The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 22, 1908, Image 1

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Monti v Pawl IMppr In
Kliiimili l,,"H
Our Advertisers Get
the, Best Results' . . .
SECOND Yi:aii, No. (MHI.
Price, 5 Cents.
DISMISS ADY'S SllT,ns",oresPlee
All Mnsic Lovers
Change in Methods
()f Forest Service
Damage Case Against Klamath
3 ake Railroad Settled
fdM.'tl Mucli Attention nt Wt-kn IU'cuiim
Aiiiouiit Involved i-l llcmiiso of Prominciu i ol
I'luinliff's Attorney I . J. Ilciicy
111 '
rl l
. , null ilalilftK'' mill llml I
I iikiiIiiI lit" lil.unulli j
.i,l iiiiiiiiIi) lit Alu'l Ail)
p. i lor I 'mi 1 1 uf Hlakl)m i
n Mm I Mil, liua l""li ill" I
furmnl order fur illimU-1
iii'vii nld In tin- rounty
; IVrfi-fiiiin f urlp- , ,(, v,.r,jcl
I H'IiUitmI by nil wlui attended tho
i I'nxtiiuri- Mini fit last evening. Tho
1 ' " mini lo ii representative
iimlluir... anil III.' M:li expectations
"'' "' ' 'I iiliigli I'MneifU'il jy
I Mi unman in wlinin belong Hie
jr "ln nl liilrinliirliig iIicud titlontfil
iiii.n Ian in iih nnrn mfiri' llian real Kiuin tint )ml mite of n. (i,..-hlIiL'
IiumIii trio In llm lad Strains of
!"'. Imli. il .' iKinnli- nint l.laleu In
Hi' MmklliK llllil. Ili i mil I'll v.iik n
'I'lfi-M ili'llKliI Till Mil i'Vii'iiii-il
l th niilniiH. wlili h uidiIm II nec
f'Un tor I ln young aillU In play
ii linn., nlir i-.ich iiiiinl.iii. ulilch
- . . ,''" '"'I miRriiilBlliBly fin lli..)H..i-ni-
lo ufithor l.xhibits'"1 'Ihkm-.i wm, n. auoi..i.i.
Now is Tho Time
ii..- uf ill" nliiir. nf Din pa
i:iii'iuii iii.itAi.n
Till" Il Hi. l,i-il ,i, 1(, ihuUiik
rolliTiion ol . i.uii . iiHiMin anil nl In i
fiuagi- Kitt t- it In , anil (arm . niln
' ' rttt.l. It.t.-r.-l , ,., r)t fl, ,. ,n iit Klnm1.,
... ma.. i-i.m nut only n annum j,,,,,,,,,. ..x),ibii i ti,.. Hiiil- ..xtmi
dflhr . " amount of damage. i.ui-.l I,,,,,, ,. )(,ar T,i(1 ,.,, c,nw.
It l.u mm on account of ill., fori l,,rr ,lf commerce l.a. undertaken lo
itn Hi'"' Cobb, tin. Han I'mnrli-1. ....
provide whntover may bo utceasarr
m yrafi luoioculliiii lawyer.. "' f to take rare of exhibits selected from
ttlornr fur the plaintiff Tl. .till , ,,,p ,.., ,., ,,,,, .. ..., ,,,.,.,. ,.,
n brought lo ipcotrrr damage In
Ifct Hint of IC5.000 for Injuries al
ined lo havi been recoiled liy Hip
flslntirr wiiil.. riding In tin rnm of
It; rntiilltlon to aitrncl the intcrcrt
ol all numeaeekcrs who Brattle
during l l,o big fall
ll la tip to tin. piMiptn of Kt.imath
lie dtfenilaiil lorporallon nl Thrall, jtunt. who produce ugilaliki.. fruit
tb minimi, of tin roail gialris and forage crops, to tho
It l not known In what maimer ,i fr0m Kariliii. orchard and fl.-ld.
lb fai wai itttlcd, but It la ri-nor. , , ,,Brtll.,tiy dcilrvd that men and
lly iHtipotnl that n aatlafaclory ad- .(n,. f ,r, roimiiuiilly of tho
Junniftii of tin tiiattnr w artlvrd jcounty HniiiMlatdr loo! nft.-r col
tttytlp roipKiln) parll. Tho doc-J,tnK iuin ptoducia a ihuuld lm
timttt flmd mcrwly Initructa Ihn Lrirvpl for .ihltlt uurpoi
tldk lo dlimltt tin. action, mid la I vry iluly youra.
