n m WJ A MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER ACRE AND UPWARDS. EASY TEH, THE EVENING HERALD Issued Dully, Except giituliy, ly tlm HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor ' SUHHCHITTION UATKS Pslly, I'J mnll, one jear Dally, by mall, tlx months Dally, by mall, lliree months Dally, by mail, one month Dally, delivered by carrier, one week . 1 ioiui.osi: ron taxics. It lit oMltniilt'tl (lint in ninny its SOti ciim'h i i'ir nmy lio iuIiIimI lit tlio Imslnoss of tlio circuit rout! by tlio opcratlnn tif tlm new Inw rclnt Iiir to foroclosttro of propurty on which ilellnnuoiit taxi's Imvo not boon pa M ultliln hIx montliN from tlu time tlii'.v lii'iomc ilolliiiiueiit. Tlint la iilmiit tin1 mimber of '." Hint will rcitnlt If tpniiiuntli"i ttili 1 1 u IK' nt (lit into of loimcr )iuh. ir, KLAMATH FALLS. MONDAY F.VENING. JULY III. 1908 Till: Tlllllll l'.HT i lo.itOO iloliKti! ntul khoMsi noiw Now that tlio two Rro.it i nlltlntl lly ntolibetl lilm for It imrtlcs linvo met ami aclecti I thrlr llulnon win HponUlnc. In belinlf of xtuiiilnril bonror for tlio .ninlnj: .Mr llrjan. fur tlio crriitor nn) ami lampalmi, ronslilernbln liilercst will (for n Jap.im-iio ivrliisluti plank, llo center on tlio action of tlint l In- I imulo, i'crliu-. tlio mini unpopular lomliiK known in tlio Tlilnl l.ul. !pevli oor lirartl In a nallonal ton or tlio Independence I.eaKiio. Tills orKanliatlon will enter natlon.il pol II Ira for tlio Hint time when It lioldn Its eourentloii In Indianapolis on the '.'Ttli of this month. Tlio IniK'iK-nTKnitf League has bad conslilcrabie Imlncnco on the result nf ii3llilcnl contests in tbo novornl Mutes where Mr. ller.rst has Ms p.f- pers i-stablliihed, Kticli as New York. California. Illinois and Massacbus ells, and the result of Its eutiaiiie Inn national polltbs . Ill be watcheil with Intercut. Necessity for the reorganization of both the old parties Is admitted by many closely allied with politics, and tlio result of the election In No vember will probably determine which of the two will make the arm move. While no third party move ment has ever been siucessftil in the United States In elecllnc Its candi dates. It has In many cai-es held tlie balance of power and In home cases Its Inflluence has decided the elec tion. If the Independence League enters the field alone and puts up a no par ate ticket. It is believed that the re sult will be an overwhelming Repub lican victor)' but If It should endorse the Democratic ticket there would be a close race with some doubt as to the result. It Is stated that the defeat of Bryan this year would iMf essltate the reorganization of the party with Bryan and tlio old lead ers eliminated. Mr. Hearst came near belne elect ed Mayor of New York City and governor of the state and the League Influence has changed the result of the elections In many of the states. What It will do in the national cam paign is the question which is troub .tug iLe leaders of the two old parties. 1IOUSOX DIHtllSTS COXVKXTIOX. "The president of tbo United Btates stated In my presence not long ago that there Is probability of war with Japan." Richard Pearson Hobson. I ho man who sank the Merrlmac in SihiI.ikc harbor, made that vjrfjul docluru tlon of war at the Democratic con vention, and the convention of nc.ir- eutlon slme the I'UII ttiir. Wlu'n it iellest that b nhoilld be heard was made In Hie first plare. It was m it ill down. Inii Chairman Hell, tin der outers from I.IihiiIii, tarried II under the uavel. onlv to bae the Alabama touurcs'tmati set the whole convention by the ears. I'rom the beKlunliiK of his spiifh Mr llobson was belligerent, and Hie aiiilliiiie turned URly before he bad said a iloeu wnrilj. II) cattails. jeers. lillstM, Mvoiluti and eeiy nin temptlious bound kliontl In fin lie Americans, he was adjured to take his seat and keep his mouth shut on his verbal fire-brands With