The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 06, 1908, Image 1

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PT" I Pfillfir1 ill
Kosdy l" '
Our Advertisers Get
the Beat Results . . .
Klimnlli ''lllH ' '
UroYnAfc Nafi.
Pmce, 5 Cents.
Sgue pro and con
Ldgc Benson Hears Attorneys;
In Wet Vs. Dry Case
liwIAnjiiiiH'iit on Petition lor Wril ol Kuvicw in IVou'imI-
intjs Consumes Most ol Day uiul liotli hirlios hie
Uriels to Substantiate Arguments
Scene of July fourth Festivities
r,,fli,l ri: "'" llio UIn ill
Cuttl ' Keiii IUIUr.1 agalmt
r . ll... ..illilV llldlaf atlll
tnilli '" ' ' -"
..-iMUnrr. ( i '" "' ,',l' "
;,it( lli .i.iIii "I h county
dim on " option, took place N-
p ju(f !n-n t-Uy. The argu-
i . .1. .....I....L ... I
ti foninicn ci "' " """
LtoMludr.1 Hi liMUil Ullrmwiii.
I, Honor aim- -M- at llie cloin ol llie
liwiiiiiliiii""'M l" through
Li.iliiinir" ii-llly "lllr
tlcflJ' i "'ll ' i ""I,J ,,u "
Ltiitfnl " l,i importance "I the
Y Millt I ' lli" ;lllloiior took llio
,10.1 lUt ,ii the lintlrnil the petition
U Hil'ti I orilrr n rlccllon In
is will. i . ii ill local iiptt'in, tl'
MfJ JU not ' w liy -llIl-t nl llir
il the imiii ilgntng were legal
itri. lint the slu-rlfl' rillllcp ol
l tiri of i llfei nl tliv election was
liXdrnt ii llmt lil tciurii did riot
f oei Hi liutlrr were potel bill
I; llil liirr were posted III lln
IJieplKinn tholclnlty ol the poll
tyUcn lo Hut lli abstract ol llir
Ili7uli hive appeared ill the record
ku county court In give Jurisdiction
ml llir llml order declaring the
rail of tlir t ti
llir ri l l kn defendants Mr.
fat crntrndc I I tint the Uw JIJ not
Loire k crtnrirnli' ol the clerk tlmt tlie
Icn ho untied the petition were
ilidnl tlMoti , but tint such plllloii
ifortlir county cnuit mini when the
kit U I mulled Itself Old the ll-
toinpiird null the law It was its
If la male the order lor III election;
it It rrtiirn made lie llm therlfl and
'k illli rcfcicncu to tlirlr couiiinre
& the law being prima facie evidence
itallthe prnMiinus ol llie Uw had
n roui.!K-l ultli, made tliu work
Ktxetiipi trruii an attack by writ of
Hi lint It was nut neci-saary that
itUlmrt iii.nliMil thu voto should bo
lalcdln tin ..r.lrr declaring I ho re-
tol HuMlirii,,!,, llt such abstract
male Ut ti,!. IndiriiiKllon ol tho
county rmirl, ti i 1 i nit n jmili.
llonal muller. An. I llmt IliviirJi r ! -rllliliK
the rrault nl the i-lt-ctlmi Ix'ln
trlliiH faiio I'Uili'iiie llmt nil llniti.
vltloninl llie Iiih' linJ It-en rin.rcl
with In Kit Ink" notice iif mi'l IioIiIIhk miJ
elrrtliiii,aiiil In rouiilinit mnl ii'tiiniln
the vntn nuil ilriUrlliir the ii'iulla
llii-mif, tin irnciTiin rniilil nut at
tnckf.1 by writ ol n vii.
Ilotli 'i i Hit nuhiiilttil Ydlmiilniiui
brli'ln ami It Mill irolhly he no turn I
ilnyt belmg Jihl'ii lleiiiuii lilif a ilerlilun.
