Ik brnino Mostly Kil r'n.er '" Klmmili l',lll Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . W atfiUB. SECONO VliAH. NO. SELLS PATENT RIGHT Soulhworth Realizes Snug Sum From His WILL BE MANUFACTURED HERE Patent I J foster Will Soon lit I tilltirr of Spokane ol Article in United l i hi i worth, I lie Kluiiuith In unllto t ii iiiik temiieu ii ni-ni ,5ni front "i" "' I''" Inventions. On I'rbrimr I ! ' . In wn urit ti t -! n latent nil nil I'KK Hater, ii simple cle rk,., nml alum llii'il ln linn liewi sotklnf i " mi'ltioil In put I In In- trnllon mi On murki'l A few lay no, IM! l.allnrr, u imiiniUaloii iiinii. t,f Dpottmic Wash , was sjinwn III'; latcnlluii ninl It Impressed lilm mi larotalili 'hat In' nl unco began in- tetlatlona for certain territories. II niiillcl In lil purchasing tin- right (or Ilic "lire" nlittt. Ori'Kon, Wnali Irfton ami Idaho, p)lng ISUiifl for tirli oni l la M I allnrr'a Inttinlliin to II rounir f ik' ' In Oregon, while ln lll hand Washington with agent, ioJ lie in not decided llon (lie Banner Ik will handle Idaho In, Im' It Ii probaMe t lint Im will pufnguutl la the nil in tlmt state In the near future Mr Uillarr Intend to push the lu nation In lii territory and ho con- ilder It nnn tif tlio beat thing that l.U inn In tila opinion It solve 'be qutntlon of testing eggs for ttn tommluloii merchant, for the more trepcra and aluo for tho producer. , It ja a dcrlie that la caally liandlrd Iclnt a imall hox with a alot for light mj t plate Kins.i in the bottom. It ua If made to aa to teat any num trr ol tut at ono time. Tho Invrn- Hon will toll for 13, and J. V. (loel- It, of ttila city, haa secured the solo .nufactiiro of It In the United Etatrt Mr (loollor has alroady or- !rtd tho malorral necessary to turn t a number of tho Inventions and III Initnl I special machinery for cinufarturlnis tliu article. The Inwutlon la vory simple, yet t JiK I Im work faster and heller bn aii)thluK now In use. With Iho '(vice mull) to t,.-t Kx ,.,, nt n Ime, tliu Vlilin tll )(, i01cj a fn.i u they cm ho put on and tnkon off "t Im i rcnnlrim mi lllii. mil ,... .... ...., .... July Specials SPECIAL PRICES We will lell our of Dishes at less lOpercentoffKVuixs ON SKIRTS. DUCK SKIRTS AND SILK PETTICOATS """ SEE BARGAIN COUNTER K.K.JK' STORE Invention Ho in Market Will lli I'uslicd (Jocllcr Solo Miinulor.turcr States mid territories "Veil miiiHliliii' iiltliniigli II unrkH In heller lliWllllIlKi whi'li ln mm Ik shining II) .inn nf iirilliiai) llr.hl hi ii inn rt-inlll) illMlmiiiMi iii'twi-en n fii'uli nml n t.iul ..(! Tin-re u mil" question Inn tlmt Hi" liiMiit Ion w Im ii seller nml ttuii .Mr Kuiitliuurth will iiiuki' ii fui I inn' fioiii hH I in i'ii llli gelilm It HI !" a mailer nf great iiiiiMiiliiiri' in i'i-riiiii' en-niKi-il In li.iuilllnr i-kkh riiiiuin) .MnkiH (IimhI .tmiin. In tlu comedy "Tin. (llrl I'roni At liiiiiy." I Im Miiiik iiiiiiiuii' ph-imed a will filled Iiimim- lual iiIkIiI Tin' play ,m ImiKhuhle throughout liiul tliu in mi) humorous Munition. i.ni'liii Int: In rapid kiicii'Mliiii, kept I he litiuso In n riiiiilniioii uprnnr Tin orchestra supplied excellent muile and the rornct plu)liiK by I'mf Itlcn mid tlin violin imnlc by MIm HiivIIIiik viert aiming tliu strongest (ruluro of, tliu etculng' enierlan- lllellt. Kullowlng tliu performance tliu i-ompnny gave a dance which una largely attended. Tlii Laketlvw or chestra furnished tlio music fur tliu lornulon nnd the eent naa a wry , . . eno)nlilo one. ToiiIkIU Ihu .Mnlig troupe kUih Its farewell performance, "Down on thu 1'arui " TIih play Is one that nppeals to thu audlonco and will kI satis faction to thu theatre goers. Tin- compnny will po to Odessa to morrow on the Wlnem.i excursion, and will lenvo for Ukeliw Monda). Klamath'a greategt musical eent it the opera house next Tuesday light. ItllVAN HAH MAOK TK.V IIK(tUIS. Ilrynn has mnde ten records for tho KdUon I'liouogrnph, of HtnrllliiK clcnrnensforco nnd Individuality. Come In nnd hear some of these Ilry nn records at Mutters. 3if THIS WEEK Remaining Stock than Cost KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 18. 1908. lt shipment ! Goes to Klnmnlli's Hint shipment of liccf rnttlo for thin season will ntnrt from tlio I tortoti iiuicli rioxl Tuesday t'liut! Wliorlmi wturiiPil a few ila)u uno from A trip n, tin, Kininulli tiiiira.li ni-itlon mid wlilln llinro lie lioiiKlit KiK lictnl of Ory iuuh fioin Ali'X Dua, uhlih will ho diillvcrt-d t Hi" ranch Monday, mid will ho aliit'd for MoiilaKim tli folloKlii; In) In In- alilii in o.iI.I.iimI fin lin- IiiimIIiiI,. hlllllKllllM- Iti Ki.i'.iklni; of llii' Mloik Hindi iIoiib In ilin north i-nd of iho count)', Mr lloriiui unlit, "(IriiM Ik lino In Hint kim llmi mid Kloik In In pilmo iiiidllliin Tlio i own Unit I lioiiKlit Pasmores Come On Pleasure Trip Tin' I'.iktiiori' trio, who will appear In icinreit hi'ii' next Tuemlay night, pin) nl ti ii trio