the old of Chairman Hell he went on to the end amldit riotous confusion. He carefully worked up to his grand climax, lie spoke of the encroachments of the Japauehe, of their vauntlnt; ambition, and their pride In their own achievements of arms. "Across the Ocean." ho shout ed In his reverberating voice, "there awaits an army of 20,000,000 men, trained and equipped for war with Amorlca." With one voice the great and lence aroie and hooted that state ment, liohsou was told to "sit down" and in less polite language to "chase himself." rH)'for It seems almost certulu that tax titled will be snapped up by thine who see a chance to make money. The law Rive liitete-tt at the rate of I J per cent on ilellmiueiicliwi after a certificate has been Issued b) the NheiilT, .Hid the teltllliate Ilia) he Hill led on application to the sherllf ami pameut of the baeii lax nt the cxpliatlou of six month alter I lie date of delliiiiiency. Suit to fine flute mat be lieituu iiiimcdlalel) theie.ilter. ami It Mt'lus likely that Ihfie will he a IIihiiI of suits III ! tuber, when the six mouths period has explrtd. ruder the law Count)' tlerks .lie reiiilied In furnllsh blanks fur the prm--edlilKH of furet losnte. The lees required on Mini: the complaint am ount to only I'J, and If the t'.ise goes by default Ibis will not be moie than half lUlltlrlelll to pa) the mat If the i'.im Is tolitestt'd the defendant on appearing must pay (!, nlid liie cane will then take the j nil rue of all ordinal y fori closure proo-edlng, The tax title problem has long been a dlMurbliiK one. and the new law Is the lesillt of an rffiiil of the legislature to bilug such pullers to u quick conclusion, putting beat) risk and penalty on the person who nlloivs six mouths to ellipse without paying tines on laud It Is ulau thought that the new tax title, be sides being desirable from the stand point of the broker, will be one that will stick. The new legislation promises to be a good thing for the lawyers, who will gather it fat harvest If the an ticipated llqod of cases Is realized. coast Hi .Mexlto In U'3 I I'" llieoei pd a tJt't' "f i:hm ""' '""' (hlitrcu jeais Inter smithed foi them William J llrnn bus nuubi the nnnoiinienieiil that, If ele. led.he will not be ,i taiidldiite again What would he liuite to the point would lie for Isllli to make the sajue an iiiiiiiici'iucnl In t use he should be defeated i Incorporated November 20, 1900 VOTK FOR IIRVA.V AWTIMi:. Ouo might think the equal suff ragists In a state where women vote could make soma Impression on the convention, but they were not able j to mako even a dent in the Demo cratic platform. Tho suffragists were told as theyare told In Wash ington, to eo to the states and ob-1 tain their voting rights. As congress ,u" '"' '" "" i- - roal' ORECION C().l.. Initead of bu)lng coal from other concerns or Importing it from Aus tralia, the Southern I'atllle Hallway Company will usu coal this year from mines owned by the corpora tion In the Coos Hay dlmlrt in the full two nf the boats belonging to the Soutnern Taclllc wltt- transport toal to Portland from Coos Hay Tho steamers will carry general freight but the hulk of their cargoes on tho 3500 Acre Free . The Ukelilectiiiipsiiy has '.'.' nr j ef Islid under the Adsuis illlrli thsl It J will yic KKNT KlIKi: fr one )rr. This Includes the ue "I Hi land nlid watt r.. The renter mini clear audi plsie the hind In nillUntlun. The lent-1 er gets all lliefieps but we rcene tlio i rl,'hl In pit'tnie the stubble ' 'I he IjiWiI.Ii' I'lihiptnt. .1 I'l.tlik dsuif, Msuik'rr, Meillll tllt'iteii. MHICIi IOK I'UIII.ICAilON m-piitiuent id the Itilcrliir, I S. IjlnlllUliV, nl l.tleltt.tlfg"li .luiiel 5, HMs. Sulliti ! hereby gltm Ibsl William Alls-it tlley, id Dnl, Callf.ir tils, who, on April ir.', Il0. made litune alend eliliv Xu.fl 17, lt W't XW", .i:'4 Ml'1,. S'' ', Ss.lliiii I1.'