The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 21, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly Bend Pnpor In
Klimnth Fll
Our Advertisers
tht Best Results
Price, 6 Cents.
tu lai
OPPOSE AN ELECTI0NJacobs' Request for Building
Permit Postponed 2 Weeks
Residents in Additions Make Re
quests of City Council
Mr. Jacobi oskod tho council for a
building poimlt. In reply to tbe
question If lie proposed to itay on
tho lino established by custom, ho
statod tbnt be needed tbe six fool,
but be was willing to movo back the
' Tho roqitev of h. Jacobs for a per-
, mil to roa a threo-r.tory brick on
,tbo corner of Third and Main streets
imifrtinti-d the ma)or nnd tho conn-
til with aiiutlui problem that Is rath
I ' er difficult of solution It Is well ro-
Imeiabercd by tin people of this pity six feet If the city would reimburse
"':'1 '"t year Mr Jacobs began lliejblin for what ho would bo out to
hjitlnrf. for Special Election on Greater Klamath I all?. ;"JU,lrttl," 'or " i",1,jib "" l'- ! " ' " the '" '
rflliiuii- if- land placed tho same out to the prop-1 lot
Bcinq Circulated Council Will Act on Same n line, which would uaio a ido u wa uite evident that ttie coun-
walic only ilk feet in width und It'll was nut f&vorablo to tho wanting
pline hi ImlliliuK nut Into the street I of the nermlt If Mr. Jacobs refused
l fen riirlber tbun tbe post nltlm ito move bacK to tho Established line,
should not be lulled, we shall ..! I lil-xk Hlrniit; objettlon was made ! and It was nlso evident that most of
Hindis! annexation ' liy all u il.e nronerty owners nluiiL-
lleapniliilly, Mnln klrrl and mi effoit utis made
II J IHkwiMHl, J tl Wight. J A In net Mr Jiunbs lo liuv six feel In
llodfrti), J V Hliiiil, frank Uti-nlk. tln rear of hi lot no thalm would
.Steven Woinlrk. A (I Wnldron, H I hutv roo'ii for his building, which fie
A. Hack, C. K llyeia. Win Hargeatit ) will JU ttxtr, Tlmre as strong
C K lladlc), J II. .Microti' It I)
'Wanner. W i: ll)deii, A Ijigail.
at Hit Next Regular Mectintj
0if tin most linpoitniil matters
0 , i, th. ilium II at Hi"
(r(ulsr nii.tliiB as tint loii.lilnrn
turn of the extension of Ilia cirrntu
Halts of lh city Tbo council vi
imlstd tho petition that will be clr
esUteJ among tb voters of the city
iitlcf fur " election oil this iu.
the councilman aro opposed lo buy
ing the property for Mr. Jacobs.
Those wli'i expressed themselves on
the matter (nought that It would be
a bad precedent to establish.
The mattPi was referred to the
talk of an Injunction suit If be licJ8treet committee with orders to
Kan the erritloii of the building I make a thotough Investigation as to
and si the request of Mayor s- Mnriliiiml, A J ICnbes. I II I without iillowlm: tbe six feet for side- !
Mills msdti an rsninliiaiion 01 im'(ull, t Butliell. Win A Wright
ntp shooing the proposed bomidar-1 joll UUUi w K pBK,,, (. f
let ot the greater Klnmalh Kails. Tho Tno council look no action on the
rttltloni that have been prepared f ,,W(, presented, but ordered It
111 be circulated In tbo next two ,,BCCHi 0n tile There was no discus
trill so that at the next rocuUr ,sion ot, it,3 maittfr. t-arfpt Dm asklnc
nMlug lb" ii'iuirll will bo In n po. , nm ,iWfi,ll; 0 a few questions as
lion to lake tome action In ordering tu w10 mill I a entitled to vote on the
t ipecltl election It It knnn that in,aurr .n t It ubmltted. In pre.
til of the rounrll men, and also the (,ntnK ,,, ,t.tn1)n to the council
Mayor, are In favor of enlarging the Mr wight slated that It at his un
cerporsle limits ot the city. It was Identandlnr that tho voters of the
IU with of the body that tho pell city and tho electors of the additions
llses be circulated so that Hie que iltltt the council proposes to annex
ilea wilt b submitted to the people wouj TOte on the question separate
tt n eatly date j-, city Attorney John Irwin Is of
rollolng the consideration of thc',, opinion that tbo question of an
petition In question and Ihe map notation Is onn that Is entire!) up to
ihovlag the proposed boundaries. In,,, qmiirUd electors of the city of
Prof. J 11 WIvM. on liehatr of a
walk as w:n done by all other par
ties building aluiig Ihu street
This taiiii question tame up when
what ituthur'ly the council had In the
matter. Action on the request for
the permit was postponed until the
next tnoethu.
