?Y -v MoSlyKomHI'oprlM Klimntli Fiillh . Our Advertisers the Beat Results , Get Yi:au. No. Ml. gECONH KLAMATH FALLS, OltKGON. FIUUAY, JULY 24. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. SETTLERS COMING N!M Leaving u - Steamer Klamath Still Searching For Wild Man SIMILAR TO KLAMATH Pfoe fteiiig Wttm, Home Building Continues Not withstanding Quiet Times IX OF PEOPLE AND MONEY Many I ltoa '' "ollurs limistvd in hltimulli ll.isin Martin ur , Siiiic Sprlnq-'MioNWinliol Mouses ISciikj limit tintl Ktiw I urnls Preporod I or Crops I'lOtll mtof ' tulrl and " ll ill l . i tuiiH of lln loiintry .ii tlnil lime nri iHinia te not iiiutlm: !i haaln I limn In not klll!ll' "' "U"" "'" ""' r. tears ntfii, inn mere of tlio roilil).n Ulead)- ,. iilnilon mill mi lullm la of o'ttN-t Many ur miiklur: liiipriiw- . i liu 1-11 Unit they haw miing ui iibttiinllnl . I liNirlliK Id" raw ,1111c capital lo carry pmriit, nml In tli" pax ti.nm ilioiiiaiiila of l'il- UJ I" It, la ai llffraw ifidi: ii the 1'" tlftH on ftrcttwd btllJInC li:Jl I ca tfcti d ft tnon'" Jin, eom.oi t'alttd BH' have Iim-ii pent In tUnii"n n I'U'lnB lamia mnl Im ftoilnn ihr aii' Tho liicincy linen ict ' l'1'- iirculntlon In InrK" uci, ilic i- ! mention of wlileli itKItrt tin' average man, but It tin Un tomiiiK in turn aultlrlent to CUM th transfer of several thou ni atrtt f laml nml tti IhiIIiIIiik tf stay tw hornet throughout the tuln Al an eiainidu of what la being tut, tli ti llali-Hlie(itieril rompimr i1od hai trouKlit Into Iho Klamntli rotttrr worn than 120.000 of out illt Riotirr ,ii ih Inat sixty da). JJath of uaa spent fur farm lull tiT tjir tuinliiK .from all (ttti of the I lilted fltatet. and con i!dratil It money loaned by capital liti to farmer who nro making im proTnnt ..n iho placei that they Ute acjuirvit Othtr rnnrerm nro doing limine m a irale p.rhap na extensive, or r larger 'liaii tho Hall-Shepherd looiptay, tut It I done without at tracting iimrli attention, In order tor one to note the development that lUdr.K on In tint stftlon It la only ni'ieriir to drlw from thin ill) to Merrill, mnl on nil ulilm mil Im teen new liwllillni;. urn pulnllul Ikiiiiih. lint good (iibtinnllnl dwelling, and own where farm liuida nm being tlrureil and plowed (or Hie nit rroi UN. I. Ill I . I . II. II Ml, WAV. Ill pllll l 1 (.lt Ul-tl'llt I'lllllll' l til 'I U Hill I'lOji. II), Although the hllleets of Hie fy Iiiivii hii-ii keeping a lookout for the Inl'ixlritttiil mini who ff i Hie ntmii). t Kliiinulh mynierloiialy Tueailay IlilXhl. they liave hum imnhle to find 'any trnin of him tint) M. remained !ln Hie ill In- vould lifiwi nttriifleil .(iit.'iiilon in In' had neither hnt nor ma1 1l. l.plli'f i,at lm nao dronti- I In dlaiielicil I,) he luit that Alex u him l':n vlnti the l,oat while II m. I.clug iiiilo.ided. Dimiilh- tln fmi, liiiweviT, IIimI Mr. Slailln la iiillii iioilllvn that he hiiw hlm leiivn the teamur Ihery are ihote who mill liold III" opinion I lint the man fell into the rler upon ntvakenliiK fiom liln drunken Nleep II) ('iiiik Toiiiiiuinent. A D earning tuiirlinment ulll he held at Minlford l.y the Medfnrd Hod NothlnK hua heen heard from the Roartliluit purty Hint went to Hpen cor jenterdny to find tho man who hitH lived In acclualon In that section for acveral months to the knowledge of the Hfttlern In Hint vicinity. The mini hua not heen neen lately, hut many of the eahlns have heen pil fered and It la generally auppotod tfaai It It Ms worl. Complaint wan made uhout him to tlherlrt Ohciichaln at thn time ho utit hi'in. A man uitmed Maard, ii net Her near Kpencera, wan one of the inrtlfH who eniiKht him atenllnK from n ratiln. .Miiiturd told cx-Hher-Iff Ohenrluiln Hint thn reLlune atated Hint he had not looked upon a white man for elicht yeara, that ho would never lime the mountalna alive, hut refuted to tell why lie wan there. He uenra ImiK Mack hair mid heard and In many ronpertn hns the up- Lands Produce Abundantly Under Developed Conditions KLAMATH MUCH LIKE COLORADO and l.un lit), in muuettlun with the Jpenniiuo of u wild man Cler uliice tlm llould Invaded the W'.it Willi their railroad irhemea It us Iii-iii reported thru they ti.iit pur rhaaed tin- N r t) . a narrow euas r urn all x-etloni of tlm I road extending from llrno Into north- en California, mid tin. line ov.