. rettu.hip II S, liaise 7 V.. W'llUinrllr Mrthll.Ul. Ilf lllil liulice "I Mlteiilluli In make lllisl Hie Year I'ttsd. In v tabllah claim In the land alsiieden-illssl l-liue Itnuiity I'leik Klainalb Ciuiiity. at litaolllce, Klainalb Fall,tlietfiu the 4tb tl.-t) ol .ii,(ii.. ltW, ( 'la I lua nt liar.li-a aa wltliee: T'lle Mntaii. id Krnii, Hiriiiiii, llichsid Krania, id li"!' rl, California; ldanl llrady.nl Duma. Calilornla; Jilsb It. Hb-y, ,.l IKiiik. CalllornU. m J. X. WstiH. HriiUler. Sttitrmciit (if Condition of the Klamath County Bank KlHitwitli Fulls, Oregon DKCKMHKK 31, 11)07 HKSOUKCKS Lmiiih ami DiticoiinlH $3'10,G;0.i,10 Homlfl and Sociii-itii'ii IU,l2fl.iM Heal Ktttntc, HuIMIiikh iiikI I'ixtlllOrl Citnli mill Slitlit Kxi'liuiiKtt 1U0.2.17.0H $snri,04.rii LIA1JIL1TIKS Cupilal .Sltn'k. fully pnit HiiiiIiim iiikI l'roflt.M Dm Ollu-r lliink.i ll'MI.-lltH $100,000.00 2 I.7fi3.l 32,000.1)4 K1I,2US.'IU SfiUfi.0l.!i I.Alex .Martin, Jr., ('miner nf ih i , Ixink, tin "li'innly nweur that Die ui... , , ,. on lit U Hue tn the .,t uf my kinml.-.l,.. ,, i . , AI.IIX MAUI IN. Jit i , , KuliH-rllxsl and awiuu h Is-fure in, u. . It of Jnnuiiri, I'.sis SmI ( II Win.. , NtllKt) I'utltli- f. I III. , , OFFICEHS ALEX MAKTIN -K. K. KKAMKS ALEX MARTIN, JK. LESLIE KOGEKS President Vlrc-Prcfildciu Cn.sliicr Ass'l Cnshler Pioneer Bank of Klamath Busin says by Inference, If not by declara tion, the question of suffrage rests with tho states and Is not a national question. Outside of the effort which tho committees from the wo men suffrage associations urii mak ing ono hears very little about wo men voting In this statu where they have tho right. One women who Is tho wife of a very prominent Demo crat was asked if she was going to 'TVoto for Ilryun this year. "Oh, no," she replied. "I nm going In vote for Mr. Tuft. I tan voln for Mr. Bryan almost nuy lime." I A 11IO ItOVALTV. lly agreeing to pay what Is be lieved to bn the largest royalty over received - an author Charles Scrlh ner'a Sons have secured the right to publish the story of President Roosevelt's African Jungle limit. Tho publishers believe Rikisc-vi-ICh popularity will make tho story of his hunting trip I lie grealest seller the world has ever known. Tho presi dent will he accompanied on his I rip by his sou Kenneth. CHAS. E. WOROEN President A. M. YYORDEN y Cashier FRED MELHASE Vice-President The American Bank and Trust Co. r5i EnEr nPHWil Ir:!I.iSjiB RACK Ol-' tilANT INDIANS. HcluutiutH are trying to persuade Mrs. Dlngdon, owner of a ranch near Santa Monica, California, lo al low them to exhume tho skeletons of u rnru of glum Indians, whoso Igravoynid was discovered on tho ranch. Campers who found tho lumen uncovered nomo of the Hkee tonn and discovered that they be longed lo uN;icu of men uveraclng more than eien feet In height When Hanoval, the Hpanlsh navl isator, sailed down the California CAPITAL. $100,000.00 Cor. fllh and Main Street RK-iroKATION in I.Nlitl or LINIn IN .Sailmial rurr.t, "lli U hfili( lin llial Ibf Ituit ilrwiitnt ll". ubrarlnt I1U crr,, llhlD IU Cif Ir ,lloul luletl. tltxun, lll l utJrt l" MttUonl ul n ttj ubilrr lb roiltluni el Ik burorn! tm of lh I'Dltnt nut.i an.l lh ( ul Juna II, I'atf. IM Slat , Ml. at lh I'nllnl iit Lain) omc at Ukltlt, Oi...n, on Autuil ilb.lwa An) MtiUr hoaiMiur uJ In (uoJ lallb rlalrolm n) ol ,I4 lan.li lot . cutluial pnrtw I'l"' ianuii; I, !".. an.l bat Dul abasitbnt.1 alu. bat a llfrti rlf bt lo mak a bmnviUa.l rnirr lor tb lateli atiuallj orcuflnti S. lan.li .n lltii-1 ii. ou tb appllratlnni ol lb iMini uDion. Ulo, sbo hat a ltlrltnr lllbl iubl l lb prlur lllbl ol any tuf b ,lllf, nm.l. uch Mtlltr or lirnt li quaiinnt lo inak liounlr.! ulrr ao. lb I ilinf iltbl I, KirlJ iilnt lu Jliifmi lib,lin on ablrh italr lb land lll I" im M Mlll.tn.hl and uirjr br any iullfitil rren Tbrtsn.t. air at fullusu 1 b J' I.I ol M .,r. "-T W. Il.r W blol.Nfl or, are 91, lliu.l imoii