Qflbe ffall Mostly Ki-nl I'npor In Kljiirit'i I,,,lllrt Our Advertisers Get the Beat Results . . . 1 luB' Sbco.ni Vi:a". No. Ml. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1908. FRUIT CROP RATHER SLIM Apples nncl Cherries Short Yield BERKICS VERY GOOD Ofdinnls in lavored Places I'snipi'd Severe Frosts itl hirly Spring 1'rull i o lc,r - Hiwinni hn ni,k' ii iimiiiiiikIi lnvi'tlK,ntliiii nf Ibr )K'I "" l"lr,,, "' ""' "''X mil In' ii'- l"t In ii (' fainted ipul ' Mill liu n full- (mil crop. The (r.. III tlm spring di-itmyi'il uott of ' Illiniums iimt as ronso qgtmr l'- ii M lll In' lllnlli'd in n llfl.t r ( pin ilicrrliii nnil apple. lrrl- ii' all tliulii will ho tin good ii llir m. -uko mill Klnmath loiinly l,!tktc'ii'- strawberries nnil rn Urrln i soon bo In t In market. Currnnn nml gouicborrli'ii nro a lor) Tlix ( l' rrnp l lighter this yenr ilisu ii I'"' been for Ki'ViTnl Ji'am Ijii ar Mm yield very gind oJ n( an ejcepllnnnlly flno quality la sum HulnniM throughout Die muni Mil' 'tiiK wcru protected (rum the fr;s lint ll was n hard tiintli-r In Id'p uii iho smudgi'i, ami in on In (mi where protection wu atti'iupt til ll.o -iml U nut nil kikm! an miiul llr i:iarn my tlmt many ( tho lrr- oi. whli Ii the bloom wai killed It tliu (oii urn htminmlng antin. Up .' Ik mnnot nrrount (or tlilwi ("l'l inn' lie tree hnio such a strung i!!suiion lo lir-nr tlmt It In kin niitrn tbari ii irltiR (mat to dlirnuriigi' thl-in Itci'i.''. from tnrlnu porlB of the uuni. ! in llic effort Hint tliu np jki i. bettor tlmii wan espcr'i'il la III' uirlt uprliiK, Iml that ill') iifll . not lm up to tho nvi"iigo In an- ,a i nf l til section, la turn lion h i.iott of tho I'.inl'.c Oiftkt section iin Klntnntli region l-.inl nil lnuu.. spring, imil tho fuel th.U llio Irult ili In not good Ihln your It l.ot a iriHTluii Hint, with tlm proper .t.iro ami under normal ronillll iiu. this xrilnii will nut provi) pioIUulil.) fur apple grower. Price, 6 Cents. "I In. I'lim liiii'iiim." William V Mniig ami iiimpari) win appear nt liu iipniii Ihiiir,, 11,111,51,1 III" hllll pill) i,f , H.i..0.. Tin I'iiiii lliv.-tilur In i,m pint Mi .Muni; will lm ni'i'i, m hi,, , ((I( tlllimi Willi Imtl. ,. , ,,y , llllH pMlllllllluil hi,, . ,(,in1 n..-n .Mill III" HIIIIIIUI'HI pllX,,. , pml 'I In- l.ulii'Vli-w Wiii iml), i,i r, will niiili'i ii nilMili.'i nr liirli ii,, liiimliiil ri'lMlliiiiH ami tin- .( ,,,.. ,( Ihln ll mi. imiiniiiiil niiini'iiiin llinl will lm I'lilli.'l) i,i,(niii,n ,i, will pluini. In i.vi-r pnillrulnr Tliu piny liml iilKl.t, t'liinrmli-i. wiih mil nilwnliil n lnrj;l nu itn iiliiluiiiy ilmi'Hi', Imt ilioii. , v,., , UHHIirilliin llinl Din Ikhih,' nl I,, irnmli'il IdlilKlit in Hiiti. n a m t oiil Uihliliii. mill. n( M'tita Mr ami Mm Mhiik pi.nwq Hmlr iiiiiii) (ili'iiiU Willi (In. jiiul in,., piirtrn)i'i In ' I'limriiilni." nml i, h Colili, an tlm war iiiiiuuilt. ut Mull WlmUiir, Him In Ida 'Imnuiil nml ml- iliil Kiially in Dm itrmiKtli nf Hi pln IIv.t) iiiKinliiT nf tlii. inmpnii) iiiiiIit'iI liu nr Iht part In a w.i) Hint ninili. tin' pin) npin'Ul in ilm mi illi'lit'i. Tliu nrrlii'iitrii tinitli it ltd tin. plunu unlo, tiiKUlur with nu ctirarn, liy I'rnt Clari'iiii I'rlrn. ui.ro nxiiln pli'iitliiK fi'iituri-D ami (liu niiillviic. Ii)' I(h liciirl) iippliiiit.i liiiwt'il ilmr iiiikIi iiipr-cliitlon Mr I'nub'n n rllliiK win well rccnlti'il unit iiliowt'tl Hint lir Ii miiin'il of run.' tnlriitu .Vntiiiiil Ciiinirtiiliii Mni, , II Wnlmui ri'ttiriii'il Katiinliiy friuii Pinilutnl. wlu'nt In wuh rnllcil tit ntli'lul ll llli'llllli: nf till' Oli'Kutl Htuti' CiiiiiiiiUhIiiii fur tin (.'iiimurvn llnn nf Nalurnl lli'iiiiri, tlm lupin- OPPOSE ANNEXATION i . Taxpayers' Opinions on Exten sion of Corporate Limits PROPOSED PLAN UNFAVORABLE lldiindarv lines of Klmnalh Tails Will Nut Be Changed Without Strong Opposition on the Part of Inter ested Properly Owners 1'"-"'" "I "ii Uii' piirt nf May- Itlin titwn