The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 08, 1908, Image 1

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LrtlyRend mporln
Ixiidith KhIIh .
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
0ND VEAlt. No. r,!7.
Price, 5 Cents.
PIMONS OF CITIZENS Credentials Committee Has
Session Lastina AH Ninht
a r ?i r ... r . i . --w
flyor ana mjuibui ruvor Better , i g.r .
' Denver, C'iii.iiiu . ii, (vii.i ,.i,..u. i , ,,l nltTrkrnr tfmrrf4- Dva-h iL
-. gi . -jv..ij ii.i imuuriiy repair ami 11 vUI( IVPI IIIU 1vlllUtil QL IIUU9C9 LIIC
1'irO Frftl Pfl Ifin 1 1. .,! t;i-.I..Ntfnl ,, ,l j M1,. In llk(-ly ttmt nluht Hi kIu of tlie con- '
tbl rimriiliiK uII.t mi all nluhl m--! u'"""" '" bo held toM-ttlotho matter.
ln No ..Kempt wna made to rtrnlrlct I T''U Ml" l"",t""1 """ ,0UK,lt 1,,,M
.aa- iiUW'lTr miVIS crTni il..,. .ni ,. ,...,.lmi","mic"'"'",l"1 """ "fl't wa.
not. rMimm.DLiiiw3iai im w, , ,,, -::
proreediiii't were jn.liictoj with open
sessions Ironi City Ollicials on Imiirnwiiii'iiis Pro-'1""" '""' "",","l'" 'iimaiii u-ih
M)S('(I liV iiiu nioiiiiiui kiiis iitjiu mid wilier
(Iii.Siiqijcst Citicns' Muss Mt'elinq
made ngalrmt ex.Krristbr Dubois, who in
the leader of the movement to tcure
tho Insertion ol mi anti-Mormon plank
In t lj patty platform.
Reduced Rale Prom Weal I
llrgliitiliig uii June Llltli tlic Southern !
Lannell Valley Items
A ilciilu una held at tliu Ka'ston place
.euVlat'aiid lolnr-ted property in.k-dnl-Htlhe 11... pint.,!!.,,, ,..,. I ''l 'l-iUI rale ..I on,. f. mi the Fourth nn nil round good
,,,, b,, .... devoting ' IL W - Ir. It ,., .. , g...l '"' "i;; ,"""1 '"" """ WV"' "' """' ""'' " '
1.1k. I.,.,.. i.t,M.i..-HIi...l"M,,-,"l,,,"", " '"" "' ' 1-HlH-iil ?' '" ,'"" "" "" "r"'Cl"' JlHl'llpuUlnKiipl..yonll
'" v J""1" """"" " '" "" ' ! " r",k'l",r,"" ",,",k'L'"" "V,.
""" ' ""' A v '7 ' I .-1-..!, a ..-.... ,., .. , ' "'"-""; "'"" ' ' II- wm ,,, ,.,, tank ,or llie
ttff Uif imilrclinii i"f tlioWty. It ' m ,, ., . .... la'krlmiH tlin ( a! furnU Nort HM'tcrn , t,
.in mi v . iiitftt fur IIim rnriiiiAiii if tin Itv lutil t miv hrhliM nrrn.i MIM.. .j..i .. il.
---.. ...,-., -ai.,1., IHIVI VI Wl IIIMI IjlHJ
rffiirrnl 'lMi'in tlit llin iUti 'H
lll;ll. mti', ti'I'torllllliU till'
tnf, li B""l olio nli.l woiilil Klr
lit; III 'Nitll ill Hint l lirt-lr.l.
Imlfflt ili'l ln."t '( tin1 oiiinriliiirii
llrtli I'mc-itinn m rty faxrn-
hot tlir tilt ! fun' In lir nllli tl.n
tka ol luti'U l.r imrylni: nut lt
lef lor iKirrinriit tliat IntoUri
I ol mint).
