MARSH T.ANPS OREGON'S RICHEST SOIL ABEL ADY " ... " ...., .m nne ni? AfPP AMn T1PIA7 A7)n iVw ROPER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BAKUA1N& hi to xm w.w w ,,ww. ,.u Lrjfl: incorporated November 2, iqqa THE EVENING HERALD Itaueil Dally, Kxcopt Snmlity, ly HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor CIssifIcd Advertisements St'llSOIMi'TlON ItATlIS Illy, l.y mnll.ono jir 1'' IMlly, liy mull, fix month - rf l)lly, by mll, ihiw month ' ' Daily, liy mall, one month w Dally, ilellcrn! l!y carrier, one wwk " KLAMATH FALLS. FRIDAY EVENING. JULY .1, lW IS THE CITY TOO SMALL? HEAL ESTATE t'OK SALE I'Ol! SAI-i: --Hi Ai-n I.iiihIi I.h.iI'I II inlli'eit if Klnmnlli I'nll l'K ttln for tome hoine.'eeker, lot mrllcnUi iiiqiilrii nt llil ntlliv. il H i'OK SALE I'm .Silo in Trnile. Keliloiui' mil limlnoM proivrlj In lln1 N'l limn In W'llliinirtto nlloy. Iniiilti t tin' ItiKtonMnri1. ()in whole l.ulne him I. in Kl ninth l I .ill fur mIi fn finlt i' til hii tin M III nf nhit ll ti mlli llilit) 'In .,. (' l Vllln roi: sai.k oni iiii tithing tiiim, well bruli t" ni'Mlo iiml hiirnei... ii-ntlo inil iMM'ln. Alii hune uml Iiiiuki ooliipli'lo. .lilie !' in .-.ill t lhl nlllro. I'nr Sale Ihiisi) itinl -ini-'lo Inline" l'iniulrvi( ii tl.W. M.itl MISCELLANEOUS SUMMONS In lln liii'iH '' "f "", H"'" "' ()K fui llio fiiillil) "I Mnlimtli. lU'iilm II. r.niiii'r, I'hiliillllj . IMnlil It t 'miner, Pefenilnnl 1 To IVinl, I II. ('miner the nl'e nnnieil .lefniilniil: You mo In nh) niiili"'l I" uinnr uml mmui'i the i-nni'lilnt Wr.l 111; ilii-t Mm In Ihi' nlno onlllliil mil nil nr I- full' the W ll I) ll JlllV IWM. I"" III!; the hit! il i "I ll"' """' '" ' "'" of the iiilili'iitiun nl thl mininmm. I'"' llifl inil.lli'iitliiii llioiiiif U'liiiiiin Ihe II ,,i) of June IWW uml II )'' '"" " " iii.o.irmiiliinir. inr wwii men-n me l.l,ilnllirMllit'l'l liilhiMiuiit fur the lellel I'lilMol lor in me iiiniim..i ' in In wll' I'm a ileilie ill".. hill the huii.1 ol nmtiiinini matin li'tweeti .illlll( illnl llefillilillll. fr Ihe i" mil ,'ii.lill of I mi ni' J Cmniel urt.l I ho oral" mill illhnieliieliHil tl ill ' mnl fur incli other mi'l liillln r tell, I a" liilhoioiiilniii) neni jlll.nllnltllht, llll iniiiiiolK ! "vimiI I') 1'nl'll i iiionlheli-ol In Ihe Km limit. Ileiiil.l hi , inter i.l the llonornhli' J U. lliillltli ('unit) .Imlifi'iif Klamtlli ('iiinli, On- ,. ,', ,,,., il.tli',1 mnl llle.1 in llni nit it Kl.iin.ilii I'alin. oiiitmi, mi (ho II nl I lino I'llt. Whlih until ni'ler l ' .iiiml miniliniiM In thl .nil ! imhliithi'il inn-en wiek, im n i'ii'i m ' Did anyone hear of any of these outside ndditions.clam oring to get into the city limits? Why, then, is theiv all this agitation of increasing the bouiuleries of the city? Haven't the city ollicials trouble enough on their hands now looking after our 7-10 acres of streets and lots with