The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 30, 1908, Image 1

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Mostly i'i ',awr '"
Our Advertisers Get
the Best Results . . .
Klimnlli KhIIh
Piuce, 6 Cents.
Declares Emergency and Passes
Hiree-DoIIar Road Tax
Ordlmime Without lifle Places a Cash ln on All Mule
liilmliitunts of the City Between the Afies
ol Iwcnty-Ono aid fifty Years
llouUil rvriilHg vtlll Dm (ullowlliK
mdiUh .ir-m M)or HlllU, Conn,
.ilrocn, Olfflichalli, Crlaler,
MaJrrx'fi sinl Hanks. Tim .tliicll"Ml.vll Hireling was to
frotlJ ! i"1'1 ' " 'mrrgrncy
.iJctlrrd mil III" following ordl
nmcr I'-""-"! and lrliirc. In
"Tl.tcii .(Klamath FMa nrilalnet
itf.lljai That carh male Inhabitant
tfllieellyf Klamath Falla, Iielwren
ll.l('l tnit) ' '! 1'tv )'".
(firl a ifiMin too Iiitlim In iwrloim
liber il ttoiit ly law rirmpl),
thsll 'r Into tli city IrrkMiry llio iuiu
ilMliI-' it-! lor tlio Improvement
sml rrpalii'ii: l alrret and srwrra "I
ll.t city.
Wt.llo ll.i .idiuaiirr Im Urn drclar
rJ In effect and an altrmpl will probah
IjUnnlr Inroltrcl Ilia tax, ll Is claim
r.1, for more limn one reason, In Ira lui
iroprsnd lllrgil. In Hie lint place
Ifcr onllrittin' ha iki III lr, ml title Is
my (uioitaiit pari ol an ordinance.
In llm .-tnnl place, It doe not provide
IWliieiotkli.giiiiliif llio tax. Arllthi
3of irctlon W which rover IliU orilin
stcttata1 "Dm common council shall
list rr mill authority to Irvy anil
I roridr fur llm working of a city road
Ui oltliin lliucnriMimtn limit! ol said
city nI nn itrcrta ami publls highway
ihrrrol ami the rouncll may, In It ills
rrttlon, raurr o Wi rullrclrd annually
liom each main Inhabitant ol till city
lttm Wmtr-otui anil (Illy yaara ul
K, ttr ll,i-tim ul :t, to to used fur
tUlmpruirtnviit nndrrpalriliRotatrrele
snd irwrrs of llm clly. Tlio city conn
ill tUII have power to illlect liy onlln (.uiruni itdmlng to pay any
street tat In money or labor be. punish.
k1 y Impiiiomncul n the cltjr jail, etc."
Il ill lit inn ilml the otillnanca ai
lliiiily prnvldca fur collecting llm
'I In rah and doer not give tlio city
llirautliiiiity nl ncci-pllng ''of In pay
'unit i. m,..
They un audi mid down todate thry
l.avn tlir. ijunliiy and am uaelnl-tmne
llilng. at McllnllanV
Alia, Maillu, Jr., cashier of theKlain
alii County Hank, wni elected chairman
nl llm rlrrulUi' cummllttc of thr relate
llankria Araociallmi, which has Jmt Hii
Ished Its miimal meet I lie at
Mraara Wakrflrld ami 1'eteitou tool
trip to Howard Hay lail Sunday ami
ilUi'OVrinl an imiiiriitr pilin; hiIiikIii
(loin tlie oral ilmrn front wlmt lliry rat
It ilUcliarifru tuori' uatrr llian Hud
Spring at Oil ia.
H. V. Gales Will Muke I'ropo-
ition for lire Protection
tomorrow Niqht
A )K'rlal mrrtliiK nl ll.f ell) inuncil
liat lirvn callnl fur tmii'irruH ciminu to
illicuia Hip pulijrct of alrr ir(,lifllf)ii
lortlioiltr. Mr. II. V. (intra, ini'iiiliiit
il the Klamatli Full. I.UM A Watrl
Ciuiiny, will i pii'M'iit nii.l will offer
proiollloii for tlittioiiililerntloii'il tin
council and cltlcn.
