$be fttenina Mu.4tl.v Kernl I'npf-i- In Khniiiih I''iiIIh .... Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . mfiub. Skconii Vi:aii. No. !()10. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 23. 1908. HUNTING A WILD MANi"i,rrimon "" Expected Soon Party Searching lor Bearded Human Near Spencers Price, 5 Cents. THOUGHT NOTCRAZY BUI HIDING IJM'siii ('tinif in I lilc.K llrush unt! Slmls hiixl I nun Cul-iiis 01 Si'llltTS in Hint Viridity Wnrnint Issued I rum (ho .fustif.o Court ol I his City '"l"h.. W 11011,1,11,1. nTn,,. Iifiiuiiinl fntr of i: II lliirrlinnn.niiil In ihntKii of t.rnn liny Lodge, Is "i Hi.Mll- ,. , ,,. , ,, .. "iiilv "tiring mill Iiiih had per- iiiiitIiii,ii inn a f Uii Ini- ilmi haw been inaili. irl" rt" Srollh and ' ftt-nri'i kith A riff Hrhtilloik. J. C i Hklliuor ulnrli-il for 'It ihiD iiiuriilnK unii.'il uui lur Mi" iiir.itt of mi mlno man who II'1 I" " Mli Mir Hi--in--. mul gather liln fmiil I.OM H: rublti'-lll tlml tlrlnll) It ,itiM lii' ') hinu ho Ihvii '.ii nlUt unii mt -arly Juno, but I,, m t k made II ii priicllii. lo i to! J H r'''1'" coming Inm that .-c-i'oa of Hi '0i'r Hi' has been ''ii ,aA tuDvi-'sid Willi hut once Two iatn, one b umber cruiser, tho other utitlcr hi mat ifcilon of the coun try, ninth' Mm it) 'Ii" nft ' t.ealliig loot (roiu raliln ll illil tmi mi. Ihltn tllilu """ were rlotn hv mul dfc imposilble Hi grabbed IU Mt anil stood III ground, mak lit, bowivr no effort to m tho gun bat holilInK I' o that It would be ifiJf for Irnmedtnle action lln ilhl rot din stiallng itio article from lb cabin ami hail nothing to any ex f I when lon.il lo reply lo ijiii'c tlcai In .inoraiiri hi' resemble i Italian lie wear a Ionic shaggy Uiri and carrivt a larxu bowlo knife II t permitted to jm lil" way, lot tbe parlies watched ti I tit mul found that l.o hml nil outdoor lAiup l a htavr growth of brush. Prom lie tonwsallun that Ihet.t parlies Ul llh bo man tliuy ilo not con ildtr blin dmntcd hut nr of tin cjlnloa thai he it in IiIiIIdk for roim IMWB llf bai aiiu tieoti n.'.iii by povoral tinltt ami as a iiiiihr of rahlna kirt bt oiitfil In I hut itortloti lt-ly U ii k "ti llm credit for It llbu all the illcra In that auction frtjtuntd ami an attempt will ho tUi to rapture him o that th my ttff Ctn if talrt.J Vacation Time In Klamath Land Tab In ooiU TbtM ati' the iloia ulirn llri.il Iltlrtmrll, nffl,,, , ,, f,.0w W, KM at Jon UiiiiiikIi n wlrUrl of I In. i imhliT' ilmk oml i.tim ih farm--i Hi'iii-il wlili in r hurwm on hiii in hit. tituiM'ir nwnv to in lilK KurKlIni: aiirlnga of Hi.. Imllnu r.ix'rtnlliui mm rucllno In th kliiiilo of for.ii I'iauit mIiIIm hoping aotn. fiHilith in. hi win intirii upon ihv honk Juil uiiinf aUhi hvyoml n i;ni Ii IiiviIiik tori. I llv.rv tt-iir IvIaiuHiti pnuplo orr illt I hiiimIiiI.h in ihrlr plana fur n aiim in- r outline- oiiix of iIihiii with 'finlur lat..-. the itrcatcit mnrvtrt 'allolltf I'ktlnil Inlrntin. .if II... ..... tlr or lil. with Hip chain of Inkci I'x'i'iiilliiK throiiKh a mt ncliiri. an J with jirl.-t unit Imiiiily of iiiim fouml In only ih faror.'il ioli. Klanmlli ronniy (Imply cunnot b urpaiii'il nt a place for tliu pl'-muro artkrr who acckt rclli f from th ted ium of ilnlly affair in ,-tanlnK llnm of butlm I'coplp an K"lHK ami coining hi-t-n Klniimth I'atla nntl tin- hunt liiK i: rou ml nml llnlilnn ipnta of thu Lppi-r lakv rt'Xlon dnlly Home brine hnrk IoiiIIkoiiii- mnrtcli fur th.-lr frlunili anil othi-ra nr rout.-nt to almplr auppl) riiiiucli trout for I tu rn in p table All i it urn v. It ti liClnhl riiril color nml a aioro of itoml health rathori-tl from th oronx of llm nt tnonphvii' nml th halm of root wn- I.T Klamath la th" iviitrr for tin- lln- i.-i r.-ort ri-rloii in Aim-rlc.i Ii l- j foi Klamath p.-opli- lo t .-II tin. norhl I In i ii I it mul llnit la what thu Chum , hi-i of I'omm.-ri.. I iliu-rmlniil upon ; mi -.' ' ii.i I'l-iti irifni h Miii ii-kfil him tin- llarrllfinn n h.h n liciiiid,! i nirlvp Mr Hoi Ml ml until I iiiiiimi .i i,h lo Unit huvi tnM hml n ii-li-iiriiiii fiom Ni-w Vork, 'lllliB tin- lo huvi. nvi-rjlliliii; In r.