m m m Ik Pfnimi Memo. Mostly K'il Piiikt in Klninutli I-'iiIIh .... Our Advertisers the Best Results Get SecoND Ybab, No. liiM. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 8. 1008. Price. 5 Cents. HARRIMAN MEETS WITH PEOPLE RECOGNITION FOR KLAMATH Stanford Accredits High School rl "'l of ('omincrie will t-i, II,,, ...null , tlniiilcl ilorhi' 1,,'tii'lll from the niei-t-iii' I 'I Iim ili'li-Kiili-K H.-l . t ! urn Judge, l"i 'I IIiiIiIkIi,. I'liink Iru White. I I li fiiirnll, I f'rnrik Adam ami II II liiiiilmr tllutlll-r l'll)lllnll i-ciril. Mil i III l t iiiuili In n ,,f i, oilier I'll) nil Iim Tlii t outttry ion tlKiiniiii In thin illy k wi' I populuted lilnl llif p.-oplc ni-.-.l a heller mcdlinl rvlie (In,, ili)Ki Inn riiiiiiut Hiir rcfiil iuik f(,r mi (urge a p,ipulu LlaSS tiiin a n, u iiiiii,i'ti-nl in. in i unlit do .. i. i..iii..i:nn utii. "'" '"" " a ""ri """' a a mat county Institution with llr , ,. i,y.,.an ,i,- kIiIiik In Hi ii it a prailli" heie. the lliiiinl will kIvi. a jcnr'H free runt ill u huge iiiiiiiiiihIIiiiiii uliiri. riHiin to I,,' uni'il im u ilnii; alore ami nfflie.-IliMiinl IN FOREMOST RANK Prominent Educator Rust in Oregon Kdurators nnit tluialliiniil liialllu lion. In tin' alal" f Oregon have fur Kirral )rur recognized I hi' IiIkIi lUncUnl n( tli Klnmntli muni) high m&ikjI II linn been iIhih.mI lh the forrmoat schools (if III)' slat" an,) eJootnia hnvo lii'lil It iii an li uliiinl Mill) ill mil tat Ion. TIm m IuhiI Man tow been Justly terognlicd li) Call (crnls unit llii admission lotnuillleea i( the Hlnnfiiril university, at a r t - Uc In' lil on July '. granted nrni-dll-1st privileges ( Hi" graduates of I ! Kl.tnsth rounty high school, Ihua (ItIdk It the Mtnn recognition a It ion the better IiIkIi schools through, cut the ulnle nf California. I The school nt till i Ity uml iniiiil) I Ulc been one nt Hie sliiingeat nltrur- I tlon. for hntni-seeker ami many piie I fl have lieen n to mat their lot In tbli lection because of Ilin edurallnu. it advantages offered. There la ev ery Imtlratlon unit naaiirame Ihnt dnrlnK the ensuing )iur the high wbiMil ll inalnlalii the IiIkIi stand lid that hit lieen renrheit. t;(Mli ItOAIlH VVi:THV. Ihsintirr of Ciiiuiiiem' A,h,IiiI I -(. rKale to I'nrtlntiit Convention. The koo'I rimiU ionenlloii run true at I'lirl Inml on September II mil there will lie In attendance dele- lra from every lection of the state l wi nu that the slogan of the entire stile ami of every visitor In the slate l"(!oo Honda," Tl xrliisliinlsl h(i recently vlnlt.il t lac roiinty lulil to Imlld hetter roads, Mr. Ilnrrl tun n)s "good rendu will heli de- 'flop )oiir rou nly " Klumiilh should 'I lie i:r-imi,, What promises lo he I he greatest mi 1 1 s In the ay o an eicuraluli will he given tomorrow, under the ktinpltea of the Chamber of Com ineiie Thul thine who participate In It lll have a r,ood time anil that the iittemlame la going to bo largo ll lerlalu ThU li ua It nhoulil he for the wiirk of the Chamber of Comiiierre ileiiianJa the milled sup ,ort of the hualni-M men and other dtlieiia of the town. If yuu want to have the time of vour life and help a K'KI rauae, do niit fall to K on thin en iiralon A 1 1 1, rue) lii(e Id-lnalatiil. Martin !. Unite, ex-rlly uttorne) of Medford, ti ri-lnatated aa a iiemher of the Orexon bar by the miremi rourt Inat week. Mr. Mono waa lonvlrli'd of participating; In the Miller uml Klneart land wlndle and aerved four monll.a In the Mullnnm nil Jail. The Oregon liar Atwoclatlon had hla llrenae taken uwuy from him ii a a ioni'iiienie. 