. 'xVlW -,, i ""8 MARSH LANDS OREGON'S RICHEST ABEL ADY!." 50 PER CENT. VEGETABLE MATTER. KLAMATH'S GREATEST BARGAINS AT $25 PER THE EVENING HERALD Issufd Dally, Kxcept Sunday, liy the HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY W. O. SMITH, Editor SUIISCUITTION ItATKS IHilly, ly mall, one year Pally, by mall, six months Dally, ly mall, three month Pally, liy mall, ine month Dally, ilfllven.Nl by carrle r, one week. T 00 S Ml I 'J.-. : KLAMATH PALLS. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE :?0. ltH OMTOIIVTIOX rv National IVresl. Nell.e SUMMONS In llu'lliciilt t'uml "f the N.i'e "I On con, l"r tl' County en mamam, I, I'WnllK 10 KSTHY OK I.VSIH IN Iifrrl'T "rn ll. il II, l.iul, itr.crlle.l below, rinurariiis ili.irrt. nltlilntlii.'a,cle Natliiiialtoiesl, Oirton, wllll iiHc t MHlnutiii ! mi ' itenim It, Conner, irr under Hi nmlilom l ll"1 iiomfsicaii n t laws of the I'nllnl flairs and tin- l iMtli.. t Conner, IVfetidaul.) JuuMI. IW.JIIBI.I .Ml). ' I'nlldH.I.. '" ' " . , Land Offlv allarlrw. Orrs.'ii.mi Aul To Ihinl. I It. I onli. r llie lliiu ii Mil, 1 to Anv tKT h w cluUjf SPxl,lalthclvniln imjr of lt lnit. l,r rl- cultiirsl i-uri-oies prior li January I. I . '"' has mil t ludone .1 Mine, has prrieteni e rl k lit in ins o Iwme.ttad rmtjr lor the land, si'tusll) "pled. Midlands were IIMed up m, Hip ntl'tliit al tlii i-risons mentioned l-or, wbolistea ll''"""' 'l'1' "',J,'', '" Iheirlor ilithl ol any snrli sritler. prml'lcd urlipeltler.ir idl.snt Is itallne.l t' "'k' Imme.lead entry slid tin' irteiriice illil .r,rl.r,l lllwr In Alllltlt lll.lu mi tttllCh dcfi-mUliC Unaich.Mehvrc.lull.dln appear illi'l answer Hi.' iiinnim "' itKiiiiiol 'ti in llii rtl"'- eiillllol 'ill t, ur M.u Ihe ". '". "' J,,lv WH' , DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Ktliel lloosevelt shares her mother's fondness fur mutlo nnd art, ami lira. Itixxeielt and her daughter an ttie best f comrade. The Kraukfurter 'eltuug, one of the most carefully edited papers lu Urr uiuy, classes Mrs. Nicholas Loug woitb with the "royalties who type write their own letter." Mr, (trace 1-attt has recently con tribute.! J-Jisj.uni to the SI Limit so clety that U waging war on tuU-rcu Itrsla. 8he la Raid to I the tidiest wo mall In Missouri. Ml. Leonora O'ltellly, orgaulier of tlie Women's Trade I'lilnn league. c tlmatea that ther ure lietwivn the and nil million workliiB w-nnien In the I'nltetl State. Her nmk h.ii tnken her Into every atate In I he I'nlon and lulu mot latge rllles Ttie (vletratluu of lllm Dinah Ju ruba' unrtitlrtli blrtbday CK-uirr.d r irotly t tier home lu Ittullr), Ma, In tbe lurm of a iot card slmner. One lidtulrej mid forty-one birthday mid touveiilr raid were nN?elvnl, betldei many booklet and tuotto rntiH. Xliue. I'jitiln. tbe widow