Ho many ol llii iinpriilrtlril ari'llont
of tlir city liato li-rii K'litl"iiliiK tin
council lur life li)dimiti drmaudinf;
nalrr malm, tlial it would lie hvII fur
all of tliote Inlmditl to irrrcnt at
lliu inirllliK, and it ll linrd a to
lutlon ol tin piolilrm ran Iki uLlaliitil.
Tlio cily la flia.llly Kouli'i! mid ll i
time that ft vniiaiitnl nvulrm nl (lie
prolrcllon iliouM Im ndo.ti'd, rn Ilml
tlio luiiroruirnta niadv uiiw "III ifl
be lliroMit away In n Ww jrara.
Stock Ranch For Rent
In Wood ltlur Valley, Klamath Co.,
containing 4 ricrra, W aetm niradow
ml :iij paitnrc. All rnrlnu'il, For
fnrtlii'r particular in'iuiii1 ol T. A.
Cullivrlinn, Aalilaml, Orr. HI
Oet your fire rrdrlu'rf mid decornlloi a
at tlio Star Drug Slnn.
Do Your
4th 8 July
Most Complete Stocks
Walkover Shoes
Kvcrythlnd i.i IADIKS' AND
KUnatk Fall! beat value JI ers
Democrats Arrange
Denver Platform
Hie li-ndlnir li-nturvi nl I he national
lilatfiirm nlll i.nantl-lruH and
ilrilaialimit, tariff ri'vlilon,
ll'Ollon III L'nilnl HUlwa nlnr l.u
I " '
. diirct i.le rd tin. iuhii, a graduatei
liifciino liix.i-nlarxfini'ril of llm poncra
nl II. e IntrrMalv roiuiurrci) rbmiulaainn,
U'lVK-Hllriic l ttal raving lianka,
rlntn'a rlKlita an I anll-iuiperialiiin to
tlir rxtrnt ol liavinK the national toy
rrmiiriit drrlare lor llie lndendenct
uf the l'liilliilna iia aunii an a Klalile
pnirntii.'iil ran Ihi vatabliilicl.
It I" uiidrrtliKiil thai the ilrinaudl of
tlir lalmr h-adrii hIII lis met in ni'rly
rrry particular, allhough tlio language
ii.' llm phtfuim Kill not bo 10 aprclfic at
the iiniivra planka which were nub
milled to and turned low n liy the Ra
l.iihli.aii cmueiitlon at Chicago. The
pioUimiia a tentatively agreed upon,
which affrdi Ulxr, are uiidcrilood to
U- a fiilliint
"Ur fnr aiuiMiujiTi'IItlllty law,
nppllcnhlo alike to hotli private anil
piitille (iiipln)rra.
i Duiry Items
I M.-MI.. J. I1, .and Jaa. Colahin
were In from the Morton ranch Thurt-
' day Krttln rupplira preparatory fur the
'rrlrhiatii.n on the fourth at thl fct.
Mr p. Iliriiaidtun from near the Mor
ton on l.l rlter waa trading In
liiry Iliui.iUy. I)Iry cell trado from
all paila of the county.
ll, V (iiay and wlfr, lieu. .Smyth and
wife and John 1.1ml were in from the
iipvr end ( Youua valley Thuraday.
I.tiko Walker from Illy waa the
(.'licit nl the Hotel Vouna Wrdnraday
Jhi. (). Wight returned to Klamalh
Kail Thuraday alter making peaceable
r-ettleuienl and arrurlng the relvaae of
hhalocV with the rerrrvatlon nuthorlt-U-.
Mr. I'. S, )re accouipanlwl by her
giandMiu, Prow Campbell, waa lu
Dairy alter mall etc. Friday.
Mr. II. rx-hmore and aon, llenrv,
went lu Uunanza Krlday and waa ac
couianiel home by .Mm. S-paiku and
huibaud who will make the old folka a
liort vliit.
Miaa Anna Schmore la lilllng with
her i.l-tcr, Mr Hall, thla week.
J. It. H elih ani wife and Mlia Abbey
Welch wcut to Merrill Tueaday return
ing Thutiday.
Mm. Michael, mother of Thoi. and
A. I.., U rvportel to bo In a precarioua
condition on account ol number of
allmcuta which makes her caae hard to
Marlon llcimett and wife paited
IhroiiKh nn their way lo their ranch
Crop" are very backwarvl and need
rain in thla locality, hut we hear the
aamo complaint from moat every part of
the .Stale.
