(ninqupwitii Jomf-lete stock or SHERWIH-WILUAMS PWS MD VARNISHES U you nl anything In this line we "I" ,,c K1"1' ,0 ,,l"w' ou color cards anil 'jnole price. U't know tvt din iult)ou. ( .-i.r AMU HKf. VH Geo. T. Baldwin, HAKDWAKK DKALKKS KIuiiiuUi KoIIh, Oregon WILLIAMSON RIVER and Sprinrt Creek RESORTS Tl.r l-at trout flailing In Oregon. Iliii-lli'iil mTi'liiliisdltlnm 'or ( tllll'IHK Ollllll" '"I H'lll. hfl ISmplHg glOlllllH Nll'l .tt f.ir ii'iil Kitir ilnr f"t .lots. I'l ftinier-illlied loll, Amm alatlMiia t go lo Osier Will inert pullet at Klamath FRANK SILVIES CHoi'HirrroK Klamath AKcncy, Ore. ZinTs Plumbing Shop Contracting ana Jobbing FiritclnM Line of I'lunilt' Ink' SiH-cialtir and first rlsas Workmanship, A. 0. U. W. Building Klamath Falls Jackson Hotel Fort Klamath, Ore. Clean rooms, (Jood beds, and the table always sup plied with the best the market affords-Terms rcn onable. C. C. Jackson, Prop. PACIFIC SHOE WORKS All Rrpalr Work Done Prompt!) and at Reduced Meet Min' Mull rMili-a, 7.'o; Snli-it 'l Mi-It, I. -'''; ltilli-a' Hull .S'i.'.,il... ,i-,.V!; Chilli H'll't Hull Hoti-(.V atOlli. . . . jlll',.', u, nil iiiihIi-III uaililiit-ry nop on Main St. J.V.HoUalon blk Professional Cards W. WM. MARTIN Dentist Olnco nvrr Klnnmth Cutinty Hank BR. C. P. MASON Dentist Autertt-un IIiinL. A. Ttiml Cii.'h IIiiIMIiik C-F.STONK Attorney ul Luw Olfilce mer pnalolllvi', Kliiumtli r-'itlln, urfKon . f'unioNk in D. V. KUYKENDALL Attorney at Law' Klamath Falls, Oregon 1 ECCENTRIC STAMPS. Biunuart Tint llflnu Joy la Hit Hurts , (.1 IMilUttllals. ' I ln riixiliiiilliiii of aluuip cullcrl llll tlllll II n.,iul llltllllll, "Ilia hi- Mm l)liil wlili-lfi uilliilliilly mail" mil llii' iitiiuirt Kiini iviiiiii an mi lium in lt;- M alillllp nf Mix fni-i, miIih. I "r r' " pf "'"Ill liillulieils i.r ' iiillllilit 'nr llMliinic, lln Iiiiimiii I lillhi Muiirllliit slump ulilih tin- I'M nf With- Imiiulit nl ii ihiIiIIim t., fr (l.l'.ll twin lilllilli n oni. n-aii-e -i proper winding on II, ''. ',, Mnun llus,' hint liv ii alriing" error It-eu nl len-. In Text lllllio Mauiltliis' ".iiuithi-r iiiii which hut I.iimi prPcd nt hi'mmiI liuiiitrijil ml t tiiltiiihle rr ih iihtk iiilttii'inm f n slngV word li a HrliUli (Jiiimin u mil- worth Juat I ivni. hut it , aum-hi iifliT by nil niii'i hut inx-iiiiiiii tin. Mi,ri TnlliiniMiii' imui , , MI1 'l'l'llllllIIC ' "Acuiii, ii inn' pi'ini) ciim. i.r (inn) i lliipi. alnlnp riiuiKri h.llul h.. i,.r it i.l fur nc.irl) tLIHI almply I ..lull..' In si-itd of being ml, nt urn nil tin- ntliiia uf thit laii". Ita color twit him- Home yi-ait uguln Ui-atcru Aiialrull.i a ffWatampa iti- printed Hith Uih llg lire uf it ivnn iii.l.li ilnwn iiiun tin-in When I hi- ml-ilnbit uua i.,.clil Hut la kiik tint hmllly il"stru)ii Keri-ral Nlli'l'lllllMIH lltll IMH'RjM'll, tllllj -III" llf llii'ili Ita been auhl fur HW IaiuiIdh 'lit Hits THE SORROWFUL TREE. Ita I'lowara Opan at flight rnj dole Willi Hit Dawn 1,1 Day. 