of tbe late tamoua l.idlia' tailor, will bernelf carry on ber biitUunl'ii builueM In future. Mnif. i'ai)ii!u nude ber first nubile ipeech wIh-ii he addressed the annual tufftlng of tbe sbarebolder of l'n quloa, lluilli'il. In London recently Tbe kaliei lately M-nt Ml Klotvnce NlCbtluirale. Ibruuxb tbe uiinIIuiu of tht Ofruian ambaxador, n lautlful 'bouquet of flower. Tbe gift waa ac companied liy a letter etpreliu bU majesty' esteem and appreciation of ber great rertlres to miming 1h foundation of tlu fatuous rathe ilru I lit itraslnir niv utiiLIu roiue wbat, cati'lui; n crack In one of the lit) foot ptllar Hupportlni? tbe tower. itetwcen ! and !!" nenrh ln coiiBn-gatloual Minday aelmul were fstabltbetl lu for een mate ami territories, out of x.hlih bue tiroun l,3,l churches Tbe Indiana bureau of tutltK' show that during l!U ieriia Joined tbe cburrbe of tbe Mate at tbe rate of nearl) 1WI a day, theihurch member blp baling Increased "o. Hal during the ear. liev. John II Mleiiuiii, one of tbe ablet't and must oloiililit prenilier of tlieSlethodlat cliun,b, h:i relguel tbe reldeney of Willamette iinle'rlty of Salt in. Ore, nnd retuniiNl again to tbe Troy (X. V.) conference. College and School. A decree lias Ueu publlthed In nil tbe ncbooU of China warning Mudonts not to take an Interest lu ollllc, con tribute to uewsp.ivni or read uovvU. Hon dull) college, at ltmunlck. Me, has Just reicred the laxl bond that allleil It wllh any religious orgunlza tlou, aiul for the tlrt time lu fifty year T I. t. .. .... .......... ..... a. III. . iljlli.llltl 11 uuh U'l eoiliie, liuu olio imj ,.,-uifiti nation through the u?e uf Its money. lug llu U'l da ol Ibelline In Hie older nl the pnlilliMllo" ol lbi .iiuiiuoik, "' ll,. piiblicallon tlien-olN-lligon Ihe II ,) o(JimiiltW and It Jim lll '" appear and answer, lor wiinl llieie.il Ibe . i.. ,i.i ...ill ......I. I,, ihe i-ollll lor till' it.le Ihe Ismls Hill t-oiW-vi hi .tilemeiil l" "" " ' ,' . ...,....,1,1,,, ,e ,. rnirr .r .iir.o.islll.f.1 lei.nn. II.M....I. i lellel ptae.l Inr III tlie 10 n plan lie e sie si MIIoms lheMiliil.NKnr.ireil.llie t.ill! lorn ill, lee dis.olWng Hie rt hlnt.Nn 'ir,s 31, li.tetl niu fllisliiiu , . i mtnimont eil.lllig Ih-Iwi-i'Ii ..tjr.-r.l.....fl KI.....II..O.V,.... Il.el.hl .l-lrmi.,,! . (..I ll ol 7.W MT, I l.r ,-w ,T o. n, ,i, ,i,v , irnliw r irt-il lllvrtll lMllrlloil ol Mit ,, illlih ol l-otclie 1,1.11 V llninil. I'lHt Klsmslll lltr"ll II" ,,U1I ,. ,.,(, ,ii, ill. lllltM'IIM'lllSli s ?Vfi TriS.K - " , - ," u,,rr rlsund llr.mii. Veil Kl.in.il.. Ore..n. il.e 1 1dol In IheiHiUtt may srem Just and ir. it, 1 JI.H, ltK. W lcr. niiiii lpii .Ion ul lunlrl U llr.imi. H KUinslh Oie"ii mniinr)i-l. ,,ilmslrl) ,. I ail ! r-.ulnnnni i,ini.vrnm. " .; . ....., .