1 1L. T( Mostly ''" I"or ln Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . KUmntli Kill ' (:c0Ni,Yi:ai.N(..W2, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 14. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. IUDGE BENSON FINDS NO ERROR IN THE PROHIBITION ELECTION Ik Pwmim jbfiilo. fO HOLD FAIR IN THE FALL lishop Thinks Pros pects Very Good IMCE TRACK ifdicrs Should Save Befit Products lor l.hibit for Ilia County tvent rruM"-'" "r" ,lr' '"'it ',,r " t filr llil fan, snld II. Ht. Oimitk" ikop, irfi!"iit of Hi" Aurlciilturul iKXliUnn V hnvo enough Asm- lion stock In pnv fur I In' Improve- Lmi on i lie fair grounds If rim llj ilUtxin "( l Our I not trnrk III l (-.ii., ii'lcil miinii llnii' Oil" tk or On nti nf next wi-ck nnd lilt be iiiii 'Ik best track In tlio Lie l hi i i.iku toiiilderiihlo inou- in nii mi of Hid ground In (it, bin ' .tigs look promising fur luctMiful fmr nml rare meet this ir "I will ill ail I ran to inukii t tin htl inn1 iint will be n cm! It lit It nr grounds mid Willi tlir Mat- tt iif Hi.- public I lio fair should emid title III i.tiiii tn'lirr early In tliu seas- i lu talk fulr luit llit la Urn tlni" 1 jf-sr for farmers to ilart In nml tiiptlnlr xhltillM ir tlio)' wnul In t the beat ilm nnintry produces. c Arrl. nliural Assoclntlnn has rkd fnlMifully In Induce tho furiii t of llib Mimiiy in milk" Hie fair iiircrei makliiK liberal illsplnys the products uf their rnnrlioH, Tim (litlmi i n public. Institution lIu fair ntut raco inoeln nn IIUCll-M It u to tlio public 1 lliflll llll V NtlMi CIIKKK NOTKH. blou Hie junction of Hprlnn ail Williamson river Is Frank fWliliiK ground, Hi" inonl M tamping ground In tlio ' Oregon Tlio rolil sparkling afford lypluil irnut Dslilng. i llnt Ilm river Ih about l&O k width nml frnin two in x . ' 'leptli wllli orcnilonul hole loins In depth rrm jo to IB fc,.. Tli" water In i Iciu ih u (i)Miil ami colder limn Hi" on-iin Tin- w.uu nwiiiiiid wllh iiilnl.uu irniii wlii.h ran lin Hi hi liy ih" lliiiiimiiiiU In I In ilfiir mill wiitm "Hi" Uniting splendid lit lliln llnii' utir mm,) i mo iiiiiiilit tlmi weigh im I,,,,, i, , li'iLjiUUinls 'llii'in iii" iiiiiii) uiinpn iilimi: Hi" IiiiiiI.h of Din rlt"r IimIk. II I, lli'imon nml parly uiiip,.i on" of III" ti'iilH fm r... vi. 1 1, ilm,, Inn lli" bine now h turned to th,. It)- Tli" JmlK" In mi ep"H ih Illlill nml (im Hint ii Mil" finni Mi In ".' fill, iiuiklnr. Hi" ll rull In ii,, water Ii H Kitiiiifiilly im u mum lint,. 111k lump Vina n Jolly uni- Im th. JllilC" In Ii rood li.lliil lit lilmiiul ,il, Ilillilt. II" tiiuld'H Iih-iiiI nli. ml im wi-ll iik lio li-lln liiili'. Tli" largo grtiphn plioii" at tlm lli'iimii (limp furnished music for nil of Ilm rampi.ri Oilier camp nloiii; th" tlroam an ocrupled hy ii-Coutity Clerk ico ihnsliilu nnil fiuiill), Mr nml Mrs II Niiwh.im. Alex Mnrtln, Jr. ami party, mid l,y other pli'iisuro seek ers from wirloun plai" Tli" plam U mi Ideal one fur mi outline Tli" ramp kmiiiihU nn- cov T"it llli n urowlli of Kru nml arc nil nil imI ltli poplar t r-- h Ii" Hull lK In luprrti nml It In not a iiictloti of Imw ninny trout inn onn talcli.lnii wlint inn om tin Willi Uh'Iii nllnr tin')' nr rniiRlil Mm NVHlinm hrol; tlio uciinl liy liiKiklui; nml l.imlliiit n lx poiiml rnluliou trout illi" illil tiol Inml lilm until nflfr a IIfiiv trm:Kt" Iniitliii; ton mliiiiin ni'i:n. iiitt'si: toMniir. William V. Moiik mnl lompniiy n pi'iir nt III" opi'rn Iiiiiiki' IoiiIkIiI In tun kliort i)n. "I)alil liairlik" ami tlm l)p"Pllr." Ilolli of lli"B" an iiin to pleaii" ami tli" iniiBlr In tli" OrillCKtlU liI'lHt't'll ll" IKIK Will 111- on" Ii" unrlli tli" prlii' of inliiilmlini Tlii're Mill aim ln dpi'rlnllli'i hi thai th" "iili'rlaliiiiii'iu will h" ratlii'r liiU ill