no iilicail, Imt wo inniiot ur Hi III" nml itm illy roiiiiiH in .. Ii'inl tin iinpiirali- IIiiiIIh nf Kl.iliialli I "ill In in Hint Dm iiiiiiililpallly will In cloilii ii niiinliitr nf tliu aililllliimt Ii In inift wltli iiiimiilurnljlo oppoil tlnn A iiiimbiT nf Hik ihtkiiiiu who am IiiIitihIwI in tin uililltlniiH tlmt tinvi' Iikiiii plntli'il in (III illy mo ilruiiBlr nppmml In being uiinetcj, ami ll Ii qultu ovlilont tliut ii fight will bo inmlu un tho mutter In pcnkliiK for tlm lint Bprlni: liu prnyoiiimil imnpnm, A II. N'uftiKir, the pichIiIpiii nf Hip ininpnii), hilil: Nu, w art nnl In ffiMir nf nn ( tcimlim nf tho city llinlta In Infinite tlm lint tiprliiRM tract, nor an w llkrly to fntor mull n mute until an ncinllon iirninlnn muiit lienelltH. Ko f.ir tliH nnl) ii'iunn wo )iao hi-nnt fnr InkliiK hb into Hi" rlty In that tho nlil town ni'rili iiinru tcrrllnry to niurlRaKo In nrilor in r.ilio niinifv to puy It ili-titi nml maki) Improve ment!. V oipcrt in pay nur nwn ili'litu, wliim wo Imt ii any. ami to liirM nf which liflil n iiinfvrciKo with 'in a lie Imprnvementi nu thvy ma) bo nit van has m.viii: tk.v iiK(X)im. Hrynn han iiuuln ton rccorilii for llni IMIhiiii I'll Krapli, of HlnrtlliiK fliurncm, fnrco iiml InJIvldunllty. t'oino in ami lvar ,)(, f thomt llr) nn nntnlii nt Mullen. nif rliiri'lnr) nf tho Intcrlnr (Jiirllel'l nn t,iH tint! tlnTii Thiirmlii) , Tho wnrl; In Ii.HhI lit that tthlih hail tin Iniop Hun at tho mint f.imnini (iinferrnu nf iho KiiMTiiniH nf iho m.itcH lielil ni tho tall nf I'rontili'ltl llnimi'ti'll ill Wunhlntliiti Altliniir.li lin ('Iiiiiii tierlnln wan not pron'M nl iho na lloiml conference, luoliig urgent pull Ileal liimlnesn nt homo ntiotil the ilnto nf Iho Kiilherlni:. ho w.iit (lie fliiit in uciopt tho reioniini'iiilailnn nf l'nM Ident Itiiimetell whlih fnlluwoil Iho WiikhliiKKin cnfc'reiiio. fnr tho up point mont nf Klato ntiiimliiKlniiH Ii furthvr tho work In haml. Hmernor Clmintierlaln niunoil n cnminltleo nf (tflcon fnr Oro Ron unit Mr. Wnlnoti win nun nf tlm number. AhIiIiiiiiI TIlllllRH. Thoy niu iwi'll nml 'lowii ' tll" thoy lino tho iiinlliy nml ni imeful nniiw new IIiIiikh l Mcllnll.in'K nei'tlcl When our trail has u pop illiitlnii to bo beiii'lllliil ami ilealilliR nnni'xntlnu, mti'li n initio will bo fair nml proper, but not now." County h'eliiHil Hiiperlntvnilcnt .1.(1. WIrIiI. wliii Iiiik InleieHln In one nf tho nililltlnn Hint tho city prnpniii I to nnnex, .!): "1 ilon't f.ivor the move because they nru trylne to force us In to help pa) Iho illy Indelileilnertrt In which biiml when wo linte imtlilni; tn bond, nnil ll In my opinion thul tho niinox mlon of thu nildliloni will not. t:lvo tho lorporatloii intith moru nliie tlinu It ban with lm present limits. In order to do nn)thlnK tho town limit linto ut leant $100,000 anil It Is ii pretty linrd matter to maka HOluothlliK out of' uothlllK.' At this time am not In fnvor of extending the corporate limits of the city and 1 consider the moicmcnt premature." J. 0. l'lerce, who Is a heavy tax payer In tho city, ruvo his opinion on tho matter when Interviewed by a reproncntutlvu of this paper nnd he npol.it as follows: "No, I see no udvantngo to be hail by (ho city ut this time, either by Increasing tho area of the town or IncreanliiK Its Indebtedness by a bond Issue, for the city Is at present amply largo for tho population, and It would require n majority tote of tho prop erly owners In tho new districts, which probably could not bo had, ncd KoaJnesn knows wo haro vnough el ections us It Is. Ilesldos tho city can not Rut something for nothing and if they nro to tnko In now territory, they must police It, furiilih lite and ewer protection, street lights, etc., and It would seem as though wo had plenty of that to do now. It Is erroneous to think It would add to the city revenue as much as detract, for tho city Is limited In Its assessment to a ten mill levy, which jou