-a.llti,M,i. hm ,u, , Blaln W(1 th' pail noulil anlvi- It b miiu ' " I' "in N Votk mul It h I- Hi-nrul ilu)a hiifmi, ihi-v mn Krl l' ! Ko fin iu I hiiovt ihri) will hi. only in Imm.-iHiii,. fmi,y. . ,)h' Inior nml the fmnlly ph)klnii. I IfcK-. Iiokkvoi. ii-rolwif limtriiilloun to inak.- pri-parntluiiH f, tl f,.lv lilonila. hut I ilo not know who tlu-y nr- oml thoro la no lurlnlnty that ilii-i nro coming " Colniwl llulahlrtl l cr iitlniilnif tlr oor Hi., ronil It,- built from the lodge lo Hi.- Al Mclhuti. rnnth Ilo tax hi. bblti ui..ii, rnih, 0f ra, at rather acarco In Lnk county and tho i com of J7uu ami that It riecrtsultut-jahccpmen muit find nddltlonnl rango d ih r. moral of ono hundred lotn If tln mutton U tin to tho atandard . in. i. ii" miiiiitaliii that thu rond that ho hum nt th.. expi-nc.. of Mr. Pokegama Range Goes to Sheepmen J. P Klmhnll, of tin- Wvycrlmuar-r TimhiT (oinpany, nrrlrcd In tho clt lam uf Klit from nn extended trip to thu wooiIm north of Illy nnd to Lake vluw .Mr.Klmhull hna been aufrcrlni; fiom mi nllnck of rhnumntlnin, hut ncvi-iihi.cag ho has bcii K'tt Irie ar ound and while nt Lakr-vlew ho made nrinngfiiiPhti to stork tho I'okoK'ima rnnito with l.nl;i- county i,hi.i-p. Thin iiinjn lnilinli-1 ubout flon.OOO mri-K of timber land owned by u numbor of tin) Inreu Hjiidlcntos, who ortjan lied tho lire patrol lmt aprlng Mr Kimball did not loaco All of lln- iiiiiko, hut hn Ihih other pailli-H loniiiiK In from i-mitein Klaniatli nml Luke loiiiitli-H to look over thu tirrl t'n I nml it In probahlo that nil of tin. rutin.- will hn li-nso.l before the ae.-iMin inlvaiii.-H in lit. It further lie Iiiih taken pur ties out today lo look nwr InmU alon thu Upper lake. l)ae l.'dlei, well known as Laljo (ounty'H ahec-ii king, In bringing C00O head of nlii-on throiiKh tho Inva beda lo put on tho rangii near TokcKama. According to nil reports feed Is COOKE LANDS IN JAIL Arrested at Baker City on Land Fraud Business WELL KNOWN IN KLAMATH FALLS Englishmen Who Attempted to Operate in Timber in This County aid who Purchased Walker Ranch Makinq .10,000 Payment With Bogus Check Ilftrrlman It h.ttir than any county road In Wood ih.-i valley nnd that It Ii lln- ,.iiial of an) mountain road In Hit. roiinirj lie thlnkn It very good for aoiuinohllliiK ni ho nnd hl3 Itmlly mad" a trip from tho lodgo lo Crater Uk- In one day, giving lltt m nmpl" Unto to enjoy the beau-1 tle of tho great wonder -etiil ni ST Per Aue. I The board of eiiuallzatlon or Blakl rou county hat ilxed the naicacoil (Blue of timber landa nt " per acre. The rut-over laud has li.-eii ae3ed at 1 anil It.- hoard i.-diuvd thla to 00 enla per nrre It xeema that thu rule are aallafaitorr lo all lh. largo lUtlll OUII'TH tills full. Th,. IllnliOl pnltlhnnlnu hm ! very ilea I rout, of Icnilng tho lands na It gives them better fire protection, nnd In this connection Mr. Kimball states thai tho patrolmen have had conaldernble trouble with fires alnce the weather haa become ao dry. Hotter Than Klamath. Henry i:, (J. Cooke, now of Now York City, but for n tlmo n resident ol this city, has boon arrested nt Ila- kur City on a charge of land fraud, and ho la now In the Mulnomah coun ty Jail In default of J5000 bonda. Iho operations of Cooko and hit ac complices are rather Interesting and tho real itat of operations Is New York City, while Harney, county In this state Is merely a sort of a cor ral where tho sheop nro taken while, undergoing the process of shearing. Tho offlco In New York arranges for the timber land seekers to come to Unker City. First, however, they pay the Eastern office $100 and pay i their own expenses to Oregon. Tbey ji.rxt gel a contract providing that they ure to be located on timber claims, that the. Oregon Ranching & Timber company, or In other words, Cooke, for this Is merely a fake company ho uses, will furnish the money necessary to make proof on the claims and will also board the land seekers at tho rnto of $1.00 per day, and when title Is acquired to The present hot spell Is the hottest of the season. Tho hot wind Is rap Idly dr)lng up the corn and other staple. Sunday tho thermometer At 1 o'clock was 103 at Mcdford. 