Rr.v":1 ".' "i-. . . z. ... ( Strit tK Pure Linseed ,1 0r Mctiicinsu I'urposcs s. 1ine.l nil ! ctfCtUlly valiiat.tr ' l' utrliir liH" ami limit ami M ,"..., Ill ll" miking ' "." "". i ,.i,.t lor ircnil am aim Minn, t"n'.'1"' . l...,.l .i.J mini In, -iirff".- Ljitlml " ... SHEIlWIN-WlLUAMS MDICIHAL UNSEED OIL i -..If if"' "' mu'lrliial mi. " .. ullic iniirl anil hril llm PT" ' . i. ........I. r cm W " 111 ' prll " I " ,,,(, l I w .ar' iml" i, maninaiiuirii irril NiiMliw'H'lii llii r i a'nl ir ilraiiril I dr t mil striate ion. I.ii. hi. ll,c mill iIiiuiikIi rrjf njimli'iiiir , IV K JiciMilllnttnlOil , ,11 ll lilfa.l, lot ur I, iilruiirtrl) l.i.lllr. !!-' i .,, 7 , ""'""" I All III- KUIIUIV ANI1 PFWrOV 'ib ' "' "-r KJu Vri I r rlll VI 1 1H I...M.,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,. :-"'-' i m.i ;, ,?v'1 ,"" ,i "" wirt.h l.alnl (Ifflri. at ,kP, rw. ii........... tUllUI.I,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,, j,,,,, I... 11..1 iuihium .., ,,., ; ;,.,,;,;. '.' :'!;',""' V1:""""" 'trr i..Mi., . ,: iii.Hr M.-u,r,i. h.i.i i.imi. .,ii.i.,i I, ,. m!;:,;,;";,.v" '-1". ,,..:.!., IrVlliW, Wl.O lift Vlt M l.r. rii-i. .i.l.i ...i , . . mi riiniii i id Klamath County's Lakes and Streams Are Alive With Trout und Water low I While the Mountains Abound i With Deer, Hear and Other Hiq Game Hi" I'll", Hill. I nl any , ,, Tim Kliiiiuilli nr.l'in In iIi'hIIiiimI l liiiiiiiiii llm mn i a of llm I'mlllr: miiMiiUiiir aii'in am i. ,,,i,flw; ,'")'.",, '' Inter of iiiiiilniir sports mid Mm;:::,';:,!::;;,:;;;::;:;;';;;'-';1! vih...i ,.i.....uy ii,oua.,.i w"r'uul'u?u.'U '',",'"!" """""' i"' ,0,,rlKlH- " -'l of lukift, inoun- Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKDWAKE DEALERS Klflinuth Falls, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Spring Creek RESORTS Tlir li't trmil llalilnit In llrrgiiii i.iu'li'lll urriiiiin'lallili Inr 4illr ( iu'li! '"It fit" I'll trill , hr.i iailiMliK liiieil ali'l I lK .,r irnt I Kinr ialilii. (lit alk, ftr.l..ii rolllicctlnfl. ' Acmiinii latlmia t it'i t Ciatrr I Will iiH'i'l iaillrn Rt Klamath fni- FRANK SILVIES I'HOPHirroH Klamath Agency, Ore. I Wli ...vi --..., . ,'i ' ' " 'ir.ll.rN III ii, NH 111.MW .ir.h.. a, .,,., .,,,11,.,,, , , mm hl..i, inn Klmnml.. ii, ,. ,'iji.ii'l-..,i.ii..MK.,i.,iHw .,1 ., a,',,,, ,;h, ...,,.., ,,r,, , ,, .ItH.II ,i I .,l, lllii.n full Klaliiilh.llirKriii, ll.r h hint H I ll It'i Jl,1 Jl,h, IU.I.H Mr,.,,,.,,, .,,,,!,.. ' .K'lllillKlllrlll llm.u.H Kl.Ul.lh.O,,,.,,,;! j uiiiiit.nni, ,. ,iillai. ., w inn, iii. lrillHlll ! l-.IIH 'III,.,!!, .mill, i,'n .'.ll.r.i.lH., 31, I JJ H, ; ,,,nr, ..,, ilillli. Il.rina uiull, I'l I li.im, ,. , lu ' H" Hi'lilr N Alr,.iii. I,n,rr 3Di,,. ' ",,", ' " '" "''I' I ' l bmilillllll, U.li .ll,llll I.I III,, tt, I, ,,,,. II,. mill i.n)f. II,. n 1,1 1,1 K.. t). I K H, II l.',ill.,,ali,i,l J I, CikiI., ,, llirfiill, llrlhI l, , ., , . rt ,,rb .., hn-10. I a ll III ..,!, .,,,. Hull nl J I llmiM, lltUlii.llrijn, BW , l "I M. ,l. II.. tt 1,1 ill Hi ,i,ir l.i.ll,, N' lli.lM ,l. tarn, n , l! 10 h. li,n l,.l . IH.U..I Jiitm i,., l-iiu.nii., iitrrntii ilir I. Ill Hi ,,.,ll. ,,,. w, i, ,. l , ,, J, J ,,, Hrtm.iiM it . II lo I. iii,,, .,.lr.iioi, l I I,, i, SiiUii CimUimI llirxitn, HUH IK- NNKII. ' '. "I.'l ml Hi' lH-nr,.! I.alnl lim.