out burdening them with two thousand three hundred ' acres more? i Klamath Falls has been accused of trying to run the, entire county and it looks as if there might be some justi-, fication in the charge and that it wanted to bring thej whole county into the incorjwration so tnat u eouui neuer v.mto.i rumm ian. .nhmi ih accomplish this purpose. Of all foolish propositions this ''nA"ri''"Wt''M'' '''""''"'"" one is certainly the most absurd. Is it possible that this lost and tound ... i.nnM'4 liuii.-l.tnn nttrl fl'MlKln t i cr,ltA tl'l t llll t LOSI A lulir of 4il.etnL'le4 cay llUStItc.uujjUM,uB. atu .YuW. i,i ..fc - 'o,., in.rv. No. WIS. I... MM, eoing out into the country ana adding several tnousanus - -i:,.,-h..ii k r.., m-:-, M-mmi m. " titi IiiTIiik Mitrlhi .... ..... ..... . . .. I Ml t M rtlliiu Jl. imiliHilIi i ", IMIM'II. ullilmt itttu kkMlloil 111 .nl...iiu"i-.inol.l.iltiielhhlein(..r-!i .i.,i-...Uo anil omiwiHU.- week. i in Iiom Ihe tl "I June l',' IHlll'ill ' ,11,. I, ifc " . ' rui Mi-ii"n imi (' fiiio liialllK l.'.'ll '.'?." Clillvll 1'il'ltl . I'm ll mil, OlCioll. St II W. Kiimi. Attome) fin I'lullillll MIIICI! I'OK I'dlll.lCAllON I .-i ll IIIK lit "I the liileilm I . I .iml Ulllio. at I ikoiien. Oiryon June ', I!"'-!. N'ltlio ll heleh) k'IM William 1 -'rhielnrr. of Klimath I all. I iieterOii.H'ili, li. "l Aiiint i:i IW-.'. iik.Ii of acres of pasture lands as a further burden on the busi ness men and property owners within the business and Tl.o nlotloiw lo.irlh I. nrjr. Hrt'""1' "' i "n..n. .... D I I U ....ll... ! lnl. tf lull li, llirlLM I ilial vnur llicuniki ilnl iliinrnllniis ut the .... . .. , , ...,. ,, resident districts, or do those advocating this extcn- .-mr nmu M..n. n,,. im,' i.i. uimec n sion think that the owners of the land outside of the,,; nv nrTT.s Ku'ylut'Ztl present boundaries will come in and help us pay off our Ih.,sr7Jn'..'T,.V,.rt..;:w'l'Ia!:,::;:; ' A'u-i. . ui....t .r. .. debts without asking anything in return; ,,.,, n vl .ui.i-. .. it,mrm ....... v m .i.,...i.. i Kum.n, i ..u.. o.r If mlrrl-l- Im 'oll fnr tlinoo whn ivf cnrinix-lv TO-ir-ll inir "r '""'" "'' 'n"!'" "' " '"""' k.,.i, . IVn Carlisle. i.rKUnialh I'.ll.. Or- It might be v ell tor those w no aie seiiousi nguanng' ,. ... r.., ., . .e.hi'-llM..,l.Aul.,KbBllll1,1 this matter to ston and consider what it is nrohably going o . .mran.ou ,iu...i o(IKOii- n. inike, .i ku.h. laii. . ..i .- .,,.i.. J S'.Wiiwv iv-a It. .-i. Iii. t ail. uk Inn i.lll.i ol.,. .Fllltllf inil III IV ... to cost and then show us where the citv is to be benefited .Mi.iiti'cuiiii.i. .t,ri"ii - ' ... . . . ... , ., i ., rulUjuriurioTi lilor to J.nutT 1. !.. ml hnancialiy or otnerwise. it is several miles around me ,.. not .i-bjumj .., i... .jii...u . . rlatii luiulri icrfrtiMl si.lrr lur Ih. proposed boundenes and sooner or later a permanent sur- ttu.iirw.uii..i ..Mi.n'i..rrii.irur This alone would take a uio...t ..... i..i.......