fie ftnitii efatt Utly " ,,,,fr ln Khmnlh Full" ' Our Advertisers Get tho Best Results . . . ftWYEAK.No.o:i. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. AVOR BONDING CITY BIfe Believes in Agricultural I - X J V 111 U III 1 I M III! LP oyor and touncumen Desire to Extend Corporate Limits AY TAKE SOME ACTION MONDAY i Present Intent of City No! Sufficient to Setiirv lurqu Bond Want fo Annex Heller Portions of All I'lntted Additions to Kltimtith lulls . I. i.rr ninl'SMI llllll III!' immijr I I. "' 1,1. mrl (J I Hi" Mllor tillil till' Lumen of ""i "Ir " iw"11 lint KUmnMi I ulM mi ii iH'iicr lultl bam" Wati'May Hi" .Mn- Ld i huiiiIm r r I In' members ( roanrll n till' mil to lr- L(lht buu ml mliii f III" additions lite len recommended In Ixi ktlDIOwii' lorpimiiu mini. .inj- Rtllti la an a'denl advocate of the Lulon of 'in boiindiirlea of tin' la .ii -ituii: tin' matter lio W Jo no' want to lakii In nil of iddltlon" Uiom' Hint lire cloau lon ami ne deriving henuflt a lh roriwatlwi The revenues ;!t( from tufnv mlillllotiK tuny not itt In iiiu'Ii but there nm some .itlf priipi'tfle Juat outside lit (oriHirtlion nnd In rnio wo bouil til; It mil b ncresaary to hnvo la rood uriliT lo gel enough tcjr to iln suy good. The coat of Ice la th mlilltlont will not be b. Tin? cv uttnrney sn liu can ltc the boundaries mid ihf'fl-' 90 ihnuM nut rot over 9 1 cm. i jr tin' town iinmU nt present I cm not boml for morn limn prole liu moo mi. I In order to have Mb Binnc o work on should i cot iv: Hum imo.OUO. t run- it Ibr exii'innou of lit" cariHiroli In the nr t'ep luwnnla lionilliiK tltr unrllmnrt llnnkt, nf tlio Third , ciprnited hlmaelf In fnwir of !lcf the un no an lo tnko In nil k tililltioim Hint linvo nn' vnluu kkd ti, ihom and have people llv- lon IIkiii o. too. consider the piuivbt of thn corporation nccca- ' In order to bond for n mim suf to miiku liiitov cuts. Mr. Mi U a strong ndvoccnlo of u pllpl w.itir Huttfiii. fuuhfliinaii r i: Ankmiy. of lliu ' srd, hIk ii nuked nlioilt tho f'r nl) w no( , Wt, Ik'uikII )enterdny, lint If they rnn I i'i Unit ll U of nny benefit lo Klmnnlli f,, i,,,,,!,, )irt, hoi n dniK on ii,. tutu kft anil ri-Kiinl-!' of lli. hot i,i . n,,,,.,, rl, nilliir .Hl"l ii fi. fiirnih rue iliiini; Hut bnnilii mid nt i.r kimmI ihIi-.m lolin l!lll Imi fur m.tiiI i'i.( ,..,n roliiK civ.. id.. .. .inn) looltliu; up fin in lamia foi Mmwdf mid tor par I ii In lli Coal nnd Uoutli Mr. Oils lint Iipoii In Kin mill Ii liiiic ihioiikIi lo " a aliidy of liu- lomlltloiiH mid i OKrlinltiirnl hihII,iiw of the KlaniHili Imaln Tin- fail Unit Mr 'Cilia luia Mi'ii ni lo loi) n iiiiiiiIht of fornii In thl tiui, hIiowi tbat lio bi lii-.'ii (moral, 1) lniini(i w th lb" nihil i I, n, I ll,. ,M UflllliK (ic iu..iiii. d hiii, ii iiditiuiiH lini ton- vlmcil lilm Hint the Klunnlli furrn IiiihIm nm n kooiI iiivoKtmi'iit. 'Ili liiKt pnrcliiiHo niiulu by Mr. Cilia Ih lliu old Niihm Ink i) ranili on Lout I Ivor Jiint lion Hi or Oloiii'. It wim throtidi T. W. Ktvili.-nK lio bfiiiKlil tills idntu from It. IC Hutlon A; Hon TJila In ml linn n ntnr rlnlit from CryKtuI nprliiK unci In ono of tliu boot ranches In thtit .loi.llun. It Ih probable Hint lliu Imul will bt nil tlvnted by purlieu who nro nxpcctcil In-ri' from I'lorlila, lliu formi-r boinc ,nr Mr. CIIIk I IP'tdiloa IicIiik ii hi'iivy liiM'ulur In thin -ctlon Mr Kills Is u director of tlio Chamber of Commrrro and one ,uf Urn innal mthu lioontcm Hint tlilx .nvitlon lini lllllIKi' tin' II lull aa or t ! In I nm In for II I Iiium i,oi ci vmi lliu matii-r miirli tboiiKlit but I think ll mieln Im ii kuimI lil.'