The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 28, 1908, Image 1

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    t WtoxA
Mostly R1 Vawr '
Our Advertisers Get
the'Beat Resulta . . .'
llonmtli FiiIIh
VUAlt, No. (511.
Price, 5 Cents.
Boosters Arrange for Another
Excursion to Klamath
Press Association ol State Is Desirous ol Visitiiuj litis Sec
tion and Chamber of Commerce Is Already lltin
ninq Side Trips for Visitors Hi1 effort of tin ICIuru- lii uml the fliniiilior i( Cfiiu.iturie
,lb itnotlrrl. wlm rrmnlljr lulled
'(,rll3lnl llil M't'ltnii In In In- Inior
,i wild u IU '"" ""' 'H'i:ili Pre
iKK'lallon. Tim I Into fr tin- ur-
Ion h not ' '"','" ,''1' '"ll " '"
probably lio the lnlH'i" l'f of August.
On tld ecurluii, If present Indira-1
tloni (ouiit I'"" anything. Itirrn will
If at leant one hundred of thn Miotl
iroiolurrit JournnlUta nf tint dale fit
Orffin J H. Pclllngvr, llir nlllor
eft hi- Morning Ailnrlun, published nl
Ailorlu, la very eiillnilntlc uwr tin'
matter Hi" I tlio president of tin
ttt Anoclfitlon nnit will do every
Ihlof In set a large number of tlm
fJllom to co in ii on tin pleaaure trip.
Th law Portland paper have nl
ittit nrtrrrd lo send representutlic
am) among "" excuralonlnt will do
lb lent literary men of tlm Mate.
Th muralon will br of untold valuo
to thla section from a publicity
itandpolol. O. It. Ball, tin- Portland
manair of the Arat rlen Pre Ao
elation, hna agreed to ue one of ttio
btt article written liy tin- Journal
lilt In iMtilnK thn patent prlntN for
taitouirni of thu auoclnllon. Till
vnuld mean that literature on lh
Klamath country will k to nil arc
tloni of tin United Htale.
Arranaciiirnln for tin1 incursion
itucnw In the hand of th Chamber
of Commerce who haie taken t It
matter of rate up with ho railroad
oBclali, and aro planning tin Itiner
ary for tlio cntortalnment of the ex-
curtlonlita after tuny arrlio hcru.
Tb plan la to have them remain In
thli county about eight or ten daa,
during which lime aide trip will bu
mad to Crater Lake, to tliu resorts
on tlic Upper laku and lo mnuy of
the other rWhlhK lilacea. II I iiImi
planned to toko thn editor throiiKli
the aRrlrultiiriil dUtrld of IIiIk e
lion m thut they limy bo able I" oli
iwti I lm vimt ri'Binirii'H of this great
Till excuralon will lm one of the
mu.1t profltnhlo Hint thlH iniiuty rould
ailaaaaailaaaaaaaaaaaaW VjllJA
K.K.K. Store
can (In IriestltnHblu good for tho iouii-
ll) III I limine, II In II In-
nirrii:it ihax was i:xi'i:crri:i.
lUy lUrie.l .lnml I'p lo ,Vinini
l . Hetilon
T Oilier uml J II. I'lsher. of
Hie Muneot implement. Home, hale
Jml n turned from n trip tliioiiKh the
upper (ountry They any that on all
ildei ran be Been haylnr. crews at
work In the harvest flolda. In that
nrctlnn of the county scarcely any
kind but Rralu liny H r.rown and tlio
)lehl In nlmoit up to the nveniKe.
Homo of the Held are miller poor,
but 'II mit place the jield In better
than wn expectiil a few week ago.