nml "III be micli an tv. Ill plena" tint cviirral pulillc 1 J. HwIiikI" Ih III III" !!' fiom liU l.anr.'ll Villi")' rmicli II" a) Hint th" rain 'tnl.iy mnrnliii; illl not riacli ticyoiiil tliu i;ap ami that lu lili section of tlio county ilm cull I vir) ilry iiml rain In nwulfJ Imill). Tlm liny crop In not up In III" aor ni?" nml Hi" kmIii Ih lu nci'il of iiioIk liiro. Tlm laiinii Ih ury rooiI ami ktoi'k of all klmU urn iIiiIuk uoll. lU'lilclulier tln lUUKlral fi-alni" In conni'itlou wllli tli" bIiow IoiiIkIiI KLAMATH COUNTY MIST REMAJNJN DRY COLUMN Writ of Review Is Dismissed and Plain lids Assessed Costs DECISION IS I ILED WITH COUNTY CLERK irlnct lu tli" i utility tiro "for prulillil i , ... . , . . ..... . ... .. Hon" ruli Court rIiiiII liiiiimillatHy Jtttltjt; Kuntlurs Lcnqlliy Opinion, Citing Numerous Similar IIlukll rilcr , lllu r,.)(lllt ("turns Ijo rccolvcd, tlio county ilerk tnltliu; to IiIh asilstanco tv.o jimttces of tli" pence of tlio toiinty, shnll pro ceoil to open nalil returns nml make an aliHtrnct of tlio nto for tlio In formation of tlio County Court That unlit court bIiuII on tliu eleventh day after tho election, or as near there after an practlc&hl", liolil a special ! session, ami If tliu majority of tlio votes hereon In tho county, ns a whole, or In any nulidlvlslon In the Iroitnty, iik a whole, or In uny pre- EXTEND LINE FROM DORRIS Steel Gang Building - Across Big Hill WORDFN NEXT STOP Ctistis, mid Holds I hot (here Were No Substantial I rrors Made by the County Officials Klamath I'd I In must contlnti" ilry. JmlK" II. I, HotiBoii linn lllcil wllh llin county dnrk his iliclilon lu the union lnonclit liy A. Caitel ami Hint llallnnl m;nluit Klamatli (nun i), J 11 (Irlllllh. (oiint) JmlK". ami I'riHl Mellins", iiitiut) lomiiilHHloiier, for a writ of review of tho proc ceil ings In tli" loinl option election. Tliu derision of Ih" JikIkm Ih as follows: This lattse romlim on regularly to hu Ilea til. upon Ih" petition of th" plaint Ills for a writ of nil"U. ami tli" Conn hatlnc herelofiiru i;rnntcl alil writ, ami tli" count) ilerk hav- eil slmiaturo may ho a'loptcd iT a' pulillc officer nnil hn ns binding as thoiich written by Ills own hand. Kcfi'rrlnK to the fourth assignment It Ih my opinion Hint I lie phrase "Special Session" does not necessar ily mean a speelalitenn of tlio inurt, hut rather u npecljll sitting of either a regular or a spetjlal term, and that therefore there Is 'no merit In plain tiff's ncslijuuieut of error. Tho ol her assignments of error may be concldereil together. The entlro argument of counsel for plaintiffs Is baBcd upon the theo- of said Mite, and absolutely prohibit i he sale of Intoxicating liquors with in the prescribed limits, except for tlio purposes nnd under tho regula tions specified herein, until such time is the qualified voters therein at a legal election held for that purpose by a majority votu decide otherwise; and the order thus mado shall be held to be prima facie evidence that nil the provisions of tho law havo rernunus of Road Likely to Be Near Marsh When Big Chief Arrives Here Dorrls Is soon to loso tho distinc tion of being the terminus of the California Northeastern. Laying of steel across the hill from Dorrls has already started and within a few da)s the lino will be completed to been complied with lu giving notice Color and It Is thought that by the of and holding said election, and In I im u-rtlfleil up th" reiord In the'ty that the County Court Ih a court said case, now nt tli Ih time the Court having heard ilm arguments of lottii- i-il. nml being fullv inlhcd lu the preiuUes, llmU that titer" U no sub stantial error lu tli" ricuiil. It Is llnT'ifore otili'n.'il ami ailJiiilK"d that Ilm Mild wilt be, mnl ih" name