'I . V n....... In Mostly im" ' "'"" '" Khrnnth Full" Our AdvertiHcrs Get the Best Results . . . coNBYr.An.No.fiOl. KLAMATH FALLS, 0KBCJON. MONDAY, JULY 13. 1908. Price, 6 Cents. He Htfluo. :RANT LANDS AGAIN ifferly Calls Attention to Suit Brought by Government DVISES SETTLERS TO SETTLE w Will Come Up in About Ihreu Weeks nnri hirtl.iml low or Snys Now I the limu lor Holiest Appli cant to Move Onto Lands. : 'iiMiti:it SiAitmrr m.ov. i A (i liiiliini' Iihh riltiiii.'il from t'.iiilniit w li.-r he Iiiui li.'.-ti rm it f, w H.'i'liH i. hn)n iihti. in,. imi- limit) mi tlmljci (Minn being innilo In DriT.'in m thin tlmo mill while Im wn In tin. jni'lrooll but one Irnrt of lliulixr wiim milil nnil Hint win slt iiiileil In I 'mull lount) nnil mill ,il i wi ..w int. Mi liulimi. nri)n i liul mnii) nl Hie 1'iiKtvrii lii) mis hnv r. I rTMj ii ii rriim Hid IIHil i'i,nsin,i i:mi:i:i im:u. i',iimi:iis .making IIAV. .1 0 Hmiiii In In tin. illy from liU rnnili near MiTrilll. where lio bus hi-i'ii ulna Ilic i l(mi' of kiIiooI Hi iiiiH Unit tlic ii I In If a crop on his rnnrh will not be o,ulto up to the av eriij; nnil Hint grnln, In addition In being Intf, will bo ii Hliort rrop, Ho b:im lliul iiiobI of I In1 rnnchiTn In that Hpctlon uic now working In the liar Ileitis roil m:it hiHTi:ii's s.ki:." Lc,n (, ( niiliirnlii rallniiul Ktnlit t. ...!. i i.ii.i 1 1, ,. in .hi iH'inr. iiiim.k.,1 I llwr llxM W L'.nVrly. the rtliml Inti'l MlT. who l,,,,, rwllllnK lrK number of mt- ,i In an ui'unpi l ki land from i nlUuH'l mpnny itl the stlpu- Lj ifim i.f I. fci' It r- Mr. Ktilj Ui iita.lt a strong tight Licit itiv iitBll(in nnil acting La Mi ml'ix rlli In nil pnrls llbr itsi hnie made homes on 11 uf lunil rrnntcil lo tint rail- l It II" K'lti'rimiiinl. eKperlliiK hrt lh" tiPiunt of tin clause in Lroatrart iM I lie company would ICO arr- of Inml to every tiunn ulllir iihiii tlm lumU. I.at lr Mr URiri. Issued n brief Itlv- Lii ii uml opinion on tin liltr in 1"" II was III opinion Itlmt Urn- that applications lo Ithn.. tin'... lands inailn by parties i d.i nut anunlly reside iiimiii the III iinuunu lo nuthliiK whatever. Ilr LalTrni him now Issueil the IhIdb ur-ulnr letter, which will bri) lth Interest by nit who hnve ll apidirnllnu for Minut of tlm I inJ L Hum., who deslro to lie ut I.oiih- on lhi rallnuiil grunt it litlttt iii.w is I In- tlimi for nii)riii. Ittllr insulin; to tiink a homt I of ICO a. i. '4 of tho Oregon A lifornla Kraut lands lo mow onto unit. The eovornment null will I MM in nlmiit thrio weeks, rlnlm- I a forfilinr.) to Ihu Unltutl Hlulcrf. I It lll l lien hit Iihi Into for any I tii i. tin iinilcr I In itrlKlnnl arts ll'iiiiKims ininlilliii: for tho Hnln llhC l.llliln ,i nitllRl HOttllTH itl 10 nr acre hy tho rnllru8BQ)t KnTi-riinii'iit tnnnot net n ilcrj NMiik lo Did I'iiIIimI HlntCH nny liiriilnr Kii ni ri'H Hint tuny ho r.cl- " In k I fnltli prior to thu e uii w tile Ii tho mivuriuiii'nt ih.ill H milt On Uii! other hnn.l. tho prnnii'iii nun h hounil lo nlul- lluli th lltht of II ttli-r to lint. mn Ii Unit of l;i ml, ihiivIiIIiik Mi. 1 1 1 1 . r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ahull win tin mill "Any pfrnon who will iniilii. wlllf mint hi.forn tho rowriiinunt milt l lll.'il will win. If tin. KoM'rnmuni whin, nml will Ion. if tin. Kotoriuii'iit Iiiii-n An poor inuii who rojll' u ant m ii Iioiik mn nffntil to luk the I'hnliM', hut no htmi almply i'X t- Iiik to iiinko n priti-nix of tvttlum. without nilunll) Inlt'tiilliiK to nppro prluto thu I uml ii n nul houii'.ihoul I tioiku tlm ntti'liipl for Im woiihl ! nrtlui: illnhoni-iitly If Im ilhl ' V(M)i. iitii:its waki: i r. Tin lulllnl play of tho Moiik Coin- iiiiniv at tint oiii-ru hoiiHi lonlfcht will Mm V V Mi l.omoi. vtiterialncil b n ludlu-ilrama, a proiluctlon that Mi uml Mm William Moiik ami " Mfw-r Iippii pn'amiiiMl In thlB city ...ml. f .1 ...,..... .....,..n !f,"l,M '' r HUUt'h Stale.. - i 'I'll Ih play look i.xii.ptloniilly well ' K M""1' " '"'' "" '""' Iwllh Ihu poop)., of Uki-vlLW uml will lalmui-ni of Ho- . iiIiik whli h wnn l, (llll, ,, n,,, .Ht tluil Iihh heen pn it hlKhly 'iioiihli. oiii im.'iilcil In thin city COURT IS FAVORABLE Votes $1000 for Advertising the Great Klamath Country TO ACCEPT SUNSET PROPOSITION Using This Amount at This Time May Make Shortage in Sum Needed to Arrange Appropriate Exhibit for Grand Alaska-Yukon Exposition at Seattle I ltV LJO-ti.