra of I lin I'uclllc CoiiHt Irivor r (iiitilonr niortn and will lie vlolti'd iinmiiilly by tlioiiHantln of lourlntH. Un dm I n of taken, mouti tnln htri'iiinri mill rlviTH iiro inntclilemi lllllDIIK WIltlTH of till) Utiltod BtlltOH for trout llHlilriK mill iiimiiriianHcd for wnliir fowl (lint mciipy Did innr-nlii-H iih iiiili-liliii; KroniiilK. WatiTH of the taken mill rlvem nliouiiil wllli lint bent bpeelen-of Irout ami other ( KIIIIK null. In the forcnlH of lilt) ( nitiunluliiH nrn foiiml many bii-Ii-k ,0! hIIiI Kuiue ami fowl. The IiiihIii Ik environed hy bihiw- niiped peukH of the C'asrailn ItmiKC, 'and to the noiithwent, nt n dlntnnce of nliout neventy inllen, Mount Hharla jlBBaaBBgiaMjf I frtft'f ' Hi ii northernmost penk of the Sler ( ran, reur Kit white erent to an ultl Itudo of 11,140 feit. Mount Mc lUuKhlln (Mount I'ltt) Is the holiest lot the eminences to tlio north and west, being ubout 8,000 feet. There In no morn attractive xteamboat trip on the entire I'aclfle Coast than that on Upper Klamath Lake with an ul- COMIC OI'KRA I'lKAFonK. To He I'rrsentrtl at the 0wra llmiw In Thin City. Tho most elaborato raunlcal event over attempted by tho people of this city will bo the production of the com It: opera Pluafore, the most popu lar of the Gilbert and Sullivan oper as. It will be givon on noxt Tucsuay and Wednesday nights. For tho past two weeks mnny of tho bent alngera In tho city have boon engaged In tho preparation of tho music and tho dramatic action of tho opera and all of tho parts aro In tho bands of competent pcoplo who aro Interested In making It a success. The choruses aro snappy and aro lllled with bright melodies that inako Sullivan's music so iopular. Tho cos tumes nro correct to represent tho nautical scene, and tho stago will be arranged, as far as It Is possible, lo represent tho deck of the ship l'ln afore. Tho following Is tho cast: Josephine, tho Captain's daughter Mrs. Don Zumwalt lluttercup, a Bum boat woman. . . . Mrs. E. B. Henry Hebe, the Admiral's flrst cousin. . Miss Lota Nlckerson Blr Joseph Porter, tho Admiral. . . T. V. Zimmerman Captain Corcoran, comiuaudlni; flhlo Pluafore Hoy Walker Ralph Racbstraw, ublo seaman... Burge Mason Dick Deadeye, able seaman W. H. Mason Boatswain Geo. T. Pratt Boatswain's Mate Dr. II. A, Heritage, Bergeant of Marine Mr. Jones Mldiblpmate Archie Moore Sailors, Marine, BUters, cousins, Aunt, etc. AcconipauUl Mrs. Qeo. T. Pratt Director Martin E. Robinson Scene: Quarterdeck of H. M. 8. Plnaforn. Act I Noon. Act II Night. Morrill. ..Frt to roU. most utrnlKiit'iiwiiy coumq of forty iiiIIom, with a vnrloty of wealth of color In tlio liorilcrlni; Hliorotanil and plctururi'liio lnlaniH. To tlio photOK rnplior, iimntuur or profwinlonnl, up proclatlvu of tlio Imuutlful In nature, tlm region olfem liounillcxK opportun ity. Crater I.uke, wllh Uh National I'nrk rcMcrvutlon, Ik renelied IipbI via Kliuiiulh 1'alln, mid Ih nuiiihered ' liuioiii; the Heven wonders of tlio' world. Thin liody of water In some J twenty nfiiiir inllen In extent and ' lien In Hie rr.Her of an extlnrt vol cano with willn L'lHHI feet IllKh Hiir- ' roiintllui; It. Sounding Know the wa-1 ti r of thin lake to he over 2000 feet In depth. The mountain In which the luko Is Kltunted rl.sos souio 8000 feet abovo sea level. Tho lake was llrst discovered In 1.SC2, and for a Ioiik tlniu was called "Lako Majesty," until llio morn appropriate name It now bears was applied to It. This Is one of thu plucvs Impossible lo pic ture with pen or bruHh. lteKrt of the Condition of TIIK KLAMATH COUNTY DANK nt Klamath Full, In tho State of Oregon, at tho close of business, July 15th, 190S. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts... I229.GG0.13 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 84.92C.62 Bonds, securities, etc. . . no, 170. 75 lianklng house.furnlturo aud tUtures 5.1S8.01 Other real cstato owned 1,902.46 Duo from banks, (not reserve banks) 111,141.27 Checks and other cash IteniR 10,719.07 Cash on Imnil 39,566.02 Total $533,169.93 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. $100,000.00 Undivided prollts, less expenses und taxes paid 4,536.64 Duo to bunks nnd bankers 2,877.22 Individual deposits, sub ject to check 365,293.87 Demand certlltcntes of deposit 60,190.15 Certified checks 33.7C Cashier's checks out standing 232.60 Total v. .... $533,169.93 Stnto of Oregon, County of Klam ath, bx: I, Alex. Martin, Jr., Cashier of tho abovu-uumed bank, do solomuly swear that thu above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. ALEX. MARTIN. JR., Cutihler. Correct Attest: ALEX. MARTIN, E. R. REAME3, E. I'. McCORMACK, Directors. Subscribed and sworu to before me, this 31st day of July, 1908. 0. P CHASTA1N, Notary Public. For Sale or Trade Residence and business property in the best town In Willamette' valley. Inquire at the Boston Store. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks In Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. Tbete Lots are Bargain Baya at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance In prices. Remem ber these lots are TIfTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY RET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. ForBaletir FOR SALE Household Goods As I am going away from Klamath Falls I will sell all my household furniture, beds, tables, stoves, kitchen utensils, etc. It will pay you to call and look over the goods. J. H. DAKIN Room 5 Navigation Co. Bldg. Notice to the Pablic. We, tho undersigned msrehent ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereby acre to close our place ot builneas, begla nlng on Monday, August 10. 1908, at 7 o'clock p. m., on all day except Saturday, (and from the 10th to the 26th day of December and during county fair and from July 1st to July 3rd): Sblvo Bros. 41 Co. Van Riper Bros. A. E. Crance ft Co. W. J. Brennan The Boiton Store Virgil & Son Tho llrlck 8tore Co. Mrs. 0. W. Fish Ceo. R. Hum 11. Bolvln Schallock ft Daggett Co. W. A. Calkin ft Co. K. K. K. Store Tlm Q Deal Tho Portland Store. W. II. Dolbeer Runk ft Schneider Stilts Dry Goods Co. Roberts & Hanks Oroeley ft Phillips. E. W. Gillette Oeo. T. Baldwin 7.1m Baldwin C. T. Oliver Farmers Implement ft Supply House. JS1A10 For Leaae. Hotel with everything new, dining room kitchen, eight rooms, parlor; fine patronage, feeding from 1G0 to 200 dally. Inquire at Hotel Dorrli, Dorrls, California. 8-Gtf NOTICE. My flrst kiln of lime will be burnt about August 10th. I will be ready to fill all order from then on. 272wk. QEO BHHN. Office on Fifth Street CENTRAL CAFE OpeaDay art Night Private Dining Parlor Oyatara Served la Aay Style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. The Fella Aato I for hire at reasonable rate to par ties. Jnat aa cheap to go In a auto aa In a stage. II. E. PELTZ, Pine and th street. 7-3 1-8-3 1 WE ARE LOOKING For up-to-date people to carry our watches. We can supply watches for anyone, from the young est to the sedate old man. Kaeh watch I guaranteed to give Perfect Satitf action H. J. WINTERS DEALEK Df WATCH EI Pi'fiil ,5W nJXHBl HflfT 14 V I T. r- '" J Wtlr clothw t th. ptnutorlum. "4 ,1'.! .'.. -W I T"