can easily see would not amount county. Mr. Worden paid $18,000 Ipaih (or the placo, buying It as an Investment. It Is situated two miles. from Port Klamath on tho automo bile road being built by Ilnrrlman, and Is Irrigated' by two ditches be longing lo the property. An artesian well supplies the. water for tho house nnd tho Improvements an the place uro among tho best In Wood river alloy. Mr. Melhnse has not decided upon his future plans, but It Is very prob able that hu will remove lo this city with his family. wo Iiho no InloresL My Interests to any great sum. nro In Ho' Hlihe addition, just be yond Iho lo.ter portal nf tho tunnel, ami nil the people In that neighbor hood mi' opposed to being forced In to tho curpiu.itloii. I think it Is not full' to us to force us to help pay off tho Imlebtediies. Wo uro offered ab Kilutely nothing for coming In nnd be.irlng n llniinrlnl burden In which wo mo not lutori'hti'd. Wo lintu noJwhen spent.would look Uko throwing July Specials SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK We will tell our Remaining St of Dithei it lets than Cost. - 10 per cent off, m ON SKIRTS. DU( SILK SUITS 'SAND LTS )UNTER K STORE iituipl.ilnt ugnlnst tho present eondl- HitiiH. Wo bain mulling tn ask of tho illy mid nro tut lulled to remain tho wny wo aro for muiio (lino at least," I think tho movement Is pienm ture." said Major C II. Woiili'ti. when asked If ho favored Iho exten sion nf Iho ilty limits. Ho loutlliui'd, Tlieie Is nothing to annex that has mi) vnliio attached to It. Tlm plop urtx.muiit It" liiiptoved and occupied kit will tie of any vnliio to tho imitintli I'alls needs u t.owor- itein. No ono Is initio mixlous f? ll put In than I urn. I huvo all lit) Interest h hole nml want lo seo "When tho town can pay Interest and fixed charges of administration to tho extent of ISO, 000 per year I should strongly favor a bond issuo of a quarter of a million dollars, hut am Just as much opposed to nn issuo of I7S.O0O, our present limit, for the reason that It Is Inadequate (or thu Improvements contemplated, nnd It, money Into tho lake. When we can raise $2r0,0i)0 and use it for sowers, cement walks nnd nil neces sary Improvements, tho town will, us n result, take on enough of a boom, Hint no ono will bo Interested tn tho nmount of our Indebtedness, Imt everyone will bo boosting nnd pioporty will moro thun double In iiltio In-a very short time. Any how, why stir up nil this fuss during hard times, Instead of 'piking' along tho best wo can until business condi tion nnd tho absence, of dry (town) tot will warrant expansion nnd ox- pl'llbO?" MEETING TONIGHT Will BE 0E IMPORTANCE TO TAXPAYERS Imllcatloiiu uio Hint tho mass jneetliiB at tho utiirt house tonight will bo hugely attended for much In toieut lit being taken In the matter of a bettor Hid induction and also tho extension of tho corporate llinlta of tho ilty. Mr. Otites will ho iiretent and will piesent to tho people tho plana of tho Llnht and Water com pany and It Is expected that u uum ber of taxpayers of tho city will give oxpiesslon of their views on hoth of theao wattors. This Is not a matter Hun Is up lo the city uhiiuII, hut It Is ot vital importance to every per son owning property In thin city and In order to bo guided by tho wishes of tho inabtes in any action taken thoro bhoulil bo a big attendance, at t lie mooting. Tla Orimth Ih suffoilug fiom a so vote attack of iheumatlsm and owing tn lilu Illness Judge Orimth nnd fam ily will not bo able tn go to tho bills nu they hail planned. Tho painting done on the court house has made a wonderful Im provement In tbo appearance of tho building. farmer Itiiilillng l.nlernK J. W. Jury, ono of the fnrmcrs of this suction, was awarded a contract for tho construction of five and a half nillen of laterals for the govern ment system uomo time ago. liu has been working on tho contract for a llttlo over Ihreo weeks and ho has two miles