The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 30, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Rad Pnpor In
Klamath FoIIh ....
tM4k&r-, t?6ur Groceries at
our Groceries at Van Bin,.- .nu. , .
. .1
" "wssFwajr eawa vsjf r '"iw
BestRewUs . . .
ik ii'
Seconi Yeah, No. (ill),
ru h,fr 7 FLOWING OUT
Chamber of Commerce Directors Planning
Big TimCS for Excursionists Blasting Causes Increase in
J Mow Escaping Through
Price, 5 Cents.
Tln directors of Iho Chiiiuhor of
Comimrn' linvo uul et iornpei"i
ill of Ihelr plana for tint i-iiteitaln-
. .. ...... I. ..
ptfDt in I"" roriinnn "xniralonMa dim mill linj, , on
bo will nrrlVH here on llm id k It t i( ! I'n.ol. Cnuniy
,u(uil 3rd Tim fori)- will l, ut J
K Titters landing ' n ili'li-gailim a'""" "'" "nm time that Hi., ml
f,iii lb" CIiuiiiImt mid Mill I..' ,. """ih were iIImoioi... In i,n
" " niMiivi-n una nindo In
'im iniini) r.iiiiu,M,. I.. .,.
nritiiiiliil In ,t, ,.,.,f , ,
I'mhUi iiiIiiiiI iletelupiiieiii u,,,tt Ima
mill I In. iiinri In Unit In-
Itile Lake Outlet
roiled In till" ill) TIih) Hill I,.
tlren mi iiiurliirill) in funillliirlr
lliiiiKi'ltm Willi nindltliitia hi Him
rltr ami will t licit ho Inl.i-ii mi ih-
llll lllp llllll llllVl' In-Ill iu I,)
lln1 iIImi turn of I In- iiiiiiiik'H lul IidiI)
JikIK" Hen, 1' Baldwin Ima been
il I'urlmiil lor lhu unt iwn weoka
anil hIII remain Iherw no u in mini'
tome with the xcttmlotilntH II" la
rlvliiK iikI of til tlnii' In tin. jirn
iiiuilriK of tliu trip to l lil mi Hun
tml Inn Inrge degree Hie aum-aa uf
tlioeiuirsloii will In. i in. to Mr llulil
ln, wliu baa on a number of i dm
un domoiiitraloil liU eirolli'iit rpial
lflfllnii ua a booalor
II U not known how many people
arc coming on till trip, hut from the
ay Hi" Judg anil n iiuiiiImt of oth
trt booitrrs havo been at work there
ihould tie a largo delegation uml tho
people of Dili city auil county ahoulil
lae nothlnx undone, that will create
a fawirablo linpresalou on tin. Wal
ton. It U becoming inllo generally
rH-onlicd by tint people of Klamath
rounly that much of tho Hialth of
Hit county Ilea In tho many attractive
features (or tourliti and plraaurv
ikers. The excursions that arc
trlag planned (or tho coming month
r mrly tho btglnnlnc of tho largo
tuilptti Id th'lt lino that will bo dono
ai toon u tbt railroad roacht-a hero
and tho roaorta horomo botlor known
In tho public,
Hi i "in mcuuiiri'iui'Mx of the llov.
of nnii.r llmllni: lu ny llirouuli ihu
Till" Inki. omli't hIiijw nn liiirciiH'
The h)drocrnpliiT of thi' Ili-clamn-
Steamer Mazama Navigates
Wood River to Point Near
Fort Klamath
Banker G. W. White Lets Contract for Two
Story Brick on Main and Fourth
io lant ted tin. imtl(.t .iml l.v
liH'ium of thin I in rfiiHcil Urn How fiom
I" mm uml fi-ia to I I fcfl II Ik ih
opinion Mint by iiiiiiovIiik imiro of lln
iilmtriiitloiiH the flow inn iimiiIn hi.
h'i'.i diini. uml i,i. M. I,,,,! i. ,i., llmTi'iiiii.d to 211 hi-ioiii! fri I
dliilliiiin i:m, moil. "iitiiiirriKllii: '' '" ,,'r,' I"'"'"1''!" Hint rxli'iial""
II li.m HUM I found I hill n,,, I H"1'' u"l bu iIiiiiii on Ihi' ontli't Hex.