-r vhlch pmcllrnlly all of Lake roiintr liufflc I'tnn The mad hna been i-iimI hi Moinn itroa . of New Voik. hut on aetornl o.-r.-nlnn It hai been reported that the road had paMed Into tin- hamU of the rioulda livery time tlila reHirl una rlrrtilated I ho lloian llroa liim-il a atateinent do nltir. It Onre mure it It roported Hal the road hat virtually brvu nt-norhi-d by the UYilcrn Pacific. Tlio tale a made rnndltlonally. and na noon R the line la extended til Altiir at the properly Ii to he tnken out b the llould A forte of men nr now tit work on Hie extension, and It It the intention of the Moran lirot to have ll completed early thlt fall. nhoot to l. held on AiikmbI 13-1 I. I'rltea will be nlfered to thoxe mak ing Hie heat rrulu In the v.irlnut cluwra. and n xieat deal of Interest attache to the contott nplnlou of MuKiird that Spaniard or nn llallnn. It wun the ho U n Fruits Are Protected From Frosts by Smudges Durinq Early Spring Farmers Realize Big Money Trom The Production of Potatoes Summer Muiic School. i:i-ry forenoon from 'J to 11:30 the following classes will meet In tho hall near the bridge: Sight tlni Im;, voice culture, harmony and ap plied music. At G : 1 G in tho otter-. nnon u apeclal combination claaa of slKht alnitlnr; and voice culture. Full course only $3, evening clast $1, Kvery evening at 7:30 tho rehear sal for tho comic opera, "Plnaforo." These rehearsals aro free. Puplli Mrs. II, W. Piti-li nrrlved In tho should begin at once a tho first in It Is u-rlty last nliilit from Khyollte, Nov., .work Is voiy c-saontlal. Tho opera mooted question na to who mal:ei to Join her husband, who la employ- will bo given on tho lake, August 11 tho host cat) ed In lh Republican office. and 12. I j w 01 4 Kr 3" BJfl w Tim Mclnllro compau) has inoe.l Ita nmre to the wharf at the rear of the Klamath Lake Navigation Co Till ha been done In order lo he cliue to the ilntk where the frelr.l.t It unloaded They mo swell nml down to date they have the quality and are iiteful -notue new Ihlui: at Mrllnttan' Our Tape Line is ready for you Huve Your Clothes Made to Order the modern wuy Over 1000 bright, now snappy samples to select from. Our motto: "If tho clothes don't flt don't take them." Making Money in Klamath County iJrs?45fe' iiay,v - m-m9tt&&l " Popular Work with Ranchers at this Season of the Year M.il.Vr.ilMNO "S IICI'LTATIOX THE CONCERT. ,biindine of finme .Make Country j Urrfe Audience Greets the Pasmorcs GREAT PALL LINE otHATSNOWIIERE JN ALL THE NEW EST SHAPES AND COLORS K.K.K. STORE KLAMATH FALLS FASHION SHOP Siitman' I'lirailln-. lluntltiK pnrtle returnliiK to thla city from the mountains bear out the ttiiientPiitktlinl Klamntli Is a tports mnu'a paradise. Several deer liavo been brought Into Klamath Knlla this week mid moil of them were killed within ii ila' ,lr,u "f ,ul '"' rll(' i. ........ .k.l ...i llin ii-,ion tor iimie um !" ..- j I Mil or the montli nml hIikh then oevernl line iinllcm have heen cap tured bv nlinrods. and many tables 'lime been suiMiIled with venison sieaks The season for name birds doe ,i open for ii few weeks, but the Indications nt this time nro imu wi .hooting will be better than It ha l. en for wars t limine ill (iuwiiiliiK Altlile. lirund l.odgo A.O.U.W.. of Oit'gon imw In felon lu Pnrllnnd. mnde nn Inipoilnul i liaiiBi' I" K'neriihiB rH ,I,m of Um nrgiiiilsoiloii this week, when II voted lo amend ihe constl union The most Impminnl ihiingu nt Iloutton' Opera House. The second concert, Thursday ev ening, given by tho Pasmores on ac count of tho popular demand tor n reappearance, was as successful as the first one, with the added attrac tion of Mm. Don J. Zumwalt. Tho u-rfc(Uaiuftf tho first concert was repeated and tho Pasmores won u warm plnco In the hearts of the peo ple of this city. Tho performance of Mis Mnry on tho violin was mar velous, na was also that of Miss Doiothy on the cello. So reluctant wns Iho nudlenco to withdraw after the completion of tho last number that tho