The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 10, 1908, Image 1

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Mrtty Ileal mi"' I"
Klamath Full
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
YKAIl. N(. r!K.
Price, 5 Cents.
KATE LIME CLAIMS ,ndiana Man Zoning Mate jBlilLDSOlTH BRANCH
or the Peerless Leader
jy Announces Discovering an
Enormous Ledge
lid locution (or largo Cement Mills When the Im-
urnu'il I rwisportation I utilities mill liewloiimi'iit
of Country Open Markets lor Moterhil
I)i-uvi-i (,'olu., July lu At 3 oilcnk
lliii morning Hi Nnti'jriBl Ilrniocruttc
Convention limuiinili'il William Jell
mug" lli)tni, the yn-al iniiiiiiuiu-r. fur
l'ii'lil-hl Im tin-third linn- It was nil
Ilium ninl tln umiiinnti'iii m iiii
tin' liii-l lml',,1, llm liml Mile taken
Iimhiiii; I l.i' fnlluuiii): (iciill :
Bryan tho comi-nlion adjourned till to
djy noon.
Denver, Colo., July 111. John Worth
Kern, of In. Hum, wan nominated for
vice-president today by acclamation.
Clint. A.'lowm-, nl New York. who It
wuh generally iipl'iaed would Im Bryan's
ISryan, running mite, withdicw In fiiMir u(
vt."J;J.,ii,..iii1H.(ir.iy,Mi,.iiiMi-lKiit Ki-ih. ninl the nuiio-of Umk Howell,
.li-lenile.imt veiling Hi.) nomination,1'" '""l nl been placid In nomlna
id Mr llrtnn una at inn nude iih.Ui- i lion, wna withdrawn ami tliu nomlna
iiimiK tnlliming tin- nomination nl ( Hon ( Kern made unanimous.
Government Advertising for Bids
on Seven Miles
Divided Into rive Small Schedules to Give Farmers Op
I portunity to Bid on Divisions Canal Extension
' Will Connect With Old Adams System
opinion that when huililiiig n er.itlima
mn begun mi nil i-jlenalvi- scale it nil)
Ixi n payllie; iiiK)itiini In iuatnll tin'
iiiiimi) iiiaeliliii-ry tn tale H thl
Mini (Iiii nlliri dlainvery made l
Mr. Adv l U-l ol mirn und which Ik
consider rrpecinlly Miltnlil fur Hie
manufacture ill line grade "I gUts.
All ol the-things me found mi lil,
maltli lamia nr along tin' meander llm-. ;
p thinks tlmt the development ol tin-
PI IIW t,,r..,. J ' f --
viri.l yearn ago when I wat loll'" ' ,
i .i i.m.m,.iI. il.r I ! Il'ili" valuable ninl lu fully U-.
rtttlog atoii- tli hUmmli river i '
i I., , . .1 il,..i llm., ,rk HeVc that the llm" l not '' ay
ltd Mff tal plrre ill Moat lime IW ,,ii ii . it ii
,, ... ,.., I Wlfll r Ml M'ni'ir lu rnr'- ...-,
tiin tntlng llir uni I lutlliil Mat I had ricll. "1r""''"-
rtcrd lb me mul discovered an Im
ilr0 near till Ilittlll. It It ri
lei that ) Utile dredging It rmi
Uirn uul on Urgct ami delivered at
lnl along tli l-imrr Klamalli.