-, ,i. i. n icoiutrol.ScJI T i H. It. I-J Librae n .v louniy Jini(e "i r.im" - ihsliit, llirnc miilli M cl.siiu. tiifiir. " iu ,-nu, made, ilslr.l atio men in ' rhln, Ihriir 8 .Mfhtlii.. IhriK I 30cli.Uu ;,,,i I'ul,. Iliegnll, nil tbe II ol lutie l'H. Wbli li ald order l " itilifd tli-il "iiiiiuioii in till suit I" piibllslml ome a mitL, Inr a -llo.l ol U mrvesslio and eon.ecutlle week (rout the II id June I WW. II. W. Kiwir. St Attorney for I'laliililT (.inner and I nl this milt: r lellel a l.,iillalite. I II.U .ilitilliolis I. ., Mill ll) puoil- 'utlonthen-ol In tlie lUelilug Herald b) i . i i .i... ii.,.,.kI,I., J II. 1 1 s i 111 t ll ' .iron oi in. --- - , thnire S ol rh.nu In .ilnt nl iMUliinlnr nx'n ,pllllliill ol l!r II M KUmsll..lll in , oilvf )r.l. II. kl "I M, H- M. f IN II I . ii.in I ,pl.ellun nl J I,. l'i.lr. Il.ol.i.il. Ilrrson. allmliK Mlllriiirni 11; Ihrlrt Mfol KH nrnl hrelw. T!s J. II M I upon It'll' il.,...,IJ I. Il.r,t. l:mliiil.0irin 11,'XW l,li SK.Ml.eW hlnlHi: Ml.le n,llie.Ntt iiirol NfHLrVc?.'. T 11 !. II 10 K. "It'll .l , ration of John l.trr. t'lliiMitle. Iirrjon. Ibr K liliHKtrolHKnr,Cre.lh K hll ,NK,r, !sctln,T.'lii. It 10 K. ii-ii ''llcllon el lllrn Natsn. IlinUhtl. Orr'on. ' nun pi.sM.ir. I I imililli.l.nirr ol lti lleuril I nl u J re A tor, ls M. Iisi I HUSK I'ltKL'l. I tint .lilultwrUi,ulilir luirtior , I II.USI7, Mi1. Il-.l. IIA.'. I'.Tl ills III M)IICI1 TDK I'ltllLICATiON Notice Tor Publication Household Hints. Mutmm kar au unpleasant IMabFtlMrMKli drying I. '" . .Sv.. "0..'rM.ritfMnfktt tightly coiked. Department ol tlie Interior, ('. S . l.nn, Olllce, UVetlin (ng Mav 15, 1WJS, Notice Is hereby glif n llial Allirt ' Harrison, of Klamalli rails, Oregon, . .... .. V.... a llk m.,.1.. tt,i,l.r anil Wtien Harvard, our oldest university. " "" " "" ' J. , .. " -p . ... .. ... .. ... ... .. storm aiu.llcallon. . llil.i. lor M.'i . ' : ... . . SW'j, .-ecilou -I. T.mnsiie ::; -,' Will. Meilillan, hn. libit notKcol Intention to make 1'ui.il 1'ricif, , toe-rilillh cU.ui to tbe laud al-nte de- i rcrlUsl. before Coiuily Clerk Klamalli Co., at bis ollice nl Klamalli Kalis, Ore , on tlie I tth dar of Augmt, l'w. ' Clatmant names as wiln.-sse: John fi. i Sclmll'Kk, of Klamalli l-"all, Oregon, IT. J.Slaten.ol Klamalli l-'alls, Orignu, I I AlbroJauilton, of Klamalli Kails (be ' gon, Hin. Caillsle, ol Klamalli hll. waa onlj an IJra in the minus or n fw I'iil-IMi colunlst. tbe ruUenltr I ' " H of San Mans., lu IVrn. wbUb I Mill . KingeO K dourlshlug, wu u well established 111 tlttitlou ulready older than form II I today. Train and Track. Department of Ibe Interior. I'. I mi, I Ulllie, at I ileview, OirT.,li. June j, I WW. Notlif is beieby ulieii that p Wllllsinl. Iiirinrr. ol KUmatli Klls, ' Diegon, who, Viik'ust l'-l. IW1., made 'bi.iuestrail enlrv, No. i'VJ, Ur MJI, si'.U. NliM H. l-'s NKt eilloll l'i. 