Council Confronted With Many
Important Questions
Poll lax Ordinance Passed to Second Reading Stritt
Grades to Be Re-Established in Certain Sections.
Voice Against Erection of Livery Stable
ttnWr of the property owners who
irtld la tbe additions adjoining the
tllr, presented the following!
To tbt Honorable Common Council,
ef tbe City of Klamath Falls.
It having como lo our knowledge
tUt an extension of the city limits
It OBdtr consideration,
W, the undersigned voters fend
tupaxri, residing In Ihe territory
proposed for annexation, respectfully
isprtseat that we do not consider It
la oar Intt rest to be taken Into the
CUy Corporation at Ibis time, nod we
Ulik even the expense of an election
tpen tbe question unnecessary nnd
'Klamath Kails.
While lllllo discussion was had on
tho matter It was very evident that
the major and the council will ex
tend the limits of the city If they can,
and It Is also evident that a number
ot the residents will oppose tho ex
tension from start to finish
Execution and Order of Sale Has Been
Placed in Hands of Sheriff
Mabel T Cluiiess. of Alameda.Cal.,
assignee of the Interests of Everdlng
(c Kartell, n corporation of 1'ortland,
Ore , has secured Judgment against
MhI Ady, the Klamath Hwump king,
placed In the hands ot Sheriff Barnes
and he has Issued the notice for pub
lication. The attachment covert about 4000
acres of the Ady swamp lands, ex-
In the sum of t:3,&T 10, nnd the ex- jccptlng only Ihe government expert'
ecutton of the Judgment nnd tho or-1 mental farm and the rights of way
dvr ot bale has been Issued at the In
ttnnce of C. K. Blone, representing
Mube! T. Cluncss, and has been
for the Southern Pacific railroad.
The sale ot tho lands Is advertised
for the 29th ot this month.
Card of Thanks.
I detlro to exprest inr slncero
thanks to those v. bo rendered assist
ance In tbe sickness mid death of my
husband, and more particularly to
thank tho good people of Fort Klam.
Mrs Fred Dlchn.
Our Tape line
is ready for you
Have Your Clothes
Made to Order
the modern way
Over 1000 bright, new
snappy samples to select
from. Our motto: "If
the clothes don't fit don't
take them."
Council Foresees Trouble In
Refunding Unexpired Licenses
Requests from the saloon men of
the city that the unexpired llcenso
fees bo refunded placed the council
In ft posltlo.1 where they were forced
to Jump, but no matter which way
they oro Hire of lighting hard, nnd
causing u reaction, but after somo
consideration, both serious nnd oth
erwise, on ii'ollon of Hanks It was
decided to Jump nccordlng to law nnd
regardless of the fact that city war
rants nro woith only ninety cents on
the, dollar nnd tho demand Is not
strong at thut figure, the saloon men
1 will receive for every dollar that they
'paid Into the city exchequer In cash
one dollar In city warrants, or timet)
cents In cash If they can get It. Tho
I question that confronted tho council
was that tb saloonmen were entitl
ed to dollar for dollar for tho amount
duo them on unexpired licenses, but
lo pay tho discounts on the warrant
would be llloitul and somo ono would
bo sure to contest tho warrants. On
the other bund tho saloonmon will
receive virtually ouly ninety ceuta
on the dollar and ft damage eult
agalnot th city to likely to follow.
Councilman Ankeny was of the
opinion that ponio ot the prohibition
ists should bo willing to pay more
thau ninety cents on the dollar for
the warrants, while Councilman Cris
pier oald he would pay the amount
ouly that '.a had forgotten his purse
and had no chnngo with him. How
ever, after giving tho matter consid
erable serious consideration, and set
ting tho opinion of the city attorney
tho motion of Councilman Hanks,
I that the amounts bepald without al
lowing any additional sum to cover
the discount on the warrants, was
passed by u unanimous rote.
No action at yet hat been taken
by any ot the saloonmen to sue for
the amounts necessary to cover the
dUcounts nu tho warrants. The
amounts 4u-) on unexpired licensos
nggregato ttpproxlmately $1000.
Surveying Chewaucan Project.
