He vttttiiiiii ftefalft. Ltly Bead rmwif Our Advertisers Get the Best Results . . . hunnth rniw ' ,yEAii, No. raw. KLAMATH FALLS, OKKGON. THURSDAY, JULY 0. 1908. Price, 5 Cents. LAMATH BOYS GET FIRST MONEY AT LAKEVIEW ANS LARGE HOTEL First Place in Ball Tour- nament Won By Locals Jacobs Advertising for Bids on Structure ;ATED CORNER 6TB AND MAIN tournament in so far an first money Han lonccined. Klamath Falls team lout lut one name during the entire tourna ment The bovs were easy winners In I all other games. It la not known who dm- moli' IJamutli i h winner. lh h.i hall li-am Mtit In Ijikevlen aurreided in Iskim-first money In the long drawn tourn irm-nl ami the bos, witht-olur living anil IWJ in their imc- kit, nre now on their way to Klamath l the winner of ecoi.il money, hut it I nil. bavin led liVevlnw till iirmn. Hill likely he Cedarvlllu for In n imiiiim -tcil.t 'n t;ii in which ihj local thin morning they defenltd Silver I-nke Will Hi Hiri'c Slorius in lleiijlil, Moilrrn in I v- lr '"" Nlv"r '-'l" "'" . t ' ..fm.,3. ery Itaspect ami Will Hi (hi of tin; Host in Hie Southern I'arl of tin Statu trretlo)i ul a lamo hotel building drawing ol ile pn lor theholil. II I by I.. Jacobs A Co, lll mean , ' I'1""" '" carried mil iho building illiltrlli Mr. Jaciit.s It now Travels Over County and Thinks Conditions Better Llulng'til'ie 1'ortUml Orcgonlali ill on llit budding and almilhl n liclory on in. leceivm u win uieiin ituicllylt toh.nu one of lliu Usl li la llis southern part nl the ttate. lil to the plant thu building li r built un the corner of Main anil a III l it ciedit t thu coming mctrppo- III nl K.JUI lirr ii OrnMti. John Kill hai" tetiiriuil from trip) eel through the farming di-tncluf the Kla New IjiihI Office svj.ie,,,' "' '"'. '''Hi iiwiiiwniii.ocn.il " condition he s-iid 'I lie anliUkd mwllio-la of kirping record relating to public lands, man) ol which have U-eri in vogue since the general land nlllci was lint or iiiltc-l nearly lis) years g i, nre in lie iiwr- "Ciopi miiih. look hetter ami they mlht look woie. 1 think we lire as well and proluldy Utter off than mot park of Hid 1'iicillc .Snrthweit. Harm weather mnl Ihn water "1'annera are beg lining hating in mirtt I'iMta of the lounty ami while the yield Mill not Ik- extra heavy, thu price of hay and ulu grain Mill be (tool tills Full m that conditions thonld Improve n tlm eaon advances. The price of The stock is advanclnit and I look for a d Imve; elded lmpr(ement In conditions In the ! nex .i.i. ., ( ,. i . Liv.. I.uir Ininta ' . 1 i . . rained an ntonlMng growth and the next few months." lift tl arel i .i nam mur ""icr-lcd (, M M. n,.,f(,v,. modem 1 v 1. ii . . 1 ......... .1 1 ......1 ' i. -nt. i...-t ......1.... .... .1... lllilicail'ili" It'e lliiu lite -cviiim riiiiuiK .'ii j .hid iijik uevn tmij uii-r iiietuiiu- nl nll.illn will he very good. Somu of ' try looking up investments nml lands the gram In '''a tin not look well, hut fur parties from the I.ul whom he ex others aie hetter than one rulilit e- ects here later in the aeaton. on Main itlrd, one In ! used ktotfl oilier and the other thlru fur rtmtal itore to occupy the con rr I oaths ground lloor. Tl.n build 111 U three slinks In height and Lfr ilnik will Iw hulll for lintel 1 at mil alii, the lower part ol a!ldiritlth the exception of the ltol u.rd for the store. Ua mtii l"H!t I he hiillillnic .Mr. Ibtltatril that he had nothlni; to Mtatthl tune, hut aid that It Is aUntlon lohiilld this J ear, and that 11 alliether prohahlo that he I pit up Ivtn l.iilldlrnis, the hotel HJ- lurntioiieil and a store l.itildlni irorr.rrol Main and I'lilnl said he Km nut reudy In say ttliat pouMdiifnr his plana were in. t nf. all; alianml In warrant the atate It tint eilhrr one id the hilililflii;s ill U ! v'ir. nr rouipleltd durlriK III knonn that Mr. Jncoha haa lutn rio(nnahnk bulldliiK on the cor lol Main and fclxth ever rlnri lie Lhihil ,e projerty and the f.ut llisitnua advrrtitlii( (or Idds on boll,!n;. lielimlhe Hint hn will ItU l'ui.iti(t if conditions nre fa IMc. Is Mate 1I111 he haa iund no nr lmr.ts fur any of he hiiltdini; ma W lor either ol the hiilhllon- mi'l '" Mldnx that he has had done I' the limine stem. When the cli.ine KO luti effect the dlt.lrt Ian I nlhi'ei ml the treneral l.n I ntllce In Wjihinw' ton will Imalile to In lentify nil) appli cation nr entry mo r readily than under the old system. All -eto' tendering! molie) to