fteniii Wttm. Mostly n-nd rir i" Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . i Xlunntli Knllrt Kcond Yi:ah, No. flia. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1908. Pkice, 5 Cents. Suspects Held in Sum ol 5000 Each Disastrous Fire Destroys Timber W BODY FOUND IN LAKE Identified as Man Lost From the Steamer Klamath INQUEST DEEMED UNNECESSARY Death Was Caused by Accidental Damning Papers I ounri on llody Givo Man's Name-It Is Supposed I lint Ho Wan an Italian Looking I or Work While out boat HiIIiik yesterday miitnl'iK '" lMit" """" """" li) , Has Kobeilsoii, Jiilue, Heck nt I'lill Lee, fii'tl ! ty '" man nanlu-d up against the tulea a It t.un)rcil yards below llin Arkley Mmlll Tim boys at onco willflrd City Marnhsl C. C, l.ow, who In liirn (ot Coroner I.' Whlllock, Sheriff W II. lurnr and Wm. Wlilllitck and rfORiatiUtl by lliu boa, went mil ltd brought In Ihe body which was ttjlr drrompoaed, Allrr miking a thorough examlna lion the coroner decldnd that It was unnHiiry to hold an Inquest a It si evident that death was due to set-Mental drowning. A thorough March of tho man' clothing result ed In finding ll-OU In change, a paaa arrr the atngo linn nml a tax receipt (rum a California ruunty, bearing Ihu urn J Uarclon It lll te remembered by lh read' tr ot this paper tbaf mention was made of a man disappearing from the steamer Klamath Mat Tuesday tight, Tho man hail boarded ihu boat at Ti-eters In an Inloilcated con dition, he hail lout hla hat and root, nil on the way to thin rliy fell asleep on the stern of the liout. He last aeon there while the boat was beliiK unloaded nt which lime h wiit Hill In a stupor Later, on looking for tho fellow, It t found lhal ha had disappeared' tad the offlcora could find no trace ot hi in The description of tho mun Ulllm with that of Ihu body found In the lake and the name on the tux receipt correspond with tho mime on the way bill of the Klumath Lake Navigation company.furnUhlng concluilra evtdenco that the rorpso taken from tho lako U Ihu body ot the man who arrived on the boat on Tuesday nlielit. The remain went tuken In ihnri;e ly Undertaker Whlllock and wvro Interred In tho Klamath Falls ceme tery leslerdny afternoon. Tim man' appenrancn and nama Indlrato that BssbbbbbbbbYBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv vf 4 Kftl sV K.K.K. Store he la mi llallun mid iiohnlily furl) )ear of line 'I he I'lirimi'l lum writ tell III Cllllflillll.l fill llllm million about 1 1 1 muti'M pimt t IIII.IIIICN ,mii: hc.m.iii:i. takes leu Ho)' mill lllil I'nll In Hut HpllliK ill Ijikcticit. Two small ililldreii. n boy mid n Klrl, beluiiKliu; to J. M. Currey. wero very hndly scalded Tuesday evening by falling Into the creek runtilriK I io tn the hot aprluo nt the Hot Spring' llntli limine In the south part of town The water In scalding hot in It escapes from the ground It seems the children wero pin) Inn along the -dg of the brook and tho boy fell mi Hint hnnds and nrmi were Immermil He reamed with pain and ao alarmed hla little sitter that In the attempt nt Kftlllic 1'1"1 out aim Olio slipped Into the water to her nrmplls, scalding lower llmba arid body so badly that It U feared alio will die. She la In a very critical roiidltlou The little boy may re rover Tim ililldreii mo under tho care of Hr Hmllh Uilu County l!v nmtner ruletwll to Klamath. II. I'. lialarncau lease in tho mnrnlni; for Tacomn. whore he has accepted a position as trarcllng tales mail for a large wholesale home lie will be uirompniiled by his miii. Har ry, vho will attend u mllltno aend emy during the romlni; jenr. Mr (Jalarmati has In en a resident of this city moat of hi life and has a ho.it of frlonds who will with him well In hla now lino of work, but who also regret hi depnrturo from their midst. Harry will travel In many part of the country nnd he ha pro mised In speak n Kood woid for Klamath whenever he has tho oppor tunity If he carries out this pro mts.) Im will be a busy man an he travel over the country What's That? You Want a new Suit Then tlon't fail Io look over our now Line -All tho Inteat Similes and Col ors In tho Lntcat Styles. Perfect Fit Cuaranteca New Fall Line of "Thoroughbred" and "Stetson" Hats Walk-Over Shoes The Best Place to Trade. I I! Melton. Milton llnlo nnd Win. Thompson wero liroufiht to this elty Into Haliinlay iiIkIU nnd wero hililjn Jnll In this liy mull thin inornliiK when l hey wero iirrnlwied hoforo Jiutlie if the '..icn A. I). .Miller. The hearing limit up must of the day mid nt the rlOJO of the eVldonee the def ndniils were held Io the crnnd Jul) In the sum nt i.'