here by is illsiul"d. ami that ilefi'tiilaiitH haui Judgment for their ioMh hero in " Mr. A Caslnl, om of Ih" plnln- of special and limited Jurisdiction, nml that none of tho Jurisdictional fiiits ran bu presumed In favor of such Jurisdiction. That In each of the foregoing particular, tho prelim inary steps preparatory- to tho Issu mire of the order declaring prohibi tion, in nut affirmatively appear In the record. However, while counsel's conten tion as lo the nature of the County counting and returning the votes and declaring the results thereof." nut above nnd beyond ihe techni cal language of the statute, It Is to bo remembered thnt If there has been n fair nnd free election, nnd tho will of tho people has been voiced fairly anil without fraud or Intimidation, the Courts should bo very slow to set such a verdict aside. It follows that the Writ of Ho- view should bo dismissed. tiffs, when inked about api ling th" 'Court and Us I hulled Jurisdiction Is July Specials SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK We will sell our Remaining Stock of Dishes at less than Cost lOper centoff 0N. KBBrw ON SKIRTSr DUCK SKIRTS AND SILK PETTICOATS SEE BARGAIN COUNTER K.K.K. STORE rase until It was ton sunn to pay what nrtloti n until he taken mid Kent Ital ian!, the other plaintiff, stated Hint he wan llitongli wllh the proposition mid that as far as he is roncerned Ih" faction will stop with the decision of .lodge llemtoti rullnniug Ih the opinion of Judge lleiisnn In tho a"' The petition of tho above-named plaintiffs for a writ of review heroin, TiMilr.na a number of alleged errors lu tho record, which tho rourl Ii.tb examined as fully ns ponalblo. and has milled at Ilm conclusion Indi cated lu the order mado nml entered hi'ielu, for tho follow lug reasons: The eirors assigned hy plaint IfTs me ns follows: 1 That It ilneH not nppcar In the leiord, thai tho loitnty ileilc rom p.ued Iho signatures on tho petition for'n loial option election with tho genuine slgnntuti'H nntheteglstrntlnn hooks. S That tlm pi luted notices of el edlou sent out h tho rletk had tho clerk's nniiio pi luted thereon, Instead of helni; wiltlon by his own hand, .1 Thnt tho oerllfleatOH of tho sher iff as to the plnro where such notices wcio posled Ih not sttlllclently explic it to enable the County Couit to llml thai such notlriM wcio posted In ar-roi-datic" with law I That the act under consldotntloii teiliilies that the County Cotut uhall hold a npocUl teim for maliliic the llii.il older declaring piohlbltton. G Thnt there doea not appear in tlio recoid no cei tided up to this Com l nay abstract of tlio votea cast for and against prohibition, An to tho first of these comllllous, It In BUllleliMil to say thnt tho statute iinwhoio ludleatcn that theio should be any lecoid of tho clork'a fiction. Aa to the second assignment, tho authorities appear to he practically Company Pleases Large Audience undoubtedly correct, I do not under stand that tho decisions of our Su preme Court have any whore Indicat ed the nature of the evidence which must necessarily appear In the. rec ord to estnbllsh such Jurlsdlclonal facts, and It appears to me also, to he perfectly clear that the legislative body, whether It be the Stnto Legis lature, or tho voice of the people In genernl, when exercised hy the lu Itlntlve, has ample power to declare tlio character of evidence which shall bo required by tho County Court, In n puillcultir rase. Tho local option law wlilch-ls un der discussion in this rase, was pro posed by tho ueoplo by Initlntlvo pe tition, and approved by n majority of tho votea rnsl at the general elec tion held June lith, l'.KU. Sod Ion T of tho net piovldes, among other things: "That prior to nny election, tho County