The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 30, 1908, Image 3

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JVompwti: Tocii or
l jou nec.l anything In this
line we HI l K11' "
oj color caul ami uot
U't tnotrttrtiin lult )u, c
--iiiuk AMI MK UX
Geo. T. Baldwin,
Klamath Fall. Oregon
ii -m i r
Soring Creek
TV I i-l Irmit ll'tilim III Oregon,
l.trrllriit arroiillliadatliilH lor
('impiiiK niilllta '"' "Hi
h -n-1 a I t-auiping grounds and
I.Kll lor irllt
Fine ijtnri lor aluck.
rrlrihoii ruiiiirrtlnn. j
ArroiiiiiKnUtlona In go to tratrr
Will tnrc t rtlra at Klamath
Klamath Agency, Ore.
Zim's Plumbing
Contracting ana Jobbing
UtilcUia Line of I'lumb
ing Srcialllra and Aral
data Workmanihlp.
A. 0. U. W. Building
Klamath Falla
Jackson Hotel
Fort Klamath, Ore.
Clean room, good
and the table always aip
plled with the beat the
market afforda-Terma rea
sonable. C. C. Jackson, Prop.
All Repair Work Done rroiaytlr
and at Reduced frlcei
Mm'a Hull Holes. 7.V; rolea
md lleela, l.k'.'i; Udlea Hall
Sole.. UK; Heela, L'fio J Child
ren'a Hall Holer, ."ill eenta. . . .
l'jtiliHi, with nil modern
hop on Main SI. J.V.Hoiuton blk
Professional Cards
Offlce over Klamath County Bank
Aiilianllnk A Tnitl Co.'o Dulldlng
c '. STONK
Attorney at Law
Oflllce over imatofllce, Klamalh Falla,
TitrK0Ne m
Attorney at Law
Klamath Falla, Oregon
I Polly's Me. j
Ciil'WlKl'l llirt ,y Aixiilnlxl I. It
llv I'll
Having iMiikiil cu-uHilne. lulu u mill
Mix Hint iniild In) nornled Ihetelu,
Mrx, Merrllnnii aald, "I am riiuly,"i
Willi Ihu air of unit hWug lid to lli't
Hit IiuiIiiiiiiI, wauhlug hir gloomily
from tho lop of n trunk, Mild pollli-l,
"At leant will wait uiilll (ho hIiow
er la nu'rV
"So." Hiild hU wife, wlllnliM Mini, M
vilall In gn nl iiiiiv,"
"Hilt"- l-grili tho giutli-iuuu mi Hi"
"At unci'.' Mra Mt-rrlmaii K-lti-rati-d
lid her huhiiui'a gloom nlnii-il and
di-iily Into ii utiilli'
all. I'iiIIj." tin audi, ")ou look an
filliliy nlivu )oti Ii) In ho aluti-l) "
Him gimpid
"Will )u kludl) order in) ali"
Mrrrlnniii alld down from Hi" trunk
"I'll do niDlldlig," ho mid luUi-nihl),
"If )oil will only tell mo uhy )nu lire
Hut .Mr Merrluinii had plikid up
the lull tale the weight of W I, It'll
liiadu In r aag dieadfully to one aUe
"l,el iiii-inrr) Hml." In r huthand In
Mill "It'a Iimi heay fur ) ml"
Hut aim I lung to It dertnlrl)
I might ii well Im kIii in lieur hi)
lilllilelil nlolie, nil" aal'l, ' for I ahull
hnu- In ilu It herrafler"
"Uli, pill!"," aald Merrluiuu und lln-u
la-Kgeil pnnlou, llko n gotitleliiiili ' I
know how- )ou halu alnlig, I'oll)," he
an Id "I ahould not forget "
"It 1 rather late," hU wife ri-tiiluded
lilm, "In I" rolitlileriitH of in) feel
"(ill, plf her huihalid Ix-guu, and
tlii'll he alniii "I II Iflepholio for Ihc
ruli at oner"
When he had goiiu Mia Mitilmnu
aat down on the ault (aao urnl tlghiil
The aeti-rll) died out of hi-r rouiito
lintire and waa aucietiled h) a awivt
avrloiiam-aa "Oh, dear'" ln' tiiiiriiuir
When Mi-rrliuau came up In an
liounre thu call, howeier. alio wna
alamllug nl Hi" window lixklug out
"It la minion er) hanl," Mirilmun
aald "I wMi II might liiduoe )oii"
Hh" turiiiil around with upllfled
hand "Not another moment." aim
an 10, "will I aia) in iiih iioiie
.Merrlmaii iroax-il Ilu- rnnm ipikkly
Tolly," he deinandiil Mend), "
la tho ineaiilng of IliN Winn I left
for the oltlce Dili luorullig )oii were
AB ajK Uaial I") AHtOMam-NT IIIH-T
iirr-Ntn iikii Ltct.
