The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 20, 1908, Image 1

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jioitiy R"i rw
Klimnth Full ....
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Price, 5 Cents.
DECISION. REVERSED Wi" "e Main "" "I""- e
of S. P. Railway
joy Sunday Trip
Secretary Takes Hand in Famous!- rrs
kh i.unnrn mo main lino of his Or
egon ft Cnllforiilu road. This Ik ovl
li'iiiod l,v II... fnil llinl in.- toailbed
now being between Weed
"nllfoiiils. mnl Klamath rails, Oro
K'm I" one or t l.o most subitantlal
"' I'lillt l,, cuj;t f,it ,,t(j
'In- but a i-Hiii) car .u9iIiik track
loi bolriK put In ever) tight miles, an
innovation in "Western railroad ron- AhMi i"hh In ilurn I hul
li I .mih, i,, iiiimii,. KM.l W).
Mm of Irnllli over tin- new mail.
, Itnllmail men Inform in Unit tlm
.illstnuro rruin i:iiii.iM in Weed, (;,!.
rnrnla. Id iho i,..w uiiul will I,., hut
nnu mill- .mil tun liiimlriil fi.fl gloat-
r tlinu that between tlio two points.
,Tla the preicnt ruiitv, while tlm now
I roml will illmlnatu tho Sltklou
mountain t.reile that lire very ex pen
Hilt' to Hi company, ospedally In
liiiDilllin! a hMivt fn-li;lit tialni.
Cugene C.'i ii i
37-10 Litigation
ComniissluiuT Koversed Decision ol Kwjish'r ol hikeview
(.llkf mill Secretary Gnrliclil Reverses llim tint)
Sustains the l.akuvicw (Wire
T1,l , i mi linlr'l In the fniii-
j .i i nor) is iiikii i i'i
iiiillliK "'" '"' oirirli-K In
rtilHilie 'KUlila. li again !
JttttJ r 'in- decision of lliu cn
urr of "" luiwlur l '
Mima i Miaerwi William I
liiia.- "' '',l'l t'y ' I Hloim.
ittorntr t ' Mservy Tlio readers
( tbli iiai- will remember the ili
tlilon of "' Monornlil" Commission'
rof tli (H'.nai I. ami Office, under
ditt of JsnWr :. 100S. In which
tte Jcclii"" of th lleglttiT of tho
locil lnJ ninrp wit reversed nnil the
4diIon of then rc"lvrr, affirm-
fj, anil ihr content decided In fawir
of th huiM-tU-ail'T, Mr llyrno. An
iprsl 'akon to tlm Secretary of
li Ulrrn ami that nfflrlal haa re
.rll"! Ihi derision of th" Coiilllili'
iloarr ordered tlm hoinostiad entry
fucrltd anil allow Mr-Mi-servey Ilif
tltllfr of nunc on tln Intnl.
Thp run'- Involvifi hom'ti'ai
tlrr No 'IT for Tot I, Ht. I, In
tovaililii ' Koiith of ltuni.ii In, K.
WJI ami i uni' of Ihi tiiont vnlitu
lit (lamp in. luili'il In tlio "37-Hi"
t. rilloM Tix- ('oiniiilatloui'r finiu I
front lh I'tuh'iir.. that tin' ilnllii mil'
l:laH lino .ti thri'K ami four mil-
I'oo li-ri ,i ini'iilintilnhlit tliiiliT..tinl
, that lin. n, ronli'ti' lilot not
!oa all ihai thi' law roo,ulrrJ In
tti ) of riilihutlon ninl Improvo
urat thai In- hail ilono tlio Iu-hI In
i)uM ninl. tin lirruiiiktnmi'H unit
lkt hi. a. inllllnl o l ho Iiiilll.
ilriil Tin. s.Hrilnry holila Hint lh
InMcncii ami rultltrnlliin woro mil
HBcluii to couuily with tlm law ml
tkit IIih runti'iiti'i.'i homo on the lan.l
i mcrel
Mr lljrrni. haa nl hvvti flRhtliiK
a" lunli'U nrrlp ullh Ihn hopo Hint
jlhi' ili'ilnloii ol thi. CoinmlialoiKT
wonlil Im- nlllriiii'il
M.i) Unix' .iiiiiiil..
I Tliiiiiiim II Walker, tin- Mlnnnsota
. IIiiiIjit klliK. imtii 8S.12I ncn-ii of
lllliihrr IiiimI In Hlikl)n.i muni) The
MiCloiiil llhur I.iiiiiIht iiunpany
owiia CO.CrlS ncrt lloth of tin' com-
pniili' Inn i' h.'i'ii onluri'il lAfon- thi'
Imnril of i'iiiallrallou to aliow t.h,
llmlr an, .milium ahouhl not hi'
raluri! II ptr acn If thu nn.u-J
valuation of tin- tlmhvr lamli arc In
crcaai'il It will uilil n ronililrrahlc
aiuoiint to tin- tntnhlK iiropcrty of
thi count)'oxkuivi: us rim:.
Ill.w.. l.'lllliKiihliMl Willi S.1111I II...
fin.' M111I1 lliiitiiiKi U llimi'.
llorrU hail nuurrow I'lrnpo Irom
n M'rlou onrtaKrutlon )i.tinlu).