-f A H'IP.1 IU, a A HUSK ril.lll I, i lllil ti.lil.iil Hmi.Li) Mill,. In "III, I I ,.i.i;,.i;, in. i 1 1 j iuu, i,i. ,, H lulu itri'iuiiH nml rlviTHitri) niiitcliluHH iiiimiii; will,. or Hid Unlti'il Hliiti-B fur Hunt flnlilriK iiml iinmiriininii-il for wiili-r fowl tlnit irniy Hid iiinr hIihk iih IiiiIiIiIiik kiiiihiiIm. WiIith moKt pilriilRlit-iiwiiy rournn of forty iiiIIph, Willi n variety of wealth or ruler In llm lioriliTlm: Hliori'lnnil anil ilcliiri'Hiiii) IhIhikIk. Tn tliu lihotou riiiliiT, iiimituiir or iirofciHlonal, up (iruclatlvn of tlio tji-iiu t If ii 1 In imtiiro, Hid rt'Kliin offcrH IiihiihIIi!h oiiortiin Ity. CrutiT l.nki-, with ltd National Park riwrvatlon, In n-aclied li'-Kt via nBaflr t sbm' ill mL rb. PlCn MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value . When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys at present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE CAPT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. Office on Fifth Street Zim's Plumbing Shop Contracting and Jobbing Firntrlma l.lnc uf I'lumli UiK SH'daltk' uml tiral ria Vurkitmulii, A. 0. U. W. Building Klamath Falla : w BTTir XUYBV f. 'at Hi,. luki-H ami ilM-rx iilmiiinl ultli i i 'llii Im-hI bimiIi'h or limit uml ullii-r D,1,;A,!!l,,,,,K.r..1i!!i!.,,M,-,,'."'.","'',.'r"i ''" "' " " " r " ;r.,,m,i7M":,vv;v.V'v:.,;1i"1,.,'',.v;:;, "" " ""' '" wi f:;;u::,r;:r.:.!.';,.,,,i'.,,,:i;.!;:.!;.,1,1'i, r m.i ,,. ami f..wi. la, aa ll.a aitr aflrrla Hi. Mltl.illattal In, l, 'i , i , . i I .allo,il.ul.iitl.l ll,.artul Jul,. J, Mt, I ' ' l'"l" I I'lulnilll'll ,y Rlmw i Mai .1.1 t? uw HI ilililirtllmi Mill, iTil ' . t . .. ... Kiamaiii i-ini ii,.,.iii..,i ii,. iuiiuin.lF pl"''l pi'iiKH or tin- Cuarailn ltiint;,', rilll lall.lt 111 llir Mai. nl 111,(1,1,, .ImI , , , .. .. , . ,i . ' hi, ulburil, (Ui'tl i.l .alii nana a. hai. hi.l "i"1 lc tin' l"H llWI'Kl , at a dlKtaiico lah l.trrliilu, r.i,ally Iriu.ml au air ni.t ' , . . ,. .. . ,,, . .,ii,.,i.. iii,i,..ii, irM-,,-1 ..i,i,.,i of iilmiii Hi'vcnly iiiIIi-h, Mount Hhimtn , alr.l lllli iul).t In ltlr!nl)t iilir I l,a m (.utile lab.) la.a ..I ILr I nllrl malra mi ah.l allrrJul) Yi ,8,1,111 .i,a u,. b aubjtli, 1 aftUlf. IJllli , lwllii, lihlll AUflMl 2V, I am, I at llir 1'llllr.l Klalrt I an I lit,.. .1 lilnlr., I IMriuli. .a,ulli t-il.c vll..lr altti llial li..'lt..lt .III 1 .r,iullla. lnal.lll III rl.rrl.r anj ilflii .l.atviti iid.i.r .nr artll'inrni i.r ' ' iHTtllallull Urt"H a'lrr Ma, Mavl.lAh, ai. I IHi, If, Jut, 31. I." all am u lllrlfirlit 11, in rual.,n Ultir liirl.l.Mfli W lllalitMtt. Sli-fl llai. TIIM.II " M..,, ll ,, all.) SW .,, . .,, H . H .,,.N till Ml .,,, Mcllmi I Mill. lil.SNMT. I uinhl.iilit-, ul tl, ii't.rral I ali'l llrtli IIU1K