10C nt Talent and 10C nt Central Point. The nights are Bullry, but not iiii-j,,iu lani1 " B t0 bc turned over to endurable. Modford Tribune. Preserve kettles and Jelly glasses are rip.) at thu Square Deal. WAS MAN DROWNED? i. appearance From Steamer Klamath nrrompllihlni: Judge llahlwln of lh SVnow'mrt.lin:;';1"! Intoxicated Passenger's Mysterious Dis- tango to have the V M C A boia com" this wa en route to Crat.;r lake mil nlao to sicuto other oti-urtlnn pirtli lo i nun- this wiit Th" other din. lora nr ioIiik to Poll Klamath Km unlu) owning to router with l lie peo ple of that liH-AlIt) In see' loser ro-operntlun In entertaining lotitlsl loltnr Plft) nates tine Itnguo river valley pent-hot at lb" Monarch l 3.'. pel irnle I'lioue .11 1 A post mortem examination showed that death vvai due lo a hemorrnge of tho lungs, which wax caused from excessive drink. Tho remains were burled to day He wan about fifty years of age. "" II i - Our Tape Line is ready for you Have Your Clothes Made to Order the modern way Over 1000 bright, new snappy samples to select from. Our motto: "If tho clothes don't fit don't take them." QREAT PALL LINE "HATS NOW HERE N ALL THE NEW S' SHAPES AND COLORS MJkk4M K.K. STORE 'KJAM'" T,L1 FAiWON SHOP irik..il. n ii . i Another Launch Tor Crater Lake Tiiiod.iv i viiilng vvlit-ii the slvanu'r I " Klamaih l.-ft the lauding at Teeters " '"'Id " Inquest It had for ti p.inseiiKer a man who wan under the inlliieni-e of liquor to such an extent that ho Itad to be helped unlu the bnnt He was a passenger on the Hlai:e and had n through tic ket to this ill He hail no poouer hoarded the boat than he bernmo nlnii.1v" and IiimiIiIiik mul dlsgiistliiK to the p.iKHcugors on hontd. He was ( taken lo lite sleru of tho boat nnd n bed made for hint, where ho soon fell 'niliep I'pon arilval In this city he 'was not disturbed while the boat .was being unloaded u ptoccss that re 'qi iri-H about on. hour During tills lime he was e. n hv nevetal parties Ivltig asleep on his Improvised bed. u olllcer was telephoned for, nnd ........ I... M..I1..1.I llm tnnn u-nfl enno ii, '11 111' tiiiii... ...' ....... ...... n 1 end nothing lia I''"''" l",1r'1 of ll,ln "lld nn s-llorso power engine. Tho ,,.,, I boat has been loaded nnd will be It Is a iitiestlon If ho fell over iho'taKeti to 1110 inue nt once, a largo amount or material tor constructing 10 w lion (a bus also been purchased nnd will be taken thero at once. Clyde Huffman, who Is a licensed en gineer, will liavo charge of tho boats on the lako and will put In his time building i-owboatH. Will (I. Steel has had 4000 pounds of provisions taken to his camp near 'lite Arnnt station and U now operat ing a three-seated wagon between tho camp and the rim of the lake. He Is now' at work on a plan whereby tickets will be sold from thlslty to Crater lake and return Another launch and n number of row boats me to bo added to tho (.'inter lake flotilla. Thu company Ikik purchased thu line gasoline launch owned by A. P. Stnnkey. It has 11 capacity for II Keen passengers the company for $!000. lest the $400 and tho board bill and other Inci dental expense. Tho scheme was un covered by a New York newspaper reporter, who took up one of the contracts under an assumed name, and tho arrest of Cooko followed. It I seems that he has been connected with a number of schemes since leav ing this city under suspicious condi tions, and also before coming to this country from England. His scheme In Harney county ovldontly waa to get tbe $100 from every entryman, for It Is goncrally known that there Is no land In that section that Is ral uablo for timber. Henry E. G. Cooke Is net unknown to the peoplo of Klamath Falls. It will bo remembered that he came hero about tho first of July, 1907, making the acquaintance of several business men of this city, Cooke was a suave Englishman, with n decided English accent, nnd would Impress tho nverr.