1 1 lit petltlnn for rliiatalement M algne-l by nil the lu),r of Jarkaon rounly. luiirl Ailjinirn Till Mnmluy. Alter belliK III Heaalnil for HPVernl itu) fount) rourt him taken un ad journment until Monday when fur ther action will bo taken on the po llllon for a road to Midland from thU rll). Tim iiiurl eoncluded that the report of the vlewern wn Iniom plite and ordered them to InviMtlitate farther und make another report. Tim lonrt In very denlroua of openlng tliln road, but on nrcotint of tho heavy dumaiseH linked It la phohlbltlvo nt this time. Klbln throiich tho great Improvements Hindu In thai part of California by tho people there. When I landed from tho boat I wuh hnnded n paper containing an liirtlclo that ntatcd that I camo hero hi'dtiiHe I was worn out and needed rent. I hnvu tome here for rest and recreation. When I went to the home of our friend Church I must confesa Ihnt I wan a llttln weary after my ex perlemi! with tho roads, but when 1 tend that article t decided I was not uh worn out as that aUtement Inti mated, und I immediately arose to get ready for this reception. There Is Komethlng In the American aatwc I Unit makes a man refuse to be con- Distinguished Visitor and Party Arrived Shortly Afternoon , iired down and out. m that ar- li(H) reference was raaae 10 Jiarn miin methods." I am afraid that neither you nor tho writer of that nrtitlo really know what Harrlman inethodx ure, and I believe that It the mutter is Riven closer scrutiny they will not bo considered In the mine Unlit that some people would have ou bellove. On closer acquain tance jou will find that the Harrlman tin thods endeavor to be reliable and ure, I believe, as reliable as the peo ple or Klamath Falls. Col. HoUblid, the Booster. After Mr. Harrlman concluded bit rrmnrks, Col. llolablrd showed that he was one of Klamath's best boost ers. He made, a few remarks that DELIVERS SHORT ADDRESS IN THE COURT HOUSE PARK Advises Better Roads Throughout County , und Makes Other Suggestions BECOMES MEMBER OF COMMERCIAL BODY, And After Spending Few Hours in City Boarded Steamer Winema for Pelican Bay Resort t... rold drinks at the Monarch. I represented at the convention and We iilun handle n choice linn of to ll Ihe deleKnteH named by the Cham- barms und clKnrs. $ First Showing New Fall Hats All the Seasons New ..qr.stv.es and Colors are i .. ..iM.naruvifinn ready un.Y"m nwi""" j Stction Thoroughbred Brands i K. K. K. STORE "The Beit Place to Trade' The Harrlman party nrriied In the city about r:in today uml were met ul the dock by inrriaces that ion- vi') id them to Ihe Houthern I'nilllc head'tuarlerH. Afler n-MliiK for u time Mr. Harrlman was called upon by a ili'li'Kullnii of the Chamber of Commerie with whlrli li" tulked for 4iiie time, OIhimihhIiik Hiihjects of in- tereat to llila lounly. He showed n kei'ii lulereat In the kind of horses crown here und in the Kenerul devel opment of the country. President W. A. Delzell, HpeuklnK for the Klam ath Chamber of Commerce, extend ed him nn Invitation lo meet with the Chamber and the people In Kenernl In the court bullae park. Mr. Ilnrrl man stated (hut he would be pleased til meet the people of Klllliilltll Knlls and that he wus more limn wllllim to do aii)thlnK that would please them, but ho hud to draw the tine on tnlklnK for nil ho had done In emits InK Ihe continent was to talk. He was escorted to the park where he was Kreeted by a larno crowd. He wan Introduced by President Delicti, of the Chamber ' Comnierre, with the following remarks: Mr. K. II. Harrlman' In meetliiK with )ou todny, we, ns Itliectors of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce, assure oil that wit deep ly appreclutn tho courtesy )ou have shown us In taklnu tlmo from jour well earned vacation, to accord us your presence. Wo nro clad of this opportunity to express our appreciation us citlxous of Klauiuth county for what you have dono and nre doing for our couuty In cslabllshlnK your resort on tho Upper Luke, brlnRlnK your friends with you to enjoy It nnd thus becoming mutu ally Interested with us In tho devel opment and preservation of our un surpassed fishing and hunting grounds. Wo ure glut! to meet ou In this conference, not only because