of dltih lompleted with tho exception of putting on the fin ishing touches, Mr. Jory nays that ho Is not In n position to sny how ho will tome out on tho contract but he Is not discouraged nnd, while ho docs not expect to make big money, he thinks tlmt he will not lose anything nu Iho lontrad. Oilier (nrmcrH nro awaiting Hi'. result of Mr. Jury's ou tran mid If ho makes n profit on It (hero Is j probability tlmt more of tho farmers will bid nn portions of the Irrigation system. Wnnleii llnyi MclhnM Itaiuli. DIRECTORS WILL MEET fo Consider Sunset Proposition PLANS E0R VISITORS Portland Excursionists WiM Visit Interesting Points in Klamath Section .Major C. K. Worden hns purchased the Al. Mclhaso ranch In Wood river valley, cmprlslng 720 acres all undor Irrigation, und known as ono of the ono year "and tho twenty thousand best ranches tn this section ot tho i pamphlets will bo signed. I'robably thu most Important mat ter to tomo up before tho directors of tho Chamber of Commorco tonight at their regular meeting will bo tho consideration of the Sunuset Maga zine advertising proposition. It Is very probable tlmt tho proposition will bo accepted and that tho con tract for tho pago advortliornont (or Iiotv Itntc This l'ull. Commencing September 1st and continuing until October 31st special colonist rates from Eastern points nro unuounccd to all California cit ies. Klamath Kails will get the ben efit of these low rntcs and tho fare from Chicago to this city will be but $40.70 and from Missouri river points It will be only $38.70. Parties having friends In the East whom they desire to have como to this country can get thu tickets at tho local Southern Pacific office. The tic kets will have five day stop over priv ileges at all towns In California ex cept Los Angeles and San Francisco. (itxxl Things Go Fust. From C o'clock last night until 2:30 this afternoon tho Portland Storo sold forty boxes o( "Ilolo Proof" sox, every box containing six pairs of tho sox. Mnny of tho pcoplo of this town know a good thing und those want ing some of this celebrated footwear should call nt onco ut tho Portland Storo. MiTilll. .Properly Is reaMinablo. During the past few days the di rectors have had a number of Inform al meeting at which they discussed the itinerary for tho Portland excur sionists who will arrive hero about tho first ot August. The plans so (ar aru yet Incomplete, but provide for' one day in this city, for a trip down tho valley to Merrill, an excursion to Odessa and a camping trip to Crater Lake. It Is not known at tbls time how many will be In the partr. but It la stated that a number of Portland business men und capitalists will avail themselves ot tbls opportunity to see the Klamath country. " General Satisfaction Given. Everyono who who bas worn tbo "Hole Proof" box bat a good word for the well known footwear. W. O. Smith, tho editor ot tho Herald, was among those who purchased a box out ot the shipment Just received and ho said In answer to the question It the others that he purchased wero satisfactory that he considered them tho best footwear that ho bad ever. purchased and that none other would do. He is only one of the many that say the same thing. Two cases of "Hole Proof Sox," In assorted colors, have Just been re ceived at the Portland Clothing and Shoo Store. The colors are black, brown, gray, navy bluo and black with white feet. Slnco taking tho agency for this celebrated footwear tho Portland Storo bas sold more than ISO dozen pairs and less than ten pairs havo been returned because six pair failed to wear six months. Oet your sewing machines and suit piles at Muller's, who will save you money. Cor. Cth and Main. w'm Mane" , -'T MOUNT' 7tt4MFl The prooC of tlie frceer is in the freezing The White Mountain Freezer makes mote cream, better cream, and makes it easier an.l cheaper than any oilier freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS tl.4K