Ihn lecelters at the olllce i ill ill the future l iilicn a re relpl for such rmiiieys. D.idi ill-triet Und olllce U to loi fornlilal with mo I em olllre upitie. Slirinc for Aslilaml COUNTS GUFFEY OIT Declares Place as National Com mitteeman Vacant CLAYTON PERMANENT CHAIRMAN Wrangling Over Reports, of Credentials Committee Causes Fate Session Permanent Organization Not Ef fected Until This Morning Dike Nearly Completed The Adams dredge has gone over the dike fur thet'Xierimeiitnl farm once and Is now cntraed In going over it n second time. It will he hut a few weeks until the reclamation of the farm will be completed and the dredge will then he transferred to the barne now being built on the Upper lake and taken to the Weed ranch In Wood river valley to dig the drainaue canal. However, lefore starting on t la In canal considerable dredging will be done on Wood river 10 its to make the stream navigable for the Mazamn. ..nd Chamber of Commerce Con sidering More Boosting Horses for Cavalry De-plletlie fact that the warm vveath 'er is iiio u mnl thing aren little ipilet Word ha. 1-eer. r.-reUed in A-hland I ' 'r '" Mi" il'"k'"ated with the that the i'titioii awiiu fur the concnl l)tlHg spirit and Ih directors 1 f tli ol Alkader Templo Mr tlm ksInMI-Ii- , Chaiuher of Commenv aie now consld liirut ul n leiii. of the order ut A-li , .(, ,Vi,,,hiy f K coutruct for land. I Im known as lllllah, haa U-en granted. A rornmitlee of I'lirllund Shrinera will ronfrr wild Olllrrra f Hie new temple as In the JuiWdlciloii ( the laitrr, which liny include nil Miutherii Dreguii south of l.u.'ene and orlliini of South eastern Uieon. Just when tin new Miilne will lw In sliluleil cm not ho tnl 1 Ii it it will bo in I he (illpcrhip. Auyw.iy It will lw ipilte m (icnulon nud will call for 11 pilgrlmagnof thu Nhrlnera from Tort land In Athlnnd, one e.ir l"r an aiUertUeineiil for the Klamath country in the Sunset maga tine. .1. II. f-cotlcld, the rcpicsentntlvo ol the magailne, met with the directors yesteiday evening to present his propo sition nnd anolhermeetingwasarrangeil fur. "Wuiiitisl wake up and let the world know what vvu have in tho Klamath country, "said one nC tho dlri-ctors in . .1 1 i.nii.. speaking nl ineiinmeroi niuii"ii"in "All ailverllrement In that magailne M. I., llurns returned to Dorris this would help mine." he continued, "for morning after spending a few d.i)s in at the present time this lection Is not tin. city attending .to bualiiets nutters. ' being adverti.ed In u slnglo huge pub- . lioillon and we must get the country In-fore the people if we expect to devel op " Through tho Chamber of Commerce thi- fectlon has leceived much valuable publicity, the kind that ruachei the wo pie who are looking lor Investments and for homes. In Its efforts to Imost the country the organization should have Ihe support of every business man of Klamath Falls and also of every pro perly holder In the Klamath basin. torn UL Y SPECIALS It will make special prices all this week On Ladies' Khaki Suits KIRTS, DUCK SKIRTS SILK PETTICOATS 'Men This Store FOR JULY BARGAINS K.K.K. STORE Veins Opening Up 'I he development work which was re cently resumed l Ashland coal mine porperty wi' luHes tMl "' Ashland, undoi the direction ol C. A. Simons, Is showing up well, and Mr. Simons pre dicts that when another two hundred (eot la leached In the extension ol the present ehnft, the coal vein will have increased to seven feat In width, as It Is now- inpldly widening. A i.on load of coal' was In tho Fourth of July parade Saturday, but by some oversight there no label on il, and lew roallied that such Una looking coal could be a home production. Ash laud Tidings. Preceded Jackrabbits J.Frank Adams arrived in 'the city lav night from his ranch near Merrill. In ppe.ikingof the market for horses he said that there Is practically no demand In California and that some of the larg est horse dealers of that-atato were pas- . , , ... , I turlng their stock with tho Intention of I-0. HI"cmoru and two sons, the third 1 , ,, , , , , , , , holding It until conditions Improved, generation of the fcitcmores in Oregon, . , , , ..... . , Mr. Adams has purchased about forty were in Laldlaw Iliursday with lolin , ... .... . , ,, , , . . ,, head of horses in this county for a Call- fclM'inureof Bend. L. C who lives at 1 . , , , , , , ..... , ., , fornM buyer who is buying stock for the hurt