iniK'iiliii'i) Hut pun him,.,! , ll( ,""" h lh" ItiTlainiilloii Hi-rvlc". i:n
loiiipmi) la inn Khi ,,n, t,i. n,.. j ;l"""rn urn itlvlnc tho fornmtloii of
ili'lit of tin- Minlriii on d, , ,H ,IIW " furtli in Unit locality (onalilvrnblo
r.mi" to Hniillii-rn Callfnrnb lu pin-"""""on ""', " prolmlilo Hint thi
ihaa.t ii lii-mii r drill, oni. that will n"lul1 ttl" '" 'Iml a upi-clal uppro
li" cnpnlil" of piittlni: ii hoi" diiuii l"lH'"i will Ii" net nnldu for Ihn pur
UiOi) f",i ,n,r ,.!,. ,),, ici, U't'i" of "XiK-rliiifntliiK with tint i.n
'"I ii wini fuiind linn Hi" machlni'ir Klmt if Hi" nuili't alrf-ndy existing
nun il) oiii'll OIIHTI1 HlonK III" HOUlll
ahorc of Hip Ink" It la thi of
"i'i" of ll UKiiiPorn Ihnt tint outlit
Yi-atcnlny wim u red Ifllcr day for
Wood river vnlluy. Tint nti'iimiT Ma
tuinu mado Its Initial trip up tliu riv
er, arriving at tin. UVl l.rMo in
Hon llorUcii did nomo blaetlne wli-n firr.t cla3 condition and without any
iicclilPiits A tclpplionn mfiianEd rf-
in im- wna Ion iicht. Inn the iimiiji.ui
Hlia nut In In- Hut dln'oiirnitt'il mid
iih noun nt Hi., hcav) mnihlin'ry nr-
rlu-a ulll 114111110 opcrutlona on n
InrK"" raln than In-ri-tiiforc
Tin. ICIawaili Oil rninpnny, which
naa orKiinltod for tho purpoi" of
ty. linn don" no nrtiisl work. Suino
di.cloplnK tho prmpoita In til la roun
of ho alock hnn boon told nnd ma
chinery l.arKiilnul for. but olln-r thnn
thla thcro boon no further work
don- Tho dlicotory of oil In Crook
county would doubtloaa tauao uu
nwnKcnlnt: In tho local oil dotolop-
mom and thorvforo Klamath piniplo
will bo Interfiled In I ho operations
of tli-i company drllllne In that section
tun I," enlarged o iu to be of liutei
lal boneni In loworlni: tho lake. Tlio
only clccrrns" that ban occurred In
tho How or the "xlHlIm: outlet la due
Io the fuel that the lako lma receded
and tho proaauru decreased accord-Inch-
lelved fintn Hut Klamiilli Aueiuy )ea-
lenlii) Hinted Hint the bunt uiiilil Im
neon wnrkltiK Ita wny up Hie river
mid that Hi" mono wux n pleaHlni;
one Io Hut people of that Hoctloii of
tho iniinty
The fun that ilir iraimiiortalioii
has been opened Io u point only tlneo
mllea fiom Tort Klamath nieana Hint
noreafter tho northern part of tho
county will bo more closely allied
Willi Iho real of the county, nnd It
Ducklni? In tliu Mwr Welccmca
Stranger at Teeters Landing.
Yeiterday orenlne upon tho arriv
al of iho Mai;cfi nt Tectcra Inndlni;
oiiu of the iMaacncen'. evidently n
utrniiKcr to the Klamath louiitry,
wna temleied rat her n tool reception
Tho (i)uclie.i did not arrive until af
ter dark and In making hln way from
tho waconx to tliu boat Im walked
out onto the wharf at rather a brisk
rate. Tho dock camo to an abrupt
end and ho plunged Into the water,
disappearing from view (or a fow
was soon fished out
Parties coming from Lakovlew
state that tho third rtory of the
court house Is nearly completed and
that the hulldlni? Is aaauinlnir an Im-
Thr excursion of Iho Portland bin-1 potliiK appearance It Is expected
Inrts men and tnmtors will bo fol
lowed by Hi Portland V.M.C A and
Hill In turn will bo followed by the
Oroicon I'roaii Association The
Chamber of Commerce will bo kept
busy handling thcio affairs and in
caring (or the pleaiuro seekers and
visitors and the organization will
hare the hearty co-operation of ev
ery part of tb county
lhat tho alructuro will bo completed
A furnlahcd so that tho October
lei in of couil can bo held In It
lllioll savs he has Hie best Ice
crtam lu town If jou are from Mis
souri stop In at tho American Con
fectionery 27-I0t
Mrrtlll. Properly la rcaonnlile.
lit, 1 HAT'S AM,.