The farmer aro not ns dlicoumKed
a they were In the early part of the
seaton when things looked gloomy
on nccount of the roldnvi of t ho
weather and the scarcity of mnltturo
Tin- wild bay In Langell valley is re
ported idiort, but of good finality and
the iltdd I better than a half crop, j
I'ndiT the Irrlrntlon ditches the
buy Jleld I better thl enr than It
u Inrit year The grain too I look
ing well and the farmer feel Jubi
lant over the prospects Considering
.,.. ...I . .....Il.l...... t flllL...r
III. Il'lll'llll luililtliuiin .... ..,.,.. .
. . .... .. ,. fc ..,.. ,i 1Mii
tnu'si liini iin'ru i " isw" m-ii'
for fatm machinery nnd tho ranchers
lIbm nro not in dire need of
.. . .
monei lie says nit ousirvauon m
this section compared with the re- 'without assuring )ou of the high re
ports coming from other dlatrlrta Jspect In which ou are held not only
makes him feel thankful that he lives b tlioso of jour own political faith,
In one of the best section of the l'a- but by vour fellow citizens without
clfle Coant. regard to party of their ndmlrntlon
of .vour nblllty. mnulfested through-
... . . . ..I II -..l-.w .. .Iw.Im
Well, who has rlmn-'o of Man-
.. Ilrnthera &. Co.. i out rod, ulnte
Hint they lire getting along nicely
with the wink mid that they will lln-;
lull the Job ahead of mIiciIiiIu time.
They have until November lUth
rompleto the io.itr... t. but will '
through by November lt. he thinks
"lr h '
You Want a new Suit
Then tlon't fail to look
over our new Lino All
thu latest Shiuk'sund Col
ors in the Lnteat Styles.
1'crfect Fit Guaranteed
New Vail Line or
'Tlioroud,hbred" and
"Stetson" Hats
Walk-Over Shoes
The Best Place
to Trade
.Z Ii
President Roosevelt May
Hunt in Klamath Mountains
Klniiinili Iiiih ulii-uily liml tin- iIIh. jtimko ft thorough Investigation. Pnr-
,1111111011 or I'liii'iliilnliii: n number of .ties residing In thin city huvo received
pro.nliieul "roiiiigon, Imt Hie mi- word from Meeker, Colo,, tlio homo ennMit In iiuw matin that I Ills! of .Mr. fiotf, stilting that ho will bu
"iilori In to reivlv" a vlnll from the 'hero shortly to limped tlio section in
.most iiiiiaplriioiii flgiiro In America, lordor to mako n report to the Presl-
li'reilileiil ltooii.elt lilmncir It Ih the Intention of the chief
.nil.. Inn- IiiimIImk linn nttiu'teil llm 'executive of tlio nation to visit this
jfilli.'Mlnii of nil of tin., iilinrodu of tlio aertlun, If the report la favorable, bu-
jrnuntry, and tlm I'rr-sldcut Is now foro ho alnrts on his African trip.
ii.nleiiiilntlii; ii trip Inlo IIiIh Hi'Cllou IteportH friini nil Heetlonn of the
to i: i on n lii-ar liiuil 'I In- plaint lire iiouulry tint that deer ntnl benr lire
net In i hell liiflpleiic) uml l.efoie it ' more plentiful tlinu they have been
'Udelliillei ,, hat tin. .ri.H,.,for.'veiulei.rH.iii.l If tlio best hunt-
. , ... . ..... . i I'lK KroiiniU urn ioliited out In Mr.
Iilmit will Mime here John II. iloff. the !,.- ,. , .... ,.., ,.,..,,.
opccltl guide of tliu I'reildont on his i
(Viloimlo limn, will loiue heie ami
Four Bids Received on South
Branch Canal Extension
At tun in lock th lu nfternoon at
the loeiil oil! re of the Itrdfimutlnn
Ben lie were opened tin1 bldi on the
uxtenrlon of the South Urancli canal,
Kour bid) were received. Maney
llrotliers ft Company, who nre now
working on a part of the canal, bid all It requires tho digging of seven
on oil (lie i he duk-N. their bid being mllji of cannl. The board of cngl
K'l.KIi Go W Ii Mnton of this t Ity neer has taken no action In regard
alio bid on all of the ttchcdulc, hi to tho aiceptanco or rejection of any
total bid being (21. 703. 00, Cnpt. J. or all of tliu bids and it will bo a
M. Mclntlre bid on schedule four only 'few days until such action will be
hi bid being J 1311 30, while Hard 'taken
Secretary Taft Officially
Notified of His Nomination
! (liKlniuiii. Ohio. July L's William nnd carry them on.