Lt.l A If lit made IlciTry which
ItbinV in 111 Hval the swamp
, , i y mnkrr. lit) lias nil
LUtinn In !" '"''" " "",r ",
rlnrnt nl rixmii ( a ry lililli
Lit aiil hr lie alt llinxliailtll-
litiJr nl H Mr. Ally Hial lit
otrif wmr lai K"llt lir nrrr
Lldtnl It lllilil t IM'Ullr wl'e" "
Ltrlanuiiitft ol cUlnt. In k'
Ldltlinlltrinrty Mr. Ally will
Saloonmen Reforming
Gerber Tells ot California Crops
and Live Stock
Town (iocs Wet
Mayor Julm II. SUltt li lm "
rrlill III vrttllik' KUiualli 1'rtlU nil I lie
'..llll. Tlinmuti Ilia lintillnii iflntl
tlhr rimriit iiiily nl the I'atlllc
tli(tiiitriillnl hy a aynJIcatv anil ll
jalyaniittrriil tlum mull Ihcy will
pt t) contiol tlio illacoverltt of llili
loo l'r. i.lrs It will W valuahla lor
iiiai purii'i lu llili lecllon juit at
dm llirrouutry ilrTrlopt rnough to
rtint tU IntlalllnK ol a crincnl mill
ll romilir the inrk that I liaa illf
knl Irtlrr fur limit than anythlnit
Itliit lit'ii fniuiil III thla Mrctloll. It
fcl much I'tirrr quality than the
illiat I U'inif hurnwl lor llmsaml ll
li.foM' mi,,,, .atlafactory lor bulUliiiK
kr. Ally hat uUo maile th illtCoM-ry
lit few fi'ci uinlrr Ihn tiiffaia III llm
ktk tlirri' la n luii-r nf mlnaral amul
kit. wlirll uulii1,l. 1. k .nruirlnr
r;ir of iMiihimu ,i. it i hu
ItltaiKvrry l not worth agrrat Jt lin Ha,,,r ,,( run lliroiiiilioiii
lit Hut lluir. hut altrr the rallmail ri ri,f(, -11)M;t) nUl , ,,.,. M 1h)
romflrlnl Into Ihla arctloli It will li ,,rli.klnl rtrrv nlul.t. Tliu biialni-at
4k . I.,d.,.na Will, 111 Atulllial . ......- ...
" '" '" "" " " , inrn liatc tliitcriii'ii a rumen in i"
tmllrtln'rHarrall ol the lnrr.l.i . , . ni-rulion liriiui-r
prcrarrtninakilrtt'e!aaarriiniit,,, . 11H-.ii i, i... ....iv Uin In iiw
Plthanrll-kiiowu lart that at lhl! , , . . .,., ttio Iift It fat tlla-
airmliii;mi'l thvfai't that iacllrnll
cicty court-mill llm city luUcrlUal u
tmall inoiithl turn tokii-p tliu waumi
Rolntf thowt that the ten In- It -plrcUU-il.
Gets Life Alcmbcrship
Col. M. 0. Wllklin lint ucrlxoil wonl
that hi' ha 1-ri-li (itantul a Hfi'iiirinUr
thlpln lUwthoriif UxU', No. III. A.
t-.iV. A.M., ol r.irllaiiil. Oil Wllklim
hat l-rcn an nctlp inrmhrr ol this IoiIkc
lor the 'ul iiiarlor ci-ntiiiy mul Hip
llfii iiiriiilvrtlili I" urantiil lor lilafallli-(ullii-Ka
tn llm nrilrr nil ol tln-M' i-at,
(li'l jmir ilni iiinchiiu-a ninl nip
pllrt ut MullorV, ho lll - i mi
inonry. Cor. Uth ami Main.
The reform wac which It ewerplnB
orer th country It not permitting the
aloonineu to go untouched. Iintne-li-attly
after I lie election the liquor deal
ers ol l.akcvletv held a meeting and de
cided to adopt ccitaln refnrm ineaturet
and to far at can he teamed, they have
Cattle and Sheep Plentiful and in Good Condition-Fruit
Crop f nornious-GruIn and Hay Yield Much Better i .i,Kioc county, California, and i-inen
... r A j ... i i liiiuor ilealer, ten of them being
I mill vtris Lpccieu uy nauciiuiuu i - ,...
nun .-v , i Alturat firms and one being located at
Likely, have tinned a notice through
which they offer a reward of $100 lor
the arrert and conviction of any pertont
furnMiing liquor to mlnort In Modoc
Count v, contrary to law.
Another paper it being circulated
throughout thu country and It being
tinned by the saloonmen, offering a re
ward of f ICO for thu arrcal and con
viction of any periunt tolling or giving
liquor to Indian! or mlnort.