-.i,,,t,..v.ii.. i-ii'i ihre, at f.veie,oir,n.n Jm.e tb i rior-t irni .i .nr .urn iur. rr.iTmr.i ... ,-..-.. ..uuu- i. ,i,-,i'.i) Kirli .". .NOIICI! I'OK I'UIII.ICAriO.N IViiarlmeiit of the Interior, I vey would have to be made. crew cf surveyors six weeks or two months and would . tnw.rr .i.i. '"t ... iwnium ah. iot.),ct D.rri., caiii..r i Uorai.lJ tntrj tul II. irrl.rmr.nihl n . . , . ' 1W ,.,.,1. Imn.,- mean a probable cost of several thousand dollars. The Mir lflf;rt i.ln tha Tnifiofivo lowr x-nuh lu ..nnflinr hirr ov. ' " l't hM1 .r.on in.l.n.l. , M.i, i4. M , ,. Nvllon IS, V.1V...IW,. UIIVI.V. - ....V...V. . - .v.. ..wm.u w. M..w...w. w.a .. ,, .-J'.ln. 1 I! nl ol I. ql M ' 3. It. pense, and then the chances are that it would not carry. ItXZZ T-i !. ! i ii i i . i. , ol NH ir. iHf M. qr olgw ir. u. M til ,.' N Even if it did, the outside property owners are not going.1 im v sa..., .,,.nc.i.un ui u. m.U liiuwu r .11 irrrfiin ,i,d,i r.i nihil. II S, limine 7 '., Will.irnrlle MeiMUn, h.i 111.-.) iii.Uco ol lliteiilion In nuke I'liml file Vrar I'rixil, In r tuhliili rUllii tolhelaml aLiolrri'ilrl U-forn C.unl) ('Ink Kliinith fount) to submit to having their property saddled with tl V .tfjCXX ZZti Zl ent indebtedness of the city. This will mean a law suit mo-n r.n ki.m.-b oitta lucbioiiwi'ii" ninia)oi aukhii. iwi. cianiiani nar.iei aa w it r.t-.. : ie ,lorK4ii, nl Keiin, On iron , Iticlnnl Kearni,).! Dur nt hrc 21. T 21. M. H I I . l Mtr. U14ID nnrl that tvnnlrl rn;t-. mnnev. Our nvpr ismip nf wnrrnnti? i.ihuiiuuii iirun. it Ki.w.ib oih-.h ' i nniurr)nl, .I'l-ri i: tl.TlSD, lit , ,, . . . . . .. . ' , wnnlH v -nrnrpctpH nnd thp ritv'? finnnrinl rnnrlitinn would U.u(ior.i-i.t.i.ii.iAicuiii..outui.i s J .(.aiiiornu. i..Ikji.i iirai.ui it.,rri. woum De proiesiea ana inecitysnnanciaicoituiiionwouiu cotn,,,1.0(ljj, T'(J B.i(7j.i.ur,c.w;ij CniiinmU, Jo.iah n oi,y. ..( i..rnt J. S, Waimio, lliKi'lir. b.liii. ii.ik H.utli tuflnim. il..ur H lo Callfurnli. lltlni. Ih.OC. 4 Ai lltlu. tlirnr. I. fiih.lut. be in worse shape than ever. These are only a few of the results of trying to force the i.X'.-rAMrj;.:'!;" outside property to come in, but we believe them to be suf- ?,7K::;:;,:'I!;:!'Au"rJ".,'r.X.?1-.,.": ficient for the man who has the city's interest at heart We believe the city has territory enough now to keep the ordinary council busy, and if they will continue their or der of retrenchment and arrange for a bond issue to cover the indebtedness, it won't take many years to put the city on a sound financial basis. The wise business man usual ly tries to get out of debt first before he attempts to in crease his stock, and it should be the same with a city. Notice LABOR MAY FIGHT REPUBLICANS "The time is ripe, the hour has come, the work is immi nent and must be done