Ill Tnft was today olllrliilly untitled of j 'Tor morn than ten years this
hit nomination for President by the liountry has passed through an epoch
Hcpubllcmi National Convention nljnf material development far beyond
IClilcar.o. The notification rpeecli 1an that have ever occurred In the
!wn mailo by St-nutor William Warner
!' Ml.url. v.lio said In parf
"I cannot, sir, complcto me ma-
- .1.,. ... .i,,,..
rirn "s """ "i '' i
out jour piinne .'i..u-, .. .
knowledge of Hie preparation which
w III bring to the "Uncharge of the high
nnd dllllcult duties of President; of
tnt.r .,.( In our ileep ronvletloii
.f u,,, ,.,im,n,j. of t ,neii Imfore tlm
j d , , ,Clcu, umXinttou
"'" ' "
'r that principle by any ndinlnlmra-
tluii of which ou may bo the liend.
the rule by which every otllelal net
of Mr. Iloiwevelt ns l'reslilenl, nns
been Hrtunred, which has won Tor him
I In loiilldence nnd respect of bis
nimitrymeu throughout the Innd.auil
whkli has biought to him nl all
tone their unquestioned nnd 'earn
est auppoit. It vvaB his itnlveranl up
pllrnllon of tho rulo which caused
Ids party. In Nntlonnl lonventlim, lo
pas Mm the following Just uml spleii-
l Id lilbute or uppioval."
In leplvli'B to thn speetlt of Sena-
tm Warner. Mr Tafl cald In part
Senator W.iiuer and gentlemen
of the Committee I am deeply tson
Bible ol the honor which tho Hepub
Hem National convention confoireii
upon nm In the nomination which
on foiinally tender, 1 accept It
ni!h H" ' ai'l'ieclatlcm of the re
sponsibility ll Impoftos.
"OeiitlomiMi, tho stiei.nlh of the
Republican i.uise 111 the campaign nt
timid Is lu tho fact Hint wo represent
policies essential to the reform of
known abuses, to the continuance
of liberty and lo prosperity and thnt
wo aro determined to maintain them
win ))0 aVnrcd with a visit from ono
iif tlio Inoxl iromlneul men of today.
:& Johnson bid on Kchcdulo eight only,
'their bid belnR H&GO.&O,
Tliu five schedules on which bids
were asked comprise tho extension
of '.he South Urancli so that It will
connect with the Adams system. In
world before.
In Its course certain
evils have crept In.
"Tho man who formulated the ex-
nrcaalon of the tiooular conaclencc
- -
nnd who led the movement for prac
tical reform was President Roose
velt Ho laid down tho doctrine that
the rich violator of the law- should
bo nu amendable, to restraint and to
punishment as tho offender without
wealth and without Influenco nnd ho
proceeded by recommending legisla
tion and directing executive action,
to mako that principle, good In nctunl
Opcrn IIoiim- Tonight.
"Cuso of Arson," it realistic Illus
tration of tiro fiends nt work. "Bar
roll is llarrell." comic. "Mr. Hurry
up from New York." "Price of a
Kor Kale-lloiuesleml Relinquishment
Pour and one-hnlf miles from Mer
rill. Oregon; ICo acres fenced, 70
acres In cultivation, of which 12 acres
Ik In potatoes, 1G acres rye, 4 acres
biirley.balanco lu wheat. Small houso
uml burn, good well, team of sorrel
,iiiiinfi will-lit iXir.n iinnnila Om flm.
j ,,,., roU ,,, I1PW stu.le-
jluikei wagon. 3U: two milch cows.
lone calf, one yenrllng heifer, lluoe
j J""'"' " f -'l.lens..iew Si.-tooth
IlilllUll. I t'llll-fl iii. .ii.. ,..,-.i
household fuinltme, dishes and other
things too numerous to mention.
I'rlco JIHOO, Would be cheap at
three times thin U Ice.
Enquire of K, K. PITCH.
S-lwk Morrill, Oiegori
Klamath county hen lea are now In
the market. Tho yield Is veiy good
mid the hei'iles mo of excellent qual
ity. Ilerrles of nil kinds should be
mown hern more nMenslvely than
they urn for tliu cllmiito lieio Is espe
cially adapted to their gtowtli.