Ij-wi- (ii-ihvr hua ii-lurm-d from Call
forum when- In- hat l-eii lor oeral
mniillia liU)im: tallle mid tlitep for
tii-lU-r llm. "I huciainelilo. Ilu ient
moat of hla time in .'aciauieiilii, Yolo,
Glenn, Culuaj mil r-'allnutiiiiiitlet. Ho
any lli.-n- la a KimkI .upply ol inttle mid
aliivp In th it ni'tlim and that "lock ii
in veiy iiiii'l condition- He ",) l,'ut
moil of the t'lilllnriiia "lock 1 being
uld on thu gro weight )tem, that H
nriKlinlolllhe ii. The proailinK
. .i.... 1. 1 1,. ai.. 1'iiitt for tteeit und
Irom "h, t -I ici'l" (or con,, Tl"-'
prlieof thieplt nutHt guod at lait ear
In tills country y-)ear-old nether
ahould biing nbout f.'.Wmid good ear-
llniit aliout 12.
"Hie gialiicropln California Is much
Lwtler than wet expected," taid Mr.
licrlier, "Hie cool weather of April and
May helped londlllout and the yield
will bo nlim-tl up to theaeiHge."
'The liull crop will ho enormout tn
all paita of the ttate. Fruit it cheap,
but Irom 75 to W cartoadt are shipped
(mm Sacramento to tho Katt dally.
titbllrhcd in the l.'attern ttatet and the
California fruit goet to all tedious with
out any delay."
.Sjieaklng ol tho wool market Mr.
(ieiler taid it una dull at thit time
owing to thu fact that most ot tliu man
ufacturers Mill had on hand much of the
tuff lunula lat jear. Latt year a large
amount of woolen goodt was expoited
(or me lu the Iturto-Japaneto war and
ns Ihe demand lint decieaaed and the
fjctnnen aru not niiininir at full blatt
the price ol wool hat gone down.
"Theio l no tpeculallon," taid Mr.
Onber, "there la simply no demand."
In California the average price paiJ (or
wool It about I2)i cents ptr pound. In
dications, however, are that there will
j be an improvement In tl.e market.
Mr. tierbei was not prepared to ex
prett hit view on the local ttock situa
tion, but lie tlatct that about theSSlhot
this month he will ttail ten carload ol
cattle to r-vruiculo, ahlpplug Irom Mt.
Ilebion, which place, became ol it
location, he think will be tho future
chipping station for this entire northern
Di.trlhiiting renter have l-ecn c-, country.
Will Build Bridge
County court adjourned thlt after-
noon until Augutt -tth. Uefore taking
an adjournment It wit decided to re
advertite for bldt on the bridge across
Lott river at the Upper gap and It was
alto decided that the county would not
contribute any money towardt adver
tising the county in the Suntet maga
First Play Monday
We will make special prices all this week
On Ladies' Khaki Suits
IWatcli fhta Store FOR JU1Y BAHGAINS
Prominent Party of Cali-
fornians Visiting Klamath
v prominent-California pen-. Lumber Co.. and . (hector of both ol
. . , , ,, . i1li tho local companies; W. K. Valmer ol
,,, .rrlv.,1 in Hie cl.y l.l ..Wit l ' 8wi FrHm.Uc0i Mfiler 0 lh6 1IumljoU
after their liitereM in Hits section and k Balk ftn a (r.c,or 0, tle ot
to spend u lew days l H'e llarrtiiiuu g1)rlu.,,Co. j OlMUttlnger and son ot
t'elican lt.iy u-sort, thu guests ot Col. M Angeles, Mr. llllllngor being the
W. II. Ilolnblrd. All ot Hie men In Ihe president of tue.Vlnt National Hank of
Ttio William V. Mong Company i
now enroute to Klamath Kail and will
arrive here in time to appear at the
opera house Monday night, when the
1 beautiful five act melodrama, "For Her
'tiltter' Sake," will be preiented. The
(company will be accompanied by the
' Lakeview orchestra which it recognlied
as a nimleal oiganlzattou ot ability.