.iiiii) enih and, futlluit to elvo ball, wvro turned over to tho custody of tho tihcrlfl About leu wltlieHSi-s weie exam ined and the evldenie corroborated i lie tlntenifiila putillsliel at the timo Hie biirRlary uu iiimiiillted. The pntlles uein lalcmi into custody nt Dorrla nnd nfter Mini" nrcumeiit re liiini'd to thl illy with the shvrllf. The evident!) I veiy stroiiK and tho court made the ball heavy. It I said thai much of the evidence that will hi- hrouKht out at the trial nnd also before Hie Kriinil Jury was not used In the prelliulnaiy examination. Amonn the wltnesscD examined today were (' r Hrcgor). who reside Im mediately north of' ihe St-hntlocl: li Daggett store and who heard the thlercs smnihlnR the cash register. Goo. I!. Hum, Jns. Ilrllt, one of tho clerks in Hie store, r II llBKKett. Policeman f C. Low nnd IJ. II. Hams- by and John Lambert nnd 0. W Olb-oii. who wero wilh W.ll. Dulaney and raw the trio leave tho Standard i saloon and return an hour later It Is .ry probable that the parties : will not be able to kIvo ball and that they will remain In Die county Jail until the Iicrember term of the rlr- cult emu I Will Mill" faille. I. Cerbei I f I this 'moriiliiR for Sacramento, bill before startliiR lie made iiiroiiReiiiunt to khlp twelvolinu at a rato of ten mile an hour. carloads of beef cattle from Ml. IK'h rnii. The rar for Ihe Hhlpmeut have been ordered mid will urrlvo at the shipping point about tho first of the month This will be the first beef to be chipped from Mt. Hebron. will in: roxxixiixo mxk. Timitpoitatioii on Wood lllver Will .Mean Increased HuslneM. 'Not only from the standpoint of pleasure will tho opening of Wood river mean much to thl city, but nl mi fiom the limine nldti thorn will be material bcnollt. Practically nil of the frelRht shipped Into thnt sec tion will r,o un the boat nnd will therefore be handled through this city. Hut thl will bo a snmll Item compared to tho 'net ,llnt ,l10 rlver navigation will open up n market for the Hindus hay In thnt valley. Hun dred of ton of hay nre left In tho Utnck fiom year to yenr In Wood rlv- ir vrlloy. If Ihoio were tmiuporia I Km facilities thl liny could bo baled I nnd shipped to thl valley, or after jtho train runs to this city It can bo , loaded on car nnd nlilpped to other point. The Chamber of Commeuo U deaervliiK of iredlt for tho good w.irif li luiu ilono in securing a ron- .Hiicl from n lellablo party for the ' .... l ..I tlm lintillnl dieilglllg 01 111" liar '" '" The first tilp up tho river will be ninib next Sunday with tho steamer Mamma Well Pleased With Hestill. K rliiKUiliian. tho piopilolor of tho Portland Stoio. gave tho bin sale Hint he now hna on n great deal of public- illy thiough tho noWBpapem and I 'boHIiib imtlnfaclnry iohiiIIii. When nalied how Ihe goodn weio moving ho stated that tho sales on Saturday wore $200 better than he had expect ed, riftoon clorlts wero kept busy throughout the entire day. A very ilestructlvo fire hn been racliiK In thu timber ubout three miles north of Keno. Saturday even Ink J. K. Kimball took n forco of men out to assist thu patrol In Ret- tint; for ni; the flnmos under control. Af- Hcvernl hour hard work tho flames were clK-cl:il and will bo kept I rem spreading If u rtrone wind doe not blow for a few ilny.n The llaiaes swept over approxi mately BOO acres and Mr Kimball stau-K Hint the If mi Is iiilu heavy. 'I'lii. orlKlu of tho lire I unknown, hut It I Htipposed that It was start ed by llRhtnlnR. Tho warm weather ha made lire In the timber very daiiRt roua and camper cannot bo too tnreful about IciivIiir lire. Thu patrol established by tho largo tim ber companies I kopt on the ro and many Mren are IioIiir avoided thraugn tho wntihfulnesn on tho part of tho waidum. Mr. Kimball state that for a few week ho will put In most of his lime lonklnR after tho flro pa trol mid nsslstlnK In keeping down destructive conflagrations. ITre Near Topejr. J. I' Kimball received n telephono essaiso this morning statins that a forest fire had started near Topsey Krade. Ho could learn no partial- lar. hut ono of tho patrolmen has tnrted fr the ccne and will make a report as noon a possible, If the flro U extensive a force of men will bo taken out at once to fight It ( IiiinIi Tells Fish Story. .X J. I). Church, the local Southern Pacific eiiKlneer, say that trout are becoming no plentiful In thl r.ectlon that they Jump Into tho launched bo- A few dn)s since he wa KolnR down the fiver In tho 8. P. lounch, when a trout wclRhlug probably five pounds Jumped out ot the water, lighting In the boat. This Is Mr. Church's first attempt and It's not bad. MANY WILL COME. Excursion to Klamath Country Ilelnc Well Advertised. The railroad companies havo been doing extensive advertising for the Portland excursion and as n result it Is expected that a largo number of Inveitor. business men and pleasure seekers will tako advantage of tho low late to como here. Tho excur sion leaves Portland on tho morning of August 2nd nnd arrives hero on tho evontng of tho 3rd. Tho faro for tho lound trip Is only $25 and tho tickets nre good for 29 days. Many of the Portlandcra who uls Ited this section on a similar excur sion last year or tho your before are anxious to como to see tho many In dustrial improvement that hnve been made nnd to