Klamath Team Loses
In the bull Krnc t'xl.iy nt l.ikoinv
('oUllllle ilefealcd Klmnatli I'lill in a
tcll'llitlilitr Kllie. In the uintli the cmu
Kit H mnt H. In the truth Ciiljnllle
ounil tnire. Tlili n, up to litis lime,
the Uiteit vtnii.e i.l the loiirimiiient.
HltunUy Klmnatli I'alli ilrlentnl
Lalelen, ami toiiioiionr the lix'al team
ila)i Mtver l.ale.
S imimK.2. i
'THriii7rv5.e . .
."-xx:n ;
Portland Excursionists to Visit
Resorts of This Section
Many Participate In Grand
Celebration of Anniversary
It i eitiin.ite. tlmt mt lem than Inc. i n Hell nrelvml by 1'itli the whiles
thni.nn. -cii!i. nltemb-l llm celehm-' " '0 luJiam.
I llm. at the .,hl r.t Klamnll. on the' A libU mmo n.l varlou. klml. nl
! lipoid occuiilvil the attention of tl.o
llourlh. I. wry part ol K'amitli county ', ... .
I Urge crowd dttrlnx the afternoon and
. wmii-iI reprr.enle.1 and the day m.nIni:. 0ne 0, ,,. m0,t ,n,efwtllg
ii-Bniiit mie fur all. Tim program for frnturca of the day'n cvenla were tlio
'the iUy nai cat lied out, ('apt. O. t-'.i Indian war dancea and alto the nltth
.'plrKnte delUeili'H the oration, which 'dancea by toiuoof the tqiiawa.
Winners of Championships
in Mid Pacific Tournament
The TeiiiiliTiiiiriiaiiient for the chant.
Important flectilltf Ipiomhlp id the Middle l'acifio Coart
Alltthuare hitrvitel III better llrr
protection fur the city rlemld nllend the
council lilreliiiK Inlilglit and hear the
plant that II. V. (late III prupmu lor
the linprovi'ineiit nl the Hitein. It I
eipeclally defiled that all lion to inter
eiteil In till matter thould be pretcnt.
Mr. (intei Ii ol the o'duiiui that he h
oinethiuK lu offer to the city ihat lll
be of epeciat liitelrit to all bilrlliers
men and property owner. 11 cerf
one wliu bat lutereita Hi the city he at
the iiiectlnit lonlKlit.
Injured in Mali (lame
Wm.Cnlipl ief Iheiuinryom on
the Klamath liidlun rercrvutUm,
Injured 'iiltu reilouily in the bnieball
liamo at the old l'ort Klmnatli on the
alternoon of the I'mirth. While phi) ini;
In the Kamo ho collldisl with one ol the
other plaer, auitnlnliiK' injuries tlmt
kept lit mi iinriuncioiia lor ccvernl hourii.
Dr. Merryinmi was iiiniiioncd Iriun
till city. At lnt reporta the condillon
of thu man wa very iiiurli iiiiiroved.
We will make special prices all this weec
On Ladies' Khaki Suits
came loan end tail ."atitnlay rnornliif
when K. I.. .'Hiirtilander and W.I. liar
Cl.iy Jefealvil Curll V.. Wlddnra and j
Henry Cioaby In the lliiala lor the yen-1
tleinen'f Jouble i'riita.
The llnala in the ii cities and comola
thm eventa were completed on the after-'
nm i.Uuly 3nl.
A larre gallery a preieutto witne
the mnlili tn'ticn m iiioii n. m iiey auu
lleiny Cni'by In the filial of the j!n.
llemen'a lmtlei. This was the mot
depvrately ronteitiM match of the tour
nament, and the otitcomo was In doubt
until the fifth mid tlnal set had been
plajiil. Hy brilliant itrokliiB Mr. Wiley
secured early lead In all ol tho sets ex
cept the filth, but was unable to keep
thu ndvautatto thus Rained in the first
and third seta. Mr Crosby was In liet
tc r condition limn bis opponent for llie
Ioiik' i;rm'lllni! contest, however, und ran
nut the hut set HO. Mr. Wiley was
bothered by cramps In tho last set and
It was necessary to delay the match sev
eral times. Mr. Crosby played consist
ent tennis throuuhout llie tournament
und was particularly accurate with lilt
hmd placement shots to the corners of
the court. llo plays n strong net fame,
mid with lit long reach and hard smash.