and In solo, In tlilr-D-fniir Imporinnt concerts and func tions In lli-rlln, during the Hraroim of nn-iiT. nnd OT-'iS They hnvo pln)i'd t tali t y I limit sltice rclnriilnK to America. Iiiilinllni; an affair of the llnrwinl piufesanra, two icincerta In Chlcngn, mid twice for the profes sional iniHlclann In Chicago, which inlli.cl theiii mi eiigugi-uient offered with the Chlc-.'igo Madrigal Club, nnd thu unriil support of the profession there who said aeeral of them Unit they had nevxr heard audi ren dition a lluil of theae girls. Anton llekklm:, the great cellist, predicted great fume for them. Hen ri Marlcnu. Joachim' successor In llerlln, writes (of Mary, the violin lt) "Shit has mi enorinoUH technlc, and should, by nil iiiemis, play solos In llerlln this winter U90H)." All are unanimous In their praise. and the question of Individual prefer ence la arlous. Some chose one, and some another, of the trio, as be ing the best; but tho truth Is, that they lire uhout equally gifted, nnd present n perfect balance. Captain Jack Crawford has asked them to opon bis Chautauqua In .Mlclilf.nn. And ao from all sides comes hut one verdict, and that of wnrmest pruhc nnd delighted admir ation. Blnru landing In America, May 2C, IHOS, they hnvo received engage ments uinountlnK to $1850. At tho close of their engagement at Yo Lib erty Pla house, In Oakland, Calif., last Sunday night, the nudlenco np- plaudeil for II f teen minutes after tho ruitnln fell. They will bo heard heio one night only, on their way to Crater l.nke. I Mr. I'iminore writes. "We hnvo hen id so liinrli In praUe of your I lakes and iiiouuIiiIhh, nnd are cleslr 'iiiik of comparing Hom with tho Alps." Klamath Kill It Is fortunate to ho ho Rltuntcd ns to claim nn evening fi oni these gifted musicians, and u rum ded houso nhoiild Rivet them. I'lnn of reneived itents will be open Monday morning ut the 1'erfectlon. All oeats 7Gc, except gallery, f'Uc All nml Mrfl. Therou W Oley, of OdcBsa, tteio made happy by the in ilvnl of it boh on July 13. uiit their Impplueaa wiih of short duration for on the following day the Infant spirit took ItH lllght, Mrs., Oley jins alnce been very 111. Hum') or M. C. Hutchison Iiiih gone to Butto valley where ho has nnother contract from the govornment for Biirveylng ii township of land. i Merrill.. Iho town without a boom. of Beef Oakland Market ore In line shape for tho market, and the timrsh auction will aupply excep tionally wood hoef catllo thin Hoaion. The llrnt nhlpm.-iil Ik n little early, hut I Im clock la In audi line ahnpet that 1 nun no tun In feeding hay, "It Ih too early to nay how many cnttlu will ho taken out thin year. Tho price of hay will hnvo much to do with that. Htockincn cannot af ford lo pay the price that are helnf; lili'litloticil, mid there uie n IniK" iiiiiiihor of li-nn mU'Cth In tho county. If Ilin price or huy Ih hli'h Htockmen will not fatten as ninny cuttle im they did hint year. The prlcu lit present Ih nhout nix lenta for prime altera and live rente for cows and heifers." Seriously Hurt by Powder Explosion A very rcrlous accident occurred at Long Ijike Inst evening, when tho little 3-) ear old son of Mrs. M.K. Junes had his face severely burned hy a powder explosion. Mrs Jonei conduct!! a small storo and the child wan playing In tho store room, hit mother thinking that he was outsldo with some of tho other children. She was1 startled by a powder explosion and found tho little fellow with lih face severely burned. A physician was summoned by telephone and relieved the child of as much pain as possible and the Ut ile ono was brought to the city wheru he is now under tho caro of Dra. Hamilton and Fisher. It is yet too early for tho physicians to render an opinion, as to the extent of the In juries sustained, but It Is probable that tho sight may bo permanently Injured. All of the doctors being absent from the city at the time the call tome, Or. E. O. Hitchcock, of the Star Drug itore, who Is a student of the Cooper Medical School In San Kranclsco, responded and dressed the Injuries. It Is not known how the accident occurred, but It la supposed that the child dropped match Into a partly Oiled powder ran. Death of Mr. Daggett. Yesterday evening at 4:26 at the homo of her (on, Claudo II. Daggett, occurred the death of Mrs. Rosa El tha Daggett) after an illness lasting thiough several months Her condi tion hud been vory low for a number of days and tho end was not unex pected. Mrs. Daggett was a jiatlvo of Min nesota, having been born In that stnto June 30, 1157. Bho first came to Klamath Kails In 1893, and with tho exception of n few years this haa been her home. She Is survived by thr 00 children, Claudo II., Mrs. Edith Itcckwood and Junior K., all of whom were with her when death came. The funeral will bu held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Iiouhu and will be In charge of Itov. Oeo, T, Pratt, of