Chan. W. Sherman, Jr., who ha been
living nl Talent for the pail two year I
here looking alter hi ranch.
A big load of lumber came In Satur
day fni the Pavlei building.
(I. (1. Anderson I building a room on
to lilt hotel in order to be ready for the
rush that la to come later on.
I'rol, Hall went out buccaroelng Sat
urday with the Gray lwy, but when the
Cayuiea were corralled Prof, took teat
high ou the fence, Jutt to get out of the
dual. He might give the boy lesion In
broncho bulling but la little out ol
practite, besides he think the fence it
e lifer.
Celebration at Dairy on the Fourth,
don't foigol it.. Come and have a good
time. Fire work In the evening.
J. R. Welch and W. P. Sedge went lo
Klamath Full Monday altar goods.
One-fourth off ou all cut glait and
hand painted china for ten day only at
Winlors jewelry More.
'".Ve favor an S-liour work day.
"W favor inch a intxllflcatlon of the
law relating to lntincllona aa will, Aral,
prevent the laiulng of the writ In Indus
trial illaptitra eicept alter notice to do
(rmJonlH and full hearing; aecond, mt
mil trial Iwfcire n Judge other than the
one Ittulng the writ, and, third, allow a
j Jury1 to be lumaioiied in allcatei where
the alleged contempt m couimltted
oulilde the Juriadiclion ol the court.
"We believe in the concllatlnu of cap
ital and labor and favorcvery legitimate
mean for arbitration ol all dispute be
tween Ihrm."
The tariff reviiion declaration will be
Irong and to the point. Il will advo
cate placing on the "free Hat" all art
icle built In or manufactured by triuti
and rational roductiona In the tariff on
ou all article commonly characterlicd
ai "necrataries ol life."
The atate righti plank will advocate
the exteniion of federal control along
line which will add to and not be aub
alltutcl lor atate rernedle.
Tom tilaten I fitting up a craft to ply
on the L'pper lake.
The I earner Hornet brought down
over G0.U00 feet of lumber Sunday.
Hires Itoot l!ir at the city Ilakery.
opiitc American Hotel. If-
The new ateamer Maiama may make
a trial trip thl afternoon or tomorrow.
Step In and look at our line of Put
Cardi.-tl. Heltkempcr. 3t
It. W. Tower came up from Keno to
day to attend to bailnen matter.
For Palo or Trade. Hetiilenco and
buainea property In the beat town In
Willamette valley. Inquire at the
I lotion Store.
Jeaa Copuland, l.ouU Branuau and
Clay linker are In the city from Fort
Klamath today.
Hatplna made from real rosebuds and
carnation, as In nature, no two alike.
G. Hellkempcr, Jr.
WanteJ Plain or fancy lewlng by tl.o
day. Alice I Weite, Lakeside fnn.
liiggett line of firework In town.
Star Drug Store.
W. P. Sedge and J. R. Welch, ol Dairy,
are in the city today on business.
ror the best rig in town call at the
Mammoth Stables. II. W. Straw, Pro
prietor. Step in and look at our line of Post
Cards. G. Ueltkemper. :it
Andrew Ryan I in llio city today
from hi ranch at Spring Lake on one of
his occassional visits.
If you order your clothe at the K. K.
K. store, you'll get a fit and exactly
what you want.
All kinds of fireworks; llaga, bunting
etc at the Star Drug; Store.
Jessie M. Trout ami Llllle Kdsall, ol
Bly, arrived in the city last evening en
route to Ashland.
Ulsliop Paddock, of the Kpltcopal
Church, will conduct service on Sun
day, July 6, at the opera linuso at 11 A.
M. and 8 P.M.
The latest 'novelty in hatpins made
from real llowera a In nature, nn two
alike. 0. Ueltkemper, Jr.
Ice Cream at the City Bakery. Give
u a trial, opposite American Hotel, ll-
Tlio glorious Fourth ii near. Get
your firework and decorations at the
Star Drug Store. ,
We are looking for the most difficult
cases In alas fitting at Wlutem.
You can get L'Jwoal tiook at Will
son's hotel for (t. Board and lodging fi
a week. 0. D. Willson, Prop. . tf
Merrill. Property Ii reasonable.