'I'lnTi' It ii 1 1 rv In l'irl.l In ulilih the Hume "I I Mil..ful Inv" It given, illuiit I-. hum- It hliitauiut mil In llm I'ti-iilni; U Im'Ii Hiii II rat aliir up (n-nr lii Hit- hi-mi-na tin- Hint lni.fiif llu- urn rutt fill If- nH'iit, mill nt Hie kliiiilct uf li Ik lit ml villi- mul tin- xlnrti Oil' II)' "'"'I lln- -l-r tin- limit niiiiliiin cr.nliiull) iih-iiiik unlit tin- Hhuli- ir-! ImiLa III.I- -in- Iiiiiiii n.' iitilti- Hum r III till- lli't'i'll uf lIllllll, llhl-ll tin- lirlMlnni t "f lln- at iro Kiaililnll) f.iili-t In tin- llclil "f 'In), lln- fturriiM'ill lln iluti'a lit itntii-ra, mul iti- lln- aim I full)' rllll lint n allll.'li' lilotniitll It Ih Dili- A ahri-t uf rtnni-r ilutt nt whin at kiiuir n.wrt tin- kTiiiiinl iirnuiiil Hi" fiH.t nf tin- tri-i-, ulilih M'l-mt tilltslitiil liiiil nlihi-ritl ilurliiK tin- iln;. wlilli-. , li-iui-nr, II It ii tin ly iri'parlne fur! Hi.- iii-it nix tiirtinl li-atlinl 'lln- frn-' i:rnli if tin- lil.ittomt Ii llki- Hint 'if I In. I'ti-tiliii; irlmri- If tin- tn-i- Ii nt il.iun i Into In tin ruita n iii'U' I'lnnl Mii-it up iitiil nt tnlna iiinturlty In mi lurri-illliljr almrt t tun In tin- (I. lull i.f Hilt aliik'iilnr Hit-llnTi- mimllv k-rutrt iiiinllur Mlilrh l nliiH-l mi i-xnrt munli-ri-nrl nf tin- a-ir mufiil tri-, hut lot iiisiiillful. mul i triiiiKi- In "ir. It I'l'xiui" only l II"1 itnyllini- Btrono lUomt. Tin- Itank uf i:iik'l'iiir alrutii: ri.i;n It hiii uf tti lark-i-at In tin- uorlil 'llu fiiutiilltluii. allty all fi-t-l Im-Iihv tin-lra-i-rli-it-1. It a luil if roiicn-tc ti-n-ti fitt tlil'-k AtiOi- tliln l n I.iUi- i-i-i'ii fii't iln p. mul nliou- lli.it thick pl.ili't nf Iron K'd.itly iimiiufiirturiil In r.ll l-iili allll nuil forcv All) inn nitiMiiiHlnu mi I'litrunci- from above wiiuiil llml n almlUr UhI of roiicn-tr. h iiinlur laUc mul similar latv of Iron Tu walla nri- liun-ni-trabli-. while tbi ilwra nri- one foot thick, Wflcli futir tuna rni.li ami nrv tnnilo abaolutcly mi-ilrlllalili- Tbi' linH-rUI Ottoman IkiiiU. Con rtjtillii"!li. hiii a tnarti-loua M(-l fort Inillt iimii ii wntiT iMMrliiK rix.'!:, nml on tni nf thi- ruck foutiilatlun l u four fihit lM or runrn-tp. Tlw lii-lebt l oii-r thlrtylx fwt, IfiiKth fort) lx fii-t ami wlJtli IMiiityfour. Tlio Miol tvnllt nri- aurroumlisl by m.immry nml i-oiKTiti- lx fri't thick HiroiiKhoilt. blh tin- whole cnmprlni' iinirly thir ty toim of alci'l. " ' . Circulation of Hi OlooJ. Tlio lili-n of fume h"rl of iiiuti'iiu-iit of tin- I.Iikn) III limn nml the bi'i-r nil liiuli n jkwm-sii-iI by ArlMutli' nml otlii-r (Irii-lJ nml by tho ili)alel.int of llm. Ati-annilrliiii chiil im wt-ll iw by tin- iloclnrM nml uri!inj of the niliblli-ui-.w In f.ict. i-ii-u llu- llluitL" barUTH i ....it- ..r niii inoviiiiiiit. Hut no out-, I nut it vli tbi' wUl'i-t of im-ii, liail miy luiici'iilluii of ii roiitliiiioiis hlniiiu If IiiiiiIiik to In mmriv n clniilallon In llu- inii' N-iim1 of llm uonl-nr f llu fiuitftloiH of tlui lu'iirt ii llu- ' mtor iniT of Ihtf moti'llii'lit of lb-- I'IikhI until It wax ili'iuoiialr.iti'il in n.uw'y ' ' In liS. ! Tha "Lttra of Junlui." Tin' i'iil iUi-Hllon of llu- ri-nl nil i tliumlilp of tin- "1.1'lli-m of Jiniliw" Im I ui'tiT Ik'i'ii .olllM'l) M-tlliMl. Mr. Chn ' ....... i....r....i unrk to hlinw that Mr 1'hllhi i'ritiii-ln hii Hu author of the fmuoiiH li-tiiTH, wlillo " Hlnmu priMliii- , Hon, falU of nb-oliilt- proof. 