.i in i nli in ih.. iuiii. thill ni i lime lo lliu priieill Imiiiii ilnrlfa hi Hint w mn bond ibe iiiv for it at ii in InrKe enotiKli to mnLi tin InipimeiiiPiitN Hint the city renllt ' tll'Olla. think Hie (y eliould lie boiideil for not ! Hi mi 1 100,00,1 j U'e immot do iinylhliiK lth lean tbiin ItiU.liOU. mid bould have inori thnn Hie aiim Ural luentloiic-d " Ml of tin" other roiinillincn, Oben chnln. Wllklna. Kimlermi nnd Crla ler.lmve eiprcasvil llienuelvt'S na far orlnit un etti'iialon of tlm rorpornte , The illHiii;olliril I'namnrea will ila heurd. Sho atudled with tho great limit mid ll la er piob.ible that ni 'br hoard In ronreri In Ivlnmnth ralln .8Hinr?nka In Hcrlln. Dorothy ban tlio meeting mill Mondn) night the ,,, TiiBwIm ewnlnclnl? II, nt ihi'l'"0" t,' mc"ow'vo'f,-'l 'ft-llo In the drat atepa will be taken timnrda pi-i . inioit aynipallietlc nuinnor. Tho ox- opern rionae , IpiiiIIiik tin llmlta 1 'preailun nnd noul of her plnyine are nothlnR leas thnn remarkable. An ton IlokkliiR was her Instructor In Ilorlln. EMINENT MUSICIANS iPosmorcs Will Give a Concert in Klamath falls Next Tuesday Night WORK LARGE FORCE Long Lake Lumber Company Has Busy Milling Season 2 CARLOADS OF BOXES A WEEK Large Industry Is forerunner of What Will Come. When Transportation Facilities and Demand for Pine. Lumber Develops Timber Resources m:vh riioji iiuMi: nimi ciiArr.iriw. Her I' Conklln, pmtor o( H,e Me- opern home , This will bo nn event III the mils- I Irnl Malory of this illy. Mr. I'nsmore was for jenra ono of tho leudlnR vo cal tMflicra of Ban rrnnrliro und for Hiodlat church, returned Inst nlnlit 1"'" ,n,,, ll"w 'nr '" 1,ol,n at "'l' TIiourIi their solo work Is wonder ful, their friiacmblo work U much from Aahland. where he hna been nt- j,,l'ai1 of "10 voc11 'lopnrtWMH of tlio .nioro so. Hating had so many jears t -nd I lie Chniitniifinu He rerwn-ta n InrKe iitteudauco nnd n good time. luadliiK c-onsurvatnr) of mindc in Her- jof practtco toother they play with Un. ht bi'liic tho llrit American up- marvelous perfection and expression. The progrnm will appear later, nnd Dei rati.- ticket." wna then, nnd I"' """'' '" "rkii were rlaased Willi Ihoso of the create! writers. tiinile 11 Hue nddreaa on tnlklUR J ll Carroll la In Ibe ill troui Ills raurh today nnd for onto he la not In lint market for n cook He snH ever) I III n K Is looklnK well nt Hie farm 11 ml Hint be will le'Rlii !m llii: Inlhe IliornlllG. "The leld na n whole la not lis Rood na II Illicit be." h.i)h dinner Carroll, "but In place It la really better thnn 1 hnd expected " iiiiY.t.v iiakm.ii:ti:v hi:coiiis. Ilr) an bun Hindu ten retonla foi I tho IMIann I'lionoKrnph. of stnrtlliiK , clinruena. form mid liiilliiinui' 1 Come In and hear nimi of Inese "n- nn rrconlii nt MulU'i :"f lio will ho heard In eongn. Tho Rlila. Mnr. Mutnuno nnd Dur nlli. wvro considered nrtltts before they went to lluropo three years ni;o. They hnvo studied with tho best tea chera thero and have done exten sive concert work The Herman press apoko of them as tho beat trio In Herman). Mary, tho violinist, has p!n)cd in public bin re tho ngo of five. Her nmatery of tho king of Instru ments upproaches perfection. Su zanne is n brilliant plnnlst and achieves Kienl Hiircesw wherever kIio Tho Hon John Sharp Williams, who ' "" "' "oaor Ims been bulla (rum n alnte "while the peoplo .tonferied. Ilesldea Ids fnmo na 11 u- thoau who fall to hear these girls nnd still bell.... In Cod nnd wiln itio ,n,,lt ,IP ' ' r'1" lompoaer. mid j their noted fnther will miss tho Krcnteit musical event that Ims oc curred In our city. They come di rectly from tho Chautauqua assembly ut A till land nhcro they aroused the Krvatcst admiration nnd enthusiasm. In Klamath Falls Mr. Pnsmoro can receive no stronger recommondatlon than to say that ho Is the former In structor of Mrs. Don J. Zumwnlt, whoso sweet singing Is tho pride of this city. The eminent musicians come here to visit with Mrs. Zumwnlt and to spend a vacation In tho north ern end nt the county and at Crater Lake. The will arrive here from Ashland Monday night. ,, , ., - L i imiiiiiiiiiiiiBS m Taxpayers to Meet at Court House Tomorrow Evening Dairy kdiool will closo Friday tho l'th. An entertainment will be giv en In tho evening. Wo promlso a good time as usual, to all that corao. I. II. Gray took some fat hoes to Klamath Falls Thursday. G. G. An derson accompanied him. Dr. W. S. Johnson was called to see Mother Mlr'inol Inst week nnd reports her to be In ery bad shape. Miss May floblnson closed her school at Hlldcbrand Inn Trlday.and gavo nn entertainment on Saturday eve, nt which time almost tho cntlro population of the district with some from outside were present nnd en Joyed n good time. Two pupils re ceived their eighth grnde diplomas, viz: John Rltter nnd David miss. Supt. Jas. 0. Wight mado the presen tation speech Including some Incour aglng words for the school ln gen eral. Mr. Jacob Itueck also made a good talk for tho benefit of tho school. When over) body turn out as tboy did on this occasion It looks as though they wcro pleased with the school and hnd an Interest In It. We had a good exhibition of bron cho busting In Dairy Monday, given by Hiram Moore. The bridle came oft but tho bucking went on as good as over. Moore was a stayer though and after a rallo or so of bucking tho horso quieted down. l:. D. and W. P. Sedge wcro Hon anzn visitors Tuctday. Ilonanzn had qulto n rain storm Monday while Dairy hnd a wind and dust storm. A good rain would brighten things up, even to tho farm ers faces. WILL APPEAL CASE. uly Specials SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK We will sell our Remaining Stock of Dishes at lew than Cost. . . . lOpercentoffON. ON SKIRTS. PUCK SKIRTS AND SILK PETTICOATS : SEE BARGAIN COUNTER - K.K.K. STORE SUITS I Through the efToit of Mayor John Stilts and lion. II. V. Gates a mntm E meeting of the luxpiijers of tho city will bo held In the court honae to morrow night nt S:3u sharp. At this time the mattor of mi Improved water uuloin nnd llio piotertlou will be tnken up for discussion nnd It In 'die deslio of the city nuthorltles Hint every tiixpaer of the city attend tlm meeting and give their opinions 011 Die mutter. Mr. dates will bo ptes iMit nnd by inenni of drawings will joxplnlli I" the people what the com- 'puny puiposoii to do 1 The mallei of InipioWng tho water system of tho ilty la not up to the council, but to 1 lie people of tlio city. The luopcaeil impiovenienta Involve n Bum that will requlro 11 vote of the people in carry them out, mm una meeting la called 'for tho purpose of getting ul tho public opinion 011 tlio Hint tor There should bo n largo at tendance ni) this H n matter that U of vital Importance to every tuxpayer In Klanuitli Falls. TOMIlAUKri' AT OI'Klt.V TONIGHT 