ii,.. aiimu attii't wife I hate
know n-everj thing ui tho aaiiie. I
come home tonight to llnd jour trunkx i
packtil and you dreasl and ready to
WZ 'Xr Tor . moment '
Mra. M.rrteiau aee.iml to water: theu
ad.. aaralallaWkril uu the ault case with
"I'll write," alio xuiii, 'rrom n""-
er'o." '
And an bo wa'x forced to let her go. 1
lit alood for xome lime on the froul
" "l .bbbbw'' wrnvleX
xtepa lu tho ruin, watching thu can i' y0u yesterday. We'd both been
It wax awallowed up by the gra) uen, I KaiUK your last book before tulx now
and then
ho went Into the empty
Kterjllilnfc' aei'i'i"' " "l"'a1' ,tf "'"J
of Tolly, of their two happy yearx of
worried life. There wax the mission
furniture In thu library, the faxclnat
lug bookensex with loaded glam. the
hooka that they had read together, the
motto nter tho llreplace n blch they
had looked night after night when tho
Inmpttnx out und only the tlamoi light
ed Hie dlmnesx of the big room. Ihere
wax- Hut ho lert inn unnir) wu
him nnd eiil uptaliH. only to be re-1
i.ui nirnlii nnd nu-nln of roily ax ,
he nter her Tuiklxli BIJ "'
liroldend xllpperx on the thrushold c.r
her Pink und ttlillo room unu .".
her frilly dresslug gottu tluug ncroxx
, chair, her cut glass bottles on bo
chiffonier, her Ivory brushes ou tho
dressing tuble
A sudden thought came to lilm. h)
kad xho left Iheae thliiEx behind?
She had U'l-n elaborately lock ug the
big trunk when he cu In that after
oou "I'll ' fr " lnU'r" 8b.c U"J
informed lilm ana bad crushed tho re
inatulng article-. Uilo her "
Why hadn't xho taken her brushes?
Why hadn't .l k.u her dtwlna
gown? Why were the slipper, left?
A. a dawning thought came to him
hlx face brightened. He went over to
,he trunk and HfteJ It. wna m light
hat he moved It easily. Then he x
?.""...,. ii., floor deliberately and
picked tho lock nml opened It It woi
Still amlllug
be went
to the
Inset nml throw tno ooor wiao open.
It will full of 1'nlly'x clothes.
I.vlileiilly I'olly wax mining Imck.
Willi n iiiiml ut iM., , rutiirucil to
Jim lllimiy inn) i-ri.u .-, u unit for
mr vv
ii i i r t . .
,n f i , ' M1lur1",,J ,"(
sasn Villi IIIUII I lll
would pnax ipnaiy Hut It i not;
I'nxx iiii kly lit. iiiNm-il I'olly unrftil.
ly nml he reu viny serious hi liu'
llii-ugld wlnl II mliilit mini ii If hIih
alioiild nevir (i. urn hack Ami In tho I
I'Tior of I thought he went in jU
'l-lln'in ami ntlrl lip lull)'n iiintlivr.
I Mill h iiioIIiit. anatti-iliiL' xleenllv. I
Mid lint I'olly wan not there, hml not,
In en tin M-, nml It wax midnight. Why
wax lie inking her? What lind Imp-pi-liei
In I'olly what?
Mirrlmni iil-l ) dor fear. I'olly
Vina nut nml was hile (;! llliK liuitiv.
Itnl. of loiirti', nothing hml h-ipi'i-iii-il
And I In n In' iinng up ihu n-relver
Hut In- iniild iml iiili. Ida nun fciiri.
I'olly h.'iil iii'ii r U-i'ii an Iniv. Perhaps
the. uiliimiu isn't trustworthy. Per-lnpx-oh,
Hiiro nero mi niiitiy dreadful
lie atumhliil llpMulM In L't't
uu I
Kin it lint i' uoiild U" out In I j thu
iiluht mid l,k fur her, he would
hum up I In I minium, ln nml then he
Moppnl ili nil Mill on I ! (hri-ahntd of
liu- pink ninl while room, for Micro In
tin' big ilnlr, with hi-r hIiIiiIiiu hair
fulling all nlxnit her. Willi Ihu gold
'iiiliroldi'ri d allpperx iivplng from be
neath tin- fnlili of Ihu frilly droaalug
K'imii, win I'olly fait ailc'pl
And pinup.) to the top of her choir
wu u iilaraid on which In 1,1 IctliTi
wn wrllli'ii
April rnol!"