I'liillnr i:pliiiiiilloii of tlio 1'ortUnil
store .M)atvry.
As n furthei explanation of the
mjoterlotia 12, tho Portland Clothing
and Shoo Storo will, on Sn'urrtay
mornlne. August 1st, ghe a p.-lo c.r
a Ave dollar suit caao, to thi iuti)
making the thirteenth purchas""V:m
plo)oes will not bo permitted to enter
thla contest
"It la Still 13" priio for Tucda)
mornlne will be announced Saturda)
and Monda)
nia. . .... i.. .1... ..... ... i i . momenta. III. uni snnn nVin,l
M.r. .fi.i.1,9 mut tiir luuriHi uiibineaa , ' "" - "-" ..-..vm wub
rnn be bundled In n way that will ap- ot tho rhnr nnd Irought to thla city
peal HtroiiRly lo nil vlaltoru to tholn K(K,1 "I'lrlls.
Bnltzerlaud of America ' Hlinllar accidents hato occurred In
Tin- bar nt the mouth of the rlwr lM clty n,ul l""lck have had narrow
lma been removed to such nn extent I 'scaIH'B from drowning. Parties not
that the boat tan readily cross It and I fomlllar with tho whnrfs aro very
when Mr. Wheeler completes tho Bpl l0 wa,,t 'nt0 tno water, for at
work which he has contracted there I "otn Teeters and In this city tho
will be no danger whatever. A land-1 'an8S ro not as well lighted as
Ini; will bo established at tho torml- lnoy hould ho. In order to avoid
nus of navigation and hereafter all "10 Possibilities of further accidents
of the business carried on between I additional Hghu should bo placed so
this city nnd Port Klamath, as well i tnnt visitors to the city will bo able
as the trninc to Crater Lake National
Park, will bo carried on by water.
Tho nctlon of tho Klamath Chamber
of Commorco In letting a contract
for tho removal of tho bar which
to tell where the wharf ends and
whero the water begins
Delegation Will
Attend Festivities
Don't pass up a chance to net tho
blKcosl nnd best dish of Ico cream
for your money at the American Con
Sco Doc Llghtbody for fine paint
ing and pnperhatiglng. tf
10 Days Mid-Summer
Clearance Sale
To make room for Fall Stocks which are beginning to arrive,
we htve marked Waists, Skirts, Gloves etc. at prices that will
make them goFor 10 days from July 30
impeded navigation has resulted In ; Government Geologist State, That
establishing a very friendly relation ...
between Klamath Tails and Wood1 ncpo,1,, WUI luWe-
river valley
"Tho Rouge river coal field Is one
of tho most extensive In Oregon,"
tali Professor .!. S. Dlllcr, geologist
rt'lth the United States geological
jurvey, who made an examination
of the coal fields of Oregon last (all
Ho spent Friday In Medford en route
to Rojoburg
'Some day these lignite deposits
a 111 bo ery valuable, when the gas
englno becomes perfected I have
completed a description of the Rouge
river coal fields, which will be Issued
'jy tho government.
"A new survey Is being made of
Crater lake, n topographical survey
under the direction of Chief Oeog--nphcr
Marshall. The Grants Pass
juadrangle Is ready for distribution
and we are working now at Ruch,
continuing the survey," concluded
Professor Dlller. Medford Tribune.
Tho people of Donania have,
through a committee, extended nn
Invltntlon to tho Klamath Chamber
of Commerce and to the business
men of this city to come to Bonanta
27-10t nest Saturday to bo the guests of
i the Bonanzaltcs at their annual Kite
Pete. The Chamber of Commerce di
rectors have considered the Invita
tion and have discussed the matter
of attending with a number of the
members of the organization. Indi
cations are that a largo delegation
from hero will attend. Aside from
enjoying tho picnic and tho fete, tho
Klamath Falls delegation will bo gtv
on a dinner by the business men of
Bonanza and will be Invited to a
meeting to discuss the proposition of
advertising cntlro Klamath county.
AinniiK thoso who signified n will
Ingnesa to go nro W. A. Dclzoll, pres
ident of tho Chamber, who says ho
will tako a hack load; B. B. Hall, of
the Hall-Shepherd Co., has planned
to take out a load: Harry Peltz will
tako out a delegation In his automo
bile, and a number of others aro
r.iali In? plans to bo thero to help Bon
anta celebrate and to promote a feel
ing of friendship between tho two
. 0. W. White, president of the First
National Bank, has let the contract
for tho erection of two-story brick
oulldlng on the corner of Main and
Fourth streets. The building it to be
two stories with a basement, making
the building practically three stories.