Englneora In the employ of tbe
Portland Irrigation Company are
again at work on tbe survey for the
reclamation project In the Chewau
can valley. The project, If construct
ed, will Irrigate about 12,000 acres
of land laying to tbo north ot Pals-
ley. This projoct has been under
way for sevoral years, but aside from
acquiring n few rights ot way and
running a low preliminary lines no
actual work was dono-by the com
pany, It Is encouraging to tbo pco-
plo ot that section of I-ako county
to know that tne company, wuicn
has strong financial support, has not
given up the project, but has again
placed engineers In tbe field to com
piste the survey. s
At the regular meeting of the
council last night Mayor Stilts, Coun
cilman Crlssler, Obenchaln, Ankeny
and Hanks wcro In attendance. The
meeting was of short duration, but
a number of matters that are of vit
al Importance to tho city came up
for consideration. Thn regular rou
tine business was transacted and the
council then gavo Its tlmo to tho con
sideration of some of tho problems
that confront the city.
Among the first to bo taken up
was the toi.s. aeration of a change
In tho ordtnanco establishing grades
In tho various parts of the city. An
amendment as proposed and passed
to the second reading by title only.
The object in tho change In the
grades Is o get all sidewalks that
are being built on tho same level.
The proposed amendment Is based
upon the report ot City Engineer
Don J. Zuinwalt."
Immediately upon disposal ot this
matter. Councilman Ankeny Intro
duced a poll tax ordinance, providing
for the collection ot an annual tax of
13 from every male Inhabitant In
tbe city between the age of 21 and
50 years, tbe money so collected to
be used for street and sewerage pur
poses. The ordlnanco further pro
vides that the tax for the year 1908
jlisll become due on September 1st
ot this year, and that It shall be the
duty ot tho city marshal to collect
the same. After some consideration
the ordlnanco was passed to second
reading by title only.
Briar A Anderson were given n
permit to build a barn In Canal addi
tion. Partld residing on Klamatb
avenue In tbe vicinity of where C.B.
Clendonntnj Is putting up his new
livery stablo appeared before the
council and complained that the
barn would bo a nulsanco In that
part ot tho city. Mr. Clendennlng
had not been granted a building per
mit, but he had seen most of the
councllmen and had received their
permission to go ahead with the
building if thero was no objection on
the part ot the property owners In
that vicinity. After considering tho
matter tlw council Instructed the city
marshal to servo notice on Mr. Clen
dennlng to stop work on the building
until after the next meeting of the
Somo tlmo was given to the discus
sion of thj Jacobs building permit
and the matter ot refunding to tho
saloon min the unexpired license
fees, and also to the city limits ex
tension question.
Hon. It. V. Gates appeared before
tho council and asked that tho Light
& Water company be relieved from
tho order of tho council asking for
the Installation ot hydrants In cer
tain parts of tbe city. He explained
to the council why be made tbe re
quest and after some consideration
tho matter was referred to the Light
and Water committee, which will
confer with Mr. Gates In regard to
tbe question.
Mosquitoes Kill Cattle.
Mospultoti rre killing cattle by the
score on ranches around High Is
lands. Texas. The pest Is tbo worst
ever known In this part of the Quit
ts reckon.. Oreat-etonds ot In
sects hover over pastures where cat
tle nro feeding They literally drain
the animals of their blood, causing
them to die from weakness.
One ranchman In Chambers coun
ty has lost 200 bead of cattle In the
last ten days. Some pastures are
strewn with the carcasses ot dead
Bmudge fires are kept burning day
and night to keep tbe pest out ot
Take Oat license.
Up to the present time the county
clerk has Issued 17 hunters' licenses
tor tbt year 1908. It is evident from
this that n number of parties who are
hunting In this county are doing so
without paying the regular fee ot 11.
So far there has been no foreign li
cense Issued. The fee of Ueno la $10.
The season Is yet early and most ot
the licenses that have been Issued
were taken out during tho first tow
months of the year. '
For Sale or Trade Residence and
business property in the best town
In Willamette valley. Inquire at the'
Boston Store.
." -:..
The proof of
the freezer
it, in the
Judge. Soaks Saloon Man.
La Orande la the first town in Ore
gon to, report a caso wherein a fine
has been Imposed for the violation
of the new prohibition law.' Dave
McFarlane.'a former saloon keeper
of that city; was fined $250 by the
Justice ot the peace for selling boot
lo' a prohibition district.
The White Mountain Frecier
makei more cream, better cream, and makes it caiier
and cheaper than any other freeaer on the market
. '