InJ b ail of (lio altorno)! In Hi.' ntAXK llt WIIITH
"" Chiilrnian Comtnltuv on Advi-rtHIng
Uliari aaked about It." dltmliaal
.Hi. iiuillvmi. mm i hnrinoil with
il.nii oi ihtt loam rfiiaikutilc
iiIiiiik ai.oiit tiiom u thHir prodlrloui
n eiiioii i.,i n.y pbyi-ii i In, wi.ole
proxraiu ml .nioni. wltlmiit t lie
Win ii. i-viTMhliii; In nlwvo crlll
clam II l ha id in piuln.'. Inn pcrhnps
tin- mini hoi a hi., flinract'-rlvtlc about
their plalni' la thi'lr perfect enn'm
tic Tho ihri'i' play, absolutoly m
ont peraou Nor an' they lackliiK In
ivthnlguo Mils Mary played tho
mi lutrlcatn Wlenlawikl 1'olonalso
vtllh nlwluti' eaio. tho nlnioit Inaur' t.'ihnlcul dlllicultle alio
dulled off ullh absolulu eaiv Mlai
Fi.rnnnr'a left hand work, In tho
Chopin Ktuili. wai brilliant and ai for
Uoroth). In tho Popper Tarantella,
ihi cot over tin atrliiri with jul ai
much brltllai.r) unXauroiy aa her dia
ler It i aiife lo tuy Unit auvernl
younK pi'opl.i will tako up tho cello,
for as Dorothy I'annore playa It It
lr ono of iln loveliest of all colo In-
In order to expcdlto and render
more directive and economical tl.c
Iwork of ndmlnlaterlng tho N'alloiml
fon-Hla, Held lioadqunrtcrH nro to ne
i'HiilillHhed by llio Kori'st ttotvici. in
the Wiiit, mid tho clerical forcr nei'.l
oil lo complete the organl;atlo.i wMI
bo rnnlnly drawn Irorn llio foico :iov
employed In llu Wimhltiislou ollico
The ihuii;i. will lako plan. , ,1 later
thiiu January 1, I'jii'j, ami mil mob
ably begin by October 1 of the pres
At pn-wiil tin. National fon-nlH uro
Kioiiped under nix dlatrktH with
liTiiliiiartiTH uh followx: Dlatrict I,
Mlatoula, .Mont.; district -', Denver,
Colo , illttrlri .1, Alhuqueraue. N.
M . illMHd l. Halt Lake City Utah i
dlttrlet r,, Han riiliclaco, Cal.; and
dlttrlct fi. I'ortlandUre. These hea'd
iiuailers will remain unchanged un-
ler Hi" new plan of administration.
Rarh district will be In charge of an
asiblitnt forester who will deal dl-
Arrival of Chief Electrician Day
Surest Indication
Everything in Readiness for Railroad Chief and Party
Telegraph Line Thoroughly Inspected Activities
Denote Early Arrival of Visitors
Notes From Dairy
And Its Vicinity
Haying Is In full blast at the Shook
ranch and the crop Is good.
Dairy school closed Friday. The
evening entertainment wai a decided
redly with the Supervisor or the huC' n hns been tho school. The
of the ra-i Sir Ady said that the !
pfrt wa r.rfict, but that In was not
Kady t il.icui tho mutter The suit
i tho outcome of the Injuries nut
lilted I. Mr Ady In the railroad
wtck at Thrall
U U V an Itlper. I.eitlU Koyors. J.