i..lranon ol Jr.M r. Kom, ft. k'lanalb, Orrson. lb S til of.NWqr. iho..u,r uisn ir,ibN bl . sw qr olsW'r.Srra, upon .iltiun ol Kl.tr mau A lilowu, roil Klamalb, Orron,lb all Hi ol sciir, lb t ir ol sw ir iw a, it. i: bl ul NW'sr.rireM. ukii apllcilon ol ri..lO lon. loll Klaaalb,lil(uii, ibs klolstl ijr. Sre l, T l. S, K L, 11 Mrr.upeu a..lra lonolpanll U. Ilruan, 1 1 Klauatb, Onj'.u uniumjrd, apprnloallr "wo X.TRI, lis K. brslnnlDS at a lut vnrbaln. nih ol N rotbrr ol Sre SI, T XI M, K7 1-J :, Ib.nr. H Si rbalk, Ibrura wulb ) cbalbt, tbb W IV cblbi, lbbc SSucbaliit, Ibior K wcbalm, tbruc Xu chain In ilniulbslnoln(, upon ....IIAIlAn ,., lfn I, Hlw Ifl-n.-,. ,l... 0u;iur'l.tb Wbl ol Vt bl, IWfl ?l, Ti , KSK, uuin ibpl.catlon ol 1 u fool Oron, allrslns rlllBinl UX; lb SW or ol Se lu, T U X, It 10 K. upon tiui, u, , iiu.,.) n..aiN. uuiUH. m, nn , .& ir ! .NK'ir, it.' W bl ol sg .,t, hre I), ih NH 7 iirolNKiir.H03V. T a H.K IOK.llw,uai.i.ll lV catlouol John Killer, I'lllmlllr, llrnun, lb . K bl ol HK in ol rIK nr, Hi' 6. lb r. bl ol NK or. ' HeCllona.TJtH, It 10 K. Ilin application ill flto, .Nolan, lln,ln.t, Orrsmi, h:i iiK.sNKrr, 1,'otulxillilotirr Ol Ihvlirnrral lili.t Omr Appiotrtil May 73, ln CKANK I'IKKUK, Klnl Aitlnani MrrrrUrr ol Dm Inirdor I.litil7,su, lw-1, llA lUl.lili oil The Eldred Company F. C. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Orcjjon Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a Hj)eMalty of firat-clasw, tjtianintcetl, hnnd'inadc Saddles and Shaps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders Frohi Everywhere Solicited tv4yavaVV'V' ' aMMM 4 i tt HOTEL FOR RENT! i 'i mi THK RICHELIEU, THE BEM' HO TEL IN MERRILL, COMPLETELY FUKNISHRD. WILL LEASE TO .... I) ESI R A RLE PAK'H .... li SSiSiJ MRS. T. A. BALIS, Brfftrill, Ore. jl nil ll.aikUl' A -MM 1 DKI-AltTMHST orillKINTKItllt,tisSBaL liNUorrita. Matbliiaimi, i. i: Ma 7, l. .SuTiia or kstioatiiua or ftunrmi to iimunii akii laiar. umiir I, l.rr,i.y K I v n thai Ihvhvrrriarvol Hi lulnlor ha, i. ralnl lUparlmtnul ,inlr til wlilnlia In mi far a Ih am RmIi II. u llli.tiawal for l,r. I ailnn purpOMi umlrr Ibr art ol J.io j, jw i.Tiklal., jkni l..r u lu ,iuirrtlou wub id Klauiatb l'lo)fi'.Otfoii,i. u,r Ii.UohIiisiI crlll latul lo Ui.piai ol llrroii, anil br bl auiborltir tuch of ul ln..l hay n,.l lin brratola r fllisllv rt-.tolnl an.l , ,n.i oihrlMi mlllnlrawii, rM-rir. or approprl. wir.,,wilim .UOjr,-, ,o ,r U)l'lll Ull'lr III public laml ! ol lb Unllcil Nial on ii.i all! July no IWja.bul (ball not U tnhl-ci It, cnlrr, mms or mIh linn unlit AiutuitM, n. ...ka l.nll.l Ul.... ...i.l ..... . ... .. it... VH.mDi.i..Mii. ,iiir a, KVw, Orrson, warulns Ulna ripriul iyn thai iworrtouMlll U prriiiTllriislnorirri aur rlKlit Hbalrvrr umlrr aov w.iili.ii.i ... M-cupatloii lg.iu alirr May 1,1'aai, an.l prior to JulyM, IWm. all audi iifii,rnt or on cupailos Ulu lorbl..ut Wlll.u..ii M.il llan,TtlHK.Hg., Minr I1K or ami Ntt n, 3W ,r,IIW or WW ur.N bfl NW V einlou I ?KI!iJ liUNHilT. lummmionu ol lb lltlici Lu. Oll.r, rirti Aiiiiiaul ix-cieuiy ol ih Inltiloi Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Baggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention' 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company L Having up-to-date piano trocka we aollclt your fine piano moving Office 871 PHONKS KENYON 6 GRIMES, PROPRIETORS Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We are in recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in nil widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hum Watson & Van Sickle PRACTICAL BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS 100 Dealgiia by Fred Hodgson, Clilcarfo's Leading Architect, to Choose From mis. ll-ihji i - j i Jthl We bIho furniiili plans and npeclfithtlonn ly ",M,rB?.n,Jj rcirulur price. Your patronage cordially solicited DWELLINGS A SPECIALTY ,- CALL WATSON, LAKES!!; m mm km