Aa hi C'Ih-iI In iintoiilnhuicut I'olly
npi'lnil hi-r r)-a
"April fmil," Mil- unlliil alii'plly
"How did )ou Kid In" lie ilfinuiidcl
ua In niine mid aloud out Iiit.
"I hid I In- ruhuiuii drho luu for four
hlooLa, nml ihcn he drne mo hack,
mnl I idlppiil ihrniiKli thv dining room
window I li'ft It i,n'U nu purpoa. I
had ( i-li-.t In run lUlit In uud rem
fi thul I wu fouling, hut when I
(nun' up nml found I In- trunk opn I
thuuttlit I d lii) In ii- nnd li't you w on
ill r n hit And Hull I wt-ut tn alct-p,
and thiil'ri all," hi 1.1 pretty Tolly,
'Oh, I'olly," her huilmnd n-proached
her, "how rould you-how could J on
JoLo on nurh II hi-rlnlia Kllhji-cl V
"I wmid-d In mi' how you would
ait." I'olly I "Id lilm, "If )ou thnuglit I
waa going In trim- )ou"
"Hut" III -11111 v wna t-ry ali-ru.
' I wauti-d In get i-mii " I'olly aat up
and tulLoil fnl "You rt-uiviiitfr Inat
i mr, lluli ton came houie oud told
on- the hunk had fulled omi Hint )u
had lit )our uione) You wnnted to4uho, on Aiigmt 24, UJ1, made hoine
. ir i-niilil lute )ou II )ou were
.r. und then )ou told me It wax an
April foul "
M.-rrlnmii looked cieMfullvti. "I for
gut that." he aald, "hut"
"And what It ml U( i- for the goone la
aaura fur Hie gauilir," aald hU wife
'e, it la," Me rrlmaii iidmltleil man
fully aa he drew Ida wife Into Ida a nun.
"hut I think wo'd lltr let audi Jokex
nluiic In future, xweetheart. It hurU
too much, toil know "
I'olly put up her lips to he limed. .
"Yea. It d'H-H," alii u liUiieretl, "I came '
near ghlng In when )oii looked h.i
"Oh, I'olly, how iniild jour' Ho wut
holding her ilu. And I'olly, reut
Hit mid lK-uilllfiil. roiifi-aaed In hU ear;
It wu Ihi-iiumu I wax n lltllu April
foul, lloli We lire Imth n pair of April
fimla "
An Anchor to Windward.
'I he solemn faced man who drove the
atBKe let ween Wlllowka; and Oreeu
Held outer lost an opportunity to dlx
play his knowledge to i-new paxaen
..... ..... i..l l.a ii i haantrnmrn la
grr, nor liau ne evcrnoarai auunu iw
autiresx hit opinion on any aubject,
jl' m. ..
no matter what It might be. "They
I..H im ou'ro tho man that wrote tho
... i,ni'a riiunlua now lu one o' tba
b. ningiiilnea. I forget which Mia," I
M ,, ,0 clllH!ry ,)alenger I
w ,,,, ,KW, endeavoring to ask a
J S -.W lb. a
.... ,l0...r mrued my hand to writ-'
. . ... ..... ,
leg," aald the Mago driver, flicking his
u,)rea In meditative moou. ".o, air,
ite been loo much took up with other
1 tiltiK'. but I read everything moat. 1
(mtlug ii Utile talk with WU Searx
Hie. XOW, uo you reiy ruuiTij u
n hat jou wrltu for n living?"
"Not entirely," aald the author, with
J tie humility.
"That's what I thought when 1 flu
(shed the book," and tho atago driver
looked kludly at tho man of letters.
"I'm real glad for jo that you've other
meanx," he said beuevolontly. "Got
em well Invested, 1 eipect, too. I told
Hill Boara that waa inoit likely tho
caae." Youth's Companion.
Only a Certain Kind.