I! l'i. n, Jot. Hilik.'l mart In
lb" luiinaiiK (or a tuiutlm: nnd llah
Inn hip to thn notlli .'ml of the
(uutit. fhev expect to ! ijiini. lit
lean io niki, but II Is n B.ifw bet
(list lli.-v will In. hnini. nl tlie rml of
and Kihlblts, Klamnth Chamber of
Hmtmi't I'rult Shipment.
Divlilon rrelght Aitcnt C A Mai
toeuf of tho Southern Pacific esti
mates the shipments of fruit fiom
Midford and lclnll .il inn cars,
prarllrally the num.' output as In
ll'ii; Had II not l'1-.'U fur hia
froala lal" In tin' rprluK whlrh rut
down the yield of wjino old orchard'
nloni; the low plates of the inlley.
the fruit rrop would bo much larger
on account of I lie Inrri'iiaed iirri'iiiv
In beniliiK
forests of Ills district. Only ques
linns of 'special Importance will be
submitted to the Washington oMce
foi ndlon. In this way, the regular
biiBtiima of tiie forests will be much
expedited, whllo the men who have
charge of the business will be In al
most constant touch with the users
of the forests. The men to take
charge of tho several districts have
not as yet been selected, but they
v. Ill bo chosen from thoso In the reg
ular service force who havo had tho
iti(t experience In the work on the
Xialoaal forests.- -
Vrobably ono-thlrd of tho clerical
force now In Washington, mainly
stenographers and typewriters, will
pi lA4t tn rnmnlAlA thn nrffnntrAttnn
lr .nl. , .,... v. B---''
The program was mad." up or j required In each field district. It Is
high chts mimic throughout, anil the expected that a sufficient number of
Southern Airs, with which It doted, cltrks In the Washington office will
flighted the audience more even lJcsr asslgnment9 ,0 the field head-
than did some of the numbers that ,
. i . . v .. i ...ninni.A Quariera. so that It will not be ncc
went bi-fure No one need apologize!
foi liking these melodies, for the lestary to send to the Held those who
Tkeicore mo has played them to the, do not wish to go, and no new ap
forcmoit musicians In Berlin. Some i pointraents will be necessary. la
o. theio great musicians wero so dc-. .ilttklDK Beiectlons for the new posts,
lighted with the melodies and their '.,.,,., , . ...
. .... ... ..,-... .... ho Individual preferences of the
arranrement. that they repeatedly ; r
lulled tin. trio to play them nt so- ,!" be consulted to far as the
rial functions, etc 'work permits.
Ady Says Foreclosure Suit
Is Prearranged Matter
Our Tape Line
is ready for you
Have Your Clothes
Made lo Order
the modern way
Over 1000 bright, new
snappy samples to select
from. Our motto: "If
the clothes don't lit don't
take them."
isjbwmi' insulin i m "
When he"n iibout tho execution
mid ouler of nab) ror tho swamp land
owned by hi Vbel Ady stated that
tin whole llilnc s merely a mailer
of form nml that tho party purchas
ing his Intel. -st In tho lauds wns go
ing through this legal process in or
der lo avoid paying the government
'ta, mill I" ni'iinlro title through n
! sheriff 'a deed. Mr. Ady Mated f Hi
ther Unit tho lands would not go on
tho market In any manner or ahapo
mid that they will bo held as n body.
Mo said no ono wna being hint by
tho litigation nml that Iho outcome
would bo Kiitlsfncloiy lo till pintles
I ii I erect oil lu llio Ady Bwiunp tiinda,
uml I'speclully to hliu.
Much liiillr.ia.1 Activity.
norrla is tho cen ot mucl1 uctlvlt'
In rallioad circles The foundation
for tho now depot has been complet
ed and tho woil.nien aio now build
i Ing tho Inigo stock corrali. The wa
ter tank Is bolng built and tho wells
iiecoecarj to Biipply tho demand of
'wiler havo been borod
I mi,. tuiel: Ima been completed
across the hill nnd work trains mo
now ainulne to a point near the otato
Merrill. . Proper. ty la reasonable.
C.,iiiuiiy to i and Leate Sys
leiu for Thirty Years.
Colonel Frank Ray, president of
the Condor Water & Power company,
Saturday afternoon mado another
proposition to tho city council water
committee on behalf ot tho company
to Hiipply tho city of Modford with
lipguo river water.