- ntiien as being a rather gt'li' - bin l of tin individual. Ho me.l nn option oil the Walker Much at lily and weut so far as to give a check for $10,000 In payment of the first Installment of the pur chase price, At tho same tlmo he had articles of Incorporation pre pared for the -purpose of taking over the prupetly In question. Incidental Iv ho gnvo Attorney Stone a .check for $300 for legal sorvlces. Theso chocks wore drawn on a Lakevtew bunk. Mr. Walker and Mr. Stone be came suspicious of Cooke aud tele phoned the bank at Lakevlew with tcferenco to Cooke's financial stand- Ir.g. They were Informed that Cooke had TS cents on deposit there and had drawn quite number of checka agalnat that amount. Cooke soon left Klamath Falls, after leaving a number of other checka a souvenirs with local merchants and otters. He went to Los Angeles at the time and being threatened with arrest, settled tome of the amall chocks he bad giv en here. His scheme In trying to pose at a capitalist In dealing with Mr. Walker las always been a mystery as It waa very evident that be could not han dle the property until a substantial payment had been made, but it Is evident that he had plana which1 were not disclosed. At any rate tbe peo ple of Klamath county seem to hare been lucky, In view of recent developments. WILL VISIT CRATER LAKE. Clumber of Commerce Sboald Head Oregon Editors This War- lulling on the boat when he avvol.e 'fiom his Mupor, or If hu made hla I v iiy on the bout and went about his 1 business There Is no assurance that Iho left tho boat but It tins been stated !iv some that a splash in Iho water wan heard while tho boat w.w being iiiiloniloil. IIKI.VK CAl'HES W2.VIII. l-oiomi- Euil Wliltloifc Ha" l,' Cate Since Taking Ottlee Cotonei l!.ul Whltlock was called .r, 11,11111 i Loiir'u camp yesterday on account of tho sudden death of V ' Bci-kans. an Australia!!, wno camu hero from flan Tranclsco on Tuesday iill-hl Ilo and other parties arrived 'in 'the city lit n wagon, tlio dore.wd being In " Intoxicated condition lie I win- ml;''" to tli miuii t "10 at,',c'' roiilrnctois. which la noveral mllei I. 1. nt imvn and nut to bed. ea- 'terday morning be was found In Ills Ibunle with all signs of Ufa gone. ...... II.., fnld llin After iiecertniuiiiB ",D "" '" Coroner decided It was not necessary Special Anitoueeliient. At the Monarch a complete lino of fruits and melons of all kinds aro re ceived dally. Soft ilrlnka, milk chnke-i, lemonade sodas, Crngc wa tern, elders and sodas, Ladles In-, Vlled to call -and see our slock, Ooods dellvoied to any part of the city Phone 311. OTTO HKIDIUCH, Prop Tbe state Editorial association of Oregon, a hundred strong, propose to Tttlt Crater Lake via Medford about the middle of August, It suit able arrangements can be made. No greater advertisement could be given this section than the proposed visit of state editors. Practically ev ery editor In Oregon belongs to the organization, and every one who can get away Is planning to take the out lug. The Commercial club will do all that Is possible to make the ex cursion a success. Here Is a job for the Klamath Chamber of Commerce to do ever lasting good for this county. Tbe Oiegon editors should by all means bfc Induced to visit Crater Lake via Klamath Falls. Tho Chamber might co-operate with the commercial orga nization at Medford and arrange It so that the party will either go or come via this city. Want to Oust Banna. According to tho Medford Trlbuno there Is a strong probability that tho prohibitionists of Jackson and Jose phine counties propose to try tho re; call law on Judge II. K. Hanna. It will be remembered that Judge Han na decided that tbe city charter of Modford superceded the local option law, and regardless of the popular vote In Jackson county, ho ruled that Medford had a rlgbt to license sa loons. The prohibitionists deny that a petition for a recall Is being circu lated by them. l.T !; .".- tfRCAM rat The proof of the freezer it in the freezing Business U pressing at the Pant atorlum. - - 7-1S k The White Mountain Freezer imkci more cream, better cream, and makes it easier tnJ cheaper than any other freezer on the market I.K.T US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS a HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS a "main ram, urtgMjv ... ?- "j'!. -i