mako n trip to Crater lako and some of Ihe other scenic place of thl section. Allen Sloan has returned from n enmplug trip to the head of tho Ump- una river. He had accompanied Fred Houston, J. K, liodfo and A. uud .Clydo Hardenbrook. The ieut i lit tho party will Im home in u few days. He nays they killed a number of der and had a voiy enjoyable ti l. Tho Lako County Examiner saya Dial at tho present time approximate ly 250,000 nhenp, 00,000 enttln nnd 26,000 liorgea nnd mule mo pn turod In Lako cougty tho Incomo the post yoar from live stock alone was In excess of $360 per capita, In addition wo should add 2,2211.000 pounds of wool exported. TO REMOVE THE BAR Chamber of Commerce Lets Con tract Eor the Work MUST BE COMPLETED AUGUST 1ST Delegation Arranges for Round Trip Rate to Crater Lake Wood River People Will Co-Operate in Enter taining Portland Excursionists Tho ik'lc'Kiitluii of Chamber ot Commerce booster that went to Ft. Klamath Saturday, returning yester day evening, succeeded In making satisfactory arrangements for the en tertainment of the excursionists who will bu hero from Portland about August 1st. Besides tlioy also com pleted arrangements for tho removal of tbo bar 'nt the mouth of Wood river. Jas. Wheeler was awarded a contract to do the dredging and to build Jetties, tbo work to bo com pleted by August 1st, so that when tho excursionists arrive they can be taken by steamer to a point only three and a half miles distant from rort Klamath. Mr. Wheeler agrees to da thl work for $100. The securing of a round trip rato to Crater Luke was one of tho most Important matters accomplished by the delegation. As soon as the de tails are completed round trip tickets will be placed on sale at $10.50. This Includes everything except meal and lodging. Parties will bo taken from thl city to tho boat landing, whero they will tako tho steamer for the now landing to be established on Wood river and there teams will bo in wall Im; to convey the passengers to Tort Klamath, whero tho stop far the night Is made, and tho following morning they aro takon to Crater lake. It taking about three hours to mako tho drlvo from tho Fort. At tbo lako Will G. Steel has agreed to furnish- meals for the excursionists at fifty cents each. Tho party returns to the Fort In the evening ot the same day and back to this city on tho following day. Tho establishment ot this exceedingly low rate will mean much to this city as It should bring all of the large excursions to Crater lako via Klamath Falls. Members of tho Chamber of Com nicrco delegation say that they wero royally treated by Captain Parker, ot tho steamer Maxarna, and by the peoplo of Fort Klamath. The steam; er landed the delegation at the Agen cy landing, where they wero met by C. K. Iloyt with carriages and con voyed to Fort Klamath. After con cluding tho objects ot tho visit the party wa again taken back to tho landing whero Captain Parker was M The proof of 1"" """ it in the k ft I The White Mountain Freezer I v 1 makes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier m 1 ' 1 nml clioarier than any other freezer on the rnaikrt M $) V LET US SHOW YOU WHY fl ROBERTS 6 HANKS , I HARDWARE DEALERS SSBSBSSVgSSBSBSPSBHHsSSsHHsSBSSSBSSS In waiting with hi boat. Thu ox pen ro of the trip was borne by the owners of the boat and by the peoplo of Wood river valley. The party of boosters was com prised of Mayor John Stilts, Major C. E. Wordcn, John Ellis, It. H. Dun bar. W, T. Shlve, E". D. Hall. T. W. Stephens, P. O. Parsons and Mr. Billings. uicaixa Fon yellow metal. Mining Men Developing Lake Counts' Gold Discoveries. In all sections ot Lake county, where traces of gold have been found, development work Is being pushed and In the Window Hollow district, which haa been rechrlstened and Is now known as Ooldrun, more than eighty men are at work sinking shafts and driving tunnels. Practi cal mining men who entered the field are very favorably Impressed with the outlook and work will be prose cuted until tho close ot the season. On several ot the claims there are Indications that tho ore body grows larger as tho vein sinks and the ral lies get better.' Considerable money Is being spent In that section and the people of Lake county appear to be once more firm believers In their gold fields. Itarrlman But Not lUrrlman. On the boat Saturday nfght was a passenger named R. Harrlman and, as he had all kinds ot money, he at tracted more or less attention and there were those who were positive that It was "Edward" himself. Those who bad dealings with him, say he spends his money like some sort ot a king, but ho Is no relation to the ruler of transportation so far na can ho learned. Maklag Near Beer. A. Caatel, the brewer, baa begun the manufacture ot near beer and will put his first brew on the market the latter part ot this week. This drink contains but one per cent ot alcohol and Is quite popular In many ot the prohibition districts. i ! , . ,ffe" -U