'MVl, hill, Si lion 111, Tnwnbii ,"h, Itiilige ll i: WllUinelte Meridian, lis I llli-l iiotbvol luleiition to make I'lnsl . Kllelear I'ns.l, In eslar.ll.l. rlslhi to the land ulsie ileriUl, U'fme Coniil) Clerk Klatiiatb Count), at bis ulllre at KUiiii I. l-alls, On gun. on Ibe 3rd day I of AugU't IWiS, Claimant names as i wlliies.r ,.: M. Jauii.on, of Klauutli Kails, Oir I gun, llriiCattiile, ol Klamalli Kails, tlr- 'cgoii;W A Ikiudinot. i.l Klamath Kalis, j Oregon; II. liilkey, of Klamath Kails, Oregon. -h J N. Watwih, llegiiter. t - w m iw TP ACRE AND UPWARDS. "p-'1ll,trMT,""," 303 EASY kttvBi.WMi Incorporated November 2a, iqqq Stotcmcnt or Condition .. or Hie Klamath County Bank Klamath Fulls. Oregon DECEMBER 31, 1007 RESOURCES 1Minn ami Dlitcnunln $340,530.00 IUhiiIh mul St'curltlt'it 03,525.84 Hi'al Extutv, IitiilillitKH mill Fixture M.74R.IB CiimIi anil SIrIiI KxclmiiKM 100,247.89 5ur10405i LIABILITIES CnlUil Stock, fully pntil $100,000.00 SiirpliiH mul I'rtillUi 21.753.U Duo OiIiit KnnkH 32,00o!94 IimihUh 431,205.48 S506,040.Bi I. Alex Mailln. Jr , Cashier of lh. l vriuninl lunik, do aoleinlily swear that tin, uit ,,tp, mint Is'lttle to the In t of my ki.nw .-.I,-, aii.1 U-li.r AI.KX MAlfllN J( u.,r Mlli.clll'iil and awnni to iM'tnre mr tin bi.,,1.. of January, IWW. . Seal C II UllllllllH Nolary Public f. r Orrgi,n OFFICERS ALEX MARTIN K. R. REAMES ALEX MARTIN, JR. LESLIE ROGERS iTChldcnt Vlcc-rrcsldcnt - Cnshler Ass't Cnshler Pioneer Bank of Klamath Basin Oil the early railways lu Iluglaiid a lighted candid at night lu a station bouse window meant "atop." lis ah much was a slgual to go on. Tbe rallnaja of Nut a Scotia, other if,,, .,. than the Dominion nnd Atlantic and j j the Halifax Southwestern, both bav ' lug a mileage of li'Xi mile, are prima rlly coal roads, and passengers nnd ICIflSSiflcd freight are only Incidentals. Twenty new locomotlw-s bn i In.-ii i ordered for tbe trench railway line In Alglera, and It Is llleed that more Will U Orvdtsl If fore tbe end of the year. From regions aupposed to be parts of tbe desert there railway. iSOTICI! I'OK I'UHLICATION m-lirlinriit ol tlie Interior, I. as kerosene xpoel to tlie air will not bum brightly and will form a crust mi tbe wick shortly after being lighted. Nerer place u good piece of fund turn lery near a flreplaie or register. Tbe beat dries Jbe wood ami glue, often causing rot w-beie the parts are joined together. When tbln tumblers stick together and there It danger of breaking them I hauled last year U)UJ ton of gralu as dot iry 10 pun mem apan, out pui them Into a pan of warm audi. In a ibort Ume tbey can be easily tepgrat rd. lie careful when you light a Ure In tbe Lltcbeii that there Is plenty of water In tbe l-.ller otherwise