ouug Indie wero rompelP ed to respond for u third time to en eoies, n lenmrltublo testimony of Hie upprerlntlon of llielr nhlllty. execu tion and talent. , Ah for Mrs. Zumwalt, alio was per fection personified. With a person iillty more eiianniui: than ever be fore and u perfect volco alio nipt it red her muiltfiice. from the first note. The large nudlenco that greeted tho Paa moiex was a much a testimonial to lng" Kevin (With Cello Obllgato) . Violin Solo, Air for tho O string, Bach (With String Accompaniment) . Trio, Selected. Feasting on Crickets. Parties coming In from the Klam ath reservation state that the In dians have, during tho past week, been enjoying cricket feasts. Swarms of latgo brown Insects have been crossing the reservation, and In many sections tho entire Indian pop ulation tins been out catching them. They aro considered a rare delicacy by them and nro cooked In various ways. Largo roasts aro neiu to ae- vour the Insects. will mean the abolishment of t,i0 t Mi i. Zuinwnll as tu iheiu, for ll was biiiiul of tin e trustee and Ihe el-nl ie. endorsement thoy were bo .. t .. nli.ii-tiiin i-.lll- edlnu HI ll lioniii " " timing of live meinlieu. The dlico- in imvrt i-liai-ee in ui" numin Mrallon of Ihe nffulm "Mho fliand , coiilldence i Lodge. Will liaiiuie " " '.nalil. ihe imestment of Its rose, ves which now aggregate more than I f 100.000. II..,! fl.lhleu has i.in.pleted the 1)U,.lng of on" l' "f urlclt- . Ul' I , that tho brick have not boen ,'oW, but that several parties have poiteu o him I., regard to purchas l,B lie will bum another kiln at once, enidlally greeted. The was Indeed well founded. The program was as followa: 1. Trio hi n Major. Op. S (tlrat movement) , Uralmm 2. Song. Doris (with v'olln and collo obllgato) ... Nl'i ;t. Piano-Solo, Muri-mollo, nubei-ktelti 4. Violin Solo, Concerto In II Mst'iir Wlonlawakl 5, Trio. Hungarian Dances v. . . . . llrahms-Pasmoro C. Cello Solo, Barcarolle. . .Pasmoro 1 7. Sonj. "O. toat wo two wore may- Men III. .Property is reasonable. Thcro Is no better proof of what the Klamath country wlll .produce than to noto what other sections similarly situated grow. Many sec tions of Colorado are the tamo In altitude and climate as tho greater portion of the Klamath basin. In this section tho fruit crop was a failure this year, except in a few favored spots and Jn a few cases whero smudges wero used while tho nights were cold and frosty. Near Denver, where the altitude If higher than it Is In this valley, the orchard tats report about halt a crop. This Is due entirely to the fact that smud ges were kept burning for several days. Tho half crop, owing to tho shortago of fruit In many other sec tions, will net tho growers almost as much as It there had been a full crop. Klamath fruit growers who employed smudge will get about a halt crop, so that the natural con clusion that one would arrive at is that with proper cultivation and care all of the hardier varieties of fruit can be successfully grown. Another interesting feature about the Colorado country ia the money that is made from potato growing In that section. The Denver Times makes the following comment on this matter: "Charles C. Crane, Fort Collins district, with eighty acres of potato land averaged 200 sacks, 125 pounds to the sack from the lot, $12,800. Just rambled through the fields with a potato digger and piled up the money. What's the use of wasting your time with business that In volves taking chances when you can lift real money out of the ground that way? "George Cole of Center did some stunts with spuds, too, but be didn't have tho averago that Crane bad. Ho dug 1122 sacks from four acres, averaging $274.72 to the acre. He will have a lot more in next year." Klamath Falls people who former ly resided In Colorado say that the conditions In this country are much better for tho production of pototooa than they aro In Colorado and tho potatoes grown here are of a super ior quality. fT wt"u"'" I k f l ""j in the lite Mountain Freezer I am, better cream, and makes it easier han any other freezer on the market T US SHOW YOU WHY J 1RTS 6 HANKS roWARE DIALERS " S&v ? S K .