There Is n story told nmoug the peas-
B,,iry of
IJleswIck, tho former uanisu
... .. .l. ...AH I.
pruvluce uunexea uv mi
I8d4 of how I'rluco Bismarck waa
coufouuded by the tongue of a ahop
herd lad. Shortly after the cloao of
the war Prluco Ulxmarck weut on un
InspectUn tour through the province,
us he desired to study the feelings and
sentiments among the people. He
talked with the peaxanta, getttug val
table though uot alwaya agreekble In
formation. For days be waa annoyed
by coustautly hearing doga called "But
inaiek." Uexlrlug to know what It
meaut, be called out In a gruff voice
to a shepherd boy who had uttered the
dreaded chancellor' name In connec
tion with his dog:
Are all dogs In this country named
"Ach neln. melu herr," the urchin re
plied as he doffed bis cap; "os Ut bloaa
die scuweinnunde" ("Ob, no, lr; It le
only tho pig dogs"), '
To Qo With Thtm.
"What mnkca Jones no cconoinlcnl
thexe day J"
"Homo ono (tavo lilm n pnlr of gog
f ... . . ..., i . ..
'-, hiiu uoit uuh hutiuk uy ior nil
autouioblle' - Llpplncotfs Magatlne.
A Hops.
Tli umplr loudly ahoula, "I'M balll"
Tli playara mop In view.
Tli crowd In aniw.r to tha tall
Kxclalms, "Wa liopa tlii-y dot"
-Washington HUr,
An Old Frland. i
"Oood ynru, chV" chuckled thu atory
tellir when ho (Inlahcd hlx anecdote.
"Yea," agreed tho patient llitcner
wearily, "I nlwayx did llko Hint one."
nolieinlan Magazine.
Dagrtaa of Sanaa. '
Thera'a "flna ane" and coaraa aenaa,"
facli aiod In Ha way,
Hut tha nno who hai "hora actio"
Knowa when lo aay "nelnli."
I'hlladalplila Treaa.
Tho Ono Cxcoption,
I.lltln Wlllle-Hav. on. la llilittnff nro. I
hlhltcd hy law In all the xlatex?
i-a i iienere ao, iny bod, except in -the
matrimonial itate. Chicago New, i
Happlnaia and Troulla.
Tliouih rlchea don't brine happlncaa,
For troublt wa ain't ap'llln'.
It takta tha Haali of aolld caali
To keep tha pot a-bllln',
Atlanta Conatltullon,
Notice For Publication
Pcpuitinrnt nl Hie Intellor, V. S
l.and Olllinul l.ikvvieu , llri-gon, June
IK, 1'Kis. S'ntlcelx liin-liy given that
Ili-rU-rl .1. Savldgo, ol Ft. Klauiotli,
Oregon, who, on Kepteiiiher '', lt02,
mada homealead, No, "7":!, for SWJ,
Kectloii .'U),Townahlp3L'H., Itange'K.,
Will. Meridian, haa flleil notice ol In
tention to make Final fhe jear I'roof, to
ratatillali claim to the land ahove de-acrllH-,
Udore County Clerk, Klamath
fa,, nt lilfofllce, at Klamath FalU.Ore
y,on. on the lat day ol Augtiat, 1UU8.
Claimant names aa u'llneaM-a Christ
Welrx, lOdd A-ver, Charlie Martin and
James Kmerv, all o( Ft. Klamath, Ore
gon, d'ii
J. N. Watso.V. Hegliter.
Merrill Valley the bean of KUnuth.
Notice For Publication
Department of the Interior, V. S.,
Land Office at Laketien-, Oregon, June
m I'.Oi. Notice la herehy ghen that
Am Fordyco, of Ft. Klamath, Oregon,
stead entry, No -.!, for bits II, IL and
11 Uultnnl T.nnilleXlS.. "I.'.
i:., Will. Meridian, liaa (lied notice ol I
t Intviitioii to niako Final five year I'roof,
i to extahliali claim to the land above de-
scilUil, betoro County Clark, Klamath,
, County, at Ida ofllce, at Klamath Fall), '
i Oregan, on the lutdayol Auguil, 1908.
1 Claimant name ax aiitnessei: Jamex
(Ionian, K. M. Lever, II. J. Fuvldce
and Chni. Martin, all ol Ft. Klamath,'
l Oregon. !