now." Such is the message that Samuel Gompera, president of the American Federation of Labor, is sending to the organized millions -of laborers through the American Fed. rationist. It is designed as the advance signal for war on republican congressmen who refused to give labor its demands during the recent ses sion of Congress. Gompers hints that the fight may be extended to the Presidental contest, but he is waiting for the outcome of the Denver convention before taking a de finate position in regard to that campaign. Orrtrun, .11 ainjr iritleinnit I !, in. h.v ir ul n'i ir ol Nc to, T a H, ll III I., u'.iii ilr. Hon i.l J I. lli.,liiil,0lrinn tli.cW t ol Ml'ir. ll.e T 1,1 ol HI. nt. ht 16, ib NH trolMS'ir, Srci';, T A t). II 10 I.. u-..n ..!l r.llonul J..I.H l.lilrr, I'lliutllltf, lii.i.iii; Ih K lit uf ii: ir ol l I. 'if, Str A, lht K I.l ol N K .r. 10 K. ii.i .IUlli.n ol (jro NoUn, l(, Oirumi, I III II liKN'NKTr. ('oit.inUtloiivrof tbelifiml jinl nn,rf lltolfl M.jra, If" m ask ru.itcL, llr.l AMiaiintHwfri.txollI.e Ini'ilur I lata t)l7. Hi. I'M, 11?, IVn lili i, Notice ror 1'ulillcailon All ariountK iluo mo inuti I.. titllnl hy nnieiir rauli within Ihlily .!) or they "III la? .iihllln-i ami ol. at .uli He auction tn the hl.'hiit hlihler. 0. 1). WIII.OII. Dissolution of Partnership Notice in herehy Klven that thn part iiernhiii hireloforo siatluc Ulne.n C...I i . , . ... ( .-vo"iii .inn i, (,.., ui. ,roirietor. ii mu American Ih.lil, ll tlili iliy iIImoImmI, .11 L O ...I . ,, ,1. . ,,. ... .- iii'i.i. i.a-.iiiii., an new. aim ril-tllrir Hieoiinl" .I'o a. linn, U'. ll. Si i iiiihh , June 21. I-H. M. A. V.u. MriUlll!,.,rt.iL I i ., ll ty j, , rililli'liHM Elwood Steel Fences GUARANTEED We aren recent receipt of a carload of the Famous Elwood Steel Fencing and Poultry Netting in all widths. We stand ready to guarantee every rod of Elwood Fence we send out Geo. R. Hurn l)r.'irlinuit of Iho Interior, I'. S l.iwl Olllco, l.iLi-tli IV (rei'Dii. M ll IB. I nil'AKTMI.ST III III! M, Notico U he.ehy KiMi. tint MU-rl 7 'V! '""; ;''" lliirnnun, of l.ljinnlh Fall., Oni-mi. ' '" '"ll?'.!''' .""' ,'""'Y "i'e ! l.' 1(1,1111 Nov. h, llili, in.nlo limher mnl .tntil.nliiienilnf.r ol Inaol iiiihh mini cm im Sn mi", Inr VI' I - ' '--""""' """i" i" iiii.nn. n.r nr ('ooiwiiiiiuiiiiiii, .in nil.,, ior .M, .ilii,iir4.ui,iiii ii,. .rim j,,il(i;, w) I) I, . ,i..l ,i . I l.lIO.lfl I'll, .. I.III.VI.II ..I I ,1 IlilllIM Il.i n 'o II 1... Will. Mcrlillim. I.... (1I...I I .r.iiKi i.n.i. i ,i.. . ... ., , . ".. ". !' " ' ..... ,,,... .,,-..,"" ,"", -. " ' ,." ..,",,', .IT nolLuof liilfiilloii t ko na I'r.e.f, ,Xl KZM.rW VJW'.tl iticmainitiii 1 1 1. in in urn Mini nltQie ilio I'lllxit, hefoioC.-iiiiiy Clerk Klainuth Co., at It it olhcii ut Klainath I'iiIIi, Oro., on tlio Dili iliiy of AuiiiiM, Ifulfi. ('Liimint mitiR'n ao wliii.