Klamath, had not been on this , , . . , .. . cavalry. The horses were started for low unite for 15 years, and this fact , . , , ,,, , , , , , . , , tho railroad today and will be sent to brought forth reminiscences of pioneer! , , . .. . , . - various Coast points, days. M. C. Auberry was the first white man In here, and It is told he' came in ahead of the jacdrubbits. Alter pioneer Auberry had planted a few Juniper, in came John Siscmore. Chronicle. Need the Money If the city sprinkler is to bo kept In Improving the Roads County Koad Commtioner E. 6. Phillip In his report to the County Court allowed th.U tho steam grader re cently purchased by the county It a success In every way. He has been building road at Just hall the expense thnt was Incurred liv- thn old scraner operation it Is up to tho businost men of ... ,,,,,.. . 1 ' ' method and Is doing better work. For llie euy iu ui lor me eurvicu. .'injur Stilts has shown the proper spirit In starting the wagon and In stalling a paper lo raise funds for its maintenance. It will cost a trlllo more than 100 per month to keep the streets In good condi tion and popular subscription together with poll tax that will be collected should keep tho wagon going through out the entire Hummer. 1 the past lew weeks ho has been work Ing the grader on tho Uonanzi road a few miles from town and on instruction from the court he will continuo to work on that road. It. C. Cowley came In from Langell Valley today with a load of hogs for MeUs A Armaud. Denver, Colo., July 0. Much of the time yesterday afternoon at the Demo cratic National Convention was spent in wrangling over the majority and minor ity reports of the credentials committee and It was not until late In the evening that the report was finally decided upon. The jiermanent organization was ef fected this morning and Senator Claton, a prominent Southern statesman, war made the permanent chairman of the convention. He made a stirring speech, pointing out to tho party the many duties that confronted It and touched briefly upon many of the issues that will form planks In the party platform. Upon rollcall of the National com mitteemen from the various states it was found that the Pennsylvania fight had not been settled by the election of Col. James M. Gutty, of the Bryan op position, for when Pennsylvania re sponded to the rollcall the place filled by Ouffy was declared vacant and will remain so until another committeeman is chosen. Following the roll call of the Nation al committeemen, the convention ad journed unlit 7 o'clock Ibis evening, when the committee on resolutions and platform will report. One noticeable feature of the sessions of the convention has been the fact that whenever the name Bryan Is mentioned ' a demonstration follows showing that he still remains the idolized leader ol the Democracy. Ilia forces are in con trol of the convention and his nomi nation is apparently a matter of form. On the Water Wagon Tho water wagon is now the slogan for Grants Pass people and J. R. Wells, the sprinkling wagon man, came out this morning with his wagon decorated on both sides with tin cups. Some of the thirsty tried to patronize the public fountain at the railroad but the water Is very warm, there being no Ice In the cooling tank. Just in at Winters A large shipment of records for the Edison phonographs. Expects to Strike "lie" Speaking of the oil situation In Crook County, the Journal published at l'rine vlllosaja' Hen 1 lei filch was in town recently from l.umonta and etutes much Interest is being taken by the people in his cectiou over the bright prospects of oil being struck by the Ma hai, Oil Com pany in their drilling operations on the west elope of Grizzly Mountain. The drill has sunk lo a depth ot ovei SO feet water having been struck, which is strongly Impregnated with oil seepage. This li supposed to be certain indication of tho presence of oil. When this water Is net aside in a pall 11 skuru of oil quick ly risen to the surface, and thus encour aged the drilling is rapidly proceeding, I., ualrtl te.. :--T- -.in , -'IMM-I-,, , uiirH"' The proof of the freezer is in the freezing ' Dr. H. K. Hamilton went to Portland this morning on profesolonal business. The White Mountain Freezer mikes more crcini, better cream, and makes it ea.icr ami 1 lic.-ijitT 1 Iwn any other freezer on the market I.ET-US SHOW YOU WHY ROBERTS & HANKS HARDWARE DEALERS $.