The now proposition is undorctood
to embody many ot tho features of
tho ono tnado last year. It calls for
Iho construction or tin agreed price
of u plpollno from tho Itoguo, n ni
tration plant and two city reservoirs,
all to be constructed at un approxi
mate cost ot $200,000 less than that
ot the Waesou canyon project and
take 30-year bonds In payment
The company offers to lease for 30
years the entlie plant from the city,
li. eluding tho distributing syetem, to
Guarantee the bond Interest and
sinking fund and to give tho city a
percentage of profit made, tho rates
to lemaln na nt present or be In-
creased as determined Jointly by tho
city and company. J
TIia nitvAtitnffiia nf tli.i nmnnaal nro '
tho low cost and tho guaranteed
bond Interest and redemption fund,
whereby the city ruus uo risk ot In
creased taxation. Tribune.
entertainment was well attended. In
cluding muny from the surrounding
districts. Mr. Hall deserves much
credit for what ho has done hero In
school work.
Mrs. J. llorton was purchasing
supplies tor the hay camp on the Res
ervation this week.
Mr. and Mrs D. M. Hnll spent Sun
day evening with John Shook and
Sunday was too hot to try to tell
tho truth About It.
A good sized bunch of tat cattle
passed this way Sunday going to the
Hortoti ranch, and that gives us
hope that the cash will soon come
back to tho pockats of the Klamath
ranchers, '
Crops nro growing and the pros
pect, while not the best ever. Is Im
proving. Dairy Is on the map, and will give
Tatt and Sherman a big vote, al
though they won't need It.
The Bonanza creamery has tour
customers from this locality and to
see them rushing In to overtake John
Shook makes one think this a lively
Married Irving Cutter and Lil
lian Caulman, In the state ot Wash
ington. Mr. Cutter left these part
last October and has not been heard
from by his father until recently he
received the above Information.
Miss .elm a Scdgo la making pre
parations to start for California to
enter high school at Melrose. She
will make Irer home with her aunt
at Elmhurst. School begins there on
August 17tb.
Storo Closed Tomorrow.
On account ot "13" tho Portland
Storo will bo closed tomorrow.
C. T. Day, the chief electrician for
the Southern Pacific, arrived In the
city last night to look alter the tel
egraph line between Pollcan Day and
the main line ot tho railroad. Mr.
Day Is spending the day going over
the tine and wilt leave for his home
In San Francisco as soon ai he com
pletes his work. He, however, state
that ho will bo back here ont Tues
day, which may be taken as a sure
Indication that the Ha rr I man party
will be here by that time.
Mr. Day states that he has no posi
tive information as to when Mr. Har
rlman will arrive hero, but It Is gen
erally understood that when Mr. Day
shows up at a certain place It Ii
strong Indication that the railroad
magnate will soon be along.
Another thing that li conclusive
evidence that the party will toon be
here Is that at Fort Klamath and at
the Harriman retort all arrange
mentr are being made for hunting
trips and excursions, lionet are on
the ground and bear dogs are In
readiness for the chase.
The large touring car It being
held for the party and will go to the
terminus of the railroad to meet-the
distinguished visitors. It It known
how Urge the party will be, but It It
reported that Mr. Harriman will be
accompanied by quite a number ot
Eastern frlendt.
Patmoret Tomorrow Night.
So .well did the Pasmores please
the large audience last night that a
demand hat been made upon them
to give another concert. Thtt will bo
tomorrow night and the teatt for the
occasion are now on tale at the us
ual place. The program will be one
that will appeal to all lovert ot mu
sic at did tho entertainment glvon
last night. Those desiring good
seals will do well to reserve them at
Will Q. Steel came down from Cra
ter Lake last night. He says that
many tourists are now -visiting the
lake and that the weather It delight
ful for an outing In that section.
All lovert ot music will be at tho
concert tomorrow night.
The proof of
the freezer
ii in the
The White Mountain Freezer
inakei more cream, better cream, anil makes it easier
and cheaper than an other freezer on the market