Inu kept Id" iipoiiMit on the move at
all times. I In deserves llie well earned
title of Middle Tactile ctiamplen.
I'rellnilnary round-K. 1.. Swartland
cr defeateil II. S. Sutton, 0-1, fl 2. Cur
tis K.WIddOes defeated W. II. Mason,
an, till, il-a. Henry Crosby defeated
Jtunco Mason, fl-1, 0-2. P. I. Csmplwll
defeated 11. Vanlllier by default. F.
I., Humphreys defeatl Clias. 1'owne
liy default. W. I. Ilarrlay defeateil Jer
ry Mattiii bydelaull.
First KottnJ-W. 0. Wiley defeated
W.J. llarclay, 0-0, 4-0, 7-&. E. U SwrU
lander defeated II. G. Wilson, 6-2,0-4.
Henry Crosby defeatod Cuitls E. Wtd
does, 0-0, 0-2. Henry Crosby defeated V..
J.. Swartilander. 0-9, 00, 0-2.
Mita Mildred Wilson defeated Miss
Evelyn Applegate in the llnala of the
ladles' slimles, 0-0, 0-3, 0-4.
Gentlemen' singles, Unals, Henry
Crosby ol Oakland, California, defeated
Wilson L. Wiley, Klamath Falls. Ore
Ijou, 0-3, 0-8, 0-3, 4-0, 00.
Gentlemen's doubles, Unals, E. L.
Kwamlander ami W. I. IlarcTay of
Klamath Agency, defeated Henry Cros
by and Curtis E. Wlddocs, 0-3, 7-5, 0 0.
Mr. W. 1 llarclay of Klamath Agency
won the consolation eient by defeating
II. II. Wilson of KUm. Agency, O 3, 0-4.
lu the tournament Klamath Agemy
won the most points.
Klmnatli Agency 4
Klamath Falls ,.3
Oakland 3
Dairy 0
Two of the surprises of the tourna
ment were the platings of W. I. Barclay
and C i:. Widdoes. Mr. Widdocs is
one of the younger players, but is rapid
ly developing into a flrst-clasa player.
Mr. llarclay plays hard at all times and
Is very steady.
An effort will be made at once to gain
admission to the United Slates National
Lawn Tennis association, and make the
tournament an annual event. The peo
ple of Klamath Kails have taken great
Interest In tho tournament, and have
hi-led to mako il successful, even lie
yond tuHctatloni.
Next year the club proposes to be In
hotter shape to entertain Its visitors,
and it is hoped more commodious quar
ters will bo secured, with shower baths
and lockers. An effort will also Iks made
to get tho best players of tho state, as
well as adjoining slates, lo enter.
Hoard ol Directors Holds Special Meeting and Plans Pro
gram lor Cntertalment ol Pleasure Seekers and
Investors Who Are Coming
Garfield May Gome
C. II. Fitch, the Acting Director ol
the lteclarnatlon Pcrvlcc, has written to
Director Jacob Itueck, of the Water
Uteis' Association, that it is Very prob
able that .Secretary Garfield and Direc
tor F. II. Newell will visit the Klamath
project this Summer. At this time
they are both absent from Washington
and nothing can bo done about the re
jection of the bids on the Clear lake
dam until they return.
It Is the wish of many of the land
owners that Secretary Garfield should
come here and make a personal investi
gation of the conditions in the Upper
project. Po far llie 83 per cent of the
land asked by Director Newell has not
been tinned and unless a deal for the
lieekman lauds ts coniummated It will
lie a difficult matter to get the required
per cent. The lieekman tract comprises
over 2U00 acres and it this is signed with
the Government It will ratio the per
cent above 60.