Lor lllti, wlirn mtipii shout t !.
kr.Ml'l! I rnmiilrr tlip jln rrjr
AD lit xuui'l vltn llila flty tlm no l lirolml ( in n matter
likoiiM irrrlp tin. attention of tlif
Lf)l Inc.' 1 1 UK limilil lir lirM In
otilll a vmcl tl.l. lit lor lli.-
l,"tU Couiicilniau r. K. Ankrnjr,
MtaouMehK tlm rlly Oin ttrit
Itilt prutrctliin, lint II will Im iiki.
k)jl iinii-r to carry onl ttiA (ilait.
rlly l nit hi a oiltl(in, n I ran
iltlkol buying the water plant at
llmt, in.l tin. iroKi,l plan ulll
lh.n,ll(,ii (hat la mvl-i." IU li, In ifpljllii; lo the
i he .oii)(lit n( tlm plan
el liy Mr Oilvt, mil "llie
IlitllrUlit in a way, hut I think II
It; It tw itoiti,- to buy that plant
Mhe Hum to .In It.
hi ihlnir rouM hapen (or llie
L"mI.ICiiI. Wilkin), one nt the
ril roiiiirlliiivn, when mke.1 lilt
uiiI'HUIIiii matter, "ll would
Umiirtiiitlint la nee.ix fur
iMiijIiIii. (-iij nm ,..-UV ,,
'III aieniie. whem tliio.i am a
r f luiH)riJiit huniuvaa tun.
IlUtiie nt thi, il,,,,, prctlcAlly
Kiel. It hiuiM lower llm In.
Mci III the Inn n nud in thai
benrllt to many ol the rllitens
rlly. I am in (or Imiii.Kiik the
piliiiiilatiiiii,nia ami they
IfOfxi 1,1k), (r .. 'p., when Whiter
In pa Iheiiiaii animal rental ol (ClMim
the liivetlineiil Ihey will make I would
like In ! the rlly own tlm plant, und I
tlillik Mr. IJntr,' iioHiiliiiii In rrll I u
Uural inn. (If inui.e, It will he haul to
IniiiiI the rlly fur n Urneeimuitli nmutini
am food (or ten d.tyi und on the I
'trip Hi kit lor thirty dn. The tlrkut
ran Ih had mi aiipliinlloii to the nrffiil
ut Weel. 'llm regular hire between tlm J
two Hiiiitii f I L'Mor one way, but the!
"It in the Ml.' I- Hindu to nlve t'iiritn
an opimitiuiii) in tlilt tectlon at
a mliireil cot
led until until e la Klsen by the South'
em i'ltcltlr (,'onipnny.
to do lliiich with, fur wnate in a hail I
way Jutl now. but we will yr out nil
rUllt. ll would loin rluethlli II the
rlly could own water ami llht "
.Many. n the prupirly owner of the
rlly have eipreMe.1 Ihemtelrea In about Dill TV
the aime way the major ami council '
men.nml a lumeiuet.l I, now on !( t..l M un ,rilr( ,.,., ,.,,,, ,, u,,,,
rallnmna iiieeliiiK for Hi" I""!"'""'! ' i.: Mlat Net Krew.
iIIiciimiiih llie otini: of llie propoM'il
luipioteiiieiila ami alio contider the'
Iwrnllnx of the nty to ial-n fundi liij
liquidate the iilervnt warlanl imlebtivl-1
lie. I and lo pillcll.n' the water idIviii. I
Slack mill.
II, 11. Iliirnlmtii Ima one of the llneet
r)v crupa that can be found.
J. I). Scalon la ntfaln working at hU
trade, aawliiK lumber.
James Lindsay nnd wife, of Irolla,
attended the picnic on the Fourth.
Tina one lau- rate will continue In el- iA.D. HarHd la Irrigating his (jraln
Will Utiild liridKU
Mia, McKie froiu near Dorria la iiit
illiiK her litter, Mr, ('hua. Drew.
I.ukey llro. weiu etchaiiKliiK liortti
with I'. II. lira), our derail liorre
trailer, thl week.
Dairy la Miitf well aiipplied 'villi frt-lti
meiil Ihese ilaya, two wuijona eaih
It It er) .Ikely Hut at thit lenlon of v"'r)i
the county touit roii.e action will be j I'rof. Hall und wife tartei for Paifley
taken mi tho billdhiK ol the hri Ue !J illy third nnd relumed on the tlxtli
acroai lxt river ut the Upper Mi loii.ialderably riniliiiriinl but perhapi a
OwImk In mi. un lent Hiding tin' little In'tler latlatlnl willi Dairy.
