The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 07, 1908, Image 1

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jlosll I'"'"1 ,,n,,,'r '"
K,iniiH r"
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Price, 5 Cents.
DAIRYING PAYS WELL,Must Speak English to Make
! Final Proof on Homestead
bonanza Creamery Report Shows
Bicj Profits lor farmers
Ltjni'ss ol Industry Has Mure Ihmi UuiiIiIimI in One Yctir
,inil Demand lor Product Is I cctlioriiilly (inod
lloiiiiiiti the flutter City ol Klamath
nf b." nf On' lliiminu iri'iitu
. lirli'ln I willafutlnit In nil pill
t totf "' "' I" ""' ""'''I"'"" Oiir
u the mli nl J ti 1 Hi" inrmera
.. nam uiiiHiitiniiiK'i) iizimi iur
lillrr '' lill'' ilMrlm: I ! aame
. - I..- ...- tlf..lfc..ll lit
tuttn " ""
wind n"'"'"'" "' 'r'"" Thla shims
, uml If thla In kept up tut
, f w - lliiiiiiimi wmim ii. 'ii-
j,, !.. . .Iialliicllnii iif Ii.'Iiik Hi''
litti-r ' "' ""' I'"'"' liliilimlli ba
iirrun.- t.i i In niiw rniiaumlliK nil
,( itf i...ii.i ilmi U urn m-tili-il in
iim.Ii " HHill market A few
6)iill' ' In'l'i. lililin'iil wnii iiiiiiIi.
jjj ti dui'i't' following Oil 1.11111'
(.Bin '"'til order l tint Jiiat in v
Ikf iira m In n ii' iln l.i'liltnl
ilih tli mler (nun tin tiirlnm
tlBtlli l"illl nillll
The r-..rl la.lled 1.) tin l ream-
r-t iho 'liui I In- (Inlr)ilu:
out' "n' l lilghl) t.'iiitini'rnlUi'
It U fa iiii'm mill iiilnll) mi If
ii . iiH.k nlh'r tlii'lr herd mnl
itir It i' mitili urn tin. proper til-
tntlon Tin ludiialr) lm Imcii "I"
irilrj l.-iiK enough In inlitlliin tin'
CMt tlii'i''lnl lliut tin. KlntuMli
foioli- i. 1 tintiirt. iini' of tin' beat
filrjlns ..iiiiinn In Orcgnn mid Hut
lidor Mix when there mi' trmiapnr-
Utkin farilltle. It will suppl) tin
rnkru n( mail) of tin. I'arlflr Ciin.t
titlr iHi ilnlry ir.liii i
liiiiiiii(is woitm: i:i.m:miii:i!i:
IkUnulli I ini (i'imiiI Wlii-n '.iiiimi."I
In llne nf Oilier Nillnli".
It n...' i.. nilinllliil l.y I'ti'Diiiii
till tin iiiltim In Klniiuilli mini
I; in tlii. heat this tear. Iml.
trn lit. ant rniiipnp'il with tin' re-
torti ilia' i .Mini (rum tin' tnilou
Utlrullurnl mi thin of mil only tin'
Hit nf On-gnu Iml from nil pari of
l ruririi ('limit, mil' lit lint rutin. In
Ihf kmii Iii-iiiii thiil tlirrr Ik milliliiK
Ulli-r than Klamath iniiiilv. Tin'
IuIIowIiik Hi'tii In Vt.'ii from th" I'nrl-
"oil Ti'h-Kriiiii In regard In I In' Mor
ns iniiiilv wheat fii-lila nun tin v.- n
ttiuttiii. in Minw him Kliiiiinlh mm-
Mil-, wild Unit him lion of I lm Htnli'.
lli.i rn'A iiiiiniv will rnlan nliinil
Mr-flflh of tin. uhi'iil II iriiiliiri'il
M, mi'orilliit: In (' A. Ithi'ii.
(resilient of tint l'lrl National llnnk
( lit iiniiiT who ri'Hlil.'H In I'nrl Intnl.
kit win, Iiiih .in iiihhIiii; Hi'M'ral
III llii InilirhKriiHH rrulnll of
Knuti'ili (In-Knit ti-ii'iiil)
l.nal iiir Milium muni) nn
lllll.-lt 3, ',1111,0011 IiiikIiu," hi. ny.