IIIIUI. ri,.l Aillilaut rv.,rlar, ul till llitr,.!,, Notice For Publication Di'l'ailini'iit nl tln Iiili-il'ii, I . S Ijlll (lllirr, l.krlf ('nvnii, M.l) U, I'.aii, Nut In' la lit-ii'liy )iii'n llut All rl HnriiMin, i.l Klamalli I'ulla, (llck'un. hIi, nil Nnv. H, l')7. iniulf iIiiiImt uml Mini" n'.liralliiii, Nu. I'll ", Inr M)1, NW1,, ,Vtluii .", Tiinutlln ; h., liaiia-K 11 i: Will. MiTlili.lll, li.n lll.il millivnl llilrllll'Hi in make riiui rnxii, to -tntili-l. i la. in tn llii. laml uIkj li M'nl.il, l.'f'iK't'oniily fieri. Klmiutli li., t Ma ulllir at Klain.itli I'lilir.Uro., mi tin- nth iUy of Anwu't. riH. I'Ulniahl immr. n witiii'iiM'.: Ji'lili . Stlialliack, ( Klillliutll I'nlla, lln-k'nh, I. J. Maliii.ul Kl.iiniitli full., Wti'Kiin, Allin.JaiiilMiii, uf Klamntli lull. On- , Kim, Win. Cuilialf, '! Klaiimtli I'altn. 'tlffumi. J. N. un.N. Ili-iiiitur. r. is Klainutli I'alli, mill Ih iiiiimImti'iI i minim: llm hkvi'M wuiuIith uf lln worlil. TliU body or vwitiT In mimo Iwculy h,iiaru inlli'H In cxti-nt and IIi-h In tliu rratiT or an i-xtlnrt vol lano with wallrt 2000 foil IiIkIi hut-' roiindliiK II. tioiindliiK tsnnw tlio wa- lir or IIiIh Inko to In ovi-r 2000 feet In iloptli. Tliu iiiountuln In which ' l'll4aiHB4Ma'lk.V3.4fc f3a.BiiSiHBBB HrTrT'aBBjBjjjfjaaHaHl JBat-.Bjf'' arBMHHHB aBlf,lvSSMBj))aamafl aPritHPflHil k . r RHPIMijJBHII;i WC-JM It's wholesome XlvS'K't 'tiWItlSI tedlii4rtemprnoe I cr 'Pxcfl drinktnda I vy-P aiiH.B QVAMiinSUD I !feJL yS ""TH PACIFIC I I'or Sale by tlio inirthiTiiiiioHt poak of tin' Hlrr ran, Irani IIk whltu rrrnt lo an alll Hull, or ll.lin fi'i't. Moiuit .Mr- f.:iiiKhlln (Mount I'itl) lit tliu IilKtit-Ht of tin- i'iiiIiu'iik'h to tlu norlli and j ural, lii'iliK U In lilt S.illlll ffft. TIliTl' ! Ih no iniiK- altrurtlx' ttiiiluhont trip j on tin riillri' I'acltlr Cuant than thut on l'iior Klaiiiatli Uikt. with au ul- AND PLASTERING ( III.MNIJYri AND HltK 1'I.ACIW A SI'IXMAI.TV I H. E. CHILDEKS KLAMATH rALLS, OKKOON Professional Cards DR. WM. MARTIN Dentist Offln. nvrr Klainutli t'iunty Hank DR. C. P. MASON Dentist ""irtlrnii Hunk A Trim! Cii.'a lltillillim C. V. STONK Attorney at Law fJflilc,. w.r poDtniiico, Klunmlli Kalla, Uri-irni, T"-nioN,' 1). V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law Klamath Fallt, Oiwgon VMIfi: ltH I'l'IH.IC.lTIO.V. I). H. IjiihI OtUic-. 1-iKuVlow, (Iro- Kiui. July 15. l'JOS. Notlru la larcby r,wn that tlio Hlnto of Uri'Kon tins lllcil In Dili of llm Iim aiillcatl(iiia under tliu pro tialuna of (ho art of CuimrvM of AiiKuat 14, 1848, and (ho acta sup plriiionlal and anii'tidatory (hertto, (or ttm fiillilii'. ilrnrrlboil lands, ti wll: Mat No. OSTi, fur o,aw',J, Soc. 4 and liwlinw,, .See. U, T. 3 H., ll. 