-. MAli ''" w 1UTV I v fuiMiiM-i'ii iBi"n tii I f 1 r Mr i-Jl &''' "1 I . v mmmrimM a 'inte tmm7 Tflii 7 ll l.i Wi-autT?' ',,,. .-ill ,arlTliJ III ilimZ3arWW3JMJWMlwm mM x&icis&mmL iffl Kkh" jZi5o4.r Uri I iTwH 4tB&tt-Vt 1 'in i m W Hftt VMtV' - - " o. i:. h. it. iii,i:s map. liver atnrii thu wimiI liuluilr) hu li.'in ili'Mlo'i.l In rhiulhvrii Or.con thu aliiH.piiii'ii of Dili t'litllit k.'.IIoi. hnn worki'il kIukI" hiiml.il In .' ii lntMixll If id of thn wool imp. Iloxi'i woulil mini' Into thr roiintr) nml lriiM.1 fi inn mil. ahi'i'P I'.imp lo aiiv other nml In limn) lnlaiin-i unVrlUK tarlou jirlci-a to tin illffiTi-nt Ktow rr Thu rt'aiilt lina tn'vn cty un atlufuctor) to thn lii'i-puiiu nml nl ko to Hut Imyrra. for thu i-xpcnM' of Iruvrllnr. owr tin. rouish lountr) ai ijultu lnn nnil tlin wool Ik'Iiik r piM.'il lo Ihu w.-atlici would rf.irh thu nirtnufiiitutfr In il.-cil Maiks anil l In hail condition In I-'iku county tho ahci-pmou hat Uncldfil to hulld lurKU wool ahi'iU wIiito tin clip ran ho atori'd until .lTn-..i urrhu In thu Held Thu ri-Kiilt of Hill linthoil will hi tiriu tlinlb lh Hmilhurii Ore - t..i..aal. 1 t 1 .1 .. . !. lit A 4 i aIii f4 r nml Hlu't'i ii ahoulil riiiw' '"'"r'tde UrsC WOIK UOI1C uy lliu iiuiKHiiw:. prlii Till inilhoil hun Iihh hiu runtfiilly trli-U In u numhir of plan I .,. . i IflT n.l thu wool Krowon. of Southern j ((D L W M A " I IV I I II If J Or.'Rou f.'tl confl.li'nl that novt ).ar Ll ITiml '" WVIll the; will K1 Ihu lop prliu for wool FIRST LINOTYPE FOR KLAMATHj Onco tnoro tho pcoplo of southern l.iiko county aru jubilant over tho protipects of soon having n railroad. Tho Orceon Eastern Rallncy hat fit; ed In tho United Stritea Land OfSco at l.akclew a map of its right of way through that section of tho country. The lino begins at New Pine Creek, n point on tho statu lino fifteen mlleH south of l.akcrlew, and runs north passing through that town.-und mukfu. conmctlon with the survey from Vnk. In Malheur county, to Natron, In I.ano county. From New 1'lno Creek tho right i of way runs south to Likely, where It connects with tho N. C. O. railway. Thu map of this right of way has been nied nt the land office nl Susan- vllle. Cul. It looks ns If tho N. C. O. would bo extended to Lakevlow, as a crow of men aro now at work building tho roadbed from Likely to Alturas, and thu steel gang will start work on this extension at once. This will mnko the terminus of tho road only OS miles from Lnkelew. with strong I Indications that tho lino will he ex- tended Into Oregon In tho near fu- 1I.1VIXO BUILDING I100M. The above is a picture of the first type setting ma-1 pnrtl0s recentlJ. from uke counl. pliino to he broncrht into Klamath County. It is the mos !.... Umt conditions m that section I J !.., ,..fl.li. linnfitim onfl will Bpf. tVlft tVtlG lOFlnr.. rv punil. nnil estirclallv nt . . i iiiiiiiirii iium iii'in ii.ni'i iiiiiili ill. iti m i uw . r- u w i.j srt'-" - 'i '."a .".., ".. ' lull of the papore in this city. It was pat in operation thUUk.ir .b. . m,mb .1 . ...'