"Inn llila M-iiinii .hi. will hiirtivt
iitiuiit .'.1111,11(111 '. w lii-al iirn.liii
I'll I III. ..'11.1111 I. IHlH.'ll 1 t.'
l.iollilll. iiiiiiiihI Mi iini.r, whlli. 111.
.i nl t I.-n IViilaml llutti. jiuil
Hi" I'nliitiililii ritit liuti- no ii I ni
iniillilliiil linitialiia a. Hi. iialn
lilnl Imi.'l) In fun H ilil.'il
1 1 I tout! II Iiiikk Mil.' all tliliili;l,
tin. iniMli.'iii .ml of Hi., i.iiini), anil
fniilnl mi li.'lil i.i Hi liancailni;
Annual I i'r l.lulit Mil.- ami linn!
liuiti. In Ih. aoiith p.ut nf tln i nun
I). win al will a. timi. al.niit 2'u lnmli
i'l to (In am., ami im Ijiith ur.' nl
Ii'iliiK 70 i. iila ii Imali.'l at tlit tall
ronil alntliiiia, llin.i' IiiivIiii; ln-at
will iiiuKi- mini.') tlila i'iir '
Ml I.I, sllJMMi I'irilllO.YS.
Uinilmin. i In tin- I .m r I'nijiil
Uniil linn iiiiih'iiI
rami II. .1.
Whi'li a.k.'il uliiiiit tin. lu.-fli'iit
atiilila of llir .iiin'il in thin on Hi.'
jmrl nf Hi.' lamtnwm'ra In thn tiT
(irojiit, J O llaninki-r, tin' i'.lllor of
tin' lliiiinnr.i lliilli'lln, uniil "'llii'
iiiiim art' nl 11 1 alKtilm; tin' 'lllliina
for tin' iinniilin.'tii ol tin- inulraitM
ami On' k.nllu. will Ii. fin wnnliil n
Ima hii'ii hi'ri'liitori. aimiiiimril." Tin'
Innilnwlii'ra of Hint miIIoii iiik not
lotiti'iliirilli! tin' iliilalnn nf I In' Sri-
iftnt) of tin" Iiili'rlnr on lhi n'tl
ttntia. It U I'llili'iil Hint tln'.v'
ri.iilnil ih) HK). wln'ii' llii' riMiiH
.lii.-a nut nuki lnmli ilirfiri'iiii' oni'
wit) nr umillirr
What la wnnliil In tli I'iumt im-
J)-t l wnl)-r mnl II la 'lil.'iit f i
tin' i'iiri'.liiii of II"' fiinui'm Ilmi
tin-) an- ii'.)il to work In li.irinoti)
with tin' lliilmnallnii S.'rtlio If III.'
ri.Ttlii' will allow ii wllllliKllttui In
wnrk wllli llniii If tin- :t-iinn-iil
hIiiiiiIiI il.'ilili' In ln'Kiit rk on tin
Cliar lukf iliini thla Ji'itr II la vt
lirnlialili' thai all illKwillafiiilliin of
a aiTliniH miliiri. wonlil illaiiiiear
mill On' lllllllllWIH'tH wlllllil (ti'l li"o
tin linrm-aa mnl worl. for Hi.' rimiiI
of tin- I'liilri' Kl.nnath Itiil.tuiallnn
l-'ri'il Iti'iil Ima ri'liirni'il from llio
iiortli iml of Hi ml). II" ""J
I. mil many raiiin'in ml ""
of Ihi'in an' llmllni: Kiiml ImiiiIImb ninl
. "8'':,''W
First Showing
New Fall Hats
All the Seasons Now
eat Styles ami Colore aw
ready for your inspection
Stetson Thoroughbred Brands
L"The Beit Place to Trade"
A Hi'iiaalinn wiim fri'iili'il In tho
I'.'il. nil Cmirl nf li..ii.r wlmn .IiiiIki
I.i vim n , .w iiillni;, when
iliinnliiK mil half a ilnnm iiutiunll
ntii.ii iiih.h, In ulih Ii hi. In. i that u
fur. Ikii lint Ii iii'iaiin luiiat Hii'lt tliu Iiiiiii,ii'.i. Iii'fiini In. i an holil
a I. in ilili. in a Iiiiiiii-kIi'iiiI
' I till Mill llllllW Uniil MII'IM In In-