when the cold water rushes In tbe hot boiler It U likely locra.k It. X. ViTu.x llegiiter. .' IS Advertisements t Things Theatrical. Church and Clergy. Tbe Ti Angeles prexbytery will try to ralfe J-WKo for Lome mlsloii worlt. tour alarbi boru's licit Amurlcuii will Leglu In lloalon lu tbe fall. Marie Tempeit Is tuld to Im tery successful lu London In "Mrs. Dot." Ibe pill) will l-e heell litter oil tills aide. Adelaide Kelui has opened n al.wk ngngernerit In New Yoik In "llarbam rrletchle." She was euthuslastlcally recel ed. Mcnil. The town witkout boom. IN THE LITTLE PRINCESS Bv aaHflaV ai "&fxk 'vaaaaaaaLwjvjvjvjvjvjvjvjHLwjuLLwBaaaaaaaaajHjv . You tfet more room, more cooking surface and convenience than from any stove ever sold In Klamath Falls. E. VIRGIL & SON Dealers in Furniture and House Furnlahing. Bridge on Main street At tlie HEAL ESTATE KOK SALE I-ocnli 8 IjikI Olllce, at I.krle, Oregon. June o, ll)S, Nntlin Is li.tehy glten that William All-rt Otey. ol iMrrls, Cslll.r , ill, aim, on April .', IW3, maite lion..- , Isli-ad i-nliv No.LM.i;. lor W. NWI..I f.K.l4 Mll4. ,VMt MVi Slbui 1'.',' Ton.hlpil S, llangn 7 II, Wlllameltel .Meridian, has lil.il notice nl Intention to make Kiual Kl Vrar I'roof, lot The Eldred Company F. C. ELDRED, Manager Bonanza, Oregon Saddlea, Harness and Supplies Wc make a sj)ecialty of first-class, Kiiarantccd, hand-made Saddles nnd Simps. Our Saddle) have an established reputation. Orders From Everywhere Solicited KOI: SALK-Wi Acre Unrl. II iiilb-s east of KliniHth Kail a barg ain for Mime lioui.-m.ki-r, for psrllrulars inquire at this nllice. I. .'. ' tablisli claim totbelandalsie.lrrciibel l-(ore County Clerk Klamath County. MISCELLANEOUS I.OSr-OnelM Smith A U'vlon re- voher ltm-en Court Hoii'e and Lake. side Inn; Kinder will be liharly re waril.d byleiiiug .-9iin-.it l.jlcshlo Inn .IIOXKV'IO.OAS-Ilatdlline. but I have Kiinu money to li.sri if Jim hate tho security.- K. II. Hall. TDK SALE Kor Salt l'n Irruood T)iril-r In gw-liondillon f.V). . V. Kiijkeiulall. KOI! .SAI.K-lfol.ir) ball U-arlni; Wliltii Sewing Machine,' lalest design, al iilll. lis rurnltiircMori-. if J-'afes 'I wo pratllcally new Hnrrlng llall.Miiriii safip, at a bargain, one SOx "4 Inches and one .'j'IJ Inibcs, lusidu. Iniilreal Heltkern-rs Jewely slnre. KOH SAI.K One dresir , one wuth floii.l.oiiL- ir.kiiig chair, cue table and ono beiiling Hove. Call at tU Hrlck store. t( For Sale One wlioli- biialiif-at block in Klamalli Kails for tale for forty cents on the dol I ir of what It was world thirty days tto, C. I. Wlllion. , at bis olllre, Klaruatli Kails, O'egou, on tbe lib day ol August. I1H Clalmai.t nar.lea as witnes.es; lie Morgan, of Keno, Oregon, Kichard Krarns, ol Ikir ris, California; laUsr.l llra.ly.nl l.irrls, Calilomla; Josiab II