. - ! morning and the reading matter in the Herald today . YT. S,Z, ZI! County Judgo J. II. Griffith and Commissioners S. T. Summers and V. A. Walker held a meeting Sat urday afternoon at which tbey agreed to accept tho proposition it tho Sunset Magazlno tor advertising Klamath county. The county will pay flOOO towards carrying out the contract for twenty thousand des- , crlptlvo pamphlets and for a page advertisement In the Sunset Maga zine for one year, and a write-up of the Klamath country In one Issuo of tho magazlno. Tho total sum In volved In tho contract with the mag azine will be $1440. Tho directors of the Chamber of Commerce havo not yet closed the contract, but It Is probable that this will be dijne within a few days. According to tho state law the County Court can appropriate 11000 a year for advertising tho county. An effort has been made for several ears to get tho County to mako this appropriation, but this U tho first. monoy allowed for this purpose. In Wow of tho fact that Klamath Coun ty expects to mako an exhibit at tho Seattlo Fair, It Is argued by many that It would bring better resulta to use overy cent that can be raised to mako a big showing there. It It Believed that It tho county spends this amount with the Sunset and the people hare to raise $400 additional, It will bo Imposslblo to obtain any thing further for the Seattle exhibit. July Specials SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK We will tell our Remaining Stock of Disherit leu than Cost p0percemoff?.WAM QN SKIRTS. PUCK SKIRTS AND SILK PETTICOATS .mSr.n.o:::!"!:;! Indian Represents His Wife in many of tho good fwitiiri-s of tlu Klnmnth marsh Inti'M, s, ClfTittt fViiirt Crowd Gathers in Court Room to Hear Decision in Wet vs. Dry Case, but Instead Hears Petition For Custody of Children' lilWBsWslli 2 nmong and Wm.V. Mong, of tho Mong Show Company, sa It U a building that will be a credit to 'the county for a number of years to come. Tho ma sons nro now working on tho walls of tho second story mid tho struc 'turu Is far enough ubnR to bIiow 'that It Is going to he a ory hand some building. Tho numerous other buildings that uro lu the coiirso of construction are using up tho lumber ns fast ns It Is turned out by thu mills In tho vi cinity of Lakevlow. M AKIXO IIOLU IN GllOUXD. SEE BARGAIN COUNTER K.K.K. STORE onlio n Inigo nnwil gathered nl i the com l Iioiiko Ihlx nflornoon wnen II wnn epicti-il Unit .Indgu 11. L. ii,..,mii umilil render a decision on i - 'tho will of iitvlew In tho prohibition Hi'illoii. Clli'illt com! was ion veiled Hliortl) utter two nml tho only null- l.r lakfti up wua lh petition of Winter Knight tin thn custody of hlu two bova. who me now with theli iiiuther, .Mm. OeoiBf Orr Mih, On was not lepreaenled by an nt- Itorney. bill her hUHband. Oeoriso Oir ' Indian, aililiesseil Ihu couit In hei ! behalf, and It Is ..M "J" ihoM wlw I... i iif.u' Hint this Is the 111 xl Ulllllll .'"" - time In tlu hlsloiy of this county that an Indian ban uppoiuoii in n whiio niaii'A court uml plead a euse 'Oil- rcnlly mude it good showing be- (of tho couit. but the Judge award ed the children to the husband on the condition that he would turn llieui oor to his grandmother who icsldes ul Salem and is also situated as to glvo them n good homo mid nu education. Follow Iiik tho making of Ibis or der llie limit was adjourned much lo the illkuppolulinoiit of the ciowd thai had Gathered to hear l)n dccl Eliui lu tho liquor 'catit .ludEO Bensou htuteu that he has not had sufllcieiit tlmo tu go over tho uuthoillles that ho cent tor and which m rived only lar.t night uml ho Ii not positive when he will bo ready lu lender the . decision, but It will likely ho tomorrow. Merrill. Properly U reasonable. Tho force ot men at work on the reservoir In the Hot Spring addi tion Is making a big hole In the ground and unless exceptionally hard material is struck the end ot this wcuk will seo most ot the exca vation work completed. As soon as this Is dono tho crew will begin on the reservoir on the West Side and another crew will start to do the ce ment work on tho reservoir In tho Hot Springs. L. Oeiber will leave In the morn ing for Horse Tly valley to look af ter his Interests In that section. Don .1. y.umwnlt returned Satin day (loin Too valley where he has been doing surveying for u few days. He Is doing work In the vicinity Teeters today. ot r Qal"'n.i Mt I The White Mountain Freezer I 1 mikes more creim, better cream, ami makes it easier 1 u i ul Yhc.iprr tli;in any oilier freezer on the market m t.BT US SHOW YOU WHY i 1 HARDWARE DEALERS' o ij-x