you nro the head of great railroad and finan cial Interests, but hecuuso you nro n representative American citizen a t)p of the successful business man, and we want your suggestions nnd ndvlre to hetter enable us to get re sults In our efforts lo develop Klam ath county resources. It Is needless (or us to emphasize our Interest In tho progress of the rullrond construction on your lino building to our city. Our growth ns a city nnu prosperii) un tvumj ,,, vltiilly dependont upon Its early com pletion. Wo trust thnt Its construc tion will continue ns rapidly ns pos sible und thnt at tho earliest possible, date wo will be In actual touch by rail with tho rest of the country. In this connection wo urn also much lu need of direct Western Union Tele graph sorvlco without the annoyance of telephoning our messages pint way. Our Chamber of Commerce bus Just entered Into n contract wllh your Southern I'nclllc company I" do $l, 600.00 worth of advertising for us during the ensuing year, through tho Sunset Magazine, We want farmers for our valleys, but botoro wo can hopo for many, wo must have rail road transportation. Thcso farmers must bo assured of transportation for their crops, or they cannot afford to rati them. May we promise pros- pei (he settlers that the)' will luivo trniiKporlnlliiu for the crops of tho )e.ir limy? Wllh lliesu settlers, we hope to so develop our resounes nnd IncreiiHo our proiluitK thai an outlet i by rail north and east will logically ' follow with i'iiiul prollt to both ship tier und uirrler. Our mvmhershtp lomprlaes some uiiii liuuilieil citizens of Klnmatli I'nlls und adjacent territory while few- In numbers nnd llmlli-d In lltuin (ex, we feel wo me accomplishing much good for our county. l.tiBt )car through our efforts, our county was well represented ut the National Ir rigation Congress nt Haciamvnto nnd wo carried home valuable, prizes. Wo nre laboring earnestly lo unite all tho various set tlons of our county Into harmonious etTorts for our Impiove meiil mid u axsuiti )ou that wo siand ready ul all times to co-oper-uto wlt'i your Interests In mi) thing that H for the good of Klamath. Ilecently In tho vicinity of jour re sort, wu furnished the funds for the work of opening u cliuutiel of Wood river and your launches now, if tliey wish, can nmlgate to within three und n half miles of I'l. Klnmatli. Wn hope In the near future, to have tho beauties of our Upper Lake nnd our many totirlxt attractions mi well known that many other resorts simi lar to )our own will be constructed mid the annual touilsl travel to our Switzerland of America" be u sourro nf much piotll to )our transportation Hues and equnll) pleasant und prollt able lo us. We trust that jour vacation in our county tuny nfford ou oven grea ter pleasure than )ou anticipate, and we assure nu that your nnnunl trips here will nlwu)s be looked forward to by us with much pleasure. We welcome you to Klamath county. .Mr. Ilnrrliiian's Itemurks. Mr. llarilniau said in substance: I had no Intimation of this recep tion until 1 stepped from tho boat and unfortunately no one hn put on pa per for mo what 1 ought to say. I thank jou for tills evldenco of good will uml ussurc, jou I will alwa.vs en deavor to please the people of this section. Nothing gives mo mnro pleasure thun to please tho people. When I stepped from the boat und wus presonled with n petition request ing thnt 1 attend this leceptiou I must confess that 1 uu weary. I realized Hint In addition to wanting the rail load ou also need country rouds, nnd my ndvlco to the people of this county Is to construct good roads. 1 liopo thnt by autumn tho railroad will be completed to a point wheie connection will bo made with water transportation and by next spring It will certainly bo completed Into this city. Hut when this Is done If tho roads between this city und the Upper Count i y ure not Improved I assure you that )ou will nut see much of llurrlinnu or HmTlmim's friends. 