'I ho at- li'iupt wiw mnilii lo pint" thai Thomim , I'alii.. winli- llm li'lli'i. out thill. I"'1 fnlhil lo i'.m liui'. 'I'l'" iim'xll"" ' Mill., in M.My.llu.UKh tlm bahUKO" Hi.. etliK'iuv U In faorof Sir I'hlllp ) I'lnlicl Dad Cats Sarcastic. "I'htsloal cultuie, fnlher, Is petfect y lovel). To .lou'lop the urms I srasp thl lo-l I')' ow end and mote it slowly troni ili;ht t left ' "Well wolH" evclalineil lur father., "What won't hdonce dlcoterV If that ukI hud straw nt the ther end )oud , ir.'m'plni;"-l.ouUvllleCVuller-Jou. tuil. . rhiiiiko For His Monty. , Wi-.'kU-Ho Ullpiwy I" J,,,ral!1 r' i eh? Ueekle-So they My. "?" , he anld "Thank you" bo pleasantly . !.ery tl.no I ml aepoJlL-Uoh-. tutuii Mugazlno. PATRICK HENRY. A Ualnt In ndiuioui Matt.r., bit Dlf faranl In Politics. 'Hi" Mrduli .Miifc-iilii,. ,,f llhinry nml Hl'iiMiipliy but n iniiiiliiT of h-li-ia by lliivi-r Alkllmiiii, n Vll-lnl,i piiiiili-r uli, i iiiiii,. rimii Ciimliiiliiiul, l.imbihil iilmiii IT.Mi nml ai-(lla-il neiir I'lii'Mliinr Ti, hit brnlbi'i Inliw. Hl" I'li'iitiiiil i,r l'lilliiii.ililn, hi- M I lll-a III 1 1, tnhl'l 7T I I'l ,( 'lr- rllibi a H-ii-iill) iiipiilui. t-i'ti'ii ilili Vii I ill In lln- Ural rhllmh'lphlii iniiKri- Tin- aplrlt nr ll," mnn U Hhniuil. but ilitl'itlal) mil "i ii'iitlnl "Vi'.'M vi'iilli-iiiiin, fnl'ii WnnhliiKt wnt l. nil ii wiIiIIit-ii wnrilnr. k iIIh HiikhI"!."'! liliiiHi-ir In Mirly lift- licfmi .V lit ) Ili'iilh nf ),. linfiirlllllllti. hut Inlii'lilil Ittiiililnik Hi It ii niuibtt lllil li, but Fi-imlbli- ,' hh'iiI.h lltll" In miliiii (mil, llli" n Hitlnip nt lii t pnyi-r. "'lb" lib a i .-ii I luiir iimkiT, I'ntrlcl. Ili-nr). )inir Itriillur'H ni.'iii-iiimb'rati-ft mllil & In ii'llk'lniit iiiiiiii r u Knliit lull )( ci) I mi II in I'nliHci.'it-ii ami of 'lliiimli-r- ll'imi-Crci't-th" rnttbitli. rnrnii'r will I'tplnbi Hilt I kiiniv It It iili'H" yinir 'Ihiuiilit Hi- will ahnki-)i- h.-mili- & Ho Mi" tiMra iik'ii bail Ilk" In li.iM' lull nl 'rit'iiaoii In ) lloili", III H.eru llini-a n tt-iy itavful mull, n iinlubbi AiiiiTlmii ta-ry ati-rii . Hti-mly III bit iiiillllri't i llll" ,. nt yi- amui Hill" an. li ii fo.,1 t It a t I ti-rlly bi'lleii It wM nu;l" cii'ii a Line U hny him oir-lii-'t n ai'intiil MilptH-n oh. that he bml lb" liiliillllit! of mill" nf our ('"llrl h-ra -fur liiaiiin.". viiit It Norlb or Kniill, Si i.l. h I'lik-lltli i.r Wilth ()i pitir IrMi Inn- I'liiiiiuh of It In ilu-lr omii i iiiiiiii vi inn I'ntilik w'll iiitiiln I) In- ai-ry inn It II In- It no Murnronl." FLOATING IN THE AIR. Tin Impression on Atctndlng In Trc Oalloon, Uli" of Hi" llrtt i.li'Htiiut wlili li I mil nautili) Htii.'