the Presbyterian church Superintendent and Mrs. K. W. Amnt were In the. city today from Iho Crnler l-uko park to attend the fun eral of the late Fred Ulelin. Mr Ar- nut eaB most of tho snow has gone oft and, teams are now being driven to the rim of thu lulu. I'o make room for new goodu that are now on the way we are disposing of all second-hand articles we have left at prices lesa than cost, Virgil & Son. NOW FOR A CARNIVAL Chamber of Commerce Directors Planning for Event BUSINESS MEN GIVE APPROVAL Proposition Appeals to Everyone as It Would Benefit Entire Business Portion of City and Would Be Profitable for All Parties Concerned in Matter The illrertorH of the Chamber of Commerce hnvo under consideration tho question of holding a street car nival in thlH city during September. V number of the business men of tho city hnvo been interviewed on the proposition and in every caso It has met with liiktant and hearty approval and assurances of financial support. The value of such a proposition readily appeals to everyone,.espectal ly In view or the fact that It will be of a week's duration and will em brace all of'.Molii street, from tho bridge to Klghth or Ninth street. One of Iho problems that must first bo ni'.'t nnd ono that has already been discussed by some of the mem bers of the board Is the question of placing the management of the affair In tho hands of a man who Is thor oughly co'ivcrsant with such enter prises and who has tho time and abil ity to make It a success. The gen eral oplnloa Is that a competent man should be employed, and with thU end In view .William V. Mong has been approached. His qualifications aro sufficiently well known to make it certain 'hat It he should have the charge of '.he carnival It would be an unqualified success. Mr. Mong, how ever, Is doubtful whether ho will bj able to taico up the proposition, for the reason that It would be necessary for him to abandon his show troupe and cancel all dates made for the summer, since It would bo Imperative for him to take hold of the work Im mediately. Several business mea have already Interviewed him and he Is giving the question careful con sideration. The plan under consideration would be to have a finance commit tee which would hare full charge of all moneys. They would make all collections and all payments would be made .by orders on the treasurer. At the closo of tho carnival, the names of tho contributors will be published and an Itomlied statement of expenditures will bo made. Everything Is to opcrato on a per- contago basis, so that there will be no possibility of n financial failure. Ml sIiowb brought hero will work on a perrentago basis and all prizes of fered will be of llko character. v,?2l,'",i! The proof of the freezer The White Mountain Freeser imikei more cream, better cream, and makes it' easier anil cheaper than any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS HARD WARE DIALERS ' Price, 6 Cents. i ' i Tha question of this county mak ing a proper exhibit at tho Seattle Exposition next year Is tho main spring of the whole affair. Tho dir ectors of the Chambor of Commerce are anxious that a large fund shall be raised In order to make the show ing one of the best of the fair. They rcalixo that with the money that tho county will appropriate and that which shal be subscribed by the pub lic will fall short of what they ought to Jiavc, and the Idea of holding a street carnival for the purpose of adding to tho Seattle Fair Fund would serve a double purposo--that of making business In the town live ly for a whole week and also aiding materially In greatly Increasing the fund. The general outline of the plan Includes tho turning of Main street Into a Midway Plalsance, on which will be tho various attractions. These attractions will Inclvde -shows put on by the different societies and lodges of this city, to which valuable prlxes will be given. Then there are to bo the attractions brought in from tho outside. In addition to these will be the free attractions to be given at different hours and locations; such as balloon ascensions, tight-rope walking, bicycle riding, etc. In tho evening will be the confetti battles. Free excursions are to be run from Bly, Bonanza, Dairy. Merrill. Fort Klamath and all points In Butte val ley. The two things necessary to make It a success Is to have the manage ment of the affair In competent hands and to give It the right kind 01 encouragement. Fnnetal of Fred BJehn. This evening at 4 o'clock occurred the funeral of the late Fred Blehn fiom the family home. The services were attended by a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives. Tho remains were Intorred In the Klam ath Tails cemetery. Every singer and everyone who has a fair voice and those who are Interested In music should attend the Summer Music School. is in the freezing 6 HANKS 4 4" r - nrif . Mi to o. "i V.W tjanH m" r -3l.i Jt