1 do not say this In n sense of critic Ism or fiiiiltllndlug, but simply In the nature of friendly ndvlco. Tho pooplo whom jou would have come here ex pect good roads. They me used to them uml operl I hem irid uio will ing lo pay for them, und one of tho first things you want to do Is to seo thnt they got thoin. I have ulwuys belloved In Oregon, nnd particularly this part of It will bo a resoil in the Bunamor similar to what Southern Cal ifornia Is In tho winter, and you all know what tho section around Los Angeles Is. ThU has been made pos- GROWTH OF AN INDUSTRY Big Increase in Box Shipments EXPORTED TO FRISCO WW Ship Twenty-seven Car Loads of Manufactured Lumber This Year were to tho point and brought Im mediate results. Ills plea was for a stronger Chamber of Commerce. He appealed to every able-bodied man of Klamath county to become a mem ber of the organization. He censured those who refused to do their share In tho development of the country. He spoko of the wealth of the Klam uth region In every respect and urg ed the people to unite In the devel opment of tho resources that nature hus so bountifully supplied. Immed iately upon the conclusion of bit re marks, Hon. K. II. Harrlman handed Secretary Dunbar, of the Chamber of Commerce, tho Initiation feo for a membership and three cheers for Harrlman wcro given by the largo and enthusiastic crowd. Several oth ers ut onco had their names enrolled on tho membership list of tho Cham ber nnd one of these was Col. llola blrd himself. Harrlman Meets People. Following the speech Mr.Harrlmaa signified a willingness to meet and shuko hands with all the people who hnd gathered In tho park to help wel come him to our midst. He teemed to enjoy meeting the people of oar city and with some few he was able to chat over old timet at be bad (Continued on Last Page) Last year the Long Lake Lumber company exported nine carloads of box material and thlt year they made arrangements for the exportation of twenty-seven carloads. The Increase In tblt business U one of the beat In dications of what tblt counter will do In the course of time. If Klamath Falls Is destlLed to become a city for no other reason the lumber Industry It sufficient. All It needt la transpor tation. Mills will come la the wako of railroads and Instead of exporting twenty-seven carloadi of ttuS In one year there will be exported nearer to twenty-seven In one week. Tbero It not another place on record that hat no direct communication with the trade centers that la exporting lum ber In manufactured condition to the markets of the large cttlea. . Twenty-eeren carloada are a tmall Item, bnt the old taring It that the direction the straw takes tbowt the course of the wind. It It safe to pre sume that the time It not far distant when the ttrlng of lakes In tblt coun ty will be the greatest mill ponds west of the Rocky Mountains and when tho lumbering Industry of the Klamath country will not support one wood manufactory with the capacity of the Long Lake Mill, bnt wben there will be dozent of mills and ev ery one with ten timet the capacity. If en experienced In the lumber bus iness tee much In the departure ot a barge load ot box material from tho dock In tblt city. They realize tbat the Industry la In the embryo In thlt section and tbat the present ship ments will stimulate the business and will advance tbe time when thous ands ot people will derive their tab tlstence from tbe lumber Industries. vfmfWmvmMtMMMMMMMMMMMt Going Camping ? We have the best guns and ammunition. Let us outfit you for a trip to the mountains. We have the goods that hunters need. Going Fishing ? f Our rods and tackle are the best that are made and the stock from which we invite you to select is very extensive. .'. : Roberts & Hanks f Hardware Merchant M sH HMM000O is YJi I , . 3 . . -a, V "