The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 07, 1908, Image 1

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HP" (
II....I1M 11
liMtbr - "" m
Kiunath Knlw
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Reaulta . . .
onu Vi:a. No. r.tHJ.
Piiice, 5 Cents.
jinocratic Convention Opens!
With Much Enthusiasm
Eloriuiii is i roueu ttiiii opvumuirs- imjijiiii Lulls,
fonintinii I o Order-Invocation HyHomnnCii j liiilic I
Ai( liliishnp-Bell. Temporary Chiiirmiiu
ktrf, i'I" ' v i 111" I Will f.
It u i ' ' "'" "y )'""
Itlllll l'" l1lllHltlll lllf allllW
Uklrs Id Mini" standard bearrra
,ijimuuli' iiiries li' which lo
ill! U intiM oltlif Nation, This
tnl tim t t ! '"fiy hesrrc.
r tl.a il III" Writ III till
.'in cf a iik i-i'ic plain and Denier,
s iiirtillon ol Ilia honor,
;nilJnl n i'x auditorium, the
.jal,-. ' t kind In America.
ijllji n-'ti ilm hour set lor Ihr
.mn I tli twenty second 1
totlil IViii'" ratlc convention, 1 lc
o tie tu ,...! hi the auditorium
i&mrl i'li -iiple walling Inr
..ii to I II mil ii, In unlrr
iintninlu'i n nlxitit tlm entrances
Met In 1 1 iwd ilt nil ul tlm streets
( loll.r iiirtuie. Mayor Hperr
.rl eimiai chaigenl tlm handling
irnJ,tbi small army of -
m i i!ftilnl in piraerie order.
( ilr stiriiibllng and seating ol
liVfstrt tlir fimous "cowlwv
ul I'ucMi. and Alamosa, rtlirl
tl to llir ii( In III rear ol Ilia
f, irmlrrol mixed pnigraiii nl
.If, cliMh at and rag-tinm lr.
drat,.iu were piobahly Ilm
'iImic rrr innl or (unction
i i.aluif Al-nellie iril ol tlm
lid mj.-rinli'. m
It Cl Utorfe Washington, draped
k"i Amrrnan llaga anil featoontd
It attr inaur aula of trl-colored
r. To ll.i' utilit was a similar
ol Ainlu-w Jackum ami to the
I'tiil Tlioiiiut Jelferanu. On tlm
tsasllwn. a photograph ol tlm
Uncut.. u.i.lint, (inner Clve.
Iivnlrml mtli I.Uck In mule ell-
I ''I the iri'aillhif Irellnif nl anruiw
Ml rweiil iliaili. tlm national
rri iim-I pmfutely In carrying
MmfHUrt i. tM. , Hrro kkk;
r" Dm ilrli LMtra nml In hack ol
Ofinlii. nan tln alternate..
lb ol tin..,, nfiloin were lo
t, CuliirailllBliil Dial, i.nrl. l,.tl.w.
I .-.. -- -.
It l tin. Iliat tlm,, thai . aiiff..nt
rltra" ol tlin Vtl had ii up,niliiiiit
ol aeellig women x.IIIiiiii 4ithlt
IliK III national attain-
Ideal Intm-sl n-Mmi-d in . nimal
ul ailnm ij nun u t. nrtv nn, hitl
lievrl Utii rMi in till, full n lli,. coin..
try, A t tit ir iil.htllv Uraim. Umibii
III till' tnlliT) II, r) Hi-lf iti'l, I'lU'luli.
rniimla u aiUiiM.
lly I" n'rlmk till' aiiilltntiiiiii Mm.
,..,1.11 11. 1...
'M. M1-.I lllllll ,."l, 111 lltn ,IIIll L't I ,, , .... . . . ,(
in .,i,.i,, nl ihu lililami tlm C'lvarl,'"lii ""X tlint tli atntviiiciit ol D.
Irry, a maloilty ol tlic nitnia .rut. I i . .. ,, , , , . . .