-HfoH: John (i. Sclmlloik, of Klamath I'nllt, Ori-xou, i .i. nmien.oi i.iainnin mill, On-Kon, Vlhru Jamison, of Klamnlh J'ulli (lie Hon, m. Cuillale, of IvlAinath Fnll, Oregon, .1. N. W'it.ox lliuiilcr. r, . oilo-rwlM. alll.'li.ttii, ri-.rt.-. or ...riu.rl l"l.tilllbnitl.lcl o. .rlllrhii'ht uiAri h. .lifrJ.ilifWi lUf, bm ,i,.m ,,, .ui,).,,,,, ".''."'!i,!"t', ' iinlll Autun ti, V, alibi L'lllti.l Hlalri an I imiro al Ukivlc Orriimi, warnl'i Uu ri,(f,.lr xlvrli ihat li-.r,i.n HrlllU.rriiilllriioiialiiorrrMl. "hi nan. niiairvrr iiii.i, r ...v ..ii .,...,. ...,ii Irf-min .11. r May 'si. y l,,m !',','.". ,".J".,,',J"' '". .." "Cii'lllV mrni . '. t'1.'1,".'. L4'"- ''.'rWil-lrii ftlll, irit. Mrrl .llan, I H ,M ,,r tl. or an.l sii ,,, 8tt (ir.OVV t,r Nt ar.N l.l N -,'r .iio,, " itiiu iifcinr 1 1, riiAsi. ni "ri." "' "" ","""1 ' '"' ""it" llr.l Atiliiani S.rrri.rr ol il,i Ininioi Slotcmcnt of CoiuIIUmi of Iho Klamath Coimly Bank Klunmlh FuIIh, Orcua DKGKMDKK IM, IH07 KKSOUKCKS !rt:iiiH mnl DlnominlH $y'0,5do.HO HoikIh ititd Sccuritiott 03,01.5,04 Heal I'.Htn.c, HtiildiiiKH nml Flxturw l'l.7..r,.iu Cash anil SikIiI Kxi'Iihiiki' lti(,,i.47.(j) $rHfl,().t!).rl, L1AU1LIT1KS Cujilhtl .SdK'k, fully imlil $100,000.00 Siirpltm anil I'mttlit 21,75:1 1 1 2,000....1 4:11,20.40 ." Dm' OtliiT llankrt )im imUii I. 4U' Martin. Jr.. t'nahii r of tl.. hank, ih, riiihiichly .wear that Hi" ,i. mint la tni.. In Ihe Inal of my kmm: .1, , AI.IIX MAll'I'IN. lit i Siilmrrllri'il ami uoin In l-f.m m, u of Janimrv, l!i S'I I' II U.i Nntar) i'lil. In (, . i. OFFICEKS ALEX MARTIN -K. K. KEAMES ALEX MARTIN, JK. LESLIE ROGERS PrcMdcnl Vlcc-rrcsltlcnl Cnslilcr Ass'l Cnslilcr Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin The Eldred Company F. G. ELDRED, Manager Ikinanzo, Oregon Saddles, Harness and Supplies We make a .seciaUy of first-clus.-', fMarantewl, hand-made Saddles and Simps. Our Saddles have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere .Solicited Ready for Inspection Our line of Carpets, Matting Tapestry, Linoleum, Art Squares, Table, Lounge and Stand Covers, is ready for inspec tion. Somethin&entirely new Also Silk Floss ariclFeltolene Mattresses Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pen cil woven wire Springs, the only thing for hot weather. Polshed Oak Dining Sets and all oak Rockers. W. H. DOLBEER Successor to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, (51 Residence, lfjfi CIIAH. K. WOltl.KN 1'renl.leiil A. M. UOIIDKN Clinhler i iti:i) mki.i Vief'I'rrrMmt The American Bank and Trust Co IASK llenvy Freldhlind a Specltlty. Baarfc Ordcru Arc Given Prompl Attention 0. K. -Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving Office S7 J PHONES Bam 071 tteildtncr 04!i KENYON 6 GRIMES, PROPRIETORS ir S "a isS rs 3 : . I Jii.ll,' "S i v -"-o--- '" Ti" ' "" ,bMJrr "i - J) CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. flth amt Main Street