Ti.'kein tor reserved teat lor the
opening performance are now on sale at
the Perfection Confectionery.
Project Engineer D. W. Murphy, haa
ittued the tpeclQcation for five
chedu!e on the South Branch canal
and it advertising for bid on the lame.
The Ave schedule! comprise even mile
of canal and will connect the Eoutb
Branch with the Adam lyttem. The ,
specification ttate that sealed bid will
be receive I until 2 o'clock p. m. on the
28th of July at the reclamation office In
thlt city and that all bid mutt be ac
companied by certified check in the
amount of $200 for each tchedule.
Bidder may bid on one tingle schedule
on any combination ol tchedule or on
the five ichedule a a whole.
Tli work Involve the exiaratlon and
embanking of about 112,000 cable feet ot
dirt and the contractor bidding In tba
work mutt begin work within thirty
days after the aigning ot tho contract by
the Director of the Reclamation Service,
and mutt thereafter proiecute th work
with a force necetiary to compUte the
work on or before the 15th day of De
cember, IPOS.
The flvo tchedule compritlng the
portion ol the canal to bo contracted
begin with No. 4 and end with No. 8,
and compitie the following amount of
the three clattet of dirt:
No. 4. Claas 1, 21,020 cuoic yard;
clan 2, 000; data 3, 60.
No 0. Class 1, 21.450 cubic yard;
class 2, 600; clan 3,60.
No. 6. Clatt 1, 21,460 cubic yard;
clan 2, 600; clan 3,60.
No. 7. Clata 1, 21,000 cubic yard;
class 2, 601; claas 3, 60.
No. 6. Clata 1, 24,600 cubic yard;
vlat2, 600; class 3, 60.
In cutting the work Into imall cbd-
ulea the Government make It poMlblt
for small contractors and rancher to
bid on portions of It. The completion
of the south branch to the Adam canal
will make a big Increase In the'amount
ol land that can be Irrigated from tbe
Government yitem next Summer.
largest and most complete line ol Ed
ison Phonographs and record In Klam
ath county, at E. W. Muller', corner
Cth and Main streets. alt5
parly mo liilen-te.1 in me "'"""
liuu'lopemenl Company or In "", ,,l)t
pprlnKS Company and ill" cumblnlng
liiisliies Willi pleanuio by making
Hioinugli inveatll-alioii ( tho holdings
of the companiet In Ihe Klamath conn
ti y Being California corporations 'hey
must hold all ol their business meet
lugs In Hint slate, but while they are
heio they aio holding a number ot In
f.,, meetings to discuss local mat
ters. They leave in Ihe morning for
I.os Anucles and a director of both ol.
tho local companiet; K. ri. Moulton, an
umiiku shipper of Itlversido and a direc-'
tor of the Weed Lumber Company!
and a stockholder In Hie Klamath Pe
. ..i. ...... .,t f.i . Ifl IVrlv. iicnultallst
ot ltlverside and a stockholder ,lu the
Klauialli Development Co,, and Harry '
E. Greene, ol lilveialde, also a slock
holder in the Development Co.
In upeaklng ot the condition In Calt-
loinU Mr. Croaa taid that they were i
--.Ftl ...w
. ""i MOUfii-;;,
The proof of
the frrwer
is in the
nln next Monday.
Tho parly I" eoiuprlHedn,! G. -' W1"1
ling of tian Francisco, the piesldent of
the Weed Lumber Co. und a director ot
lioth the Klamath Development mid the
Hot Hpringu companies; O. M. Cross ol
Han Francltco, president ol the Cross
Pelican Bay and will return to Calllor-I very 'quiet, but that llnancial matters;
. .. .... r....i ....iil.u. mniH firm. Th nomination I
ura i!t)itliik' moie flriu, The nomination
otTaftwa-i a foregone conclusion und j
cauped no change in Hie conditions, j
They are swell and down todate they I
have the quality and are usetul-some
new thing at MeHattan't. I
The White Mountain Freezer
inakct more cream, better cream, and makes it easier
nmi cheaper than any other freezer on the market
j j