. 1 ... ,'luL,.ihiiii .llm-mr t' II Vu..ll l tin, rwlor l I iilvalenl to Having
liln uxunlnl i wunuii. i.i-Hiim. iiiiritor I. II, .Mjneii, ul me
c. .. .. ... ... .. Ini w .... ...... .... J Hil nothing will be done on the .lam
...urn, ...,r .... .noma -- - - "-I,,,,,,,,,, ,, OThf ,aml, ,, ol ln.ll.11.. I.r..l ol II. IViiiu. .rr..l...i ol tl,.. wa,J of director. , !,,,, preJwl ,1Bt mvu not Ut.n
iratlr Katloii.l C'.,iiiniittcv, fai'iiM lor i, U'iit I'.m' v.irliili,n il,i li I i i , . .
11 wm aur iini .rociaiion, inai it tlgnril are now trry .low nbout encuni-
nnltr ami tlm liualliraaol tlm (Oiixi-lition .. . , ., , , , . . , .,.,.,, . .,
will U lmHiilito ti, ri'oimliler tlm livriug their lunda by siitning tlit-ni (or
"" ,","i"1, N,,"Ur- I'ify N0..I.011, i,!,,., i,,,, w ,n .,.,M,itiiL-riil iliatwnik'ituvrrnumnt irrlgallun ulien tlmy liaw
ol tin. National l-..iiiii.tlii.a.i.ti... nimII,,.1)ri. .,,, ,,,. ,BIII , Mwll ,,, M ,,,, ' ll0 ,iHIlIte tlloWe,go ol the tlm- when
durn! ami i.n.l II, Mall umlrr ul.irli Ilia- , .,. , , ,.,. .... ,,. t -i..i.
.(it n ii.c liiiKii nit' Fig 1 ii-ii mj wini tiiv nit; iitiiiiiii'iii. nut rmii lit m ivviuuu
ewcll Writes That Bids on Clear Lake
Cannot Be Reconsidered
Uri'limn in 1I11. n-.iit.t lulling fur tlm Thora who nre (ainillar itli the con
anliililn hail loriU'linl. Inllimin..
thia lit, Itrv. Jaima J. Ki-ani', lli.inan
t'atliullc AriM,lilnin,f tlm Aithilincrn.
ol WyomliiK, oltriril tin1 lnrcatioii, tlm
amllrncr 1imIIm; diirliir tin nu)ir.
Clialriuali lantrrrl ni-xt alllioilliciil
the nai.i.'i ol tlm ti i.inary nk'.ci'ia -lectl
by tlm Nalioiul Coiiiiiiitli, tl.i
iillicial uma lliig Trliijral) ('haif
mail, 'llii(liii A, llvll, ul Callfuiiiia:
the limit.
City Can Buy Water System
Any Time Says H. V. Gates
Plan Is Presented to the Mayor.
Council and Citizens
Provide for Sixty Hydrants for Fire Protection and Con
necting of Mains to Perfect Circulation of Water
System in all Parts of the City
In hi talk Ulom tlm rnimnl lnt I
Trniairar Si.i'ta.y, I'li-y WiaKlMiii.ulllilKlit H. V. (intra lalnl tlml ii-porta
Kriitnrky, ami I'iiat Am.tuiit Hitii- have lir.iK'iitly iraclnil him that the)
Ut), IMxiiiMtoii. ol n Yoik. 'I lm Klaiiulli Fall. Liglii A Water Co.
Regular Council Alecting
Atlilelroni allowing the regular month
ly bill, the council did little builnes.
ulullAI.. uu... .tlt...l ll... . i.....