Klvi'ii, ' h.iM tin. unlit, "wlii-n. tlm
inil an-kliiit l!ii Kami. Ih illiahln tn
ni"iit: tin. CiikIIhIi ImiKnnKi. Ilu tnn-
tmi iimli'ialaml tint lawH of thla uniil
tr. or an) of thn mix Hint no to
pinvi' IiIh i lll7i'!iKhli. Hii mil)' hlli
'ioiii. Hii'inli'il ii.iin In ml , hut lm miial
ii'inl ami will.- Ciiitllah hi fun. hi inn
m-i iin h Ih Until ian'ii mnl innni In
'in.' Ihla mini with u nathiliorti
i IMi'ii who i an xni'iir ho Iiiik know it
In- ailhji-il for II itIiii of IWll .JIrK "
liitiiu liumtii'ila of iliilniH In tin
Tho iIi-iIhIoii will m-hiiII In linnll
Hlulu nml ll Ih rlnlincil whk muiln In
in i milium' with thn riillmtK (loin thn
miliinillnilli.n nlllii'.
-lm) IIImikiii'. on Smiilii) I'IiihIiik.
An ilfoil w.m minji' nl ItoM'hiilK
In i-iifoni. thn Hiimlny rliialnic law
mnl llvo of tho ilty'H liimlni-HK ini-n
an. ilufi'iiilants In Hid JimtUn court.
Tint (Inn, II, Hhoailaft Hon, wiih thu
llmt of thn nlli'i; vlolnlom to loimi
to trial. Mr. HIiouiIh rutin n fonfcc-lloni-iy
Htoru m-ar tlm ilcimt. Tho
inmiilaliit wan hniiiKht hy tlirin
iliurdi on;aiilnilliiiiH through I!. V.
lIllKll'H. (llii)' 11 fl'W Illl.'HM.-H WITH
I'lilli'il nml tlm iiihii wiih noun ulvi'U
to tho Jury, whlili illaai;ri'i'il mnl wuh
illHtnlHiril. Them nro four other ma-1
a in im trii'ii, inn mi .roaiciitionn '
urn i'Xiwti'il.
. 4
Upper Lake Steamers Hauling
Freight and Passengers
1 Opcriiny ol Wood River Increases Water Traffic and Makes
a Market for the Surplus Hay Supply Available
I Will Counteract Shortage in County
Harrimon's Special Scheduled to Arrive
at Dorris at Noon Tomorrow
went to the homo of Mm. Ilranden
hnn; to look nt her vlntH. Ho came
nl u tlmi. when thorn wan no ono at
homo, hut notwithstanding thla ho
una ilotcrinlnoil lo inspect tho tomato
lm-H. i. went to thn garden and
wuh tooiliiK out moan u ring tho
vine anil minting tho green toma
toi'H on them, when nomothlng grab-hi-il
the neat of his trousers. Tho
family ilog objected to IiIh pestering
with tho tomato vlnen nnd as Dick
inailo IiIh wny arross tho gardon with
tlm ilog iloao hohlnd ho beat any
re onl thai ho over mailn us tho star
foothall player for Columbia. He
loat not only tho seat of his trousers
hut uUo n few patches of cuticle
.moti.i:v CltOWl).
I'. II llurrlmmi (hunged hla plana
ami Inati'.iil of i inning direct lo
Klamath I'.iIIk from H-nTumento ho
aciiI lo San I'rani Uin for u brief
lay The luteal mltltcH uielveil urn
that he will mrltn at linrrla at noon
tomoriou nml will at onn. ruinu on
lo llila ill). It Ih Hiihl Hint tho reat
of tin part) will not mrlcn for never
a I ilaya
An tiiilomohllii la now at linrrla
iwaltlng lila niilval, Iml II la Impoii
allile lo sii) :it what time lm will nr
rli In thla (It).
l-efl ill .MihIim' I'i.IiiI.