, MONKY TO LOAN on good secur
ity. Hall-Shepherd Co. Htt
Land Office Renders Decisions
Adverse to Settlers
Merely Residing on Claim Is Not Complying With Homestead
Laws Lands Must Be Cultivated and Substantial
Improvements Made on Same
Homestead hiot'K . lias tumbled
again. Plerco Evans, tho attorney
for tin! plaintiffs, has received decis
ions from thu Register and Receiver
of thu Lakevlew Land Offlco In tho
casc3 of Ilcncdlct vs. Lundy and New
ton vs. Yndcn. Tho ovldonco In both
of these cases was taken before the
county clerk of this county In Juno
nnd tho decisions of Lakevlew offi
cials, which havo Jutt been rendered,
drc both ndvorso to tho homesteaders
who commuted on tho lands Involved
about two years before the contests
A-ere Instituted.
Thu affidavits of conteat alleged
that tho parties had not actually es
tablished residence on the lands and
that they had not cultivated and Im
proved thn same In accordance with
the homestead laws. In the case of
Clarence O. Benedict vs. Carrie Lun
dy the officials held that the laws
wero not complied with and that tho
claim was taken mainly for the tim
ber and tho commutation proof was
thereforo rejected and the entry held
for cancellation. In tho case of Oblo
I. Nowton V8. Nelllo Boyd-Yaden tho
proof was rejected on account or the
land being heavily timbered. Its not
being suitable for agricultural pur
poses and because a residence had not
been established and maintained In
good faith.
Both of these claims -wero filed on
ionic flvo j ears ago and the parties
making entry resided on them and
.nadd commutation proof, but patents
.rive not been Issued.
The Register and Receiver have
rendered opinion: In the contest caser
of Lon Evans vs. Edward Brady and
Ray Evans vs. A. Stallaworth; the
declalon were received this morning
by C. P. Stone, attorney for the con
testants, nnd Ineach case tho local of
fice recommends that tho homestead
entry bo cancelled. Theso liomo-
steads wero situated near tho Call'
fornla lino and aru valuable chiefly
for farming purposes. Tho testimony
in tho contests was tnken before Oeo.
Chnstnln, last March. The contests
wero of considerable local Interest
and moii) than u dozen witnesses
from Dorrls nnd vicinity were exam
ined In each case.
lu these cases the contestants ro
Thn proof of
ihr freezer
The White Mountain Freezer
uukci more cream, belter cream, and makes it easier
ami cliMiier than any other freezer on the nutket
lled on the lack of cultivation to sup
port tho chargo of abandonment;
thero was but little dlsputo on tho
question of residence. Each home
steader had mado his entry his homo
for a considerable portion of thu tlmo
since taking the land but he failed
to cultivate tho land to any appre
ciable extent. It was contended on
the part of tho contestecs that If It
could not be shown that the home
steads had been abandoned for moro
than six months at any one period
that the claim of abandonment could
not be sustained, but the Register
and Receiver are of the opinion that
cultivation of tho land Is as much a
requisite as rcsldenco and that fall
uro to cultlvato the land makes It
subject to contest.
Returning Party Find No Trace of
Man Living In Woods.
J. C. Smith and F. D. Skinner havo
returned from a trip' to Buck lako
and also to Spencer creek, where
they went to And the man who It re
ported to live In tho woods In that
section. Mr. Smith says he Is of the
opinion that the man waa there last
spring as was reported by some of
che settlers In that section and he
thinks ho Is still there, but believes
him dead. Ho sas they put In
time searching for tho recluie, but
owing to the thick growth of brush
it was Impossible to cover any area.
After giving up tie search for the
mysterious man they went to Buck
lake, where they killed two fine deor.
Back From the Woods.
Fred Houston, J. E. Bodge, Carey
Ramtby and A. and Clyde Harden
brook returned today from a two
weeks' trip to tho hills. They all had
tho appearance of wild men, nnd
Judging from the shaggy beard ono
of them may have been mistaken for
tho Spencer creek terror. They re
port a very successful hunt and suc
ceeded In killing all of tho deer they
Pocketbook found-Owner can havo
same by calling at the Pantatorlum
and proving ownership,
it in the