' . , , ' , ' uouiii not aeii 11. piani ni "y "" a,i night, .uo ol tin. tlico being gWen
t,w.t nii. j m pitai vai., ',....-., i-,,.-
rary Chatiniati llell to the ttaml. Tin-,
Calilomln atatrfiuan in a li'UKth) .ertli (
toundrd tlm Lejlioteol the oiiuimIIoii. I
fltist Rebuild Line
at "nrli tuii" when the contract fro.
i.lnl that it inlulit 1 purcliaieil by the
city. In .(leaking ol the matter he
Tlm city can buy our plant nt any
time, 11ml il it does not want to buy f
I cording to the term, ol tlm contract, we
Tlm Midway IVI. A Tel. Co. will ,,.,.,, , worth, the value
furred to lebultd Ha line In llouaiiM o( ,,, lUll ,0 B,cerlal,md by ex
the faille will be affected by the Indue-, H'Hii."
lion current from the Moore llroa ower When the plant wa. InHallnl the city
line. The atrong voltnge imIihc over M th Ii.lit to purcha.e the jdant at
the Miairn llroa. line will affect all u ' "' "" )'"' """ ' "
ground line an. rder to ,'"'" "' fnlUm ol over)-live yearn
avoid the trouble the. Midway l-o.nian, '"' TU " " 0't',lriM
nlKiul two ear. ago linn inu purrnato
will rebuild it. Hue, uiiiklug it n copper
metallic circuit. The noik will belie-
llrnialeileligntt, and nu .llernate. gun .nine Hum uext week
U will make special prices all this week
On Ladies' Khaki Suits
fatch Thi8 Store FOR JULY BARGAINS
wa not made, but .Mr. date, now .ayi
that hu will not hold the city to the
cnntiiiit to await the expiration ol the
flip yeur period, but will .ell at any
lime Hint Ihu city ia ready to buy.
toll. V. Gates lor the premutation of
his plana lor the Improvement ol the
lire protection ol tlio city.
The council revoked It. proceedings at
a x'clal meeting, levying a (Kill tax,
the nanio having been Illegal. The re
enictuient ol the poll tax ordinance
will lie taken up at the nex'. meeting.
Along Company Coming
Crops Looking Well
Tnrincm and runchera In llila vicinity
are In-ginning to fee' mure Jubilant over
the crop proipccta. The warm weather
linn advanced grain, and grasses wondir-
fully In the pu.t few- weeki and many of
the farmer, who have lleldn tinder the
J canal my Hint the yield will lie better
' HiIh year than It wan laitycar.e.peclally
Is HiU with Hie lint cutting ol alfalfa.
'Tlmiu ure eomo lleldo throughout the
I basin that aie not as noodaa they Hiould
be and all of tlm ciopl uie a little late,
! but the geneial prospect, are now much
I better than they were a thort time ago.
I To All Music Lovers
Come In and hear the new "H) mphony
Orand" at lleltkeuiper'a.
Ayrea and Price, of fakevlew, an.
nounce that Mr. and Mr. Wm. V.
Mongand company, accompanied by a
aolo orchestra, will play in Klamath
i'all. for seven night, beginning on the
13th ol this month. They will present
a number ol popular dramatic and com
edy production, that will lie new lo this
Horace V. Mitchell returned this
morning from Ashland, where ho spent
the Fourth. lie states that Mrs. L. 0.
rilaeiuorn and Mrs. It. A. Allord, who
also spent the day at Ashland, will re
turn In a lew it ays with Mr. and Mrs.
H. 8. Mitchell, who are coming to Klam
nth to sHMid a lew weeks at the resorts
In the northern end ol the county.
I'lenstire seekers are coming and going
lo and from the resort. In the northern
eud of the county. The following party
has just returned from a camping trip In
Wood river valley : MIm M, E. Hamil
ton, E. S. Pratt. Rev. Geo. T. Pratt, V.
D. Fry, ri.Grittle, Mr. and Mr., Geo.
Gristle, MIks K. DeF, Skinner and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Humphrey,
Geo. II. Smith,- brother ol It. S.,'ur
rived last night from Eugene, accom
panied by Mrs, Smith. They will re
main hero lor a lew weeks and will
iioend some ot the time nt Spring Creek,
They nre swell and down to date they
City ollicials und Interested parties
who attended the council meeting last
night and listened to the explanation of
the Improvements ol the water system
an proposed by Hon. II. V. Gates lor the
Klamath Falls Mght & Water Co. were
iulle lavorabl) Impressed with the plan,
lly menus of diagram. Mr. Gates showed
the iunulliicieiicy of the present protec
tion In cai-e ol lire and also how his
company proioiM-d tu remedy matters.