Mi nml Mra It. S Smith, Mr nml
Mra. T I! llemlrlikH ami Hnn. Joa
eph l.uike) ri'tumeil yeatenlny even
Iiik from an outing ut Spring ireek.
Coming lionm Mr. Smith took the par-
t) to .Motloe I'olut whom lm left
them lo tuko tho hoal to HiIh illy
.lille ho hrought In Hit- t. -11111. Ho
drove reterul mlli'H nml aeelug 110
sign of tint boat ho concluded that It
would perhaps ho beat for him to re
turn to wall until tlm boat came, us
fearing that Mime uic'dent might
have happum-d ll mid Hint tlm party
would bu left there Indlflliltely. Ho
droto l.nk and when In got there:
found that tlm boat linil gnno long
before they reached tlm landing. Ills
HioiightfulncHH Fated tlm pari) a
night ut .Modoc 1'olnt.
You will iae mono) by bii)lng
Hewing mat-lilm-a mid ull of jour sow
ing machine supplies nt Mullera, cor
ner Main unit Cth streets. 7-3 ltf
Propose Experiments For Artesian Wells
in Klamath Falls and Vicinity
Iteci'iitl) there has boon much talk
of boring for itrtcslnn water In this
Immediate vicinity. It tins been pro
poned that a fund he rnUed to exper
iment for a well In tho court houso
Hijuaie. ll in thu opinion ot many
who have had experlenro with artes
ian water that thla linaln, tho sumo
11H Wood liter talley, Iiiih mi artesian
How and nil thut la neccHsnry Ih to
go deep enough to BtrlkO It.
It la ic polled Hint n tuning mndo
on Hie Wlllutd ranch, 11 few miles
finni town, ut 11 doptli of elghtty feet,
buiiight Hi" wilier to within 11 alinrl
ilHlaiicii nf the hui face. This Is con
uldeied 11 Klioug Imllcatlon thut ar
tesian wells may bo det eloped.
Tlm fait that hoi lug for urteslun
witter has been hucIi a huccokh In tho
inn tin-in pait of the county should
lead xcuno one to niiiko oxtensivo ox
pel ImenlH In this section to detei
mine If the minio How reached this
talle). If H10 proposition tn bote, in
the limit house .ml Hhoillil bo punli
ed II N M'i'y inolmblo Hint, a hiiiii
sullli'lenl lo carry on thn experiment
could bn mined lu till clly.
hiiileil Hhnatii'H Steep SlotH'N
The Hon. (!. II. Watson, of Ash
land, who Iiiih heon a student of tho
geologliul foi imttlon of Not them Cal
ifornia nnd Southern Oregon for
years, tvus 0110 of tho jmrty that mndo
the nscont of Mt. Slinsta laBt week.
Other members of tho party woro
Ruy Jones. Cecil Karhurt, Walter Mc
Crnry, Win. Halrd mid V. A. Fowler,
tho latloi actlnc an guldo. Tho party
left Slsson Wodnesday. At 3 o'clock
u m Thursday, thoy left Horse
Oauu,wad tho ascent from the north
side, returning to Slsson at night.
They report a recent movement of
tho north glacier, and say that great
niasaes of Ico nnd snow nro strown
In the path of tho big slldo for a (lis
tn n re of ten miles. Guide Fowler
stntes Hint tho water of thn sulphur
springs on tho smuiull nro seteinl
degrees hotter than when ho lust vis
ited them, n number of enr ugo.
Yrekn Journal.
.M.-ilf.iril Pi. Ike Gather In Men From
All Walks of Life.
A few nights since all of tho room
In tin. Medford Jail was occupied and
the n glater of that popular hostelry
horo the names of men from all thn
walks of life. In fact, a small com
munity riiuld have formed Its nu
cleus there. In tho city Jail there
was 11 doctor, a machinist, a mer
chant, u (ook, a professor, a bar
tender, u lawyer and a farmer.