Ole), of iKirrt California. OH J. S. Wais.ii, Kegister, Notice All accounts, due mo must be settled b) note or cash within thirty days or tbey will l publlihrd and sold at pub lic auction to Ihe highest bidder. C. I. Wlllsoii. Dissolution of Partnership Notice I hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between S'eeborii and Kites, s( proprietors of the American Hotel, ll Ibis day dissolved, W. K, Heehnrn assuming all debt and collecting urroiint due said firm, W. K. hmioui .In n-2.1. I'st-t, M. A. Ksirs. DKIMIlTMKSrnr till IS-TKItlOlt.bkNtssl. lisii o.ri.r. Ws.l.ii.rio M. i, r Uar V, M. Nuiks or riiiiie.riii . i Mti.io4.sNb i M iiiuium ati rsni s..ii.e is krrtl.r irli'iill'SI ihaHerrr'ari nl llivlii.rrlnr da. ys J rstMlilri-artiusiual nnlrr ol MI,ni.sl hi so isr tune .sine amtis Hi Hlll.iliawal lor Irrl rstion iMifK'"" un.irr il,- sri r Jm,. n, u, lictMai., awn (or u.e in r-.i.nr, lion hi it,, Kl.m.lli I'fojr. l,(rKn,,.l 1 1,, lullimlligilr .rrlU.I Ismls III ll,r flale il I irun,ah. hy his suiliorllr such i,l tl,l li.iu I, am nU Un laerrlol.i Anallr is.n.l.l a lei ars no I oilirrnl, lllnlrari, rru-rtr.1 ur ai,i.rMrl ainl, vtllltc mhjict iu .iitl.iu.nl iin,.r lb I i.IjIIc lan1 laws ol Die L'lill.,1 Nlslr, nil .i,,l slier July i iwx.bnt .ball not-be siibkriii, i-nlry, nung nr wlcril.in unlit August ', I'jos, aubr L'nlle.l Hl.lt. I,.ii, (iitirn ai Ukrrli, -..cs,f,i, wh.u.mb n.i,ia r.,rr..ijr iivan inai ,11, Ulu.ll U.III l.s ,ni.. ... u, ... .. .- . .... ,.. .,. n.., .". ii ,,, r, mi a.ii itr r.vm.0 jany rlgbl wbalrvsr iimlrr any wlll.m.ul or ... vuibiiuii iM-ao. a.irr siajr jiav id's... ami I'.iu, ... juirov, iwf-i. an SHU, frsrtljeii.rill ,r . Ready for Inspection Our line or Carpets. Matting, Tapestry. Linoleum. Art Squares, Table, Lountfe and Stand Covers, is ready for inac tion. Something entirely new Also Silk Float and Feltolene MattreaKt Brass and Iron Beds-Adjustable pea ell woven wire Springs, the only thill for hot weather. Folahed Oak Dining Sets and all Rockers. oik W. H. DOLBEER Succciior to B. St. George Bishop Phone-Store, Gl Residence, 15,1 CHAS. E. WOHDKN I'reiblenl A. M. WOHDKN Cashier HtKOMELH Vl:f PrMkw The imcrican Bank and Truitfr luislioa Ulug lurbidilrni ui.n, i ,iHa.Hr.,.iK on qr.MW qr UIII.lu.lleM.il K.feK.MC'ir UK fir aii'l :,' nr NW ir.N III I NW ur, Ikcllun I, rKLIi urNKKil, . 5SmJ?iy!?l?" ' ""' '""tral Lauit lime, Urii AuUtiut iktrrlarx ot tbe Jiitriur Heavy Freighting a Specialty. Biggage Orders Are Given Prompt Attention 0. K. Transfer & Storage Company Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving Office 871 PHONES Barn 671 lUtldtncc U4S KENYON a GRIMES, PROPRIETORS 7 r- " " ifr.n C S iPnlP CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Cor. Stk and Main Slrett gaWsag!gr?WWBalilii in T