Clerk shall deliver to tho sheriff of the county at least flvo no tices of tho election for each election precinct In said county voting on the question." It also provides: "That the sheriff shall nt lenst twelve daya heforo any election hcieundcr po-,t said notices In public places, In tho vicinity of tho polling place, or plac es. Thereupon tho clerk nml tho j sheriff shall eneh hrlolly outer of rer un! their coinpllanco with tho pio visions of this section, mid ouch i ce nt d shall bo pi Una fnelo evidence that all tho, pi o villous of (hid section huve been fully compiled with," Tho iccoul In tho cano at bar contains tlia cettlflcato of the cleik that ho de livered cucli notices to tho tthorlft nt the proper 'time, and tho cettlflcato of tho sheriff to tho effect that ho posted such notices In live public places In 'each precinct within tho pioper time. Again, Section 10ot this act jno- tilrlito "fit, Ilm lan,li tlmi nf,A n I iihvj. wm w v,,ta ,,HJ HHUI nitj When Mr. Mong stated that he had the strongest company of players that he has ever presented to the public of this section ho did not ex aggerate matters, for tho play v last night, "For Her Sake." was thor oughly satisfactory to the crowded lions.) thnt witnessed the perform ance. It can bo said that Mr. Mong appeared to bettor advantage in this play than ln any role that ho has assumed slnco his arrival In this city. Mrs. Mong too mado an excellent appearance as Dcsslo Bar ton, nnd Lloyd Fountain displayed talent ns John Tressldor. I3tery member of tho company gave some thing that made tho play as a whole an exceptionally strong ono nnd tho hearty applause of tho audience showed that It was fully nppdeclated. Tho musical feature of tho per fonnanro was highly enJo)nblo nnd every member of tho orchestra Is In deed an artist. Lakcvlcw- may Justly feel pi oud of Its musical talent. Miss Laura Knelling is n violinist end of this month the terminus of tho road will bo at Word en which Is but n short dlstanco from the edgo of the marsh. Tho grade across tho tunnel hill has been completed and tho steel gang Is already past the top of the hill where tho deep cut was mado. It Is understood that the Harrlnian party will arrlvo hero about the first of August and the extension ot th road Is made at this tlmo to that tho party will avoid as much of the stage rldo as possible. As soon as the road Is built to Worden those who claim to know stato that a temporary ter minus will bo established at that place until tho road can be completed to tho navigable water. L'XCCHSIOX 'POSTPONED. , Tho Investors and pleasure seekers excursion from Portland has been postponed until August 1st. This action was taken by the railroad company In order to placo It ln better condition to handle the party that Is coming. While ln Portland Judge Baldwin and tho other Klamath boosters will drum up a crowd for the excursion. ot rare ability and her playing In the orchestra has received many favor able comments. Prof. Clarence Price tho plnno player, Is recognized as an nit 1st In his line, while Prof. Edward Hlce, tho leader ot tho Lakovlew band, Is a cornetlst of far more than ordinary ability. Mr. Pagnello Is accomplished In plajlng tho slldo trombone nnd Oeo. H.Ayres, tho clar inetist, Is prominent in tho musical , circles of Lakevlew nnd adds mater ially to tho good music played by tho orchestra. unanimous to the effect that a print-1 election hereon, or sooner, If all tho !'m MaTH cRiAMrel Tlie proof of the Ireeer is in the freezing The White Mountain Freezer m-ikej more cream, better cream, and makes it easier ami cheaper ilian any other freezer on the market LET US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE- DEALERS m i 7 vf iAo' - . , ..... t. v