Olio of thi SoutliiTIl I'.irlllr liiromic
Ihi-a cm iihlaio ami It wn only
throiiKh Iho alri'imoiii rcrfurtH of th.
rnllroail i'inplo)iit that Iho oiiKln.'
nnil 11 iiiiinlirr of liira won r:i.'l .
Two i.iih woro iiilii' hmlly niorihi-.l
11111I tlio loiomothu wan allKhtlt (
Dorrla haa mi llru protcrtlon uml
If tin' III.' hail not hi'i'll illmmiTi'il j
hi'foro It liail n kooI atari tin' town
wonlil hnro hi'i-n at tlio morcy of th
tl.uiioH which wonlil hnio apn-ail rap j
hlly n 0110 of Iho hlK roiup:iii oil
lanka wua ulroail) In ilaur.i-r
Tho llttlo aon of Mm M K Junoa
who hail hla faco cvorily liurnnl
a fow !.) u oko U Killing alone M-r
nlcoly anil Ihoro la n prohnhlllty thai
ho will not loo hla bIkIiI
U'la (ii'ihi-r haa purclmicil if.
htail of hrvf cnltlu from l.bkcy Uroj.
anil J f). Delckman, rcildlng In
Swan lal-.o vnlli-y lie expect! to
Mart about 300 head for the Sacra,
memo marktt on tho 2Sth
Captain Totten and a goodly aliod
cronil of I'xcnralonUta 011 tho now
Wlticma wt-nt to Odcaaa and I'cllcnn
Hay yoatordny, and Ihoso who attend
ed pronounio tho trip ono of tlm tnot
dellKlitful over mndo on tin ITppor
lako Tlm remodeli-d Wlneina la 111-
led up In a comfortable in a 11 nor, tho
parlor Is ilrosnod In new furnishing,
rua and ruslilona In abundance are
provided, and there Is a nursery for
the little ones New ami comfortable
rhlilra nn frnllorHl moi tho dr-rk
anil proiiionadoH 11 ml Mm. Tot ton'.,
kltchin Ik fitted up with nil or thu
modern lotivcnlenii-H, mid, wo hj
llevo that, when our proplo learn
what a (Iclli.lilfiiul.iimt romrnrlablo
ilaya' ouHiik ran ho hnd on tho now
boat, thu tnpiuln'H excursion will bu
enufil by crowda thnt will tax tho
capacity of the new Wlncma.
Yeaterilny Captain and Mra, Totten
had for their kuobIh Mr. and Mrs. J.
V. Iloiikton, Mr and Mra. William V.
Mong and their company and thu
t.nkovlow nolo orchestra, All wero
unanimous In their high praise of
Captain TottcnS hospitality. Mra.
Totten served an excellent dloncMo
her guests and tho excursionists and
the orchestra gendered music that
was highly enjoyed by all.
Classification of Klamath Soils
Will Benefit Producers
Scope of Soil Work is Practical and is Made by Field Tests,
Borinqs and Careful Observations Use Maps to
Show Various Kinds of Soils
KR$!J4r ' f lm! 7rSi
In Concert at tho Opera House Tomorrow Night
Our Tape Line
is ready for you
Have Your Clothes
. Made to Order
the modern way
Over 1000 bright, now
snappy samples to select
from. Our motto: "If
the clothes don't lit don't
take them."
MKnronn is i.v si.Miiait way.
riimmliil Condition llnil Despite Mil
nli'lul ()uncrlili of Wnti'i'
Klamath I'nlls Ik not tho only tlt
Hint- Ik wroHtlliiK with thu llnanilal
prohleiu. Modfonl too hnH Ita tiou
hlca mid, while they nr not exnitly
tho Kaino na tlio.10 In this city, the)
mo of 11 similar unturo. Moilfunl
ouiiH lla own water plant, hut It haa
been 11 I111I111; piopoKlllon over bIiico
It was blnrloil and now sonic of tho
ollltlalK of that illy uro on roeoul iib
uilvoiatlm; Hint the plant ho leaned
to uouio Individual.
It iieema Hint Klamath 1'alla, uol
unnliiK Its own water B)stoni, la dla
aat lulled, and Medfurd, with Ita uiti
nlrlpal ownership of tho water sys
tem, In In tho bin 1 10 llx. The (.realist
iillfferenio In tho two places nppeara
I to ho In tho fart that Meilford, when
a inaaa moetlni: waa called to illueiin.i
I tho alluutluii. 11 laiKo mimhor of Iho
husluusa men Itirnoil mil. whllo In
I this city when a similar iiuMIiib wia
'called everyone lenialneil at home
l-uuni'll JleetK Tonluht.
The city council nieela In ieulur
uoKsloii tonight It la W piobahlo
Hint tho pabHliu: of tho poll lax 01
illuani'o will 101110 up agiilu, and It
la tho Intention of Iho council to tako
up the matter of ovtendlng tlio cov
potato limits of tho city. It U nol
llkoly Hint tho Question of better lire
piotectlou will he considered.