'J I 1!.. V. M. Mat No. Oili, fur HW'.jlio1,,. Src. 3.T. 34 HI. II. 14 I!. W. M. Any and all pithoih rluinuiii: n-viTW-ly Hi" luiulrt di'aiTlbi'd. or ili-alr-liiK to obji'ct bwaimo of llm mineral rlmriirtiT of tlit. laud, or fur any oth-r I i-iiHOlia. to llm ilUpnial In np pllniut, Hliould tlio their allldavll- of protenl In tlild olllre, on or li-foli' tin' 10 day of Meptemliir, 1 tns. .1. N. .IMIfa. ,..,..l. HCBHIIT. Il'ur Kali-lloiue-t'1 llrllminW '' ' Knur and one-half mlloa fiout Mer i -in 11,-,,,-nn: 100 IHTi'H fi'lli'i'il, 70 lurroi In eultlviitlon, of which 12 ui-roa Ik In polutoeH, 16 acreH ry.'. i nr-r ha.ley.lmlai.c. In wheal. H.uall hotiso I iM.rn. nooil ell, lentil of Horiel i..i, .iiir.n iiuiiiiiIm. Out) lino Ulliren, ib - i.,.,,.he.nu .oil. lumieuu. new l.tud.. ........ ..,.. :Hi: two mlkli "'. u calf, oue jtwIliiB l..lfa-r. Jlira-o brood now. 80 thli-keun.ui.vv 50-toolh harrow. M-lia-h I'low. two atovw. huuiieliold f limit ui.-. ilUhoiumd other (HUtKU too nuiiwioiia (o nieutlon. ITlco ,1300. Woul'l '" ll"'a' wl (lireo Union Ihla piKo Kmiulro of 12. !' rill-". 38-1 wk Mcinii, wi ," ,. . , i ll.tim.leiul lellll- 'quMiment, ISO acrw at IM " ho under illtcli. SUwn ft Blonuli. 1M . ........ v. nl.mn. nreBd UUtl LOOK Iiouoyi - repair clothe, at th PanUtorluiu. 13 COMIC OI'KIIA I'l.VAI'OIIK. I'd lb- I'lTwiileil at Hie fiH-ni lloiiw In TI.N City. Tlio most elnborato nidslcal event eier nttempted by tho pcoplo or this illy will bo tho production of tho (oiulc opera Pinafore, tho most papu lar of tho Gilbert and Sullivan opor to). It will bo Riven on next Tuesday and Wodneiuluy nlghlx. Tor I ho pant two weeks many of the best hIuk.th In tho city have boon umtaited In tho preparation of tho iniinlc and (ho dramatic action or tho opera and all ot tlio partH ara In tho haiiiht of competent people, who nro Interested In making it a siiccohr. The clioniBoa are finappy nnd are tilled with bright tnelodlos that make Kulllviin'H music ho populur. Tho ros I union tiro correct to represent the nautical hcciio, and tho stngo will be nrranited, an far its It U possible, lo represent the derk of tlio Bhlp l'ln iifor.'. Tho follow Iiik Is tho cast: Ju-iophluo, tho Captain's daunliter Mrs. Don Zitmwnlt Itiitteietip, a lliimboal woman.... .' Mrs. R. 11. Henry Hebe, (ho Admiral's llrst cousin.. Miss Lota Nlckerson 8lr Jiihopli I'ortor, tho Admiral. . . T. W. Zlmmormnn Captain Corcoran, comraundlng Ship I'lnafoio Itoy Walker Italpl. Ilaclislruw, able Benmii Ilurge Masnn Dli-k Deudeye, able seaman W. II. Mason lloaltiwaln (too. T. Pratt' HoalHWitlu's Mule llr. It. A. Heiltase Bergeant of Marines Mr. Jones MliUhlpinate Archlo Mooro Htillors, Mnrlnos, Slaters, Cousins, Aunts, etc. Accompanist Mrs. Oeo. T. Pratt Director Martin R. Rablnaon Scone; Quarterdeck or II. M. S. Pinafore, Act I Noon. "Act II Night. -rr-1 Merrill. .Property U reaaonable. tho lake Is Bltuated rises somo S000 reel above nea level. Tho lako was llrst ilirtcowrod lu 1S62, and for a limn time wus called "Lake Majesty," until tliu mure approprluto uhuio It now liearB wus applied to it. This Is one o( (ho I'lac.'a imposalblo to pic ture with pen or brush. eiort of tlio Condition of Till: KliAMATIl COUNTY HANK at Klamath Kails, In tho State or Oregon, at tho close or business July 15th, lUOS. HKSOURCE2S. Loans and discounts... $229,550.13 Overdrufts, secured and unsecured 84,925. G2 Hands, securities, etc. . . 