Notice To Masons
Special matting tonight at 7 :30 to con
fer E, A. Degree. Visiting bratharn
especially invited.-W. A. Delzell, W. M.
Council to Go Over Boundaries
With City Engineer
Suggested Additions Would Only Add Twenty-TIirce Hun
dred Acres to the Seven Hundred and Forty
Already in the Corporation
Every singer and everyone who ha
fair voice, and those who are interested
in music ought to attend the Summer
Music School.
The ladles of the M. K. Church will
glvu an Ice Cream social and comfort
and n'pron tale, on next Friday night, in
the court housa park. Everyone cro
dlally Invited to come. 2t
Wm. Norrla arrived In the city last
evening from Jacksonville, Ore.
Stock Seized by Government
and Offenders May Be
The government ha recently had
troul.le with ranchmen living In tha
vicinity of tl.o Klamalh Indian agency
whose cattle and horses have been rang
ing on thu reservation. A a result sev
eral of these men are to bo prosecuted
by Uncle Sam. Representatives of tha
government at the agency havo corraled
several bunches of the cattle and are
now airanglng, through the district at
torney's otllce In Portland, to file suit
against these violators of the tan.
The trcity between Uncle Sam and
the Indian was signed ot Klamath lake
October H. 1MI. J. W. Peril Hunt
ington and William Logan, commis
sioner ol the United State, repre
sented the government when these art
icles ol agreement were entered Into
relative to the land on the summit of
tbe Cascade mountains.
Three tribes of Indian took part in
the transaction. Some of the names of
tlio chiefs and headmen of the Modoc,
and the Snake and the Klamath, all
of whom signed the treaty and whose
name appear in the slaluUs of tbe
United State, are a follow:
Keint-poos, Chuck-e-i-ox, Kllo-to-ak,
Mo-ghcn-klt, Blow, Le-lu, Poo.iak-ault,
Chenull, .N'oak-sum, Mooch-kat-alllck,
Booaki-you, Toon-tuck-to, iikl-a-tlc, Ta
tet-pas, Muk-has, La-lake, Chll-o-que-
nas, Sky-te-ock-et and Ya-hooskln.
m The proof of I I is in the
m the freezer k I freezing m
I The White Mountain Freezer I
1 make more cream, better cream, and makes it eaiicr m
A ami (.lictpcr than any other freezer on the market m
The recommendation was submitted
to tha city council last evening from
committee of the Civic Federation, for
the extending of the bounderle of the
city of Klamath Falls on Initiative
petition for amending city charter.
Within the soggested.bounderles would
lie all of the present city, consisting of
approximately 400 acre of platted and
200 acres of unplatted laud and lake;
also approximately 1600 acres of platted
and 600 acre of unplatted land not in
cluded within the present city limit.
Thl would include the grater part of the
mountain on tha eait and west sido of
the town and a portion of Upper Klam
ath lake and part of Lake Ewauna on
the south.
According to the Initiative and Refer
endum act, granting to the cltlea and
town the right to enact or amend their
charter, the people of Klamath Fall
might vote to take in a greater portion
of the county even against the wishes of
tbe property owner and residents out
side of tbe aitv.
ception ol.
proposed to tp)
eayaHitjBaBau.fJNt - wraaatrir "
fiajaKfeS--r-Ji . WBQA
doien resident.' Soaae of the addition
have n3improTementcxcept the survey
take, and the greater portion of It la
covered with rock and sage brush.
The member of tbe council discussed
tbe matter quite extensively and the
Mayor then appointed the council at a
whole a committee to go over tbe pro
poied new bounderle with the city en
gineer. They will probably go over the
ground within the next two week. It
eemed to be the feeling of tho council
that a great portion of the proposed land
bould be left out, and only addition
uch a include tbe property in tbe vic
inity ot tbe Catholic church and part of
i he Hot Spring, where the proposed
depot i to be located, ahould be includ
ed. '
The following tore will be closed
on July 4th: Van Riper Bros., Sbive
Bros. Company, Scballock & Daggett
Cut glass, silverware guaranteed for
25 yean, and high grade hand painted
china at Winter.
Step in and look al our line of Pott
Card. Q. Ueltkemper. 31
- :