.l hi iirtiiut M-i-klni; In f.irmntl.in iiliotit l.illii'iut It, "What It lb" ai'iiiill..ii of k'ollik'Hp Inn IrillimnV" wrlti-t i apiiiiu i' lii'P I'limnlliT, I'. H A I will iiliHi'li.iti- thit kiiiiiu III iilr of llu- ii-nibm of Hilt iirtlcli- mul aim,- for Ilu-lr liironiintlim Hint In n fri" ItilliKiu I luit" n.'l iiotb'i-il miy p" inll.ir pli.ial.iil M'iintln which can li ib-airllH-. It woiilil U- like (rjliiK In ib-arrlU- aliiiulliiu Mill lit n at'iuutlou. Tli- liupri-tti.iti mi iihitii.IIiiu- In a free l.'ill.i.in It in. ii" an optlml IIIiikIoii. The mu-i'iit It an alow uml k'Hitle that It i-nnuot l- fell, uli I oiu- li:m tin- lnipri-s-alon Hint Hi- lull. mii It iiiiitliiiilet mul Hi., i-.irlb L'nulii.ill) ilroppliiK nwny. All llu imlKifi unit Hbittiia of tlj. Hi-ple In--rimii- r.ilnt.r uml ill-- mil. Ah Hi" nltl tiub' Iiuiii" hllla mul Mill") nre nut uppiiriiit, mul Hie iiirlh a,-"iut jlnl. Ilk" a Uaiitlfut i.r.in-.l uinp, abonlnt; ml- tlintlil llelilt, r-ilitlt. it" 'llu- Krealir pun of lln- time a b.il loou I iiiuiiiii! i-iilier up or down, but tin- mutton i ii. ii uppjri-iit, mul It re-HUlr.-t II at:llllliiH- lo llldlcHt" W bother llu- IkiIIooii It iitci'iulliiK or ib-tcelullui; If n ii.iitl.lr.il.l" ihinse of nllltuile H maJe In a abort time, llu- illrfi-rcnce In lr pri'tturi- mny In- felt on the t-nr ilruiut In iIi-itihIIiu -''ii ipilte rap- I l.lly I ban- ti"M.T hail any aentntlon of fallliiK -Joinn.il of Military r-enlce. Tin Uatb cf tb Futur. , "Hie bnth of the liet century." u)1 T. Huron lluarcll In lill book, "A lltui- . drill Years Heme" "will late the bojy pce.ltly with oi)Eei.aliil water lU'llrt-reil with a foriv that will render rubbliiK i ceaiM ry, nml beslJu It will Btniul the ilr)liiK cupboard, lined with aoiue iUlckly uiavlni; urrance- .t.ei.t uf xoft brutlui and fed with a falKl.ly dealivntinl air, from w filch, nl niont In a inoiiieiit, the bather will eiuerui- dibil mid with a rklu Kently -jtlim.hit.--l mid perlmp eli-ctrllleil, to clothe hlumelf ipilckly nud puaii down the lift to hi breakfutt, which he will eat to the nccouipaulmeiit of u nun) inury of the inornlns'H new read out for the K-uetlt of the family or whis pered Into hi earn by u talking ma chine " 8t, Pater's In Roma. IVoui the IM-Kll.ullik' of the fouud.l- , linn to the Hiii" when the great church , of SI. IVIer'H In Hume could U Hald to j be ciuupli'li- three nml a luiir cetuune had i-hipseil, elghleen architects had J la-en i-luploM-ii mul iiiriy-iiure iu.v lui.l reigned Tho cost of the grout ihurch can neter bo known with ex nellies. At tlui t'tiil of the notenteonth eiitiiiy It had eot $.V),tHJ,0Ot, with nit Including the micrlsty bell, towers, etc. The last Important work on the iHlllliit wax iloue by I'opo I'lus IX, on the four hundredth uuuUersury of the birth r Michelangelo. - New Vork American. Marital Punlthmtnt. "So )on hate bad It out with your wife? How did on nianage It?" "Took 'her up In Mel.cinoro'H cove. There there I Hut mot remarkable echo In lb" wot Id." "How did that cino her? What did the echo luiw to do with her malady?" "The