The basement will be built especially
for on abstract office. It will hare
good light and a large fire-proof
vault. Tho first floor will be built
about four feet abovo tho level of
tliu walk and will bo built (or the
oank. There will two large vaults
onn (or the bank and the other for
(ho patrona of the Institution. The
third floor will be divided Into suites
Jf rooms suitable (or office purposes'.
It was Mr. White's Intention to
.lostpono building until next rear.
but he says that conditions are such
(hat he thinks It best to put np the
building at this time. The building
will bo 30x80 (eet and will cover only
portion of the property owned by
Mr. White in that .block.
Tho basement of "the building will
oe of concrete and the contract far
(he same has been let to a Mr. Harris
recently (rom California, who will
begin work Mondar and aecardlaa- to
the contract must hare It completed
in three weeks (rom that day. The
brick work will be done br Bert
Chllders and he must bare It com
pleted within three weeks after the
basement Is finished. As soon as the
building is completed It will be occu
pied by the bank which will hare the
spacious room (urnlshed with new
oanking fixtures.
98.50 Silk Petticoats for
7.60 "
3.25 White Duck Skirts
2.25 " "
3.25 Klmki
3.50 "
2.75 Black Sateen Petticoat3 2.00
1.50 l'00
5.00 Silk Waists ' 3.75
5.00 Net Waists -V 3.75
3.75 " " 2.85
2.75 Lawn Waists 2.00
1.75 " " 1.35
1.50 " " 1.00
U.nO igiaki Suits 5.00
7.50 Norfolk Khaki Suits 6.00
20 per cent reduction on all Silk Gloves
"The Best Place to Trade'
Before Sizes are Broken
Many Sheep ou Range.
l'ho malt arrival has been changed
to midnight. Woll, wo had better
have it at midnight than not at all.
Mist Until Doten Ik furnishing
man In for tho traveling public until
such time ns n hotel will nt ait up.
Thero Ix n good opening for Miniconu
to start u good hotel.
Mrs. Way pasaed through Keuo
tho other day on her way to the
'Palls on buslnoji,
The vegetable gardens about Kuuo
look well and tho grain crop la the
best In tho couutiy.
nert Fox'n little buy. about live
years old, liaa lout hla hearing, equa
led by a spvore upell of uenilct fever
Mro. Fox has taken the child to San
Francisco to boo if hie hearing can
bo roatored.
Mlaa Steel, tho blind lady, lias re
turned. She haa been visiting Mra.
Hlglngs near the Falls
Sam Pool has moved to Pokegama
whore he Is employed to log Sam
Is a good logger,
The largo area of timber in this
county belougtng to tho We) erhaoua
er ind n fow other companies Is now
well Mocked with sheep from Klam
ath and Lake counties and (rom Cali
fornia. Most of the range has been
tensed and within a very few days
approximately 17,750 sheep will be
grazing on the tange, which compris
es aoout 50,000 acres. Most of the
shcu como from Lnko county and
ensioru Klamath. One band of 7700
head haa been brought in (rom near
Red Bluff.
Thinks Klamath ,
BetterThan Ever
C. X. Meyer has Just returned from
Pacific Grove. Cat., where ha took
Mrs. Meyers, who will nasals ther
Indefinitely (or her health. Mr. Mey
ers has always been a Klamath en
thusiast, but Sines rlsltln Callfanta
and observing the conditions la that
section, he is of the opinion that
Xlamath is as good as the' beat and
that It has a (uture which will make
It known as one of the best places on
the Pacific Coast.
He says if the farmers la this sec
tion would employ the methods In
the cultivation of lands that are used
In the vicinity of Pacific Grove th
lands would yield enormous crona
and tho farmers would all become
wealthy. It Is his oolnlon that tha
farmers in the Klamath cosatrr 4o
not work when their labors art com
pared to thoso of the producers la
other districts.
Speaking of Investors eomlnc to
Klamath, Mr. Meyer said, "I met
many men of means who ara
ed in this section and who ara desir
ous of coming here to tares. They
ask many Questions and waat lltar.
aturo, which seems to be scare la
Only too pleased to show you oar
special on these new pictures. Star
Drug Store.
. ..!.- un.M
The proof of
the freezer
it in the
Merrill.. The town without a boom.
The White Mountain Freezer
nukci mure cream, better cream, and make it eaiier
faint chraper than any other freezer on the market
fT?. 7 9 ?yo