Equal to the Occasion
Alines Coming Forward
According to tlio I.ake County Ex
aminer things aro looking up In the
mines In that section. Some of the dis
coveries am producing oar that assays
as high as f200 In gold and there seems
to bo lots of It.
l'racllcal mining men have secured
control of some ol the best properties In
the Windy Hollow district and will de
velop them Ibis Summer. The surface
showings In that dlstiict are very good
and should the sinking of (halts and
the tunneling that Is now being done
result In finding a permanent ledge
of some site Lake county will become
one ol the gold-producing counties of
the slate,
New Pictures Tonight
A. F. Clublne, one of the Merrill
saloonuien, does not propose that the
prohibition wave shall drive htm farther
than across the line Into California. It
is not more than a mite and a half to
the state line from Merrill and Mr.
Clublne has n resort already started In
the gulden state and is advertising that
tree butses will run from Merrill to his
resort In Calllornla, and It Is said that
the buss line Is pretty well patronized
even though Merrill did go dry quite
A special meeting of the Hoard ol Di
rectors of the Klamath Chamber of
Commerce was held this afternoon for
the purpose of discussing the plans for
an excursion from Portland for pleat-
ure seekers and Investors. A full board
was present and after some discussion It
was decided to extend an invitation to
the people of Portland and tho vicinity
of tlist city to viilt the Klamath coun
try, leaving Portland July 25. General
Passenger Agent Wm. McMurray had
been previously seen regarding the mat
ter and he stated that the Southern Pa
cific would mako a special rate for the
occasion. W. It. Davis and T. A. K.
Fassctt attended the meeting this after
noon and stated that they would attend
to getting reduced rates fiotn the local
transportation companies.
The Chamber of Commerce will ar
range a program for the excursionist
from the time they arrive at Weed. The
llbenl time limit of the tickets, fifteen
or twenty Jays, will enable the excur
sionist- to make trips through the agri
cultural districts between thla'city and
Merrill, toris!t Crater Lake and many
ol the resorts on the Upper Uke.
The Board of Directors ol the Cham
ber of Commerce also JeclJt J to estenJ
an ins Itation to the PortlanJ Y. M. C.
A. to make their trip to Crater Jjike via
this city, and if the invitation Is ac
cepted they will be (he guests of the
Chamber when they arilve here about
the middle of August.
Stringing the Wires
Linemen working for Moore Bros,
havo the wires strung about half way to
Bonanza on the electric line. They are
putting up the power line and also a
telephone line so that the service will be
entirely completed as soon as Bonanza
Is reached by tho workmen. Another
crew of men Is setting poles !n this city
and still another is hauling poles for the
power lino lo Merrill. The building
will not bo creeled until the machinery
Is all installed and mot of the other
work completed.
Wool Clip Sold
Sheepmen of tills section of the state
have disposed of the wool clip for this
year. The price in many Instances was
not as good as had been expected. In
the early part of the season It waa
thought that the price would not go
below 15 cents, but It was only the
choice clips that brought this flguro, the
most ol the clips selling for 13 and 14
cents. Last year the price ranged from
19 to 23 cents.
Shearing Is finished in most parts ol
the country, although In tlio vicinity of
the lava beds there are still a few bauds
that havo not been sheared. All of the
sheep are now on the summer range,
most ol the men engaged In this indus
try having leased land In the reserves.
"A Trip Through Darkest. China,"
"The Animated Clock," "Peggy's Pic
turo" and "The Lottery Ticket." New
songs, etc.
r (3tr w2"UMnw!.. I sxV
.T 'C ?T "",,la X tsaV
T yitatMr)sii
m The proof of 1 is in the
M llic frcccr k 1 freezing
I The White Mountain Freezer I
1 makci more cream, heller cream, and make it easier F
1 ami cheaper than an other freezer on the maiket I