echo hud Hu- last word.' .ew York I'i'i'uh. Mtn Art- So Unraaaonablt. Tho jilting wife eaimot uinlerslaud why, If she only has a vase of flesh i dutverd nil the table at breakfast, her husband should Hud fault Just because , the ate.ll; Is burned. suuiemu Jour mi. i. A Dlffarant March. School Inspector Now, chlldreu, nhat is H that comes lu llko u lion uud Hoe out like it luuibV Small Ulrl I'leuse, uli-. Il' father when mother has been gltlui! him u talklug to. I.iiiulon Kx press. The wnilJ li full ' '"en and womeu v,ho do nothing. They generu'ly Im pute on noiue oue who work too much. -Atchison Qlobe. , Laundarlnn Shirt Waltta. M(lillil", (hi- popular wnalu-rwoman, ' lifivlnu apniliit'il her wrlal, wim timihlu I In do her wcek'n Ironing, but nl.e Mlootl I uver tlio yotii.K I rltfi Klrl a he had hired i und dlrt-'.ted (be work. ".Mnyln-, Hrlilp-'t'ubaerMil Mntbllde, I with ii wnlrbful eyu on bur iilidcr tudy, "you'll t'lnk, you, tint nil chlrt tnlat ce Iron alike. Mil) lie jou'll t'lnk aim ei-a hour euay Joli for I run ahlrt tnltt fur bull dotu lady of illrfriuiit nhnpe. 1 "Hut nun, llrldC'l. alio ( moV illf. fleull. Hum' (if (Iuhij vulat eea for (lute fo fnt Mine. Join-, w'nt wi-IkIi free, two bomlcr pound. Born ecu for dote no t'ln Mile. Built', w'nt welijli hilt koiii' ainall fedibilre. "Ket I'ea tint aillllcli'lit lu but Iron dote wiliI, alu- mot' hall be mold to lit doe ImiiI"" "I'e vnlat uf ibie flu, dote lull, dues fat, nl." ee Iron hall nf n (llfforemc. I'ohi- fnt, ahe i-e not ili-nlm nom' hump hull bchlii' bee aliouldnlrc. Duet fin. ahe ee weeah for atlck out bltTore. Tor dute tnll tnniu'aelle ynu inut' tnnk lilnh dute rollnlre; for doto fnt mn-dnmi- mill; wide ilu-u- urm'ole. "Ilet ee dun,- weeadom, Ilrldk'ct.,w'nt ens brlliK hall dote uiot' bet' nlilrt uIkI dete town to de door of old .Mntbllde" Youth's Companion Conaraitlonal 011 Signals. , On the door of the bouae Hit- door keeper has his desk, and It Is here that Ha- bulls nro struck that Klve uotlce nf the needs of coliKreas. One bell inii fur tellers when the housu Is In (iiinmltlei- uf tlio whole; two UIH In illuil" ii enll fur yens uml iinys; threw di-el.tii- a n-u-s; with four bells tbu lid Hk'ht over tho door cue nut; tltw Im-IIs iiienu a "call of the bouae." until r which tin- f-crgeant at urins Is supjioseif' lo NUinmnrlly nrreat uuy inemljer on Hlxht mul brlui; hlni In, whether on foot or liuno-bnck. Any member who It not pretent at a cnll of the house U Niibji-cliil to n aevere reprlmaiid. Ixik- Inu down the lorrldor, the colux out of Ihe ri-d llht Kites tin.- curious au UeNllon of the tnll iud of a piiHsetik'i-r train ilashlni; tlinmuh ii tunnel. While tlui nil Hk'ht burns brlk'ht mid clear It means that cuiicri-Hs It under way, but when the Hk'ht winks nnd koc out 1 then the tltltor understand that the wheels nf li'itlalatlou have ceased to re volt e.