'Meiiill. . Property Is reasonable. The William V.Moug company will present tho popular play. Comrades, nt the opera house tonight. In ad dition to tho play thero will be a number of specialties and the or rliohtru will glvo n number of ney selections. The company ngaln pleased n largo house Inst night by piesontlng David Gnrrlrk mid tho Dyspeptic. Mr. Moug was very good In the role of the ilys- 'peptic nnd na David Gairlclc he was also up to I1I1 standard. With ono or two exception!) the support was very I'ood In both playti. As a whole tho performance pleased the audience. O110 of the stiongest features of the entertalumcut being uupplled by the Moug company Is tho tmperb inu tile by the urchestru. It Is an atti ac tion Hint uppeals to nil who are nm tdcully inclined and Klatnntb'a luveis of music aro largely among those who patronize tho entertainments of the Mods company. r. II. Mills and A. I.. Levitt, tho attorneys for tho plaintiffs In the pro hibition case, stnto that the case will be appealed to tho Supremo Court and notice of appeal will bo given at once. Tho ciuo will not come up un til October and pending this decision most of tho saloon men of this city will dispose of their fixtures and en gngo in other Hues of business or find now locutions. One of the largiMl Industries In Hie city at this time Is the Long Lake Lumber company. This firm now employs an oven hundred men and about ninety head of horses. It Is only an Indication of what the lum bering Industry will do for this sec tion as soon as there are transporta tion with transportation facllttlesand hs soon as tho markets domand tho lumber supply of the Klamath coun try. Tho Long Lake company now turns out two carloads of bores ev ery week which are exported to San Francisco where they bring a good price. The boxes are taken from tflls city to Dorrls by tho Mslntlro Trans portation Company and will hereaf ter be shipped to Teeters on tho boat. -A large part of the force employed by the company Is at work at the Odessa mill and ln the woods near there. The sawmill at tbat p'.aeo Is being operated on full time turn ing oul-the4uiabeit nettM-tor'th flume being built In connection with tho government canal. It will take at least two months longer to turn out the lumber for this work, and then tho company has a contract with tho government for C17.000 feet which Is to be used by the Re clamation Service ln boxing the canal below the flume. Owing to the for mation at that place It will bo neces sary to line the canal for a dlstanco of almost a rullo and all of the tim ber necessary for this will bo sup plied by the Long Lake company. The sawmills In operation In this city nt this time are only the fore runners of the largo Industries, tbat aro sure to come in the next few years and then, as has been predict ed by a prominent lumber man, the Upper lake will bo coiuo tho largest mill pond on tho Pacific coast. The nlniust Inexhaustlblo supply ot pine timber will of itself make Klamath tho, second county In tbo state of Oregon from the standpoint ofwealth nnd population. Most ot the people who have been attending Chautauqua at Ashland have returned homo. T aiM Vwnfi?3 m The proof of I is in the m the frcc2er L .i freezing M I The White Mountain Freezer I 1 nnkei more cream, liettcr cream, and makes it easier 1 Htul che.tper than, any other freezer on the market M l.KT US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS a HANKS 1 HARDWARE DEALERS I Mi if