Lake County People Believe Trans
IHirtntlnn Itellef Near at Ilnml
"It la said thnt coming events cast
their slmilows before" and In this
light It would seem that tho stirring
events of thu last few weeks Indicate
"something doing" In railroad clr
clt'H. Several chartera for railroad
line centering In Laketlow, wero re
cently llled at Salem, the statu capi
tal. Ono of them was for a railroad
thu Oregon Kastem ltnllwny, men
tioned Inst week. 15 miles long, ex
tending from l.nkevlcw to New Pino
Cieek, Bititnted Immediately on the
California Oregon statu line. It Is
hard, of course, to give any reason
for biicIi a move on tho pait of n
railway magnate. It may ho n bluff
or a feeler to forco boiiio ono elso's
hand In tho railroad game, or It may
ho a move to cover Kundnngo I'ar.i,
reputed to ho thu heat anil .lowest
pass existing from eastern approach
es In either Portland or Han Fran-
In addition to tin-no moves a num
ber of Mirvoylnif part lea tiro at work
In this region all close mouthed, hut
lory ludiiBtrloua: hut ut tho same
tlino thla woil; means that ero long
expected railway ago so far iw this
region Is loneeriied la now only a
iiuoutlou ofvit few mouths at most,
I.aku County Examiner,
Wlnleia haa a'eoinpleto Hue of
Edison phonograph's and all of the
latest records.
The people of the Klnniath lli'.nlii
are materially forlunnto In getting
United Slates Agricultural Depirt
ment to tal:o up tho matter of Mill
studies In this locality.
Tho Uurcau of Soils a few dnyx
since assigned one field party Into
this section to study and prepriro
maps describing the various soils tf
the Klamath valleys. This party U
at present actively at work In tlm
Held and will likely remain until hu
snow files at least.
Naturally everyone Is not Informed
regarding tho scopo or use of special
soil Investigations. We are fast
learning, however, that various kinds
or types of soil are adapted to special
kinds of crops and require also spe
cial cultivation. In a general sense
we have all known the differences be
tween noils of widely different type,
its for example, sands compared to
swamp mucks, though this samo prin
ciple of adaptation we are learning;
can he applied to types of soil which
to the layman appear much allko In
texturo mid other general physical
properties. The various types of soil
wo II ml uro specially adapted to cer
tain kluiU of crops, and whllo no
closo llneB can ho drawn there never
theless Is sufficient In tho subject to
Interest tho government In the mat
tor of Hystcinntlcally studying soli
bodies, and, In pointing out striking
soil feature) which bear an economi
cal relation to agricultural growth
nnil development. In a district com
paratltely now such as ours, It Is
llkoly that a rational study of soil
conditions will bo of material valuo
to the farmer In matters relating to
successful tillage and the kinds ot
crops to grow.
diameter of tho work.
The scopo of tho soil work Is, In
a genera! Reuse, practical. Tho soil
parties making the survey go into
thu flcldr and, by ho uso ot Held
tests, borings and careful observa
tions, actually plat on base or field
maps tlm various kinds or types ot
soils. Tho work when completed
produces finally a soil map of an en
tire dlrtrlct. On this map aro shown
In iiilois the outline of each type of
soil cncountcied. A study of this
map in innnection with field crops
and other conditions, such as climate
drainage, alkali and tho various de
termining Influences, enables finally
tho preparation of a report which
discusses the various soils and their
rational agricultural values.
Tho secret of all advancement In
almost every line of work, profes
sional or otherwise, Is based very
largely on the ability ot the Individ
ual to observe correctly what comes
Into his Held ot work. In soil stud
ies the observation prlnclplo Is espe
cially necessary and tho value of
the work to any locality depends
very largoly on the Individual to
whom the details are assigned. The
soil experts who do survey work such
as is being carried on In our midst
must bo men of material experience
and Intelligence, otherwise the re
sults of tho work may be of much
detriment to the welfare of the peo
ple. Yatae of a Soil Barrr jr.
Taken as a whole a soil Investiga
tion hero should primarily help to
establish tho worth ot our soils for
crop production: should help to
bring us Into-a-bettcr understanding
ot our soil problems; should, also,
bring out some ot the special values
which may exist In certain types of
soil not yet properly tried or In fact
understood. The-work also should
help tho prospective farmer In tbo
selection ot lands tor special crops;
should help to establish rational
land values based. on proper Interpre
tation of crop possibilities and dev
elopment; nnd should help finally to
give us a basis for comparison be
tween this section ot the country and
others similarly situated In matters
ot aoll and natural environment. In
cluding, of course, climate.
The tendency Is always to make
capital of every feature which call
oven remotely be heralded as exclus
ive or attractive. Some, no doubt,
may think that a soil survey must
net returns on a speculative venture,
or must help tho movement and dis
posal ot se:ond class holdings. Wo
aro too often Inclined to desire color
In tlfo results, or look for a boom
prospectus in a scientific public docu-
(Concluded on last Page)
The proof of
the freezer
. V,.. u.tAl
.'r?T Mount!.
ii in the
The White Mountain Freezer
mikes more cream, better cream, and makes it catier
and cheaper than any uther freezer on the market