brliUeliaaiiut le-en advertlacl a ircond A Iiiik" crowd atlrndetl the cclebra
lime nnd the court now propoea to j tlon lit-rt jii tlio Fourth. A kooiI varl
Have pi in ami 'cln'c.Uluindraii und ,.y (l( umun' were offeied to all
In adleitno for Id It in uccorilauce who nirheil to arllcipate. The epenk
therewith. n- wua aumeuhat Irregular and not
jiUlle wlint wo are uel tn hearing on
Discontinue Drain Normal Wh occa-iomi, iniiuronfe wmo oi
' the utterancea wereipiltu forieful if not
The -tato Itoud of lli'iit nt a te- pulilotlc.
rent meeting lecilel to lecuinmeml lo Mf, ,,, ,,,( ls vIiltlni: her mother
tl e next leglaliliiru tint llie lur.uil )( K(1lu I1(i wor John l keeping batih
j thi nrrck.
Mr. S. D. Tooker haa oeral men at
lunrb tiiiiiliii. im eriiaa hnv thla uiek.
uu nnwlan iiinou it would leave the ., , , .
The crop la uuino lighter than In
oiilhern patt of the tte without n . . .. , .,,,,
jeiira but lhtniuuity I better.
Crop prospect are improving but a
Atlr.iltltellverHAio Juat nt-eUiil at good rain la nee.le.1.
Itev. T. I'. Ilonnnl preached a ermon
hereHumlAy evening and organised a
with water from lua reavrvolr.
Jeff Willaon liaa a prune tree that ceb
lebrnted the Fourth by cominir Into full
bluoin on that day.
George Deal hat moat of Ida hay cut
and lie report an average yield.
Hay hand nro pleiitilul and wnge
lovvr than lattjrar.
Horace i'attrraon la vlaltlng with hit
Irter, Mr. Durnham.
Wm. I'ankey, wife and daughter cele
brated tho Fourth at the picnic.
Itoiiaura wai a dry looking placo nn
the Fourth, but tome ol the breaths
iinrlled rather wet.
It may be to the benefit of romeof
our bachelors to remind the ladle that
thla ia leapjear.
National Convention
Public Conscience Demands Honesty of Purpose in Direct
ing National Affairs and Popular Clamor for Re
forms Should Not Be Resented by Party
acl.ool at Drain Ut ilU.vutiuued. The
hiaril alio ciiisl lered the ditcoiitluu
nnco of the Aahlaud Normal but It vvaa
Keno Items
Denver, Colo., .Inly 8. After Temo
rary Chairman Theodore Bell, of Cali
fornia delivered hi apecch yesterday
nfterncon at the Democratic National
convention, leeolmlons of reipcct to the
memory of the late ox-I'realdent Urover
Cleveland were adopted nnd an adjourn
ment taken until noon of today: In till
ipcech Chairman l!vll said in part:
"Wo have Biiemblrd at n time when
tho public conscience 1 demanding lion
eity of purpoae In the men who under
take to direct the affair's of stale. Tho
public eve ia keenly leniitlve of every
IHilitlcal movement, and our proceed
lug, here -till be approved according to
the degree nf .sincerity appearing In the
work of this convention. There Is
widespread belief, founded upon evi
dence of u convincing character, that the
party In power liu not been true to its
triirt, that it ha betrayed the common
interett In the hands of the enemies of
good government, thereby forfeiting it
right nnd deitroyiug It ability to rule
in the name of the people. Apparent to
everyone Is the fact that way down deep
in the heart of the Hepubliean conven
tion at Chicago there was a feeling o!
anger and resentment over the popular
clamor for reforms; and it is equilly
patent that there I no bona tide Inten
lion on the part of tho Republican party
of granting any reforms, if the machin
ery of that patty can be retained in
present hands.
"Among the great evils that afflict the
country nt the pre-ent timo is the abuse
of corporation power.
"Tho democratic party is not the
enemy of property; but to the con
trary, It has always stood and will
continue to stand firmly against every
siecies of aggrestlou that would dcatruv
or weaken the right of any man to en
joy the rewards to which his patience,
his nkill, his Industry and his economy
will make special prices all this week
On Ladies' Khaki Suits
r w
Hominy achool.
I lau Stuelialer entertained a number
of hit friend at hla home on the Fourth.
John .lone nnd family returned to
their homestead closn by hvat week and
will remain for come time.