60,170.75 Hanking house, furniture nnd fixtures 6,188.01 Other real estoto owned 1,902, 4i5 Duo from banks, (not reserve banks) 111,141.27 Checks and other cash Items 10,719.07 Cash on hand 39, SOC. 02 Total $533,109.93 LtAHIMTIKS. Capital stock paid lu.. $100,000.00 Undivided profits, loss expenses nnd taxes paid 4,530. C4 Due to banks uml baukers 2,877.22 Individual deposlts.sub- Joct to check 305,293.87 Demand certificates of deposit 00,190.15 Cert lllcil check 33.75 Cashier's checks out standing 232.50 Total $533,109.93 State or Oregon, County or Klam ath, ss; I. Alex. Martin, Jr., Cashier or tho above-named bunk, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tho best or my knowledge and belief. 'ALK2. MAHTIN, Jll.. Cashier. Correct Attest: " ' Al.EX. MAHTIN. 12. It. KEAMES, R. P. McCORMACIC. Directors. Subscribed und sworn to before me, this 31st duy of July, 1908. I!. P OHASTAIN, Notary Public. For Sale or Trade Residence and business property In the best town u .Willamette valley. Inquire at the Boston Store. FOR SALE Household Goods As I am going away from Klamath Falls I will sell all my household furniture, beds, tables, stoves, kitchen utensils, etc. It will pay you to call and look over the goods. J. H. DAKIN Room 5 Navigation Co. Bldg. Notice to the Public. We, tho undersigned raerchents ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, hereby agree to close our places ot business, begin ning on Monday, August 10, 1908, at 7 o'clock p. m., on all days except Saturday, (and from the 10th to the 20th day of December and during county fair and from July 1st to July 3rd): Shivo Bros. & Co. Van Riper Bros. A. R. Cranco & Co. W. J. Ilrcunan Tim Huston Storo Virgil & Son Tlio llrlck Storo Co. Mrs. (i. W. Fish (ieo. R. Hum 11. ilolviu Schnllock & Daggett Co. W. A. Calkins & Co. K. K. K. Storo Tho D Heal Tho Portlaud Store. W. II. Dolbeer Hunk & Schneider Stilts Dry Goods Co. Roborts & Hanks Oreeloy & Phillips. R. W. Gilletto Geo. T. Baldwin Mix Baldwin C. T. Oliver Farmers Implement House. & Supply J31A10 I'or Ii-nse. Hotel with everything now. dining room kitchen, eight rooms, parlor; lino patronage, feeding (ram 160 to 200 dally. Inquire nt Hotel Dorrls, Dorrls, California. 8-6tf NOTICK. My finst kiln ot lime will be burnt about August 10th. I will be ready to fill all orders front then on. 27-2wU GEO BISUN. CENTRAL CAFE OpeaDay and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served in Any style J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. The Pelts Aato Is for hire at reasonable rates to par ties. Just as cheap to go In a auto as In a stage. If. R. PEL.TZ, Pine and Cth streets. 731-8-31 WE ARE LOOKING For up-to-dule people to carry our watches. We can supply watches for anyone, from the young est to the sedate old man. Each watch Is guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction H. J. WINTERS DEALER IN WATCHES AS I 3 I wl b.