A ill.uram ol Ihu system showed that
the water mains ol the city run east and
west with a cross pipe eveiy three
block's, but in many parts these pipes
nre not connected, so that the circuit.
tlon o( the system is lar from being even
good. At the present time there are
only short hections ot six-inch pipe on
Klamath avenue, the lompany proposes
to extend this p!K the lull length ol the
nvenue, giving additional protection lor
Main street and making It possible to
lower the Ure Insurance rate according
to Insurance men who are conversant
with the conditions.
The company proposes to connect up
all sections ot plw In all parts ol the
city so as to perlect the circulation of
the system and thereby furnish protec
tion for every district within the cor
jioratu limits. In order to do this it
will be necessary to expend approxi
mately 3,000 in the laying ol additional
pipes, which the company Is willing to
do II the city will Install fifty-one
hydrants, which, with the nine contract
h)drant, will give ample (Ire protection.
The company proposes that the city
hall buy and install the additional
hydrants and own the tame, the nine
now- Installed being the property ol Ibe
company and the city paying annually
therefor $305, this being the amount
dxed by the contract.
The company realizes that the city
could not pay for sixty hydrant, at this
rate and has mado the proposition that
II the city will install the additional
tllty-ono hydrants, they will make an
annual charge ol I,L00 for the sixty,
thus adding only 395 to the present
hyd.aiit cost and getting therefor fifty
one nddltloual plugs. Mr. Gates esti
mated that the hydrants could be pur
chased and Installed for about 30 each.
In addition to the l.u lug ol the pipe
the plans (or the improvement of the
water system provide for the comple
tion ot the two reservoirs that are now
In the course of construction and for the
Installation of a pump that will throw
600 gallons per minute. The one pump
now in use has a capacity ot 0u gallons,
and the second one Is added as h safe
guard In case the one should break while
lire is raging. The two pumps and
1 the three reservoirs w ill glre five sources
oi supply in case oi nre aim win tuve a
tendency to an automatic regulation of
the pressure whero elnvatiuns are the
same Under the imprpied system the
fire pressure on Main street will be ap
proximately 100 pounds, while on Klam
ath avenue It will be a lew pounds more
and In other sections a trifle less.
Mr. Gates did not urge the council to
enter Into a contract, but presented the
proposition In a way that made It plain
that the present protection it inadequate
In the extreme and that by following
out tlm plan proposed by thompany
the city will be atle to secure the best
possible protection. The mayor, council
and property owners preent seemed
favorably Impressed and It Ir very prob"
able-that 'soma action will belaleo on
the matter in the near future.
flaking Test Pits
The Southern Pacific well boring out
fit, under the supervision of Harry Cros
by, Is engaged In making test pits (or
concrete foundation, for conduits (or the
place, where the government canals
cross the railroad grade. In order to
build these conduit. In the low places It
will be necessary to lay the foundations
on solid bottom, and the test pits are
between SO and 100 feet deep. The out
fit I. at work immediately below town
G, Heitkemper, Jr., ha. received a
Symphony Grand Parlor phonograph.
The Instrument Is the latest Improve
ment In the phonographs and It and
two others sent to a firm at Portland
are the first ones tent into the state ol
Oregon, It is a beautiful piece ol orna
mental lurnlture and the tones are as
clear a. from any musical Instrument
in existence. "
To make room for new goods that are
now on the way we are disposing ot all
second-hand articles we have left at
price, less than cost, Virgil A Son.
The proof of
'the freezer
it in the
Violet, the U-year-old daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. J. H. Hnlse, had her lace and
hair quite badly burned jesterday even
Ini! by the explosion of belated Fourth
..i i,,k. Hruu-nrka. She will suffer no have the quality and are useful aome'
in -... ... - .
permauent Injury from the accident. new things at McHat tan's.
The White Mountain Freezer
mikes more cream, better cream, and makes it easier
uiui i he.itcr ihan any other freezer on the market