Mi F.lvu Turnage was tho guest of
Mli Zelmn rn'ilge for it few days thla
Mrs. W. F. Ilnaklna.of Pan Franciaco,
i who has been tho gueHt of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H, Worden for novernl week, left
I Ihis moinlug for Weed wlieie she will
visit lor a lew da) a hefoie returning
II, It, IKinlap Us relumed (toui the
Wood rivet valley wuero he had been
for several days looking after hla cattle,
lie eays lliu range U very good in that
eecllen and block of every kind ia in
good condition,
'Ibe. county high school boatd ia in
session thla ulternoon transacting the
regular routine business. Aside from
allowing Hi regular number of bills
there la little business to come before
tho meeting.
N.i. Edwards and wife patted through
hero on their way lo Klamath Fall.
They report a good crop and a tine gar
den on their ranch.
Our mall scrvico has not improved,
the mall always being two or three day
The liny crop on tho swamp it re
ported rather light.
Hen Kerns lias begun to make hay.
The saloon has moved out and nil if nilfA mnr,.
' " I
.1. Prank- A.lam I, limitlm. fmm il.. ' 'Tlm Democratic party Is not an en-
It. W. Towers timber to the boat land- jcm-v ol a" corporation. It recognise!
Ing, Iho amo being ned on the dredge ,1,clr 8reat vaIll ln "l0 lau'rI---
engaged in Iho reclamation of the ex- Tlirongli the agency of incorporation,
perimental farm.
Frank Nelson ia storing a large nmount
of cord wood at tho Keno landing.
The Fourth passed off quietly, no one
killed or hurt.
W. C. T. U. Meeting
There will bo a meeting of the W. C.
T. U. at tho home of Mrs. Ilnttle Wil
son, In Katt Klamath Fall, Friday at
2::uip. m, All members are requested
to lio present. All ladles who are In
sympathy with the temperance move
ment are requested to Im present.
l.uLe Walker came lu from lily this
morning to spend a few da) a in the
city. He reports everything doing well
In the Sprague river valley.
tcattcred wealth U brought together
and given a driving force that it would
not otherwiiii po3ie, great enterprises
nro thereby undertaken and the unde
veloped rKurce of the country added
to the vvenllh of the world.
"Viewed In the light of a great moral
question, the control of corporations
should remain a question of common
concern rather than a political one, but
the shameful complacence of the re
publican party in permitting Its force
to be controlled and operated by the
most offending corporations of the
country throws the problem into politi
cal arena and compels the public to
choose Isetween the democratic party
that will, and the republican party tbat
will not, place some restrictions on In
corporation greed."
"Democracy Is once again called to
the arena to battle tor the sacred prin
ciples of self-government. It mutt
wage an uncompromising war for thn
return of the government to the banda
of the people, and this means tbat the
phalanx of special Interests must u
broken. Tho triumph of the people can
come only through tbe democratic
party. With the power and opportu
nity to carry out democratic principles
i,i w vmiicii uhjh iu (TTiav fair
tariff laws lo tbe Interests of the whole
"The corrupt use of large sums of
money in political campaigns it largely
responsible for the subversion of tbe
people's will at the polls. The masses
are awakening to realisation of the great
power cf gold In contests tbat ought to
be determined according to tbe nomi
nees and the toundnesi and morality of
political itiuet ; and tbere It a general
demand for publicity in tbe collection
and ute of campaign fundt so that our
citizens may know whether a political
party baa purchased its way Into office
or bat won Hi victories by honest
."The Democratic party will continue
to labor tor the direct election of United
States senators, and It appeals to the
voters ot America to elect members ot
tbe different state legislature! who will
pledge themselves to vote for no candi
date for the United State senate that
la not iu favor ot this reform.
"This National convention meet at a
time when the angel ot peace Is hover
ing over the entire world and tbe na
tion of the earth each day are strength
ening those Ilea ol friendship and com
mon interest that will render war lets
( Concluded on last page. )
!,! un.S
The proof of
the frceer
it in the
Klamath Falls Is well represented at
tipilng cieek flailing resort these warm
daye, Snveial families uie camped
theie mid a number of others are
planning to go.
Largest and most complete line of Ed-1
lion Phonograph and record In Klain-.
ath county, at E. W. Muller's, corner
6th and Main street. altu '
Tho White Mountain Freezer
make, morn cream, better cream, and makes it easier
ami cheaper than any other freezer on the market
S- A-'
. 4vCi,