-National Maitailne. Countermanded. A tery ik-tuut clerKymmi had Just married a couple nud, ns was his cus tom, ofTeri-d it feneut prayer. Invoking the divine bletslui; upon them. As 1 they M-cmcd to It- worthy folk mid not ott-rhurdi-ui-il with this world's Koods, , he" prnjiil. iimonu other thliiin, for ' their miiti-rhil protperlty mid beiougbt tin- linl to Krently Increnac the man's biislnet. bi)luif much sties on this ' Hllllt. liu lllllin; out the blanks It became , I iiecetaary to nsk the man hit business. and, to the minister's horror, he Bald. . "I keep n saloon." In tetlliiK the story to hi wife after- j ward tho clerk-ymnn nald that n he wrote down the occupation he whit- j WTed , "Lord, you needn't answer that prayer." I'hlladelpbln l.eilner ' Lord Kelvin and tho Cable. It W perhaps nut k'eiu-rrilly known that the success of the Atlti.lK' cable was due In tho calculations and ex periments of the late Lord Kelvin, nt that time pl.iln William Thomson. lie discovered that the current throusb n lutiK cable would arrive gradually at the receiving end and devised tho ap paratus which rendered It possible to utlllre such a current for making the Morse nlgualH. It was through disre gard of his theoretical predictions that the tlrst Atlantic cable. In ISM, was mined by too powerful currents. With out his mirror galvanometer to trans late Into visible signals the delicate Impulse received through tbo cable tho enterprise would have been a com plete failure. How to Fill Up Holts In Wood. It sometimes becomes necessary to fill up cracks or dents In Oue wood-) work, furniture, doom, etc. The fol-1 lowing Is the best way of doing It: White tissue paper I steeped nud per fectly softened lu water and by thor ough kneading with glue transformed Into a paste mul by means of ochers (earth colors) colored us nearly as pos- j Mbli- to the shade of the wood. To tb-5 paste calcined magnesia Is then added, I mid It I forced Into tho cracks or , very Itrinly to tho wood uud after dry-. lug retain It smooth surface. , An Apology. An excited military looking gentle man entered the editorial sanctum ouo afternoon, exclaiming: "That notice of my death I false, nlr. I will horse whip you within an Inch of your life, air. If you don't npologlzo lu jour next lui" The editor Inserted tho following tlcxt day: "Wo extremely regret to an nounce that tho paragraph which stat ed that Major lllator was dead Is with out fouudatlou." Detroit l-'ree Press. A Uud Kiss. ' Uob Kootllte (actori-Kullure? I should think It was! The whole play was rutued. She Gracious! How was that? li. K. Why, ut the eud or the last act a steam pipe burst uud hissed tue off the stage. A Lark. What a lark It would bo If au egg came down the chlmueyl No, It wouldn't, uulvss It wus a lark's egg, uud veu theu uot uutll It' was batched. Eggsactlyl -.. .. ... .,. . ii. rmWSfp.Tlurhtn THERE ARE REASONS WHY You should buy your Groceries at Van Riper Bros. 1st. They have the goods you want 2nd. Their Groceries are always fresh 3rd. The price In within reason 4th. They deliver phone orders promptly Phone 516 - VAN RIPER BROS. Get the Habit-Use Chase & Sanborn Coffees FURNITURE Our goods are new and attractive. ALSO THE PRICES . W. 6ILLETT & CO. UEkT E. WlTfillOW, Vice President Abstracting Maps, Plans, Klamath County Abstract Co. Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers Don J. Zumwalt, C. E, I'.-eeiclent Klamath Falls, Oregon East End Meat Market CRISLER & STILTS, Proprietors Prime Beef, Veal. Mutton, Pork and Poultry t Freeh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all kinds. We handle our meats In tho most modem way In clean liness nnd surroundings. Try ua and we will be) moat happy to have you for customer. Free Delivery. MILLS ADDITION LOTS are Advancing in Value When blocks in Mills Addition were offered at bargain prices a number of shrewd inves tors bought; since that time values have increased materially. These Lots are Bargain Buys nt present prices, and there is every reason to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FEET deep more than double the area of most town lots offered to investors. FRANK IRA WHITE C APT. O. C. APPLEGATE FRANK WARD Land Salesmen. WOOD WOOD Sixteen incli and four foot wood in any quantities. Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461 or K K K Store, Phone 174 J T. FsTXlYER Wood Yard and Office J. 1.1. riEiJLOJCilV Near Clty HtU Phone 84 Notice For Publication liepnrtineut of the Interior, II. S. J Land Ollliv at I jkevlew, Oregon, June 1 20 IP03. Notice Is hereby given that Afit Kiirilyi-e, nf Kt. Klamath, Oregon, I wlm, mi August SI, 1IKII, made home stead entrv. Xii2:Si for bits 11, 12 ami Ul, Section 4, Tunnsitu .13 S., ltangeT3s K Will. Meridian, baa tiled notion of Uuteutloii to make filial live year I'roof, tn establish chttui lo tin- land above !" itcilhed, before County Clerk, Klamath I County, at his olllce, at Klamath Falls, Orejtm.on the 1st day o( August, 1908. ' Cliinunt names as witnesses.: James Gordan, E. M. Lever, II. J Savidne and Chat. Martin, alio! Ft. Klamath, Oregon. -- , .1. N, Watsov, ItegUlei'. Notice For Publication Depnitiucnt o( tho Interior, V. S. i I.utul OllUe At Lukevlow, Oregon, June 18,1903. Notice Is hereby given that I Herbert J. Savidge, of Ft, Klamath, .. Oregon, who, on September 25, 1902, ", Section SO, ToBhlpSaS., Rng.7HE.. Alls-n Sixum; Secretary Blue Flints, Etc. M. D.WlLUAMS, C. E. Treasurer Office on Fifth Street Will. Meridian, has tiled notice of in tention to. make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above Ue lerllie'.', before County Clerk, Klamath Co., at Ills office, at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, on tlio 1st day ol August, 1008. Claimant names as witnesses: Christ WeUsKdd Leever, Charlie Martin anil Jvinea Kinerv, allot Ft. Klamath. Ore gon. C-22 , J, N, Watson, Register, To make room for new goods that are now oil Hie way uelire disposing of all Becoud-hand articles we have left at prices less than cost. Virgil 4 Son, Merrill Valley the heart of KUauU. CENTRAL CAFE Open Day and Night Private Dining Parlor Oysters Served Jti Asy Myle J. V. HOUSTON, Prop. -v tt ' ..,,