J. N. Wathos, IteglMcr. ;
petition for LlqUOr License
Wo the underaigncd, resident! and
legal voterx of the precinct of Wood
llher, m tho County ol Klamath, Slate
ol Oregon, and actual rr.idenU therein
for more than thirty diya Immediately
preceding the dato ol signing and filing
this petition, do hereby respectfully
pennon J'our nonorauie oouy io gram
'.d issue to Jamex II. Wheeler, a real
.. . .
dence of said precinct, a license to (ell
...i.i ,.tnA... iu...nii m. mail in,
.. .. ,' .....'mu n,. -. .,.nnn
UUH III IT UUeillllii:. iii.u vnv ..vt.,
. . --.(A. .,orM.d ,or a period ol
" ' V" "todJoh,
jlxmontha, from tho 3rd. day ol July,
Aw,t J
signed, that thlx petition will be pre
acnleJ to the County Court aloreaald
at thecourt room In the city ol Kla
math Falls, Oregon, on tho 1st, day o(
July, A. I). 1008, at tho hour ol 10
o'clock a. in. ol said day or aa soon
thereafter as said petition cau bo heard.
Dated this 10th day ol May, 1008.
James II. Wheeler.
C. K. Hoyt
J. M.Kmery
II. II. I-oosley
0. 13. Hunch
Asa Dropo
Ralph 11. Langston
I W. Copland
Ira Koglo
Wesley Cole
D C.Courtney
II. J. Pavrldge
D. K. Noah
W. II. Norton
A. L. Melhaso
J.A. Gibson
Win, Denton
F, M. Denton
l.eo Denton
I., C. filimore
J. II. llesslg
F.J. Oden
Jri3. Hessig
Rube White
""Frank Silvern
D. Ryanx
Roy It. Wise
N. J. Johnson
David Ramtey
S. a Gardner
J. K. Voie
G. F. Voso
F. X. Dompter
Paul I'irsonx
Frank Dompier
J. II. Smart
M. I. Morgan
W. M.Thomasnn
Louis Itrannan
L. C. Drake
R, A. Moon
Walter Dixon
C. Gray
M. ll.IIesa
G.C. Hill
G. S. Hoyt
W.J. Jamison
R, M, Jamleinn
J, L. Voso
John Gray
While the lime I have on hand lasts It
will be sold on demand, alter it la gone
U will be necessary to have 30 days no
tice to permit ol my burning another
Kiln. If you want lime this Summer
gxjt It now. 0. D. WHUon.
-Hot Weather Eatables-
The warm days make the house wife look for
eatables that are especially suited to the sea
son of the year. Seasons demand a change in
Groceries as well as other things. We have
the articles that will keep you well ....
ffitifiSST!!?" VAN RIPER BROS.
Oisr goods are new and attractive.
Uebt E. Wiihbow,
Vice President
Maps, Plana,
Klamath County Abstract Co.
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
Don J. Zumwalt. C. E.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
East End Meat Market
CRISLIR & STIUL Proprietor
V I PI . ' I V
Mutton, Pork and Poultry
Fresh and Cured Meatx and Sausagex of all kinds.
Wo handle our meata in tho most modern way In clean
liness and surroundings. Try ua and we will be most
happy to have you for a customer. Free Delivery.
are Advancing
When blocks in Mills
nt bargain prices a number of si
tors bought; since
increased materially.
These Lots are Bargain Buys
at present prices, and there is every reason
to anticipate an advance in prices. Remem
ber these lots are FIFTY feet in width and
deep more than double the area of most
town lots offered to investors.
xxuuiiv nnnu
Land SakameB.
The Gem
Restaurant and Lodging House
Special accommodations for Family Dinner Par
ties. The largest and best arranged eating house
in the city. Open day and night.
Sixteen inch and four foot wood in any quantities.
Orders can be left at Navigation Co., Phone 461
. or K K K Store, Phone 174
T T. TIFLDER Wood Yard and Office
j. jj. riCsXiifxR. Netr clty HiU
v Phone 84
3500 Acres Free
Thu Lakeside company has 2600 acres
of land itndei the Adams ilikh that It
will give RKNT FREF. for one year.
This Includes the uso ol the land and
water. The renter -must clear and
place the Inn.l lu cnlltvation. The rent
er gets all the crops but we reserve the
right to pasture the stubble,
I Tho Lakeside Company,
J, Frank Adams, Manager,
Merrill Oregon.
ALLlt. 1.1 OA
Sect -tary
Blue Prints, Etc.
M. D.WlUJAM8, C. E.
that time values
Office on Fifth Street
wlArf iCSJxtf,-rr?SiC.-iJ. I .bssssbu nfil
PTTi tag- Jmm
Open Day
and Night
Private Dining Parlor.
Oysters Served In Any Style
J. V. HOUSTON, Prop.
The Stills Dry GooJs Co. has received
several shipments of Eastern dress goods.
Call and Inspect the new line.
have I BBBSaai
-fc "-" awj!