Whether any of tho men could qual
ify for any of tho positions or not Is
1 question certain It Is, that none
of them looked tho part but each
gate his trade or profession as nam
ed. With tho exception of two, the
men were locked up for drunkenness.
Tho two exceptions wero Frank
Johnson and Fred F. Murray, who
nro fhurgeu with robbing H. M. Web
ber on Friday last.
The passenger and freight business
Is Inccreaslng on the Upper lake. Tho
boats aro kept busy towing and haul
ing. The Wood river traffic has In
creased since tho opening of tho
channel of the river so that tho boats
can run within a few miles of Fort
Klamath. More of tho traffic going
and coming from Crater Lake and
from the resorts In the north end
of the county is being carried on by
It Is almost certain that as a re
sult of tho opening of the river there
will be considerable freighting later
In the season. In Wool rlvor Tal
ley there are large quantities ot har
tbat are not needed In that section
and, as tho supply Is likely to bo
short tn thn basin where most of tho
feeding Is done, It Is the Intention
of some ot the stockmen to purchaso
the bay, bale It and haul It to tho
Upper landing where It can be sold
at a price that feeders can afford to
buy. The surplus hay of Wood river
valley. It transported ro this city,
will make up for any shortage there
may bo In the supply In this part ot
the county.
Special preparations arc being
mndo for tho Chamber of Commcrco
excursion on Sunday. Tickets will
bo sold from Main street to tho boat
lauding for 2r cents for tho round
trip and the excursion tickets will
bo $1. The plan Is to stop at Dudd
Spring for dinner. W. H. Dolbeer
will liavo charge of the excursion and
It. M. Sarler will have all of the
lunch prlt lieges on the steamer.
Determined to Tiy lleiall.
Tho petition for the 11 'cull of Coun
cilman J. I), dwell, of the I'll si Ward
of Medford, Is still being rliculated
and ut this time has almost enough
signets to put thu new law to it test.
Those In charge of the motemeut
have no Idea of dropping tho petition
ami It is their Intention to secure
enough signers to cull mi election to
vote 011 tho matter.
hick .M.iti:s ni:v iti'icoitii.
Football Itemed .Not In It Willi Time
Iteienll) Katabllolieil
It. S. Smith Ih the pioud possessor
of what ho considers the largest to
mato vines In the county, lie has
them planted In his gulden at his
homo on I-iwaiina Heights nml lie Is
so proud of Ih. 'in that the tlrsl thing
he shows any of his guests me the
vlnoH and the Inst thing ho tells ubuut
nro the very same vines. Ho got tho
plants from Mrs. Ilrmideuburg when
thoy tveie quite small. Ho plnntod
thoni himself and has cared for them
over since. In order to make sure
that hla vines wero larger than tho
others planted at the same time he
Workmen aro now building the
vault for the Klamath County BanV.
In the Wlthrow-Melhaso block.
What I Haven't you called at the
new tee cream parlors In the Ameri
can Hotel block. 27-10t
Huiirrlutemlrnt Swaa AVnaoaacca tho
Time for Regular Anaaal
County School Superintendent J.O.
Swan states that the regular annual
Institute will not be held this year
until the latter part ot October and
that the date has been fixed In accord
ance with the convenience of Stato
Superintendent Ackerman who will
be here the last two days ot the ses
sion which will be held on the 22.
23 and 24th.
The annual meeting ot tho school
directors will not be held until the
last day ot the Institute and Superin
tendent Swan will make a special ef
fort to have a largo attendance at
this meeting as he considers It nec
essary for the directors to get to
gether In order to get the schools to
do the most satisfactory work.
Since taking the office Mr. Swan
has been familiarizing himself with
his duties and Is devoting much ot
his time to forming plana for con
ducting the office.
Cleaning and pressing at the Pant
atorlum. We call for and deliver
your clothes. Phone 470. 7-13
w9-44m44 .
Going Camping ?
We have the best guns
and ammunition. Let us
outfit you for a trip to the
mountains. We have the
goods that hunters need.
Going Fishing ? :
Our rods and tackle are
the best that are made
and the stock from which
we invite you to select is
very extensive.
Roberts & Hanks i
Hardware Merchants
.. .. V4 SMS&M
u 'VJ